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View Full Version : [Music] solitude noise

07-24-2014, 06:11 AM
I used to write and record music, a lot. It was the one thing I could count on to ease anxiety/depression. This changed, due to reasons I would rather not go in to here and that feeling I got once finishing a song had gone, so eventually I stopped playing altogether.
I learned guitar through listening and learning Nirvana tracks when I was in my late teens, at one point I knew the entire catalog. Of course this singular learning impacted the music I wrote. Today my music tastes are much broader.
I thought I would share an old song I recorded and put to visuals of a time in my life just before it all turned to shit. It's not great at all, very simple structure, kind of boring. Lately I've been picking up my guitar again, and found that old feeling was there. Dull, but still flickering. I don't know if I'll ever start recording again, but it does feel good to have aching fingertips again.
Prepare to be immensely underwhelmed, and yes I'm aware I can not sing.
