Watched 20,000 Days On Earth yesterday and found it really compelling, offering a unique version of Nick Cave and feeling like it exists outside of fiction/non-fiction. It may be all fictional yet it's all true if that makes any sense. It definitely made me feel really artistically inspired, made me want to write more and just felt like a great watch for anyone interested in the creative process.

I just finished watching A Coffee In Berlin and enjoyed it. It's a German film about a college drop out in Berlin, taking place over the course of a single day as he tries to get a cup of coffee (I'm over-simplifying beyond belief, but really, had he owned a drip pot or French press this would have been very short). It had flaws for sure but at its best was very good. I've been really fascinated lately by films set in a single day or so or that just attempt to offer a sense or feeling of life rather than some grand narrative, and this was another good example of that type of film.