View Full Version : Film School

03-03-2012, 10:50 AM
Ok, so this isn't a movie thread per say. I have to assume there are some filmmakers here besides me. I thought it would be cool to have a thread for those people to discuss ideas, share their videos, give feedback, let everyone know how much their craft sucks etc etc...

I am about to graduate with a BA in film and thinking about a masters. For one I hate film school. Spending 6 hours to set up lights and shit bores the piss out of me and I for one hate films that look too perfect or "pretty" I love the dirty feel. Im sure a lot will disagree with my view on it.

So there...topic starter.

03-03-2012, 04:34 PM
I've been to film school here in Portugal. A waste of money and time, only thing i learned is that i really want to make movies for a living....and how to work a camera.

Never spent 6 hours setting up lights, then again, its not like we had that much lighting equipment to begin with. We kept it really simple and we didn't really work with film but video.

ANd yeah, saving money to get myself a digital camera to shot some short cuts and whatnot...maybe i'll also save some money and spend it on some summer film school in new york or london, we'll see.

03-03-2012, 05:14 PM
I had a good time in film school. I got to direct a western, and met a shitload of completely awesome people who I now count among my best friends. So there.

03-04-2012, 08:01 AM
I never went to Film School because I couldn't afford it, but I've recently been trying to get into DSLR filmmaking. I bought the Canon Rebel T2i (550D) and have been experimenting with it. It's very affordable but has some limitations that some more expensive DSLR cameras don't have. Do they go into DSLR filmmaking at all in film school nowadays?

Emil Dorbell
03-04-2012, 08:26 AM
I considered film school but I'm exclusively interested in cinematography, and figured I'd learn more from practice. I work shooting interviews and concerts on a FS100 with Canon lenses, really impressive camera considering the price.

03-05-2012, 09:37 AM
I never went to Film School because I couldn't afford it, but I've recently been trying to get into DSLR filmmaking. I bought the Canon Rebel T2i (550D) and have been experimenting with it. It's very affordable but has some limitations that some more expensive DSLR cameras don't have. Do they go into DSLR filmmaking at all in film school nowadays?

Yeah, I go to the University of Memphis and they teach everything with T2i's now. I bought the t3i simply because of the flip out screen. I love this camera.

As far as the limitations, there is a badass firmware update made by Magic Lantern for most DSLR's and it pretty much unlocks everything on your camera.

Shameless self promotion: Here is a music video I shot for a local band here in Memphis. It was done in a single day with only me. I shot, edited, directed and set up all lights. Yes there are quite a few mistakes I made and it is far from perfect.

Point is, here is what one can do on a no budget, 1 day shoot by themselves with a DSLR.

Also, I'd watch on YT in 1080 to really see how the camera quality looks.


Emil Dorbell
03-05-2012, 01:49 PM
That looked great!

03-05-2012, 02:58 PM
Cool video! I love the quality that these DSLRs can put out! Are you only using the kit lens? I've been looking for a good lens but everything is so expensive. Did you build/buy any rigs? Basically I'd like to know what equipment you are using if you care to share and if you have any more videos up on youtube/vimeo/etc I would love to check them out.

03-05-2012, 09:31 PM
Yeah it is the kit lens, but do not rely on it. Def get static lenses with lower f-stop possibilities.

During the music video shoot I used the t3i, Glidecam HD 1000, and Cartoni tripod.

I also just picked up a cheap Opteka shoulder rig for $100.

Here are 2 videos I shot and edited for a local DJ. They both show why you do NOT want to use the kit lens in low light. F-Stop only goes opens to 3.5
Agin watch both in 1080p.


This one was done entirely with the Glidecam HD-1000 steadicam unit and with Magic Lantern's 2.35:1 (anamorphic widescreen) aspect ratio crop hack seeing as DSLR's only crop to 1.85 (basic widescreen)


More shameless self promotion...if you want check out my production company page on Facebook, (Wolfsbane Productions)

And for those interested, I am directing a short film at the moment that will be released in May and will be scored by the post rock band Caspian...

03-06-2012, 02:05 PM
Friend of mine I went to film school with has just released EASTER BUNNY BLOODBATH on VHS! Seriously, he put it out on VHS, with a DVD planned for later on. Camerawork by me!

03-24-2012, 04:56 PM
Woo.. no one may care but so what. Production on my new short film is coming along and we should be in post in a month.
Here are some production stills of our very small crew.

