View Full Version : Best Coast

04-28-2012, 01:45 AM
so the new best coast album sucks ass. discuss.

04-28-2012, 10:03 AM
I have no interest in Bethany Cosentino's pot-smoking Californian girl-group shtick - everything about her seems tired. So it's possible that I might like the new album because I heard it's different. But I will probably be too apathetic to listen. :\

04-28-2012, 10:45 AM
Alright well, I guess I'll be the first person in here to say that they enjoy Best Coast. It's just fun breezy summer music and shouldn't really be viewed as anything else. It's certainly a lot better than her boyfriend's band Wavvs.

Kid Charlemagne
04-28-2012, 11:12 AM
I enjoy both Bethany and Nathan's bands, but I do see why people dislike them. They do get annoying and sing about the stupidest shit. That being said, I haven't heard the latest album, so I'll probably end up getting it and then giving it to my dad since he enjoys BC. Shit's better than Manson though, right ?

04-28-2012, 09:27 PM
Alright well, I guess I'll be the first person in here to say that they enjoy Best Coast. It's just fun breezy summer music and shouldn't really be viewed as anything else. It's certainly a lot better than her boyfriend's band Wavvs.

I enjoy both Bethany and Nathan's bands, but I do see why people dislike them. They do get annoying and sing about the stupidest shit. That being said, I haven't heard the latest album, so I'll probably end up getting it and then giving it to my dad since he enjoys BC. Shit's better than Manson though, right ?

no see, i like best coast. or at least their previous stuff. but the new album is just fucking awful.

also i like wavves

04-28-2012, 11:11 PM
no see, i like best coast. or at least their previous stuff. but the new album is just fucking awful.

also i like wavves

Can you at least say why you think it's awful? I've only heard it once all the way through and I didn't hate any of it. It IS different, but it sounds like she took the liberty to actually make music that is more than just about getting high and missing her boyfriend.

04-28-2012, 11:44 PM
it's not the worst thing ever, it's just incredibly bland. the catchy, hazy tunes and dream pop vocals were the best part of the band. it was fun and it didn't matter how simple the lyrics were. and that's not there in this album.

her vocals are too clean and high in the mix. the focus seems to be on that rather than the songwriting/melodies.

the first two songs are basically identical

it sounds like the dixie chicks


Space Suicide
04-29-2012, 12:24 AM
I like a few songs from Best Coast and Wavves has some pretty good stuff. I need to be in a certain mood and mindset to listen though. I didn't even know Best Coast had a new album.

02-24-2015, 02:42 PM
So yeah, it's funny seeing myself up there defending the second Best Coast album as after a few listens I realized how it truly is a putrid pile of hot garbage, but I'm fairly shocked at how much I actually do like this new song of theirs. Will this be the only track on the album that sounds like this, or are they finally going to turn it around?


02-24-2015, 02:47 PM
I don't know anything about Best Coast but she did give this compliment to NIN last summer


11-11-2015, 06:39 PM
I don't mind the new record in the right context. I'm never going to pour over it and read the liner notes or anything, and I dont anticipate it being in any sort of rotation in my collection in 6 months. But at a festival or at a party in the summer or something, it's OK. I think In My Eyes is a cool song.