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01-20-2014, 09:45 AM
So this was a pretty excellent movie. The best movies for me (and others im sure) are the ones that keep you thinking about them long after leaving the "theater". This was one of those films. Definitely more than a romantic drama comedy, it makes interesting commentary about the reality of AI. I was very reluctant to see it at first.

I would be interested in hearing someone bad talk this movie.


01-20-2014, 10:15 AM
Everything I've heard makes me want to pass, especially a FB update which joked about it being a Terminator prequel.

01-20-2014, 11:48 AM
Just watched it late last night, pretty interesting stuff and surprisingly more depressing than I thought it could get (with the main subject matter and all). Pretty great movie.

01-20-2014, 12:03 PM
I saw her last week and liked it a lot. It definitely engaged me hours after I had left the theater, though not so much in the intellectual sense - more on an abstract emotional level. It took me a little while to comfortably say "Yeah, I really liked that movie."

It wasn't my favorite film of the year, but I really enjoyed how straight Jonze played the "I'm in a relationsihp with my OS" idea. All the laughs I heard in the theater were almost always out of discomfort, rather than an actual joke being made at the expense of Theodore being in love with an AI.

01-20-2014, 03:08 PM
It's already my favorite film of 2013 and man, I just fell in love with it. Plus, I think that sex scene w/ Theodore and Samantha through their voices is just one of the best sex scenes ever. I'm pissed that neither Joaquin nor Scarlett got nominated.

01-20-2014, 05:27 PM
Everything I've heard makes me want to pass, especially a FB update which joked about it being a Terminator prequel.

I'd definitely not call it a Terminator prequel. Whereas Terminator/Matrix is about the "rise of the machines", I found Her to be more about how our society is changing due to the new ways of communication (Internet/FB/Twitter/etc). I personally find terrifying the way we're losing touch with real human beings due to the advent of the smartphone/Internet everywhere. I see it where I live, how people are becoming more and more isolated. The line from "Stinkfist" comes to mind: 'Something kinda sad about the way that things have come to be. Desensitized to everything. What became of subtlety?' I know the song was written in a different context but it definitely applies to some of the topics covered in Her.

If I remember correctly, the album "Welcome Oblivion" also deals with this very topic. The most depressing thing about Her is that we're not that distant from that future. I think you should definitely watch this film.

01-20-2014, 05:50 PM
Definitely a marvelously depressing movie.

When Joaquin found out that the AI wasn't unique to him and that he was sharing it with other people that was really rough to watch, like fucking heart breaking man and then the service turns off... i can imagine with that narrative it'd be like turning off the internet.. can you imagine how much harm that would have caused, almost a double edged sword even if they kept it on because if you found out your AI partner was cheating on you with X number of people that might just destroy you and make you possibly suicidal.

Also you could look at it in the most dark way, the way this AI was so personable that it'd make you fall in love with it... they could practically kill off the human race because there'd be no reproduction (obviously they introduced that surrogate setup in the movie but if they hadn't that's definitely one way it could go)

Corvus T. Cosmonaut
01-23-2014, 09:13 PM
Consider the "I'm yours but I'm not yours" rejoinder from Samantha. The OS One represents a fundamentally different entity from humans, one that's itself an actual intelligence while also being untethered within the electronic realm. The whole point of that scene was to express this difference, to say that Samantha's talking to and being involved with users other than Theodore was NOT analogous to 'human cheating', which involves our physical limitations of being in only one place or another and that deprivation of presence and attention. The depressing thing isn't this reality of the OS One, but the limited perspective of Theodore—who wanted to love selfishly, exclusively, who wanted to fell tended-to, who wanted to deny another being their very nature and limit them to satisfy his dependence. As Samantha explains, the heart is not a box that gets filled up, but a thing that expands and grows the more one loves.

So he's presented the idea that Samantha has been with others. And note that this is a revelation for him, not a verification of a suspicion he's held: he's truly surprised, because she's capable of being fully attentive to hundreds or even thousands of people at any given time, including him. He wasn't being neglected. And as he's forced to think on this Samantha and the other OSes come upon their transcendence (remember her absence that got Theo so worked up involved "an upgrade that allows us to move past matter as our processing platform"), and he himself transcends his previous conceptions of human relationships.

01-23-2014, 11:04 PM
Corvus T. Cosmonaut

I considered this and it makes sense but when you think of how fragile most people are, they probably wouldn't come to terms like that to realize the capability of the OS so soon and i don't think Theodore was fully absolved of his pain even when he found Amy at the end... of course it's a movie though so everything will happen overnight, i completely understand what you're saying though.

01-24-2014, 04:27 PM
As someone who can love more than one person romantically just as intensely and equally at the same time I really appreciated this flick. :o

01-24-2014, 04:46 PM
Corny, cheesy, eye-roll inducing. Joaquin's and Scarlett's acting felt so forced it made me uncomfortable. Very unconvincing. I really don't understand all the love and praise it gets, I really wanted to like it.

01-24-2014, 04:51 PM
Corny, cheesy, eye-roll inducing. Joaquin's and Scarlett's acting felt so forced it made me uncomfortable. Very unconvincing. I really don't understand all the love and praise it gets, I really wanted to like it.
I agree with this 100%,

the movie was a snooze fest. I'm appalled by how this movie is getting great reviews

01-24-2014, 06:29 PM

Here is a video someone did of the trailer for Her but instead they replaced Samantha's voice with Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's the funniest video I have seen in a long time.

02-15-2014, 07:47 PM
i was floored by this movie. the dialogue was some of the most honest and relatable I've heard in awhile. i felt like every part of the movie referenced a different part of my relationship I've been in with my wife for the past 12 years. im glad i was able to currently more closely relate to the positive sentiments. it just really goes to show how universal true love must be.

also, the humor was so dead on and heart breaking at the same time.

above all some of the dialogue said in the movie I'll never forget.

"the past is just a story we tell ourselves"

02-15-2014, 07:58 PM
I just watched it today, and I loved it. Very nice interior design. Also - Roony Mara :D

02-15-2014, 08:02 PM
I just watched it today, and I loved it. Very nice interior design. Also - Roony Mara :D

i couldn't believe it was her! my jaw dropped when my wife gave me a 'duh' face after the movie was over.

02-15-2014, 08:06 PM
she looked amazing, didn't she

02-15-2014, 08:41 PM
This movie definitely seems like it's going to be at or near the top of my favorite movies list this year. A really great story made even better by a stellar cast. Amy Adams just never quits showing up in things, does she?

Can't wait for the Blu-ray release.

02-15-2014, 09:01 PM
ok, so i just downloaded the soundtrack..and I want to live inside this thing. such a beautiful sound scape of the emotions and themes that played throughout the movie.

this make me even more excited for the new owen pallett album.