View Full Version : 2017.07.19 - Bakersfield, CA @ Rabobank Arena

07-19-2017, 04:32 PM

Just a reminder of the rules: DO NOT POST IN SHOW TOUR JOURNAL THREADS UNLESS YOU WERE IN ATTENDANCE. The idea is to have people post their experience, pictures and videos and to keep each show's thread clean and organized so it can be mined for specific videos, pics, etc. Please, PLEASE keep these show threads on topic and please, PLEASE stay out of them unless you were in attendance. Thanks!

07-20-2017, 01:48 AM
Woooo let's hear it for Nine Inch Nails, they're good!

Front against the rail in front of Robin for the whole show.

Merch is all the new shirts from nin.com, no shirt with the dates on it unfortunately. Kinda sad about that, but maybe they'll add one later. No special merch, no hoodys or jackets. They had the beanies and deviations 1 on vinyl for $80, which I almost caved and bought, but just got 2 shirts.

Highlight of the show was the opening. They had the NIN logo slowly appear piece by piece and then massive fog hit, and lights went out and it was complete chaos for branches/bones into copy of A. Field of fire was surprising to hear and he used a megaphone for it.

The new song from Add Violence, he played a tape recorder of his speaking parts into the mic. Held it against the mic, and then he bucked it on the ground like a tamborine when he was finished with it.

Sad that there were only 4 new songs played in total, they must have rehearsed more. There's no way they didn't. Only 2 per EP? I would have thought at least 3 from each.

The David Bowie cover was a nice surprise, he told a little story about how he was in the studio when they got word of his passing and he was devastated and I think he said they were already working on that song prior to that but scrrapped it and then went back to it again... Kinda paraphrasing what he said.

I'm not familiar with HTDA material, as I never liked it, but I had no idea what it was while it was being played, I thought it was from Add Violence, so when I came back to check the setlist, was shocked it was a HTDA song, I actually enjoyed it. It worked very well into the set, and as someone who isn't familuar with their music, they wouldn't have even noticed, it blended right in to the set.

Of course, it ended with singles time.... Classic run of the mill ending. Wish he didn't have the end of his shows become so predictable, but I guess these are going to be festivals that this set is played at, so makes sense. Sad that somewhat damaged was cut, but that gives me hope for a different set in October at aftershock.

I'll post photos when I'm back home tomorrow night. I apologize in advance if there are a bunch of typos, I'm typing on an iPad.

07-20-2017, 01:58 AM
I enjoyed the show. I wish that I'd been able to listen to the new EP before the show, but I was already on the road. I enjoyed the Bowie cover and the songs from Add Violence. Parasite was a nice surprise. They handed out posters at the exits; it had photos of the band and the date and location of the show.

muse-lyre candy
07-20-2017, 02:14 AM
I don't know what the rules are for language here so **WARNING** am not going to watch my words with this post, but you all can if you want. It is America after all.
Holy mother fucking of gods angels demons devils cyborgs and assholes! All my humanly senses have just experienced the most intense salacious fuck I have had in, well a very long while....
This show has me ready to rave for the festival shows (and fuck it that I'm just able to afford the one and have to wait until October to get another dose of cock in the ass.) Where do I start?
i've never been a beard person (that was my mother's deal) but I have to say that TR is sporting the sexiest fucking fuck me look ever!
Ally and his fingers worked some pretty serious thorough fast sex manipulation on the keyboard that if the keyboard hadn't been screaming then I would've.
Fink and his curve enhancing shirts and the way he was handling the guitar tonite... I was a teenager all over again!
(and that is the list of who I was able to see at my vantage area; with props to Rob)
The Bowie tribute was beautiful and I don't know that there was a dry eye in the place.
The music has been remixed (for lack of keyboard jargon education) to have the intense energy and rouse of the all night rave scenes at Burning Man. I want more!!!
If tonite's musical energy is what NIN plans to take to the festivals; be prepared that the pit will no longer be a safe flaccid member haven. It was all I could do NOT to start jumping into and body slamming the good ppl next to me. Tonight I was 19 again, NIN was new, and the pit a place to get your ass kicked a good one (if only in my mind n spirit)
Repeat performance in October and I know I will be going home broken, battered bruised n sore and feeling freshly fucked raw and alive.
Bring it!
...now some much needed sleep, delirium in this post. night all. good show ninteam.

After catching Gary Numan's Splnter tour I made a comment on NIN.COM about Numan's Splinter picking up where NIN left off (with the industrial flavor) Numan's Splinter I found to be a pretty amazing.
With much respect, welcome back NIN.

