View Full Version : Dreams

01-08-2012, 10:05 AM
Day dreams, night dreams, night mares, freudian dreams, sex dreams, vague dreams, happy dreams, and lucid dreams!

Share them here!

01-08-2012, 01:49 PM
I approach a clearing near a forest. I can hear chanting. There is a matte grey cube flitting and rotating in the air around the clearing. As I get closer the chanting gets louder and clearer. It's in a language I don't understand. I stare transfixed at the spinning cube, noticing one of the faces is open. As the chanting reaches a crescendo, the open face of the cube aligns in my direction. I look inside. Absolute terror consumes me.

I wake up.

01-08-2012, 07:53 PM
I approach a clearing near a forest. I can hear chanting. There is a matte grey cube flitting and rotating in the air around the clearing. As I get closer the chanting gets louder and clearer. It's in a language I don't understand. I stare transfixed at the spinning cube, noticing one of the faces is open. As the chanting reaches a crescendo, the open face of the cube aligns in my direction. I look inside. Absolute terror consumes me.

I wake up.
pandoras box?

01-20-2012, 10:55 PM
I dreamt last night that I was outside, in the backyard of my place under the trees with another person who I think was wearing all white. I dont know who they were but they showed me a book or something that showed a bee going into the palm of a human hand. We talked about it and then I showed them my left palm which had a hole in it about half a cm in size just under the pointer finger. The surrounding skin was twisted similar to if you placed a blunt pencil on your skin and twisted it. A bee was trying to burrow inside and had its head inside the hole and I was showing the person with me how its the same as in the book as if it was a normal thing.

I casually grabbed the bee and carefully pulled it out to show the hive entrance. It wasnt easy to take the bee out, it was quite strong and after I did I just let the bee fly around me. Then we could see the skin around my palm was being raised as if another bee was under the skin and was trying to find the exit, it was moving around looking for it. It eventually found the exit and placed just its head out of the skin and looked at us. I think it was kinda looking to see where the other bee had gone and I showed it to the person with me as if it was a normal thing and I said something like "see" in a casual manner.

It was weird.

01-20-2012, 11:51 PM
I don't normally remember my dreams very often, and I don't usually dream about things going on in my life (at least not overtly enough that I could tell). But as my best friendship has been dissolving over the past eight or nine months, I've had a few dreams involving my best friend, all very specific to the situation we're in. I mean, it was definitely symbolic and weird, but very easy to interpret, and very much a reflection of the state of things. I find that kind of interesting, since my dreams are not normally that easy to interpret.

01-21-2012, 10:26 AM
I love dreams. Back when I was writing them down (remembering your dreams in detail is one of the steps towards being able to lucid dream, something I've always wanted to do) I could write pages and pages just on one night's worth. I need to get back in the habit of doing that.

Last night it was the usual boring dream stuff, revisiting old childhood places. This one was a combination between my first house and my elementary school, but it was all repainted white and everything was very minimally decorated, like nothing on the walls and no furniture besides what was necessary, like in the nurse's office there was just one bed with metal bars for a headboard, a desk, and a computer, all white. I think it had also been converted into a hospital. Everything was sterile white but the hallways were all dimly lit and mostly shadows, and I didn't want to explore on my own even though I was curious because it seemed creepy to me. It mostly just struck me as being very empty, except in one of the rooms there was a kid hooked up to a few machines (the bed and the machines were the only thing in the room) and I was talking to him about how this used to be my house when I was his age.

01-21-2012, 02:50 PM
I think it was last month sometime, I was at work and it was really fucking busy and a stressful day, and the equipment manager asked me if I could set up a kit so we could meter the lights. And then I woke up. I fucking HATE work dreams.

02-03-2012, 02:28 AM
I had another nightmare with a tornado in it last night. I've been having them for years. Also, in my dream I was in my therapist's waiting room, when the therapists came in and started having an all out orgy with the other people waiting. It was kind of disturbing. And weird.

03-01-2012, 11:50 AM
I haven't remembered a lot of dreams lately, but last night I remembered my toe nails were gross and long and old personish. What the hell does that mean? Aside from the fact that I told myself the other day that I will not spend the money on a pedicure. I'm sure that's all it is, but a brief dream interpretation search says hurt toes, which is not what they were, just nasty, means I have concerns about moving forward. Hog wash.

03-01-2012, 03:25 PM
I had a dream last night that I was driving on the freeway and all of a sudden all the cars came to a stop. Turns out there was a dude in the middle of the road (right in front of my car) whose legs had been cut off in an accident and he was now crawling across the ground with the stumps of his legs gushing blood. I got out of my car, grabbed my cell phone, and started calling 911 while some other people ran over to help him. Then I walked away and waited for a loooong time on hold, getting more and more anxious and frustrated because I knew this guy was going to die if we didn't get him help. Finally, the 911 operator came on but then someone walked in and told me the guy was dead and I had to tell the operator never mind. Oh, and while waiting for the 911 operator to come on the line they were playing advertisements (like you hear when you call Fandango or something). It was bizarre.

03-13-2012, 04:09 AM
I had a weird one the other night and I woke up with a NIN song in my head afterwards.

I dreamt I was in the arctic or somewhere like that(north or south pole). I was laying down in a small circular dug out area just big enough for me to curl up in. I was trying to avoid all the others there. There was about 20-30 other people and they were all having fun laughing while building a wall made from ice bricks around the camp. I didnt understand how they could all speak to one another and laugh over such typical things. I cant word it well but I felt very separate to them.

Anyway I lay there on the floor, on the ice in this dug out bed(no covers or anything and no roof over the camp)and I was trying to sleep but was somewhat watching them. Then it was dinner time and they all sat around a wood table and were talking a little about me and said that my dinner was ready. They placed the plate on the floor on the ice next to me and down near their feet. The food was a bird like a pigeon that was roasted and someone was telling me my dinner was ready. I looked over at it and thought how they had placed it down near their feet and I noticed another pigeon was trying to eat it. While it was doing this another person was pushing the bird away with his hand slightly which just made the pigeon touch the food slightly.

This all made me think the food was not that desirable. The pigeon really wanted it though so I picked up the plate and walked away from everyone, out onto the open ice away from the camp and I crossed over a small ice bridge. Once there I placed the plate down and gave it to the pigeon. I was really hungry at first(starving)but I thought how the pigeon was as well so I gave it to the bird. And I wasnt hungry after I made that choice. I also thought how birds do eat birds so its ok to offer it.

And I woke up with the song " I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally " stuck in my head, which I havent listened to for awhile.

03-31-2012, 12:31 PM
I don't even remember any dreams. But every dream now makes me feel im in inception movie.

miss k bee
05-09-2012, 10:42 AM
Had a dream about being in a goth show choir singing Ramstein songs last night!. Have no idea where that dream came from!.

