View Full Version : Could there be a "part 2" to Hesitation Marks?

Copy of A
08-31-2013, 08:21 PM
With the way that Black Noise ends, it leads one to think that "there might be more around the corner". While I don't expect an actual "part 2", does anyone think here may be another album, or more likely an EP of possible b-sides?

wight rabbit
08-31-2013, 08:28 PM
With the way that Black Noise ends, it leads one to think that "there might be more around the corner". While I don't expect an actual "part 2", does anyone think here may be another album, or more likely an EP of possible b-sides?

Well, he does have at least 3 demos that could work for something like that.

08-31-2013, 08:28 PM
While I DO believe that there will be another album, I doubt it will be relevant to HM.. Although, I guess since the
majority of TR's music is about him and the struggles and frustrations he finds, you could just pretend it's a

I'd like to see him write more outwardly though.. I mean, It's pretty clear what the purpose of nine inch nails is, but
it'd be interesting to see him write songs about stuff outside of himself. Like, it'd be cool to get an album similar to
APC's The 13th Step...
That is my favorite aspect of YZ.

08-31-2013, 09:24 PM
I'm really hoping we'll see another album soon. I keep thinking back to Trent saying "this is only the beginning" when HM was announced. And as exciting as it's been, it's not like the HM release was crazy different than the release of any other highly anticipated album, and I can't help but think he has more in store (after all he has said in interviews that he pretty much has the next two years planned out).

08-31-2013, 09:27 PM
I would like to again present my theory that Black Noise represents the end of the world mentioned in While I'm Still Here, which may or may not be a metaphor for the protagonist's death.

08-31-2013, 10:10 PM
^^^ that is a great point. Now I am thinking about it!

09-01-2013, 12:57 AM
Well there's always afterlife / reincarnation / alternate universes to write about ;-)

09-01-2013, 01:33 AM
I'm really hoping we'll see another album soon. I keep thinking back to Trent saying "this is only the beginning" when HM was announced. And as exciting as it's been, it's not like the HM release was crazy different than the release of any other highly anticipated album, and I can't help but think he has more in store (after all he has said in interviews that he pretty much has the next two years planned out).

Isn't the next two years mostly consisting of touring and then that god damn Greatest Hits?

Oh, and the Fragile reissue. Somewhere.

On topic, no, I don't think there's going to be an HM 2, just like HM wasn't actually the fabled TDS 2 that some people here wanted. NIN isn't Coheed and Cambria - each album may share themes, but it's not like they're in the same universe tracking a specific set of characters. They're all self-contained.

Dan Drone
09-01-2013, 02:33 AM
I'd like a remix album at some point like Things Falling Apart/FDTS.

09-01-2013, 06:04 AM
I'd like a remix album at some point like Things Falling Apart/FDTS.

Those were great remix albums, but I don't care for the remixes we got with HM. He'd have to come up with something really special for me to want to listen to any more remixes from this one.

09-01-2013, 09:05 AM
I'd like a remix album at some point like Things Falling Apart/FDTS.


The remixes on the bonus disc were a nice touch but I really would love to see a full fleshed out companion piece remix album for Hesitation Marks. I've mentioned this before as well but I really love to see the HM remix album not so much be a YearZeroRemixed format in which there's different tracks represented in remix format where it's almost like it's an actual remix of the record. Sure, maybe Things Falling Apart has one too many remixes of Starfuckers to some people but I like that, I like repetition with my remixes where people try to manipulate the same songs into different results.

Either that or in the case of FDTS where tracks like Eraser and Mr. Self Destruct get these entirely harsher full fleshed out versions of themselves. I know we've heard some unfinished demos in the 'In Conversation With" but I wonder if there were any finished tracks that didn't make the cut for Hesitation Marks? Maybe those could be included in a remix record as well similar to "Metal" and "Memorabilia"....

I thought I read somewhere that Trent said he didn't owe Columbia Records any other records besides this one? Is that the case? If so, I wonder where an eventual remix record or follow up would go?

Dan Drone
09-01-2013, 03:39 PM
Those were great remix albums, but I don't care for the remixes we got with HM. He'd have to come up with something really special for me to want to listen to any more remixes from this one.

I haven't heard those yet, since I streamed the itunes stream. Well the CD should be here Tuesday so I'll have a reason to rip disc 2 and hear it at the same time :)

09-01-2013, 04:12 PM
Two weeks.


09-01-2013, 04:43 PM
I would like to again present my theory that Black Noise represents the end of the world mentioned in While I'm Still Here, which may or may not be a metaphor for the protagonist's death.
I thought that was my theory :P. Anyway, I agree with you and I doubt there will be a Hesitation Marks 2.

09-01-2013, 07:07 PM
Two weeks.
what happens in two weeks?