07-20-2017, 02:19 AM

07-20-2017, 02:40 AM
Set list is up already:

Great show tonight. The HTDA and Bowie covers were a lot of fun. Crazy amount of light equipment, I wonder if it's in prep for the big outdoor fesivals coming up.

07-20-2017, 02:40 AM
His shirt was awesome. He had this ripped and holy and tattered shirt on. Trent makes me want to go home and grab a pair of scissors to my shirts, lol.

atticus was exclusive to keys, surprisingly. Thought he was gonna be on bass duty for the majority of it, but that went to ally.

07-20-2017, 04:02 AM
Breathe... breathe... okay, here are my thoughts:

- I wanted so much for a Branches/Bones opening, and I got it. Perfect way to kick things off.

- Less Than was as good live as we knew it would be.

- The Lovers was great live. I'm not sure how I feel about Trent literally holding up a recording of the verses to the microphone, but it worked.

- Burning Bright seemed awesome, but we spent most of it trying to get a fucker kicked out, so hopefully they play it again on Sunday.

- Parasite without Mariqueen seemed like a strange choice, especially with so many new tracks that went unplayed, but whatever, it sounded good.

- I Can't Give Everything Away made me lose my shit. So beautiful and such an incredible surprise.

- Burn! Reptile! The Great Destroyer!

- The same old Wish/THTF/HLAH/Hurt closer. There was an encore break before Hurt, which made it seem like we'd be getting another 2-3 songs, but nope, just Hurt.

- It seemed like Trent's voice was giving out during THTF and HLAH, so it's possible the encore break was just so he could recover, but probably not. We'll see if it's the same on Sunday.

- The visuals were great. Minimal but versatile, familiar, and interesting.

- Seeing Atticus up there was wonderful, though (to no one's surprise) he didn't do much.

- Alessandro is starting to look a lot like Rainn Wilson.

- Robin and Ilan were their usual glorious selves.

- The crowd was... decent. It's always a bummer when people around you don't know the newer stuff- particularly when that means they just stand there instead of trying to get into it- but I was also pleasantly surprised to hear a lot of people screaming along to the choruses of Burning Bright and Less Than.

- The set list was pretty perfect. One or two more new songs would've been welcomed, and I'm always bummed when THTF takes precedence over about a hundred other songs I'd rather hear, but those are tiny gripes for a show that did a great job of giving everyone something to love.

Okay, bedtime. So happy I got to experience this and meet some wonderful ETSers in the process!

07-20-2017, 04:49 AM
Amazing show. Hauled ass home and I am ready to collapse. More info and thoughts tomorrow, but I really enjoyed hanging out with new ETS friends and running into old show friends.

Visuals were paired down but worked... The break down in The Great Destroyer is always fun.

Loved Tobacco even if I am scarred from some of their visuals.

Sweet Dreams Ninternet!

07-20-2017, 05:07 AM
I just got back home to LA from the Bakersfield show. Nothing really to report that may add to the Add Violence ARG theories. Just a few T-shirts at the merch stand. One new shirt is of the machine dials and another simply says "Anxiety" in a white box.

Trent has said he wanted to tone down the light show. EDM, he says, is full of sensory overload and he hoped to be the antithesis of that on this leg of the tour. The stage was simple -- two rows of lights pointing in at the band from each side of the stage and a giant white-sheet background. The classic NIN slowly appeared on the white sheet just before the band appeared.

He opened with Branches/Bones but I felt his mic was off. It was hard to hear him at first. They soon fixed that.

They then segued into Copy of A, which is always rad, and topped that with Less Than. Less Than played really well. Lights sitting on the stage pointing at the roof were revealed during Less Than, as well as the coolest light feature of the show. They somehow shot off bright lights very quickly that put giant shadows of the band members on the white background. The shadows were arena height but the lights were firing off so quickly and in a certain order that made the shadows move with the music. It was simple and mesmerizing.

He covered Parasite by How to Destroy Angels mid-show. No Mariqueen Maandig cameo. They kicked it off with a guitar solo from Robin. I thought it was something new I hadn't heard off Add Violence before I heard the chorus. Parasite!

Trent then addressed the crowd. I'll paraphrase:

"We've been holed up the last 3 years making albums and soundtracks. Haven't really been paying attention to the news. What's going on in the world? Everything alright?" He then laughed and said, "Ah, f*** it, I'm not going to say anything about Trump."

