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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #1861
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    I was hoping since trump isn’t at the White House, Rosenstien was called to invoke the 25th and remove the mf.

  2. #1862
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    From what I've read so far, there's not a clear picture. On one hand, Rosenstein strikes me as the kind of guy who has so much freaking integrity that he WOULD actually resign if he believed that anything he did could be construed as biasing his mission. On the other hand, "resignations" in DC are so frequently firings that it's hard to believe this is different. There are strong cases to be made for either side, and frankly I don't think anyone without insider information knows - and those who know may never tell.

    It could also be that he's offered his resignation as a show of integrity and hoping that it isn't accepted and his job stays just as it is.

    Basically, no one knows. But I believe he's set to meet with Don on Thursday, so I would think by the end of the week there will be a formal announcement one way or the other.

  3. #1863
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    I'm also reading a bunch of people saying this was just a smoke bomb to take the focus off Kavanaugh.

  4. #1864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I haven't seen more yet, but when I was reading everything earlier it seemed like a total shitshow, with a ton of contradicting stories and a bunch of media people saying he didn't actually resign, he was fired, or rather it's expected that he'll be fired today. Did they sort all that shit out yet? What's the story?
    in the same boat, find myself not trusting the new i do tend to trust the young turks, everything else is very vague.

  5. #1865
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    lol, look at this shit

    today sure has been wild...

  6. #1866
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    I never thought I'd say this, but I'm ready to protest. I live in a capital city, and there's a confirmed large turnout for it. Unfortunately, the results of this Thursday will decide if the US will continue as a democracy, or if it will become a dictatorship. For anyone that thinks this is an exaggeration, that's what it's called when the executive branch removes any opposition from power. If there is no one left to hold the Trump administration accountable for their crimes, their lies, and their failures to carry out their duties, we will be in a full-fledged dictatorship.

    They will point to the non-GOP that hold office, but as long as there are not enough of them to sway a vote, they serve no real purpose other than a shield the GOP can hid behind. And with the security measures to keep the midterm elections from being hacked having been shot down by the republicans, there's a chance that they will be able to keep their party in power through nefarious means as well. Trump's first Saturday Night Massacre happened last year, and no one did anything about it. The GOP will do nothing about it this time either. It's up to you.

    If you have friends or family members who are still republicans, it's now imperative that you try to change that. This goes beyond trying to keep the peace at family get-togethers, this is the future of the US, and that's more important than your familial relations. I'm willing to burn any bridge I have with my ignorant family members if it means getting even a couple to stand against this. I hope many of you are too.
    Last edited by zecho; 09-24-2018 at 03:55 PM.

  7. #1867
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    thank for all the updates

  8. #1868
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    today sure has been wild...
    Or, as we call it in Trump's America....Monday.

  9. #1869
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    I think this one tweet does a good job of covering the day's events.

  10. #1870
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    So the President nominates a judge for a vacant SCOTUS position. The President is in the majority party along with this nominee, who could not possibly be any more clearly a deeply partisan zealout with no gray area left open for interpretation. As soon as this nominee begins speaking in front of a committee/camera, the sky cracks open and God himeslf dumps an an Olympic-sized swimming pool's worth of skeletons directly on top of this guy. Red flags are blotting out the sun. The flashing neon signs are burning out from overexertion.

    All of this happens and an entire half of the country is totally on board with their party responding to these events by... trying to jam through this nomination more quickly than they've ever done anything before, at any cost? In what conceivable universe can a person who knows even the slightest hint of how the US government works not be outraged?

    Because it bears repeating: their response to... 'unflattering' information from this guy's past is "Shit, we need to get this done ASAP" not the reasonable/expected response of "Let's look at this" and people are still able to support this shit? Christ, is there anything these people won't sacrifice to 'win'? I guess it's hard not to push all the boundaries until they break when the group that's meant to be a counter-balance can't stop eating each other for the length of an election cycle.

    Well, at the very least we can rest easy in knowing that this guy is definitely a regular human being who probably doesn't feel terrible pain when he puts all of his effort into twisting his face into something that other humans could recognize as a smile.

