View Full Version : Garbage

11-28-2011, 08:28 PM
So they're working on a new album. Here's hoping its more like the first two, and less like the most recent two :)

11-30-2011, 11:10 PM
Looking forward to the album. The U2 cover isn't half bad. I just wonder if they all still have it.

11-30-2011, 11:21 PM
I actually found Bleed Like Me good enough to be grouped with their first two albums. Beautifulgarbage had some good moments too with some of the slower songs.

05-12-2012, 04:04 PM
Anyone get the new album. I wasn't impressed from first listen.

Anyone else think the 4 bonus tracks are better than the songs on the album?

frankie teardrop
05-13-2012, 09:33 PM
i haven't heard the bonus tracks yet, but the album is solid. best thing they've done in a while, in my opinion. the single was a bit of a dud, but there's some great moments, some fantastic pop songs.

05-14-2012, 01:08 AM
I'm liking this record more and more with each spin. I actually really liked Bleed Like Me, but 2.0 still remains their best.

05-30-2012, 11:23 PM
The album sounds like where they left off from Bleed Like Me but I think NYKOP is better.

As for the bonus tracks, The One, What Girls are Made Of and Love Like Suicide are great! The other two, are alright.

05-31-2012, 08:42 AM
NYKOP grows on you, i remember putting it on my CD player and hating the first second and third song, now i like them except for "Blood for poppies", it sounds too generic to me, luckly the album has a lot more to offer, "Control" is awesome for instance.
Still i think is very smilar to "Bleed like Me" i do like the CD, but i think Garbage missed a good opportunity to reinvent themselves or maybe explore more the darker style of their first album, my favorite one of them.

frankie teardrop
05-31-2012, 05:28 PM
i legitimately love the goodbye mr. mackenzie stuff:


& speaking of garbage, caught the NYC show last week, and they've still got it in the live setting as well. in fact, i may have enjoyed last week's show more than the bleed like me tour. they walk a perfect line between rawness and slickness, and one of the most fun bands i've seen on stage. eric avery on bass certainly doesn't hurt.

05-31-2012, 06:27 PM
I've never liked any Garbage album right off the bat and this one's no different. I hope it grows on me like the rest.

05-31-2012, 09:05 PM
The albums grown on me big time. Really rate it now. I actually like it more than Bleed Like Me and easily better than Beautiful Garbage.

07-06-2012, 03:07 PM
Reading a lot that this is brick wall mastered. True?

lady weetly
08-22-2012, 03:14 AM
I met Shirley before the Chicago show and she is literally the sweetest. Told off some dudes trying to have her sign a guitar that "allegedly" Tom Petty signed so they could just stick it up on ebay. They got pissed and left, but she was standing up for us fans and pretty much got to all of us waiting. This was my first Garbage show though I've been a fan since a kid and was fantastic. The show was at the Metro so it was really intimate and special. She stopped the show a few times to tell some stories of the band's history relating to the venue and Chicago too. The setlist is a perfect mix of old and new stuff (love the new album though it grew on me) and everyone should go see them this tour!

05-06-2014, 05:51 AM
that kiss...


05-06-2014, 06:33 AM
Nice. Sounds good.

I'm a huge Garbage fan--seen them 3x. I like the s/t. v2.0 and Bleed Like Me the best.

They have a ton of b-sides. I'd love for them to put them on a double-CD compilation.

05-06-2014, 09:47 AM
They have a ton of b-sides. I'd love for them to put them on a double-CD compilation.
Garbage fans have been wanting a B-side collection since 2001. Felt it would have been a good timing to have released one after beautifulgarbage.

Hopefully we dont have to wait much longer

caught them at their last tour, Shirley is ever charismatic! the crowd was just so mesmerised by all her stories and rants haha.

05-06-2014, 11:36 AM
They released a live DVD last year, One Million High Live, it's great.

05-06-2014, 08:13 PM
I enjoyed the DVD too. I like these songs and I really liked Not Your Kind of People. I hope they release another album soon.

05-06-2014, 08:28 PM
I enjoyed the DVD too. I like these songs and I really liked Not Your Kind of People. I hope they release another album soon.

I liked NYKOP but was maybe a little letdown. To me it sounded like they were in their comfort zone and played it safe. There's nothing really wrong with the album, it's good--but I was hoping for something a little more adventuress. I actually really liked Beautiful Garbage and LOVED Bleed Like Me. Those albums weren't as well received, but they were a little more daring, IMO.

02-14-2015, 02:06 PM
someone on reddit asked for this. so i made it and uploaded it. 5 minutes of the end of queer. maybe you want it for valentines day or something too. i don't know...


02-14-2015, 04:04 PM
Fucking hell I'm old!!
I remember seeing Shirley when she was in Goodbye Mr Mackenzie when they supported Big Audio Dynamite in Edinburgh about a hundred years ago.
I loved the first two Garbage albums but lost interest after that. I recently met a Fan of Garbage though and he has been playing me more recent material. Not bad at all.

03-05-2015, 04:49 AM
So, I got my ticket for the Brixton show in November. Billed as a 20th anniversary show, along with another in Paris, for the first album. Presumably there will be more dates added. I was set on seeing them for a third time, having seen them in '98 and '02, but then they cancelled in '05. Not sure why I didn't see 'em in 2012, but from watching clips on youtube it seems like they're better than ever, at least as a live act.

As much as I love that first album, I'm kinda hoping they don't just play it all in full, in order. For something like The Downward Spiral that really works, but I'd prefer to just see a nice mixed up setlist that just happens to include a good chunk of songs from that period (including b-sides, of course). Perhaps they'll break out some new material as well? I'm sure they've been working on a new album recently.

November is a long time away yet of course, but I believe they're doing something for Record Store Day. Presumably we won't see anything else until 2016.

09-02-2015, 11:35 PM
they will be releasing a 20th anniversary remaster of their debut


CD1 - Garbage
1. Supervixen
2. Queer
3. Only Happy When It Rains
4. As Heaven is Wide
5. Not My Idea
6. A Stroke of Luck
7. Vow
8. Stupid Girl
9. Dog New Tricks
10. My Lover's Box
11. Fix Me Now
12. Milk

CD2 – G-Sides
1. Subhuman
2. Girl Don’t Come
3. Sleep
4. Driving Lesson
5. Trip My Wire
6. #1 Crush (Nellee Hooper mix)
7. Butterfly Collector
8. Alien Sex Fiend
9. Kick My Ass

09-03-2015, 12:11 AM
CD2 – G-Sides
1. Subhuman
2. Girl Don’t Come
3. Sleep
4. Driving Lesson
5. Trip My Wire
6. #1 Crush (Nellee Hooper mix)
7. Butterfly Collector
8. Alien Sex Fiend
9. Kick My Ass

The itunes version includes 62 tracks altogether! Remixes galore but also demo versions! ahhhh! Strangely it seems to lack the "Torn Apart" mix of Vow. huh. Nevertheless....

09-03-2015, 08:14 AM
Release: Oct 2nd

09-03-2015, 08:17 AM
They are coming to Boston the same night as Chris Cornell, bummer.

I wish they would just release all their b sides.

09-03-2015, 09:16 AM
It would be nice to be able to order just the vinyl without all the extra stuff.

09-04-2015, 03:24 AM
A_R - I'm sure the standard double LP will show up eventually. Not sure why it seems to be European only at the moment. I'm half tempted by the super box set, but mainly I'm after the remixes and unreleased tracks. Reminded me of a tweet from a while back now: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COC3lpwWEAAx6t5.png Weird about the Torn Apart mix, but I guess maybe one of the new Vow mixes might be the same/similar. Be nice to see some new merch show up.. even if only at the gigs. Can't believe I lost my pink girls cut Garbage t-shirt from back in the day. Not that I'd be able to wear out now.
Anyway, worth noting (and this is UK I'm talking about) that the full super deluxe set is way cheaper on Amazon than it is on iTunes. Guessing they've made a mistake and it'll change nearer the release date, but you never know. Also, the later albums are showing as reissued remasters on iTunes. I wonder if this means we might see full expanded versions in the near future? A touch optimistic perhaps, but it would be nice to have all the b-sides at least.

09-04-2015, 04:53 AM
The itunes version includes 62 tracks altogether! Remixes galore but also demo versions! ahhhh! Strangely it seems to lack the "Torn Apart" mix of Vow. huh. Nevertheless....
that sucks if they don't get a physical release!

not arsed about the remixes but sure as hell would be keen on demos or more G-sides

09-04-2015, 04:58 AM
I wonder if this means we might see full expanded versions in the near future? A touch optimistic perhaps, but it would be nice to have all the b-sides at least.
I hope!

I really want them G-sides on CD!

09-04-2015, 11:48 AM

11-09-2015, 06:18 AM
I saw them last night. It was a fairly tight show but I think Shirley forgot the tune more than a few times.

I like this approach to a retrospective more than just playing the albums through from start to finish. It really did feel like a celebration of the whole era, with anectodes, video footage, and b-sides/rarities.

frankie teardrop
11-09-2015, 07:07 AM
she tends to forget lyrics sometimes. i've always found it kind of charming. i was surprised when they got through the nyc gig without incident!

that said, agreed. i generally dislike the full album runs (with few exceptions, like hearing the holy bible from front to back), but this tour was perfectly executed. mixing the setlist up to flow as a proper show and covering all songs from the era was a really classy move and set the bar for this kind of tour for sure.

03-10-2016, 09:57 AM
At long last - details for the new album have been released this afternoon. Strange Little Birds will be released on 10th June. Details are on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GarbageOfficial/photos/a.252533808090811.78027.243166889027503/1157622607581922/?type=3&permPage=1 along with tour dates. I'm extremely put out that the London show is at the busiest time of year for me at work so I'm unlikely to be able to make it. I enjoyed the Brixton show so much last year I was set on seeing them next time. Crap.
Oh yeah, and there's a tiny snippet of a song on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BCxtzonMyrf/ to whet our appetites. Sounds pretty good to me! Shirley has suggested it will be a 'dark' record, but we'll see.

