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03-28-2019, 02:11 PM
BL3 confirmed, no release date given. BL1 remaster trailer kept freezing so they couldn't show it. People at the panel got vouchers for that and 4K handsome collection so I'd imagine we'll have the remaster within a week.

Edit: BL1 remaster available April 3rd

03-28-2019, 02:16 PM
That whole presentation was....well some next level car crash stuff! But Randy's a prick so i found it quite funny!

When they did finally show the game after 3 fucked up attempts it did look good, no release date though.

03-28-2019, 02:47 PM

03-28-2019, 03:06 PM
Looks like the BL1 remaster is only available from the 2k store and Gamestop. Guess I'll be setting foot in a Gamestop for the first time in years.

03-28-2019, 07:39 PM
I never finished either game, and I pinch myself for that. This looks insane.

03-29-2019, 10:09 AM
Something weird with ordering from Gamestop to be aware of. I reserved a copy yesterday but then noticed the pick up at store was no longer an option on the website. Called them today and they said the pre-order has been taken down but my order was in the system. Not a big deal either way cause I can't imagine they'll sell out of it, just FYI.

04-01-2019, 03:37 PM
Unconfirmed reports of Borderlands 3 possibly exclusive to Epic Games Store on PC.

04-01-2019, 03:41 PM
Unconfirmed reports of Borderlands 3 possibly exclusive to Epic Games Store on PC.

That would be, to put it mildly, dumb as hell. That's not a dig at you for mentioning it. They'd be seriously blasting off their own foot if they restricted it in any way.

Space Suicide
04-01-2019, 03:52 PM
That would be, to put it mildly, dumb as hell. That's not a dig at you for mentioning it. They'd be seriously blasting off their own foot if they restricted it in any way.

Epic Games Store has a huge death grip on a lot of games so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

04-01-2019, 03:57 PM
Epic Games Store has a huge death grip on a lot of games so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

As much as I loved the graphical superiority that came with PC, it's stuff like this that makes me more and more glad i made the move to 100% console gaming.

04-01-2019, 03:57 PM


Link in case the tweet doesn't show.

Also here's something that seems to lead some credence to this finding.

Borderlands 3 Epic Games Store exclusivity commented on by Gearbox CEO (http://gamerevolution.com/news/509477-borderlands-3-epic-games-store-exclusivity-gearbox-ceo)

04-01-2019, 04:24 PM
More signs Randy Pitchford is getting out of touch with gamers.

04-03-2019, 08:11 AM

04-03-2019, 08:38 AM

Oh hell yes. Not even that long of a wait now. Gotta get that 250 dollar super collectors edition pre ordered... until the wife finds out and she kills me lol

04-03-2019, 06:22 PM
Looks like it's true, i see that little Epic logo at the end there.

What a shitty deal.

04-04-2019, 02:54 AM
Of course it's an EPIC exclusive, Randy saw $ signs and couldn't wait to get a deal done. He'd sell off his own children if it meant an extra $5 in his back pocket! Although 6 months seems...kinda pointless, although that does mean Randy gets to release the game twice in 6 months at full price so that is on brand...

Can you tell i don't like the guy lol

06-06-2019, 07:49 AM

New FREE BL2 DLC apparently coming out June 9th(releasing on a Sunday seems unlikely), Steam page was up but now it's down. New bosses, zones and loot(including a new rainbow rarity). Level cap is getting raised to 80, not sure how that will effect OP levels. And there will be an option to start off at level 30 so you can jump right into the new DLC, that is fucking amazing, starting a new character at 1 is always such a chore to slog through that first playthrough.

06-10-2019, 06:29 AM
New DLC has launched, and the Handsome Collection is free this month on PS+ and on sale on Xbox Live. Now's the time to get stuck back in!

