View Full Version : The Crow

04-01-2022, 07:54 PM
Figured I might as well start a thread for all things ‘The Crow’. I’m a massive fan of the original comic series, through all the iterations and other series. Hell, I even collect the new IDW publishing stuff. Movie-wise not much needs to be said we all don’t know.

That being said, it looks like a new movie is FINALLY going to see the light of day. Yes, yes I know…Momoa bowing out last year, etc. Well it was announced today that, no joke…

Bill Skarsgard has signed on to star, Rupert Sanders will direct, and production begins in a few months. (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/the-crow-reboot-bill-skarsgard-1235123704)

Obviously boulder of salt and all that. Will it match the original? We all know it won’t, but it’s something. They have to know how shitty the sequels were and how much pressure there is to do this right. Hey, at least we have a thread now!

04-01-2022, 11:10 PM
My Crow tattoo.

04-03-2022, 01:19 PM
FKA Twigs is the female lead in the new film.

04-04-2022, 07:37 AM
Are we sure this isnt april fools? The date is april first, i dont trust movie announcements on april 1

04-04-2022, 09:41 AM
Just watched the original again last night, and I still love every minute of it. This news doesn't really sound all that exciting so far.

Bill Skarsgård seems to be the only shining light from all the announcements. Rupert Sanders directed Ghost in the Shell and Snow White and the Huntsman which were both absolute stinkers, and the FKA Twigs casting just makes no sense to me.

Edward R. Pressman is co-producing that worked on all The Crow films, but I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing lulz... Hopefully I'm proved wrong, but it doesn't sound good as of now to me.

04-04-2022, 10:39 AM
Give it a rest. One great comic/film sure has spawned a lot of shit.

04-06-2022, 02:07 AM
I LOVED the Brandon Lee movie and watched it over and over in the late '90s and 2000s. But IMO, that was lightning in a bottle that they won't be able to replicate and it'll most likely end up like most of the other recent remakes like Robocop and Total Recall – a pale and inferior imitation of the original. There's certainly no way it'll have a soundtrack that lives up to the original; that and Lost Highway are the best soundtracks ever.

04-06-2022, 12:30 PM
I was kind of looking forward to the dumpster fire of the Jason Momoa film.

The Crow test footage shows Jason Momoa as Eric Draven in aborted reboot (https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2021/11/the-crow-test-footage-shows-jason-momoa-as-eric-draven-in-aborted-reboot/)

04-06-2022, 03:22 PM
Momoa looks perfecttt, what a shame. The more I try and picture Skarsgard with the iconic makeup on, the more it seems potentially goofy looking.

04-06-2022, 04:13 PM
Yeah I don't care if the movie sucks or not, I just want there to be another soundtrack like the original trilogy of soundtracks. I still listen to all three of them sporadically and they all still hit so good.

04-06-2022, 04:22 PM
Momoa looks perfecttt, what a shame. The more I try and picture Skarsgard with the iconic makeup on, the more it seems potentially goofy looking.


wrong Skarsgård brother!


04-06-2022, 06:26 PM

wrong Skarsgård brother!


Hah! Mind is blown! I had no idea they were all bros.

04-06-2022, 10:42 PM
yeah, amazing how they do - but mostly don't - look familial.
[Stellan]Skarsgård has had a vasectomy, stating that he felt eight children was enough.:eek:

edit: took me until just now to remember the word I was going for. Familiar sounded close but not correct and familial just hit me as what I was going for.

11-04-2022, 11:18 AM
Update on a reboot. (https://movieweb.com/the-crow-reboot-officially-in-post-production-gets-new-financial-backer/?fbclid=IwAR21G_HUAF4sUVmUro57XPbTslplOHXzIqeEIZoG qLySlNMmXcDzCek_ado)

11-04-2022, 11:53 AM
Post-production? So that means—barring any potential reshoots—they're done filming then, right? I wasn't aware it had actually started filming.

The love the original, but I'm still not convinced this will be any good. So far every single sequel they've made has been exponentially worse than the one that preceded it (Wicked Prayer was embarrassingly bad). The casting of Bill Skarsgård seems more appropriate than Jason Mamoa, but at the same time, the only movies I've seen him in are the It movies (and Eternals, but he's a CGI character in that) and perhaps not coincidentally, he has remarkably similar white face-paint with lines coming from his eyes. It reminds me of how Tye Sheridan was cast as a guy with a visor over his eyes in Ready Player One and as Cyclops in the last few X-Men movies.

11-04-2022, 12:09 PM
Post-production? So that means—barring any potential reshoots—they're done filming then, right? I wasn't aware it had actually started filming.

I have read a few articles were they say it's in "post production" which is not correct. They haven't even starting filming.

If it's a new adaptation like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it could be good.

The sequels and TV show sucked, IMHO.

11-04-2022, 01:14 PM
They haven't even starting filming.


11-04-2022, 01:17 PM
I have read a few articles were they say it's in "post production" which is not correct. They haven't even starting filming.

Ok, yeah, that's what I thought. Especially since that article mentions them getting funding for the movie with a "new financial backer," which usually (always?) has to happen before they begin filming, not during post-production. Maybe they meant "pre-production." Either way, there's a big difference between the two, so that's quite a mistake to make.

11-04-2022, 01:44 PM
Ok, yeah, that's what I thought. Especially since that article mentions them getting funding for the movie with a "new financial backer," which usually (always?) has to happen before they begin filming, not during post-production. Maybe they meant "pre-production." Either way, there's a big difference between the two, so that's quite a mistake to make.

