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02-24-2014, 08:58 PM
maybe this belongs in the "little things that gut you slowly" thread?
my oldest, 12 years old, is going away on a school trip. 3 nights, 4 days, and ye olde mum here is about to lose her ever loving mind.
the funny thing is if i seek solace from family/friends they ALL say: oh, this is important for him and you need to do it. which pisses me off because if i hadn't paid for the trip, thereby clearly indicating a) i know it is important for him and b) THAT I HAVE DONE IT ALREADY, fucktards, then i can see them handing me the bs line about setting him free. yeah, hi, two days away from the reality of setting him free. i don't know exactly what words i am looking to hear, comfort or fucking something that makes me not want to jump into a black hole until he is back??? ugh.
i have no intentions of making my problem his problem, will show a brave face and be all full of the right messages about how much fun he will have and how excited we are for him (which is true, and manages to exist simultaneously with the other truth: NONONONONOFUCKNO. lol) and blah blah blah. then i will go hide somewhere and weep like a busted storm cloud for a few hours. omg. two more sleeps and he is leaving.
fuckfuckfuck. i wish i had thought to prepare for shit like this when he was still bronco riding in my belly.

Yo, chill. This kid hits 13 and he really separates from your womb. Read any parenting or child development book it'll talk about circles of influence - you're it now, soon he's friends will be. He doesn't need a needy mom, he needs a mom who is available when he needs him, not the other way around. Your job, if you care to take it , is to avoid laying your anxieties on the boy. Peace.

02-27-2014, 07:25 PM
I think Lew is more in need of a place to vent/cry than advice.

I have a friend going through this exact situation with her nine year old. You'll get through it. *hugs*

03-01-2014, 02:48 AM
Note to self: STOP SCROLLING DOWN TO COMMENTS SECTIONS ON WEBSITES. It's like Inception, if- with each level deeper you go- everybody gets dumber and/or more racist.

03-01-2014, 05:06 AM
Note to self: STOP SCROLLING DOWN TO COMMENTS SECTIONS ON WEBSITES. It's like Inception, if- with each level deeper you go- everybody gets dumber and/or more racist.

That's why I prefer reddit to any other link-based site. The comments with the best ratio of positive and negative votes sit at the top, instead of most sites where the newest post is the first thing you read and it's almost always some retard going on about vaccinations or 9/11 or Whole Foods ruining "this country", no matter what country the article is from or based on.

Joy Prevention Hotline
03-01-2014, 09:23 AM
Note to self: STOP SCROLLING DOWN TO COMMENTS SECTIONS ON WEBSITES. It's like Inception, if- with each level deeper you go- everybody gets dumber and/or more racist.
Can I like this 10,000,000 times?

03-03-2014, 01:24 AM
When Chrome changes the ETS icon on my bookmarks bar to a generic vBulletin icon.

Joy Prevention Hotline
03-03-2014, 06:16 AM
When Chrome changes the ETS icon on my bookmarks bar to a generic vBulletin icon.
It’s not just Chrome — same thing happened to me in Safari. I think it has something to do with the vBulletin upgrade that happened yesterday-ish:


03-03-2014, 07:15 AM
Nevermind, that didn't work.

Joy Prevention Hotline
03-03-2014, 12:24 PM
Nevermind, that didn't work.
The email notification did contain an intriguing collection of 1 pixel GIFs … I guess we’ll just have to use our imaginations.

03-03-2014, 03:19 PM
Note to self: STOP SCROLLING DOWN TO COMMENTS SECTIONS ON WEBSITES. It's like Inception, if- with each level deeper you go- everybody gets dumber and/or more racist.
Is this helpful? (https://twitter.com/AvoidComments)

03-04-2014, 05:40 AM
Is this helpful? (https://twitter.com/AvoidComments)
I should have clicked that before seeing this:

Thank fuck commenting on comments seem to be disabled or I would have gone on a rage-posting spree, which unfortunately never helps...

03-04-2014, 06:25 AM
A control freak who is my direct senior at work.
Motherfucker leave me alone and let me do my shit. I won't work better or faster with you checking with my status every 15 minutes.

03-05-2014, 06:12 PM
The fact that Netflix doesn't have prepaid tier cards for paying upfront ($X amount for 3 months, $X amount for 6 months, $X amount for 12) and not month to month, this really annoys me.

03-06-2014, 08:41 AM
The fact that Netflix doesn't have prepaid tier cards for paying upfront ($X amount for 3 months, $X amount for 6 months, $X amount for 12) and not month to month, this really annoys me.

and now, if you want to stream on more than two devices simultaneously (which is going to become a necessity because i share my account with my parents AND two of my closest friends [both of whom live out of state]) you have to pay an additional $4/month. it lets you stream on up to four devices simultaneously, which is nice...but i really don't want to pay extra.

my dad tried to give me crap and i was like "you know, i'm the one who pays for our netflix account, right?" and that shut up the hell up.

