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Thread: 12 dead, 59 Injured During Shooting at Dark Knight Rises Premiere

  1. #91
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    Its a copycat thing, Im sure.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I recall his mum seemed pretty resigned to the fact that her son did this, which makes you wonder if he was on someone's radar but didn't get treatment for whatever reason.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-24-2012 at 01:57 PM.

  3. #93
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    Because there's more than one profile, don't bother at all? Also are you certain it's not possible to discern any warning signs before the age of 18?. I get the feeling stuff like he macdonald triad is outdated, but surely there are developmental warning signs one can look out for, and when an individual's profile shows a convergence of characteristics, start watching them more closely. Or do they just not exist?

    I agree it would be a long list to begin with, but it could be whittled down. Or not... I just wonder why social services can't operate more like the security services do, are young people really so complex that it is useless to try and ascertain who might be a threat?

    Edit - old brief on school shootings is quite interesting, says profiles are myriad & profiling is useless
    Last edited by Sutekh; 07-24-2012 at 02:18 PM.

  4. #94
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    Christian Bale visiting Aurora shooting victims.

    I have to honestly say I got a little misty looking at the hospital photo.

  5. #95
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    That's a pretty bad misrepresentation of what she said

    This to Magrao above (wish you could quote posts better on this)
    Last edited by WorzelG; 07-24-2012 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Clarification

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    That's a pretty bad misrepresentation of what she said

    This to Magrao above (wish you could quote posts better on this)
    I know, right? If she's in fact telling the truth. I'd have to say I believe her though... Lousy media.

  7. #97
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  8. #98
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    I'd be fucking crushed if I was him.

  9. #99
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    I went to my second viewing earlier tonight.

    This dude got up, went to the exit door and just stood there holding the door open. I observed the crowd, and people were all looking at each other. Some got up and left. Two men from the audience went to approach the dude. Turns out he was just smoking a cigarette. He quickly went to his seat.

    Now, I know it was a dumb move on the smoker's part due to the recent event. I think people need to calm down and not get so fucking freaked out. This is like the new 9/11 with words like "Terrorism" being thrown around.

    ugh, fuck James Holmes or whatever the fuck his name is.

  10. #100
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    It was more than a dumb move. He is either idiotic, a fucking douchebag, or a goddamn rock dweller.

    Pretty understandable to get up and leave...or approach him.

    Not a week from the incident, you can't expect much else from people.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I went to my second viewing earlier tonight.

    This dude got up, went to the exit door and just stood there holding the door open. I observed the crowd, and people were all looking at each other. Some got up and left. Two men from the audience went to approach the dude. Turns out he was just smoking a cigarette. He quickly went to his seat.

    Now, I know it was a dumb move on the smoker's part due to the recent event. I think people need to calm down and not get so fucking freaked out. This is like the new 9/11 with words like "Terrorism" being thrown around.

    ugh, fuck James Holmes or whatever the fuck his name is.
    Yeah, i'm worried to go to a theatre now as well. I want to go check out this movie, but now i'm skeptical about going to a theatre. These days we can't ride a Greyhound bus without getting our head chopped off, a plane without it being hijacked and now go to a school mall or a movie theatre without having to worry about getting shot.

    I know it's a little ridiculious to let events like this decide how to live your life, it's really unfair actually. I mean shit like this is gonna happen regardless where you are. It's really bad luck of the draw and being at the wrong place/bus/train/car/school/mall at the wrong time. There is a 50% chance you will die on your walk/bike/ride to work or school every morning as well.

    I think what it boils down to is we need to accept death. We are all going to die sooner or later. We could even die in our sleep or of natural causes. Guess I don't have a good grasp on death yet, it's just really weird thinking any one of these people could have been someone you worked with and then you go to work back from your weekend to find out said person will no longer be coming to work again. It's a really weird thought. Just thinking how it could have been anyone I knew. My thoughts really go out to all the families and loved ones that lost people in this massacre, especially those women who's boyfriends protected them by shielding them from the bullets! Those ladies have to live with that for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES! That their boyfriend took a bullet for them and died... That's gonna make for their next relationship to have quite a high bar to live up to... You know the age old saying when you tell a friend or relitive "I would take a bullet for you" - well these guys actually did! That's pure courage there, it's fine to say you could take a bullet for someone, but when it comes to actually being face to face in that scenario, how many people really could.