It's not. Maybe my lolwut above wasn't clear lolol.

Filming was July 13 - Sept 16 in Prague. (https://www.praguereporter.com/home/2022/9/16/the-crow-reboot-starring-bill-skarsgard-as-eric-draven-wraps-production-in-prague) Virtual production started in Germany, and it's currently in post-production.

11-04-2022, 02:00 PM
I have read a few articles were they say it's in "post production" which is not correct. They haven't even starting filming.

Filming has already been completed.

11-04-2022, 04:34 PM
yeah, amazing how they do - but mostly don't - look familial. :eek:

edit: took me until just now to remember the word I was going for. Familiar sounded close but not correct and familial just hit me as what I was going for.

For your viewing pleasure, 3 of the bros:


https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAoHCBYWFRgWFRYYGBgaGhwcHBoaGRocGhocGh4cGh4cGh wcIS4lHB4rIRocJjgmKy8xNTU1GiQ7QDszPy40NTEBDAwMEA8Q HxISHzQkJCw0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NDQxNDQ0NDQ0NDQxNDQ0ND Q0NDQ0NDQ0NDE0NDQ0NDQ0NDQ0NP/AABEIAKMBNgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYHAQj/xABCEAACAQIDBQUFBAkDAwUAAAABAhEAAwQSIQUxQVFhBiJxgZ ETMqGx8EJSwdEHFCNicoKSouEksvEVM8Jjc7PS4v/EABoBAAMBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAwEEBQb/xAAlEQADAQACAgEFAAMBAAAAAAAAAQIRAyESMQQiMkFRcRNCka H/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMDNEWhLREFVMDpRRQbdEe4EBY7h9RWgFZlGrNA9T5CrDZ JTMAiZjzbX4VncP3znYyfkOlX zAEIIg676jdNlIlG1wCmBP4VZ59Kg4ZwQCOVSlaoazqmUCv4UP 7wB8qrcRsAMe5oetX1ozU5LFYqpPoauOWuzm2JwzIxRxDD6mmV uu0Wyxesl1H7W2CerqNSvUgSR6VhM1dkV5Tpw3PjWDq9WmzThT ijhSBivAa8LUAPVqDtNv2b/wN8qIhqv2jj0jIJZiCO6JAkRq0xv5HyobSAq1P7X LD2D6KBVT2iGqeDfh daHA7Kd2Vx9m2qRxOU6N0mYjh1qNtjYVxwrBkXLIIdsplsoCxz 0qWpm4zcbHM2LR520/wBoqS/Sq/Y1xUsW0Z1zpbVWE7iBxmIHjVhbeTSox9DEnjRlNeXzQ0Y0MA4p V4KdWAIClSr0UAVO2r 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3dHcYEjeu5l/iXeKou1LnPaAaAMxK85lZmrJtk2AwZUyEbmRipHpVBt2 TeVM6tlU7ve/mgAekVSV2TYFX0ppJBkGOfWhyRu0ob3LnAp5q5 TinFwg4/YWHu6smRvv24U JWMrek9azeO7G3lk2nS6OUhH9GOX 6tjbLwM5UtOuUFQfIsfnRt1GJmazkmNVrLZbqNbblcBUmOIn3h 1GlKuvhzuO7eJEj48a9rPE3TgAciV h4cq8Brx3kkniST4nWnIKRDBVWnrXlKmAetFR4oQFEFaBJBmvA sbpK8uK HMdKEh60ZXrRR4giRqDuNaXsX2sfA3IaXsOe g1KndnQfeA3j7Q6gRl4jVfNeB6jkfnTlIIkf5HQ9aPfQH0vh7y XUV0ZXR1lWUyGVhvHSK YMRZCu6jcjso8EYr Fb79HXaz9WcYe837B27rHdbduPRGO/kdeJpn6Sexhw7tirOtm48uvG27GZHNGY RIG4iFn6Xgxgoobrpp9bjRBXhFMKDW6OIIPqPUV7vpiNJIO8fU jpRVFCGDYPFvZdLto5XtnMp581I4giQRXUtiMuLtNjVyoWORrK vIBWNSy5TnICmCPsKQddeU1P7NbWbD3mGcrbuLkcTClSZBMbo1 GYQVDMQRTJvehKWo65iL1zEI6EqqhMwIcy9s5kaeJCuknj3o3e 9mdk4a7gXuJcgWcSVQ5ZX2dwrmttr7ubvoZAkhatL FvnGWmkAewxC5QGPcUoyrrxY5dR8aibewVx8HiizGLVoBeDSlx b3f4yoeOWk7xQ0v CJv9ezG9rQy7SxGYZWlDEzM21E cE