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Thread: Breaking Bad. (SPOILERS)

  1. #1021
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    I had both the luck and misfortune of getting into Breaking Bad when the pilot aired. I had seen ads for it before it started up, and naively thought, "Oh, I loved that guy as Hal on Malcolm in the Middle!"

    What I ended up getting into was way more than I was expecting, needless to say; I absolutely fell in love and felt addicted from the first season. A lot of people say it took until the second or third season to grip them, but for me, seeing that pilot, waiting week to week, I hadn't seen a show like it. I'd never seen Sopranos, never seen The Wire, and it was the first show like it for me to discover.

    That whole wait between seasons was insane, and for the first three seasons or so I just had almost no one to talk to about it. Then came season 4 and it exploded in popularity, and it was just fantastic to see this show I'd followed for years get the audience it deserved. By the time it ended it felt like I was at the end of this long journey that just had become such a common part of my life; it's the first series I got into from the ground floor and rode out 'till the end and I am so grateful I had that experience, but from time to time am jealous of people who got to simply inhale it with no waits between Half Measures, Full Measures, Box Cutter, Salud, One Minute, Gliding Over All, etc. Hell, even the second season, when Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse at the end of that episode? That week was a looooooong wait.

    I really do miss the show but have yet to see one end so perfectly with every piece falling into place quite like it did.

  2. #1022
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I had both the luck and misfortune of getting into Breaking Bad when the pilot aired. I had seen ads for it before it started up, and naively thought, "Oh, I loved that guy as Hal on Malcolm in the Middle!"

    What I ended up getting into was way more than I was expecting, needless to say; I absolutely fell in love and felt addicted from the first season. A lot of people say it took until the second or third season to grip them, but for me, seeing that pilot, waiting week to week, I hadn't seen a show like it. I'd never seen Sopranos, never seen The Wire, and it was the first show like it for me to discover.

    That whole wait between seasons was insane, and for the first three seasons or so I just had almost no one to talk to about it. Then came season 4 and it exploded in popularity, and it was just fantastic to see this show I'd followed for years get the audience it deserved. By the time it ended it felt like I was at the end of this long journey that just had become such a common part of my life; it's the first series I got into from the ground floor and rode out 'till the end and I am so grateful I had that experience, but from time to time am jealous of people who got to simply inhale it with no waits between Half Measures, Full Measures, Box Cutter, Salud, One Minute, Gliding Over All, etc. Hell, even the second season, when Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse at the end of that episode? That week was a looooooong wait.

    I really do miss the show but have yet to see one end so perfectly with every piece falling into place quite like it did.
    I can actually recall the previews for it on AMC back before it had even aired and i believe i was at an ex gf's house when the show had premiered back in 2008, i think her nephew was watching it or something as i could definitely recall a couple scenes that i caught from the corner of my eye while i was busy doing some other things.

    I honestly don't know why i never bothered checking it out before now, it's not like it wasn't on my radar or that i wasn't aware of it and i certainly wasn't trying to avoid it. Somehow i guess i was just subconsciously able to keep my distance from the show until five years later after all is said and done lol that and found some way to completely disconnect from any conversation about it that would lead to any spoilers.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 06-22-2014 at 05:30 AM.

  3. #1023
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I had both the luck and misfortune of getting into Breaking Bad when the pilot aired. I had seen ads for it before it started up, and naively thought, "Oh, I loved that guy as Hal on Malcolm in the Middle!"

    What I ended up getting into was way more than I was expecting, needless to say; I absolutely fell in love and felt addicted from the first season. A lot of people say it took until the second or third season to grip them, but for me, seeing that pilot, waiting week to week, I hadn't seen a show like it. I'd never seen Sopranos, never seen The Wire, and it was the first show like it for me to discover.