03-06-2014, 04:06 PM
HAHAHAHA!! Bet that was satisfying! "Cool it, or there'll be no Maury for a WEEK, buster!"

Halo Infinity
03-06-2014, 04:32 PM
Being always told "Maybe.", "I don't know.", and "I'm not sure." when it comes to plans being declined especially when they have some idea to actually say no. I'd rather hear "No.", "No thanks. I'd rather not.", or "No thanks. I'm not into that. That isn't my thing." as it would spare me from being subject to any confusion or further lines of questioning. This still bothers me, because I'm not the type of person to get offended or hurt by direct yes or no responses.

Another thing I don't like is when people don't give me a follow-up on why they're cancelling plans, while seemingly always expecting me to make the first call. I still can't believe how much I've put up with this when it came to making plans with others, and they'd even have me search and/or wait for them. There's still something incredibly inconsiderate about that method of communication. It also bugs me that some people think I should just get it from the fact that they've stopped calling me. At least give me a proper goodbye/send-off or something. That's what I do. As a matter of fact, I always try to make it a regular habit to say bye or goodbye, especially if it's a close/good friend I've been hanging out with.

03-06-2014, 10:38 PM
Sounds like you partly invite those kinds of responses by maybe projecting a low self-esteem vibe in general? Do you?

A little thing that pisses me off: people outraged by mistreatment of animals such as dogs, cats, etc, who eat meat. You eat burgers, you don't have a right to get mad that someone beat up a dog or drowned kittens.

Halo Infinity
03-06-2014, 10:56 PM
Sounds like you partly invite those kinds of responses by maybe projecting a low self-esteem vibe in general? Do you?
I actually haven't even thought about that before, but you certainly make a very valid point as any type of negativity inevitably drives people away. I was mostly focusing on the inconvenience of having the wait or search for other people more than necessary. If it's not about that, it could also have been about some of my trust and forgiveness issues, or taking things personally, literally, and seriously when I really shouldn't have.

A little thing that pisses me off: people outraged by mistreatment of animals such as dogs, cats, etc, who eat meat. You eat burgers, you don't have a right to get mad that someone beat up a dog or drowned kittens.
I noticed that you sort of mentioned this kind of point in my "What makes somebody a good person?" (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/2928-What-makes-somebody-a-good-person) thread. I've also thought about this too, and it has certainly messed with my mind. I have also seen pictures, especially from vegetarians and vegans stressing that point.

03-07-2014, 01:16 AM
Ok no I'm sorry that's fucking bullshit.

People NEED to eat to survive. I'm all for the highest of standards in the food industry, some of the shit I've seen makes me sick... but it's not even comparable.

People don't need to physically abuse pets.

The two things aren't even in the same category whatsoever as one is direct violence for pleasure, and the other is indirect ignorance/indifference for sustinance. Pull your head out of your ass. So because I eat burgers I should be ok with people drowning pets then? What the fuck are you suggesting here, that everyone else on the planet is a criminal or should accept criminal actions, simply for not being a vegetarian?

You need to reevalute your stance there chief.

Halo Infinity
03-07-2014, 06:51 PM
I don't know the right way to say this, and there probably is no right way to address this, so I'll try to bring this up in the form of a question as delicately as possible, assuming that such a thing is even possible.

Did you have have any unpleasant or even harsh disagreements and disputes with ordering food from places where the employees don't really speak English well, as if you were making an attempt to deceive them, or even steal from them?

I'm sorry, but that seems to be the best way for me to bring that up as I understand that it's not their fault for not speaking English well. And even I'm aware of my own flaws regarding English. I just couldn't stand being accused for not reading the menus or ignoring their points when even the menus proved them wrong, while acting as if I was trying to swindle them. (This can also apply to any other settings of business where huge language barriers are involved.)

In other words, I generally can't stand being accused of doing things that I didn't do.

03-07-2014, 07:09 PM
Nobody needs to eat meat, especially in the West. It's purely pleasure at this point.
Killing a pig, cow, chicken or turkey after a short life living in the dark in its own shit for your pleasure is fine. Or even a happy "free range" life in the meadows. All fine.
But killing or torturing a dog or cat for your pleasure is an outrage.
It's only habit that makes us think one is OK and the other is not.
In Asia they eat dogs, cats: "we" think that's barbaric.
There is no tenable argument that one is OK and the other is not.
Killing an animal is killing an animal. We don't need to kill any of them. We do it because we want to and because we can. And then to keep our consciences clean we abhor those who kill the wrong animals for the wrong reasons.
I have more respect for meat eaters who admit "yes, I eat meat because I like the taste; sorry animals" than those who hide behind rationalizations that don't hold.