dA9tIB40DbmPe9ft3LmrtZUM0yXKswzHTQxAjXdQQ5GtZLzSrl rpl3gdtOhEnOBwblv0PCtBgdrJc0Uw/3Tv3cPvcd1YYvrPOnC5B0PhTdMxo6ThXkHr9fhUDAP37ifduN6 PDz/UWHlVX2c2uXf2bmWAlW4kcQeZEek1P1XEs 8Oh/qQyB6M3oKwVlkwgGq3P3vH/j8KsLryJ5/wDFUtxyCDyP5flQgZ1bYkPh0EcCPifwIqNi8NCtBI0Mil2Tuhr ZHIhvJh/ aidt8YbOHuuN U5fEiF/uYUsvGxjknaHaXtsWWHuWxkWOMe83mfgorT9gtotZxq2yZtYpc pH3biKWVvNVK hrBYZII51qez1z/U4UjQi6kebBT8Cf8VB1taXU/Th3J2hSelYPELmxLN0 bafAGthtXEZEMb4/wAD4/KsXgzLOx 9A8FEfOavC lsi/ZIYfOk1ek7q8UUGHijXwHx3/gKKRxrwD4mvXPdnoaAGXb4QAsQBuk6a8vhSqj27ZF/2dkkxBckcCsKo887/wBNKtwDja0e3UdaMpqSGCzREFBWpC0yAcBXjU KcK0AKk0UPXhFMY0ASlenOJ1X3vgw5H86jo1FVq0U9DBhPkQd4 PI11TsXtgY7B3tn32/aC0yqxMlkIyhurISvllOpmuVOD7y7 I 8OXjyqTs3aD2Ltu/ZPeRgy8jwKtyBBKnoTSvsYrnRlYq4hlJVhyZTlYeRBr0mrjtoy PimxFr/ALeJVLy/us4h1P7wdHB6g1Rhq1MBt5DvG8fEcqLbcMJFeGhTlaeDb jf5rfQEih3bRMsPsiSOa8Y6iZ8JolPtOVYEcPQzoQekSPOjv8A ALN79HQew 17uJt xa ivbQ2lzA5mRoZJcGRrbKZolQQdSRE7H4f9hjFuXC7 wd1UOe77NCpZhvMlzq05gByNcrwGK9ldVwWAV1JymGyhgTBHGB 6gV1rG7MS5iHIZXS5h7ltCGmQ6M6huEsrqQeOYbjT4k9J1qZzD aOGyC0wMrqPDMoYDrxpo3aUfatwsisPcLW8p5QpUj1jfUZDU4b e6dXyZSpZ6xHk6EbqbmopNBbhTM5yVs2 UxCN1A/qJT/yrbu4yhiNVIbwk5WP9BNc5L5XLfdAPxJ/CuhW9QysNCCp9Av51iBkgP3I8fjrULEJIY f abg3PeVveEg9SvHzGvnRcQ2g8xTIXDW9gsXMLzUjzXUfIjzoX6 ULsWgn3mUene/8RVP2MxBS8AeDD0Jhvh86sf0pXgTZQb 8T5CB/uNJXW/wee2jmPsoP0frdV12eacThx/61v/AHiKr3UfXh Xyqz7OW/9Vh//AHE/tIPPmPiPCoL2dDR1rtDi1C68NfJZJ dZ/BIQig7zqfHefjNH2zczMqb5YL4Be8fkR517/wAV1tYkjlXbGn6 degfX1516aR vGkNPTx udDuvp51477/AA/xUXG3YUzpvoAj4WDddm yqINOQLn/AOSPKlTNktKT94s39RkfAgeVKg3Dii0YVHQ0YGpI0MooymgrRV NOgJCivaarUs3KmA8YGh3N1FFNxHu1jAGj1IRqgC5R0uyKxMCY Gpjd0/utv6NwPgdx6xQFei5pEHca3QPLiEkAk6SAJ0E67uGuvnUY0ZX0 11I0PXkfShXvePXX1 jWAOVqTJmBB40wGnqaZAe4a4SIPvDQ/XWi1GuHKwfgdG/A1KmhAPxWFBtC6sgg5WHCOY66j41oOzO2bSontjDWHlJEhwwhF PKCB3joAiDiazF7MVKgmCQSOGnHymo6pBI36eo3g0Q2m1vspy NyqSzMT/pb42 BhkQDhmzTxR8pEcBrPnUZDpTrw/0 vFmjnAifjQ7e6llJU0v2P8AIbpS3 l/xBJobndXrUFmp2zmGuNW6wPT/mt5sjEC5aVvtQJ8edYLeK0PZrFZdOH KVGsu8YSlxH4MAs/vAAj1E/00W4AZHAjT8Ph8qkYywXtuF1Yd5f4l1Hru86g4W5mCkcPlp BA8q0xknZr5bqtzAB X5ete9tcVnxCZjr7OSfEwD/AGT9ajKR5fX5elR 1dslbN4cQbbeIJdPm4/lrL 02HjKlvT6 vWrfsvpibTfdDnXmEbT1j6mqJbn19eP1FWXZ3EAYkcktuepJyA D4/GoytpF6eSzepq5PBBlHiYLH5fGpKmotkZVAMTvbxJk/Gnq5FdDes50sRIY0LP0PHh deC58PnSJ X51gA3cwYHDify8apNv3iqETqzZAPif7QfSrpj9elYztJtEfrF tJ90O5j97ur8m9aGxjQ7MbuDSlUbZ16V3/KvKAOPJvNGFKlUkAe3TxSpUwEi3T6VKmAVDxW71pUqH6AgJR23 UqVIgElGpUq0Dy573l NMv8A2fD8TSpVqAYKelKlQgHXtVbwr3De4vh dKlW/kA6bxUjs7YV7zK4DCDoehFKlSP8/wAOr4/ v9AbS/7TdLhjppTLe6lSqn5Jc33DzuNRr3ClSookNG4VZ7KPfH1zpUqw U3WC3VW2ffuD99v9x/OvaVaDJDbx4fnR8egOCvSJjIR0Oe3r/cfWvaVFegn2YxOFG7I97GiddGPoZpUqhP3ItX2nShv9PnTzSpV cieru8vwFO4eVe0qBgF7cfD8q5jttz uNr90eWQafE te0qxmI1my/cFKlSoNP//Z

I've always found it hilarious how, at 6' 3", Bill is the "short" one.

