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03-02-2018, 03:35 PM
The advertising for the movie just isn't connecting with me, that's all.

03-30-2018, 03:13 PM
Colin Trevorrow confirmed to direct Jurassic World 3

04-13-2018, 04:36 PM


04-18-2018, 11:21 AM
New trailer


04-18-2018, 11:28 AM
Well... the animation still looks terrible, there's just too much of it. That dino grin at 1:22... *shrug* You ever seen a crocodile, turtle or chameleon expressing such elaborate facial movements?

04-18-2018, 12:03 PM
Well... the animation still looks terrible, there's just too much of it. That dino grin at 1:22... *shrug* You ever seen a crocodile, turtle or chameleon expressing such elaborate facial movements?

I'm not feeling anything I've seen at all. It looks like a joke. It's amazing how the dinosaurs in the original movie look and feel realer than the ones in these new movies. The CGI is just overboard now and has become a comic book movie. The dinosaurs just don't feel real.

04-18-2018, 01:03 PM
some things I like a lot, some things I hate... but isn't this exactly what people hated about TLW blown up into a full 2h movie? And am I the only one that thinks the T-Rex is a tad small?

and that raptor grin has been there in Jurassic World already, not a big fan of it either. Nor am I a fan of those Indo-somethings. This one and the Indominus have something on their eyes that makes them look like an old witch or something. It's hard to put my finger on it, but compared to their equivalent they look like the drag-queen version with too much make up. A desperate attempt to make them look fiendish or something. I don't know...

05-25-2018, 04:51 AM
Jurassic Park 1-3 are my top fav movies ever probably. So fun and remind me of my childhood. Didnt feel Jurassic World too much, hope the second one isnt as cheesy.

bobbie solo
05-25-2018, 09:48 AM
Jurassic Park 1-3 are my top fav movies ever probably. So fun and remind me of my childhood. Didnt feel Jurassic World too much, hope the second one isnt as cheesy.

You should watch the trailer. It looks like it's going to be total garbage.

06-09-2018, 04:07 AM
Saw it yesterday and thourougly enjoyed it! Way more than Jurassic World to be honest, yet the movie still has major flaws.

My major concern with this one is the same as with JW. The idea of having hybrids might be a logical progression of story to showcase man's need for bigger, louder, stronger, yet it degrades the franchise to what it tried to avoid with the first film - being a monster movie. These animals behave rather realistically and even the hybrids still have that in them, yet the action scenes wheter it's with the Indoraptor or any other of the carnivores is just so over the top. And that is the movies weakest point: the action, as it's overbloated and really sticks out like a sore thumb as J.A. managed to sneak in some rather cool and eerie scenes as well which I would have loved to see way more of.

Well, what else can you say? I liked the fact that it was darkest JP movie to date and the Indoraptor actually functions quite good and looks great on screen. The actors all do their job, nothing more, nothing less and Goldblum is just being Goldblum, which is fantastic again but way too short. Also the beginning is very cool, but also a tad too much. Less would have been more.

On the other hand the CGI was pretty bad in places and extraordinarily great to look at in other moments - the T-Rex is an absolute show stealer and of course it all comes down to the Raptors as the franchises secret main actor again.

Oh and that "twist"? Well, they build it up nicely, but the reveal was very much in vein of "ah okay, wow, jeez... oh well, got other things to focus on, bye!".

I really appreacite the movie makers to have stepped away from actually weaponizing the dinosaurs in terms of hi-tech, yet I wonder where the next film will lead us as things again play out like a neverending story.

Overall: great summer blockbuster, great Dinosaur action, but of course it lacks the soul of the first 2 and to some extent even third film. If they really bring back Sam Neil and Laura Dern I truly wonder what possible role they could play other than being the ones telling the others "ha, well, been through that already...". We shall see...

06-09-2018, 10:59 AM

06-19-2018, 02:22 AM
I'll go into detail on my movie/review thread but...i came away feeling really disappointed. It's not a bad film by any stretch, but for me it's the worst of the 5 (yes worst than 3 and it's talking raptors...just) The IndoRaptor just ruined the film for me when it should (and could) have been the best part!

06-20-2018, 09:25 PM

Yes, this quote came from a grown ass man.

06-23-2018, 10:38 PM
Well... that was disappointing. I kinda wish I went and saw Solo instead. A part of me thinks I may have enjoyed it more. I honestly think I prefer the pointless Jurassic Park 3 over this one.

Jurassic World was decent. It started out good, but all that goodness was really just based in nostalgia and the kid inside you wanting to see a fully functional park. The movie loses that connection when it descends into your typical summer blockbuster Transformers mindless action movie. The dinosaurs soon don't feel like real live animals at all, but more like silly monster caricatures. Fallen Kingdom takes that to 11. Once again you have a somewhat decent start, which has some emotional moments watching the volcano destroy Isla Nublar, but that all quickly turns into a B monster movie.

It is very predictable with some very cheesy moments. It tries to copy the surprise T-Rex saves the moment, not just once, but multiple times. I'm sorry, but Spielberg earned that moment. The one thing these directors need to learn is restraint. Spielberg made an amazing movie and knew how to pull off an action adventure that surprises and dazzles you. This movie is just goes overboard. The heroic dino saves the day and wins moment and hops right at the camera to do its victorious roar. It just made me cringe. Fallen Kingdom makes me pine for the silly T-Rex escape from The Lost World. That's how absurd this movie gets.