03-08-2014, 12:48 PM
I never said one is ok, and the other is not. They are just different. You don't see the differences, or choose to ignore them, and that's fine. But the irony is that your attitude and the way you are acting towards the situation, is actually shameful and hurtful towards animals because your like well ok I can't save them all so who cares then... be a monster or don't be, but there is no half way line. I don't think you live in the real world, and your expectation that every person in the west becomes a vegetarian is just unreasonable and unfeasible. You are better off to accept that and try to make positive changes, instead of just being a bitter dick, putting your head in the sand and saying ignorant shit like killing an animal for fun is the same as killing as animal for food. One is evidence of a psychopath, the other is evidence of someone being hungry.

03-08-2014, 06:38 PM
That you think I'm somehow arguing that violence to pets is acceptable suggests to me how attached you are to the notion that eating meat is a nonviolent act that has something to do with hunger. You'd rather see me as someone who thinks it's OK to kill animals than yourself as someone who pays other people to do it - in part so you don't even have to think about it.
It's not just a question of habit, or tradition: there's a multibillion-dollar industry that works very hard to ensure that we view meat-eating as a normal, harmless act.
If you are hungry may I suggest you eat an apple, a granola bar, some humus ETC
Regarding positive changes: I can't influence psychopaths. But I can choose not to eat meat.

03-09-2014, 01:36 AM
It has nothing to do with my attachment for meat, it simply shows me responding to your original point; that meat eaters are somehow not allowed to upset by pyschopathic acts. Of course they are. And it's not hypocritical to be either.

Halo Infinity
03-09-2014, 03:36 AM
I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't just let this go: When people always expect you to accept or tolerate all their friends, relatives and lovers, especially when it's been proven that you just don't click. I just don't have the patience or the tolerance for that. If I had a friend that disliked another friend, I would always do my best to make sure that they don't cross paths instead of being an inconsiderate douche that thinks and assumes that everybody will just magically get along just because they're friends with me.

03-09-2014, 05:08 AM
In other words, I generally can't stand being accused of doing things that I didn't do."In other words"? Why bring language into it, then, if this is actually the point you're trying to make?

Halo Infinity
03-09-2014, 06:23 AM
I'm sorry. I think I really messed up there. I didn't mean to cause any trouble and I apologize. It wasn't even necessary to bring that up, and I was angry and went against my better judgement. This reminds me why I should just chill out and even stay out of this thread.

03-09-2014, 02:45 PM
I'm sorry. I think I really messed up there. I didn't mean to cause any trouble and I apologize. It wasn't even necessary to bring that up, and I was angry and went against my better judgement. This reminds me why I should just chill out and even stay out of this thread.

You need to unplug from the internet for a little while.

03-09-2014, 04:44 PM
If only someone had said that to him about 50 uselessly started threads ago.

03-11-2014, 11:41 AM
fucking daylight savings time I fucking hate you so fucking much!

Take away the inconvenience and increased risk of heart attack, my biggest issue is just that it MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Every claim it had to being a beneficial consideration has been scientifically disproven. CAN WE PLEASE hurry the fuck up and stop doing this?!

03-12-2014, 01:12 AM
fucking daylight savings time I fucking hate you so fucking much!

Take away the inconvenience and increased risk of heart attack, my biggest issue is just that it MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Every claim it had to being a beneficial consideration has been scientifically disproven. CAN WE PLEASE hurry the fuck up and stop doing this?!

also REALLY fucks up scheduled cat feeding...

03-12-2014, 10:52 AM

second fucking flat tire this winter. the city of chicago is a fucking mess.
the pothole was the size of the entire lane so it was literally a choice between knowing i was going to get a flat tire, or ramming into the guy next to me.

03-14-2014, 01:52 AM
OK i finally had the balls to post a couple of tunes here...to NO reaction from you guys!
Check it out and tell me you like it, tell me you hate it and why, i don't care!
I know the production is bad and the electronics on the first track are dated, but i'm still proud of the tracks.
They will DEFINITELY be re-recorded. Think of those videos as rough drafts.

03-15-2014, 06:21 PM
Being down town during any of the pub crawls... Thankfully I don’t live in the area anymore.

03-15-2014, 06:31 PM
OK i finally had the balls to post a couple of tunes here...to NO reaction from you guys!
Check it out and tell me you like it, tell me you hate it and why, i don't care!
I know the production is bad and the electronics on the first track are dated, but i'm still proud of the tracks.
They will DEFINITELY be re-recorded. Think of those videos as rough drafts. I enjoyed Heart and Mind quite a lot, great job on those synths, kind of gives it a classic industrial feel to the whole thing. But Last Dance hasn't really clicked with me. Your guitar playing seems to be a bit muffled compared to your voice, I may be able to get into it once it's re-recorded.

