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Thread: Girls (hbo)

  1. #1
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    Girls (hbo)

    Oh I can't believe there is no thread for this when it's just finishing up it's first season!

    Writing in the style of Woody Allen's upper middle class drama's (think Alice/Husbands and Wives/Scenes From A Mall) or Paul Morrissey camp (Heat/Madame Wang's). Has the balls to write absolutely dire characters without pulling the punch by directly parodying, making fun of them and further without moralising the situations.

    Try to get through the middling first episode as the second and third episodes are completely brilliant.

  2. #2
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    I wasn't sure about this show when I first saw the ads. Watched a few episodes, and was surprised by how good it is!

  3. #3
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    I love this show. The season finale was poignant because none of these girls change. Well, except for Shoshana... maybe.

    She's my favorite character.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I love this show. The season finale was poignant because none of these girls change. Well, except for Shoshana... maybe.

    She's my favorite character.
    I love how they do that. They never follow through with things because the characters don't change and they don't care.

    Like when Jessa had the abortion rostered in and then no one ever mentions it again! So good.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lutz View Post
    I love how they do that. They never follow through with things because the characters don't change and they don't care.

    Like when Jessa had the abortion rostered in and then no one ever mentions it again! So good.
    Can't tell if you're being sarcastic here...

  6. #6
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    ^But the series is a bit like that no? Esp the finale with Jessa!

    I seem to watch GIRLS largely with my jaw on the floor.

  7. #7
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    Yay! Sorry I didn't know there was a thread already. Anyways I thought season 2 was way better than 1.

  8. #8
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    Still not understanding how this is getting a third season but How to Make it in America, Hung and Bored to Death got cancelled. Fucking baffling

  9. #9
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    Enlightened also got cancelled as well which is just as baffling as even though I do like Girls, I didn't like the finale at all nor do I buy Hannah's anxiety issues.

  10. #10
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    Yeah, it's a pity her anxiety issues weren't even mentioned in season 1 (as far as i can remember?). Sure she's always been on the crazy side, but did she ever mention being diagnosed with anything? Kinda came outta nowhere. It gave season 2 a completely different feel to season 1 which I didn't like in the beginning but I guess in the end they brought it all back round again. Interested to see where season 3 will go.

  11. #11
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    Fuck this fucking show. So I'm supposed to be sympathetic to a bunch of selfish, well connected characters who are well financed and decide to be ignorant and face the real world head on? Lena Dunham isn't funny or witty or edgy. She is what's wrong with female typecasting within her age, she's trying too hard, she has no grasp of how things really are for people in a similar position, and thinks she can get by with wit or charm. Every interview I've read about her or about this show makes it seem like she's dying to be the voice of a generation and she's just irritating and out of touch with her surroundings. Because not all of my female friends in their 20's are living in high priced areas in the cities getting things handed to them. It's an unrealistic portrayal of how it is. Lena Dunham is to women in their 20's what Zooey Deschanel is to quirky women. It's not all like that and I wish it would go the hell away.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Fuck this fucking show. So I'm supposed to be sympathetic to a bunch of selfish, well connected characters who are well financed and decide to be ignorant and face the real world head on? Lena Dunham isn't funny or witty or edgy. She is what's wrong with female typecasting within her age, she's trying too hard, she has no grasp of how things really are for people in a similar position, and thinks she can get by with wit or charm. Every interview I've read about her or about this show makes it seem like she's dying to be the voice of a generation and she's just irritating and out of touch with her surroundings. Because not all of my female friends in their 20's are living in high priced areas in the cities getting things handed to them. It's an unrealistic portrayal of how it is. Lena Dunham is to women in their 20's what Zooey Deschanel is to quirky women. It's not all like that and I wish it would go the hell away.
    Ahahaa, exactly my feelings. This show is full of a bunch of unlikeable douchebags... even more than The Walking Dead shockingly.
    One episode, a couple is professing their absolute love for each other... then the very next episode hate each other.
    Oh wait, all of a sudden the main character has anxiety issues that were never ever shown, hinted at, or even mentioned before.
    It's called bad writing. They sat down and were like, "Hmm what can we throw in there this episode... oh wait, I got it! Let's give her a shiny new disorder!"
    Just a series of events thrown together with no sense of connection, development, or repercussions.
    This is the kind of show that I can see why people outside our own country hate us.
    The epitome of babied American selfishness and the characters are pathetic, small minded, and completely unrelatable.
    Most of the dialogue is absurd and just for shock value... and I thought Aaron Sorkin was pretentious with The Newsroom.
    Girls takes the cake and should have been canceled over Enlightened.
    At least there's a sense of a developing story over there where Girls just randomly stammers on.

  13. #13
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    I watched a bit of one episode, and I really have to agree with the last two posts. What I saw was just full of self-righteous snark I can't get behind or understand. I don't think she's talented, but I'm not going to go as far as saying she's ugly (which I don't think she is anyway), so she has that going for her with me lol.

  14. #14
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    Attractive or not (I think she looks like Miss Piggy), it's beside the point, there are some very attractive women on the show, but like the poster above said, it's a bunch of self-righteous snark that isn't relatable or even amusing. It's dull, pointless, and as someone in that age group and of the social background (college educated, privileged, connected, living in a relatively big city), it's not how I would or want anyone to be represented. Neorev hit it right on the head by stating that it's the type of portrayal that makes us look negative in the eyes of other countries. It's as much of a negative portrayal as Honey Boo Boo or Teen Mom or Jersey Shore is in my opinion.

  15. #15
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    I watched season 1 with my wife on DVD a few months back and we really enjoyed it. To each their own I guess. Though I don't understand how in the fucking fuck anyone could think Lena is "ugly". Actually, I don't understand why people criticise others based on physical appearance in general, but that's another topic.

  16. #16
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    Yes, I'd like to think I'm probably the only person who finds her okay-looking but otherwise annoying.

  17. #17
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    yeah, i have no problem with how Lena looks at all... though she dresses in some atrocious fucking outfits in this show.
    but looks-wise, she is alright. don't find her unattractive... the only unattractive thing is some of the clothes she tries to wear.
    not everyone is a model... having a bunch of hot people in a show is bullshit as well.
    going after her looks is a bit of a low blow.
    forget going on about her looks, it takes away from the fact of how terrible this show really is.

  18. #18
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    BTW, if you were Adam Driver at the end of the show. Would you help out Hannah or just stick with Shiri Appleby? I would stick with Appleby's character because she seems like the one person in Adam's life who is kind of normal.

  19. #19
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    Pretty sure before I too a shot at her looks I prefaced it with how it doesn't matter. I found the women on Sex and the City to be attractive, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it's a shit show. I don't give a shit about how she looks or any of the other women on this show look, it doesn't change the fact that all of them are equally despicable as characters on the show.

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