He then went on to say how he missed his friend David Bowie and that they reworked one of his songs in the studio when he died for closure. NIN didn't release the song for commercial purposes. He then played an incredibly haunting rendition of I Can't Give Everything Away. Trent's vocals were the best I've heard from him (and I've been to about 12 NIN shows). The second verse had Bowie's recorded voice harmonized with Trent. They put some strange lights on him and two commercial, studio-quality cameras came in on him from both sides of the stage.

That's when it became apparent that they were recording the whole show with giant commercial cameras from multiple angles. I would be shocked if the whole concert isn't released in some form or another. They had two giant cameras on tracks on the sides of the stage as well as at least two floating camera men.

He then said, "This is something from Add Violence," and played The Lovers. It was the only other song besides Less Than that made the cut from AV. I did not listen to AV before the show and The Lovers kind of lost me live. It was complex and difficult to follow.

Reptile really burned, but the highlight of the show -- by far -- was Burning Bright (Field on Fire). Holy F'n Jeez, it was awesome. Trent screamed the verse through a megaphone, the bridge sounded better than the record and the chorus was sung by the entire band (minus Trent). Trent came in screaming FFFIIIIRRRE!!! with everyone through the megaphone. It sounded way better live than on NTAE.

They then wheeled the lights on the sides of the stage to the rear so they were pointing at the crowd. He then ended the concert with a series of hard hits like Hand that Feeds, Wish, Gave Up and Head Like a Hole. The lights were blinding, as always.

One disappointment -- a 1-song encore of Hurt. I was looking forward to the outro of Background World. But, nope.

There were some graphics played on the white sheet occasionally but nothing ARG-worthy. Maybe they flashed messages really quickly, or something.

They also handed out posters when leaving the show. It's the same as the promo pic for the concert, the "I can't seem to wake up 2017" promo pic.

So, the only new stuff played was:
1. Branches/Bones
2. Less Than
3. The Lovers
4. Burning Bright

He covered
1. Parasite (HTDA)
2. I Can't Giver Everything Away (David Bowie)

Everything else was the classics, like the March of the Pigs, Piggy, The Frail, The Wretched and Closer series. He also played Burn.

That's all I got.

07-20-2017, 10:21 AM
What an amazing night! Agree with everything said above... except for the comment about The Hand That Feeds. Though not the best song in the catalog.... it is a great live song. Very intense.

Does anyone by any chance have the setlist for Tobacco? They really surprised me. Though I think I had a dream last night about about ET getting a blow job. Either way, good stuff.

muse-lyre candy
07-20-2017, 11:10 AM
Tobacco. I found them both visually addictive and auditory stimulating. I would like to hear and see more of them. mesmerizing.

07-20-2017, 11:29 AM
people who went to the show:


people who saw the video on FB live:

"Business as Usual 2017 - I wouldn't pay for that".

07-20-2017, 11:57 AM
people who went to the show:


people who saw the video on FB live:

"Business as Usual 2017 - I wouldn't pay for that".

I'm kind in between this. While I don't regret flying down on a whim, I can't help but feel a tad underwhemed by the setlist.
I guess I was just expecting something a little more special for the first show, a few more new songs, but I guess I can't complain too much. I did hear 6 new unique songs I had never heard live before. I just wish he would change up the ending to the show once in a while. It's gotten so predictable. Play Last instead of Gave up, EDIETS instead of THTF, I'd even take terrible lie over HLAH at this point. There's plenty of "non deep cuts" he can still play to appease the general concert goer, while making it a little more exciting for those that attend multiple shows.

i understand this was basically a warm up show for a small festival run, so they probably didn't want to get to experimental, but it seems odd to not have concentrated more on the new EP's. Guess we'll see what happens as the tour unfolds.

once the 3rd EP drops, I'm guessing then there will be a revamped show for all 3 EP's.

07-20-2017, 12:03 PM
I did hear 6 new unique songs I had never heard live before

30% of the setlist!! I guess it's all based on your perspective - y'all should try being Tool fans, then you'll know what it's really like to be disappointed at the setlist.