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/12794445_1157622607581922_6761725768951761723_n.jp g?oh=32a76628880692ae0da54d13538c9381&oe=5757F0B1

03-10-2016, 02:50 PM
Always liked Garbage, looking forward to hearing this.

03-12-2016, 08:55 PM
Love Garbage but damn that artwork looks bad

04-21-2016, 06:42 AM

04-21-2016, 10:10 AM
I really want to like it so much more than I do.

05-03-2016, 04:20 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13096185_1199817526695763_1735945833667878487_n.jp g?oh=4ce9e7f29ea001647e3f3cbb37d2a8ff&oe=57A2B06D

Fuck yes, Indianapolis!

05-04-2016, 08:11 PM
I really like the new track (Empty). It's got the good old dark garbage vibe. Looking forward to the record.

05-06-2016, 03:18 AM
Yeah, it's a good track. It hasn't blown me away at all, but it's not quite as different as I was expecting. I'm being a bit hopeful here, but we know a video is coming 'soon' (directed by the guy who did Vow, Only Happy When It Rains and Stupid Girl), and I can't help wonder if this might get a full 'old-school' single release. My reasoning being that the Strange Little Birds bonus tracks seem to have disappeared from pre-order pages. Perhaps they had planned to do the same as NYKOP and release a deluxe version, but have since changed their minds and we'll now get proper b-sides. Maybe even on a CD and everything. Just a thought.

05-07-2016, 10:03 AM
Going to the Boston show this summer. Seen them a few times. LOVED this band when I was in my late teens, early 20's. Kind of lost interest, but am still looking forward to the new album and tour.

05-10-2016, 06:31 AM
I really want to like it so much more than I do.
I hear you. I like "Empty," it's a good, solid single that should appeal to fans of their first two albums, very 90's. I just don't love it. While their last album Not Your Kind of People did really well with fans and critics, I thought it was kind of a disappointment. I felt it was a good album, but more of the same, like a lost album that should have been released around 1999 or 2000. While Beautiful Garbage and Bleed Like Me weren't as popular as their first two, I liked how they were trying to branch out and experiment with the formula, dance-pop with the former and more guitar rock with the latter.

With "Empty," the band sounds good, the single is catchy, but it feels a little recycled.

05-23-2016, 09:33 AM

amazing how Shirley still looks sooooo goooood

05-23-2016, 10:15 AM
Looks like Butch Vig is out for the first leg of the tour (Matt Walker filling in) until June 18th.

05-23-2016, 12:52 PM
Pretty spiffy video.

05-23-2016, 04:29 PM
New album is pretty great. I interviewed Shirley a couple of weeks ago. Waiting on my editor to post it.

05-25-2016, 02:59 AM
New album is pretty great. I interviewed Shirley a couple of weeks ago. Waiting on my editor to post it.
So you got an advance copy huh? Do let us know when the interview is up.
It seems they're doing a lot more promo for this record than they did for NYKOP. Plus, that is a very cool video for Empty. I've not listened to the track a great deal, but I'd say it was more of a grower than an immediate hit. I'll certainly be glad if there's more like this on the album. I've seen a couple of pretty good reviews, and a couple that are a bit more 'average', but I get the feeling it will be a bit more consistent than the last album.
I guess some people will be gutted about Butch's absence on tour right now, but Matt Walker is about as good a replacement you can get. So here's Vow from France last night:


05-27-2016, 11:58 PM

05-29-2016, 05:08 PM
I prefer Curve, but I've always kinda liked Garbage. Haven't really listened to anything much past Version 2.0 though. But I really dig what I'm hearing from their new album, I must say. It gives me that old "i'm young and full of life in the summer" feeling. Might go see em on this summer tour. anyone know if there's gonna be an opening band?

05-30-2016, 11:34 AM
I saw Garbage on Saturday at a metal festival where they were quite out of place, but I really loved the old 90ies vibe, Shirley was in a good mood and pretty much all the girls loved her antics, stage banter and the nice little set they played. Too bad it was only like 10 songs and only "empty" as a new one, but I really enjoyed it. Especially since I never had the chance to see them before.

Curve for me as well. All the way, but it's nice to have another band having that particular sound going for them and being successsful with it.

Sadly Butch Vig was missing, but I totally forgot that Eric Avery is a touring member, so I was positively surprised to see him on stage. :)

05-30-2016, 08:04 PM

This is really great!

05-31-2016, 05:59 AM
I prefer Curve
I don't think Curve have their own thread, but as there are a few fans here - did everyone see the 'new' Foetus remix single? Check their Bandcamp page https://curve.bandcamp.com/ - previously unreleased mixes, presumably from '91.

Back to Garbage - I'm enjoying Doomed for sure. I don't always get on with their more downbeat material, but On Fire from the last single was really good too. I believe there may be live clips of other new songs, but I think I might hold back from teasers for now, especially as it's not long until the album is out.

I've seen Garbage live three times now, and I wouldn't hesitate to see them again (except when I just can't make it... grumble...). Music wise they're pretty powerful - perhaps more so than you'd think from the records - and of course any Shirley banter adds to the experience.

06-10-2016, 10:08 AM
Strange Little Birds is out today, and I'm in love. It has a very dark vibe which is almost NIN-ish at times. Probably my favorite since Version 2.0.

06-10-2016, 11:37 AM
I need more listens

As of now only "Empty", "So We Can Stay Alive" and "Magnetized" stand out for me.

06-10-2016, 01:20 PM
If I lost you definitely has a Year Zero vibe

06-10-2016, 04:22 PM
picked up the album after reading a forum thread ripping on it for being too 90's, I was like 'but I liked that sound!', and hey, whaddya know, its pretty damn good. Sorta feels like where they would have headed after Version 2.0 in an alt. universe. I think I was one of the few who really liked beautifulgarbage but something about the super slick production always felt off. Love the soft industrial vibes on a few of the new tracks too.

06-12-2016, 10:06 PM
the new record is growing on me

Blackout and Night Drive Loneliness are great too

06-12-2016, 10:59 PM


06-13-2016, 10:13 PM

06-15-2016, 07:57 PM
New album is awesome, their best since Bleed Like Me.

I might rank order the albums like this:

6. Not Your Kind of People
5. Beautifulgarbage
4. Strange Little Birds
3. Bleed Like Me
2. Garbage
1. Version 2.0

06-15-2016, 09:04 PM
I take back my initial thoughts on the album, I think it's their best since Version 2.0

My ranking as follows:

1. Version 2.0
2. Garbage
3. Strange Little Birds
4. Bleed Like Me
5. Not Your Kind of People
6. Beautifulgarbage

06-16-2016, 04:28 AM
While I ranked Beautifulgarbage lower on my ranking, I felt it was an underrated album. Shame it didn't really catch on and kind of hurt their career.

06-16-2016, 05:07 AM
While I ranked Beautifulgarbage lower on my ranking, I felt it was an underrated album. Shame it didn't really catch on and kind of hurt their career.
same here

I do not think Garbage has ever released a poor album. All their albums have been hits to me.
I would say Bleed Like Me is an underrated album too, people seem to only care about their first two records

06-16-2016, 05:20 AM
same here

I do not think Garbage has ever released a poor album. All their albums have been hits to me.
I would say Bleed Like Me is an underrated album too, people seem to only care about their first two records
I loved Bleed Like Me. Loved the guitars, total 90's record, released ten years after the fact. While some fans and critics saw Not Your Kind of People as a sort of "return to form," to me I saw it as sort of a retread of their first two albums.

With their new album, the band seems to have retained the sound of the first two albums, but they are also exploring new sounds. It goes for a very dark, moody kind of vibe.

06-16-2016, 06:48 AM
I see a lot of love for Beautiful Garbage, but it has to be bottom of the pile for me. Partly because it just feels a bit inconsistent, but also because Androgyny was a weak first single. It has its moments of course, but I probably need to revisit it. I agree that Bleed Like Me seems underrated. It reminds me very much of With Teeth actually - both fairly safe and straight forward rock records that actually contain some great songs, but lack the spark of earlier work. I'm so glad that most people agree on Strange Little Birds though. I've yet to give it a thorough listen in full, but it really does come across as being up there with their best. You can tell they have just gone ahead and produced a record that they wanted to make, with little or no restraint, or worry about fitting in. NYKOP was a really good comeback for them, and I love most of it, but I'm not sure it came across as well as it should have. So to join in on the ranking:

01 Garbage
02 Version 2.0
03 Strange Little Birds
04 Not Your Kind Of People
05 Bleed Like Me
06 Beautiful Garbage

We'll see how Strange.. holds up over time though. It's also difficult when they have so many great remixes, b-sides and odd tracks. I really love Tell Me Where It Hurts, for instance.

Oh yes, and it seems they are planning on a reissue of Version 2.0, as well as a corresponding tour. Looking forward to that then!

06-16-2016, 08:20 AM
I love a good list!

1 - Version 2.0
2 - Garbage
3 - Strange Little Birds
4 - Beautiful Garbage
5 - Bleed Like Me
6 - Not Your Kind of People

06-17-2016, 09:20 PM

06-18-2016, 08:13 AM
Shirley Manson's pre-Garbage band, Angelfish, was pretty good.

frankie teardrop
06-21-2016, 04:04 PM
^ this predates angelfish even (and shares a lot of the same members):


06-22-2016, 04:54 AM

06-22-2016, 09:27 PM

07-02-2016, 12:17 PM
track by track album commentary...


07-02-2016, 05:43 PM
The new album's got me back into Garbage, hadn't been following them since Beautiful Garbage (which I do feel is underrated, if nowhere vaguely near Version 2.0). It's an amazing piece of work, lots of hooks, lots of emotion, raw, exciting, deep and interesting. [edit: Strange Little Birds, not Beautiful Garbage]

Picked up Not Your Kind Of People today to see what else I'd been missing, and am considerably less thrilled. It's dancy and easy to listen to, but extremely short on hooks, and nothing like the other four albums I own. Maybe it's a grower?

