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01-24-2021, 03:07 PM
And now, you're missing Tyrion and his crossbow, don't you? Also: don't forget that the original Gorija was a villain.

Hahaa, that made me chuckle. And I'm aware of what Gorija was back in 54'; it is one of my favorites! Agreed, I would like to see this on the big screen after seeing the first two there. The visuals were sooo good in KOTM.

01-24-2021, 07:47 PM
Hahaa, that made me chuckle. And I'm aware of what Gorija was back in 54'; it is one of my favorites! Agreed, I would like to see this on the big screen after seeing the first two there. The visuals were sooo good in KOTM.

1954 Gojira is also one of my favorite. The message in that movie, of how we created that monster, still resonate in the most recent films.

And I love KOTM. That scene when Mothra comes out of her cocoon... so incredibly gorgeous!

01-24-2021, 08:15 PM
I'm a fan of The Return Of Godzilla (1984) aka Godzilla 1985

01-25-2021, 04:38 AM
Lets not forget Shin Godzilla, straight up villain in that! Was also awesome.

01-25-2021, 10:13 AM

saw this on twitter yesterday. :D

01-26-2021, 03:25 AM
OK here's a REALLY out there theory (note i have not looked at any of the leaks of the toys or anything, i'm just having some fun) curtesy of the Weekly Planet Podcast...what if there are 2 Godzillas?

In most other Godzilla timelines there are 2 Godzillas, original and then a baby that becomes the main one. The Big G in the trailers looks a bit smaller, so what if it's an infant Godzilla. Basically at the end of GotM's Godzilla was in a bit of a state so went to hibernate, and was then taken (know idea how but stay with me) and was then mecha'd up to control it. Lil G is rampaging because it's trying to find it's parent, and clashing with Kong...in the end they end up teaming up to try and save (or fight) mecha? That could be fun.

01-29-2021, 10:46 AM

had to put the source the panels come from JIC.

03-01-2021, 10:17 AM

03-22-2021, 09:20 AM

https://www.liveforfilm.com/2021/03/15/godzilla-vs-kong-gets-a-new-featurette-and-a-uk-release-date/ (https://www.liveforfilm.com/2021/03/15/godzilla-vs-kong-gets-a-new-featurette-and-a-uk-release-date/)

I'm so incredibly angry about this. Everyone else seems to be getting both, but nope just online for us. There's no way i can watch this on my crappy 720p monitors (and they want nearly £20 as well, the fucking blu-ray will be cheaper when that comes out!) Fuck sake.

03-22-2021, 09:57 AM
Can't seem to find any information on how to see this in Germany. Guess we will follow the UK rout and have it streamed only as cinemas are still not open here/close off again. But there is no way I'll pay 20+ € to see this on the small screen. I'll gladly throw my money at it for the big screen, but this year in movie's is a bummer just like 2020. :/

Yet, I'm super hyped up about this movie and early reviews are quite good. Then again, I just want some badass monster-action and the trailers keep promising just that. :9

03-23-2021, 12:31 AM
I love movies that present Godzilla in a positive light. Unfortunately, it's not the way it's often portrayed.

I'm the opposite. Godzilla 1985 is my favorite G-movie. I think Godzilla should be feared. He should be scary. Not a monster superhero.

03-24-2021, 05:58 PM
According to RT: 9 reviews so far, all of them positive. I'm going tonight to my local cinema!

Edit: Just came back from the cinema, really entertaining film! I felt more engaged here than in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The human characters are more enjoyable here, their backstory is still minimal compared to the battle between Kong and Godzilla, but it is more enjoyable than the King of the Monsters backstory. Millie Bobby Brown is quite good here compared to the last film, her sidekicks are quite funny.

The Hong Kong battle sequence is quite something, I really liked the aesthetic of that whole sequence, the lighting was phenomenal.

And this film veers the MonsterVerse into sci fi territory, I found that whole section of the film fascinating. When the term “hollow Earth” was first mentioned I kinda rolled my eyes, I thought that suspension of disbelief was going to be hard there but actually it was not, that whole act really worked (for me at least). I felt transported to a far away world, I guess this is what I would expect from a movie in this Covid world, to disconnect from reality for a couple of hours.