Although to your point, if I paid the amount of money you did, I would probably feel different.

muse-lyre candy
07-20-2017, 01:03 PM
Expectations are a tricky bastard that shouldn't always be trusted. Expectations can create misery and huge let downs, where instead could be something opposite of a let down. There's something to be said in the freedom of being able to *just be*. Expectaions are a dogma following their own rules and terms of existence. They can be almighty depending on how you as the owner feed them. Expectations can possess great strength, enough to dictate set guidelines to predetermine a prophesized outcome with whatever you choose to do. Expectations can be their own shackles on how you view and experience reality; rarely can they be lived up to, and are often a great deceiver. They can dupe you into looking only for the things that were part of 'the expectation pckg' and blind you from seeing the things that weren't part of that expectation plan, therefore denying you authenticity and unadulterated reality based on the make believe of a preconceived fairytale inside your own head...
They are a most tricky beast best to be avoided for most circumstances.
(i'll have to reread and edit above later, even my head is still spinning from last night show and it's check out time--b-lunch, museum of tolerance(?), amoeba, and looks like there are free concerts at Santa Monica Pier, then head home. What a welcomed adventure life can be.)

07-20-2017, 02:04 PM
people who went to the show:


people who saw the video on FB live:

"Business as Usual 2017 - I wouldn't pay for that".

Haters gonna hate. More room at the shows for the rest of us.

07-20-2017, 03:30 PM
I really enjoyed the show. I think Field On Fire could become a new Reptile like live staple. Similar slow heavy grooves for both songs and an awesome sing a long chorus. The opening where the NIN logo slowly appeared was awesome. Looking forward to Sunday.

07-20-2017, 03:40 PM
people who actually saw the show:


people who think they saw the show after watching a vertical shitty quality Facebook live video shot from the seats:

"Business as Usual 2017 - I wouldn't pay for that".

Fixed that for you. ;)



07-20-2017, 03:51 PM
yeah, the experience is a bit different when you got the full onslaught of bass and strobes fucking you like an animal.

07-20-2017, 07:56 PM
Burning Bright was incredible live! And I personally loved the set list.

Synchronizing with Bowie on that cover was very touching.

07-21-2017, 02:20 AM
Quoting myself from the live tour discussion thread, because... why not.

Here are some of the photos I took from last night. I was front row against the barrier in front of Robin, so I didn't take too many photos. I didn't want to be that guy, so I mainly concentrated on watching/enjoying the show.

http://i.imgur.com/HQxmXGW.jpg (http://imgur.com/HQxmXGW)

http://i.imgur.com/IznVJCG.jpg (http://imgur.com/IznVJCG)

http://i.imgur.com/bDlE5AK.jpg (http://imgur.com/bDlE5AK)

http://i.imgur.com/pjaZqho.jpg (http://imgur.com/pjaZqho)
http://i.imgur.com/jOEYG2Q.jpg (http://imgur.com/jOEYG2Q)
http://i.imgur.com/OrRes5V.jpg (http://imgur.com/OrRes5V)
http://i.imgur.com/MkifF7x.jpg (http://imgur.com/MkifF7x)
http://i.imgur.com/tbr3D4z.jpg (http://imgur.com/tbr3D4z)
http://i.imgur.com/Tq2CLew.jpg (http://imgur.com/Tq2CLew)
http://i.imgur.com/LcPRYjW.jpg (http://imgur.com/LcPRYjW)

Harry Seaward
07-21-2017, 02:47 AM
They put some strange lights on him and two commercial, studio-quality cameras came in on him from both sides of the stage.

That's when it became apparent that they were recording the whole show with giant commercial cameras from multiple angles. I would be shocked if the whole concert isn't released in some form or another. They had two giant cameras on tracks on the sides of the stage as well as at least two floating camera men.

Those weren't actually lights, but projectors on dollies. Those were projecting the glitch lines and static and stuff directly onto Trent and other members at times.

Although during the first song (maybe the first two?) there was a guy on the stage with a big camera mounted on his back, filming the band and Trent mainly. It looked like this. (https://i.imgur.com/7PCQvrs.jpg) And I'm really surprised why nobody is mentioning it. I kinda guessed maybe it would be turned into the official video for Branches/Bones or maybe just like a press reel or personal collection or something? I dunno.

What an amazing night! Agree with everything said above... except for the comment about The Hand That Feeds. Though not the best song in the catalog.... it is a great live song. Very intense.

Does anyone by any chance have the setlist for Tobacco? They really surprised me. Though I think I had a dream last night about about ET getting a blow job. Either way, good stuff.

I quite like Tobacco, but I honestly just kinda listen to him randomly and don't have the songs memorized. I know he opened with Human Om and he also played Streaker. But I'd honestly just say listen through his albums, there's some real great stuff there. He also has another band called Black Moth Super Rainbow and the music is pretty similar in style, but sorta different in tone - e.g. a lot more psychedelic and chill.