Me (douche in the hat), My DP and co director and lead actor
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/547659_10150600289861822_550576821_9208761_1180656 441_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/426159_10150573753501822_550576821_9117500_1320680 271_n.jpg

Directing the fight
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/419473_10150573751511822_550576821_9117494_1414030 961_n.jpg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/531689_10150593041111822_550576821_9186660_3396063 21_n.jpg

03-24-2012, 06:13 PM
What camera are you using? Any links to early footage, trailer, or past works you care to share?

03-25-2012, 02:38 AM
Yeah, I go to the University of Memphis and they teach everything with T2i's now. I bought the t3i simply because of the flip out screen. I love this camera.

As far as the limitations, there is a badass firmware update made by Magic Lantern for most DSLR's and it pretty much unlocks everything on your camera.

Shameless self promotion: Here is a music video I shot for a local band here in Memphis. It was done in a single day with only me. I shot, edited, directed and set up all lights. Yes there are quite a few mistakes I made and it is far from perfect.

Point is, here is what one can do on a no budget, 1 day shoot by themselves with a DSLR.

Also, I'd watch on YT in 1080 to really see how the camera quality looks.


That's got a nice look to it. Lighting is solid as well! (as you said a few mistakes- but when I was in film school very few of the students could light as well as you have here).

I need to catch up on the DSLR's one of these days.

This should be a fun thread. I'll check out more of the videos and posts some of my stuff in the near future.

Emil Dorbell
03-25-2012, 04:32 AM
This video isn't much fun if you don't speak swedish (it's poems and diary entries by Karin Boye, turned into songs), but I thought I'd post it anyway to show the sony nex-fs100 performing quite well in low light conditions. Kit lens on the right and on the shot of the full stage. Camera on the left where I was standing had a Canon 70-200/f2.8 with a dumb adapter on (fixed aperture which is why some shots are overexposed, don't hurt me). It's all at 0 db, and actually looks quite good in 1080p and fullscreen (though youtube compressed it a bit much). No grading and no picture profile, so I think this video is quite fair if you want to judge the fs100. I'm very happy with the camera, but they need to release a smart adapter FAST. I don't understand what Sony is thinking. Especially since the third party adapters sell out in mere minutes.


Translation of the lyrics:

Yes, of course it hurts when buds are breaking.
Why else would the springtime falter?
Why would all our ardent longing
bind itself in frozen, bitter pallor?
After all, the bud was covered all the winter.
What new thing is it that bursts and wears?
Yes, of course it hurts when buds are breaking,
hurts for that which grow
and that which bars.

Yes, it is hard when drops are falling.
Trembling with fear, and heavy hanging,
cleaving to the twig, and swelling, sliding -
weight draws them down, though they go on clinging.
Hard to be uncertain, afraid and divided,
hard to feel the depths attract and call,
yet sit fast and merely tremble -
hard to want to stay
and want to fall.

Then, when things are worst and nothing helps
the tree's buds break as in rejoicing,
then, when no fear holds back any longer,
down in glitter go the twig's drops plunging,
forget that they were frightened by the new,
forget their fear before the flight unfurled -
feel for a second their greatest safety,
rest in that trust
that creates the world.

03-25-2012, 12:46 PM
What camera are you using? Any links to early footage, trailer, or past works you care to share?

For this film, the Canon 60D. We are using an assortment of Zeiss lenses and Zoom H4n's for audio.

No trailer yet...I'll post one as soon as I do it.

03-25-2012, 01:33 PM
I considered film school but I'm exclusively interested in cinematography, and figured I'd learn more from practice. I work shooting interviews and concerts on a FS100 with Canon lenses, really impressive camera considering the price.

I operate my film business on a FS100 ( I graduated film school last year) and I'm surprised that thing isn't hyped as all hell, since it completely blows the canon DSLR lineup and even the GH2 out of the water. I'm on a very lo fi budget right now so I only have a single Nikon lens, but that FS100 makes it look so fucking amazing. I also have a 7D, almost strictly because people ask for Canon DSLRs by name these days. Even if the FS100 has the superior quality, the 7D is more famous, I guess. Part of me wants to swap it out for an XA10, because the interchangeable lens thing is awful for run and gun...

Also having extensively used the Canon DSLRs, I'd say the best of the lineup is the 60D, even with the new 1DX's and 5DMk3's coming out.... that flip screen is a real advantage, as is the price point, and FF doesn't make a HUGE difference. Not to mention interior sound controls.

I patiently await that 4K DSLR Canon has lined up for the end of the year...

What have you guys been editing on?