03-15-2014, 10:44 PM
I enjoyed Heart and Mind quite a lot, great job on those synths, kind of gives it a classic industrial feel to the whole thing. But Last Dance hasn't really clicked with me. Your guitar playing seems to be a bit muffled compared to your voice, I may be able to get into it once it's re-recorded.

HOLY shit, thank you!!
Yeah, the recording on "last dance" is fucking terrible.
but THANK you, GlitchyFlame, for watching!

03-16-2014, 02:26 AM
I love NYC dearly, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else, but fuck, WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO TAKE SO MUCH TIME TO GET TO EVERYWHERE. Everything takes like an hour by train. I'm used to it, but it's still annoying sometimes.

03-16-2014, 02:54 AM
I love NYC dearly, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else, but fuck, WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO TAKE SO MUCH TIME TO GET TO EVERYWHERE. Everything takes like an hour by train. I'm used to it, but it's still annoying sometimes.
Vancouver is SO much smaller than NYC, but I still have to make sure I get up over an hour before I have to be at work. Thanks, 20 Downtown bus, thanks for sucking.

Also, if I'm working at night, I always hope we're back at the shop and done by 3:00am, because the last bus goes by at about 3:20. HAAAAAAATE that shit.

03-16-2014, 01:18 PM
Reading articles and stuff online is getting to be SUCH A PAIN. Just show me the story. I couldn't care less about the stories you think are related to that one, or the dumb slideshow that has almost absolutely nothing to do with the article, or other stories posted today, or anything else that unnecessarily sucks up bandwidth or takes more time to load the one page - ESPECIALLY when that shit bumps down/up the story text as I'm reading it, or automatically jumps me up to the top of the page every time some page element loads up. If I want to see all the other bullshit you posted have posted, I'll simply go back to the home page or search for it.

Also, automatically-expanding AND -CONTRACTING advertisements. I hope whoever came up with that idea feels really proud.

03-16-2014, 02:06 PM
I'm sure it has been said before, but what really pisses me off are people who chew with an open mouth. If you do this and you are:
- a boy, then you are a fucking barbarian
- a girl, then you are a disgrace to your gender

It's fucking annoying, and the only reasonable excuse I could accept is if you come from an illiterate family, where no one knows better. Even then I have the moral problem whether I should make you aware of your butchering or not and if yes, how?

03-17-2014, 03:11 PM
I'm sure it has been said before, but what really pisses me off are people who chew with an open mouth. If you do this and you are:
- a boy, then you are a fucking barbarian
- a girl, then you are a disgrace to your gender

It's fucking annoying, and the only reasonable excuse I could accept is if you come from an illiterate family, where no one knows better. Even then I have the moral problem whether I should make you aware of your butchering or not and if yes, how?

a) what the hell does gender have to do with it?
b) what if you're like me and have chronic sinus issues and can almost never breathe out of your nose? should i suffocate while trying to eat my dinner?

03-17-2014, 04:40 PM
a) what the hell does gender have to do with it?
b) what if you're like me and have chronic sinus issues and can almost never breathe out of your nose? should i suffocate while trying to eat my dinner?
a.) I'm not sure if it's some kind of a feminist trap, but anyway, there are many things that are tolerated by boys, but not girls, and vice versa. A boy should not wear a skirt, and a girl should not behave like an animal. I'm not talking about princes and princesses, but everyone should have some class, which means different things to each genders.

b.) I'm not familiar with your condition, but if there are ways to make it less stressful to your body, like chewing smaller portions at once, enabling you to eat properly, then I think you should do it, if you are not alone (or around your SO, who probably loves every portion of you anyway). I think it's a two way thing: it should obviosly be accepted, if you can't do anything about it, but if you can, then you should also consider not dancing on someone's nerves.

And you see, it's a great example of "how to bring it up?". If I were to ask you to close your mouth, and then you told me about your condition, I'd be considered the anti-christ, when in reality I just wanted to ask you to stop doing something god-awfully annoying, which is far from nitpicking.

Joy Prevention Hotline
03-18-2014, 02:15 AM
My dad has this tendency to chew with his mouth open, and asking him to knock it off doesn’t help. (As far as I know he doesn’t have a sinus condition to blame.) Sigh.

I don’t know if I’m just super sensitive or what, but it feels like being whacked repeatedly with a newspaper. If I were a cat there would be blood everywhere.

03-18-2014, 07:42 AM
a.) I'm not sure if it's some kind of a feminist trap, but anyway, there are many things that are tolerated by boys, but not girls, and vice versa. A boy should not wear a skirt, and a girl should not behave like an animal. I'm not talking about princes and princesses, but everyone should have some class, which means different things to each genders.