09-01-2013, 07:21 PM
I'd like a remix album at some point like Things Falling Apart/FDTS.

Sadly, I think that stage in NIN's history has passed. What stage? The "good" (in my opinion) remix stage. It's the only thing I really miss about pre-WT Trent. Not only were remixes more than just a different beat behind the same vocals, they had (largely) actual names. Not Song (Version) or Song (Remixers Name). The creativity on that end has dried up.

09-01-2013, 07:57 PM
I would like to again present my theory that Black Noise represents the end of the world mentioned in While I'm Still Here, which may or may not be a metaphor for the protagonist's death.

The world ending is a metaphor for mortality in general. As in, he finally realized the inescapability of death and that it will, indeed take place. Black Noise is the ever-appraching sound of that inevitable ending, getting closer and closer, with no escape. It's a morbid (and creepy) ending, but it serves its purpose I guess!

edit: speaking of which, am I the only one genuinely creeped out by Black Noise? It takes a LOT to make me so uncomfortable and unsettled, but that damn track bugs me the fuck out. That big, honking drone repeating those 4 notes, plus the way it builds, it just makes me super uncomfortable and I feel the urge to skip the track... I've been surprised at how effectively creepy it is.

09-01-2013, 11:10 PM
Two weeks.

did you really facepalm my response? i was trying to be goofy/funny, because you said something that is permanently linked to something in my brain.

you gripe about people giving you shit on the board, and this is why. you just have a bad attitude about EVERYTHING. lighten up, dude. seriously.

09-02-2013, 11:31 PM
I still live in vain hope that remix albums on a par with Further Down The Spiral are still possible. I mean that was basically TDS disc 2 for me.

09-03-2013, 08:27 AM
Those were great remix albums, but I don't care for the remixes we got with HM. He'd have to come up with something really special for me to want to listen to any more remixes from this one.

Also a little disappointed with the remixes. Things Falling Apart and Further Down were almost like brand new albums. The Great Collapse still sounds like it could have been written yesterday.

A "HM 2" with alternative versions and some odd soundscapes would be a nice follow-up.

09-08-2013, 09:50 AM
While I don't actually think there's an "HM 2" in the pipeline, this album reminds me so much of TF that after Black Noise ends it really feels like I should be reaching for the second CD and continuing the experience.

But then, I'll always want more new NIN.

(And then I remember what Trent once said about how he wished he'd released TF the way Radiohead released Kid A and Amnesiac, and the wishful thinker in me gets his hopes up.)

Fist Fuck
09-08-2013, 09:58 AM
I think the next thing we'll get will be another Ghosts or something. Or a Tension live album. No new album before 2015, and I highly doubt it will be related or even a part 2 to HM. HM is Trent reflecting and looking back to his former self and he's not really leaving anything out that would be worthy of being the story of a whole new album.

Also, this facepalming IS annoying on this forum, it just creates tension, or people accidentally facepalm something and post about accidentally facepalming etc.

09-08-2013, 10:52 AM
I think the next thing we'll get will be another Ghosts or something. Or a Tension live album. No new album before 2015, and I highly doubt it will be related or even a part 2 to HM. HM is Trent reflecting and looking back to his former self and he's not really leaving anything out that would be worthy of being the story of a whole new album.

Also, this facepalming IS annoying on this forum, it just creates tension, or people accidentally facepalm something and post about accidentally facepalming etc.

Or a live Bluray/Dvd.

09-08-2013, 01:10 PM
There could be. Just as there could be Year Zero 2 coming out any time now, which will happen around the time Tapeworm starts touring, after the music video for Every Day Is Eaxctly The Same is aired on MTV.

09-08-2013, 01:17 PM
I don't care for a continuation of HM. I just want Trent to focus on creating demonic and sex oozing shit like 'In Two'. I'm done with beautiful ballads about not being the same person anymore. Newsflash, we've all changed.

NIN's next album should be about robots raping humans in space.

09-08-2013, 01:48 PM
I don't care for a continuation of HM. I just want Trent to focus on creating demonic and sex oozing shit like 'In Two'. I'm done with beautiful ballads about not being the same person anymore. Newsflash, we've all changed.

NIN's next album should be about robots raping humans in space.

yeah, because rape is SUPER DUPER SEXY.


09-08-2013, 01:53 PM
yeah, because rape is SUPER DUPER SEXY.


I knew someone would react to the word "rape" and completely ignore the robots in space part. Congratulations, you've just lost your artistic perception. *Thumbs up*

Enjoy art!

09-08-2013, 02:07 PM
I knew someone would react to the word "rape" and completely ignore the robots in space part. Congratulations, you've just lost your artistic perception. *Thumbs up*

Enjoy art!

robots in space? awesome.


what were you trying to accomplish?

honestly, i was really with you on your opinion until that last sentence. you could have said "it should be about robots and humans having sex in space" and everything would have been fine. but no, you had to go with rape.