I buy him as The Crow. I've seen the original movie once and I can't watch it again. Too painful.

11-04-2022, 07:51 PM
Filming has already been completed.


My apologies. I was wayyyy off.

I had no idea they even had a cast. I have heard nothing about this movie.

11-04-2022, 10:06 PM
I watched The Crow on October 30th, as I do every year. I mean I'll check the new one out because why not? But my expectations are on the floor.

The first movie is perfect. It doesn't, and will never, need a remake.

11-17-2022, 11:23 AM
https://scontent.fyka2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/316127372_567775212018809_8963397484468465600_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=onzJTY6AmqUAX9JQZzb&_nc_oc=AQmuiILGOv0eIbmEXw8eK8qh3I3COb17cN9BATAhRLE vGjsjmUz4fJkxy4ySi8jiMN8&_nc_ht=scontent.fyka2-1.fna&oh=00_AfBC7F26KSX_7QVe57eT_-JYqze_SPwNihe7KelAC9hh0g&oe=637B5BBC

Rupert Sanders (“Snow White and the Huntsman,” “Ghost in the Shell”) will direct the reimagining of The Crow Staring Bill Skarsgård and FKA Twigs, He spoke on his movie:

“The Crow is beautiful, dark, poetic and sometimes disturbing,” Sanders said in a statement. “It is a story of love, loss, grief and revenge. It is a great honor to revisit James O’Barr’s iconic comic and reimagine The Crow as a foreboding voice of today.”

Edward R. Pressman, who produced the original 1994 film, will produce alongside Victor Hadida, Molly Hassell and John Jencks.

“The Crow has long held an important space in my life,” Pressman said in a statement. “I believe Rupert’s vision and the script he’s developed with Zach and our great partners is going to hit home for the ‘Crow’ fan base and invigorate a new generation to O’Barr’s story of eternal love and redemption. Rupert’s vision is full of pathos and I can’t wait to see ‘The Crow’ in action and on the screen.”

Hadida added, “Bringing to a new generation this iconic property is truly exciting. I am also grateful that we are now able to realize the vision of my late brother Samuel, who was deeply committed to bringing this wonderful story to the big screen and contemporary audiences.”

Hassell added: “When Rupert approached us with his vision for the film, we saw immediately it is an exhilarating, modern story for audiences unlike anything we’ve experienced yet in cinema. Bill Skarsgård and FKA twigs are a perfect fit for that vision.”

12-05-2023, 02:25 PM
Alright, so the reboot was apparently screened last night, with a very reputable inside source spilling the beans as it were. Spoilers obviously, and boulder of salt as always.... though this seems legit as it's not all glowing. I'll point form it for ease of reading if you're interested. Paraphrasing but some direct quotes in here...

- Very different interpretation; only the basic premise and a few characters from the original O'Barr story.
- 'One of the better in the franchise' though of course, we all know how shitty they all were other than the first.
- 'Somewhat lacks the energy and style of the 1994 original.'
- Movie is rather slow in pace, with a gritty noir tone a la 'Drive' and 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'.
- The best thing is the 'unbelievable, committed job of Skarsgard in the title role by a mile.'
- Eric Draven sports a 'cropped mullet of sorts, and head to toe tattoos'.
- Film opens with Draven 'fighting to get clean in a rehab facility. Here he meets Shelley, another resident with her own dark past.'
- The two quickly become infatuated with each other, and break out...running off 'into a nameless city.'
- First act focuses on their budding romance, still enjoying drugs, etc.
- A powerful business magnate known as Mr. Roeg (Danny Huston) has connections to Shelley's past.
- Roeg somehow (not sure if explained) is imbued with 'supernatural abilities that allow him to trade innocent souls for immortality on earth'. (woof.)
- When Shelley bears witness to his 'sinister agenda' he sends his thugs to find and eliminate her. They obv. kill off Shelley and Eric.
- Eric wakes up in a sort of limbo / dream state, guarded by an army of crows, and guided by a mysterious vagabond spirit.
- The guide sets Eric on his path to return for vengeance to 'rescue Shelley's soul from Hell'.
- He returns, unable to be killed but in a newer sort of twist, is also not a fighter. He doesn't immediately know kung fu, etc. like in the original. (i dig this.)
- He apparently suffers brutal physical damage along the way; his healing is MUCH slower, and he DOES feel pain.
- For the majority of the film, he doesn't bear the iconic makeup and look, until the final act (even then it's a bit different).
- He doesn't have a crow as a constant companion either, but there are multiple throughout the movie...he has to figure out how to find his killers mostly on his own.
- The film is apparently VERY violent when the violence occurs, though a lack of personality from the villains. 'Mostly interchangeable thugs, robbing the chaos of any emotional impact, they're just cannon fodder.'
- Not a ton of action, with only one memorable set piece: a 'monumentally violent' showdown in an opera house.
- The standouts are again Skarsgard, and his performance really gives a 'sense of fear and trauma...when he finally unleashes, it feels earned.'
- FKA Twigs stands out. 'She's beautiful, sympathetic.' and 'brings a larger role than in the original film.'
- Danny Huston is 'menacing' though obviously never touches Michael Wincott's Top Dollar.
- Overall, the movie doesn't quite have the same emotional impact, and almost certainly won't become as iconic as the first. Cinematography and set design, costuming, etc. is 'VERY great.'
- 'They swing for the fences here, stylistically and elsewhere, and they mostly land...but it's still fairly slow and will always be compared to the original. And it doesn't match that at all.'