King Kong’s “acting” was superb, they really nailed its eyes, you can feel emotion through its eyes. I wasn’t expecting much after the King of the Monsters fiasco so this was a nice surprise.

My ranking:
1. Godzilla (2014)
2. Godzilla vs Kong
3. Kong: Skull Island
4. King of the Monsters

03-25-2021, 05:12 AM
Glad you liked it! I'm totally stoked, but it's oh so frustrating as today seems to be the official release in Germany, yet no cinemas are open and there's no channel to stream it on. I have no idea on how to get my hands on this movie in the next coming weeks. A real bummer... :(

03-25-2021, 07:03 AM
Forgot to mention that there’s some sort of homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey. That was a cool scene, you’ll know which one I’m talking about.

I saw it on IMAX, totally worth it. Go for IMAX if you have the chance.

03-25-2021, 07:59 AM
I thought this didn't hit theaters until next week. How's everyone seeing it early?

03-25-2021, 12:03 PM
I thought this didn't hit theaters until next week. How's everyone seeing it early?

In Mexico the release was a week ahead of the US, don't know why.

03-25-2021, 02:47 PM
Use of the spoiler function would be nice...

bobbie solo
03-29-2021, 04:32 AM
Going by myself Thursday afternoon to the only true IMAX near me, at the Lincoln Center AMC. Psyched outta my mind, but also prepared to be let down bc the last Godzilla sucked. I was able to ignore the awful human stuff for the King movie, but I couldn't shake it for the last Godzilla and it really clouded my final opinion.

03-30-2021, 12:11 PM

way to miss the point. wow.

I mean, if you're going to a monster movie hoping for a human connection...why?

03-30-2021, 12:57 PM
I fail to see the negative here.

03-31-2021, 06:25 AM
We re-watched King of the Monsters last night and I liked it a hell of a lot better then I did seeing it in the theater. Super pumped to watch Kong from the comfort of my couch tonight.

03-31-2021, 09:04 AM
I fail to see the negative here.
100% agree.

This is what I wish to see, precisely: a giant lizard and a giant ape fight. Isn't that SUPPOSED to be the best thing about a movie that's basically called "Giant Lizard vs. Giant Ape?"

03-31-2021, 11:59 AM
It was alright. Entertaining for the most part. I guess it was better than King Of Monsters.

03-31-2021, 12:55 PM
I'm confused by the comments in this thread recently regarding King Of The Monsters. I thought that was easily the best of the 3. Was completely disappointed with Skull Island and thought Godzilla 1 was ok but had far too little scenes with Godzilla in them. Felt KOTM had just the right amount of giant monster fights and all of those scenes were great. Couldn't tell you what the human plot was about though, but as elevenism pointed out above, couldn't care less about that aspect.

03-31-2021, 03:13 PM
I like Gareth Edwards' Godzilla the most when it comes to tone and really showing us the sense of scale. I just hate the acting/delivery of lines in King Of The Monsters. I need more than just monster fights. Godzilla vs Kong is pretty much Pacific Rim. They sprinkle in a couple of moments in GvK to give us some sense of how big these monsters are and how massive their destruction is, but Pacific Rim did it better than KotM and GvK. I am waiting for Legendary to tie them in together lol. I just found these got a little silly and somehow they managed to make the acting worst in KotM than G1. GvK acting is a step up from KotM. Edwards' Godzilla still is the best one in my opinion.

I imagine the credits like this...

Story & Screenplay by
As Long As We're Not Like That Shitty Emmerich Movie
Directed by
I Wish I Was Spielberg

King Of The Monsters
Story by
12 Year Old Boy
Screenplay by
Guy Who Only Edited Generic Action Movie Trailers
Directed by
A Guy Who Was Told Not To Repeat Director #1 & Be More Like That Shitty Emmerich Dude

Godzilla vs Kong
Story by
14 Year Old Boy
Screenplay by
Guy Who Used To Edit Generic Action Movie Trailers, But Took Some Writing Classes
Directed by
Dude Who Really Liked Racific Rim

04-01-2021, 01:21 AM
Is Skull Island part of this universe? That one was REALLY good, in terms of having a big, interesting story.