Only thing with Strange Little Birds is, the writing sounds a lot more introverted to me, much more Trentian. It feels like it's coming out of a state of depression, much more so than any of the others. Not that that's a bad thing, artistically speaking.

07-03-2016, 12:52 AM
The new album's got me back into Garbage, hadn't been following them since Beautiful Garbage (which I do feel is underrated, if nowhere vaguely near Version 2.0). It's an amazing piece of work, lots of hooks, lots of emotion, raw, exciting, deep and interesting. [edit: Strange Little Birds, not Beautiful Garbage]

Picked up Not Your Kind Of People today to see what else I'd been missing, and am considerably less thrilled. It's dancy and easy to listen to, but extremely short on hooks, and nothing like the other four albums I own. Maybe it's a grower?

Only thing with Strange Little Birds is, the writing sounds a lot more introverted to me, much more Trentian. It feels like it's coming out of a state of depression, much more so than any of the others. Not that that's a bad thing, artistically speaking.
Get Bleed Like Me, definitely a better effort than NYKOP

07-16-2016, 07:59 AM
Caught them last night, and they were phenomenal.

07-16-2016, 08:27 AM
Caught them last night, and they were phenomenal.

I was there too! Crowd was lame as usual for a rock show.

07-16-2016, 09:32 AM
I was there too! Crowd was lame as usual for a rock show.

Indy crowds are always lame.

07-16-2016, 12:59 PM
Yeah, that's unfortunately true.

07-16-2016, 02:35 PM
I was there too! Crowd was lame as usual for a rock show.
Count me in as someone lame at a rock show. I usually attend shows after a long day of work and a long, tedious subway ride and am tired by the time I arrive at a venue. If a pit does form and I find myself in it, I get the hell out of there.

07-16-2016, 03:29 PM
i'm with RhettButler. shows are too expensive and too exhausting, so take me as i am when there. give me reasonable space, don't spill on me, stop screaming in my ears.

do pits form at garbage shows nowadays? that'd be weird, y'all.

07-16-2016, 03:36 PM
i'm with @RhettButler (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=3921). shows are too expensive and too exhausting, so take me as i am when there. give me reasonable space, don't spill on me, stop screaming in my ears.

do pits form at garbage shows nowadays? that'd be weird, y'all.
Yeah. Most Garbage fans are going to be 35-40-ish and they're not really a mosh-pit kind of band anyway.

07-16-2016, 06:30 PM
A pit would be strange for sure. Most people seemed disinterested past the first 10-15 rows. I had two people standing next to my wife and me that would not shut up and kept bumping into us.

07-16-2016, 06:37 PM
A pit would be strange for sure. Most people seemed disinterested past the first 10-15 rows. I had two people standing next to my wife and me that would not shut up and kept bumping into us.
So annoying. And put your damn tablet/phone down.

07-18-2016, 07:57 AM
Yeah I don't mean that the crowd was lame and wasn't moshing...they just didn't seem to care at all. I took a girl who had no idea who Garbage was, and she had a better time than most people there (plus she had to deal with me).

07-29-2016, 06:22 AM
Garbage last night in Boston was awesome. Seen them four times now. They seemed to try to represent each album, with the setlist tilted more towards their first two albums. Didn't play "Queer," but almost every other single. Shirley looks and sounds awesome. She didn't introduce the band or have a lot of interaction with them, but they were otherwise very tight.

07-29-2016, 06:26 AM
Yeah I don't mean that the crowd was lame and wasn't moshing...they just didn't seem to care at all. I took a girl who had no idea who Garbage was, and she had a better time than most people there (plus she had to deal with me).
A couple of drunk bros at last night's shows. Overweight dudes about 6'2, drunk as shit, waving their arms, cutting right in front of people as soon as the band hit the stage, etc. You always come across these types and I wonder if they know any of their songs.

10-05-2016, 10:56 AM

10-13-2016, 04:38 PM
i checked out 2-3 songs on youtube and just based on that bought the Strange Little Birds album and yep, album is on repeat.
money well spent and i do think not theres been all that much talk about this album sadly.

10-13-2016, 07:17 PM
i checked out 2-3 songs on youtube and just based on that bought the Strange Little Birds album and yep, album is on repeat.
money well spent and i do think not theres been all that much talk about this album sadly.

It may be my favorite Garbage album to be honest. I love it when bands release such a great album late in their careers (like Deftones' Koi No Yokan). I saw Garbage live last month and they only played 4 albums off the new album, sadly. I would had preferred a more Strange Little Birds heavy set.

10-17-2016, 07:12 PM
I love Strange Little Birds. It's really grown on me. I actually think it's right up there with the Debut and Version 2.0 as one of the best albums.

halo eighteen
02-08-2017, 09:36 AM
Blondie & Garbage

July 5 - The Mountain Winery, Saratoga, CA*
July 7 - Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, CA*
July 8 - The Pearl Concert Theater, Las Vegas NV*
July 12 - Edgefield, Troutdale, OR*
July 14 - Idaho Center Amphitheatre, Nampa, ID*
July 16 - Fiddler’s Green Amphitheatre, Englewood, CO*
July 18 - Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, Kansas City, MO*
July 19 - Harrah’s Council Bluffs Hotel & Casino, Council Bluffs, IA*
July 21 - Mystic Lake Casino—Mystic Showroom, Prior Lake, MN*
July 22 - Ravinia Festival, Highland Park, IL*
July 25 - Artpark, Lewiston, NY**
July 26 - Sony Centre For Performing Arts, Toronto, ON**
July 28 - Count Basie Theatre, Red Bank, NJ**
July 29 - Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, Bethel, NY**
July 30 - Blue Hills Bank Pavilion, Boston, MA**
August 1 - Beacon Theatre, New York, NY**
August 2 - Mann Center for the Performing Arts, Philadelphia, PA**
August 5 - The Red Hat Amphitheater, Raleigh, NC**
August 8 - Seminole Hard Rock Live Arena, Hollywood, FL**
August 9 - Hard Rock Live, Orlando, FL**
August 11 – ACL Live, Austin, TX **
August 12 - Southside Ballroom, Dallas, TX**
* w/ John Doe & Exene Cervenka
** w/ Deap Vally

SM Rollinger
02-08-2017, 10:29 AM
Damn Council Bluffs is only like 2 hours away, might have to go.

02-08-2017, 10:23 PM
awesome. i'll be at the nampa show.

07-13-2017, 03:11 AM
New song "No Horses"
coming this Friday!

I'm guessing this is a one-off single for the Blondie tour, rather than being part of a new album. Looks like there will be a video, but no b-sides or anything, and no physical release as far as I know.

They've played it live already, which you can see on YouTube, but I'm waiting to listen to the proper release first. Has anyone been at the recent dates? Footage looks a bit strange, playing in sunlight to half empty venues. Looks like Blondie fans are in the majority for these shows.

07-14-2017, 12:32 PM
Garbage goes apocalyptic...


07-14-2017, 01:42 PM
Garbage goes apocalyptic...


Nice, I like the song. Strange Little Birds is a great album, up there with the first one imo (always been my favorite).

08-02-2017, 11:15 AM

09-04-2017, 02:48 AM
Just announced yesterday - 20 Years Paranoid show for London, September 2018. Tickets on sale Friday.

Presumably we'll see further European dates added to this. I feel a bit odd about this as the Strange Little Birds tour didn't really cover much for Europe, so I hope they include a whole lot of the new songs for this run. Guess there would be US dates too, but what with SLB and Blondie tours it's not like you guys haven't had a good fill of Garbage recently.

I'm not sure I feel too fussed about the Version 2.0 reissue though. The debut was a real treat with all the b-sides and remixes together, but I'm not sure the bonus material for this record will match that.

03-29-2018, 07:40 AM

halo eighteen
04-24-2018, 02:45 PM

"20 Years Paranoid" U.S. Tour

09/29 – Seattle, WA @ Showbox SoDo
09/30 – Portland, OR @ Roseland Theatre
10/03 – Oakland, CA @ Fox Theater
10/05 – Las Vegas, NV @ Cosmopolitan Hotel
10/07 – Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre
10/09 – Albuquerque, NM @ Sunshine Theatre
10/11 – Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
10/12 – Houston, TX @ House of Blues
10/13 – Tulsa, OK @ Paradise Cove
10/17 – Chicago, IL @ The Riv
10/18 – Northfield, OH @ Hard Rock Live
10/20 – Port Chester, NY @ Capitol Theatre
10/21 – Washington, DC @ Lincoln Theatre
10/23 – Boston, MA @ House of Blues
10/25 – Philadelphia, PA @ The Fillmore
10/26 – Atlantic City, NJ @ Borgata Spa & Resort
10/27 – Brooklyn, NY @ Kings Theatre

05-20-2018, 09:11 AM
Anyone going to the Version 2.0 tour?

Seeing them in Boston a few days after NIN.

05-20-2018, 10:43 PM
Anyone going to the Version 2.0 tour?

Seeing them in Boston a few days after NIN.

I might try to go to the Oakland show. I am not a huge fan, but I do like enough of their material to check them out live and have a good time. 2.0 was a big album, I liked a lot of the songs from it.

05-21-2018, 01:28 PM
Anyone going to the Version 2.0 tour?

Seeing them in Boston a few days after NIN.

Yes, I'll be at the Port Chester, NY show. This will be my 3rd time seeing them. They kick ass live.

halo eighteen
05-21-2018, 01:31 PM
It breaks my heart to be missing the V2.0 album live, but I can't make it to any of the shows. I was lucky enough to see one of the debut album shows a few years back though, and that's the album that I have the fondest memories of.

06-30-2018, 07:13 AM
I hope they do a 20th anniversary edition of Beautiful Garbage in three years--tons of b-sides from that era too.

07-01-2018, 07:37 AM
Anyone get a copy of the orange vinyl for 2.0 yet? I ordered it months ago via amazon, and they are saying it will be delivered by the end of August. I don't feel like waiting...haha, so I ordered it from a local guy.

