View Full Version : Warcraft

01-31-2013, 07:40 PM
Well, looks like Duncan Jones (Director of Moon/Source Code) is our new director for the World Of Warcraft video game to film adaptation.


He's only done two sci-fi films which were both great, but what he recently said in an interview sounds extremely promising.

"It's going to take a combination of a great writer, inspired director, and a franchise owner who is willing to let go enough to allow what needs to be done, to be done.

There's been a LONG history of the shittiest video game film adaptations for years now. This project's budget is reportedly going to push north of $100 mill. Hoping for the best.

01-31-2013, 08:16 PM
I was really surprised by this news. I love Warcraft, I've been playing the games since the first one, but a Warcraft movie is never something I thought would be interesting in the least. I am not excited by this news, but I will probably pay attention to it now.

02-01-2013, 06:30 AM
Ok, I played WoW for 5 years, I am a huge Bowie fan and everything Bowie-related so there is good will from my side, I liked Moon and Source Code which I thought were mostly excellent except for little J.J.Abrams-esque flaws, so this combination sounds all kinds of good, but I think it will be less than the sum of its parts. It's still probably going to be one of the better video game adaptations, because Jones takes nerd-dom seriously. I'm thinking about my favorite video game adaptation at the moment...it's probably Tomb Raider.

02-01-2013, 03:27 PM
I know they have a pretty good back story around warcraft if they took the route of one of the story lines or something similar i think that this could have the potential to e a decent movie. I guess im hoping they don't try to make a video game movie. I'll be modestly curious for now.

02-01-2013, 03:48 PM
For a couple of years, Sam Raimi was attached to direct the movie. Sounds like he wasn't pleased with the scripts that were presented to him. While continuing to wait for a good script, he started making Oz, then Warner Brothers started looking for another director in order to start production.


02-02-2013, 01:44 AM
I almost think the best bet for a good movie would be for them to tell the Warcraft 1 story. So much stuff has been retconed over the years from the first 2 games, a movie about the first would be a nice way to canonize everything we know from the games now. May not appeal to as many WoW players as a more WoW-y setting would, but I imagine a large amount of WoW people would see it anyway.

05-03-2013, 09:40 PM
Duncan Jones has been spending the past couple of months writing up the Warcraft script.

In the meantime, from Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull:

"I think first of all is to lose the fact that it’s a videogame movie and just concentrate on do you have a story that’s worth telling? We took our time with Warcraft because just saying “How many people play the game? Well then that means X number of people will buy a ticket.” That’s a death trap, that’s the surest way to make a crap movie, and that’s not an option. So we took our time wanted to make sure that we used all the canon that’s been built up over years and years by Blizzard. We’re huge believers in Duncan Jones, and I think what we’re going to bring to screen and to bear with Duncan, he is going to break that mold because it’s going to have the resources, the talent around it, and a Field General in Duncan Jones. It’s, again, the reason we took our time, made sure we had the right guy, the right person to make the movie, and then it will speak for itself when it comes out."

Source: http://collider.com/world-of-warcraft-movie-thomas-tull/

11-08-2013, 03:47 PM
BOY....same release date as Star Wars 7 now? Fuck that. Warcraft was first.

03-01-2014, 06:30 PM

03-16-2014, 11:09 AM
Ok, I played WoW for 5 years, I am a huge Bowie fan and everything Bowie-related so there is good will from my side, I liked Moon and Source Code which I thought were mostly excellent except for little J.J.Abrams-esque flaws, so this combination sounds all kinds of good, but I think it will be less than the sum of its parts. It's still probably going to be one of the better video game adaptations, because Jones takes nerd-dom seriously. I'm thinking about my favorite video game adaptation at the moment...it's probably Tomb Raider.

wait, David Bowie is tied to this title?

03-17-2014, 03:45 AM
Director Duncan Jones is Bowie's son.

09-22-2014, 03:37 PM
Some video some of you may not have seen yet.

From Blizzcon:


09-22-2014, 03:38 PM
One more from Comic Con:


09-22-2014, 04:31 PM
I really like Warcraft (and Blizzard) games in general, but this movie seems unnecessary, just like many other "video-game" movies that have appeared in the past (Doom, Resident Evil, Super Mario Brothers, Street Fighter, etc...), obviously the story is very cinematic but if it's already in the game, why bother to tell it again?

'Course i could be wrong and this movie MIGHT actually bring something "different" but i highly doubt it and i just don't want to see another "Dungeons and Dragons" kind of bomb...

09-22-2014, 06:25 PM
I have some hope for this because of Duncan Jones. I dug Moon and Source Code, even if it was pretty ridiculous. One thing is for sure, the guy has some interesting ways of conveying out-there concepts in film, and I think he could bring that to Warcraft.

I think the key for this film is to bring something different than Lord of the Rings. The fantasy genre has all its well-worn tropes that this will probably follow, but it has to bring something new to the genre in tone and story points. If it comes out as a fairly normal fantasy epic it might not do so well.

09-22-2014, 07:09 PM
I think I'm on-board too.

Duncan Jones has put out two projects that are probably legitimate A-grade movies. He's worked with smaller and bigger budgets now (not like the way Legendary threw Gareth Edwards in there from the $500,000 budget of Monsters to the $160,000,000 budget of Godzilla).

They have the visual team of Life of Pi (Bill Westenhofer), who comes hot off of his Oscar win for the film. Bill also was a longtime gamer of Warcraft (like Duncan).

Blizzard gave Duncan's team the freedom to focus less on being true to the game and more on making a successful project/story (something they've talked about a number of times now).

The cast isn't necessary at the top of any Hollywood lists. They seemed to approach casting in a similar fashion to what LOTR did. It seemed cool to see them get actors that you don't really see much when it comes to prominent projects.

It's looking pretty good so far, no? Not much else is known yet apart from filming having ended a few months ago, a number of cast members now in interviews raving about how great their experiences were with Duncan (although honestly, what else would they have said), and the fact that filming was really lengthy/this will be a long film.

11-03-2015, 10:34 AM

11-06-2015, 01:35 PM

11-06-2015, 02:23 PM
A bit too late? Does anyone even care about Warcraft anymore? I think they missed their chance with this one. It's like trying to make a Halo movie now and feel relevant. The fad has died down, people have moved on to new things. Plus, the story seems formulaic from this trailer. When's the Pitfall movie happening?

11-06-2015, 03:11 PM
It is a bit too late to be sure...though I believe they waited to tie it in with the announcement of the game's new expansion which drops next summer. Still, looked kinda underwhelming to me...

Mr. Blaileen
11-06-2015, 03:13 PM
I played WoW for years, so I'll go see this regardless of the reviews..but man, I don't know about that CGI/Live actor mix. I wish it was just all CG..

04-25-2016, 03:40 PM
Trailer 1:


Trailer 2:











04-25-2016, 04:07 PM
I'm not really a gamer so I had almost ZERO interest in this beyond a general curiosity.

But learning recently that it will be the third Duncan Jones movie makes this an INSTANT must-see movie for me!

I still don't give a shit about the game aspect of it, but Moon and Source Code are two of my all-time FAVORITE movies so I have absolute faith that this will be a FANTASTIC movie and I am officially 100% onboard and can't wait to check it out a.s.a.p.