    Just really makes you think how fragile and short our lives really are, and I wasn't even one of the people in that theatre or had any connections to anyone in there and this has really gotten to me this much. Really makes me want to appreciate my friends and girlfriend more and tell them how much I care about them while they are still alive knowing at any minute some sicko can do something fucked up like this and they can be at that wrong place at the wrong time.

  12. #102
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    Manburning... All you have to do is realise what is likely to happen and what isn't, don't become paranoid.

  13. #103
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    ManBurning - I take issue with your 50% probability of dying just leaving the house, you have to take all the many probabilities and add them up - it depends where you live, but even if you cross a street without looking it's still more likely that a driver will see you and attempt to stop, and still may not mean certain death unless the car was speeding.

    Look at the incident mentioned above, people are on the lookout now at those films so I think the likelihood of someone pulling this off is way reduced, so go see it! Could be one of the safest places to be now

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    ManBurning - I take issue with your 50% probability of dying just leaving the house, you have to take all the many probabilities and add them up - it depends where you live, but even if you cross a street without looking it's still more likely that a driver will see you and attempt to stop, and still may not mean certain death unless the car was speeding.
    And even then, your chances are way higher- way, way, way higher- that you'll die getting hit by a car than you being in a movie theater when a deranged person comes in and starts killing people. I don't know what the odds are of that actually happening to any given person, but I've got to imagine they're staggeringly low. You're probably more likely to win the lotto than be shot while watching a movie.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Manburning... All you have to do is realise what is likely to happen and what isn't, don't become paranoid.
    Easier said than done, as I think nowadays ANYTHING is likely to happen. Expect the unexpected because to be honest, I would have put the likliness off a theatre shooting in the "unlikely to happen" category last week.

    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    And even then, your chances are way higher- way, way, way higher- that you'll die getting hit by a car than you being in a movie theater when a deranged person comes in and starts killing people. I don't know what the odds are of that actually happening to any given person, but I've got to imagine they're staggeringly low. You're probably more likely to win the lotto than be shot while watching a movie.
    Like I just wrote in response to Sutekh, last week I would have agreed with you that the chances in dying in a derranged movie shooting would be slim to none, the percentage would be soooo ridiculiously low it wouldn't even phase me, HOWEVER - the next few weeks (or months) the probability of a theatre shooting has a much, much higher percentage now, even if it's a fraction of a percent, due to copycat killers. You read the article above where there were 3 other incidents where people were "attempting" this, or at least crying wolf about it, and you can thank the media for that, it's the talk of the world right now, biggest topic out there, so some loonie is gonna get a grand idea to try this himself... it's already happening, can't say you didn't expect it, it's the same thing that happened with columbine. Columbine was the first shooting in decades (that we heard about anyway) There were those school massacres (One was in Montreal* I beleive, another in Ohio** if i'm not mistaken, sorry a little rusty on my pre 90s news stories)... but as soon as columbine happened, it seems like kids all across the globe got the grand idea to start shooting up their schoools. You heard about Johnny, Mack, Billy and Steve from tim-buck-fucking-no-man's land-two trying to attempt his own school shooting because he thought Eric and Dylan were "Heroes".

    Don't be so sure to jump to conclusions over the next couple weeks/months to think the odds of this are "staggeringly low". In a few months time, yeah this will blow over and everyone will move on to the next big news story and be less weary about this happening again.

    EDIT: (massacres I was thinking of)
    *École Polytechnique massacre - Dec 6, 1989

    **Kent State shootings - May 4, 1970
    Last edited by ManBurning; 07-25-2012 at 04:15 AM.

  16. #106
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    You shouldn't let fear dictate your life.