07-01-2018, 10:30 AM
Anyone get a copy of the orange vinyl for 2.0 yet? I ordered it months ago via amazon, and they are saying it will be delivered by the end of August. I don't feel like waiting...haha, so I ordered it from a local guy.

I ordered mine from Amazon and got it a day early. Sounds great.

07-01-2018, 12:19 PM
Is the difference from the original version noticeable?

07-02-2018, 08:13 AM
Is the difference from the original version noticeable?

I did a side-by-side comparison today and couldn't tell a noticeable difference. Maybe the new disc is louder, but they sound pretty much the same, to my ears. If the anniversary edition didn't include the bonus disc with b-sides, I wouldn't have bothered getting it and just stuck with the original CD. I have the 1998 disc uploaded onto my i-tunes/i-pod and am just going to leave it.

Honestly, for most albums, is it even worth remastering albums released after say, 1994? Some CDs issued in the 80's/early 90's do sound thin, and the remasters were a big improvement, i.e. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, etc. But can you really improve upon the sound quality of a CD issued in 1998 all that much?

Some of the b-sides here are quite good, so this was still a worthwhile purchase. I really like:


07-02-2018, 12:10 PM
I did a side-by-side comparison today and couldn't tell a noticeable difference. Maybe the new disc is louder, but they sound pretty much the same, to my ears. If the anniversary edition didn't include the bonus disc with b-sides, I wouldn't have bothered getting it and just stuck with the original CD. I have the 1998 disc uploaded onto my i-tunes/i-pod and am just going to leave it.

Honestly, for most albums, is it even worth remastering albums released after say, 1994? Some CDs issued in the 80's/early 90's do sound thin, and the remasters were a big improvement, i.e. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, etc. But can you really improve upon the sound quality of a CD issued in 1998 all that much?

Some of the b-sides here are quite good, so this was still a worthwhile purchase. I really like:


I was/am a big fan of the B-Side, Lick the Pavement from this era. Though, I did find the B-Sides for the first record to be stronger than those from the second (does it really get any better than Butterfly Collector?). I collected those slim case singles back in the day, and have quite the Garbage Collection.

I agree 100% that any remaster of something form the 90s isn't going to be that huge of a step up from the original master, especially if Butch Vig was in that band. I am just excited to finally have this in my vinyl collection. I didn't have the original pressing of this or the first record, so it is sweet to have them both.

07-02-2018, 12:54 PM
I was/am a big fan of the B-Side, Lick the Pavement from this era. Though, I did find the B-Sides for the first record to be stronger than those from the second (does it really get any better than Butterfly Collector?). I collected those slim case singles back in the day, and have quite the Garbage Collection.

I agree 100% that any remaster of something form the 90s isn't going to be that huge of a step up from the original master, especially if Butch Vig was in that band. I am just excited to finally have this in my vinyl collection. I didn't have the original pressing of this or the first record, so it is sweet to have them both.Some remasters from the 90's sound worse than the original release, Superunknown being the best example. I uploaded the 2014 remaster of Superunknown to my ipod and couldn't believe how bad it sounded. It was like my headphones had both blown, everything was just very loud and muffled.

07-02-2018, 01:38 PM
Some remasters from the 90's sound worse than the original release, Superunknown being the best example. I uploaded the 2014 remaster of Superunknown to my ipod and couldn't believe how bad it sounded. It was like my headphones had both blown, everything was just very loud and muffled.

I heard that one and the remaster for the first Rage Against the Machine record are to be avoided at all costs. I am not a guy who can tell you what is what, but I guess they claim both are 'brickwalled' to death, which I guess means they pumped up the volume on them to the point where finer details are lost?

frankie teardrop
07-02-2018, 02:24 PM
(does it really get any better than Butterfly Collector?)..

it's a jam cover, which isn't as good as the original, but still a damn fine track.


my fav. b-sides from garbage are 'girl don't come,' 'trip my wire,' 'subhuman,' and 'sleep' - hearing those (and more) live was a real treat.

as for version 2.0, my fav. from that era is 'deadwood' and the big star cover 'thirteen.' overall, i love all the b-sides from the first record and am hit or miss on the second (not a fan of 'tornado' at all). the albums are mostly neck-and-neck, though i slightly prefer the first as well.

i have original wax for both, but i've been tempted by both reissues so i could have the b-sides on vinyl... hard to justify though, considering how much i paid for and cherish the originals...

halo eighteen
07-02-2018, 02:26 PM
"Soldier Through This" is immaculate, and probably the biggest reason I'm torn up about missing one of these shows this fall.

07-02-2018, 02:39 PM
my fav. b-sides from garbage are 'girl don't come,' 'trip my wire,' 'subhuman,' and 'sleep' - hearing those (and more) live was a real treat.

"Trip My Wire" is such a good song but the live version is so much better.

07-03-2018, 03:52 AM
Mostly it seems to add a bit of clarity to some songs, like Dumb and Temptation Waits. In a good way though, some elements are easier to hear like the backing vocals in the chorus of the latter. You Look So Fine seems to have a different vocal take in the outro refrain (Drown in me one more time, hide inside me tonight etc.).

It isn't brickwalled either, the main album disc all the songs have plenty of breathing room. The bsides disc is a little more compressed dynamically but I wouldn't call it loud or brickwalled either. Still room for the audio to breathe and no clipping on either disc.

07-03-2018, 04:39 AM
That sounds more like what I was hoping for. With a remaster, I'm not necessarily looking for better sound quality or a tweaked dynamic range, I'm looking for different elements to be made prominent, and maybe new takes from the recording session mixed in. The gold standard for me is TDS' 5.1 mix, in which many tracks sound quite different, even if converted to stereo.

07-03-2018, 05:53 AM
Plus I've somehow never heard it before despite having all the other b-sides in some form, but the acoustic version of Medication is beautiful.

frankie teardrop
07-03-2018, 07:02 AM
You Look So Fine seems to have a different vocal take in the outro refrain (Drown in me one more time, hide inside me tonight etc.)

as much as that part of the song gives me chills, i hate when reissues do this.

07-03-2018, 10:26 AM
Version 2.0 was probably the first album I bought by myself at 13 years old. Before that, I was mainly listening to pop radio songs like Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys before shifting it all to "alternative-rock".

I still love it. I haven't been a fan of their latter albums, but I still hold this one highly in my all time favorite albums.

You Look So Fine is my favorite closer song ever.

frankie teardrop
07-03-2018, 11:36 AM
as much as that part of the song gives me chills, i hate when reissues do this.

responding myself to report that the vocals on 'you look so fine' sound exactly the same as i remember them, so no need to worry about any take/version differences across the reissue. it souns great!

07-03-2018, 12:15 PM
At 3:02 to 3:25, the backvocals are different, and even on different notes.

07-03-2018, 08:33 PM
I bought Version 2.0 in 1999, after seeing their video for "Special."

That album really brings me back to when I was 19, a very transitional year for me, good memories. Looking forward to the Boston show.

halo eighteen
07-03-2018, 08:54 PM
I was a junior in high school when 2.0 came out and had already been downright obsessed with the debut album for a couple years prior to that. "Push It" was absolutely everything I wanted their sound to be. They have a true knack for mixing pop sensibilities with more abrasive sounds and textures and I think 2.0 delivers that in spades. It's probably objectively the superior of the first two albums, but I just have way too much personal attachment to that first one.

Is there any truth to the reasoning of Trent being thanked in the liner notes of the first album for "naming" the band, after he supposedly used that exact word to describe Butch Vig's "Last" remix? I can't seem to find any evidence of this now but I swear this was stated somewhere, or I've just been erroneously making myself believe it all these years haha.

07-03-2018, 09:14 PM
I was a junior in high school when 2.0 came out and had already been downright obsessed with the debut album for a couple years prior to that. "Push It" was absolutely everything I wanted their sound to be. They have a true knack for mixing pop sensibilities with more abrasive sounds and textures and I think 2.0 delivers that in spades. It's probably objectively the superior of the first two albums, but I just have way too much personal attachment to that first one.

Is there any truth to the reasoning of Trent being thanked in the liner notes of the first album for "naming" the band, after he supposedly used that exact word to describe Butch Vig's "Last" remix? I can't seem to find any evidence of this now but I swear this was stated somewhere, or I've just been erroneously making myself believe it all these years haha.

According to the "This is the noise that keeps me awake" book, the name comes from Butch Vig's studio journal from 1993 "I hope all this garbage will become something beautiful" (referring to their output from those recording sessions)

07-03-2018, 09:33 PM
Wish Garbage would tour with NIN.

07-03-2018, 09:55 PM
Wish Garbage would tour with NIN.

that would be killer!

frankie teardrop
07-04-2018, 05:40 AM
At 3:02 to 3:25, the backvocals are different, and even on different notes.

yeah just did an a/b and it's slightly different. on the original, she appears to oscillate the pitch more with each note.

did they explain why they switched the vocals? as such, my previous annoyance is reinstated.

07-06-2018, 03:11 AM
I've put off getting a copy of the reissue as I have all the b-sides already - I was hoping instead for a full package, as per the debut, with at least all the remixes. Anyway, I see a remix package has now been made available digitally (which suits me fine) eg this from 7digital at 320 or FLAC https://www.7digital.com/yourmusic/artist/garbage/release/version-20-the-offical-remixes-8025436/8025436

I'm intrigued by some changes as mentioned here. I know they had issues before with remastering where original tapes (or whatever) were missing so some material was reconstructed from other sources, or something along those lines. That was for the Absolute compilation, if I remember correctly.

I'm rather gutted to be missing the London show. I'm not a big gig goer, and a night out up to London can end up costing more than I can really spare, but I was all set to give in and get tickets (Dream Wife in support swayed it a bit) when the Nine Inch Nails show came up. No contest then, but yeah, if the two bands could play together I'd be thrilled.

halo eighteen
09-05-2018, 02:27 PM
Setlist spoiler; tour kicked off in Scotland last night!!


