Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
I ran into such an unusual issue yesterday that I don't even know how to google it. My phone (samsung/android) was connected to my car's stereo (Nissan) via bluetooth. I was playing music as usual (BlackPlayer app/mp3s), and then one song ended, the next song started and within seconds my stereo restarted itself. I thought that was weird but who knows, just one of those things maybe. The stereo finishes rebooting, takes a few seconds to connect to bluetooth again, song starts playing and instantly the stereo restarts again. So this time I turn bluetooth of to see what happens. Low and behold: no restart. I play the radio a bit, no issues. So I go to my phone, turn on BT again, but I choose a different song. Car connects to phone and plays perfectly. I play another song on the same album with the problem track, no issue. I go back to the song in question, instant reboot. I'm clueless. How could one mp3 file cause my stereo to constantly reboot like that? I've played the song on my phone directly without BT and it plays fine.
Is the MP3 track corrupted in any way? Sometimes files can end up corrupted, especially when converted to certain formats. I remember converting an album in the past, and two of the songs would crash my music app. Seems like syncing is also a huge culprit, so if you have any automatic syncing options for music, maybe mess with that or turn them off. If it is just this song giving you problems, download it from somewhere else and test it. Has to be something in that file itself that isn't cooperating with the bluetooth sync.