Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
I guess my first world / WPP issue is that I don't understand why you'd bother setting up a computer without an internet connection. lol

I mean I do, but that's only after thinking about it and not on first blush.
Only speaking for myself, you're right that it likely wouldn't matter for the average user but I just like to have certain things a bit detached from internet requirements. I'm the same way with always-on internet based DRM when it comes to games, things like that become such hoops to jump through if you actually have a faulty connection or there's some dumb issue with the verification servers. Want to travel and have games on the go? oops, can't.. Internet required. I haaaaaaaaate hate hate hate that stuff. Regardless of if i mostly use online features If there isn't an offline mode included somewhere I typically won't bother with it, same goes with consoles. When i set up my PS4 for the first time, i could skip the wifi setup and it didn't demand me to be online all the time.