07-21-2017, 09:08 AM
why not.

Because no one else can see your photos, since they're hosted on Photobucket. Post them to imgur or Flickr instead.

07-21-2017, 09:45 AM
I didn’t care for tobacco. I found the music bland and boring. If you need to put shocking visuals up to make your music interesting, then your music isn’t that interesting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

07-21-2017, 02:24 PM
I didn’t care for tobacco. I found the music bland and boring. If you need to put shocking visuals up to make your music interesting, then your music isn’t that interesting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I actually enjoyed the music. First opener in a while that I didn't want rushed off the stage. I would have bought a CD of theirs if there was one. I thought it was decent.
Visuals were fucked up and totally added nothing positive to the experience, but I think the music can hold up on it's own.

07-21-2017, 02:47 PM
NIN just posted this...


07-21-2017, 03:25 PM
Wow, what a start!

07-21-2017, 04:43 PM
NIN just posted this...

Copy of a poppy of a poppy

SM Rollinger
07-21-2017, 08:34 PM
NIN just posted this...

Atticus needs to not look so serious! lol stage fright maybe?

Harry Seaward
07-21-2017, 08:49 PM
Atticus needs to not look so serious! lol stage fright maybe?

Honestly, the very front of the stage is a weird spot for a guy whose only instrument is apparently a very small rectangular synth. Not a ton of room for theatrics in that performance.

Although, can any of you synth guys maybe tell me what Atticus is doing that Alessandro can't do? Honestly, shouldn't Alessandro be in the front since he's doing a lot more moving around and also playing bass and stuff?

07-21-2017, 08:51 PM
Honestly, the very front of the stage is a weird spot for a guy whose only instrument is apparently a very small rectangular synth. Not a ton of room for theatrics in that performance.

Although, can any of you synth guys maybe tell me what Atticus is doing that Alessandro can't do? Honestly, shouldn't Alessandro be in the front since he's doing a lot more moving around and also playing bass and stuff?

Allesandro isn't in NINE INCH NAILS. so he has to be in the back. duh.

07-21-2017, 09:03 PM
FWIW, Trents playing this.

At first I thought it was the new MPC but its just a controller.


07-21-2017, 09:32 PM
Although, can any of you synth guys maybe tell me what Atticus is doing that Alessandro can't do? Honestly, shouldn't Alessandro be in the front since he's doing a lot more moving around and also playing bass and stuff?

It's especially wierd because doesn't Atticus play bass is his other band? And yet they got Ally in the back doing synth, bass, AND guitar.

07-22-2017, 12:51 AM
I totally thought Atticus was going to be on bass duty for this tour. He was on bass for the Twin Peaks performance if I recall correctly.
Was shocked that Ally held down bass for the majority of songs. I think there were more synth heavy songs than normal though, Robin was playing synth half the time as well.
There was one point (forget the song) that Robin was literally just standing there and kind of swaying back and forth with nothing in his hands as he didn't know what to do, lol.

muse-lyre candy
07-22-2017, 03:52 AM
The cover wow! It is one thing to do a coverer tribute of an artist, but when you can 'engineer' multiple voices into sounding like/taking on the actual attributes of another's / 'ghosting a voice' (I experienced serious chills as when I closed my eyes I could 'hear' only and all of Bowie voice and natural inflections in the vocals... I don't know if that makes sense at all; this is how I experienced the song anyway.) If anyone had the opportunity to catch the Outside/Dissonance tour circa 1995/96, you may have had the same flashback moments of 'membering as I had (Columbus, OH show); Reznor and Bowie sharing the stage and vividly hearing both vocals on Reptile, Bowie using some alternate lyrics and then an OMG moment when Reptile started at the Bakersfield show, I believe this is the moment when I lost my shit.

During my stop at Amoeba I found a LIVE show (Bowie and NIN)
CDBack In Anger: 1995 Radio Transmissions (2 x CD SET)

Bought it and we listened to it on the way home. The sound mixing/engeineering(?) on this CD might sound familiar if you compare to Bakersfield show.

07-22-2017, 01:40 PM
So I finally recovered from the show. I drove 11 hours and pulled into Bakersfield at 6:30pm Wednesday. I left for home immediately after the show and drove all night as I had to work the next day. 22 hours driving in a 26.5 hour period. Brutal but so worth it.