You are the reason why I march at Pride.

03-18-2014, 07:48 AM
I hate allergies. That crap's been ruining my existence since I was born. I can't enjoy nice weather since everywhere I go,there is something that will cause my nose to start expelling liquid mucus like goddamn water, ruining everything that's below my nose in the process. Can't use contacts due to excessive crying and I can't stop sneezing. This fucking sucks.

03-18-2014, 10:47 AM
You are the reason why I march at Pride.
You are keen to fart and barf in public; wear boxers; be considered sexy when you are ripped as fuck; refuse breastfeeding and giving birth; work at construction sites 10 hours a day 6 days a week for barely more than the minimal wage; open the door for me; not whine if a man punches you in the face; work in mines; not being preferred to get custody of your children; ... and of course, chew with an open mouth, because no one is allowed to take your freedom to look and behave like a horse when you are eating. Marvelous.

In other news, there's a man at the gym whose breath stinks. Very very much. I have to go upstairs/downstairs depending where he is, because otherwise I'd suffocate. No one seems to tell him, but you can see it on ppl's faces that they are at the edge of puking. It's dusgusting, but I'm not sure if anyone could do sth about this situation. I see that he's always chewing gum, but frankly, I could never smell it, lol. It has to be some kind of a sickness, because it's like something has died in his mouth and has been rotting for a decade.

Maybe I'm living in wonderland but I can't believe he can't reduce the smell. At least come Tue/Thur/Sat, since most of the ppl come Mon/Wed/Fri. Self-awareness should be taught in schools instead of drug-prevention. The latter never stopped anyone to try drugs anyway.

03-18-2014, 10:50 AM
WOW. I posted at the same time Volband did and missed out on that incredibleness.

Eh, there's a difference between chewing with your mouth open and making weird smacking and squelching noises the whole way. BUT THAT'S NOT WHY I'M POSTING REALLY.

eversonpoe: some kind of feminist trap


brb disgracing my gender

ANYWAY: Let me take a crack at this.

Fart and barf in public? Didn't know men could do that without consequence. Be considered sexy when ripped as fuck? Oh HELL YES. Refuse breastfeeding and giving birth? You're goddamn right. Work at construction 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for barely minimum wage? Well, retail seems to be the more typical option for me in this arena, but since I'm ripped as fuck I could probably take on this other shitty work option. Good thing my gender frequently makes less than men so that I'm given the edge when it comes to skirting around the minimum wage mark. Not being preferred to get custody of your children? Well, I have 0 plans to reproduce, but I guess given that sexism hurts us all and the consideration of women as the "real" child-rearer oppresses everyone, I guess this isn't new to me. Chew with an open mouth? Oh man, RELIEVED I'm only being a (sexy ripped) barbarian and not a terrible woman. Y'all form a sexy orderly line, please.

03-18-2014, 11:21 AM
Why do you make fun of "feminist trap", when so far the reactions proving exactly that, rofl. All I meant initially is that a woman should have same class (same goes for men, but there are differences), and you two turn it into some whining-fest. Do you (or did you) spend X amount of time to correct your face in front of the mirror every morning and/or before "partys"? Because if your answer is yes, then what the hell are we even talking about?

The little thing that pisses me off are pretentious people, cuz yes girl, you do use make ups, yes girl, you don't fart and laugh about it, yes girl, you won't ever work your ass off in such a physically challenging area, yes girl, people will eww behind your back if you get ripped as fuck (even if that's your job!), yes girl, even if you don't plan to have children, your female friends WILL get the custody if things come to that (unless they are crack addicts or some shit), and yes girl, if you can, you do close your mouth when you chew, because 1.) it's common manners, 2.) society "demands" women to stay closer to these manners than men. Is it right? It can be - and maybe should be - argued, but it is how it is. Obviously, there are always exceptions, so don't even start with "I know a girl who doesn't use any make up!", because it doesn't prove anything.

And nowhere did I imply that I hold the female sex any less than mine. It's a different world for them with different challenges. Maybe we are the lucky ones to be expected to deal with hoarding bricks, instead of dealing the stuff you have to deal with, again, it could be debated, but what you two are doing is just - to make a pun - bitching.

03-18-2014, 11:59 AM
I find the phrase delightful. I'm not exactly making fun of it so much as just being really amused by it.

Supposed heteronormative standards deserve to be challenged, not accepted as the world we all live in. I choose to post contradictory stuff because even today a lot of that is becoming increasingly irrelevant. It hurts EVERYBODY. I didn't challenge your comments on female custody because I know it's true, but it just reflects the sad way that we live out of balance. I close my mouth when I chew because of manners, yes, but not due to any feminine expectations. No matter what your body is, someone will and won't find it sexy. I have met female construction workers. There are exceptions to every "rule" but people are objecting to your choice to incorrectly and unnecessarily gender (and support the stereotype around it) a topic that didn't call for it. It's chewing food.