05-09-2012, 04:40 PM
Whole lot of dreams about people dying lately. Relatives, strangers...me. The usual. Harumph.

05-09-2012, 05:23 PM
Loooooootta sex dreams lately. Sigh. :/

06-02-2012, 06:12 PM
I can't explain how this dream led here, but we (my friends and I) were in a swamp when a snake started slithering out of a log at me. I grabbed it behind its head in an attempt to prevent it from biting me. While I was wrestling with it, something like 10 baby snakes burst out of its "stomach" area, and proceeded to slither into my mouth. At this point the dream turned into an out of body experience as the snakes split up my skin (and other pieces of my body), and sort of formed 10 different creatures. I don't remember much of what happened next, but it was really freaky to watch.

06-04-2012, 03:14 AM
I have this bizarre recurring dream in which I grow up with this really emotionally screwed little girl (doesn't stay little, obviously). Can't really even explain her psychoses or what it is about her that's abnormal. Never been able to figure out if she has anything in particular, or if I just have huge personalities in my dreams.
On one hand, she'll go off on rampages and throw things and scream a lot; on the other, she'll get very closed and adopt the need-to-be-protected-at-that-moment reclusiveness. I'm her only friend, the only one who has any luck keeping her contained/calming her and so forth. There'll be examples of this throughout, obviously; later on, she'll take to assaulting other girls, with one in particular represented in the actual dream.
The dream will skip from early childhood (say six-eight) to young teenhood, as though there's some gap there in which she wasn't around. She sort of reappears in that latter half, about as screwy as ever, but at least with an awareness that young children don't have. She's still essentially out of control. The childhood friendship inspires some sort of romance, a lot of the same "protect me" contrasted with the angry outbursts.
I used to have this dream, forget about it, and be reminded when I'd have it a few years later - this had happened once or twice before I actually kept it in mind. I wake up missing this girl/wondering what in the world happened to her, feeling very dark, perhaps a bit sick or lost and so on. S: Haven't ever been able to figure it out.

06-04-2012, 03:40 AM
I used to have a recurring dream, too. But I don't remember a whole lot of it. I remember there being a HUUUUUGE empty field I'd be standing in, and for some reason there was a gigantic blank movie theater screen in front of me blocking out most of the horizon. If there was more to the dream, I've forgotten it by now. :\

Last night I had a dream that Fred Durst was in town - being arrested for vandalizing a graveyard. I'm not really sure why.

06-04-2012, 03:43 AM
What's the feeling of the dream? I mean, if you can recall. It seems like recurring dreams - in my experience, anyway - tend to be a bit more in-depth where that personal-feeling-and-insight crap is concerned.

Durst, haaah.

06-04-2012, 03:59 AM
Well, it's weird. It's like a very spacious, distant feeling. Like I'm in some kind of vacuum, and everything LOOKS really close to me and normal sized, but I feel incredibly small and distant from the plants and rocks and the big screen. It's kinda funny, I can remember times recently where I've had trouble sleeping, and I start thinking about that place and how it feels to be there, then the next thing I know, I'm waking up and it's morning.

I don't know that I'd call it a recurring dream, though. It used to be, and now it's just something that I can remember and it actually helps me fall asleep sometimes. That same distant/close feeling comes back and it gives me some weird kind of comfort. Not even I really know how to explain it, or what it means.

06-04-2012, 04:12 AM
It's a good feeling, then?

It sounds interesting. Something to do with liberation? Space and everything, I guess.
I'm terrible at leaving these things alone, sorry. I've got all sorts of hypotheses for mine.

06-04-2012, 04:21 AM
It might be. I've thought about it before. But there's so little to go on that I guess it could mean anything. Let loose with the hypotheses! :P

06-04-2012, 04:30 AM
In any case, it sounds nice.

I've got a thing about intimacy. It's that overly romanticized idea of absolute knowledge of a person. So that's where the "isn't this cute, mutually exclusive understanding" garbage comes from. I'm guessing that the extremities of her...er, condition...is supposed to reflect the supposed extremities of true committal to all of a person. I don't know about the other parts of it - particularly the marked absence in the middle - though I'm sure it's going to turn out being something annoyingly obvious. Figuring these things out seems to work like that. Not that there's necessarily a hundred percent meaning in any of it - they're dreams, after all.

06-04-2012, 05:14 AM

02-11-2013, 04:09 AM
Two remembered dreams last night:

1) I have made a device consisting of three balloons, that allows me not exactly to fly, but rather to make superjumps, or some kind of controlled falling. I begin my first "flight" at night, and continue on until day. For some reason there are a lot of policemen around which I am trying to avoid, although it is not certain whether they are looking for me. Later I find myself flying over a run-down urban area, at which point I start hearing the voice of Carl Sagan describe the situation of the people of that area, and stressing that these are good people who try to get by in any way they can because they have no choice. After that I woke up. (Note: I have been rewatching Cosmos these days, so Carl Sagan is not that bizarre an addition to the dream.)

2) I am lying face up, probably on a bed, with two people next to me, one on each side. I am unable to move. There is some sort of evil presence in the room, it is not clear whether it has an actual, physical manifestation or it's just a feeling. But whatever it is, it has a corrupting, disfiguring influence on living things around it. A creature that probably used to be a dog, but now is something far more monstrous, jumps up on the bed and starts feeding on the (living) person to my right, who by now is also partly disfigured. Terror engulfs me and I look to my left, only to see the other person already changed, looking emaciated and sort of undead-ish, with a thick mane of hair and big, lidless eyes staring back at me. I woke up with a start and the feeling of terror stayed with me for several seconds.

I think I'm going to start keeping a systematic record of my dreams. I have bizarre dreams relatively often and I feel it's a shame to let these images and feelings be forgotten. Well at least their general idea, because I can never capture or hold on to their full awesomeness (or horror) after I wake up.

02-11-2013, 04:13 AM
Came up with a movie idea in a very vivid dream the other day, wrote it down a day later, gotta start fleshing it out. And tossed a notepad and pen into the drawer of my bedside table for future recordings (been in this place for a year now, had a notepad on hand in my old place but rarely used it...)
I tend to dream in movies, by which I mean some people get abstract images or crazy night terrors, I seem to get disjointed narratives.

the duder
02-11-2013, 07:40 AM
I had a crazy dream while napping on Saturday. Basically, I was set to start moving from Buffalo back to the beach. I had to head home to PA so I could pick up my car and finish packing. My sponsor would NOT stop calling me; he was trying to tell me that I'm in a real bad spot, that I'm on the verge of drinking again, etc. Very "hellfire and brimstone" sort of AA talk. Normally, in waking, I'd have been really frustrated and pissy about it, but not so in the dream. It was like water off a duck's (or dude's) back. The entire time, I'd listen to his voicemails/calls and find it comical that he thought I'd drink. I was totally like "nah, man. I got this. Sobriety is for me."

