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Thread: What Are You Watching?

  1. #2731
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    Watching the lovely Olga Kurylenko in the movie "The Correspondence"

  2. #2732
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    True Detective season 01.

    I started to watch when it first aired but somehow did no make it past the first 3 episodes. Goddamn, this show is absolutely what I am always looking for in a crime movie/series. It pretty much is up there with Se7en and Zodiac for me right now and McConaughey totally stole the show for me. Never really liked him as an actor but this performance totally blew pretty much everything out of the water. Wow! The pay-off might not have been as chilling as some earlier episodes but overall I loved it.

    Now off to Peaky Blinders as my next show. I don't watch alot but there are some really nice things out there.

  3. #2733
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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 01:51 PM.

  4. #2734
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    Holy shit, you people have no taste? I thought X-Men was terrible (I mean, it was), but Jeeeesus, The Conjuring 2...

    I'm not a horror a fan, but I have 2 very, very favorites: 1. The Blaire Witch Project 2. The Conjuring. I LOVED the latter because it threw 90% of the clichés out of the window. Oh, you say there are demons in your house? You know what? We believe you! BAM. Annoying conversations and time wasting evaded! Also, while The Blaire Witch Project was an amazingly done psychological horror, The Conjuring scared the shit out of you because it played your senses. You knew it was coming but they did it in such a great fashion, that it achieved what it wanted.

    Anyway, here's this shit, The Conjuring 2 4/10 avoid it. These goddamn useless people do not believe the family for 90% of the movie. THE FUCKING GIRL IS PULLED THROUGH THE ROOF INTO A LOCKED ROOM AND THE DEMONOLOGIST GUY SAYS A DEMON'S PRESENCE IS STILL QUESTIONABLE...................................... .
    .................................................. .....................................

    Are you........................... are you for real? And the movie is full of shit like this. It's actually a decent comedy film, I laughed my ass off in the cinema, the absurdity was real. But there's more! Turns out, some doors, you can kick in, but sometimes, you forget you have that ability so you choose a harder/longer route just for the sake of the plot. Lmao at the end when the fat guy gets an axe to open the lower door. IF YOU HAVE AN AXE WHY DON't YOU TRY TO OPEN THE FRONT DOOR U MORON??? Auuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no.

    Hey, guys, ask me a question! What's that? How can you destroy a demon from the realms of hell who is so cunning it uses the spirit/ghost of deceased people to lure you into its trap and its only weakness is if you know her name? Well, just ask it and she will tell you. Period. Seriously, if you are making the biggest cliché movie of the year, why don't you sacrifice 5 minutes from this already monotone shit, to make a little back story, where you have to find that nun's name in some old book because turns out she is related to someone in some way. You know, that would be fucking creepy, like holy shit XY, she was your nun!!!!!! No, turns out you can just ask her.

    Also, you feel no sympathy towards that girl. Let me sum up the movie after the first 20 minutes. Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her.Girl is possessed. Everyone pities her. Girls is possessed. She's finally saved with the power of love. Elvis Presley. End credits.

    Oh, you just want a horror movie that scares you, and you don't mind all the mindless clichés people worked """"hard"""" to plummet into this? Well, sorry, the movie is just an endless stream of predictable jump scares. I got scared ONCE, when Edward was trying to fix the drain in the basement. I knew Bill were going to get the mother, hell, it was godawfully obvious when they showed her looking down that Bill was going to be in the water, but I don't now, it looked really scary.
    Now, Annabelle was a bad movie too, but at least the garage scene was fucking awesome, and by that I mean scary as hell. It kept me on my toes and I was like "plspls end this scene pls". If you want that kind of thrill, look elsewhere. Maybe watch Finding Dolly, or I don't now, this movie has no psychological horror aspect at all.

    I watched it dubbed, so can't comment much on the acting. Ed seemed rather good and genuine, his wife got heavily shafted by the script. Not sure why, but she was written as an autistic, while Edward did all the work. Quite said, especially if you think about how amazingly it could've been done with the dynamic between the two. The woman is fighting in the realm of the demons while the man is hunting in the physical realm. But no, she just asked the name of the devil who told it to her, bam. Good ability boys, pack it up.

    I could continue, but I won't. I'm not really mad at the movie, because it is genuinely a good comedy, like 6/10. Bad CGI, terrible story, some terrible dialogues (there were some good ones though, something X-men could not do), AWFUL soundtrack... what's not to laugh about?