There are different challenges, but those challenges are more changeable and complex then most people give credit to, and that imposed difference isn't a thing that needs to be embraced.

03-18-2014, 12:15 PM
Someone needs to make a "Feminism: It's a Trap!" meme

EDIT: But then, as has happened here with Volband, the ironic intention might go over MRA heads and it would be read as antifeminist.

03-18-2014, 12:15 PM

Your response to me completely contradicts your initial post. In the second you say men and women should have equal rights, in the first you say one gender should do things that the other gender shouldn't.

Men use make-up too.
I fart loudly. It's a bodily function. Having a vagina doesn't make a difference, except sometimes I queef as a result.
It is legal in my country for women to work on building sites and in mines
I don't give a shit if people ewww behind my back
Men should have equal rights as women when it comes to child custody. Because GASP this is feminist too!
I am currently chewing gum with my mouth wiide open. Fuck society and its demands.

And nowhere did I imply that I hold the female sex any less than mine.

We didn't say that either.

You said:

there are many things that are tolerated by boys, but not girls, and vice versa (why?).
A boy should not wear a skirt (why not? this is sexist and not gender equality)
a girl should not behave like an animal (why not? this is sexist and not gender equality)
everyone should have some class, which means different things to each genders (no it doesn't)

Why is a girl a "disgrace to her gender" if she eats with her mouth open? Why isn't she a barbarian like the boy?

Also in another thread you called having a light blue tattoo as gay and then explained that gay meant girlish. So add homophobe.

Also eversonpoe also called you out and he has a penis. A big, barbaric, not allowed to wear skirts or make-up penis.

03-18-2014, 12:49 PM
Why do you find imbalance so sad? I think this world would be terrible with gender equality, and I'm obviously not talking about you getting the same amount of money as me, though - at least from my experience - it might not even be a thing. Why is it a problem that a woman who is feminine is more attractive to men, than one who looks like Hulk? I think it's fine. What is not fine that "The Race" makes women with low self-esteem starve, because they want to achieve the beauty that is shown on the market of ass and boobs.

Would people bat an eye if my every second word would be a swear? No. Would they if it was you? Hell yes. Eventually they'd get used to it, but even then, you'd be labeled as "a girl with a filthy mouth", probably in a positive context, at least among guys. Do people label us as "the boy with a filthy mouth"? No. What do 16 years old me get when I brag to my father that I nailed two chicks last night? High five. What do 16 years old you get for getting nailed by two guys last night? An emergency dental surgery.

Arriving to my point, yes, it does make a difference whether it's me or you who is chewing with an open mouth. Yes, me myself make a discrimination here, but it's not "if it's a boy, then fine, if it's a girl, then DIE". It's damn prehistoric from everyone, but in my eyes, it's an even bigger crime if you are a girl. Then again, if some jerk would want to start a fight at night, I'd be totally fine with you seeking cover, but not if you were a boy.

I see how you might label it as a distorted view, but these are really not that major thing, we are not talking about make me a sandwitch-level of gender inequality. Still, we are (even our body outside of the sex parts) different, so there's no need for a drama for treating each other differently, as long as it's not disrespectful. At the end of the day, there are many guys who'd be totally turned on by you chewing with an open mouth.

03-18-2014, 01:10 PM

Your response to me completely contradicts your initial post. In the second you say men and women should have equal rights, in the first you say one gender should do things that the other gender shouldn't.

Men use make-up too.
I fart loudly. It's a bodily function. Having a vagina doesn't make a difference, except sometimes I queef as a result.
It is legal in my country for women to work on building sites and in mines
I don't give a shit if people ewww behind my back
Men should have equal rights as women when it comes to child custody. Because GASP this is feminist too!
I am currently chewing gum with my mouth wiide open. Fuck society and its demands.

We didn't say that either.

You said:

there are many things that are tolerated by boys, but not girls, and vice versa (why?).
A boy should not wear a skirt (why not? this is sexist and not gender equality)
a girl should not behave like an animal (why not? this is sexist and not gender equality)
everyone should have some class, which means different things to each genders (no it doesn't)

Why is a girl a "disgrace to her gender" if she eats with her mouth open? Why isn't she a barbarian like the boy?

Also in another thread you called having a light blue tattoo as gay and then explained that gay meant girlish. So add homophobe.

Also @eversonpoe (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=588) also called you out and he has a penis. A big, barbaric, not allowed to wear skirts or make-up penis.
Your post reminded me that I totally forgot to mention period.
My response was sarcastic, and I think this is the point I should stop replying to your every sentence, because I trust you as an intelligent human being, so I won't reply to your deliberatly misunderstood statements. If it's for comic purposes, I salute you, if you want to make me mad, don't, I'm tired as it is.:(

If you grown up at a farm with 9 brothers, I'm happy for you, and I see why you refuse to accept that you are a woman, otherwise I don't care. Be the exception, good for you.

