View Full Version : Touche Amore

bobbie solo
09-16-2016, 01:02 AM
new album Stage Four out today. Probably the best of the newer crop of emotive hardcore bands out there (Pianos Become The Teeth, Defeater, Modern Life Is War). Def. the biggest atm. Very down to earth and accessible guys. No posturing whatsoever. Songs are very personal, big singalongs. One little thing that separates them from other scene bands are the little blast beat parts that get snuck in by the drummer every now and then.

Saw them last week with Hum and Basement at Terminal 5. Completely garbage sound as usual from that piece of shit venue, but Touche was SO good.

This song is Jeremy's wondering why his mom moved to LA:


And this song is Jeremy's dealing with his mom dying of cancer last year (brutally painful lyrics):



Touche live is an experience:


09-16-2016, 06:49 PM
Great band. Put on an amazing live show as well.

Parting the Sea is one of my all time favorite albums. Short, sweet, to the point, not a second is wasted on that album. Didn't dig Is Survived By... quite as much, looking forward to giving the new one a listen though.

Saw them live years back in a tiny little bar in New Hampshire, was amazing.


New album is excellent. The lyrics are soul crushingly sad. Holy shit.

09-17-2016, 05:27 AM
Thanks for posting - I checked the new album and I dig it a lot.

09-22-2016, 09:08 AM
This is a fantastic album. I was finally able to give it a full listen through last night. I've been a fan of PTSBBAM for a few years now, and have seen Touche Amore live probably about 6 or 7 times at punk festivals (FEST, Wrecking Ball) and as openers, but this album really blows everything else I've heard from them out of the water. I never actually listened to "Is Survived By", so I can't speak much to progression from that album, but the difference from PTSBBAM (just look at the song durations alone) is huge. They took everything I loved about that album and crafted them into longer, yet still concise, songs. One of my AOTY for sure.

bobbie solo
04-12-2019, 12:35 AM
Just got home from seeing them with Pianos Become The Teeth and Soul Glo in Brooklyn. Pianos & Touche both played their first albums. I still get goosebumps when they play certain songs. Jeremy is just the nicest guy ever and such a great frontman. The Stage Four material they played still affects me greatly as I associate all of the lyrics with losing my dad to cancer as well.

bobbie solo
10-13-2020, 03:28 AM
new, Ross Robinson produced record is out & it is GLORIOUS.


Lead single features Andy Hull from Manchester Orchestra. Def. their most eclectic record, and with more straying into "alt rock" than prior. Still feels like Touche, with plenty of their signature sound present.

They had a record release show on Twitch tonight where they had a pre-show interview, then performed most of the record + some old ones, then Jeremy DJed on vinyl for an hour. Was fun. I love these guys...just great, down to earth dudes who all love music as much as we do. They went real deep at one point...whipping out Whale Belly from the Casket Lottery split.

Essential companion listening for this record is Jeremy's in-depth discussion with the Axe to Grind boys on their podcast. You get TONS of hilarious Ross Robinson stories. Dude really is as nuts as they say, and Jeremy goes into great detail on how they recorded the album with this crazy producer (for example, he stood in the vocal booth with his face right up against Jeremy's for the entirety of vocal recording. Madness! Really compelling. Even if you don't care about Touche, the interview is great bc they discuss alot of the crazy Ross Robinson stories & rumors too from all the older classic records he produced.


Ok, I'm done marking out.