    That whole wait between seasons was insane, and for the first three seasons or so I just had almost no one to talk to about it. Then came season 4 and it exploded in popularity, and it was just fantastic to see this show I'd followed for years get the audience it deserved. By the time it ended it felt like I was at the end of this long journey that just had become such a common part of my life; it's the first series I got into from the ground floor and rode out 'till the end and I am so grateful I had that experience, but from time to time am jealous of people who got to simply inhale it with no waits between Half Measures, Full Measures, Box Cutter, Salud, One Minute, Gliding Over All, etc. Hell, even the second season, when Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse at the end of that episode? That week was a looooooong wait.

    I really do miss the show but have yet to see one end so perfectly with every piece falling into place quite like it did.
    If I can go back in time, I'd rather have watched the show episode by episode weekly, season by season. However, I was one of the ones who watched it after Felina aired. To me, "binge watching" stuff loses the effect of the show being watched. It builds zero suspense since you zip to the next episode in a few moments and when you finish the series in a few days or a week, you go: "I'm okay, I'm done!"

    You had a 6 year run with it, to me that'd be the funner thing as well. Not to mention, even though I didn't seek them out, spoilers and summaries were out in the air. You didn't have that watching weekly.

  4. #1024
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    Yeah, I remember honestly not being sure what was going to happen for a long time or if characters were going to survive; season 4 was built as a potential final season since they'd not been greenlit for a fifth yet, and being aware of that throughout the entire buildup of Jesse turning on Walt, Gus closing in, Skyler giving the money away, it all was just the most wonderfully stressful thing I'd ever seen. I definitely think seeing it in full, knowing there's more to come would take away from that feeling.

    Also that wait from season 4 to 5, with it ending on the "I won" line and then the reveal that Walt did poison Brock, that was some serious shit to sit on for a year!

    Oh, and season 3's ending was probably the most painful season to season wait I've ever had, with Jesse pointing the gun at Gale right before pulling the trigger. Hannibal season 2 might equal that for me in time though.

    Plus I remember so many people online having the craziest discussions; in season 4, way before anything on the show implied it, someone had the theory that Walt poisoned Brock with the Ricin cigarette. There was a crazy debate over this on the Breaking Bad subreddit and it came down to two guys literally betting to drink their own piss on camera if they were wrong, which, when it turned out Walt did indeed poison Brock, the guy actually filmed and posted. That was probably the most amazing thing I've personally witnessed happen from a TV show.

  5. #1025
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    There was a crazy debate over this on the Breaking Bad subreddit and it came down to two guys literally betting to drink their own piss on camera if they were wrong, which, when it turned out Walt did indeed poison Brock, the guy actually filmed and posted. That was probably the most amazing thing I've personally witnessed happen from a TV show.
    Hahahah fuck that was hilarious, I still have that thread saved. Here it is for those who are interested.

  6. #1026
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  7. #1027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Bryan Cranston should do a cameo during Walter White's funeral.

  8. #1028
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    Bryan Cranston should do a cameo during Walter White's funeral.
    I would've preferred Better Call Saul being before Breaking Bad. I think the show will be GREAT but if it takes place during the timeline of the show it's just gonna dilute the intensity and how great it was. I don't want this show getting anymore than 2 seasons either. 3 max. Anything else more, unless the best fucking shit ever written, would be a slog.

  9. #1029
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    Why did it take Hank so damn long to figure out Walt was Heisenberg when he had a DVD of season 5 on his shelf? (far left)

  10. #1030
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    Just because I'm lazy and don't want to look it up, does anyone know where all the New Hampshire stuff was filmed?

  11. #1031
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Just because I'm lazy and don't want to look it up, does anyone know where all the New Hampshire stuff was filmed?
    IMDB says they filmed everything in ABQ.

  12. #1032
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    This video indicates it was at least shot in NM. I figured they would have done it in Utah.

  13. #1033
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  14. #1034
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    For those interested or don't own any streaming service or the DVDs/Blu-ray sets, AMC started the Breaking Bad Binge today. Every Sunday at 5 PM EST they'll air a marathon (today they're airing all of season one, though it's also short) of episodes in order. So yeah.