09-06-2018, 02:32 PM
Setlist spoiler; tour kicked off in Scotland last night!!


Not sure why, but the lack of S/T love makes me sad.

10-24-2018, 06:51 AM
Saw them last night in Boston--another outstanding show. They played Version 2.0 (not front-to-back), some covers, b-sides, a new song, and ended with OHWIR. Game one of the World Series was right next door, so that was exciting. Never disappointed with this band.

10-24-2018, 07:13 AM
Saw them last night in Boston--another outstanding show. They played Version 2.0 (not front-to-back), some covers, b-sides, a new song, and ended with OHWIR. Game one of the World Series was right next door, so that was exciting. Never disappointed with this band.

I saw them last month in London, they finished with an audience vote between a David Bowie song (Starman I think?) and Cherry Lips, with the latter winning out. Was No Horses the 'new' song?

10-24-2018, 07:59 AM
I saw them last month in London, they finished with an audience vote between a David Bowie song (Starman I think?) and Cherry Lips, with the latter winning out. Was No Horses the 'new' song?No, it was a brand new song written last year, not yet recorded.

10-24-2018, 08:09 PM
still bummed that there wasn't an LA or San Diego date :(

01-04-2019, 03:05 AM
Just having a listen to the Destroying Angels / Starman single which is now available to download after being a Record Store Day vinyl exclusive. The A side is good - another interesting collaboration, this time with the guys from X, but not quite a Garbage classic. I'm always wary of any David Bowie covers, and I'm not entirely sold on their Starman for the B side. I'm willing to bet it sounds good live (will check YouTube in a bit) but otherwise... it is what it is.
Really looking forward to some proper new material though - I can't help feel that Strangle Little Birds was rather underappreciated personally. So I also see that they're heading to Europe for some festival dates this summer... not rushing to get tickets for Kew The Music in London, even thought it is a headline show. Got my fingers crossed for an additional indoor (club?) show while they're here.

01-04-2019, 03:42 AM
Just having a listen to the Destroying Angels / Starman single which is now available to download after being a Record Store Day vinyl exclusive. The A side is good - another interesting collaboration, this time with the guys from X, but not quite a Garbage classic. I'm always wary of any David Bowie covers, and I'm not entirely sold on their Starman for the B side..

I was able to grab the 7" on RSDBF and yeah... that's pretty much the way I feel about it. The murder ballad is great by the cover is... well, I'm not much of a Bowie fan to begin with, so... I'm just happy with the A-side.

05-03-2019, 11:47 PM
Just got back from their tour kickoff at The Tabernacle (in Atlanta). Great to see the band firing on all cylinders. They played 3 songs in off Garbage, 7 songs off V.2, 3 songs off BG, 2 songs off BLM, 2 songs off NYKOP, 2 songs off SLB. Plus #1 Crush and Horses. Shirley sounded fantastic. But they fucked up some songs and had to restart them (Parade, Blood for Poppies); plus had a big “to-do” during Push It (some dude punched a girl and Shirley made sure that nobody got arrested for better or worse). My 6 year old, who is obsessed with the band, wasn’t a huge fan of the setlist. So that must mean I’ve done something right in life. All in all, the experience makes me realize how painfully underrated Garbage is.

halo eighteen
05-04-2019, 10:21 AM
I'm so glad Dumb and Wicked Ways are still kicking around. The return of Parade is definitely welcomed as well. Apparently they performed On Fire for the first time, too? All in all, looks like a very typically Garbage setlist! (Not a bad thing)

05-04-2019, 02:10 PM

halo eighteen
12-03-2019, 06:51 AM
They'll be touring next summer with Alanis Morissette and Liz Phair, ahead of their 7th full length album coming out later in the fall. I've somehow never actually seen Alanis or Liz before, so I'm pretty geeked about the lineup!

12-03-2019, 08:14 AM
They'll be touring next summer with Alanis Morissette and Liz Phair, ahead of their 7th full length album coming out later in the fall. I've somehow never actually seen Alanis or Liz before, so I'm pretty geeked about the lineup!

Great Scott! Marty, we must have traveled to 1995! Funny, I also see that Motley Crue, Def Leppard and Poison are touring together! There must be a tear in the space-time continuum!

12-03-2019, 08:44 AM
Honestly, I would like to see this tour. I love JLP and this bill looks great.

bobbie solo
12-03-2019, 02:47 PM
the three of them toured together in 1998.

SM Rollinger
12-04-2019, 10:34 PM
Damn their gonna be playing the DTE, I'm on the fence about this one. It's a 16 hour drive, but I just NEED to get a good tape outta this venue...

(That and the place is just damn cool, if you've been there you know what I mean)

halo eighteen
03-29-2021, 01:54 PM
No Gods No Masters, the seventh "overtly politically and socially charged" studio album, is formally being announced tomorrow! Lead single "The Men Who Rule the World" will probably also be out then or by the end of the week.

*edit - June 11th release date.

CD/Neon Green LP:
1. The Men Who Rule the World
2. The Creeps
3. Uncomfortably Me
4. Wolves
5. Waiting for God
6. Godhead
7. Anonymous XXX
8. A Woman Destroyed
9. Flipping the Bird
10. No Gods No Masters
11. This City Will Kill You

Deluxe CD:
12. No Horses
13. Starman
14. Girls Talk w/Brody Dalle
15. Because the Night w/Screaming Females
16. On Fire
17. The Chemicals w/Brian Aubert
18. Destroying Angels w/John Doe & Exene Cervenka
19. Time Will Destroy Everything

03-29-2021, 04:21 PM
No Gods No Masters, the seventh "overtly politically and socially charged" studio album, is formally being announced tomorrow! Lead single "The Men Who Rule the World" will probably also be out then or by the end of the week.

Single is out tomorrow as well, per their Instagram.

03-30-2021, 04:26 AM
Thanks for posting deets. Was waiting patiently for the official announcement via mailing list!
I'm a little sad the album isn't coming sooner, but hey, a single will do for now. I've really enjoyed their recent material - possibly more than Beautiful Garbage and Bleed Like Me eras - so hopes are high. Nice to see the bonus disc there too - I'll be well pleased to have this lot on CD.

halo eighteen
03-30-2021, 10:03 AM
Store (https://garbage.shop.musictoday.com/) is live!!! There's also a limited white vinyl as well as t-shirt and signed art print bundles for sale.

03-30-2021, 10:38 AM
The Men Who Rule the World:

03-30-2021, 10:45 AM
Sure hope that grows on me.

03-30-2021, 10:57 AM
I wasn't sure what I really thought of the song there, until the "money money money" Abba reference, and then I decided I liked it.

03-30-2021, 11:18 AM
Couple more listens through headphones and I dig it. It's quirky.

halo eighteen
03-30-2021, 11:37 AM
For some reason it's giving me beautifulgarbage vibes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It was jarring to me just like the first listen of Androgyny was way back when. It's nice to see them not just churning out a typical Garbage sounding song to lead the album anyway. Excited to see where the rest of the album goes.

03-30-2021, 02:08 PM
I feel like this song and this video would have been more impactful a few years ago. But, I'm still hopeful; every Garbage album since their first has had AT LEAST four straight up amazing tracks on it, often more.

Trying to hold judgement until more comes out.

03-30-2021, 03:58 PM
I liked "No Horses" a bit better, but it's ok

04-01-2021, 09:09 AM

TIL this exists. Kewl.

04-28-2021, 10:29 AM
Another new track coming tonight! Chat on YouTube from 7:30pm (UK time), and the song will also air first on BBC radio. Should be good! Proper video this time too, by the looks of it.
Glad to say I got a ticket for the one-off headline show alongside the Blondie tour - this is in Bournemouth, strangely... just along the coast from me though, so happy days.

04-28-2021, 02:34 PM

04-28-2021, 04:14 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXZB-YiYIakThe video I can take or leave, but the song is straight up Garbage. Dig this A LOT more than that first track.

04-29-2021, 09:22 AM
The video I can take or leave, but the song is straight up Garbage. Dig this A LOT more than that first track.

Agreed. "The Men Who Rule the World" didn't grab me (although it wasn't a bad song by any means), but I've been listening to "No Gods No Masters" on repeat for the last...20 minutes? Now I'm looking forward to this album. Don't know if I should buy the Deluxe CD (I'd love to have No Horses on a physical format) or vinyl (I used to buy CDs for a long time, now I buy new music in vinyl -when I want to buy a physical format-.

04-29-2021, 09:56 AM
Look at this totally 80s cutie pie:


04-29-2021, 10:29 AM
Agreed. "The Men Who Rule the World" didn't grab me (although it wasn't a bad song by any means), but I've been listening to "No Gods No Masters" on repeat for the last...20 minutes? Now I'm looking forward to this album. Don't know if I should buy the Deluxe CD (I'd love to have No Horses on a physical format) or vinyl (I used to buy CDs for a long time, now I buy new music in vinyl -when I want to buy a physical format-.I get you. There's maybe...six artists who I'll pre-order no matter what, but Garbage isn't one of them. When the album drops, I'll reassess if this is a deluxe purchase or a digital purchase.

04-29-2021, 10:32 AM
Look at this totally 80s cutie pie:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDoNutREuO8Why is the lead singer David Duchovny and Adam Sandler?

04-30-2021, 11:56 PM
I enjoyed The Men Who Rule The World but I agree with people saying No Gods No Masters is so much better. TMWRTW is sort of this weird off kilter Beautiful Garbage-y song (which isn't a bad thing at all) but NGNM just ticks all the right boxes.

05-19-2021, 12:59 PM
New video / single. Easily my favorite of those they've released.


05-19-2021, 06:31 PM
New video / single. Easily my favorite of those they've released.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT4CXVSU18kGreat track, but...is EVERYONE a furry now?

06-09-2021, 04:53 PM
My vinyls have shipped and will arrive tomorrow. It leaked 2 days ago, and the album is fantastic! (wait until you hear Godhead). The band is doing a listening party on Youtube tomorrow and will also be on Seth Myers show. All streaming services on Friday.