For the first time, on a subconscious, I was FINE with never drinking again.

Halo Infinity
03-11-2013, 02:58 PM
Thank goodness I've found this thread because I was about to make a thread about lucid dreaming. It's kind of interesting yet incredibly ironic because I remember being good at lucid dreaming as child. I was also too young to even know what it was and I just forgot about it for such a long time until I looked up lucidity a few years ago. I can't say that I've ever mastered it again though, because I often end up experiencing sleep paralysis as an end result. It's either that, or I end up having intensified nightmares that I have a hard time walking up from. I also went through a few false awakenings whenever I was attempting lucidity. I obviously woke up from them by the time I noticed certain things I've never seen in real life in the dreams though.

It's rather peculiar and whimsical to see how clocks and mirrors appear in dreams, but that's what happens in dreams after all. :p

03-12-2013, 01:34 PM
This morning at 5:30 am there was a goddamn fire drill which has a ridiculously loud, high pitched alarm. I managed to start dreaming about smoke alarms going off before I actually woke up. I kind of wished I was able to sleep through the whole drill.

03-12-2013, 09:35 PM
The other night I dreamed that I had this little long-haired cat, and the kitty had this eye that kept popping out; it was this kinda pop-bead eye that was smaller than a normal cat's eye, and it'd fall out and I'd be, like, WTF, and I'd pop the cat's eye back on. The kitty did not seem bothered by this that much. I held the cat the whole time, protecting it, and its eye would just POP out on its own and I'd have to search around on the floor to find the cat's eye and haltingly figure out how to pop the cat's eye back in.

03-14-2013, 02:00 PM
I keep having this dream that I'm working on my laptop and slowly the parts start to loosen, crack, heat up and melt as the screen bends while still "projecting" graphics. Nothing of this stops me from working and I'm still typing as I try to bend the screen back up to no good. The screen is by this point bent like a Salvador Dali clock and the keyboard is black from the burning insides. As the laptop disintegrates I try to collect the pieces to hook them back together again.

My mind is obviously trying to tell me to get a new computer as I'm still using the laptop my school "gave" me 3 years ago which already was a shitty old laptop from an earlier student and is dated from 2008.

Edit: I typed this on that laptop and it's fucking melting as we speak.

03-17-2013, 06:14 PM
Holy shit. So my roommates are making a student documentary on dreams and they had this girl over who does a weekly workshop at my University on lucid dreams. So they were interviewing her and she was talking about the 10 levels of dreams. Based on her descriptions I'm perpetually at about a 7-8. (10 is being fully aware and fully in control in your dreams, 9 is fully aware that your dreaming but you can't control much, 7 and 8 are really really vivid dreams you remember perfectly.)

So she was saying if your at a high level you have potential to fully lucid dream, and that night I BECAME AWARE IN THE DREAM.

YOU GUYS. I understand all the Inception stuff a lot more now. I started asking myself while I'm awake "am I dreaming" so that it is a thought that breaches my subconscious when I'm asleep. AND IT WORKS. Last night I had one again and all it took was the thought crossing my mind that I was dreaming. It's the weirdest best thing. You can do whatever you want without consequences....It's also strange because becoming too excited can wake you up so I had to actively calm down as I was walking around in my dream. Crazy shit man...

03-17-2013, 08:43 PM
I don't know how widely available this ability is but every now and then out of thin air I can recall completely forgotten dreams I had month even years ago.
As for lucid dreaming when I was around 19 I remember having a high number of them. So many that I began to write them down when I woke up.
One night I had a dream so disturbing I stopped writing them down for three years.
A while back I began to write them down again sporadically, but once again I had a dream that has creeped me out again so I'm in a bit of a limbo right now.

03-18-2013, 12:04 AM
Lucid dreaming is cool, I figured it out when I was pretty young; if something bad is happening, it might take me a little while in the dream but I eventually figure out that it's a dream and I can control what's happening like being the director in a movie. I also tried that thing where you tell yourself a lot that you're going to dream about a particular topic that night and then YOU DO,

The dreams that are weirdest for me are the ones where my wallet or purse disappear or are stolen and the next day, upon going to get my purse, I momentarily jump and think "wait, my purse was STOLEN" and then realize that was a dream.

03-18-2013, 12:14 AM
Is it as easy as thinking of a topic a lot before you fall asleep?

Also how do you feel about hanging out with friends in your lucid dreams? I woke myself up both times when my friends came into the picture because it felt strangely unethical hanging out with projections of them. I was all like Leo in Inception "Your just a shade" *squinty face

03-18-2013, 12:23 AM
yeah, think about it but tell yourself, aloud, "I'm going to dream about ________ tonight." All day, repeatedly. You're programming your subconscious, of course.

Dead friends and relatives in my dreams is weirder, especially when I end up spending the whole time crying and not wanting them to leave me. AGAIN. In the dreams, they don't talk much but they provide a loving energy to me that I apparently need at the time in my conscious life. If you ever read the Jane Roberts "Seth Speaks" series this is even weirder.



03-18-2013, 03:51 AM
Trying to write them down when you wake up helps. I don't do it consistently but when I get in the habit I tend to recall them more.

04-07-2013, 07:42 PM
Yeah, I've been having weird ones as well. Last one I recall involved a shoot-out and very cinematic chase sequence involving an abnormally fast steamroller. I recall getting shot in the side, and then getting arrested for jay-walking and talking my way out of it.

Then I was late for a ferry. Very odd...

04-07-2013, 08:21 PM
Last night I had a dream I was in the physical body of a character in an online FPS like COD or Battlefield. I kept dying and respawning and used different strategies every time I died, to take out a group of snipers. Kinda weird since I've not played a first person shooter online in over a year. Also weird because I usually suffer from sleep paralysis instead of actually getting dreams. Being able to sleep and dream was kinda nice for once, though.

04-08-2013, 08:13 PM
I still have dreams about my ex (first love, three year relationship ex). I'm not surprised but at the same time it kind of throws off my mood.