Surprisingly, the highlight of the show for me was Parasite. It was awesome, new and exciting. However, I wanted Mariqueen to come on stage and then follow Parasite with She's Gone Away. That would've been so bad ass.
Reptile was probably the best I'd heard it live. It was like hearing it for the first time. It was so heavy! Loved it.

I couldn't help but wonder after it was all over if Trent ever gets sick of playing the same 10-12 songs every show. Not that I get sick of hearing them but its surprising how predictable his shows have become. I hate to admit, I expected a better setlist, especially at this show. I was disappointed that so few new songs were played. I understand he has to play the hits, but can't he play fewer per show and cycle them? This is my 7th time seeing them, and the first time I've felt a little let down. For those of you who see them over and over, how do you keep from getting bored? I LOVE NIN and see them every opportunity I get, but I'm starting to really want variation (and not just in lighting or production). Thoughts?

muse-lyre candy
07-23-2017, 02:44 AM
.... For those of you who see them over and over, how do you keep from getting bored...
Sometimes it's the m&g's and sound checks and more recent ARG thrown into the mix that keeps the fire going. not just band m&g's but the ppl m&g's too. at least that was the way with spiral(?) meet up's pre and post show, hanging during show. sometimes it was a rolling party moving from one concert end and off to the next venue, car pooling, hotel sharing (it seems like there was a time we had six+ ppl in a hotel room; 3 ppl to each bed plus a rollaway (maybe that was a Vegas show?) and then things get really crazy when everyone starts with the 'memory berries.....:rolleyes:

07-23-2017, 10:49 AM
*yawn*, I finally found some time to write this up.

Getting to the venue, I can't believe how small it was.

NIN sounded great but I would be remiss to say that I was bummed to hear THTF right after Wish. I knew the end was near. I know some people had some expectations on the setlist being diverse but I kept my expectations low. "Parasite" did take me by surprise.

Love hearing Alessandro and Robin do the vocals for songs on NTAE.

Reptile is heavy as fuck.

Random tidbits:
-Steven, Trent's tech, tells me Trent is using a combination of Kemper Profilers and Guitar Rig through Mainstage. Steven wanted to transfer the rig to Fractal but couldn't due to time.
-No young people at the show.
-@Eichalvindore that's you and your son dancing in the floor right? If so, I hope to do that someday when I have a son/daughter.
-I discovered there is an ET parody porn. Thanks Tobacco!
-Met Scott from OC Weekly and he gave me a heads up to leave the venue right after "Hurt" to avoid the crowds getting their poster.
-As for the poster, it is generic as fuck.

muse-lyre candy
07-23-2017, 01:14 PM
*yawn*, I finally found some time to write this up.

Getting to the venue, I can't believe how small it was.

NIN sounded great but I would be remiss to say that I was bummed to hear THTF right after Wish. I knew the end was near. I know some people had some expectations on the setlist being diverse but I kept my expectations low. "Parasite" did take me by surprise.

Love hearing Alessandro and Robin do the vocals for songs on NTAE.

Reptile is heavy as fuck.

Random tidbits:
-Steven, Trent's tech, tells me Trent is using a combination of Kemper Profilers and Guitar Rig through Mainstage. Steven wanted to transfer the rig to Fractal but couldn't due to time.
-No young people at the show.
-@Eichalvindore that's you and your son dancing in the floor right? If so, I hope to do that someday when I have a son/daughter.
-I discovered there is an ET parody porn. Thanks Tobacco!
-Met Scott from OC Weekly and he gave me a heads up to leave the venue right after "Hurt" to avoid the crowds getting their poster.
-As for the poster, it is generic as fuck.
sadly i snafu'd my ticket order and got 1 ga and 1 seat. i was on the floor, son chose the seat. was up in the seats with him for Tobacco and then when the seats around him were being claimed i relocated to the floor-high anxiety because we are Oregonians and I was being worried mom about leaving her offspring...
I took him to Amoeba the next day, walked out with more than a cpl dozen cd's and we schooled each other in music and life on the rest of the trip. i have a new formed respect and appreciation for rap music, have been educated in Pink Floyd, my car speakers are blown, and I know what is going on inside my eldest teenage son's mind. PRICELESS!
now how do I go about getting his poster signed for his 16th bday(?)
and what the hell happened to Amoeba(?) i was talking to my son about the mtpl floor levels of music and we walked into the makings of a barnes n nobles lacking the starbucks... can anyone tell me if Virgin music store on sunset strip is becoming the same way?