View Full Version : Remember when...

09-15-2013, 10:48 AM
Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:

09-15-2013, 10:53 AM
Well, I would say, but...oh, FUCK ME HARDER, MOTHER!

09-15-2013, 11:14 AM
Opinions? On MY internet?

09-15-2013, 11:16 AM
people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting
I only noticed it once, and that was in 2003 through to 2013.

09-15-2013, 11:19 AM
Remember when... that one guy named Keith S. Farley viewed the past unrealistically through rose-coloured glasses?

09-15-2013, 11:26 AM
Pertinent lyrics are pertinent:

Remember when
We always were
Yes, even then

09-15-2013, 11:30 AM
Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:

are you sure you're not thinking of theninhotline.com ?
because that is still an excellent source for NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information

SM Rollinger
09-15-2013, 12:38 PM
Opinions? On MY internet?
Damn, thats what I was going to say.

09-15-2013, 12:47 PM
If it wasn't for the things the OP mentioned this forum, actually ANY forum, would be redundant and dead.

"Remeber When"...


09-15-2013, 01:00 PM
I can't even make a joke about this because the OP is so idiotic.

09-15-2013, 01:04 PM
Wait, a discussion forum used to be for something about things other than discussions? Daaaaamn. What sorcery is this?

09-15-2013, 01:09 PM
I don't always post on the Internet
but when I do
It's lolz @ threads like this.

Mark Fraser
09-15-2013, 01:21 PM
Remember the time that Keith complained about off topic posts on ETS by making an off topic post on ETS?

09-15-2013, 01:49 PM
Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:


If you want news, go to The NIN Hotline.

09-15-2013, 01:59 PM
If it wasn't for the things the OP mentioned this forum, actually ANY forum, would be redundant and dead.

"Remeber When"...


I thought this tread was going to talk about our awesome concert experiences OR when TR and company would post funny videos of themselves - Mainly Josh F and Ally C acting crazy.

PLUS, when I used to listen to country music, I had this song on my ipod. How dare you make me cry from nostalgia and feels!

09-15-2013, 02:26 PM
Funny thing is, Keith, you didn't just post your observation about filler posts, opinions, etc in a general thoughts/forum issues thread, but you started an entire thread about it!!! Are you trolling us?!

Fist Fuck
09-15-2013, 03:52 PM
Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:

Thank you for contributing to this forum with your interesting facts and breaking information. #NIN2013

09-15-2013, 03:56 PM
Remember a time when Ilan Rubin couldn't vote and Trent Reznor wasn't allowed on golf courses?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

09-15-2013, 04:21 PM
Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:

well, you know, that's just your opinion dude

Although i accept your (slightly bullish) argument, i think this thread is sort of ridiculous under the circumstances.

to be honest, there's probably only about 1% of this thread that's of any interest to me.

anyone else feel the same?

09-15-2013, 06:06 PM
Wow, I definitely didn't expect this much of a response. Apparently I ruffled some feathers... (Everything from Trolling, Alan Jackson, to Pepperidge Farms, which is a good one by the way!) I think my earlier post is definitely needing some clarification, as it is being picked apart in ways I never meant. When it comes to nin, I am old-school (a fan since 1991, and followed them ever since) and I have viewed this board since its conception. If you click back to an older page (I just clicked page 13, for example) you will see examples of things I used to enjoy about this site. This was a great way to find out things "all about nin" that one might not have seen, or missed out on somewhere else. Now, some of the same things are still on here, but I find myself having to scroll through pages of things that just aren't relevant. (Its like opening an information website, or even newspaper and all of the "opinion pieces" being in the front, and the news being buried somewhere in the back.) And did I mention I have never been a fan of "opinion pieces?"

And who knows? Maybe I am the one who's changed? (Its quite possible?) But personally, I don't really don't give a shit what someone's take / opinion is on nin related stuff? And the last thing I want to do is read "page after page" of this shit..? Unless its coming from the "nin camp" then it's just "someone's opinion." And as well all know... "opinions are like ass-holes... everybody has one!" (Me included!)

Now you are asking... "Aren't you being a hypocrite "complaining about others opinions while voicing your own?" Possibly..?
But then again, I am also under no illusion that my opinion / words don't mean "jack shit" in the bigger scheme of things. And it seems a lot of people on this board have gone in the direction of modern day Hip-Hop, "a bunch of people talking real loud, but ain't saying nothing..!"

Let me wrap my version of the story up by saying I am not out to "be the bad guy," "step on anyone's toe's," or "start riots in the streets." I am just a long time nin fan making an observation. I don't feel the need to / nor desire to debate this further, and if you don't agree (while totally fair) then you are obviously not who I was addressing with this post. We can "agree to disagree," and let's keep it movin...