So yeah. Wish there was more action, and as such a massive nerd of the franchise, I'll always nitpick it. But I'm juiced.

02-28-2024, 08:51 AM
First look via Vanity Fair. (https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/first-look-the-crow-flies-again-with-bill-skarsgard-and-fka-twigs?utm_source=twitter&utm_brand=vf&utm_medium=social&mbid=social_twitter&utm_social-type=owned)


02-28-2024, 11:17 AM
Seeing this, earlier today... I could not help but instantly think of Jared Leto's Joker.

This is hideous.

02-28-2024, 12:18 PM
His tattoos look so stupid.

In fairness, I was never going to watch this, the original is my favorite movie and will never be topped but…wow, those are some shitty tattoos.

02-28-2024, 12:54 PM
After reading the few people who have seen a working cut give it high praises, I was amped. I'm decidedly less amped now, sure... but I have hope. Maybe. lol

02-28-2024, 01:57 PM
His tattoos look so stupid.

In fairness, I was never going to watch this, the original is my favorite movie and will never be topped but…wow, those are some shitty tattoos.

It's the tattoo using his nipple as an eye, that is making me nauseous.

02-28-2024, 02:51 PM
It’s the worst one for sure.

02-28-2024, 03:16 PM
I'm holding off judgement until I see the movie. It couldn't be worse than the three sequels or dumb TV show.

Space Suicide
02-28-2024, 03:53 PM
Nipple eye.

They should close the chapter on this IP. They will NEVER capture the lightning in a bottle release of the moody, goth 1994 film no matter how hard they try.

I liked Salvation a bit, sue me. City of Angels and Wicked Prayer are terrible.

02-28-2024, 04:13 PM
I saw the OG on opening night at age 14...a few days after TDS was released, of course.
Plus, at the theater by my house, opening night was Friday the 13th.
I also was (and am) a bruce lee fanatic.
SO, yeah. Putting all that together, I had the new NIN album, and this eerie gothed out movie, in a packed theater, on a Friday the 13th, featuring Bruce Lee's late son, (which created a both a palpable sadness AND mystique), and like ...i mean...goddamn.
What more could an angsty teenager ask for?
I remember every second of it-i mean, i remember where i was SITTING, ffs.

I'd imagine a LOT of us had a similar experience.
NO other version or sequel will touch it, and i think most of us would agree on that.

BUT, BECAUSE of that experience, i DAMN sure went to see City of Angels, and either saw Salvation in the theater, or bought the VHS, posthaste-can't remember which.
And i dug them. I was YOUNG, though, but, you know.
I'm down. I'll give any piece of The Crow media a shot

I hope the thing is good-i'm VERY critical of films, these days. And, yes, that photo looks awful.

But, still, i'm down. Let's go.

02-28-2024, 04:43 PM
Making Draven look like a Soundcloud rapper is NOT the vibe.

Also, City of Angels rules and is what introduced me to the Deftones so I got zero hate for that movie.

02-28-2024, 05:15 PM
I know "a picture is worth a thousand words" but also "don't judge a book by its cover".

I have faith in my boy Bill.

Always remember that Heath Ledger's Joker was said to be the ultimate version of the character. Then came my man Joaquin with his take on it.

02-28-2024, 07:31 PM
Making Draven look like a Soundcloud rapper is NOT the vibe.

Also, City of Angels rules and is what introduced me to the Deftones so I got zero hate for that movie.

There's supposed to be a longer, director's cut of SOA that is supposed to be better.

I think Salvation might have been okay if it had been an episode of Tales from the Crypt.

02-29-2024, 12:33 AM
It's the tattoo using his nipple as an eye, that is making me nauseous.

02-29-2024, 12:39 AM

That looks like he has a plunge holder sticking out of his eye.

03-01-2024, 02:28 AM

Not like this.....

*shakes head*

....... Not like this.

03-01-2024, 11:38 AM
That looks like he has a plunge holder sticking out of his eye.

Also looks like Thom Yorke :D

03-01-2024, 01:57 PM
Also looks like Thom Yorke :D
Now I can't unsee that.

03-02-2024, 07:41 AM
“I guess he’s supposed to be a bad mofo with all those tats and werewolves and skulls on his jacket. (crying laughing emoji)” “Samuel Adams! Jesus! He could at least drink something more bad-ass."

This made me chuckle.


03-13-2024, 01:01 PM

03-14-2024, 09:21 AM


03-14-2024, 09:53 AM
Looks pretty generic. Pass.

03-14-2024, 11:09 AM
Given the music in the trailer, and Draven's look, it appears this version of the Crow is for a younger generation. I'm ok with that; I'm glad I got my version back when I was in college. Hopefully it's good and captures the spirit of the original.

03-14-2024, 12:24 PM
What bothers me about modern day Hollywood, is the production. It's way too slick, and every movie looks exactly the same. There is no atmosphere, and I love Skarsgård, but he seems so wooden, in a trailer that again, seems like they condensed the entire movie into one trailer.

If this seems like its for a younger generation, that is indeed the problem. Even video games fall victim to this, like The Last of Us getting a million remakes so the "Younger generation" can accept it better, with updated graphics and mechanics... Why is it that our generation (I'm an 80's kid) were able to adapt to the things our parents grew up with, but a Gen-Z crowd has to have their hand held with generic nonsense like this seems to be.