    The best part of the movie was the riddle. You do not ask for it, but you still get it, and it goes with you until your death. I liked it! And jokes aside, that's how this fucking movie should've been done from the start. Portray the nun as this witty demon whom they have to outsmart, or else she keeps tormenting this family - but if they play along her games, it will only lead to Edward's death. Booom, suddenly, a good movie, if you use the same people who created the horror for the first episode, and not just these washed up C-horror movie newbs, who thinks a random hand from the shadow will be fucking new and scary to me. (All right, credits where its due, there were some smart ideas though awfully executed)

  5. #2735
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    I thought it was pretty cool.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 06-19-2016 at 06:33 AM.

  6. #2736
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    It might be enjoyable if you watch it without any expectation and you treat it like an average movie night, where everything goes + if you enjoy nearly everything the horror genre produced in the recent decades. I personally expected some quality, which was shown in the first movie. An amazing example of how fucked up this movie in terms of quality is the fact that the scariest moment in the theater was when they aired the trailer for that movie Lights Out.

    In case some of you did not see it: We are in a dressing room, and the locker woman who is about to close it up turns down the light. But when the light is turned off, a shadow of a slim woman appears at the other end of the room. The woman immediately switches the lights on and boom, the shadow woman is gone. All right, wtf, she switches it off again, she immediately appears at the same spot, standing still, and the janitor woman switches the lights on, making the figurine disappear once again. All right, at this point I am just fucking done with that scene. Yes, it's stupid, but I have this "get me out of here, I'm starting to shit my pants" feeling, and I know it won't end well, and I want to be over with it, but the scene doesn't let me, and.... agh, you see what I'm talking about? It's in my head. The creators did not try to fool me with a jump scare coming out of nowhere, aka the oldest trick in the book, aka 70% of The COnjuring 2, no, they were completely straight with me, just like in the first The Conjuring. Agh, love to hate it! At the end, the janitor switches the lights off for the third time and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM, the dark woman appears in front of her instead at the end of the room jesus fuckng christ I still got chills from just typing it out.... so predictable, so cheap, yet it worked like hell, it was the one time you could hear an audible "FUCKKK" from the audience as well. The rest of the trailer looked promising too: photos about this woman when she was young, apparently she was this some sort of dark entity back then as well, appearing as some kind of shadow in the pictures, and its said that she was brutally experimented with, and if I remember correctly one of the main characters said it's her, like they are two entity but one person.... get the fuck out, I'm already bought.

    The Conjuring 2 has no story to be invested in. There was that scene people were reporting phenomenons from the house, like the girl levitating and such. I thought it was put in the movie to show how the media added lies to the story to hype it up more. Turns out it was actually meant to enhance the "based on a true story" feeling, but they did a godawful job with that. The narrative did not even try to convince you that this was meant to be sold as a true story: they mention it at the beginning and the end, but then the movie goes on like some B-category The Exorcist.

    Flashes of brilliance include the scenes where someone was running and among the hectic video work, you could see glimpses of horrors. Girl runs up the stairs, but out of focus at the back of the shot there was the ghost in the chair, or later next to her door, etc. It fucked with your senses. But the director/producer (do not know who to blame here) thought it'd be better if they use thelgood ol' formula of focus on thing X then suddenly something grabs our poor human from the dark. Why? I still remember that scene from the first movie where Lorraine falls into the basement, and she sees the demon from the reflection of the music box. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, my bones are shaking.
    I also mentioned the nun, which I thought will carry the movie. Oh yeah, frogot to mention, the movie had an amazing start, nothing indicated that this will be a shitfest. That nun was like Annabelle, except much more convincing, though less creepy. Who is she? What does she want? Hmmm!
    I want to condemn the use of CGI too. First of all, it looked shitty. Even the flying sofa looked like something out of a video game. 10 years ago. Why? The Conjuring 1 (as far as I remember) was full of practical effects and great directing.

    I know this movie is an easy sell, because horror fans will be fine with this quality as well, just one more for the road, and people who believe in these demons will obviously be at the edge of their seat, but it pisses me off how little to no effort went into this movie. I am fairly certain that "The Conjuring" of 2016 will be Lights Out. Just don't ruin it with B-level acting and it should be all set to take the crown.

  7. #2737
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    Wait, wasn't The Conjuring 2 supposed to be about the Enfield Poltergeist? I thought it was even the subtitle at one point. Loved that story as a kid, but don't really recognize it from the plot stuff you guys are posting.