09-15-2013, 06:20 PM
If we shouldn't "debate" about this, why did you "post" on this "forum"?

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 06:23 PM
Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Now you have to parse through "people's opinions, bullish arguments, ridiculous threads, and the 99% filler people are posting" to find anything of interest / related. Has anyone else noticed this shift? :confused:
I really don't mean to be a douche or a smart-ass here... but when exactly did that stop? ETS is still one of the most top-notch sites for NIN news and information, and all those other things you've mentioned... both the good and bad... are still here. (But with better moderation this time around from the looks of it.)

09-15-2013, 06:43 PM
Just use the NINhotline...

09-15-2013, 07:41 PM
But personally, I don't really don't give a shit what someone's take / opinion is on nin related stuff? And the last thing I want to do is read "page after page" of this shit..? Unless its coming from the "nin camp" then it's just "someone's opinion."

Pretty sure ETS has always been a discussion forum for fans to discuss breaking NIN news and NIN in general. If you want just news there are sites that have just that, like The NIN Hotline. And if you really feel that anything that doesn't come directly from the NIN camp is just someone's opinion then there's nin.com.

Bottom line, this is a discussion forum. Always has been. All those opinions and shit you're seeing... that's the NIN community. If you just want to see news without all the opinions you've been coming to the wrong place, because I never remember a time when ETS just had news and no discussion of it.

EDIT: I just realized I didn't answer your question proper.

Remember when Echoing the Sound was about NIN related happenings, interesting facts, and breaking information...

Yes. I remember today and every day prior quite well.

09-15-2013, 07:52 PM
"This post has been down-ranked. Click "View Post" to view it."

Well, that's a first on here.

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 08:00 PM
Whoa, yeah, you're telling me. That so looked like a YouTube moment right there. :p

09-15-2013, 08:05 PM
Apparently I ruffled some feathers...
Not really, you're just wrong.

When it comes to nin, I am old-school (a fan since 1991, and followed them ever since)
Yeah, we're all fans, that's why we're here. It isn't a union, there's no seniority.

If you click back to an older page (I just clicked page 13, for example) you will see examples of things I used to enjoy about this site. This was a great way to find out things "all about nin" that one might not have seen, or missed out on somewhere else. Now, some of the same things are still on here, but I find myself having to scroll through pages of things that just aren't relevant. (Its like opening an information website, or even newspaper and all of the "opinion pieces" being in the front, and the news being buried somewhere in the back.) And did I mention I have never been a fan of "opinion pieces?"
Actually, it's more like a magazine. Just go to the dump and get some back-issues, that's apparently easier than clicking back a few pages on a forum.
And really, that's what NEWS IS. New information. Well shit, guess that makes the stuff several pages back... OLD information...? I've never had a problem getting breaking updates from here or the Hotline.

Maybe I am the one who's changed?

But personally, I don't really don't give a shit what someone's take / opinion is on nin related stuff? And the last thing I want to do is read "page after page" of this shit..? Unless its coming from the "nin camp" then it's just "someone's opinion." And as well all know... "opinions are like ass-holes... everybody has one!" (Me included!)

Now you are asking... "Aren't you being a hypocrite "complaining about others opinions while voicing your own?" Possibly..?

Let me wrap my version of the story up by saying I am not out to "be the bad guy," "step on anyone's toe's," or "start riots in the streets." I am just a long time nin fan making an observation. I don't feel the need to / nor desire to debate this further, and if you don't agree (while totally fair) then you are obviously not who I was addressing with this post. We can "agree to disagree," and let's keep it movin...
So let me summarize this:
- You made a thread complaining that things are scary and different.
- People told you that that was a silly thing. OBVIOUSLY things will change around here as people get older. IT'S HOW THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE WORKS.
- Then you announce that everybody else is wrong and that you only wanted validation from people who think you were right instead of inviting debate on the subject, which- frankly- is a dick move. "This is my opinion (on a site where you don't think people should have opinions), and instead of hearing your opinion I'm going to jump off this train before anyone can debate me about it".

Seems to me like that would have been a good time to say "I never thought about it like that, perhaps I was wrong."

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 08:08 PM
@Keith.S.Farley (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2197) - Oh, I didn't get around to reading your other post the first time I responded. I suppose that's what it could be like with any kind of forum no matter how great it can be. And the main reason for forums is to state opinions after all. I also suppose that if it came down to me not liking a forum anymore, I'd simply up and go. With what I've learned, and thankfully not from experience out of all things, is that one usually goes nowhere talking about why they're not really interested in a forum anymore in the very forum they're speaking of, even if they are somehow right and/or not necessarily hating on the forum itself. I don't mean to argue either, but that's how I see it. It really is as simple as, "Don't like it? Then, leave it." to me. No offense or anything like that, but I just wanted to be sure that I got what you were trying to say.