    P.S. Have you boofed yet?

  11. #1871
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    I think there's a couple reasons why they're so invested in Kavanaugh...

    First is just pure ideology. I think a lot of people forget this, including me: Ideology always wins every time. Clearly, the only thing they care about is the fact that this guy is on the far right and they can count on him to vote the way they want. That's all that matters. Just like they didn't care about Trump bragging about sexual assault. A guy can get a pass on just about anything if he promises to represent the kind of politics they want.

    But in addition to that, they probably don't want to to continue setting this precedent where a politician's career can be torpedoed by bringing to light a history of abuse, because in their minds, who knows who might be next? If this can happen to Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. It already just happened with Roy Moore. The possibilities are endless given that these fucking rotten abusive asshole are EVERYWHERE. Political campaigns cost a fortune and it takes a very long time to build a career, so they don't want this becoming the norm and potentially fucking up everything. This could end up gutting half their party. So they want to push Kavanaugh as a way to send a message, to clamp down on this rapidly growing idea that their personal history matters.

  12. #1872
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    personal belief is it really matters, supreme court your past should be blemish free,personally i don't like a lifetime appointment for anyone in a position of political power. especailly when it's not democratically elected.

  13. #1873
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    This presser right now has to be the most off the rails thing yet. And no...I mean it. That's not hyperbole. They didn't give this asshole a script for this? He keeps interrupting reporters...he's fuckin' lost out there hahahaha.

    Gee, I wonder why they don't want Trump to sit down with Mueller.

  14. #1874
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    I wonder how many people in the White House are getting concussions from all the facepalming they are doing while listening to this.

    So you love Canada, eh? Too bad because Canada HATE YOUR GUTS, YOU MORON!

  15. #1875
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I think there's a couple reasons why they're so invested in Kavanaugh...

    First is just pure ideology. I think a lot of people forget this, including me: Ideology always wins every time. Clearly, the only thing they care about is the fact that this guy is on the far right and they can count on him to vote the way they want. That's all that matters. Just like they didn't care about Trump bragging about sexual assault. A guy can get a pass on just about anything if he promises to represent the kind of politics they want.

    But in addition to that, they probably don't want to to continue setting this precedent where a politician's career can be torpedoed by bringing to light a history of abuse, because in their minds, who knows who might be next? If this can happen to Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. It already just happened with Roy Moore. The possibilities are endless given that these fucking rotten abusive asshole are EVERYWHERE. Political campaigns cost a fortune and it takes a very long time to build a career, so they don't want this becoming the norm and potentially fucking up everything. This could end up gutting half their party. So they want to push Kavanaugh as a way to send a message, to clamp down on this rapidly growing idea that their personal history matters.
    To be fair, this could end up gutting half of WASHINGTON, not just the GOP. Honestly, I feel like one of the safest ways to avoid putting absolute shitbag humans with sexually abusive pasts into office is voting for more women.

    Yes, #notallmen, whatever. Statistically though, I think you're much more likely to find a decent human being if you look for candidates without a dick.

  16. #1876
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    Whaaaaat a shitshow.

  17. #1877
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    I think there's a couple reasons why they're so invested in Kavanaugh...

    First is just pure ideology. I think a lot of people forget this, including me: Ideology always wins every time. Clearly, the only thing they care about is the fact that this guy is on the far right and they can count on him to vote the way they want. That's all that matters. Just like they didn't care about Trump bragging about sexual assault. A guy can get a pass on just about anything if he promises to represent the kind of politics they want.

    But in addition to that, they probably don't want to to continue setting this precedent where a politician's career can be torpedoed by bringing to light a history of abuse, because in their minds, who knows who might be next? If this can happen to Kavanaugh, it can happen to anyone. It already just happened with Roy Moore. The possibilities are endless given that these fucking rotten abusive asshole are EVERYWHERE. Political campaigns cost a fortune and it takes a very long time to build a career, so they don't want this becoming the norm and potentially fucking up everything. This could end up gutting half their party. So they want to push Kavanaugh as a way to send a message, to clamp down on this rapidly growing idea that their personal history matters.
    Hey, here's a radical plan that I've been following for most of my life: don't be an asshole.