I don't NEED a big, interesting story, though. I just wanna see Godzilla fight King Kong with 2020 effects.

04-01-2021, 04:57 AM
Holy atomic halitosis!

04-01-2021, 08:21 AM
I really enjoyed Godzilla vs. Kong, everything I was expecting, stupid human bullshit included. The fight scenes were awesome.

I think they've built up some pretty good lore over these 4 movies, really hope they get the chance to make more but that seems kind of unlikely.

bobbie solo
04-02-2021, 02:45 AM
I was thoroughly entertained. Seeing it on an IMAX screen with a full FUCK YOU level sound system was dope. Stupid human bullshit was toned down greatly from the last Godzilla, and I thought Millie Bobby Brown was pretty good in a more grown up role, as was the big dude from "Atlanta" as the paranoid conspiracy theorist. He got some good lines in. I actually thought the story here was less absurd than in the last Godzllla (it's still absurd). Hats off to everyone involved with the sound on this...so much work.

The first fight scene btwn Gojira & Kong was pretty impressive from a blocking perspective to me.

Also, no cut scene folks. Don't bother FF'ing your HBOMax, or just leave the theater when its over.

04-03-2021, 05:25 AM
This is definitely the best one since skull island. Thankfully they came to their sense and stopped cutting away from the action.

The one thing I will say is that the human drama is still sooooo tedious in these movies. The reason sku island succeeded is because they trade the melodrama for fun and adventure, comedy and camp. Idk why all these monster movies always try to be so self serious

About halfway through this movie that seriousness is abandoned for batshittery and it was all the better for it

04-03-2021, 10:29 AM

apparently this scene made it into the movie but I can't find the one gif I saw of it.

well there's a youtube of it at least.


04-04-2021, 07:44 AM
About halfway through this movie that seriousness is abandoned for batshittery and it was all the better for it

This is when the movie came alive for me, it looked like the filmmakers actually had fun doing some of this shit! (Unlike King of the Monsters, where every second of film felt miserable and joyless)

04-04-2021, 02:13 PM
I know all the spoilers because that's how I roll, of course.

Third wave of covid, movie theaters closed.


04-05-2021, 08:18 PM
This is when the movie came alive for me, it looked like the filmmakers actually had fun doing some of this shit! (Unlike King of the Monsters, where every second of film felt miserable and joyless)

Yeah the last two movies are all about edging in genre that doesn't want it

Mr. Blaileen
04-13-2021, 11:12 AM
I was pleasantly surprised with this. It was pretty sweet, and I'll probably go see it in a theater (watched it on HBO). I couldn't have cared any less about any of the humans (except for the little girl), but the monster fights were satisfying.

04-16-2021, 04:20 AM
Finally saw it and I really liked it! KotM was quite a letdown, but I thoroughly enjoyed the first Godzilla as well as Skull Island, so this was pretty amazing! The human characters were even more neglible than in KotM, but only half as annoying. The little girl felt appropriate and gave the story an emotional push that the other actors just couldn't deliver.

The fights were fantastic, yet bonkers, but fantastic! Exactly what I wanted to see and it's just cool to see Godzilla being so agile and threatening. Some of the more sci-fi stuff really stretched my suspension of disbelief a bit too far, but it all came down to Godzilla and Kong interacting with each other. A fanstastic, great, loud and well made dumb pre-summer movie! Hope I can see it on a really big screen soon. And I do hope they will produce more Monsterverse movies after this one! Overall I enjoy these flicks more than Jurassic World which is just sad, but don't get me started...

05-02-2023, 11:43 AM
This was posted almost two weeks ago:


And, in case you weren't aware, there should be a Japanese Godzilla film at the end of this year.

10-17-2023, 12:21 PM

damn, this will probably sell some subs to A+ for sure. amazing.

10-17-2023, 12:29 PM
I'm a little confused about the series actually. Are the monsters really in it? Or just the occasional cameo?

10-17-2023, 04:28 PM
There are a lot of monsters in the trailer to be cameos and that establishing shot of Godzilla at the end is majestic.