09-08-2013, 02:12 PM
robots in space? awesome.


what were you trying to accomplish?

Who said it was meant to be funny?

It was meant to be sinister and dark. A battle between robots and the scum of the earth = humans.

Perhaps it's not fitted for a NIN album, I'll give you that. *Although, I really think Trent could and would do an awesome job at telling a dark scifi story (beyond what he did with Year Zero) with this new sonic sound-palette he's managed to develop for HM.*

09-08-2013, 02:34 PM
honestly, i was really with you on your opinion until that last sentence. you could have said "it should be about robots and humans having sex in space" and everything would have been fine. but no, you had to go with rape.

"Robots and humans having sex in space" does sound safer, but it also takes away the antagonistic tension to the "story" I quickly meant to describe of a sexual battle. Words are powerful little devils.

Halo Infinity
09-08-2013, 06:44 PM
If there is one, I'd actually hope to see it in two or three years. And yes, that's definitely wishful thinking on my part, but I certainly wonder if we're going to have another run similar to what happened in 2005-2008. If not, then I suppose 2017 would be early, and 2018 would be right on schedule. ;)

Copy of A
09-08-2013, 07:24 PM
If there isn't a part 2 in the next few weeks I'll be extremely devastated

09-08-2013, 08:02 PM
Also, this facepalming IS annoying on this forum, it just creates tension, or people accidentally facepalm something and post about accidentally facepalming etc.

I've seen a lot of people talking about facepalming, but no evidence of actual facepalming, whatever the hell it is.

(My experience of "facepalming" on other forums is people just typing *facepalm* into their posts.)

09-08-2013, 08:07 PM
I've seen a lot of people talking about facepalming, but no evidence of actual facepalming, whatever the hell it is.

(My experience of "facepalming" on other forums is people just typing *facepalm* into their posts.)

By supporting the ETS forums, you gain the ability to facepalm posts to complement the ability to like them.

09-08-2013, 08:12 PM
By supporting the ETS forums, you gain the ability to facepalm posts to complement the ability to like them.

Ah, I guess I hadn't even looked at the "like" parts at the bottom of the posts to notice some of them also said "facepalm".

Copy of A
09-08-2013, 08:27 PM
How do you face palm? I don't seem to have this option

09-08-2013, 09:24 PM
How do you face palm? I don't seem to have this option

You haven't accepted ETS into your heart yet.

Would you like to?

09-08-2013, 09:47 PM
I really don't see how any of you think there coud be a continuation to HM. Yes, there were demos that never made it to the album, but that just described every album by every artist ever. Also, there's not a strong storyline that could be continued - yes, it's interesting to read all the theories about the grand picture that is described by this album, and the order of the songs were definetly not decided by dices, but it's nothing like TDS, YZ, or TF.

Personally, I still hope for Year Zero 2 - which seems unlikely, I hate Trent for at least not announcing that he changed his mind -, but there won't be a part 2 for HM, and it's for the better. I like the album, but it would be Nine Inch Nails if they would do the same shit twice, especially in a row (because that's what "continuation" suggests). There might be songs that HM-ish on the next album, just as there are songs that's similiar to previous albums' material - after all, he said he'd like to finish some of his HM demos, though they could end up being Ghosts, or OSTs, or HTDA)

(And no, I don't want Year Zero 2 to be the same as YZ was. The only thing it should continue is the story, which could be about rebuilding and recovery. Damn, imagine YZ2 if it would kick off with Everything: "I surviveeeeeeeeed..."​)

09-08-2013, 09:48 PM
I really don't see how any of you think there coud be a continuation to HM. Yes, there were demos that never made it to the album, but that just described every album by every artist. Also, there's not a strong storyline that could be continued - yes, it's interesting to read all the theories about the grand picture that is described by this album, and the order of the songs were definetly not decided by dices, but it's nothing like TDS, YZ, or TF.

Personally, I still hope for Year Zero 2 - which seems unlikely, I hate Trent for at least not announcing that he changed his mind -, but there won't be a part 2 for HM, and it's for the better. I like the album, but it would be Nine Inch Nails if they would do the same shit twice, especially in a row (because that's what "continuation" suggests). There might be songs that HM-ish on the next album, just as there are songs that's similiar to previous albums' material - after all, he said he'd like to finish some of his HM demos, though they could end up being Ghosts, or OSTs, or HTDA)

(And no, I don't want Year Zero 2 to be the same as YZ was. The only thing it should continue is the story, which could be about rebuilding and recovery. Damn, imagine YZ2 if it would kick off with Everything: "I surviveeeeeeeeed..."​)