Finally started watching discovery this weekend. a few thoughts:

the fuck words in last night's episode got a huge groan from me and i imagine thousands of other trek fans. seems totally unnecessary. not that i shy away from that, but in star trek?

i'm kinda on the fence about the klingons. they look cool. but they behave so differently from other iterations. i mean i guess it's about 110 years between discovery and TNG and cultures can change quite a bit in a century. maybe it's just the individual klingons we're seeing too, kind of religious zealots so maybe they are more serious. but they sure speak in klingon... a lot.

also kind of a pitfall of a prequel series, but i find myself constantly wondering how we have not heard about some of these events in the future. like, you have a ship that can jump around the universe using a network of fungus that is just underneath normal space? maybe there will be some explanation later in the series about why it never comes up in the future.

i find the tardigrade/spore dynamic slightly reminiscent of dune with the navigator/spice thing.

also finding all the inter-crew conflict a little shocking for star trek. some conflict crept in in the later series, but nothing this intense. maybe they don't think a modern audience can stick with a show without that kind of intense drama, but i've recently re-watched TNG and am mostly through DS9 and VOY and i think they hold up much better in the landscape of modern tv than other shows of the era, TNG especially.

Overall i am enjoying it, we'll see if that feeling holds out. i hope so. As others have said, i think "the orville" feels much more trek than this.
still grumpy about the CBS all access thing. idk maybe it is the only way they could sustain a new trek series. for a guy who doesnt have cable, i sure have a lot of subscription video services. glad i waited to start the free week and first month of the service. i might be able to get through the season with only 2 monthly charges.