  15. #1035
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  16. #1036
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    I loved this. This guy literally visited every location from the show that meant something - The Crystal Palace, The Stripmall where Saul's Office is, Jane/Jesse Housing Duplex, Taco Sal's, "Skank" and Spooge House with ATM death, Supermarket where Walt was naked in his "fugue" state, etc.

    Oddly he missed going to Twisters (Los Pollos Hermanos).

  17. #1037
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    I finished this last weekend.

    I feel like I need to go back and rewatch the last season. I crammed it all in within a few days, and I really didn't find myself enjoying it or fully paying attention.

    One of the main things that threw me off was that in all the seasons before, it was such a slow progression. Like, 4 seasons were one year. And then at the end it was like... okay, well, it's a year later now!

    And I keep wondering what happened to Jesse.

    Now I'm gonna go back and start reading this thread.

  18. #1038
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    Speaking of Jesse, anyone like my Yeah Bitch shirt?

    Or in this case it's my hctib haey shirt.

  19. #1039
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    And I keep wondering what happened to Jesse.
    The way I see it, even though Jesse got away, did he REALLY? His prints are all over that lab, so police can easily tie him to the scene, AND even if he WERE to get away and somehow not get thrown in jail, he'll never recover mentally, so he's fucked either way. Jesse still doesn't technically have a happy ending.

  20. #1040
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    plus both of his girlfriends were murdered... TBH I imagine he would kill himself or become a worse addict. Very bleak ending! I think they should have left it at season 4

  21. #1041
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    plus both of his girlfriends were murdered... TBH I imagine he would kill himself or become a worse addict. Very bleak ending! I think they should have left it at season 4
    Nah, killing Gus wasn't a good enough ending. We needed to see and know more past that. I do however think the story wasn't dragged out or longer than necessary and they ended on a high note on a fifth season (sixth season if you're one of those people).

  22. #1042
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    Wait... The second girlfriend died, too?

  23. #1043
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    Yeah they shot her at her house while Jesse sat in the car and watched it unwillingly.

  24. #1044
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    Oh, yeah... I do remember that now. Goddamn. My memory is just laughably bad.

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  26. #1046
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    The complete series on Blu-ray is 50 bucks on Amazon right now.

  27. #1047
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    Finally watched Breaking Bad. I wanted to write a huge-ass WOT about it, but eventually realized that if you never even gave the show a chance, then you are either an idiot or you are only watching movies - though it's pretty much a long movie, but hey, I get that many people can't bother sitting through seasons.

    I guess my only point will be that watching Breaking Bad made me realize how fucking bad Dexter was. Season 2, 4 and 7 were of course great (and we can give 1 a pass; started out mehhhh, ended brilliantly), but the rest (especially 8) just goes to show the difference. Breaking Bad might got off to a weaker start, I mean, do you want to watch a middle-aged man cooking meth, or a serial killer who works for the police? Thought so. But Breaking Bad was just snowballing out of control from the beginning (though ep 2 and 3 were a bit bumpy still) and never stopped. You know you've struck gold when a single line from an actor leaves you more dumbfounded than all the explosions in the world, and it's still just season 1. Dexter skyocketed to the Moon in season 2, but season 3 was the complete opposite. Zero creativity, a complete shitfest. I've always been butthurt for incompetent writers ruining Dexter, but I just saw what it could have been, and I'm even more butthurt now. At least before watching Breaking Bad, I thought the idea of maintaining a certain quality of a great show, not to mention possibly increasing it over time was impossible, and I never even dreamed about a proper ending, because shows just pack so much unexplainable, unfinishable shit into their show for the sake of hype, that when it comes to tieing them together, it can only result in massive dissapointments. BB proved me wrong.

    It was also marvelous how they presented morality to us. There is Dexter season 8, where the main character is literally putting words into your head what to think about him and his actions, because the writers knew they are not capable of doing it in any other way. It was depressing. Then there was BB, where you were confused who to root for, who to hate, and no one helped you out. There was no Michael C. Hall (who was brilliant by the way, I'm not blaming him for season 8) explaining you the script of the fucking show.