In Jurassic Park, The Lost World, and even that third movie, the dinosaurs feel like real animals. They feel alive. These last two movies, something about them is just off. Their motions and actions now feel inauthentic. Fallen Kingdom literally turns into a monster movie.

06-24-2018, 05:17 AM
Having seen it again my enjoyment from the first viewing really fell apart. It must have indeed been another nostalgia thing that wasn't there anymore on a second viewing. Really have to agree with neorev, yet I already pointed that out the first time as well, the dinosaurs and the overall action is just too overboard. In the Lost World the T-Rex still felt like an animal that was released, whereas here it's a deus ex machina all the time, saving the day. And while I thought that the Indoraptor design was pretty good, as I feared it would just be a blatant copy of the Indominus, it felt scary and sinister. And if I'm brutally honest I don't even like all the actors in these movies, with Pratt being the only one who is somewhat enjoyable although you can get really tired of him now helming all these major blockbusters...

06-24-2018, 05:44 AM
I saw this movie a couple days ago. I started writing a review like 20 minutes ago, and then deleted it because I'm writing on an iPad while in a hotel and figured I had too much to say that I wanted an actual keyboard. I started off by praising the movie very well, much like dlb originally did. Now that I saw their follow up response (see above post) it got me thinking... was this as good as I thought? Do I have my nostalgia goggles on again? I feel all the movies, other than the first one have the same feeling on me, I see it in the theatre, I love it,I'm obsessed with fit, I think it was the best thing ever, and then... I buy the movie when it's released on DVD, and on second viewing I am underwhelmed. This especially happened with the lost world and Jurassic world (Jurassic park 3 just sucked from the getgo, but it still has its charm. It knows it's a bad movie, you don't watch jp3 for the story).

Anyway, I love this movie while watching it, but when I originally watched Jurassic world in theatres I thought it was the greatest thing ever, and when rewatched, I was like "why did I like this movie so much?" It's good, I'd even go as far as putting Jurassic world 2nd best in the franchises, but it has its flaws. Having just rewatched world before seeing fallen kingdom, I can't help but say though out my viewing "this is waaay better than world. Wow" but now that I think about it more, I don't think it is. It suffers from sequelitis. It's basically like what the lost world wanted to be. This movie is basically the lost world. It's just takes a lot less time to get to the point. With lost world, the main chunk of that film is on the island, which to me, is why I watch these movies. The stuff in the city was the worst part of that film for me. This one reverses the fomula. Very little island time, but more city time instead. I liked how dark and scary the movie looked though. Kudos to the director to giving it a stellar vibe. The movie looks good, and you even feel for the dinosaurs at a few points. That scene of the island burning down while they are escaping on the boat while you watch the dinosaurs die is very powerful. Such a sad scene, made me tear up and I'm a grown ass man getting sad about an extinct animal that is a threat to mankind getting killed off again. The movie has some fantastic scenes, but I might need to re-watch it again to see if it hold some up on second viewing.

bloody hell, this was just as annoying to write on an iPad as I thought it was going to be. I'd write more, but my fingers need a rest.

06-24-2018, 08:14 AM
Laser-guided dinosaurs is the dumbest James Bond villain-ass idea I've ever heard. Jurassic Park is dead to me.

The one moment that I felt had ANY weight to it at all was after the volcano eruption, when everyone is looking back at the island as it's consumed. That was where the feeling in this movie started and stopped. Anything outside of that was Summer blockbuster shlock, save for a couple of "oh that was cool" moments. And about 10 too many quirky throw-away jokes.


Even Jeff Goldblum was a little off the mark.

06-24-2018, 03:43 PM
I'm always baffled by high expectations in this series, and the disappointments associated with it: the first film had incredible special effects and what I've always seen as a passable but ultimately not amazing plot. I've never expected much of the series' characters, or of it's sci fi rules or anything like that. I come for the dinosaurs, and on the back of those low expectations, I'm usually satisfied. Were talking about the fifth movie in a series about dinosaurs, it's bound to be kind of dumb

06-24-2018, 04:38 PM
I really enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would! The trailers were awful, so I had low expectations, but it was a fun popcorn flick. It was very entertaining.

06-24-2018, 05:08 PM
It's like the first and second halves of these Jurassic World movies were written for completely different audiences. The first half is written for the lovers of the original while the second half is written for those who enjoy Roland Emmerich/Michael Bay flicks. I should also add that I went in with low expectations and still felt disappointed at the end. The only emotional moment was the whole volcano eruption and watching the island we loved destroyed, but even that moment is mostly built on the original movie we know and love. Even that moment is more based on our inner younger self who experienced the very first film and those emotions associated resurfacing. During this moment, you can care less about these new characters or their situation and is kinda spoiled when Bayona pulls the T-Rex saves the day trick for the first time. These movies are too much about recreating moments than making new ones. This movie left me with no reason for wanting to see the next one. I'm kinda worried the next movie will go into that old concept artwork that leaked of an abandoned sequel idea of human/dino hybrids hunting down escaped dinosaurs. These movies have been pointing in that direction. Please god, don't. I'm worried the next movie will have a bigger time jump and I swear if the next movie is called Jurassic World: Chaos Effect, I will be nowhere near it. I couldn't help be reminded of that crappy Jurassic Park: Chaos Effect toyline from Kenner they put out just after The Lost World toyline featuring genetically mutated dinosaurs. I had an ah-ha moment in the theater yesterday where I was like "Oh my god, these movies have become the Chaos Effect toyline that I f $%king loathed so much when I was a kid!" Even the Indoraptor kinda looks like one of the mutated dino toys. Please lord, no dino-human hybrids, please.