It looks like the Devil May Cry remake, when they gave Dante short hair, and threw the white wig in our face in that one scene. Let's cut his hair, and give him this young, edgy look, and modernize the shit out of It. Looks like a rehashed, action version of the original.

03-14-2024, 12:44 PM
It doesn't actually look TERRIBLE, like I'll watch it. My biggest gripe is still Sarsgard looking like Jared Leto's Joker, but at BEST it looks like a decent straight to VHS sequel from the early 2000s, at worst it looks like a movie that people will rip to shred for a week or two until they forget about it entirely and then it'll disappear into oblivion.

03-14-2024, 01:14 PM
What bothers me about modern day Hollywood, is the production. It's way too slick, and every movie looks exactly the same. There is no atmosphere...

1000% this. The original film was seeping with atmosphere. The set pieces were a work of art unto themselves. Didn't want to judge this thing based on one image alone, but now I've seen enough. Hard pass for me. And they should never have been allowed to use the Eric Draven namesake for this face tattoo embarrassment of a costume design. The other sequels might be shitty, but at least they had the decency to make them about different characters. Like, who is this movie even for?

03-14-2024, 05:08 PM
1000% this. The original film was seeping with atmosphere. The set pieces were a work of art unto themselves. Didn't want to judge this thing based on one image alone, but now I've seen enough. Hard pass for me. And they should never have been allowed to use the Eric Draven namesake for this face tattoo embarrassment of a costume design. The other sequels might be shitty, but at least they had the decency to make them about different characters. Like, who is this movie even for?

I really try to keep an open mind with everything, when it comes to stuff like this. I suppose I really don't understand the catering to a younger generation schtick, when you can still, easily watch the original film, and enjoy it for what it is. I know a lot of people that get turned off by that "It looks old, I don't wanna watch it" outlook, but the original still holds up in my opinion.

It seems incredibly, unnecessary, and very niche, even for a newer generation. I can understand like you said about the sequels using different versions, but using the same name, just makes it seem even more unwarranted lol.

Skarsgard is a really good actor, but even great actors do not always knock it out of the park. I'll watch it, but it seems bleak at this point.

03-14-2024, 06:26 PM
I hear you, fellow cinephiles, I really do. And you make good points; especially Nu Eric looking like the Joker. It's cringy.

However, in 2014, James O'Barr had this to say:

We're not remaking the movie. We're re-adapting the book. My metaphor is that there is a Bela Lugosi Dracula and there's a Francis Ford Coppola Dracula. They use the same material, but you still got two entirely different films. This one's going to be closer to Taxi Driver or a John Woo film, and I think there's room for both of them.

He has a point. A big one.

I have seen the original movie. Once. I loved it, but I can't watch it again. I find it too painful. It's hard to deny that Brandon Lee's tragic death has added a layer to the movie that can't be ignored.

I will see this movie for the story that it has to tell me and without the emotional baggage that the first one has. I'm looking forward to see if it will be awesome, meh, or OMG I can't get out of here fast enough.

Space Suicide
03-15-2024, 07:05 AM

03-15-2024, 08:34 AM
Ok... Ok. This is coming from a 33 (almost 34) year old...

I see NOTHING wrong with this movie (aside from the standard hollywood overproduction). I fail to see how this is any different than Robert Pattison's new Batman which everyone loves...

I LOVE the original film, ever since I first saw it as a kid, saw a TV edited version one Friday night (before I ever knew who/what NIN was). Growing up, always loved it. Rewatched it recently and still do.

That said, this movie looks quite good for what it is.

I don't understand why everyone wants to "boycott", "cancel" this movie due to their love of the 94 version. This movies takes NOTHING away from the original. I'm a die hard Jurassic Park nerd...am i mad that they made Jurassic World sequels... no. Am I mad that they are rebooting Jurassic? Nope. Because it doesn't erase Jurassic Park or what it did for me. We all complain that GenZ kids are ruining everything but Gen X and Millennials (I am included in this)... we're all starting to sound like a bunch of grumpy, old Karens that want things to stay the same. We're all getting older and guess what, this world isn't ours. LET the younger generations do their thing. If anything, this movie will get younger audiences to see the original if they never were going to. And if they think its lame or don't like it... THAT'S OK. Because us old folks... still have it for us. haha

Oh, and the Posty/Ozzy song works very well in the trailer. Only gripe is they show the entire movie IN the trailer. Lame. Looking forward to see more backstory with Eric and Shelly.

03-15-2024, 08:56 AM
The Batman was a good modern movie that had excellent atmosphere...one of the few! Dune is another one.

03-15-2024, 10:24 AM
Meh. I might stream it.

03-15-2024, 01:28 PM
Ok... Ok. This is coming from a 33 (almost 34) year old...

I see NOTHING wrong with this movie (aside from the standard hollywood overproduction). I fail to see how this is any different than Robert Pattison's new Batman which everyone loves...

I LOVE the original film, ever since I first saw it as a kid, saw a TV edited version one Friday night (before I ever knew who/what NIN was). Growing up, always loved it. Rewatched it recently and still do.

That said, this movie looks quite good for what it is.