  8. #2738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microwave Jellyfish View Post
    Wait, wasn't The Conjuring 2 supposed to be about the Enfield Poltergeist? I thought it was even the subtitle at one point. Loved that story as a kid, but don't really recognize it from the plot stuff you guys are posting.
    It was about that, but for me, who did not read nor heard about that event before the movie, it massively failed to translate it.

    The movie starts by saying it is based on a true story and gives some details about the when and wheres. All right, so far nothing new, I was ware that these are based on supposed true events - and let's not discuss it now whether we believe it or not, it besides the point; I am still scared shitless from the blaire witch, even though I don't believe in it.

    Now, the movie tries to create a connection between the audience and the family by showing mundane yet relateable scenes from their life. So far so good. Poor family, overburdened mother with 4 children, etc. But then the clown-fiesta begins and never ends.

    The biggest failure of this movie compared to its predecessor is that it tries to make a creative narrative. These guys might know the ins and outs of horrors, but that does not make them good writers by any means. They tried to be witty and portray a sense of duality, they tried to put emphasis on the struggle of this poor family whom no one believes. But it was annoying and ridiculous. First of all, it used the skeptic cliché, something the first movie completely avoided; they did it by introducing this woman who considered the possibility of a possible demon in the house a joke - all right, I realize it is what happened, but JESUS, they could at least write her to seem a bit human. It was obvious that she (and everyone else who flat out refused to believe in this) was portrayed as a retard from the start. Every single character who did not believe were unfairly dumbed down so the audience hated it. I don't understand why; you either tell a quality true story and keep your audience thinking whether they are right or wrong OR you choose the B-category horror movie route where the only people who do not believe in demons are arrogant, fat, ugly and overall annoying.

    Then the movie did not answer any "plotholes" which might or might not be there in the real story, did not read much about it. For example, the way they could get it out of the little girl was more than fucking convenient. The "rules" to when and where the demon can manifest were altered scene after scene, it made absolutely no sense, and ultimately had the exact opposite result: it turned out to be unbelievable and comical, instead of putting the "what if..." in my mind.

    Even the Warrens did not believe in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dude fuckng talked with Bill (ghost, demon, poltergeist, whatever), he fucking cleansed a hundred households before, he found the little girls body PULLED THROUGH the ceiling into a room LOCKED FROM THE OUTSIDE WITH A LOCK, and he was like "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!". Why? Why did this guy immidietly believe the family in the first movie and now refusing to do so when he literally fucking talked with the scums of hell? I tried to cover up the holes myself, like when Lorraine said she doesn't sense anything, I was like "I bet she do, she just doesn't want his husband to die", but no. She was either did not sense anything, or I was right but the story never revealed it not even hinted at it. You know, it's all right to show some mortality, I would not have judged her for rather sacrificing the well-being of that family instead of losing her husband, but please, show it in the movie. With trying so hard, every movie or story with a shit plot could be explained in one way or another.

    The movie, and this completely boggles my mind, tried to play on with your emotions instead of scaring the living shit out of you with facts. The writers thought if you will like the haunted family and the Warrens, you will be afraid when their life will be in danger, so instead of showing us some more back-story (like Bill dying in that armchair), they fucking singed an Elvis song and talked about friendship and love, like get the fuck out, what is this? The little girl was insufferable.

    Oh, by the way, little girl. Was she possessed? If my memory serves me right, no one said she was. I just... don't get it, people absolutely gave no fuck about her and why (or how) is Bill communicating through her. Maybe if I had read all the books about demonology I would not be asking such stupid question, because I'd be aware that it was a clear case of a BHC-711, which the rulebook defines as not technically possessed, and it would require a very lucky roll of 20 (affected by Willpower and Intelligence) to be able to purge it, so that's why Edward use his Epic Cross to get some saving throws. But sadly, I'm not a demonologist expert, so it would've been the movies job to inform me, so maybe I could not cry from laughing when the little got taken over for the 18th time. And no, the number 18 might not even be an exaggeration, she was like a cheap demon-whore or I don't know.

    There were weird jumps in time, we only got informed about important events by a way of "tl;dr this is what happened until you were gone" and I was just like WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DID YOU NOT SHOW IT IN THE MOVIE?! The whole movie felt weightless, because the absolute carlessness of the directors and writers was bleeding through the movie. "Dear audience, do not think about the whens, wheres, whys and hows, just prepare to be jumpscared in 5.... 4.... 3... 2.... 1.... BOOOO!! Hah, got you fam!"