Space Suicide
06-24-2018, 05:37 PM
Considering how surprisingly good the World reboot was in 2015 you'd think they wouldn't try bothering with another but then you realize if something is successful it will be milked. I have next to no interest in Fallen Kingdom and general consensus is that it is bad so I am not surprised. I'll stick with the miraculous World reboot and ignore the one out now.

06-24-2018, 07:39 PM
Personally I thought this was a lot better than Jurassic World, and my favourite of the sequels to date.

06-25-2018, 03:25 AM
Despite my gripes with it I have to say that myself. Way more great moments than in the first one. That Treverov is returning has me very worried acutally... can't stand the guy.

And am I the only one who thinks that Howard got a terrible plastic surgeon inbetween those two movies? Good god...

06-25-2018, 08:28 AM

The budget for this movie was about 170 mil, and all the dinos being sold added up to almost that same amount. 5 million or whatever for a fucking dinosaur??? The screenplay is trash, there is no added depth to Owen...he is just there to be awesome and bad ass, the new characters are atrocious and annoying, and do not even get me started with the little girl bullshit. If her eye turned into a dino eye after that close up I was going to walk out. Unnecessary callbacks to the first film, Ian Malcolm always being right... It seems like a filler movie just to set up the next film.

I thought Jurassic World looked dumb and it proved me a bit wrong with enjoying that film a little bit more than I thought I would. Going into this film with no expectations and still coming out severely pissed and disappointed makes me even less excited for the next one. What a bomb.

06-25-2018, 08:39 AM
I just realized... being born in the 80s / coming of age in the 90s... Jurassic Park is my Star Wars. It's also the better movie. The sequels and reboots sucked, though. Now if they'd make the novels into a mini series kinda thing... that would be awesome...

06-25-2018, 09:47 AM
pretty funny review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YY8OgxKUlg

06-25-2018, 06:07 PM
pretty funny review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YY8OgxKUlg

I have about 10 more minutes of that to watch, but that guy NAILS a lot of what makes this move garbage for me. People say "who cares, it was fun, that's what matters," but these writers...Guys, did the old movies happen, or not? Why do we have to sacrifice logic for funsies? Why should they get a free pass for bad writing just because "oh man at least that part was cool whoa lol." You can have humor that makes sense in-world. Events can happen that make sense in-world. You can actually have your big dinosaur chase and not have it make absolutely ZERO sense as to why it's happening.


For fuck's sake. That's like telling someone who broke into your house and killed your dog "hey buddy, call the cops on yourself RIGHT NOW, you jerk!" Fucking awful.

06-26-2018, 07:40 AM
So yeah, I really enjoyed it. Key points:

There are a couple of parts which hit straight in the feels.
Numerous setpieces are memorable, and the action's generally well done. There's not a lot of Spielbergian restraint and patience, but like Jurassic World it's edge-of-seat and naturally carries a lot of momentum. The film's pacing works really well.
What really makes this film work where JW didn't is how real and tangible the animals feel. Animatronics are back, and heavy use is made of them - these are creatures that can be touched and interacted with. I can't stress enough how much this makes you care about the animals, and it's really the heart of the film. Of course there's CGI too, and there's usually enough darkness or obstruction to keep the rendering on the right side of the uncanny valley, with plausible camera shots for the most part. (My pet peeve with CG is that directors tend to shoot angles that would risk destroying their equipment if the subject was physical.)
There's a sense of humour to the film as well as a heart, but usually not at the same time. The laughs usually came out of creative dispatching of cannon fodder characters, and the heart... Well, if you care at all about animals, you'll get it.
It has a bit of a message too, along those lines. Maybe a familiar one, but one that's worth making.
The new characters tend to be stereotypes, but Owen and Claire are a lot of fun, and I liked the other new protagonists too. The baddies are cardboard cutouts, but honestly? To me it felt plausible, and current. We're living in the world of Dieselgate, of nerve agents in heavily populated cities, of politicians sanctioning the destruction of ecosystems, of massive lobbying bodies spreading disinformation about climate change. There are plenty of real-world cardboard cutout villains who value financial or political profit over ethics, even over human life, and they've been making a lot of headlines recently.

Nitpicks? A few.