I don't understand why everyone wants to "boycott", "cancel" this movie due to their love of the 94 version. This movies takes NOTHING away from the original. I'm a die hard Jurassic Park nerd...am i mad that they made Jurassic World sequels... no. Am I mad that they are rebooting Jurassic? Nope. Because it doesn't erase Jurassic Park or what it did for me. We all complain that GenZ kids are ruining everything but Gen X and Millennials (I am included in this)... we're all starting to sound like a bunch of grumpy, old Karens that want things to stay the same. We're all getting older and guess what, this world isn't ours. LET the younger generations do their thing. If anything, this movie will get younger audiences to see the original if they never were going to. And if they think its lame or don't like it... THAT'S OK. Because us old folks... still have it for us. haha

Oh, and the Posty/Ozzy song works very well in the trailer. Only gripe is they show the entire movie IN the trailer. Lame. Looking forward to see more backstory with Eric and Shelly.

There is a difference between wanting to stay the same, which no one is saying here, and showing blantly lazy ideas, that have horrible execution. The new Jurassic Park movies, besides maybe the first film of the trilogy are god awful, but there are great points being made, when Hollywood can no longer come up with an original idea. Just dangle the carrot: "Hey! Remember this! Let's reboot and remake every single fucking IP known to man, and either gender swap it, or race swap it just for the sake of it!" For fucks sake, they're even remaking Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead... Like give me a break. Demand better.

I am all for letting other people of color shine, and some films may need a polish, but it is absolutely tiresome at this point; I'm not drinking that kool-aid anymore. And to compare this Crow movie to fucking classic hammer films lile Bela Legosi films, and Copplola is hilarious to me, and absolutely pretentious. It's not even earned, nor warranted yet.

If you simply just want to be entertained, fine, but the mass majority that have problems with stuff like this have a point, whether you like it or not. The Batman even looks, and felt more like A Crow movie, than this shit does.

And to add, I used The Last of Us comparison above, because that was one of the main reasons Naughty Dog remade the game... And remastered it... To cater to the "New audience" when even the PS3 version still stands the test of time. Did millennials get remakes of universal monster films like The Thing, The Mummy, or War of the World's... Yes, we got remakes as well, but a lot of those films needed updates, or modern day twists. If they used a different alias for this new Crow movie, than fine... Cool... But it literally seems like rehash of the original film, and that is my main problem with it.

03-15-2024, 01:29 PM
Meh. I might stream it.
I dunno about wasting bandwidth like that. You can always check your local library when it comes out on video, that's how we see most movies that don't look theater-worthy.

03-15-2024, 02:57 PM
I didn't want to be a "hater", but i couldn't care less and i agree with what Self.Destructive.Pattern said.

This looks for a younger generation and i'm no longer the target for it, i know everyone knows the story, i just don't get why they needed to show the entire movie with all twists and turns.

Nothing against Bill Skarsgård, he looks like the right man for the job, i just think the movie looks generic AF.

I might watch it for curiosity one day, but going to the cinema and watch it on this year, don't think so...

03-15-2024, 11:00 PM
And to compare this Crow movie to fucking classic hammer films lile Bela Legosi films, and Copplola is hilarious to me, and absolutely pretentious. It's not even earned, nor warranted yet.

I think you have misunderstood the O'Barr quote. He gave Dracula as an example of a book that have been adapted twice in two very different ways. He did say that this new Crow movie would look like a John Woo film... which makes your point, in a way.

03-15-2024, 11:03 PM
I think you have misunderstood the O'Barr quote. He gave Dracula as an example of a book that have been adapted twice in two very different ways. He did say that this new Crow movie would look like a John Woo film... which makes your point, in a way.

Ahh, I hear you now. Thanks for the clarification.

03-16-2024, 01:46 AM
The violence in the trailer also look unpleasant. The original movie was violent, but it was mostly seeing the bad guys get it. The deaths/assaults on Eric and Shelly weren't dwelled on.

03-17-2024, 03:29 AM
Finally watched the trailer...

Euro-Crow ain't my thing at all...

To me, a character in the first movie was the city itself. And even the second one as well... but this... this just feels way too clean for such a messy and dirty story.

I also don't like how it seems the trailer gives everything in the movie away with the exception of how the big bad man dies.

Thinking more on it, I really dislike how they've cheapened why they "had to die". Oh noes, she saw a crime... vs. they were trying to help their community in trying to save their housing.

This is not to say that Euro-Crow couldn't work... I can definitely see situations where it would... but... let's just say unless they really wanted to be political in a statement, probably won't happen. Imagine an Irish and Belfast version of the story during The Troubles. Or... a French and Marseille one. Lots of ways to do it.

03-17-2024, 11:08 AM
There is a difference between wanting to stay the same, which no one is saying here, and showing blantly lazy ideas, that have horrible execution. The new Jurassic Park movies, besides maybe the first film of the trilogy are god awful, but there are great points being made, when Hollywood can no longer come up with an original idea. Just dangle the carrot: "Hey! Remember this! Let's reboot and remake every single fucking IP known to man, and either gender swap it, or race swap it just for the sake of it!" For fucks sake, they're even remaking Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead... Like give me a break. Demand better.

I am all for letting other people of color shine, and some films may need a polish, but it is absolutely tiresome at this point; I'm not drinking that kool-aid anymore. And to compare this Crow movie to fucking classic hammer films lile Bela Legosi films, and Copplola is hilarious to me, and absolutely pretentious. It's not even earned, nor warranted yet.

If you simply just want to be entertained, fine, but the mass majority that have problems with stuff like this have a point, whether you like it or not. The Batman even looks, and felt more like A Crow movie, than this shit does.