09-15-2013, 08:15 PM
Keith.S.Farley - you understand that this is a FORUM, and forums are for DISCUSSION? Literally, that's what the word means. And the first thing you see, the first forum in here, is called "speak your mind". This is not a place to just post "hey NME posted that Trent likes to watch Little Britain!", this is a place to post "man, I wish Josh Wink had had more involvement in Black Bomb". Seriously, nothing has changed, this is par for the course for NIN fans. Except, a few less psychos than the old days.

09-15-2013, 08:22 PM
I might be in a minority with it, but after reading Keith's second post I actually know exactly what he was trying to say (I think)! I also noticed that the "what's your favorite NIN song to cook to", "best imaginary set list" and "what album is Trent most proud of" type threads popped up much more recently within the last couple of weeks/months then before, around the time when I think the excitement of the new album brought in some newer members. These type of threads were always more common on the nin.com forum.
So yes, Keith, I noticed it too! But it doesn't bother me, I think if people are having fun debating whatever, making lists, let them do it. As long as they don't fuck up the marketplace :)

09-15-2013, 08:26 PM

09-15-2013, 08:27 PM
It really is as simple as, "Don't like it? Then, leave it." to me. No offense or anything like that, but I just wanted to be sure that I got what you were trying to say.

...and I kinda disagree with that. NIN is really important to me, and so is the feeling of connecting with the NIN community, so if I felt that ETS was going in the wrong direction I would try to steer the ship back on track. Why not? It's a collaboration.

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 08:33 PM
Oh, I actually get what you're saying, and I'm also just stating how I'd personally deal with it and see it. I was also mentioning how criticizing a forum usually ends up in situations and threads like this, even if you might have some valid points. But so far, ETS doesn't seem to be anywhere near that road to me, so I still couldn't see any problems with it. And I suppose it's all good if people are having fun while not breaking any rules. That's just good enough for me.

09-15-2013, 09:33 PM
What's next, raggin' on the Ice Cream thread?!

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 09:49 PM
It must die! Ice cream is pure evil I tell you! :p (And to add to the topic, I obviously hope not. I love ice cream.)

09-15-2013, 09:51 PM
...and I kinda disagree with that. NIN is really important to me, and so is the feeling of connecting with the NIN community, so if I felt that ETS was going in the wrong direction I would try to steer the ship back on track. Why not? It's a collaboration.

Not only did he hit the nail on the head, but he may have summed things up better than I did... (thanks) ;)

Halo Infinity
09-15-2013, 09:53 PM
ETS just seemed to be going in all the right and better directions since late 2011 to me. Perhaps there really should be a Random ETS Thoughts thread.

09-15-2013, 10:14 PM
I remember when stupid threads were locked immediately . But I guess even threads like these don't get locked now. Meh. I don't care really. You Shoulda just named the thread "pointless bitching" so people know to avoid.

09-15-2013, 10:23 PM
To be fair, there's always a load of wank topics that appear when a new album comes out. And then the detritus shifts to the tour forum. And then peace reigns throughout the kingdom.

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again.

09-16-2013, 01:35 AM
Just use the NINhotline...

The hotline is also on Facebook.

09-16-2013, 06:28 AM
I don't really don't give a shit what someone's take / opinion is on nin related stuff?

So you're coming to a site specifically designed for just that sort of sharing because...?

09-16-2013, 09:01 AM
I remember when stupid threads were locked immediately . But I guess even threads like these don't get locked now. Meh. I don't care really. You Shoulda just named the thread "pointless bitching" so people know to avoid.

not to justify the original poster's post, but I miss the days when it was verboten to post in the NIN-spotting thread anything except spottings. I'm as guilty as the rest now, but that thread is just clogged with people's reactions to things. One consequence of that is that its more likely the same thing will get posted multiple times, because there will be 5 pages of commentary afterwards

09-16-2013, 09:16 AM
This thread, that you started, is exactly what you are complaining about.

09-16-2013, 09:22 AM
These threads are my favorite part of ETS.

09-16-2013, 10:59 AM
http://s13.postimg.org/4t52f4kjq/THE_GOOD_OLD_DAYS.jpg (http://s13.postimg.org/4t52f4kjq/THE_GOOD_OLD_DAYS.jpg)

sick among the pure
09-17-2013, 10:46 PM
So, I'm on my old laptop for a few days while my regular one is being repaired, and found this screencap from the old ETS. I think it sums everything up perfectly.