06-10-2021, 10:41 AM
Really excited to hear the full album tomorrow. Not sure if my CD has been shipped yet, so I'll be looking for a download asap. Love seeing lots of positive reviews, although the 'best album since...' stuff is a little annoying. Strange Little Birds was excellent, and fairly well received if I remember correctly? Whatevs. See you at the listening party.

06-10-2021, 05:20 PM
Really excited to hear the full album tomorrow. Not sure if my CD has been shipped yet, so I'll be looking for a download asap. Love seeing lots of positive reviews, although the 'best album since...' stuff is a little annoying. Strange Little Birds was excellent, and fairly well received if I remember correctly? Whatevs. See you at the listening party.

I'm at the listening party, 4 tracks in, and I can already tell that this is going to be a classic. The Creeps and Uncomfortably Me are great, The Creeps is such a banger. And goddamn I just LOVE Shirley's voice, it's the gift that keeps on giving. Both The Creeps and Godhead have such a strong NIN vibe. I think this is going to be a Top 3 Garbage album for me (up there with Strange Little Birds and Version 2.0 -followed closely by self titled-).

Good lord this was just an amazing album, absolutely no filler in there. I'd say it's AOTY material. I was a little worried because of the three singles, I wasn't that sold on The Men Who Rule the World and Wolves (instantly fell in love with No Gods No Masters the single). But today I spent listening to The Men Who Rule the World nonstop ahead of the listening party, something clicked along the way. And Wolves makes more sense in the context of the full album.

06-10-2021, 07:54 PM
That Godhead tho.... definitely inspired by Depeche Mode / NIN / Gary Numan.

06-11-2021, 12:34 AM
another good album. glad to have them around in 2021
Delighted with the bonus disc too, always wanted those tracks on cd

06-11-2021, 05:05 AM

halo eighteen
06-11-2021, 07:29 PM
Really bummed that my vinyl "shipped" a few days ago, but tracking doesn't show it actually shipped. Wanted that to be my first experience.. It's hard holding out seeing the great reactions. 4.5 stars on all music, best review there since V2.0!

06-11-2021, 08:30 PM
Wow... this album is a lot better than I was expecting.

06-11-2021, 08:58 PM
That Godhead tho.... definitely inspired by Depeche Mode / NIN / Gary Numan.

...or possibly even Godhead.

06-12-2021, 09:20 PM
Wow... this album is a lot better than I was expecting.
Yes, much better than i was expecting and miles better than "Strange Little Birds" and "Not you kind of People" (wasn't a fan of both...)

06-13-2021, 06:12 PM
Godhead is fireeeeeeee

06-14-2021, 02:59 AM
Loving the record. I was starting to doubt my commitment to physical media for my favourite artists, but the deluxe CD packaging is really nice - glad somebody is making the effort outside of vinyl. Nice having a collection of the non-album singles from the past few years too.
Hope all goes well, virus-wise, for their US tour. November still seems a long way off for the UK shows so keeping hopeful.

06-15-2021, 02:47 AM
Yeah looking forward to my physical copy to show up - it looks really nicely put together. The album is really great. I'm yet to decide if I like it more than Strange Little Birds - I fucking love that album.

The Creeps, A Woman Destroyed and Godhead are my instant favorites - especially musically. There's a few slower classic Garbage songs too which are great.

The bonus disc is everything a bonus disc should be, a few great covers, a few collaborative tracks and a few B Sides.

This really is everything an album should be. Garbage are an underrated band (and underrated individual musicians) for sure.

06-16-2021, 03:16 PM
Anyone who got the vinyl...download card or no?

06-16-2021, 05:05 PM
This is so much better than I expected! I’ve only heard it twice through now but “Uncomfortably Me” is getting a lot of love as is “A Woman Destroyed” and “Flipping The Bird.” I really like “The Men Who Rule The World” too.

Haven’t dived into the bonus disc yet.

06-17-2021, 02:00 AM
Anyone who got the vinyl...download card or no?

I purchased a deluxe edition bundle with the CD and vinyl so I don’t know if that makes a difference but I did not relieve a download card.

06-17-2021, 09:43 AM
I purchased a deluxe edition bundle with the CD and vinyl so I don’t know if that makes a difference but I did not relieve a download card.Ugh. Gotcha,thanks!

06-17-2021, 03:49 PM
Anyone who got the vinyl...download card or no?

I purchased the deluxe vinyl...no download card.

07-03-2021, 03:30 PM
My favorite:


08-18-2021, 03:55 PM
Has anyone in the US been able to order the Beautiful Garbage anniversary LP from the official store or elsewhere? I've clicked on the link in their FB/IG account and it takes me to the official store which only has the deluxe version, and it says "not available". I've also seen it in the Sound of Vinyl page: https://thesoundofvinyl.us/products/garbage-beautifulgarbage

I have not seen the CD version in any US-based website. Do you guys think it'll be available on Amazon at some point?

08-18-2021, 04:36 PM
Has anyone in the US been able to order the Beautiful Garbage anniversary LP from the official store or elsewhere? I've clicked on the link in their FB/IG account and it takes me to the official store which only has the deluxe version, and it says "not available". I've also seen it in the Sound of Vinyl page: https://thesoundofvinyl.us/products/garbage-beautifulgarbage

I have not seen the CD version in any US-based website. Do you guys think it'll be available on Amazon at some point?

Still not on Amazon, but is on Amazon UK.

halo eighteen
08-18-2021, 04:53 PM
SOV20OFF for 20% off sound of vinyl orders, if that's appealing. Hopefully it still works, it did for me yesterday.. I splurged and got the 3lp version because of that. I have the original vinyl pressing, which is now probably worth nothing ha.

08-18-2021, 06:30 PM
SOV20OFF for 20% off sound of vinyl orders, if that's appealing. Hopefully it still works, it did for me yesterday.. I splurged and got the 3lp version because of that. I have the original vinyl pressing, which is now probably worth nothing ha.

The discount code still works! I'm torn between getting NIN's Broken and the standard Beautiful Garbage version (to get the free shipping with orders over $50) or go with the deluxe Beautiful Garbage version. How good are the B-Sides?

halo eighteen
08-18-2021, 06:46 PM
The discount code still works! I'm torn between getting NIN's Broken and the standard Beautiful Garbage version (to get the free shipping with orders over $50) or go with the deluxe Beautiful Garbage version. How good are the B-Sides?

The beautifulgarbage b-sides are pretty much on par with the first two albums. Maybe overall a little less consistent. There's alt rock like Begging Bone, experimental stuff like Happiness and Confidence, obligatory covers like the first two albums with Candy Says and Wild Horses, a total joke of a track like I'm Really Into Techno, and then the rest is pretty much typical Garbage. April Tenth is a straight up diamond though, it's basically garbage doing trip hop.

08-19-2021, 07:44 AM
The beautifulgarbage b-sides are pretty much on par with the first two albums. Maybe overall a little less consistent. There's alt rock like Begging Bone, experimental stuff like Happiness and Confidence, obligatory covers like the first two albums with Candy Says and Wild Horses, a total joke of a track like I'm Really Into Techno, and then the rest is pretty much typical Garbage. April Tenth is a straight up diamond though, it's basically garbage doing trip hop.

Well, I decided to splurge on the 3LP as well, thanks to the code you shared. Based on my purchase I decided to read again the Beautiful Garbage chapter from the book they released some years ago, found out that the video for Androgyny premiered a day before 9/11. Bad timing. The book mentions that this tragic event, combined with Limp Bizkit being on the rise (and in general, the music trends at the time -nu metal and boy bands-) contributed to this record being a flop. Just watched the video for Androgyny after a veeery long time (around this time I was watching MTV on a daily basis) and man, they were so ahead of their time. Today, standing up for LGBTQ+ rights is nothing abnormal, it's part of the mainstream (so to speak), but 20 years ago it was unheard of! I was 16 at the time that video came out, and I remember it was odd seeing two girls kissing, but didn't give much thought to the meaning/stance behind the video and the lyrics. Fast forward to 2021, and I pay much more attention to the lyrics...and wow. "Why can't we all just get along?" Still relevant to this day.

To be honest this is/was the only Garbage record I didn't own physically, mostly because I'd heard and read that this was not a good album, below the rest of their discography, but the IG post from the band/Shirley about the reissue made it sound like they are really proud of this album, listened to the album in full for the first time yesterday...and yes, not better than some of their records, but it still is a strong album.

Another interesting bit from the book:
Years later, Manson found herself on a long international flight, in conversation with a "very, very famous rock star who I cannot name. He sat next to me and told me that he had witnessed a discussion - this a true story- at Interscope about whether they were going to 'plow their money into Garbage' or whether they were going to 'plow their money into No Doubt'. Well, we all know where they put the money in the end". (implying that the money had gone to No Doubt, and well, where is No Doubt today?)

08-19-2021, 10:47 AM
As a No Doubt fan - something must've happened between Gwen, Tony, Tom and Adrian because there has been no (at least visibly) communication between them since she took off. Just the other night she performed "Don't Speak" at Blake's concert. I think it's messed up.

08-20-2021, 11:53 AM
beautifulgarbage was their last album I bought. There are a couple of songs I still enjoy today, like Shut Your Mouth and Parade. After that, I kept a little bit up to date, listening to singles here and there, but I had moved on. I never thought they were bad, but it just wasn't something I was looking for anymore. Still love Version 2.0. I did listen twice at the latest, some good stuff.