I wish they hadn't given away so much in the trailers and promo material. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of stuff in the film that isn't online, but there was a regular sense of familiarity through the first hour in particular.
One movie trope that really needs to die is for predators to roar constantly. JW was deeply guilty of this, and with Fallen Kingdom it's getting pretty ridiculous. Question, folks: do you roar at your sandwich before trying to eat it? This goes double for the Indoraptor, which is a decent design with fantastic animation, and could actually have been pretty scary... if they'd kept it quiet.
Relating to that, the dubious grasp on science and animal behaviour that's increasingly dogged the sequels remains present. Such as that other worn-out movie trope, in which predators always want to eat/fight all the time, above all other priorities. Running from a volcano, but see something fleshy you might be able to bite? Well why not, stop and have a go, it only means a greatly higher likelihood of getting fried to death by steaming magma. On the subject of which, a pyroclastic flow travels at up to 700kmh, so Owen must be one hell of a runner. And possibly coated in asbestos.
The last one, which is particularly grating as a prehistory enthusiast... I've deliberately avoided saying the word "dinosaur" before now, because y'know, they kind of aren't. Jurassic Park introduced the world to the revolutionary new findings about dinosaurs, showing millions of people something they'd never seen before and creating a new generation of future scientists. There've been huge developments in the last 25 years too (or even the 17 since JP3), but not only did Jurassic World's makers have no interest in conveying it, they doubled down by explaining in-film that they aren't supposed to be convincing dinosaurs. In a dinosaur movie. Fallen Kingdom inherits these problems, which was to be expected I guess. And the new additions are less troublesome, to be fair, but it's still a real shame. One thing I will say is that I got used to it this time around, but not sure if that's a good thing...

As you can probably tell from that last point, I was kind of primed to hate this film. I've never loved any of the Jurassic sequels, particularly JW, despite the original film being a formative experience and still one of my favourites ever made.

And yet, I loved Fallen Kingdom. Made me sniffle a couple of times, made me laugh a couple of times too. It was really fun, one of the better blockbusters of the last few years for me.

So, my favourite Jurassic sequel. Easy 8/10.

06-26-2018, 02:56 PM
pretty funny review


Amazing review! Dead on

06-26-2018, 03:42 PM
Jurassic World is The Force Awakens while Fallen Kingdom is The Last Jedi of the Jurassic Park saga.

06-26-2018, 05:47 PM
Jurassic World is The Force Awakens while Fallen Kingdom is The Last Jedi of the Jurassic Park saga.

I'd say Jurassic World is half TLJ while Fallen Kingdom is full TLJ.

You never go full TLJ.

07-08-2018, 07:00 AM
One of the worst movies I've ever paid to see.

07-08-2018, 11:11 AM
another case of franchising because you have an IP the IP well is starting to run dry wonder where they will turn next which scares me.

07-09-2018, 12:34 PM
The last one, which is particularly grating as a prehistory enthusiast... I've deliberately avoided saying the word "dinosaur" before now, because y'know, they kind of aren't. Jurassic Park introduced the world to the revolutionary new findings about dinosaurs, showing millions of people something they'd never seen before and creating a new generation of future scientists. There've been huge developments in the last 25 years too (or even the 17 since JP3), but not only did Jurassic World's makers have no interest in conveying it, they doubled down by explaining in-film that they aren't supposed to be convincing dinosaurs. In a dinosaur movie. Fallen Kingdom inherits these problems, which was to be expected I guess. And the new additions are less troublesome, to be fair, but it's still a real shame. One thing I will say is that I got used to it this time around, but not sure if that's a good thing...

They are just dumb monster movies. I still remember how the team of the first movie were bragging so much (and rightfully so, to a degree) because that was the first one with a strong emphasis on the dinosaur knowledge available at the time. Well, look at how it went.

07-09-2018, 03:34 PM
Saw it yesterday with zero expectation and throughly enjoyed it. Definitely more than JW1.

Felt a bit like a remake of The Lost World a bit though...

07-09-2018, 06:53 PM
just got home from seeing it. the dinos & chris pratt ok. horrible script & bryce howard couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

09-17-2019, 06:21 PM

09-25-2019, 12:44 PM
Sam Neill, Laura Dern, & Jeff Goldblum return for JW3

09-25-2019, 06:01 PM
Sam Neill, Laura Dern, & Jeff Goldblum return for JW3

That's pretty awesome, but I fear it may be too late for this franchise. The last movie (Fallen Kingdom) was so bad that this may just wind up being a jewel-encrusted turd (Neill, Dern, and Goldblum being the jewels). Still, I'm cautiously optimistic and excited for their return and this is literally the ONLY reason I might see this movie in theaters. If they weren't returning, I'd probably just rent it when it comes out on video.

09-26-2019, 05:13 AM
Yeah have to agree, i was SO disappointed by Fallen Kingdom (and this is from someone who really enjoyed Jurassic World) that i'm still not completely on-board yet, especially if they end up just being glorified cameo's like Ian in FK (he was in the trailer more then the fucking movie FFS!)

It might be great, but fuck me did FK kill my hype for dino's in movies...nobody should ever NOT be excited for dino's in movies!

09-26-2019, 06:47 AM
Have to agree here. I'm not even a big fan of that short movie... there's plenty of dinosaur vs vehicle action in the movies itself and apart from the end credits and a cool Allosaurus design there was nothing shown that is exciting. For me Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt absolutely kill these movies, although I can usually enjoy the latter.

Still excited for the new movie, but the new franchise lost me pretty fast. Making a raptor (the most fierce antagonist in all three original movies) the hero and cramming as much dinosaurs in as possible with the most quirky action (the Mosasaurus as a prime example) derailed the initial idea of wonder and nature into totally unfathomable regions for me. These movies relate to the original movie as much as the over the top Mattel toys in the hands of a 6 year old instead of Steven Spielberg.

09-26-2019, 11:54 AM
Have to agree here. I'm not even a big fan of that short movie... there's plenty of dinosaur vs vehicle action in the movies itself and apart from the end credits and a cool Allosaurus design there was nothing shown that is exciting. For me Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt absolutely kill these movies, although I can usually enjoy the latter.