06-29-2013, 04:08 PM
been pretty sick so sleeping lots and not indulging in the usual habits to the usual degree so dream recall is really high right now.
1) i was trying to have sex with someone. they were hard but their penis kept kind of spring away and around. i look down and realize his penis is, literally, tied in knots.
2) my youngest child was a plastic doll. i kept misplacing him. i found him in a purse, covered in purse stuff. i was horrified with myself.
3) (this one lasted all night. i woke up 4 times, and each time i went back to sleep i was where i had exited the dream. this isn't the first time this has happened but it is rare). an old friend from high school turns up. we are kind of hanging out...sort of an adult version of kids parallel play.
4) my old room mate, and one of my best friends, asks me to cuddle with him. i am a little weirded but say ok. i am lying on him and realize he has an erection. about the time i am trying to gracefully end the cuddle he says "oh. i am too hot. you need to get off me". (this friend is gay, btw).
5) (i watched the new karate kid with my niece last night so this one is not so odd) i am dry humping jackie chan. we have sex. it is awesome. i then remember i am married and almost have a heart failure. how am i to tell my husband i cheated on him? i am frantic and devastated and full of self disgust.
6) i am told that i have blunt force trauma to the right side of my skull. my eye is crushed and part of my skull. my right shoulder and collarbone are also crushed. i wonder if i am dead, then decide i am hearing my own autopsy report.
lots of sex dreams lately. wtf????

01-06-2014, 06:33 PM
Utterly bizarre dreams last night that at one point involved Joan of Arc. WTF? Then, I'm at the mall this afternoon having lunch, and on the info screens they're doing "On This Day in History. GUESS WHO WAS BORN ON THIS DAY IN 1412. WTF?!

01-10-2014, 11:58 AM
i have a lot of dreams where a particular person will be prominent, but they look like someone else...well, i had a dream the other night that a friend of mine was LITERALLY superimposed with an old lover. it was fucked. they were blended, physically. i was livid with him/them/it (?) to the point that i felt like i was full of fire...sort of a boiling blood to the extreme feeling. ugh. even odder is that in reality i don't allow myself to get angry about the old lover, so the intensity of the rage in the dream was even more vivid by comparison.
only good thing about the dream: they blended well, lol, and the old lover looked fab with silver hair.

01-13-2014, 03:35 PM
i am outside. it is snowy and icy. i notice rabbit tracks UNDER the snow and ice, and start looking around. i realize that i am stepping on frozen rabbits, each time i move to try and locate said rabbits.
what the holy flaming FUCK????

02-18-2014, 08:44 AM
snake dreams and flooding dreams. again.
at least the snake didn't bite me this time.

03-30-2014, 12:42 PM
Extremely vivid dreams/nightmares all night. There were slow zombies, fast zombies, and space zombies at times (thanks a lot, "The Last Days On Mars"...). And a bunch of other weird stuff...

03-30-2014, 01:21 PM
I already posted about last night's dream in another thread.
One thing that is really starting to get on my nerves is that i dream about going to jail or being in jail at LEAST 3 times a week.
I've been arrested and spent at least one night in jail probably about 10 times, but my grand total of time spent in jail is about 6 months. So why, i wonder, are these dreams so pervasive?

I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?

03-30-2014, 08:38 PM
Wow, you have amazing dreams. You've got something special going there.

I think I personally have always been in my dreams. I've had the standard, falling, no clothes, teeth falling out, naked in a public place dreams. I've even dreamt about my grand mother being alive a few years after she died. All of that I take how it made me feel, in the dream, and really what might I be anxious about. All pretty normal and therapeutic. However, last week, I had this really brief dream where a baby got raped. I heard he/she scream and of course there was nothing I could do. How fucking sick is that? I know it's about feeling helpless or not in control. You'd think my freaking subconscious would have given me something less disturbing.

04-15-2015, 03:39 PM
I suffer from chronic lucid dreams and nightmares and other sleep phenomena: hypnopagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that are visual, audial and sensory; rapid entry into REM sleep; sleep paralysis; out of body experiences and other bizarre physical stuff; etc. Probably some form of narcolepsy exacerbated by chronic sleep deprivation and other factors.

I have hundreds of dreams and sleep experiences that are forever burned into my brain's memory. Because of this, it baffles me that people aren't capable of remembering their dreams. My life's best and worst moments come from sleep as strange as that might seem to people. Not to sound delusional but it almost makes no difference to me if I've done something within a dream or in real life because in retrospect, these experiences aren't much different even though I can consciously separate the two.

04-20-2015, 09:37 AM
Last dream I had:

Keanu Reeves as John Wick crawling out of a Swamp going "WRITE ME!!!"

So I did.

Seriously guys it's really not that bad for a fan fiction

04-21-2015, 06:42 AM
Had a really sad one last night. Well, sad in a sweet kind of way. I dreamt of a party with loads of my friends at it. I remember dancing to VNV Nation and for some reason, my old summer flame from five years ago was in it a lot. He had a boyfriend in the dream and I was cool with it, which, I assume, is my subconscious finally going "Yup, we're over him, now you can be actual friends!" or something.

04-21-2015, 06:19 PM
I suffer from chronic lucid dreams and nightmares and other sleep phenomena: hypnopagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that are visual, audial and sensory; rapid entry into REM sleep; sleep paralysis; out of body experiences and other bizarre physical stuff; etc. Probably some form of narcolepsy exacerbated by chronic sleep deprivation and other factors.

I have hundreds of dreams and sleep experiences that are forever burned into my brain's memory. Because of this, it baffles me that people aren't capable of remembering their dreams. My life's best and worst moments come from sleep as strange as that might seem to people. Not to sound delusional but it almost makes no difference to me if I've done something within a dream or in real life because in retrospect, these experiences aren't much different even though I can consciously separate the two.

So you are sleep deprived ?

I usually remember part of a dream, but not all. I had a terrible on where you scream and nothing comes out. Ugh, it's like your suffocating which I may actually had been in bed.

04-21-2015, 06:49 PM
I've always had incredibly vivid dreams. It's one of the fun extras that comes with being bi-polar.
Also, I tend to wake up from nightmares screaming for my mother. It's very bizarre.

04-21-2015, 08:21 PM
It's a good thing to write down those vivid dreams though. I've had a lot of insight into my bodies health and the people around me and stuff that I'm trying to learn. Yeah, I love napping and dreaming.

The theory is that what you see IRL is really only like, 5% of what is really going on around you, the brain picks up so much information from all the senses of your body and that when you sleep and the brain is cleaning itself it kind of shows you as best as it can make sense to you the rest of what went on in the day.

That's why they say dirty water means sadness or depression or something bad. You or somebody else around you probably feels this way and your brain picked it up but discarded that because it wasn't very important at the time.

04-22-2015, 03:52 PM
I've neglected writing down dreams because sometimes it's pretty clear what's going on for me. Lately my hormones are in full gear and there's this guy I've seen at work who is just so goddamn charming and witty and now I'm having sensual dreams about him.

05-29-2015, 12:31 PM
Goddammit, I had a dream I was in a relationship with the guy who I fell out with last night. I've been feeling weird ever since I woke up.

