Quote Originally Posted by CANTCOMPLAIN View Post
2 songs lacking in the cd? Why? I seriously don't understand this kind of shit, they seem to be punishing the fans without a vinyl player.

I was born in the 80s and grew up buying cds in the 90s/early 00s, now it seems like I should step back to buy my parent's format or just download the music (which I do, but for free, if I want to pay for a record I just buy the cd). So if I just want a damn cd, I get less tracks form HTDA, no "An_Omen" tracks nor the couple of extra tracks in "WO".

And no, I'm not going to buy the vinyl version, which I'll not use and will be collecting dust, just to get a blank cd or whatever they'll include in said version of the album, I guess I'll have to just download the vynil version from TPB and burn it on a cd-r, which means zero money from me for Trent and co, congrats.

I seriously hate this, my only hope is that those 2 extra tracks suck so much that I will feel happy buying the cd version.
Kind of an ironic post considering your username.