08-24-2021, 11:12 AM
Hey guys and gals, do you think the tour with Alanis Morissette will be canceled at some point due to the Delta variant? I have a tickets for one of the last stops of this tour (in Concord CA, Bay Area, September 29th), and I'll be traveling from Mexico for this (I'm currently working remotely for a company in the Bay Area, that's why I picked this date). The tour has already passed through TX, AR, NC, FL, GA (aka some of the parts that have been hit the roughest by Covid) and I haven't seen any hiccups so far (on Garbage's social media). Should I make the trip? (to give you more context: because of work I was supposed to be back in the office by the end of September, but because of the Delta strain my back to the office date is now beginning of November, so I bought the ticket thinking that I was going to be already in Cali by the time of the show. I will also use this trip to get the Pfizer shot -vaccines are not that available in Mexico- and see FNM in Oakland on October 18th).

halo eighteen
08-24-2021, 11:20 AM
Hey guys and gals, do you think the tour with Alanis Morissette will be canceled at some point due to the Delta variant? I have a tickets for one of the last stops of this tour (in Concord CA, Bay Area, September 29th), and I'll be traveling from Mexico for this (I'm currently working remotely for a company in the Bay Area, that's why I picked this date). The tour has already passed through TX, AR, NC, FL, GA (aka some of the parts that have been hit the roughest by Covid) and I haven't seen any hiccups so far (on Garbage's social media). Should I make the trip? (to give you more context: because of work I was supposed to be back in the office by the end of September, but because of the Delta strain my back to the office date is now beginning of November, so I bought the ticket thinking that I was going to be already in Cali by the time of the show. I will also use this trip to get the Pfizer shot -vaccines are not that available in Mexico- and see FNM in Oakland on October 18th).

All's been well so far, but there's really no way to tell... I would definitely keep a close eye on things, but outdoor venues seem to be (for now) relatively safe and unaffected. Yes, there's exceptions to that rule for sure (NIN, Garth Brooks) - and god forbid if any band members test positive at any point (see: KoRn), then that would certainly derail the tour at least temporarily. My show's in less than 3 weeks and I'm still skeptical. Like you said, they've already been touring through areas where case numbers are at their highest in the country. That could be a good sign.

08-24-2021, 12:28 PM
beautifulgarbage was their last album I bought. There are a couple of songs I still enjoy today, like Shut Your Mouth and Parade. After that, I kept a little bit up to date, listening to singles here and there, but I had moved on. I never thought they were bad, but it just wasn't something I was looking for anymore. Still love Version 2.0. I did listen twice at the latest, some good stuff.Same. I was into Garbage, Version 2.0, and beautifulgarbae, and then haven't bought one since NGNM. I DID see both of the 20th anniversary shows, amazing stuff.

halo eighteen
08-26-2021, 07:14 AM
Okay.. I love love love this band, and garbage and 2.0 were honestly pretty monumental in getting me through high school. But I don't like how the band rests on their laurels when it comes to those first two albums. Are they amazing? Classics? Career-defining? Probably yes, yes, and more yes. But for them to state in the beautifulgarbage 20th press release how proud they were (and are) of that album and how songs from it still stick around in their setlists to this day (what, Cherry Lips? That's really the only one with any consistency) - then they hardly played anything off Strange Little Birds on that whole entire tour. And I realize these Alanis sets are short, but they're seemingly pretending like they don't even have a new album that just came out.

I thought that the Garbage and 2.0 anniversary tours would've gotten all that out of their system but if anything it's just made them double down and focus even more on those songs in concert. It's kind of where I'm at with Depeche Mode in that I don't understand why you want to put so much time and effort into making new music, and then tour in "support" of it but yet hardly play anything from it.


08-26-2021, 07:47 AM
Concerts have always been about playing the hits - that's their money makers, and what people want to hear. When I went to the 2.0 Anniversary show, my friend and I were having dinner before the show, and a middle-aged couple that was sitting next to us was also going to show. They were saying, "Oh, I can't wait to hear her sing I'm Only Happy When It Rains!" and I was like, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's not. This is the 2.0 show only." And the middle-aged couple were so confused and were like, "But why?! That's their number 1 song!"

You think NIN plays Closer at every show because they want to?

halo eighteen
08-26-2021, 07:56 AM
Concerts have always been about playing the hits - that's their money makers, and what people want to hear. When I went to the 2.0 Anniversary show, my friend and I were having dinner before the show, and a middle-aged couple that was sitting next to us was also going to show. They were saying, "Oh, I can't wait to hear her sing I'm Only Happy When It Rains!" and I was like, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's not. This is the 2.0 show only." And the middle-aged couple were so confused and were like, "But why?! That's their number 1 song!"

You think NIN plays Closer at every show because they want to?

It's really disturbing to me how people can't even use a single brain cell to realize they're buying a ticket to a very obviously themed show like that. I wasn't able to catch a 2.0 show, but I did see a self titled anniversary show, and Shirley had to actually say on multiple occasions that nothing newer than 1996 would be played all night. I think she lied cuz they did some 2.0 songs in the encore, but it's like... ugh, people. Same ones that buy a $80 ticket and loudly chat to their friend all night long.

It's not even really 'playing the hits' that's bothering me - and NIN is a great example. C+B+I tour if you look, the "trilogy" was what got played the most on that tour. I feel like that should be the case every time a band goes out and plays. Maybe I'm just old school. *shrug*

09-07-2021, 09:16 AM
It's really disturbing to me how people can't even use a single brain cell to realize they're buying a ticket to a very obviously themed show like that. I wasn't able to catch a 2.0 show, but I did see a self titled anniversary show, and Shirley had to actually say on multiple occasions that nothing newer than 1996 would be played all night. I think she lied cuz they did some 2.0 songs in the encore, but it's like... ugh, people. Same ones that buy a $80 ticket and loudly chat to their friend all night long.

It's not even really 'playing the hits' that's bothering me - and NIN is a great example. C+B+I tour if you look, the "trilogy" was what got played the most on that tour. I feel like that should be the case every time a band goes out and plays. Maybe I'm just old school. *shrug*

No man, you are not old school. When they released Strange Little Birds it killed me that they only played 3-4 songs of that album during the tour that was supposedly supporting that album. To me SLB is Top 2 Garbage, call me crazy but I think No Gods No Masters is their best (these guys are like a good wine, they get better with age). So it also kills me to see that they are hardly playing stuff from their latest in this tour, although it is a bit more understandable in this particular tour, since they are supporting a nostalgia act (Alanis), and most of Alanis' fanbase are only there for the old hits. They gotta play it safe to please the Alanis fanbase. I'll still go see this tour.

09-22-2021, 09:24 AM
Double post: I have one ticket for the tour with Alanis in Concord, CA but I won't be able to attend due to personal reasons. I'm trying to sell it right now in the Live Nation website but I don't think I'll have any luck. I'm willing to give it away to someone on this board, I don't want the ticket to go to waste. I'll wait to part with my ticket until the morning of Wednesday Sept. 29 (a week from now, the day of the show) to see if I can sell the ticket. If you are interested in this deal send me a PM.

01-07-2022, 12:09 AM
I got around to listening to the Beautifulgarbage b-side CD (disc 2 on the set). I am a big fan of the album and always wanted to hear b-sides from that era. I think that these songs are great, but I see why none of the songs are on the album proper. They sound like Garbage songs from that era, but none would have really fit the flow of the album.

12-09-2022, 08:03 AM
New interview with Shirley Manson. Talks about new anthology album, James Bond theme, etc. (https://consequence.net/2022/12/shirley-manson-garbage-anthology-kyle-meredith/)

02-15-2023, 09:06 PM
Garbage just announced a North American tour with Noel Gallagher! Can’t wait for this. Live Nation Pre-Sale at 10 AM tomorrow. Anyone have a code? Who can keep track of all these different types of Pre-Sales anyway…

02-15-2023, 09:44 PM
Garbage just announced a North American tour with Noel Gallagher! Can’t wait for this. Live Nation Pre-Sale at 10 AM tomorrow. Anyone have a code? Who can keep track of all these different types of Pre-Sales anyway…

Can't seem to find the presale. I'm not really worried about it selling out in a day. I would like to see this tour.

02-16-2023, 10:20 AM
Can't seem to find the presale. I'm not really worried about it selling out in a day. I would like to see this tour.
Think this works for all the shows....

02-16-2023, 12:39 PM
Got a ticket for Concord CA! Since they are headliners this time around (as opposed to the last tours with Alanis and Tears for Fears) I'm hoping they play more from No Masters No Gods.

02-07-2024, 09:21 AM
Special edition of Bleed Like Me will be released on 4/5. (https://www.udiscovermusic.com/news/garage-bleed-like-me-expanded-reissue/) First time it will be released on vinyl.

02-12-2024, 08:23 PM
Special edition of Bleed Like Me will be released on 4/5. (https://www.udiscovermusic.com/news/garage-bleed-like-me-expanded-reissue/) First time it will be released on vinyl.
Will get this for disc 2

02-13-2024, 12:13 AM
International shipping is horrendous. I hope it comes out locally :(

02-13-2024, 12:18 AM
It should show up on Amazon soon.

02-14-2024, 05:46 AM
It should show up on Amazon soon.
Yes i have been waiting too. It has shown up on Amazon UK only

02-14-2024, 08:05 AM
I haven't listened to Bleed Like Me for a while, but I loved that album. With its grungy guitars, I thought it was maybe their most 90s sounding album, despite being released in 2005. If the album had been released 5-10 years earlier, it would have been huge, and the singles would have been all over MTV/radio.

Garbage's last several albums have been great, but I always gravitate towards their first four.

02-15-2024, 01:28 AM
I'm not usually much of a ranker, but i'd go with:

1. Garbage
2. Version 2.0
3. Bleed Like Me
4. Strange Little Birds
5. Beautiful Garbage
6. No Gods, No Masters
7. Not Your Kind of People

All their albums are pretty solid, the higher ones are just more consistent

02-15-2024, 02:42 AM
My ranking
1. Version 2.0
2. Bleed Like Me
3. Garbage
4. Beautifulgarbage
6. Strange Little Birds
7. No Gods, No Masters

02-15-2024, 03:21 AM
Ooh this is tricky

Version 2.0
Strange Little Birds
Bleed Like Me
No Gods, No Masters
Not Your Kind of People

02-15-2024, 07:36 AM
1. No Gods, No Masters
2. Strange Little Birds
3. Version 2.0
4. Garbage
5. Bleed Like Me
6. Not your kind of people
7. Beautiful Garbage

The latest two are just too good.