10-23-2015, 02:12 PM
i am in a place, walking around. in every direction are wonderful things to do and see, real sensory playground. having a hard time deciding where to go, book marking places to go back to. i realize i am travelling upward, in a spiral formation. suddenly i am at the peak, and i can see a kind of covered hammock? a coffin? something. i go look inside, and see it is myself in there, asleep. the asleep self registers the awake/looking self, while the awake/looking self is "uh...which is me?". there is someone out of view on the other side of the "sleeping place". i wonder if they are waiting for me to wake up or if they are going to wake me up. then i actually wake up.

10-23-2015, 02:24 PM
I had a dream last night that you could block specific things from your Facebook and Twitter feeds. I chose "Sufjan Stevens, professional family photos, golf and football."
Even in my dreams, I make good choices.

the duder
10-24-2015, 09:18 AM
Had a dream last night that I went to a NIN concert with some friends. Second song of the set was MOTP, and a buddy of mine wante .to get in the pit (we were on the rail). I look, and the pit is full of 8 year old kids with balloons. I look back at the stage and Trent was just not having it. No freak outs, but he just stepped back from the mic and then left the stage.
I then went back to a friends house in Cali via this awesome bus. I get off at this nature preserve a few blocks away and there were a bunch of whales jumping way out of the water. There was a huge orca, and it grabbed a bystander and ate him. Everyone panicked, and I ran down to the waters edge and saved like 6 little kids. Then I got back on the bus and returned to the friends house.

11-03-2015, 05:59 PM
Lately my dreams have been super emotionally charged because of my big move and even in it's most abstract, the meaning is obvious to me. I had a really fucked up dream a couple nights ago, after a conversation with my grandmother about abortion, access to pills and all that stuff. Then that night, in my dream I was pregnant, in the States, talking to my ex-boyfriend who in the dream looked like a different person (thankfully) and he was telling me how he was going to keep the baby and raise it with his new girlfriend and if I wanted to visit, I could even stay in the same room as her! I stared with my jaw open and said "No, I'm going to Brazil and I'm taking the baby with me! She is staying there with me! I don't want her to have my life!!" (traveling back and forth between countries) then at the same time I started to get really fucking upset because, in real life and thus is the dream, we had always differed on having a child so I knew we couldn't be together (among other reasons of course), but then in the dream, hearing him say that, I was so angry and upset that he was willing to be a parent after all but with his new girlfriend.

Ugh, thank god it was just a dream and I'm not actually pregnant.

11-03-2015, 06:41 PM
I don't remember most of my dreams anymore. One I saw a couple of days ago involved me partying with some friends I haven't seen in a long time, perhaps as a subconscious reminder that I should give them a call...

11-04-2015, 04:29 AM
^it could also mean you long for leisure, relaxation, or freedom of sorts. been working alot lately? or feeling introspective and slightly nostalgic?

i constantly have these mildly precognitive dreams that come to fruition soon after. but i also have major ones that appear in waking life much later. i'll be in a situation thinking "i fucking dreamed about this months ago!"

try to remember your dreams. it's like this natural safety net for when you're awake dealing with life.

11-04-2015, 07:38 AM
^it could also mean you long for leisure, relaxation, or freedom of sorts. been working alot lately? or feeling introspective and slightly nostalgic?

Both, actually. October was a long and busy month, I was less social than usual, and nostalgia is kicking in a lot lately.

Big Fat Matt
11-04-2015, 04:28 PM
I have regular (4-7 times a week) dreams of uncontrollable self-mutilation. Its usually me laying in my bed, in just my undies, as its how i sleep year round. I get the whole "alien hand syndrome" thing where I can't control my arms. I soon begin either stabbing, slicing, or disemboweling myself. Lotsa blood and/or organs. Sometimes my arms feed me my organs, sometimes my arms jam odds and ends in my body cavity (tv remote, flashlight, watch, cell phone). Shits lame.

11-04-2015, 04:59 PM
Yikes, that's terrifying. It's incredible to me as someone who did that for several years (cutting, not disembowling) that I don't have dreams about that. I do have a lot of dreams about ex-boyfriends though. Last night I had another dream about seeing a friend who has completely dropped all contact with me a couple years ago, and in the dream I was hostile towards her and she was pretending she was glad to see me. Ugh, I'm still so hurt over that...I wish I'd get over it already, haha.

11-04-2015, 05:09 PM
i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.

Big Fat Matt
11-04-2015, 07:34 PM
...It's incredible to me as someone who did that for several years (cutting, not disembowling) that I don't have dreams about that... I thought it was a self-harm thing, but once I quit that shit, it kept going. Who knows? My shrink sure didn't...

11-04-2015, 07:41 PM
Well, if it's part of your history it may very well stem from that, each person is affected differently by their history.

Now I'm wondering if I've jinxed myself and will have dreams of it tonight, haha.

11-05-2015, 10:03 PM
i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.
When I really have to pee while I'm asleep, I keep trying to find a bathroom, and when I finally find one it's a toilet in the middle of a room with people everywhere, or a stall with no door, etc. But I don't care, I have to pee, then I go and go and go but I still have to pee. And people are staring at me, like "when are you gonna be done?"

And I wake up and wow I really gotta go.

11-05-2015, 11:18 PM
i keep having dreams where i piss the bed and i always wake up thinking that i actually had.

I've dreamt that I was pissing the bed and I suddenly woke up. I actually needed to piss, but, thankfully, I did not do it on the bed. It was like I was pissing in a space between two alternate dimensions.

11-09-2015, 11:32 PM
my most recent dream was: i was at lake tahoe picking flowers and they were all lavender. even the lichen was lavender. LAVENDER. in waking life, i detest pastel colors.

11-10-2015, 02:36 AM
It's strange that when I meet dead family members in my dreams, I do not know they're in fact dead, nothing like "wait... this can't be..."

Also, recently I had dreams about me moving to our capital - terrible, I do not want to go there ever again, so stop with that, dream architects! :-)

11-10-2015, 05:18 AM
I had a dream about being snuggly and intimate with this guy I met last year. I'm pretty sure I have these dreams mostly when I'm ovulating.

Haha, just remembered- while we were kissing, he suddenly had a tongue piercing but it was huge and it kept getting in the way.

Then in the same night, a dream about Bernie Sanders dropping out of the race.

11-10-2015, 05:21 AM
I've dreamt that I was pissing the bed and I suddenly woke up. I actually needed to piss, but, thankfully, I did not do it on the bed. It was like I was pissing in a space between two alternate dimensions.

That's happened to me before a couple of times, but I woke up actually pissing.