06-10-2019, 01:13 PM
I played through the bulk of the DLC last night. It's not bad, but it feels a little unfinished, like, some of the dialogue is a little abrupt. The new weapons are slick though. The final boss is a pain. I haven't tried the new raid boss yet so i have no idea what it is or how it's like, might go after that tonight. All in all, not a bad placeholder til 3 comes along.

06-11-2019, 06:15 PM
God DAMN, I can't fucking stand Chris Hardwick. I know of absolutely no one who likes this asshole or finds him funny at all -- any opinion I've ever seen/heard expressed about him is almost always something in the realm of how annoying he is. You'd think after the abuse allegations came out that he'd tuck his tail between his legs to fuck off and be rich somewhere in corner wherein everyone can forget he exists (especially now that he's got Hearst money), but no... he's going to spend every last breath shoehorning himself into nerd fandoms to try and fool everyone into believing he's totally hip with it. He and Randy Pitchford need to snort themselves into cardiac arrest already.

06-12-2019, 08:58 AM
It's not bad, but it feels a little unfinished, like, some of the dialogue is a little abrupt.

Yeah some of the dialogue just cuts off for me on PS4 and Lilith's speech at the end is pretty cringe worthy. Other that it's a great little piece of DLC. I tried beating the new raid boss for about an hour yesterday and couldn't do it, might have to blow through the story on normal mode to see if I can beat it there. The drops are great though, Uranus drops at least 1 legendary almost every time you kill him. Not super pumped that the level increase makes my OP levels obsolete, definitely not going through that grind again.

06-12-2019, 09:06 AM
I'm sure i'll do the DLC eventually, my friend just got the Handsome Collection and has never played a BL game, so co-oping should be fun!

06-12-2019, 04:16 PM
Not super pumped that the level increase makes my OP levels obsolete, definitely not going through that grind again.

An interesting thing to note though is that overpower weapons are more powerful than standard level equivalents. Like, an overpower 6 weapon is still more powerful than a level 78. I'm not sure if anyone else has had that experience. This is based on the op weapons i already had before the dlc dropped, i haven't run through Digistruct Peak again to see what happens with new drops.

06-13-2019, 07:27 AM
An interesting thing to note though is that overpower weapons are more powerful than standard level equivalents. Like, an overpower 6 weapon is still more powerful than a level 78. I'm not sure if anyone else has had that experience. This is based on the op weapons i already had before the dlc dropped, i haven't run through Digistruct Peak again to see what happens with new drops.

Yeah that's because OP weapons are actually just a higher level gun that you can use at a lower level. Like now when you're level 80 and have an OP8 gun, that gun is actually level 88. That's why all our OP8 stuff from before the update becomes level 80 once you reach max level again. I guess the new raid boss drops new effervescent gear that makes running the peak easier. I can't beat the bastard though.

SM Rollinger
07-26-2019, 11:32 PM

Space Suicide
08-03-2019, 12:54 PM
I really enjoyed the proper numbered games in this series and never played The Pre-Sequel (even though I own the Handsome Collection). After time has sunk in I find it bizarre I have no hype or excitement for the 3rd game...I wonder why? :s

SM Rollinger
08-03-2019, 03:19 PM
I really enjoyed the proper numbered games in this series and never played The Pre-Sequel (even though I own the Handsome Collection). After time has sunk in I find it bizarre I have no hype or excitement for the 3rd game...I wonder why? :s

Because every game gearbox had released since Borderlands 2 has been hot garbage.

And you know they are going to throttle progression so they can push players towards microtransactions. If not at first, thru patches in the future.

I'm so bitter towards games in general, been let down so many times, I'm not excited for ANYTHING.

I have been playing Borderlands 2 again, however, and I'm finally pushing thru UVHM as Maya, and having a great time.

08-05-2019, 07:36 AM
It's already been confirmed that 3 won't have microtransactions other than cosmetic stuff, same as the second game. I'm insanely excited for September 13th, nothing since No Man's Sky has had me this pumped for a game's release.