  18. #1878
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Whaaaaat a shitshow.

    god he's such a fucking ambrassment i heard he also said if he nominated Washington there could be allegations end the democrates woyld not confirm him god help us

  19. #1879
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    I suppose that's the ball game. Vote 3.5 hours from now.

  20. #1880
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  21. #1881
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    After telling a female reporter she 'never thinks', the White House actually changed the official transcript from "you're never thinking" to "you're never thanking". Article.

    These people are the filth of humanity.

  22. #1882
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    What a shock...

    Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

  23. #1883
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    Have people actually read that, or just the title? I mean...the headline doesn't even sound like news anymore, but the article itself.......holy shit. I haven't finished it yet, but wow.

  24. #1884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    god he's such a fucking ambrassment i heard he also said if he nominated Washington there could be allegations end the democrates woyld not confirm him god help us
    I take issue with the stuff he says at the start, about socialism, because the tariff wars and protectionism he’s engaged in sounds pretty socialist to me.

  25. #1885
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    now now @WorzelG , that's dangerously close to actually knowing what constitutes left/right. These days you are supposed to have a half baked, highly selective and partisan "understanding" of politics divined from youtube videos and memes

  26. #1886
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    Trump 2018

    Trump said it’s scary time for men yesterday and then he mocked Dr. ford at his rally last night. I don’t even know why I’m posting this other than to say what a fucked up time for our country. He’s wrong on so many levels and we have to endure the circus day in, day out.

  27. #1887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    now now @WorzelG , that's dangerously close to actually knowing what constitutes left/right. These days you are supposed to have a half baked, highly selective and partisan "understanding" of politics divined from youtube videos and memes
    I’ve lost it lately with what people support, it’s just really confusing and really has degenerated into pure insular hatred of foreigners (not just talking about the US here, but the US is so varied in population and was such a melting pot for differing cultures, I don’t really get the hypocrisy)

  28. #1888
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Trump said it’s scary time for men yesterday and then he mocked Dr. ford at his rally last night. I don’t even know why I’m posting this other than to say what a fucked up time for our country. He’s wrong on so many levels and we have to endure the circus day in, day out.
    If you're Donald Trump, the idea that you're expected not to sexually assault people probably is scary. The idea that you might be held accountable for it is scarier.

    Donald Trump: Young men should be scared, they might get punished for raping women!
    Anyone with some common sense: Ummmmmmmmm........................

  29. #1889
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    Quote Originally Posted by zecho View Post
    I never thought I'd say this, but I'm ready to protest. I live in a capital city, and there's a confirmed large turnout for it. Unfortunately, the results of this Thursday will decide if the US will continue as a democracy, or if it will become a dictatorship. For anyone that thinks this is an exaggeration, that's what it's called when the executive branch removes any opposition from power. If there is no one left to hold the Trump administration accountable for their crimes, their lies, and their failures to carry out their duties, we will be in a full-fledged dictatorship.

    They will point to the non-GOP that hold office, but as long as there are not enough of them to sway a vote, they serve no real purpose other than a shield the GOP can hid behind. And with the security measures to keep the midterm elections from being hacked having been shot down by the republicans, there's a chance that they will be able to keep their party in power through nefarious means as well. Trump's first Saturday Night Massacre happened last year, and no one did anything about it. The GOP will do nothing about it this time either. It's up to you.

    If you have friends or family members who are still republicans, it's now imperative that you try to change that. This goes beyond trying to keep the peace at family get-togethers, this is the future of the US, and that's more important than your familial relations. I'm willing to burn any bridge I have with my ignorant family members if it means getting even a couple to stand against this. I hope many of you are too.
    Settle down. You're getting hysterical. It's not that bad. I heard the same thing back during Bush Jr's terms.

  30. #1890
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    These people are the filth of humanity.
    I totally agree. Journalists are no more than whores.

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