Feels bad mang

11-26-2015, 12:29 PM
Had a sexy dream about a guy in my course. I have to work with him on an assignment in two weeks. AWKWARD.

11-29-2015, 04:25 PM
i keep dreaming that i'm in a parking garage at fifth and everett in portland and i can't find my way out. it doesn't sound like it, but it's terrifying.

11-30-2015, 09:58 AM
haven't had this one in a few years: tsunami wave. i am directly in front of it. no time to panic or be scared. just this feeling of "well, that's that then.". wake up.

11-30-2015, 10:00 AM
Holy shit. So my roommates are making a student documentary on dreams and they had this girl over who does a weekly workshop at my University on lucid dreams. So they were interviewing her and she was talking about the 10 levels of dreams. Based on her descriptions I'm perpetually at about a 7-8. (10 is being fully aware and fully in control in your dreams, 9 is fully aware that your dreaming but you can't control much, 7 and 8 are really really vivid dreams you remember perfectly.)

So she was saying if your at a high level you have potential to fully lucid dream, and that night I BECAME AWARE IN THE DREAM.

YOU GUYS. I understand all the Inception stuff a lot more now. I started asking myself while I'm awake "am I dreaming" so that it is a thought that breaches my subconscious when I'm asleep. AND IT WORKS. Last night I had one again and all it took was the thought crossing my mind that I was dreaming. It's the weirdest best thing. You can do whatever you want without consequences....It's also strange because becoming too excited can wake you up so I had to actively calm down as I was walking around in my dream. Crazy shit man...

i tend to lucid dream if i sleep during the day. one of the last ones: i decided to wake up. woke up, or so i thought. then couldn't figure what was conscious and unconscious and kept "waking up" only to still be in the lucid dream. panicked and thought i was trapped, and then finally really woke up. trippy shit.

11-30-2015, 10:05 AM
I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?

not dreaming, but under hypnosis, i inhabited a different consciousness. :) it was so fucking wonderful i started crying when she was trying to walk me back out. actually, i refused to leave for the longest time. i have NEVER in this life felt THAT degree of peace of being. sigh.

11-30-2015, 10:07 AM
anyone have common themes? my most common, through my entire life, are the walking around naked dreams. i am always absolutely fine with it until everyone around me starts whispering and pointing and, often, get physically threatening. then a sense of shame comes over me and i try to hide or cover up. :(

11-30-2015, 05:49 PM
I have a question for you guys...have any of you ever dreamed of being something other than human and actually FELT a different consciousness?
I have dreamed of being a nation...a mountain...the statue of liberty.

But the most interesting was a dream of being a patch of grass which was fighting off some kind of fungus that was trying to infect me. I/we thought as a whole but also communicated individually, one blade to the other.

This shit really makes me think twice about what consciousness is, and also whether the hindus are right about reincarnation...i mean, how in the FUCK would i know how a plant feels and thinks?

That's fucking trippy man. Reminds me of NIN artwork too.

11-30-2015, 06:12 PM
i have a consistent alternate reality within my dreams where the same untrue things stay true.

e.g. me killing and burying someone in a swamp with an old friend of mine. the dui court date that i have coming up that isn't real. etc, etc.

i'm not always in that reality in my dreams but i pop back to that story line at least once a month. these things have happened so many times that it's all strikingly vivid and i can visualize most of it awake no problem.

11-30-2015, 06:18 PM
not dreaming, but under hypnosis, i inhabited a different consciousness. :) it was so fucking wonderful i started crying when she was trying to walk me back out. actually, i refused to leave for the longest time. i have NEVER in this life felt THAT degree of peace of being. sigh.

i want to try hypnotherapy SOOO bad.

As far as themes, i dream about being in jail. Sometimes it's really nice and they are giving us all kinds of food and the people are super cool, and sometimes it's like lockup raw.

I've probably only spent 8 or 9 months of my life locked up, cumulatively, with the longest stretch being three months.
But the hyper vigilance i experienced it there caused it to REALLY get under my skin i think.

Another recurring theme is school. I'm at school and i can't find my classroom. Often i will realize that i haven't been going to the class and there is a test or a project due. I'm ALWAYS thrilled when i wake up from these. It's like, wait a minute, i'm not in school! I don't even work! I DON'T HAVE TO DO SHIT! ;)

the jail dreams and school dreams happen at least once a week each. i am convinced that the jail thing is actually about jail, because i haven't been to jail in awhile and the frequency has greatly decreased.

There is SO much more i would like to say on this topic, but i don't want to hijack the thread. We have time, i guess :)

I've practiced astral projection (using a workbook from the Seax School of Wicca.) I've also spent a lot of time studying and practicing lucid dreaming and entering different states of consciousness from a less "supernatural" and more scientific viewpoint (after i rejected witchcraft.)
I got REALLY fucking good at both. I'm pretty damn good at dream interpretation and enjoy it immensely.
Dreams have been such a huge part of my life. And after years of study and practice, i believe that while MOST dreams are just creations of the mind, SOME are actual astral travel. And a precious few are portents to the future. I am one hundred percent certain of this.

I look forward to this thread.

11-30-2015, 07:31 PM
i want to try hypnotherapy SOOO bad.

You may want to try it to quit addiction. It worked for me to quit smoking, twice, for a year each time until some pretty heavy stress and other smokers influenced me. (I've since quit smoking via the patch but I also used the tools I learned from hypnosis.)

I took a grad-school-level neurology slash psychology class and dreams were studied; neurologists have determined that dreams are pretty much our subconscious attempting to sort out the MASSIVE amounts of information we take in each day and store in memory, and psychologists say that sleep and dreams help us sort out our daily life and the lack of REM sleep and dreams can lead to depression, etc., which is one reason for the old saying, "sleep on it." Also, recent studies indicate that our brains NEED sleep to "clean house." See this (http://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2013/10/18/236211811/brains-sweep-themselves-clean-of-toxins-during-sleep). But see this (http://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/oct/17/sleep-cleans-our-brains-say-scientists).

See also this (http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-is-dreaming-and-what-does-it-tell-us-about-memory-excerpt/).

See this, too. (https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200009/dreamspeak)

I used to dream that I was still smoking, then I would wake up and it was so real I was convinced I would have to quit again. These are pretty common (addict dreams) and I had them for more than 12 years after I quit but I haven't had one in a while.

I have nightmares that I'm suddenly back with my ex-husband and I don't know how I got there or how I'm going to get out, and I divorced him nearly 20 years ago. This is pretty common, as they are trauma-related dreams where the subconscious and psyche are still trying to sort out the fear and trauma. The good thing is that, in my dream, I recognize that I don't want to be there and that I must get out. Sometimes I wonder if this is a parallel to my current job.