  17. #107
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    In 2010 alone, in the U.S. and Canada, 1.339 BILLION people went to the movies. Nobody got shot. Nor in any of the years before.

    There were 38,974 indoor movie screens in the United States in 2011. If only one movie was shown on each screen every day of the year (and you know MULTIPLE showings are held on most each day), there would have been 14,225,510 movie screenings in 2011.

    Let's assume there are the same number of screens today. There has been ONE shooting in a screening out of (way) more than 14 million. No cause for panic. Go enjoy yourself at the movies.

  18. #108
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    There was a massacre in a primary school in Scotland in 1996, 16 children and 1 teacher were murdered. Aside from the almost immediate and highly successful outlawing of hand guns in the UK (except Northern Ireland), there was another effect here- a lot of primary schools got themselves fitted with cameras and close circuit systems to help prevent future tragedy. Note there wasn't likely to be future tragedies of a similar nature- the outfitting was arguably just reactionary. It made people feel more secure, but it's not like massacres in Scottish primary schools were a regular occurrence.

    Getting yourself scared that something's going to happen, because it's happened before, actually makes it more likely that something's going to happen. If everyone's walking around like coiled springs waiting to jump, eventually they'll jump. Then you end up with situations in which people accost someone for leaving a theatre to go smoke a cigarette, on the one hand, and an increase of gun related crime on the other as everyone gears up in the name of protection.

    The three who were arrested because of threats made during the course of the movie? Bet you anything they'd have made threats regardless of the Holmes shooting. It's just that people are more likely to phone the police now because they're shitting themselves.

  19. #109
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    Man, I bet you I'm about as seriously paranoid as you are about a lot of stuff. I personally would see the movie again if I had the extra money, and while I wouldn't necessarily be fearful, I'd be remorseful which would then transfer to imagining the fear that the victims must have felt. I hope you do go while it's in theaters, and if you do I hope you can enjoy yourself at least most of the way. Maybe going in the daytime would help in some way.

    The best thing I can advise is practicing preparedness, in general...doing that alone over time may ease a racing mind. In the end it's really the only thing to look to, if you're not already running away from whatever may be remotely fearful to you in your head.

    Statistics often don't work well on paranoid types. For a classic example--I hate flying, and I'm well aware of the numbers versus road travel... For me it's a fear of heights+being without control, and ultimately the quality of risk of flight as opposed to quantity.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-25-2012 at 04:05 PM.

  20. #110
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    Fear can be an irrational phenomenon that most everyone experiences in some form or another. I'll admit I almost didn't want to see the movie after the shooting but I am so glad I did. It was great in IMAX. I think I liked it better than the first two. I did think of the aurora victims several times during the movie and even questioned my decision to wear flip flops in case an insane person with a gun decided to ruin our lives. But I can't live in fear of all the bad things that happen or I would never get to experience anything. I was almost killed in a car accident that my mother died in 20 years ago. I still have fears about driving but I do it everyday. Anything CAN happen but letting fear dictate your life will limit your experiences. I hope you go see the movie, ManBurning.

  21. #111
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  22. #112
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    Your chances of dropping dead now, right now, of a heart attack, are higher than your chances of getting shot to death in a movie theater, ManBurning. Tomorrow you could slip in the shower and split your skull and bleed to death naked and alone, and it would have been more likely than your getting shot at the supermarket or crashed in a terrorist airplane plot. And more than either of these, you have a small but significant chance every single time you get into a car that you'll never make it to your destination.

    If there's another movie theater massacre, or two, or ten, your odds of being killed in one are in fact still staggeringly low.

  23. #113
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    See, Bale showing up is one thing. That was a great gesture in itself. But THAT is one hell of a helping hand if I've ever seen one.

    Also, apparently there's some thing going around about Lil Wayne's new video, "My Homies Still." There are random shots of him and his "homies" dancing in a movie theater with a bunch of skeletons toward the end, and for like, two seconds, there are twelve skeletons in the frame. Before that, there are more - after that, there are less - every time the shot cuts away.