    I'm also curious whether the way it was solved in real life is identical to how it happened in the movie. So here are two of the best domonologists in the world, both of them are smart people, and how do they fucking figure out the case? By an unbelievable accident on a train... yes-yes, I suppose it was God, but man, just stop it. It made them look even dumber then they were. Same goes for the Bible and the name carved in. Like, Lorraine, who has seen her fair amount of shit did not realize she was carving letters into the Bible? UGHHHH. Let me refresh everyone's memory: She is haunted by that demon nun in her vision/in another realm/whatever. Instead of giving into the fear, she asks the demon's name. The demon tells her. She wakes up but forgets to check the only thing she leaved a mark on during her vision.
    All right. I remember, in the good old times we'd simply respond to that with x'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Now, I don't know. I suppose if this case was real, it must've been hard to decide whether the demons or these people's absolute retardedness was the scarier.

    I am pretty sure if I watch a ~40min documentary about this case I'll be more afraid than right after or even during the movie.
    edit: never fucking mind, a girl who could be a death metal singer and her sister who laughingly tells her to shut up, when she admits the house is not even haunted. Anyway,my point was that there are actual stories out there which actually scare me.
    Last edited by Volband; 06-19-2016 at 09:40 AM.

  9. #2739
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    Started watching the Netflix Voltron show, it's really fucking good so far

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    I though I'd share a pretty insightful and nice interview.

  11. #2741
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    It was about that, but for me, who did not read nor heard about that event before the movie, it massively failed to translate it.

    The movie starts by saying it is based on a true story and gives some details about the when and wheres. All right, so far nothing new, I was ware that these are based on supposed true events - and let's not discuss it now whether we believe it or not, it besides the point; I am still scared shitless from the blaire witch, even though I don't believe in it.

    Now, the movie tries to create a connection between the audience and the family by showing mundane yet relateable scenes from their life. So far so good. Poor family, overburdened mother with 4 children, etc. But then the clown-fiesta begins and never ends.

    The biggest failure of this movie compared to its predecessor is that it tries to make a creative narrative. These guys might know the ins and outs of horrors, but that does not make them good writers by any means. They tried to be witty and portray a sense of duality, they tried to put emphasis on the struggle of this poor family whom no one believes. But it was annoying and ridiculous. First of all, it used the skeptic cliché, something the first movie completely avoided; they did it by introducing this woman who considered the possibility of a possible demon in the house a joke - all right, I realize it is what happened, but JESUS, they could at least write her to seem a bit human. It was obvious that she (and everyone else who flat out refused to believe in this) was portrayed as a retard from the start. Every single character who did not believe were unfairly dumbed down so the audience hated it. I don't understand why; you either tell a quality true story and keep your audience thinking whether they are right or wrong OR you choose the B-category horror movie route where the only people who do not believe in demons are arrogant, fat, ugly and overall annoying.

    Then the movie did not answer any "plotholes" which might or might not be there in the real story, did not read much about it. For example, the way they could get it out of the little girl was more than fucking convenient. The "rules" to when and where the demon can manifest were altered scene after scene, it made absolutely no sense, and ultimately had the exact opposite result: it turned out to be unbelievable and comical, instead of putting the "what if..." in my mind.

    Even the Warrens did not believe in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dude fuckng talked with Bill (ghost, demon, poltergeist, whatever), he fucking cleansed a hundred households before, he found the little girls body PULLED THROUGH the ceiling into a room LOCKED FROM THE OUTSIDE WITH A LOCK, and he was like "naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!". Why? Why did this guy immidietly believe the family in the first movie and now refusing to do so when he literally fucking talked with the scums of hell? I tried to cover up the holes myself, like when Lorraine said she doesn't sense anything, I was like "I bet she do, she just doesn't want his husband to die", but no. She was either did not sense anything, or I was right but the story never revealed it not even hinted at it. You know, it's all right to show some mortality, I would not have judged her for rather sacrificing the well-being of that family instead of losing her husband, but please, show it in the movie. With trying so hard, every movie or story with a shit plot could be explained in one way or another.

    The movie, and this completely boggles my mind, tried to play on with your emotions instead of scaring the living shit out of you with facts. The writers thought if you will like the haunted family and the Warrens, you will be afraid when their life will be in danger, so instead of showing us some more back-story (like Bill dying in that armchair), they fucking singed an Elvis song and talked about friendship and love, like get the fuck out, what is this? The little girl was insufferable.