Still excited for the new movie, but the new franchise lost me pretty fast. Making a raptor (the most fierce antagonist in all three original movies) the hero and cramming as much dinosaurs in as possible with the most quirky action (the Mosasaurus as a prime example) derailed the initial idea of wonder and nature into totally unfathomable regions for me. These movies relate to the original movie as much as the over the top Mattel toys in the hands of a 6 year old instead of Steven Spielberg.

I sady must agree. Turning the raptor basically into a pet attack dog completely ruined any sense of tension at all. The only good part about Jurassic World was when it was just showing the new park, but it quickly turned into a crappy, mindless sci-fi action film. Fallen Kingdom was even worse. I've been fooled twice into seeing these movies in theaters only to leave asking myself, "Why do I let them fool me into believing they may deliver a good movie?" I will not be going to see the third one in theaters.

I vaguely remember reading some Jurassic Park script years ago where dinos got out into the world and climate change was decimating the world and becoming more suited for the dinos. It featured the original trio Alan, Ellie, and Ian. I can't remember if it was a scrapped script or some fan script, but this is starting feel like this script may sadly be coming to life. Please lord, just let it be some fan script and let me be wrong.

09-26-2019, 02:59 PM
I was generally very disappointed by Jurassic World. It was like the worst of the transformers movies but with dinosaurs. Mind numbing and senseless. But I actually thought Fallen Kingdom was much better, and while not amazing, a much better step in the right direction. So all the hate for Fallen Kingdom kind of confuses me a bit. It wasn't perfect but at least it was a lot more fun for me. Maybe it was lowered expectations but there just much cooler, more interesting sequences.

I will be very interested to see how they close it out with these three original excellent actors.

09-26-2019, 03:03 PM
I'd watch Sam Neill, Laura Dern and God -- I mean Jeff Goldblum in anything, anyway. And whatever this movie ends up being, I'm confident it will go down very well if I watch it while drinking a bottle of wine from Neill's vineyard.

09-26-2019, 06:34 PM
I was generally very disappointed by Jurassic World. It was like the worst of the transformers movies but with dinosaurs. Mind numbing and senseless. But I actually thought Fallen Kingdom was much better, and while not amazing, a much better step in the right direction. So all the hate for Fallen Kingdom kind of confuses me a bit. It wasn't perfect but at least it was a lot more fun for me. Maybe it was lowered expectations but there just much cooler, more interesting sequences.

I will be very interested to see how they close it out with these three original excellent actors.

Maybe because it felt the freshest trope-wise? Lots of before unseen things. But as I pointed out like many have in the past, the first movies' brilliance is showing dinosaurs in such a unique way, by just letting them be animals instead of horror-movie monsters. There's wonder and admiration for these animals. And it's even present in the frigheting scenes. Apart from the T-Rex deus ex machina moment everything about the first movie feels very natural as much as it gets within a blockbuster. Even the Lost World could hold up unto that standard in some way, although it's a sequel by the numbers: bigger, more action, louder. But it caught the momentum of Jurassic Park rather well. Being amazed by these creatures. Number three had it's moment, but that ultimately was where the franchise derailed and keeps on getting more and more absurd for the sake of action.

Jurassic World might function as a Zeitgeist-piece as it plays with the time after the first one rather well. The premise is good and a hybrid is far fetched, yet utlimately fresh and actually done with a fairr share of decency. But watching JW and FK a couple of times makes them worse whereas the original pretty much hasn't aged too bad. There's a reason for the T-Rex and the raptors becoming true movie icons and that's because of imho Steven Spielberg's ability to catch playful and honest wonder, mystery and outlandish scenarios while still being rooted in the real world.

Well made dinosaurs on the big screen will always be a glory to behold, but the the new trilogy just falls ill with the fact that they totally go overboard with what is possible with special effects and CGI.

09-27-2019, 02:27 AM
I just wish they'd use the Mosasaurus in more then just random scenes. By far the best part of FK was that intro scene, it was dark and tense and shot so beautifully and they used the Mosasaurus perfectly...then forgot the damn thing existed for the rest of the movie (and lost the vibe it had set as well!). THAT THING IS FUCKING SCARY, USE IT! I wanna know what that fucker has been doing since it got out!

09-30-2019, 08:52 AM
The Mosasaurus scene in the beginning of JW and FK are cool, don't get me wrong, but yeah, use that animal and not just for over-the-top action like it eating the Pterosaurus and the babysitter and basically doing the same in the second movie. And don't get me going on it finishing the Inodminus Rex. That shit looks like a fucking video game. The CGI is actually pretty neat and detailed in that scene, but still looks goofy beyond anything.

10-01-2019, 03:56 AM
That Babysitter scene really bothered me. Like it was an escalation of bad things happening to someone we'd hardly seen in the movie, and what we had seen showed she didn't deserve ALL the things she went through. It's the kind of end you'd have expected of a villain. I remember sitting in the cinema thinking "how long are you going to drag out this death? If your going to kill her just get it over, she's had more screentime during her death then the whole rest of the movie!"

10-07-2020, 06:23 AM
Jurassic World: Dominion got pushed back a year to 2022. First teaser poster released:


10-07-2020, 06:29 AM
I completely forgot about this movie until today.

10-07-2020, 08:59 AM
Why do we need another one??