    And finally, leaving Dexter rotting in its grave, I'd like to thank the showrunner and writers of BB for not bullshitting me. All right, the cold opens in S2 were cheeky, but other than that, I never felt that things were needlessly hyped up. Everything that was hinted might happen, actually happened in one way or another, and even some more!

    edit: Oh, yeah, one does not simply talk about watching BB without mentioning Ozymandias. I checked the series on tvgraph, you know, a graph which shows every episodes rating and seasons on a... well, you guessed it, on a graph. So I was in season 2 when it first started to annoy me that there is one episode which got a 10 out of 10, lol. It is actually the only episode out of any series on IMDB having that rating, so naturally, I was sooo ready to inform everyone why it is only a 9. Let's just say I aborted the mission...
    Last edited by Volband; 03-01-2016 at 07:57 AM.

  28. #1048
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    @Volband just think, Dexter's final episodes aired the very same night, moments after Breaking Bad's final episodes. The Dexter subreddit was so fucking hilarious that whole time and, I'm not even kidding, rather than bothering to post an episode discussion thread the mods just stickied an Ozymandias discussion thread the night it aired. It was one of their most popular threads ever.

    Breaking Bad got complex human morality right in a way few other series ever have (Mad Men is certainly up there, and Sopranos was and remains the king of it and the model others base themselves off of). The symbolism, the subtleties, the slow burns and flourishes, the acting -- it just had all you need to intelligently and believably craft a compelling cast with compelling motives and intricate identities. Jesse's arc may be one of the best TV's ever had. Him going from an abrasive supporting character who was planned to be killed off and turning into one of the most sympathetic and layered individuals in the series was just amazing, and Aaron Paul's performance really sold it beyond belief.

    If you haven't, give Better Call Saul a go -- I was a fan of BrBa from the night S01E01 aired and was extremely hesitant about a spin-off that started as a joke on the BrBa DVD commentaries and writer's room and turned into a real thing, but it's phenomenal and maintains its own identity while comfortably sitting in the ABQ that BrBa created. Same cinematography, same creative talent, and Odenkirk is beyond amazing in it along with Johnathan Banks as Mike. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

    Also, while we're talking satisfying conclusions to series -- Michael Hall has the bizarre status of being in one of the most satisfying endings of a series and one of the most insulting endings of a series ever. His HBO show Six Feet Under was superb and many consider it's finale the best out there. It's about as complete an end to a long-running show as I've seen. Sopranos' ending is fiercely debated but is largely seen as genius now and I love it. The Wire wraps things up wonderfully. I guess what I'm saying is HBO knows what they're doing more often than not when they get to a finale. Mad Men's left some sour, but overall was loved and I was thoroughly satisfied by it's final run as well. There are some excellent finales out there, it's just unfortunately nowhere near as plentiful as the awful ones (or all the shows that have no finale at all due to being cut short).
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 03-01-2016 at 08:36 AM.

  29. #1049
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @Volband just think, Dexter's final episodes aired the very same night, moments after Breaking Bad's final episodes. The Dexter subreddit was so fucking hilarious that whole time and, I'm not even kidding, rather than bothering to post an episode discussion thread the mods just stickied an Ozymandias discussion thread the night it aired. It was one of their most popular threads ever.

    Breaking Bad got complex human morality right in a way few other series ever have (Mad Men is certainly up there, and Sopranos was and remains the king of it and the model others base themselves off of). The symbolism, the subtleties, the slow burns and flourishes, the acting -- it just had all you need to intelligently and believably craft a compelling cast with compelling motives and intricate identities. Jesse's arc may be one of the best TV's ever had. Him going from an abrasive supporting character who was planned to be killed off and turning into one of the most sympathetic and layered individuals in the series was just amazing, and Aaron Paul's performance really sold it beyond belief.