I've been playing 2 again as well recently. Got a Sal up to OP10, absolutely destroy everything with a Pimpernel and Creamer. Sal is definitely overpowered as hell but it's so much fun to just faceroll everything after spending years fighting tooth and nail with Axton just to get through everything.

08-17-2019, 08:14 AM
Soo, I finally got around to finishing Borderlands 2 and what a dam ride. I started playing back when it was released and kind of just forgot about it. I started with Zero, and sniping is so dam fun with the right build which I'm working on now. The humor has me really going especially with what some of the enemies say during a fight, and when they die (Especially the Goliath). The fight with The Warrior and Handsome Jack was pretty dam cool, despite being able to cheese the royal fuck out of it.

Anyone have any tips as where to start next after completing the game?

08-18-2019, 04:02 AM
I think some of the expansions are meant to be good. I only completed the sand pirate ship one but it was fun. There's the weird one where you enter a D&D role playing game but it was too high tier for me when I was playing blands2. If you've beaten the main game you're probably high tier enough for it though. I didn't complete the main campaign.

08-18-2019, 10:02 AM
I'd say just mess around in a different game and wait for BL3 in like three weeks haha.

08-18-2019, 10:17 AM
The role-playing game expansion was the best DLC for Borderlands 2. It was dynamic, the humor was there, and it actually made Tiny Tina a semi-likeable and relatable character. Up until that point, i could not stand her; she was my least favorite character from the franchise. That DLC actually gave her some real depth.

08-19-2019, 08:08 AM
Anyone have any tips as where to start next after completing the game?

Definitely check out Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. It's the only DLC other than the brand new one that actually continues the story from the main game. It's also fun as hell and has some bad ass loot.

09-11-2019, 02:39 PM
You can pre-load digital pre-orders now. My PS4 and Xbone versions are ready for Friday!

09-11-2019, 02:53 PM
Yeah my XB1 preloaded last week. Pumped for this!

09-11-2019, 04:36 PM
Same here. My podcast runs from 10pm to midnight Thursday, after it's over i'll be just in time to load up for another adventure on Pandora (and beyond).

09-12-2019, 04:39 PM
Grabbing this sometime tonight. Anyone grabbing the other editions?

09-18-2019, 12:07 PM
I am loving BL3. Took a few hours to get used to it but it's been nothing but fun since then. Being able to fast travel whenever you want is a god send, no more running all the way back across the map to turn in a mission. Only real gripe at the moment is the inventory screen, it's a pain in the ass to navigate and half freezes most times I open it.

The one kind of Torgue shotgun is completely OP right now, it'll definitely get nerfed. If you get one with a x6(not sure if lower will work) damage modifier and put the firing mode on sticky it will absolutely wreck any bad ass/boss that is anywhere near your level.

Edit: The shotgun thing got nerfed with the hot fix today.

09-21-2019, 10:02 PM
anyone else having issues with their XBOX frying while playing BL3?


09-21-2019, 11:38 PM
anyone else having issues with their XBOX frying while playing BL3?


The amount of lag is ridiculous. Co-op play is even worse. Some of it has to do with particle effects seems like. I'm hoping they put out a patch that addresses it.

09-22-2019, 09:43 AM
Played a few missions with a rando group and noticed a bit but it wasn't unplayable.

Otherwise, finished the story yesterday at level 41 in aforementioned group and I've gotta say...it was great. The last say, hour though is just going from one vault, to another, to another, to another, then back and putting the vault keys on the pedastals, and then to another vault, and another. Fighting legit mobs of enemies, sometimes like 20 at once over and over and over. Got a bit 'shit, when's the end here' at times.

Anyways, Mayhem 1 activated and time to bang out some of those circles of slaughter before starting over lol.

10-02-2019, 10:42 AM
Anyways, Mayhem 1 activated and time to bang out some of those circles of slaughter before starting over lol.