10-07-2020, 09:06 AM
Why do we need another one??

So Sam Neill and Laura Dern get their paycheck respectively as well. :P

All jokes aside, I'm looking forward to this even though FK was a trainwreck imho and JW didn't do much for me either. Yet you don't see dinosaurs made so well in any other movie sadly. And the nostalgia from the old movies still holds this whole affair together for me.

BTW: Has anyone seen Camp Cretaceous on Netflix? Blasted through the whole thing a couple of days ago not minding that it's aimed at kids. While I liked some aspects of world building it was another lost oppurtunity to me. Didn't add much, no new dinosaurs, pretty unlikable characters and it didn't even tie into JW as much as they alluded to. It's pretty grim in some parts for a kids show though, I have to confess.

10-07-2020, 12:03 PM
I'm actually kind of looking forward to this one a little too, but only because of Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum (Oh, and BD Wong). I hope the cast from the original gets a decent amount of screen-time. I also thought FK was a train-wreck and JW didn't do a whole lot for me either. Chris Pratt is alright in his role, but Bryce Dallas Howard has been terrible in these movies.

10-07-2020, 01:33 PM
I unabashedly love all things Jurassic. Sure, nothing's as good as the first. But the only thing I ever go into one of the movies expecting is to see some dinosaurs eat some people. I am never disappointed.

10-07-2020, 04:04 PM
So Sam Neill and Laura Dern get their paycheck respectively as well. :P

All jokes aside, I'm looking forward to this even though FK was a trainwreck imho and JW didn't do much for me either. Yet you don't see dinosaurs made so well in any other movie sadly. And the nostalgia from the old movies still holds this whole affair together for me.

BTW: Has anyone seen Camp Cretaceous on Netflix? Blasted through the whole thing a couple of days ago not minding that it's aimed at kids. While I liked some aspects of world building it was another lost oppurtunity to me. Didn't add much, no new dinosaurs, pretty unlikable characters and it didn't even tie into JW as much as they alluded to. It's pretty grim in some parts for a kids show though, I have to confess.

The cast is absolutely stacked. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was excited.

I would also be lying if I said fallen kingdom was anything but trash. Not ashamed to admit that FK was hands down the worst of all the JP movies. And that's saying something cuz JP3 exists lol.

My ranking:
1. Jurassic Park
2. Jurassic World
3. The Lost World
4. JP3
5. Fallen Kingdom

And, Yes... The girlfriend and I started camp cretaceous a week ago. We're only on episode 3, but we are surprisingly enjoying it. I say that because from the review videos we watched on YouTube before diving in, they said it was heavily geared towards kids, so we didn't think we would enjoy it since it was targeted at us being in our 30's, but I gotta say, it's a nice little cartoon. Nothing amazing, but i'm usually pretty picky when it comes to TV shows, and this one is passable.

10-07-2020, 04:12 PM
For a kids show it's totally fine I guess. There's plenty of room for a season 02 and I hope they get a bigger budget to even out some of the animation and backgrounds here and there. The dinosaurs look great as always, the rest reminds me too much of Nickelodeon and not on par with the JP franchise.

Your ranking matches with mine actually, I'd only switch Lost World with Jurassic World or make them equal. I just prefer the raptors and T-Rex action as well as the stampede scene over anything in JW. JP3 is all kinds of bad as well, yet the raptors once again steal the show and I REALLY like the pteranodon scene in the aviary. Guess every JP sequel has it's redeeming moments, but FK has absolutely nothing in store for me.

EDIT: Just got tickets for the first Jurassic Park at a little cinema nearby who help themselves with old movies due to the pandemic. It's us two and four other people in one big room with lots of distance. Looking forward to a little nostalgia in these weird times on a Sunday noon. :D

Serene Nymph
03-13-2021, 08:36 AM
I'm using this thread to talk about genetic engineering, cause we wouldn't have the cinematic wonder without it. It's the current topic in my life science course and my god! the debates!
If I were to make the easiest suggestion possible to the scientists working with CRISPR (look it up, it's super interesting!)


In fact, use it as a manual.
It's like Crichton could see the future.

03-13-2021, 02:41 PM
The novel is great. I hope someone will turn it into a miniseries some day!

03-13-2021, 03:05 PM
The novel is great. I hope someone will turn it into a miniseries some day!

And the sequel is so bad you'll never convince me it wasn't ghost-written.

03-13-2021, 04:25 PM
I don't get the sequel at all. He wrote a book, movie made a ton of money, so they paid him to write another one. He does and the subsequent movie is barely recognizable as an adaptation of that book.

03-13-2021, 08:11 PM
I enjoyed the second book, not the movie though.

I cannot wait for HBO's Sphere series.

Serene Nymph
03-13-2021, 08:44 PM
I cannot wait for HBO's Sphere series.

TV show! Oh my God! I had no idea!

03-13-2021, 11:20 PM
TV show! Oh my God! I had no idea!

Yea, some folks behind Westworld are working on it...

I wonder if they'll follow the book or perhaps it will explore what happened with the ship. Honestly, I would love to see the book done properly, but I could also see them starting beyond the book, like Westworld's later seasons, and setting the show in the future on the spaceship and we learn what happened to them. The movie was disappointing and left so much out.

03-14-2021, 12:08 PM
a Sphere miniseries could be amazing. That's the best book Crichton ever wrote by far imo, and the movie they made w/ Dustin Hoffman and Sharon Stone was an abomination.