I used to live in a pretty bad neighborhood in Detroit by myself, on the 2nd floor, and I had a recurring dream that a guy had broken in and was in my flat but I could not wake up or open my eyes to hide or run away. Or I would dream that my purse was stolen and it was so real, I'd get up and look for my purse. Certainly, these dreams were reflective of my fear of my situation; as soon as I moved, the dreams stopped. It was during this time that I got better at lucid dreaming.

At around the same time, I'd have dreams that I was suddenly in a large field with all of my cats and I was trying to hold all of them so they wouldn't run away. Or I'd dream that I was in another unknown apartment and then I'd suddenly realize that my cats were in another apartment and I didn't know the last time I had been there and if my cats were okay or the last time they were fed or if they were starving. I still have this dream sometimes. And I'm sure this is my subconscious fear of anything happening to them and the pressure of responsibility (one cat is on an anxiety drug, the dog is blind, one cat is a diabetic getting insulin injections 2x per day, one cat has IBD).

See this, too (https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dream-catcher/201112/psychopharmacology-rem-sleep-and-dreams). Certain drugs can affect dreams. When I was on the nicotine patch, HOLY SHIT ...

12-01-2015, 03:06 AM
You may want to try it to quit addiction.
Oh my dear GOD how i would love this.

Lately i've been having these terrible, unspeakable, literally unthinkable nightmares.
I remember my dreams in vivid detail, but these are so awful that i block them out.
Earlier i remembered one of them, but as quickly as i had hold of it, it was gone, and i was left with an ungodly, terrible sense of dread and panic that nearly brought me to tears.
These dreams are about something worse than death-i know that, because i remember those dreams.

i think they must be along these lines


12-01-2015, 10:45 AM
Lately i've been having these terrible, unspeakable, literally unthinkable nightmares.
I remember my dreams in vivid detail, but these are so awful that i block them out.
Earlier i remembered one of them, but as quickly as i had hold of it, it was gone, and i was left with an ungodly, terrible sense of dread and panic that nearly brought me to tears.
These dreams are about something worse than death-i know that, because i remember those dreams.
You have a lot of anxiety and fear right now, and that's probably feeding into your dreams. Also, your meds can influence dreams a LOT. Dreams involve a lot of chemical reactions in your brain.

Also, death isn't so bad that anything is "worse" that it. I've seen people die, been there with them, and it's very peaceful and looks like they're seeing something cool before they leave.

In fact, Steve Jobs' final words were: "OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."

12-01-2015, 02:00 PM
You have a lot of anxiety and fear right now, and that's probably feeding into your dreams. Also, your meds can influence dreams a LOT. Dreams involve a lot of chemical reactions in your brain.

Also, death isn't so bad that anything is "worse" that it. I've seen people die, been there with them, and it's very peaceful and looks like they're seeing something cool before they leave.

In fact, Steve Jobs' final words were: "OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW."
i feel you. i've watched a good solid 200 people die.
i meant worse than a nightmare of your family being dead, that sort of thing.

12-02-2015, 04:23 PM
so i reckon elevenism might get a kick out of this: when i was five i had a recurring dream. for about a year.
i am walking in some sort of canyon or natural feature that has high walls to each side of me. the dirt is rusty reddish orange. i am ambling along when suddenly i feel a tremor under my feet. the strength increases, to the point that i can't stay upright. i fall, then a shadow falls over me. it is the foot of a (appears to be, anyway) a dinosaur. it steps on me. i wake up.
i must've been a furry bipedal living in a tree ;)
i never forgot this dream. never will.

12-18-2015, 03:08 AM
i had the TRIPPIEST dream last night / this morning concerning animal and insects!

there was a cat that was a color version of john tenniel's (sir) cheshire cat, a weird ass yellow green spider, a HUGE green praying mantis and several small cherry red ones, a dog that had german shep color but way longer haired (like male lion mane) AND a long bodied fox that could walk upright!!

the fox morphed into this sickly person in asylum jammies that had deformed hands and i shook them and introduced myself.

what the fucking fuck?

12-18-2015, 08:01 AM
About dreams and animals... I was being hunt by some velociraptors ;-), finally I hid in some box and tried not to move, eyes closed. Then I felt one of them touching back of my neck with his nose, felt his breath, and I was still trying not to move, scared to death. Then nothing.

12-18-2015, 01:20 PM
more dreams of being stuck on a cliff in the snake river canyon, unable to move without falling. i can't stand up, can barely breathe without plummeting.

01-01-2016, 06:33 PM
more dreams of being stuck on a cliff in the snake river canyon, unable to move without falling. i can't stand up, can barely breathe without plummeting.
Oh man, sounds like something's been stressing you out?

I had a dream I was watching a movie online and was excited when I realized I wasn't on satellite internet anymore, then I woke up and realized I'll be leaving in two weeks. I can watch videos online soon!! Woo! Hahah, what a weird thing to dream about.

01-02-2016, 03:54 AM
I just dreamt that I shared an apartment in New York with a breakdancing cat. The hell?

01-03-2016, 07:02 PM
so my oldest son just celebrated his 14th birthday. went to lazer tag and was joined by an old school friend of his (changed schools in third grade, they "hang out" online but hadn't seen him in years). driving him home he told me i was the wisest person he had ever known, and still was. wow, eh? it was awesome...then that night i dreamt that i passed a group of high school boys and heard one of them say "there she is. the cougar". and i was gobsmacked! lol. i turned to yell 'i am NOT a fucking cougar, brat" but woke up instead. ugh. lol. and wtf...fwiw: i STILL prefer older men, as i always have. lol. i was so offended all damn day by that dream...

01-04-2016, 06:00 PM
I had a dream that was partly affected by my feelings of vertigo from drinking the night before I'm sure, it was an extremely scary dream. I was walking on this road that was built into a cliff and then got to a point where it had fallen, and I mean fallen, I inched right up to the end and saw the road had stayed in one piece but was just hanging straight down for at least a mile. As soon as I was done inching my way to the edge and saw the length of the road all the way down, a sense of panic took over and I went flying back and upwards in the air to prevent myself from falling off. (Although now that I think of it, if I could fly in the dream, I shouldn't have been so afraid...but of course that's not how dreams work.) From this elevated angle, I saw how the road was actually built in a giant cavern and it had been falling and deteriorating all over the place.

01-10-2016, 01:48 PM
^was it anything like the famous death road in bolivia?
sounds to me like your dream indicates you've recently or in the future will save yourself out of some kind of bad situation. the end of your dream seems relieving and positive. you got out and realized the hard, stark reality of what you escaped. *whew*

01-10-2016, 05:35 PM
That's an interesting take on it and I like it! I mean, I had been telling myself not to regret having chosen moving out of the country just because it meant ending a relationship because I'm facing the facts that the relationship was rocky way before I decided to move, so I often think the end of the relationship was inevitable. Soooooo....there's that. The last couple nights I've had theme where I'm looking at a bunch of earrings and really crave having one. The larger context of the dreams are different though.