    Oh, by the way, little girl. Was she possessed? If my memory serves me right, no one said she was. I just... don't get it, people absolutely gave no fuck about her and why (or how) is Bill communicating through her. Maybe if I had read all the books about demonology I would not be asking such stupid question, because I'd be aware that it was a clear case of a BHC-711, which the rulebook defines as not technically possessed, and it would require a very lucky roll of 20 (affected by Willpower and Intelligence) to be able to purge it, so that's why Edward use his Epic Cross to get some saving throws. But sadly, I'm not a demonologist expert, so it would've been the movies job to inform me, so maybe I could not cry from laughing when the little got taken over for the 18th time. And no, the number 18 might not even be an exaggeration, she was like a cheap demon-whore or I don't know.

    There were weird jumps in time, we only got informed about important events by a way of "tl;dr this is what happened until you were gone" and I was just like WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DID YOU NOT SHOW IT IN THE MOVIE?! The whole movie felt weightless, because the absolute carlessness of the directors and writers was bleeding through the movie. "Dear audience, do not think about the whens, wheres, whys and hows, just prepare to be jumpscared in 5.... 4.... 3... 2.... 1.... BOOOO!! Hah, got you fam!"

    I'm also curious whether the way it was solved in real life is identical to how it happened in the movie. So here are two of the best domonologists in the world, both of them are smart people, and how do they fucking figure out the case? By an unbelievable accident on a train... yes-yes, I suppose it was God, but man, just stop it. It made them look even dumber then they were. Same goes for the Bible and the name carved in. Like, Lorraine, who has seen her fair amount of shit did not realize she was carving letters into the Bible? UGHHHH. Let me refresh everyone's memory: She is haunted by that demon nun in her vision/in another realm/whatever. Instead of giving into the fear, she asks the demon's name. The demon tells her. She wakes up but forgets to check the only thing she leaved a mark on during her vision.
    All right. I remember, in the good old times we'd simply respond to that with x'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. Now, I don't know. I suppose if this case was real, it must've been hard to decide whether the demons or these people's absolute retardedness was the scarier.

    I am pretty sure if I watch a ~40min documentary about this case I'll be more afraid than right after or even during the movie.
    edit: never fucking mind, a girl who could be a death metal singer and her sister who laughingly tells her to shut up, when she admits the house is not even haunted. Anyway,my point was that there are actual stories out there which actually scare me.
    I dunno bro, I still liked it. It had pretty colors.

  12. #2742
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    Is anyone watching The Shallows this weekend? Word of mouth seems surprisingly good.

    ... it isn't out in the UK until the f'cking middle of August, of course.

  13. #2743
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    Watched Dracula Untold over the weekend cause I remembered thinking the trailers looked cool. It was pretty damn good, the battle scenes were very well done. It also oddly had 4 or 5 actors from Game of Thrones in it.

  14. #2744
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    I dunno bro, I still liked it. It had pretty colors.
    I guess it doesn't make much to sell movies to certain people these days.

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  16. #2746
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I guess it doesn't make much to sell movies to certain people these days.
    Just messing with you, slick. I didn't watch it.

  17. #2747
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    That moment when you're watching the pre-viz bonus features for Hancock then suddenly notice SUPERMAN & CHEWBACCA in the background, lolwtf.


  18. #2748
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    watching Black Mirror... This is really incredible stuff.

  19. #2749
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    watching Black Mirror... This is really incredible stuff.
    oh good god it's fucking great.
    don't forget the xmas special.
    also, @Jinsai , i was very happy to learn that Black Mirror is coming to netflix as an original in a 12 episode run at some point in the near future.

    I watched Terrence Malick's Tree of Life last nite, and, goddamn, it blew me away.
    It was my first of his films. I am going to watch Thin Red Line tonight.
    Has anyone seen Knight of Cups or the other "experimental" ones?
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-04-2016 at 04:32 PM.

  20. #2750
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    oh good god it's fucking great.
    don't forget the xmas special.
    also, @Jinsai , i was very happy to learn that Black Mirror is coming to netflix as an original in a 12 episode run at some point in the near future.

    I watched Terrence Malick's Tree of Life last nite, and, goddamn, it blew me away.
    It was my first of his films. I am going to watch Thin Red Line tonight.
    Has anyone seen Knight of Cups or the other "experimental" ones?

    I'd watch Badlands and then Days of Heaven. Then watch the theatrical cut of The New World as I'm someone who is very familiar with Malick's work. To the Wonder and Knight of Cups are only experimental for the fact that it doesn't play into conventional narrative. They're very loose as it's more about the visuals and characters dealing with themselves and their surroundings as, like The Tree of Life, are semi-biographical films based on Malick's own life.