05-24-2021, 02:52 AM
Camp Cretacious Season 3 just dropped on Netflix and well, it's still a kids show, but I was pleasently surprised how dark and grim this new season got, plus nice references to the original book. They also seem to have upped the production on this, at least the environments look better and the dinosaurs are just glourious. There's just something deeply nostalgic about seeing a T-Rex in the rain... :)

The show ties the new movies neatly together and while I still have a huge distaste for the over-use of hybrids and the humanization of the animals I wonder if there will be a fourth season before we get Jurassic World: Dominion.

Once you get over the fact that it's Jurassic World and not Jurassic Park these days (and I really had to adapt to that after Fallen Kingdom...), it becomes very enjoyable for a rainy Sunday.

02-10-2022, 09:32 AM

02-10-2022, 09:51 AM
I really hate edits like that horse scene. They're behind the dinos, they're speeding up to be in the middle of the pack, then suddenly they're trailing the dinos again. just...just fucking pay attention.

02-10-2022, 10:05 AM
This is gonna suck so much story-wise, but fun to watch on the big screen.

And do we really need these callbacks to the JP1 again? They should've left all of those for JW1 and be done with it. I don't mean the returning characters, but specific copypasted scenes.

02-10-2022, 10:10 AM
I really hate edits like that horse scene. They're behind the dinos, they're speeding up to be in the middle of the pack, then suddenly they're trailing the dinos again. just...just fucking pay attention.

My wife has lost interest in watching movies with me for this exact reason.

02-10-2022, 03:07 PM
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love all of the Jurassic movies. Can't wait for this one.

02-10-2022, 03:51 PM
The last one was pretty rough, but I am excited to see this one. Having much of the original cast back is more of a draw for me than the dinosaurs themselves.

02-10-2022, 04:10 PM
The last one was pretty rough, but I am excited to see this one. Having much of the original cast back is more of a draw for me than the dinosaurs themselves.

Yep. They had me at Sam Neill well before there was a trailer.

But now there is a trailer and Blue is a mama! Awwwwww!

I am so in.

02-11-2022, 08:41 PM
The snowy scenes look amazing!

02-15-2022, 07:19 AM
Very excited for this! Stoked for original cast to be back and hoping they do it in a organic way that isnt forced.

04-10-2022, 03:55 AM
And do we really need these callbacks to the JP1 again? They should've left all of those for JW1 and be done with it. I don't mean the returning characters, but specific copypasted scenes.

Yep. There we go again. https://i.redd.it/qfcue6l9jhs81.jpg

04-12-2022, 01:56 PM
I have a hunch they are going to kill off Ian Malcolm in this one.

04-13-2022, 12:06 PM
I have a hunch they are going to kill off Ian Malcolm in this one.

Maybe we get lucky and they kill of everyone.

04-13-2022, 01:38 PM
What pisses me off is that it COULD be really good.
I just hope this one is good.

I mean, fuck me. Give me Roland Emmerich style. Give me Michael Bay style.
Give me those things, with a halfway decent story and a 350 million dollar budget.

Just have it be reasonably good.

The original JP was, i THINK, the biggest cinematic event i experienced, pre Avatar.

Imitate the original. Have the OG cast as supporting characters.

I mean, fuck me. How fucking hard is it?

04-14-2022, 01:47 AM
Imitate the original. Have the OG cast as supporting characters.

I'm not sure this particular route has got a stellar track record.

04-14-2022, 06:35 AM
I dont get the hate with this series -- JP is my favorite movie of all time and is the stand out.

The Lost World is a great addition -- minus the stupid Spielberg ending
JP3 -- yeah, this one doesnt exist to me


Jurassic World I thought was a fantastic reboot. It was a great dinosaur flick and it was so much fun seeing the park functioning like I always wanted to see as a kid. A little too much CGI (ok, alot too mcuh CGI) but really fun movie.

JW: Fallen Kingdom had a KICKASS opening sequence and the entire beginning until the pivotal "explosive" part was great. The last half of the movie was a little bit of a bummer but it was indeed the 2nd in a trilogy. Not a stand alone film.

I think this one will be a good closer...NOT a closer to the original...but the the Jurassic WORLD franchise. My advice is take it for what it is... a popcorn flick about dinosaurs. Just go have some fun with it.

04-14-2022, 03:49 PM
I'm not sure this particular route has got a stellar track record.

I mean, ok. If we're talking about Star Wars, for instance, and the new trilogy...

I'll go out on a limb and say this method worked fucking PERFECTLY with episode 7.

I know the second one is the "dark and surprising one," but Rian Johnson, with all of his talents, subverted expectations a bit TOO much, and sort of damn near killed the thing with 8.

It seemed to me that JJ was called back in to try to fix it.

I REALLY think that if JJ had played it safe, and had the NT continue to somewhat mirror the OT, there wouldn't be too many complaints, EXCEPT that maybe it was "played a little too safe."

But so, ok Alexandros . Which of the new trilogy was the best and most exciting? I think it's 7, hands down.

04-14-2022, 04:18 PM
I dont get the hate with this series -- JP is my favorite movie of all time and is the stand out.