    If you haven't, give Better Call Saul a go -- I was a fan of BrBa from the night S01E01 aired and was extremely hesitant about a spin-off that started as a joke on the BrBa DVD commentaries and writer's room and turned into a real thing, but it's phenomenal and maintains its own identity while comfortably sitting in the ABQ that BrBa created. Same cinematography, same creative talent, and Odenkirk is beyond amazing in it along with Johnathan Banks as Mike. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

    Also, while we're talking satisfying conclusions to series -- Michael Hall has the bizarre status of being in one of the most satisfying endings of a series and one of the most insulting endings of a series ever. His HBO show Six Feet Under was superb and many consider it's finale the best out there. It's about as complete an end to a long-running show as I've seen. Sopranos' ending is fiercely debated but is largely seen as genius now and I love it. The Wire wraps things up wonderfully. I guess what I'm saying is HBO knows what they're doing more often than not when they get to a finale. Mad Men's left some sour, but overall was loved and I was thoroughly satisfied by it's final run as well. There are some excellent finales out there, it's just unfortunately nowhere near as plentiful as the awful ones (or all the shows that have no finale at all due to being cut short).
    "I think Holly's performance in "Ozymandias" was better than all of season 8 from Dexter." Ahahaha, so true. That thread is golden!

    Boardwalk Empire's finale was pretty good too, especially if we consider that HBO cut the season short, giving less time to the creators to finish up with everything. But the problem with Dexter was not that they were a bunch of pussies in the finale. The whole last season was a disgrace. Man, at the end of S4 I was just sitting there, paralyzed. Not even IRL deaths or tragedies fazed me as much as the last scene of that season. Little did I know, that in season 8 I will be laughing my ass off during every episode.

    Don't even want to talk about it! Especially when there's Breaking Bad, where there were times I hated the main character. Like, a moment just came when I said to myself enough is enough, I want this asshole taken down. But later I changed my mind. Then changed my mind again. Then I had absolutely no idea what to think. The funniest thing, this series worked better than ANY drug prevention we were subjected in school. It was always the same mantra in preventions, how X and Y died, car accident ,blahblah, who cares? But the series showed all the highs of drugs, which in contrast made the lows all the more powerful. On one hand, the scenes where they snort meth just peaks my interest, I am so curious of that feeling the actors are portraying, like their brains are being frozen, but watching Jesse and co. just getting by aimlessly was really depressing. So unless I become some high-profile guy who can get his hands on Heisenberg-level stuff, no meth for me, sorry!

    What I also liked in this series was the directing as well! Usually it's either boring, or overly-complicated, but it felt good picking up on the hints, or feeling the emotions they tried to show with the directing. And I'm talking about simple stuff, like when Gus walked into the lab, first it was shot from below, only seeing his steps through the cracks, then the camera slowly went down with him vertically as he descended on the stairs. It did a great job making you feel that the fucking boss has just arrived. Basically, the directing was enjoyable to aspiring directors, who could analyze every single frame and the meaning behind them, but to casual viewers like me as well.

    I liked Jesse too, though not initially. It was S1E4 when he went home when I first started to click with him. Part of the reason my favorite season is the 4th (subject to change, but that's how I feel right now) because that was when they really put him in the spotlight. It was heartbreaking seeing him so proud of saving Mike, because you could just feel Jesse desperately tried to belong, or with mr. Trent Rizzo's words, do something that matters; but he was just being led. The other reason I liked S4 a lot was because of Gus. When that motherfucker walked right into the sniper shots I couldn't believe my eyes. Or killing off the Cartel, while the music is blasting into my ears, and Gus is just walking like he gives no fucks.

    I will definitely watch Better Call Saul, but so far I only gotten lke 15mins into the first episode. I really hoped it would actually start with him instead of the way it's currently going down.

  30. #1050
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    How/when was Walt able to poison Brock with the Lilly of the Valley towards the end of 4th season? He is only in Jesse's house for less than a minute when he comes over and Brock and Andrea are there.

    Ive been watching the series again and this has been bugging me.

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