Last year I got pushed out of final cut and started using Premiere, and it's like the whole world just got easier. I love premiere and I cringe everytime I have to use final cut...

Emil Dorbell
03-25-2012, 03:31 PM
What have you guys been editing on?

Last year I got pushed out of final cut and started using Premiere, and it's like the whole world just got easier. I love premiere and I cringe everytime I have to use final cut...

I agree 100%. Final Cut is slow, freezes during renders, can't handle any file formats but quicktime well. Premiere on the other just magically works with whatever you throw at it, and it's very fast and almost never freezes. I also prefer the interface in every way.

I need to improve my color correction skills though. I usually just throw Magic Bullet Mojo in there :p

03-25-2012, 09:53 PM
Premiere for the win... And a + for Magic Bullet

03-26-2012, 12:59 PM
I havent tried magic bullet yet but you guys are basically the millionth people to reccomend it maybe its time to get some color correction skills...i

07-20-2012, 10:44 AM
Update on my new short film.

The post rock band CASPIAN did the soundtrack and their song The Raven is the one in the teaser.

Teaser trailer: Watch in HD



07-21-2012, 07:18 PM
Film I helped out on is almost at picture lock! Feature length, here's the trailer for it!

08-09-2012, 11:38 AM

I've Only Just Begun (directed by E., edited by me)

It's a glampunk short film: kinkyparade vs. neo-nazis and fundamentalists :)

Political and in-your-face.

Shot on RED, mostly 50fps and 100fps.

"I've Only Just Begun" is a ragingly beautiful and empowering story about Venuz Vulgar and his friends on their way to St. Petersburg, Russia.

It's written and directed by E. Over 60 people were involved in this free, independent production. Thank you all. Big up. No fear.

Dedicated to activist Nikolai Alexeyev & Pussy Riot.

10-11-2012, 11:39 PM
My short film Working Man is going to be screened at the 15th Annual Indie Memphis Film Festival

Tooting my own horn.

Exploding Plastic
10-11-2012, 11:48 PM
From 2009, my 1st year film school short, The Insomniac's Handbook:


10-12-2012, 04:36 AM
I operate my film business on a FS100 ( I graduated film school last year) and I'm surprised that thing isn't hyped as all hell

I've seen some hype for it, but I think it's at a weird price point. I went with the canon 550D (pretty similar to the 7D) purely for budget reason. The FS100 is a solid $5k purchase (almost 10 times as much as the 550D). I think if people are cool spending 5k on a video camera body they'll probably be keen to spend a bit more and get a basic RED Scarlet kit.

Oh and yeah, Premiere rules. I've been using it since high school in 2001, moved to Apple computers/Final Cut out of necessity from 2005-2007 and hated it. Happily back on Premiere these days and loving CS5.5. It's insane that it's never gotten recognition from the film community who always praised Final Cut (while using the shit out of Photoshop and After Effects).

Aaaanyway, I went to film school a few years ago now. It was pretty awesome. I did it at TAFE (Australia's Community college, I think, just better). Very practical, even the written assignments were based on real word applications (script breakdowns, full products etc). Since then I've been trying to get into the industry but I'm in the wrong, all the Aussie film action is on the east coast. Live event filming is the niche I really got drawn towards. I love only having one chance to get shit right, there's way less waiting around and man it feels good when you nail a shot or capture a moment just right. Here's a few recent videos...



Oh and my love of event filming/editing also got me the Head Editor role the NIN fan project, 'The Gift', I edited almost half that show.

10-12-2012, 07:52 AM
We're done!
"Stenwyken: Wild Man of the Woods" is TOTALLY FINISHED! We're looking for a venue for the premier right now!



11-05-2012, 08:19 PM
My new short film Working Man
Official Selection at the 15th Annual Indie Memphis International Film Festival



Enjoy and thanks for watching...

12-09-2012, 03:58 AM
20 minutes? That's the long side of "short" film. The side where people are far less likely to watch. Still, I worked on a 39 minute "short a couple years back". No festivals wanted to go near it even though it kicked ass over other entries.

My mate recently borrowed all my DSLR gear and went to film some Drifting (I would have gone but I've got a herniated disc). I've since been editing it (couple hours work every few days.... again, fucked up back), but it's finished, and only 4 minutes long...


04-24-2013, 11:49 PM
If any of you are interested, I am selling my FS100, including a kit lens, an extra battery, a novaflex Nikon adapter, and 2 memory cards.

All for $4400.

PM if Interested.