02-15-2024, 10:08 AM
1. No Gods, No Masters
2. Strange Little Birds
3. Version 2.0
4. Garbage
5. Bleed Like Me
6. Not your kind of people
7. Beautiful Garbage

The latest two are just too good.

Strange Little Birds has such a special place in my heart.

frankie teardrop
02-16-2024, 08:21 AM
version 2.0
strange little birds
bleed like me
no gods no masters
not your kind of people

02-16-2024, 09:20 AM
Ranking the albums is a bit of a challenge, because of the abundance of b-sides. There's probably three albums worth of released material that's not on the studio releases. I'd rank Beautifulgarbage higher on the list if the (excellent) b-sides are included.

02-16-2024, 10:36 AM
1. Version 2.0
2. Garbage
3. Beautifulgarbage
4. Bleed Like Me
6. Strange Little Birds
7. No Gods, No Masters

02-20-2024, 06:13 AM
It should show up on Amazon soon.
Pre ordered it earlier on amazon

02-21-2024, 01:23 AM
I listened to No Gods No Masters tonight. This album kind of came and went for me. I'm glad I revisited it; it's a fantastic album. It has what I might describe as a neon-noir feel—glittery, futuristic, with hints of retro 80s new wave, with a touch of darkness bubbling underneath. It's worth getting the deluxe edition, which includes eight bonus songs—all of which are fantastic. This material is as good as what made the album proper. The covers of "Starman" and "Because the Night" are great takes. Overall, it's a great body of work from the 2017-2021 era of the band.

02-21-2024, 09:38 AM
You know what's weird about Garbage for me? I've been a fan since their first album, but there is not ONE ALBUM that's a 10/10. There'll be half an album of pure gold, then the rest I find completely forgettable. It's bizarre. Happens with EVERY ALBUM.

04-04-2024, 11:48 PM
The bonus material on the bonus disc of Bleed Like Me is fantastic. All of these b-sides are as good as what's on the album.



04-05-2024, 07:59 AM
The bonus material on the bonus disc of Bleed Like Me is fantastic. All of these b-sides are as good as what's on the album proper.



Honeybee has been a longtime favourite of mine - hopefully it gets more love and attention now it's more easily available.

The remaster sounds pretty good too, I noticed a difference straight away in Bad Boyfriend especially when the drums kick in

04-05-2024, 09:26 AM
Honeybee has been a longtime favourite of mine - hopefully it gets more love and attention now it's more easily available.

The remaster sounds pretty good too, I noticed a difference straight away in Bad Boyfriend especially when the drums kick in

I haven't listened to the remaster yet. I didn't think it would matter much as the original album was released just under 20 years ago. But I'll give it a spin.

It's amazing the number of fantastic songs this band recorded that never made it to the studio albums.

04-05-2024, 12:12 PM
Right Between The Eyes is such a badass song. I can listen to that over and over.

04-05-2024, 11:24 PM
I haven't listened to the remaster yet. I didn't think it would matter much as the original album was released just under 20 years ago. But I'll give it a spin.

It's amazing the number of fantastic songs this band recorded that never made it to the studio albums.

yeah I’m surprised - to me it just sounds like everything in the mix has a little more room to breathe?

04-06-2024, 08:48 AM
I haven't listened to the remaster yet. I didn't think it would matter much as the original album was released just under 20 years ago. But I'll give it a spin.

It's amazing the number of fantastic songs this band recorded that never made it to the studio albums.

Agreed. They're one of my favorite bands and I loved it when I discovered all their B-side tracks.

04-20-2024, 12:49 AM
I was listening to Strange Little Birds for the first time in probably a few years. And I think I've only played it a few times. I find a lot of times with established acts, the later releases get lost in the shuffle, as I gravitate towards the known, earlier classics. I never truly appreciated how amazing this album is. "Empty," "If I Lost You" and "Even Though Our Loved is Doomed" are some of their best songs. The album has this lush, wall-of-sound, divine, grand atmosphere. I should listen to Strange Little Birds more often.

Next album to revisit is Not Your Kind of People. This was never my favorite Garbage album. I thought it was good, but not great and kind of a let-down after a run of four terrific albums.

04-20-2024, 11:30 AM
I was listening to Strange Little Birds for the first time in probably a few years. And I think I've only played it a few times. I find a lot of times with established acts, the later releases get lost in the shuffle, as I gravitate towards the known, earlier classics. I never truly appreciated how amazing this album is. "Empty," "If I Lost You" and "Even Though Our Loved is Doomed" are some of their best songs. The album has this lush, wall-of-sound, divine, grand atmosphere. I should listen to Strange Little Birds more often.

Next album to revisit is Not Your Kind of People. This was never my favorite Garbage album. I thought it was good, but not great and kind of a let-down after a run of four terrific albums.

If I recall correctly the band described Strange Little Birds as “cinematic” when it was released and I think they hit the nail on the head. If you haven’t I’d recommend listening to Fucking With You, it’s a hidden track on the vinyl version and I love it. Amends is an epic closer but Fucking With You almost feels like the end credits or an epilogue. If you like it I can send you the vinyl rip I got of it years ago.

I do enjoy Not Your Kind of People a fair bit even though I rank it last, it has some of my absolute favourites on it (Control, Battle In Me, The One just to name a few) it’s a solid album but it sort of has that “getting back into the swing of things and finding their feet again” vibe which which given the hiatus is fair enough in my opinion. I’d be a little rusty too in their shoes!

04-20-2024, 10:31 PM
If I recall correctly the band described Strange Little Birds as “cinematic” when it was released and I think they hit the nail on the head. If you haven’t I’d recommend listening to Fucking With You, it’s a hidden track on the vinyl version and I love it. Amends is an epic closer but Fucking With You almost feels like the end credits or an epilogue. If you like it I can send you the vinyl rip I got of it years ago.


Thanks for posting about the song and offering to send the file. I don't think I've heard this before. I quite like it.

I'm guessing that Bleed Like Me will be the last album that gets the deluxe treatment. Not Your Kind of People and No Gods No Masters already have deluxe editions with several bonus tracks. I think FWY is the only track from the Strange Little Birds era that didn't make the album.

04-21-2024, 05:15 AM
Wow, didn't know that track existed. Thanks for posting.

04-21-2024, 11:48 AM
It’s a total hidden gem. It deserves better than been hidden on the vinyl version
I got a copy reasonably priced from Discogs just for it. With Bleed Like Me on its way to me (should arrive this week) I’ll have every Garbage album except NYKOP on vinyl and that one is priced way more than what I’d want to pay for it used. Maybe if it gets a re-pressing someday.

04-21-2024, 11:52 AM
Holy crap just found out about this song til now, it's great! Spinning my vinyl now.

frankie teardrop
04-21-2024, 07:22 PM
how did I miss that track as well? what a killer! thanks for pointing that out, Disassociative!

listening to a rip of the record store day release (waiting to get the copy that a friend picked up for me). pretty good! really love the 'song to the siren' cover.

04-21-2024, 10:44 PM
Hoping they put the RSD release on streaming/digital soon, I missed out in store in Perth and the 7 copies available from my usual online retailer in Sydney disappeared before 6am my time - gotta love the time difference haha

04-24-2024, 11:56 PM
This song is so freakin' good!


04-30-2024, 11:27 PM
Louder ranks their albums (https://www.loudersound.com/features/every-garbage-album-ranked-from-worst-to-best?utm_content=louder&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3oxCdRnITiXJw5SEfTyYJ8L s4d_K4KZl2VZE7lNtUmOrYgrj_3hRdWvj0_aem_Ad53JLQObND i0xrHvZG8s-6i_lQRUMQk9ASiQlmlWwV34lDeFmT_0FPV29DvSjyOmyclRBcD MyGyljzVaxoh2zpK)

Good write-up.

04-30-2024, 11:47 PM
Louder ranks their albums (https://www.loudersound.com/features/every-garbage-album-ranked-from-worst-to-best?utm_content=louder&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3oxCdRnITiXJw5SEfTyYJ8L s4d_K4KZl2VZE7lNtUmOrYgrj_3hRdWvj0_aem_Ad53JLQObND i0xrHvZG8s-6i_lQRUMQk9ASiQlmlWwV34lDeFmT_0FPV29DvSjyOmyclRBcD MyGyljzVaxoh2zpK)

Good write-up.

Strange Little Birds in the top 3 - I'll take it

05-02-2024, 08:01 AM
Lie to Me EP should be hitting streaming services on the 3rd of May - it’s beginning to pop up on streaming services with that release date.

05-02-2024, 01:35 PM
Lie to Me EP should be hitting streaming services on the 3rd of May - it’s beginning to pop up on streaming services with that release date.I grabbed it on RSD; nothing mindblowing, but the TMC cover is gorgeous.

05-02-2024, 10:39 PM
I grabbed it on RSD; nothing mindblowing, but the TMC cover is gorgeous.

Better Not Lie To Me is fun, and I enjoy the 'gang vocals' in the chorus you don't usually hear the boys singing along with her
Revenge and Hurt is a grower I think, I'm warming up to it the more I listen to it
Song to the Siren is the highlight I think for me
Bad Boyfriend 23' mix - eh. It's fine. Bad Boyfriend is a favourite of mine but this seems like filler. Especially now that the 2024 remaster that came out last month pretty much addressed my issues with the original mix lol

05-03-2024, 11:41 AM
The vinyl only thing pisses me off. I'd like a CD of the four songs, and not have to pay $50.00 on Ebay for it.

I know it's "record store day," but other artists release CDs as well as vinyl.

05-03-2024, 03:31 PM
The vinyl only thing pisses me off. I'd like a CD of the four songs, and not have to pay $50.00 on Ebay for it.

I know it's "record store day," but other artists release CDs as well as vinyl.Aside from the streaming release, they usually end up putting all their vinyl exclusive tracks out on deluxe editions of stuff. Might take a little longer, but it'll happen.