  21. #2751
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    @thevoid99 i am kind of interested in days of heaven, as i live in the area where it is set. (and my family has for generations)
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-04-2016 at 05:54 PM.

  22. #2752
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    Yeah, To The Wonder isn't so much experimental (for Malick at least, it would be for anyone else) so much as just a bit weak. Tree of Life, The New World and Thin Red Line are the must-sees in my book, the older films focus more on rambling, disjointed narrative and stream-of-consciousness than the love of life and nature that elevates his later work.

    They also suffer from lack of Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography. He's gone on to DoP Children of Men, Gravity, Birdman and The Revenant, and has one or two more Malick projects in the works.

  23. #2753
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    oh good god it's fucking great.
    don't forget the xmas special.
    also, @Jinsai , i was very happy to learn that Black Mirror is coming to netflix as an original in a 12 episode run at some point in the near future.

    I watched Terrence Malick's Tree of Life last nite, and, goddamn, it blew me away.
    It was my first of his films. I am going to watch Thin Red Line tonight.
    Has anyone seen Knight of Cups or the other "experimental" ones?
    Yeah, I'm just about to start the third segment of the Xmas special. So glad to hear there's more coming in the future.

    And yeah, Badlands. Definitely watch Badlands.

  24. #2754
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    holy good GAWD, we just watched The Thin Red Line. It's like a drop the fucking mic thing for me. Drop the camera, rather, BLAOW. it blew my mind.

    How in the fuck did i miss this texas steeped director?
    the tree of life movie was full of images of spots in dallas and austin that are extra meaningful if you've been there.
    to me, both of these movies are exploring the same theme: examining and questioning the existence and nature of gawd through interpersonal relationships. That theme pretty much defines my very existence.

    He's like a hopeful David Lynch.

  25. #2755
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    He's like a hopeful David Lynch.
    He's more than that, really, watch Badlands

    But holy hell, I have now watched the full run of Black Mirror, it's amazing. The most amazing shit ever.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-04-2016 at 11:56 PM.

  26. #2756
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    He's more than that, really, watch Badlands

    But holy hell, I have now watched the full run of Black Mirror, it's amazing. The most amazing shit ever.
    it's cunt ramming awesome.

    i hope the netflix version retains the neo-twilight zone tone of the original.

    i am getting ready to watch The New World. Should i watch Badlands first, @Jinsai ?

  27. #2757
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    holy good GAWD, we just watched The Thin Red Line. It's like a drop the fucking mic thing for me. Drop the camera, rather, BLAOW. it blew my mind.

    How in the fuck did i miss this texas steeped director?
    the tree of life movie was full of images of spots in dallas and austin that are extra meaningful if you've been there.
    to me, both of these movies are exploring the same theme: examining and questioning the existence and nature of gawd through interpersonal relationships. That theme pretty much defines my very existence.

    He's like a hopeful David Lynch.
    He and David Lynch both share the same art director/production designer in Jack Fisk as well as the fact that they both studied at the American Film Institute. I'm not sure if they have some similarities in some of their filmmaking but they are master filmmakers.

    The Thin Red Line is the first film of Malick's that I saw as I didn't get it when it first came out only to see it years later in my mid-20s just as I was starting to understand the power of cinema. It really has a lot to go into while I would suggest seeing some of the deleted scenes in the Criterion Blu-Ray. For me, Days of Heaven is the definitive Malick film as it is where he really got to hone his idea of cinematic poetry while I think Badlands is his most accessible work as it's the most conventional thing he's done. The New World, no matter what cut you see it in, is really a transitional film between what Malick had done with The Thin Red Line and what he would do for The Tree of Life as the latter I think is partially inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's The Mirror which is a must see though it's not an easy film to watch. It requires a lot of patience and interpretation.

  28. #2758
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i am getting ready to watch The New World. Should i watch Badlands first, @Jinsai ?
    I... I don't know... but I really really really love Badlands.

  29. #2759
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    @eversonpoe "cunt ramming awesome" is a hilarious quote from OITNB. I said it here before around the time that episode came out and people thought it was funny.
    I wouldn't talk that way just from my own mind or whatever. i was quoting a show.

    Hey, this feels familiar...
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-05-2016 at 12:25 PM.

  30. #2760
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    Caught up with some 70s classic during my vacation.
    Taxi Driver and Chinatown. Both fantastic but definitely liked the former better.

    I was looking at some of the best rated titles and boy did the 70s produced a significant amount of amazing movies.

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