I hate the circle of slaughter missions in these games, they're all I have left for the side missions. I definitely agree that the very end of the story drags on too long.

The second playthrough goes much faster once you have some bad ass loot. I grinded to 50 in Mayhen 3 before I started TVHM so all the missions/enemies would be my level. With an on-level Laser-Sploder(fire), Breath of the Dying and sticky bomb Torgue shotgun you can melt the whole game. It was a lot of fun completely owning bosses that gave me tons of problems in the Normal playthrough.

10-02-2019, 10:52 AM
I solo'ed all of the Eridian proving grounds pretty easily...and then didn't even get the achievement for it! lol

10-02-2019, 11:58 AM
Yeah those were all pretty easy. Weird you didn't get the achievement, I got the trophy no problem on Monday.

10-02-2019, 12:17 PM
Yeah who knows haha. Achievements, etc. mean practically nothing to me...shit I beat Gears 5 and didn't get a ton of them lol.

02-20-2020, 01:12 PM
Eli Roth is directing the Borderlands movie!!!!

02-20-2020, 01:32 PM
Holy actual shit. PLEASE LET THIS BE GOOD.

02-21-2020, 07:44 AM
The plot synopsis I read sounds like absolute garbage.

Edit: I just saw that a new screenplay is being written, so that's a good sign

SM Rollinger
02-21-2020, 08:50 AM
Personally I don't understand the desire to have everything adapted to live action movies, weather it be video games, tv shows, animation, comics, ect. A good majority of the time, 2 hours is not anywhere enough time to develop a compelling narrative. But that's just me though.

Space Suicide
02-21-2020, 07:16 PM
Personally I don't understand the desire to have everything adapted to live action movies, weather it be video games, tv shows, animation, comics, ect. A good majority of the time, 2 hours is not anywhere enough time to develop a compelling narrative. But that's just me though.

Same not to mention I don't even know what would be so compelling we'd have to see a movie in this universe.

02-23-2020, 01:54 AM
Game is currently $23.56 on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Borderlands-3-PlayStation-4/dp/B07Q39DBJY/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=boardlands%2B3&qid=1582444329&sr=8-3&th=1) if you've been on the fence about getting it.

05-05-2020, 02:52 PM
Cate Blanchett in talks to portray Lilith in Eli Roth's movie. (https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3615539/cate-blanchett-talks-play-lilith-eli-roths-borderlands)

01-26-2021, 12:17 PM
So Cate Blanchett is locked in as Lilith, and now Kevin Hart is in talks (https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/kevin-hart-talks-lionsgates-borderlands-movie-1301433) to portray Roland. This movie may be doomed lol.

02-11-2021, 12:15 PM
Jamie Lee Curtis confirmed to play Tannis...interesting. Oh and:


03-01-2021, 02:16 PM
Ariana Greenblatt cast as Tiny Tina. (https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3654153/ariana-greenblatt-will-play-tiny-tina-eli-roths-borderlands-movie/)

06-01-2021, 08:03 AM

07-13-2021, 02:37 PM
I haven't been entirely sold on the casting but this fan manip actually makes it look pretty fuckin' good?


07-20-2023, 01:06 PM

02-20-2024, 08:34 AM

Space Suicide
02-20-2024, 08:57 AM
Kevin Hart? Really?

02-20-2024, 10:15 AM
Isn't this movie like three years old and a year away from extensive reshoots? that it's coming out at all is amazing after WB's slash and burn tax evasion write-offs.

02-20-2024, 11:05 AM
Haha sometimes this place is so shitty.

02-21-2024, 11:08 AM
This looks ok at best. I'll still watch it.


02-22-2024, 08:01 AM
Definitely looks better than I expected. I still don't like Kevin Hart as Roland, he's just too tiny of a person. I'll watch it, it's fuckin Borderlands

02-22-2024, 01:37 PM
Just wanna watch for Cate Blanchett, alone. She'll knock that role out of the park.