I just looked at a picture of the death road in bolivia, and it was like that except in a large vertical cavernous cliff, weird to explain. Oh! Like this yeah, but in my dream it was a bit more open and the roads were like shelves.

01-11-2016, 01:48 AM
yeah, i think you knew in your heartest of hearts fleeing the country was better than you staying with someone you don't love or feel comfortable and safe with, which speaks volumes!

02-14-2016, 08:24 AM
So, I had the weirdest fucking dream last night.
i was actually dreaming of a website with comments instead of, you know, real people and places and objects and stuff. I dreamt that David Duchovny had hit rock bottom financially, and I was in the comment section of a news website about that, and I had posted some numbers about Duchovny's net worth. Then, there was a reply by somebody called "therealdavidduchovny" who berated me for being a "fucking idiot".

I should probably spend less time online.

02-23-2016, 04:07 PM
edit .....

03-02-2016, 06:48 AM
An incident reminded me of my ex-girlfriend yesterday. When I went to sleep, I had one of the wildest and scariest dreams ever.

I was in some kind of outdoors bar and there was a table where they were selling books co-written by my ex-girlfriend (her name misspelled on the cover) and some French dude. I was hanging out with a cute brunette chick who was wearing some kind of uniform, possibly a barmaid, and started flirting with her, when, all of a sudden... gunshots. I take cover. I can barely see who's shooting, but, from the distance, it looks like a mafia. I go back to find the girl and hide somewhere with her. Gunshots again. The same moment loops over and over again, until the girl is shot and killed. I wake up.

01-31-2020, 04:09 AM
Not sure if this has been brought up before but - have you ever had such a vivid dream with such vivid people/characters inside them that you literally feel upset when you wake up? Like they have died?

01-31-2020, 07:45 AM
Not sure if this has been brought up before but - have you ever had such a vivid dream with such vivid people/characters inside them that you literally feel upset when you wake up? Like they have died?I do: especially if the person/character is a woman I'm in love with, or am INSANELY attracted to, in the dream only. Like, perhaps I have had a crush on the person in real life, but it's nowhere NEAR as intense as it is in the dream.

I think that the ones I have are what Jung called "Anima/Animus dreams," wherein the woman in the dream is actually a vision of the unconscious feminine aspects of myself- the anima, and, for a woman, it takes the form of a man, and is called an animus.

I know that a lot of people don't agree with Jung about a lot of things, but I've DEFINITELY experienced this part of his ideology.

There's a LOT to this theory, of course. Here's a good old Wikipedia article. about it.

02-01-2020, 07:32 AM
elevenism - “To Those That We Lose Upon Waking” sounds like an epic NIN song title.

05-17-2020, 12:05 PM

05-20-2020, 02:10 AM
@elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) - “To Those That We Lose Upon Waking” sounds like an epic NIN song title. I had another one with someone I've never met, where it just fucking ACHED when I woke up. She was this short African American woman, and we had just started dating, and she had this badass apartment wherein the first floor had a trap door, with stairs, and the stairs lead to a living space that was the REAL apartment, and I have this love of enclosed spaces...

And I woke up, and was like, yeah, I was almost in tears. Idk if it was the anima thing, or just a new girl I created on account of marital issues.

12-11-2020, 07:17 PM
For some reason last night I had a dream about...reading posts on ETS. So now, here I am (four years absent) checking it out. Funny to find out that I created the this dream thread too.

12-31-2020, 08:29 PM
Lucid dreaming is amazing.
Eventually, when mankind wisens up and learns to cooperate as one organism, we'll invent the holodeck.

Until then, full lucidity is where it's at. And honestly, is probably better than a holodeck anyhow.
The one private space in your mind where you can literally do whatever you please, free of judgement, to achieve catharsis, hone a skill, relive old memories, or just create things.

It's more than a vivid dream. It's full control of your own private universe.
Now if only I could find my way back...

12-31-2020, 09:23 PM
Lucid dreaming is amazing.
Eventually, when mankind wisens up and learns to cooperate as one organism, we'll invent the holodeck.

Until then, full lucidity is where it's at. And honestly, is probably better than a holodeck anyhow.
The one private space in your mind where you can literally do whatever you please, free of judgement, to achieve catharsis, hone a skill, relive old memories, or just create things.

It's more than a vivid dream. It's full control of your own private universe.
Now if only I could find my way back...

I have been there. Many times. Lucid dreams can seem as real as wake reality. Sight, scent, taste, touch, even pain; all the senses can be represented in the lucid dream reality. If you know a shaman, they can most likely offer advice regarding this topic.

But I have learned to allow others into my private dream space. So I am no longer in complete control. This can be terrifying sometimes! The first time it happened, I somehow managed to avoid lucid dreams for about 10 years. Because I was scared.

Then I decided to just let it happen. Only people I have known in the past have visited me. So there is probably nothing supernatural going on. But the other people in my lucid dream space seem to have their own will. I am still in control of me, but have no control over what they do. There have been some very interesting interactions!

One very scary thing happens sometimes during a lucid dream. I wake up, but I can NOT move. Not at all. In my mind I am thrashing about and screaming but in normal reality I am motionless as a stone.

Yet I still crave the next opportunity to explore.

12-31-2020, 09:44 PM
...But the other people in my lucid dream space seem to have their own will. I am still in control of me, but have no control over what they do. There have been some very interesting interactions!

I think our subconscious is to blame there. The subconscious mind receives direct programming from our waking life and just runs those processes in the background. Lucid dreaming enables us to see this "in real time" I suppose...
Can't say for sure, however. I'm no expert. Just a curious navigator.
One interesting thing I've noticed about my own dreams though - whenever I meet a celebrity, they always look at me as if they're confused by my presence... as if to say, "Who the F*** are you?"
Weird, wild stuff.

12-31-2020, 10:13 PM
One interesting thing I've noticed about my own dreams though - whenever I meet a celebrity, they always look at me as if they're confused by my presence... as if to say, "Who the F*** are you?"

So you were not in control of what they said. But perhaps that is close to what you think they might say in wake reality?

Our dreams, lucid or not, are merely reflections of our inner self. By extension, the entire universe is an extension of our own reality. But what does that mean? I have no clue. I am just talking about dreams.

If you are interested in exploration, try to convince yourself that it's safe to allow other egos into your dream space. Not everyone can do it. And not everyone who can do it actually enjoys it! As I mentioned before, it scared me significantly the first time.