And yes, the popular usage of the term gay means girlish, overly feminine, or phrase it as you want it. If it's new information for you, then I won't spoil it for you that the USA has a black president.

03-18-2014, 01:38 PM
Volband you have a lot to learn. A lot. But look at the bright side: at some point you may transcend being a barbarian. Of course I am being sarcastic of course.

03-18-2014, 01:47 PM
Indeed, arguing with women about stuff they refuse to see is kinda moronic. Back to the drawing board!

03-18-2014, 02:02 PM
I was being sarcastic about being sarcastic.

03-18-2014, 02:27 PM
I was being sarcastic about being sarcastic.
Very meta, but at least at some point you did show that you actually understood where I was coming from, so I guess I should be thankful for that, even if this new wave feminism bullshit caught up with you eventually.

Well, I like the irony that I got into a gender inequality arguement in a world with gender inequality, so no matter how retarded someone acted in this arguement, there was no point for me to debate.

Did I mention how beautiful you all look today? Nice hairs too. Are those new dresses? Amazing, I use the same nail polish. No, absolutely no fat visible. Can I hit you up with some Beyoncé?

03-18-2014, 03:15 PM
So, I wasn't going to post this, because it's a little harsh and because I mention my bf enough here, but I showed him this thread because lol and he emailed me this.

On Mar 18, 2014 1:25 PM, muh boyfriend wrote:
“A boy should not wear a skirt, and a girl should not behave like an animal.”

On the subjects of boys wearing skirts, there’s a little country I liked to call “Scotland,” maybe you’ve heard of it? And it may surprise you to learn that both men and women are, in fact, animals. They act like it by showing the behaviors typical of animals, such as ingesting organic materials for nourishment, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, and shitting and fucking.

It may surprise you to learn that cruder animalistic behaviors are in fact frowned upon regardless of gender. Unless you mean to imply that it’s okay when men do things like walk around naked and fornicate in public, defecate openly, and occasionally devour their own young, in which case I hope you don’t entertain many visitors

“…cuz yes girl, you do use make ups.”

Many men do too, in fact, without sacrificing their manhood. Before you counter, I’d remind you that your avatar is Sailor Moon.

“…you don't fart and laugh about it…”

I date playwithfire, yes she does.

“…people will eww behind your back if you get ripped as fuck…”

Silly me, I didn’t realize it was the responsibility of women to remain attractive by conventional standards at the expense of their own desires. Tangentially, I don’t think I’m alone in ewwing at your comments, though at least this is more or less to your face.

“…your female friends WILL get the custody if things come to that…”

Which should be challenged, just like all the other preposterous bullshit you’re saying.

“…if you can, you do close your mouth when you chew, because 1.) it's common manners, 2.) society ‘demands’ women to stay closer to these manners than men.”

Society holds men to that standard as well. If you don’t conform to it when around other people, good luck getting dates, jobs, or friends.

“And nowhere did I imply that I hold the female sex any less than mine. It's a different world for them with different challenges.”

The implication of your rant is that it’s okay that it’s a different world for them, that they shouldn’t be held to the same standards that we are on a societal level, that this is normal. That mode of thinking is antiquated, offensive, and frankly problematic for women (and men) who don’t conform to it.

In short, it’s cute that you have opinions, sweetie, but shut your pretty face and make me a fucking sandwich.

Joy Prevention Hotline
03-18-2014, 04:05 PM
Jesus fucking Christ. This thread is now pissing me off.

03-18-2014, 04:07 PM
I'm unlucky enough to have a secondary school bus stop right in front of my house every morning. This morning, I heard some 11 year old laughing loudly at something while shouting out "LLLLOOOOOLLLLL!!11!11!1! LLLLOOOOOLLLLL!!11!11!1!" as if we needed clarification that he was actually laughing IRL.

I hate children.

03-18-2014, 04:11 PM
playwithfire, I love your boyfriend.

03-18-2014, 10:54 PM
Well, if you look anything like your avatar, you've probably got a shot with him.

03-18-2014, 11:04 PM
Excellent... eeeeeeexcellent.

03-19-2014, 04:06 AM
The implication of your rant is that it’s okay that it’s a different world for them, that they shouldn’t be held to the same standards that we are on a societal level, that this is normal. That mode of thinking is antiquated, offensive, and frankly problematic for women (and men) who don’t conform to it.
Yes, more or less this is my implication, and it boggles my mind that it could create such a shitstorm. It sure is antiquated, because it's millions of years of evolution, but even if we look at the homo sapiens sapiens history, it ten thousands years old. We came a long way to this day, where even men can take maternity leaves (which is a good thing), but in most animal cultures it's still the male who's "working" while the female tends to her young ones. Now, these animals are either sexist, or their bioligy is such that it is logical.