The Lost World is a great addition -- minus the stupid Spielberg ending
JP3 -- yeah, this one doesnt exist to me


Jurassic World I thought was a fantastic reboot. It was a great dinosaur flick and it was so much fun seeing the park functioning like I always wanted to see as a kid. A little too much CGI (ok, alot too mcuh CGI) but really fun movie.

JW: Fallen Kingdom had a KICKASS opening sequence and the entire beginning until the pivotal "explosive" part was great. The last half of the movie was a little bit of a bummer but it was indeed the 2nd in a trilogy. Not a stand alone film.

I think this one will be a good closer...NOT a closer to the original...but the the Jurassic WORLD franchise. My advice is take it for what it is... a popcorn flick about dinosaurs. Just go have some fun with it.

With you all the way. Love all the movies. Not saying they're all great movies, but I still love them all.

04-14-2022, 06:18 PM
But so, ok @Alexandros (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=373) . Which of the new trilogy was the best and most exciting? I think it's 7, hands down.

I probably agree, though I remember thinking back then that I was ok with the nostalgia trip for the first installment of the new trilogy but they better not keep this up.

My original comment is my jaded self complaining about the extremely frequent recycling happening in Hollywood in the past decade(s). I'd prefer movie makers (and franchises) to try and shake things up a bit, even if they fail. I also am aware this is not generally considered to make financial sense. But this is a whole other discussion I will not inflict on this thread! :p

04-14-2022, 06:46 PM
I can't stand JP3 even if Sam Neill is in it and I love him.

Zara's death in JW is plain bad taste and gratuitous and Claire in high heels outrunning a T-Rex is plain stupid but the rest is alright. But I can't forgive Fallen Kingdom for that poor Brachiosaurus on the beach.

I can handle stupid people dying in Dominion but no killing the heros and no killing Blue.

04-15-2022, 01:38 AM
I enjoyed JP3 way more than Lost World or the reboots. The raptor stuff was stupid, but the movie's intimate setting felt more like JP imo.

04-15-2022, 07:29 PM
...My original comment is my jaded self complaining about the extremely frequent recycling happening in Hollywood in the past decade(s). I'd prefer movie makers (and franchises) to try and shake things up a bit, even if they fail...

Yeah, i don't wanna cause too much drift, but i DO hear you. I understand.
Everybody come see Flatliners and Rollerball and Point Break and Charlie's Angels and Amityville Horror and Robocop and...yeah! NEW AND IMPROVED!

I still maintain that they should have played it closer to home with Star Wars, though.
But i understand what you're getting at, 100% @Alexandros (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=373)

Is the new JP out already? Doesn't it HAVE Sam Neil and Laura Dern?

04-15-2022, 07:40 PM
JP3 -- yeah, this one doesnt exist to me

it exists.
I can prove that it exists.
You could get into some deep solipsistic philosophical viewpoint wherein it's impossible to prove that ANYTHING exists outside of YOURSELF, and YOUR experiences, and i'm not sure i could logically disprove that.
But as far as the version of extant reality upon which we, as a society, generally agree, JP3 exists.

The kid goes parasailing, and the dinosaurs randomly eat the supporting cast, and Sam looks insanely bored and tired, and the whole thing is rushed and anticlimactic, and, yeah...it exists.

I'm sorry.

04-16-2022, 01:25 PM
what's wrong with a randomly eaten supporting cast?

04-16-2022, 02:00 PM
If you deny JP3 ever happened, then you also reject the existence of the greatest scene in cinematic history.

This one.

04-28-2022, 05:38 PM


It's all I need, really. Except for JP3 which was stupid.

07-08-2022, 01:08 AM
As expected, the plot made no fucking sense whatsoever. It was also structured like a James Bond movie for some reason, with their wild jumps from one exotic location to another.
Here's a pitch meeting summary for this one: "Hey, we're no longer restricted by the island, right? Let's cram as many characters, locations and dinos into this thing as we possible can!" "Great idea!" "But also let's get some 10-years old to write the dialogue, okay?"

On the other hand, I must admit that a lot of action was pretty entertaining on a big screen. Oh, and how the ending didn't immediately set up for another sequel and just wrapped itself up super awkwardly? Kinda liked that too.

6/10. Solid summer blockbuster experience, nothing more.

07-08-2022, 09:44 AM
did someone say Pitch Meeting?


07-16-2022, 05:25 PM
I know I'm crazy, but I loved JW3. I've said before in this thread how I have a huge love for all things Jurassic. I set my expectations low, and I always have fun.

07-26-2022, 05:14 PM
So I haven't been around here much, lately, but I've been meaning to say:

We spent a couple few weeks in Denver last month, and I went to see the new JP with the brother, sis in law, and the (6 and 8 year old) kids, on a big ass IMAX.screen.

And fuck, me. I LOVED it.

Part of that DEFINITELY had to do with sitting with my young nephew, who loves dinosaurs. In fact, he and I moved MUCH closer to.the screen for the third act.
Also, keep in mind that I live about 1.5 hours from the nearest theater, and see about .75 movies per year. And I MIGHT have had a couple.of drinks..

But good god. I'm pretty sure i would have dug it alone, 100% sober.
I thought it was badass that the original.cast members weren't reduced to cameos. And some of those big, loud shots were like horror movie jump scares.

More than anything, it was big, old.school, summer blockbuster fun, for me at least.

08-03-2022, 04:29 PM
I also liked the latest Jurassic: Impossible movie! Turned my brain off and had FUN.