And to add, I used The Last of Us comparison above, because that was one of the main reasons Naughty Dog remade the game... And remastered it... To cater to the "New audience" when even the PS3 version still stands the test of time. Did millennials get remakes of universal monster films like The Thing, The Mummy, or War of the World's... Yes, we got remakes as well, but a lot of those films needed updates, or modern day twists. If they used a different alias for this new Crow movie, than fine... Cool... But it literally seems like rehash of the original film, and that is my main problem with it.

I mean, thats fine to facepalm my post haha.

I guess all I am getting at is...where I am at in life...with kids and such... I don't let things like a Crow reboot bother me as much as it seems to be bothering folks. That's all im saying

03-17-2024, 06:07 PM
I’m with you. I’m a massive fan of The Crow. Like I’m a massive fan of a hundred other franchises. Ask me how much sleep I lose over anything about them anymore haha. Did you see how people were mad about a little poster in the latest season of True Detective? Just imagine having the effort to worry about shit like that so much!

03-19-2024, 10:15 AM
I mean, thats fine to facepalm my post haha.

I guess all I am getting at is...where I am at in life...with kids and such... I don't let things like a Crow reboot bother me as much as it seems to be bothering folks. That's all im saying.

I even said, if you simply just wanna be entertained, that is fine. But calling people out for being "Grumpy" is a tad egregious.

Brandon Lee died playing the role of Eric Draven, and from what we were presented, it seems to just shat all over it. I'll wait until I see the actual film, but it isn't looking good.

To each their own.

03-19-2024, 11:47 AM
The Crow Remake Trailer Gets Staggering Amount of Dislikes on YouTube (https://www.cbr.com/the-crow-trailer-dislikes/)

03-22-2024, 06:29 AM
The violence in the trailer also look unpleasant. The original movie was violent, but it was mostly seeing the bad guys get it. The deaths/assaults on Eric and Shelly weren't dwelled on.
they were meant to be, from what i understand, but weren't properly finished due to Brandon's death.

03-22-2024, 06:35 AM
i'm with you guys saying this one's for the kids, and i believe that making Eric Draven look like a sound cloud rapper is part of the point?

Do you think your average zoomer would give a FUCK about a long-haired dude playing a guitar solo on top of a building, or Eric being a grunge/goth rocker?

I don't.

This looks like an UPDATE for the face tattoo, Sadboi generation.
FKA Twigs is Eric's girl, ffs.

I don't think this is FOR most of us, here. Hell, i'll watch it on Plex.

My biggest hope for this flick is that it gives the youngsters at least SOME of the magic WE got with from the OG.

03-22-2024, 08:09 AM
You people, investing your energy on an internet message board generating pages and pages of posts about a 4th sequel to a 30 year old movie that isn't even out yet, when you SHOULD be at home studying your Bible.

03-22-2024, 07:40 PM

03-22-2024, 10:20 PM
You people, investing your energy on an internet message board generating pages and pages of posts about a 4th sequel to a 30 year old movie that isn't even out yet, when you SHOULD be at home studying your Bible.


03-23-2024, 12:31 AM
i'm with you guys saying this one's for the kids, and i believe that making Eric Draven look like a sound cloud rapper is part of the point?

Do you think your average zoomer would give a FUCK about a long-haired dude playing a guitar solo on top of a building, or Eric being a grunge/goth rocker?

I don't.

This looks like an UPDATE for the face tattoo, Sadboi generation.
FKA Twigs is Eric's girl, ffs.

I don't think this is FOR most of us, here. Hell, i'll watch it on Plex.

My biggest hope for this flick is that it gives the youngsters at least SOME of the magic WE got with from the OG.

Well said. I couldn't quite say what issue I had. Your post really sums it up.

04-07-2024, 10:26 AM
You people, investing your energy on an internet message board generating pages and pages of posts about a 4th sequel to a 30 year old movie that isn't even out yet, when you SHOULD be at home studying your Bible.

Way ahead of you, chief.
I'm actually looking at apocryphal books QUOTED in the Tanakh, and hoping someone finds Gad the Seer, and ESPECIALLY, the Book of the Wars of Yaweh, as i think that, if found, it would prove my belief in the Canaanite origin of proto Hebrews. ALSO, the title is just fucking awesome.
I'm also currently noticing parallels between the (in my opinion, gnostic) Ascension of Isaiah, and Enoch, and wondering if that makes the Enoch books gnostic by association. Furthermore, i'm tripping out on the fact that Paul's epistles PREDATE not ONLY John, but the synoptics.
Tangentially, i'm also wondering if this "Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians" by one "Magus Incognito" is real, or not.
OH. And i'm TRYING to gear myself up to read this translation of the whole ass Nag Hammadi Library.

You're right in a way, though, as i can rarely tear myself away from watching lectures on all this shit on YouTube, but i manage to do it on occasion.

04-11-2024, 12:19 PM
The Batman was a good modern movie that had excellent atmosphere...one of the few! Dune is another one.

Can you like, come to my house and sit me down and explain Dune to me?

This is coming from someone who has 6 terabytes of MOSTLY arthouse films and such, and, who is a David Lynch fanatic.

But that new Dune...goddamn.

Maybe i just need a youtube vid, or perhaps i should read the books.

04-12-2024, 03:20 PM
The Crow Reboot Shifts Release Date to Late Summer (https://screenrant.com/the-crow-2024-remake-release-date-delay-august/)

Safe to say, nobody it's excited for this...