    The fact that people are even making a thing about it is kind of...well, stupid. And kind of insulting to the victims. People's attention's being taken away from the situation and being directed to Lil Wayne's video. I know I'm not helping the whole thing by bringing it up, but has anyone else seen this crud? Even the video's comment section is now filled with conspiracy theorists and Lil Wayne fans - arguably, two of the worst groups of people on the planet.

    Edit: V Nah man, Lil Wayne knew about it. Illuminati mastermind. READ BETWEEN THE LINES!...
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 07-26-2012 at 02:37 AM.

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    See, Bale showing up is one thing. That was a great gesture in itself. But THAT is one hell of a helping hand if I've ever seen one.

    Also, apparently there's some thing going around about Lil Wayne's new video, "My Homies Still." There are random shots of him and his "homies" dancing in a movie theater with a bunch of skeletons toward the end, and for like, two seconds, there are twelve skeletons in the frame. Before that, there are more - after that, there are less - every time the shot cuts away.

    The fact that people are even making a thing about it is kind of...well, stupid. And kind of insulting to the victims. People's attention's being taken away from the situation and being directed to Lil Wayne's video. I know I'm not helping the whole thing by bringing it up, but has anyone else seen this crud? Even the video's comment section is now filled with conspiracy theorists and Lil Wayne fans - arguably, two of the worst groups of people on the planet.
    Lil Wayne's video came out a couple days before the shooting. Pure coincidence

  25. #115
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    I don't understand this fear of death. I'm going to live for the people who lost their lives. I'm not going to live in fear of the one who took them. I don't think anyone should live in fear. I think when people commit such horrific acts, they want you to live in fear. Why give them what they want?

  26. #116
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    It's not out of any of a/the killer's wishes's simply all human. It's
    natural to fear death. It's natural to have unshakable fears, even statistically irrational ones at times. I don't think any explanation is needed past that.

    Sometimes it's just something some people have to go through. And I believe in this case of a newly developed fear for some, it's largely about the shock of it for may run deeper than they realize. It's not as much about going to a flick right now and genuinely believing their theater will be next. Sure, clearly some are not ready to go even buy a ticket, obviously that's because they're not at that point yet. It's a process.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-26-2012 at 03:34 AM.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    There was a massacre in a primary school in Scotland in 1996, 16 children and 1 teacher were murdered. Aside from the almost immediate and highly successful outlawing of hand guns in the UK (except Northern Ireland), there was another effect here- a lot of primary schools got themselves fitted with cameras and close circuit systems to help prevent future tragedy. Note there wasn't likely to be future tragedies of a similar nature- the outfitting was arguably just reactionary. It made people feel more secure, but it's not like massacres in Scottish primary schools were a regular occurrence.

    Getting yourself scared that something's going to happen, because it's happened before, actually makes it more likely that something's going to happen. If everyone's walking around like coiled springs waiting to jump, eventually they'll jump. Then you end up with situations in which people accost someone for leaving a theatre to go smoke a cigarette, on the one hand, and an increase of gun related crime on the other as everyone gears up in the name of protection.

    The three who were arrested because of threats made during the course of the movie? Bet you anything they'd have made threats regardless of the Holmes shooting. It's just that people are more likely to phone the police now because they're shitting themselves.
    Also look at our reaction to 7/7 - people could not wait to get back on the tube and buses to show the terrorists that they had not succeeded. There's no reason why this should be any different. (The same thing didn't happen with 9/11, but I think due to us being more used to terrorisms, thousands dying vs a few dozen, and Americans being shocked about the planet not worshipping them, it's not as applicable).

  28. #118
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    Well i sure saw this coming from a mile away.

  29. #119
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    i remember going on holiday to Mexico in December of 2001, the place was like a ghost town due to lack of Americans, the hotel was almost to ourselves. i always feel it's almost disrespectful to the victims of terrorism to let them win and change your life.

  30. #120
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    Guess who makes the first joke.

    Please facepalm this, somebody.

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