Maternity leave for men is awesome, because a woman can be just as smart and productive and important as a men, so why confine her just because she does something that only her gender is capable of and is considered a beautiful thing? We surely agree on that, howewer, I like the idea of women having a head start at these custody things. A mother-child connection is much more stronger and important, than a father-child one. Yes, a decent father figure is imprtant (a not decent one howewer can fuck you up, just saying), yes there are awesome dads who'd deserve the custody, and there are women who throw their child to the bin ( I guess they are the disgrace to their gender, but you might attack this statement as well). These are the exceptions howewer, and if the man and woman both look the same to the judge, the woman should get the child.

But let me get rich by you guys. You are like 5-7 here who went ape-shit, because you have a hard time accepting, there are more differences between boys and girls aside from certain body parts. Make a bet with me! Every time I lose I pay 1$ to each of you, but every time I win, each you pays me 1$! So, there's a high school class with 15 boys and 15 girls. You have to guess whether it will be a boy or a girl who will be sent out of class for bad behaviour. I mean, we are all animals, I'm sure some of those boys wear make up (nope), and the girls don't try to be "girly" at all, because apparently there's no such thing.
Your bet will surely go girls then boys then girls then... because it might be 50% for you, but I'll only put my money on boys. Maybe because I'm sexist, but maybe because I'm right. I have an extremely hard time remembering a girl classmate of mine getting sent out (probably happened though), but I vividly remember that one time where she ran out of class herself, because she found it unfair that she got a 3, when she copied it word by word from a 4.
So, who would be willing to take my bet? And yes, I know there are times where a girl doesn't get sent out simply because she's a girl, but even if such discriminations were non-existent, I'd still be a millionaire from your money.

As for Scotland: traditions are something entirely different. Get a mini skirt, go to work in that a whole week,and you can continue your skirt analogy. Will you do it? No, you won't. Even gay people dress like men, and I don't care if in their bedroom they wear woman clothes.

As for farting: Go out with your friends. Count how many times men barf and fart, and how many times the women do. Did I win? Yes, I did.

Sailor Moon is fucking awesome, but to follow up on it, yes, I'm on the pretty feminine scale of boys, so? Just because you try to label me as a narrow-minded sexist, I won't be one. My only point is that we are different, and we should accept, maybe even embrace that, because a world where I wear some ass-long skirt and can beat up any women is just as fucked up as a world where I have to be a car addict, and have to cheat on my gf, otherwise I'm considered a pussy. I'm vouching for the golden middle road, because it's healthy(/-ier). But maybe it's too late, because apparently I have to be some kind of a pseudo-messiah, who preaches about total and ultimate equality to win the sympahy of others, even though said others wouldn't last a week in a world like that, and in a 100 years everyone would have some serious personality disorder thanks to this.

Random, slightly unrelevant tale: I was at the bus stop the other day where a little girl and a boy (siblings) were playing, while they and their mother were waiting for the bus. The boy found a rock and insisted on playing football, and the girl was up to it. The boy started. He shoot the rock with all his strength, it made a big mess. His sister warned him that he shouldn't hit it so hard, then proceeded to kick the rock herself. It barely moved because she was very cautious, so she had to kick it 2 more times. Boy's round. Again, he kicks it like he means it, his motto was probably "fuck the police". Then his sister grabs the rock, walks up to him, and tries to explain him how he should kick it. She even shows it to him, but you could see it in his face that he didn't really care, haha. They were 4 or 5 years old, it was really cute, especially because it represented the usual girl-boy relationship, where boys want to do stupid things, while girls try to be tender and reasonable.

03-19-2014, 08:12 AM
You know, I disagree with you on a HUGE scale (even with the animal thing), and it's pretty clear that our opinions aren't changing, but I will say this... in spite of the fact that at least I was being cranky, you actually stayed pretty civil, so if nothing else Volband, kudos for that. I'm gonna stop derailing this thread.

03-19-2014, 09:54 AM
Also eversonpoe also called you out and he has a penis. A big, barbaric, not allowed to wear skirts or make-up penis. [/COLOR] hey, i've worn plenty of skirts and makeup over the years! ;) also, you're the best. Volband i had no idea this was going to spiral into such a crazy debate. i very, very strongly disagree with you on almost everything you've said (though i'm kind of shocked that you're in favor of paternity leave, given some of your other opinions), but playwithfire is right, you have remained civil, and that is very much appreciated.

03-19-2014, 11:32 AM
Something non-gender related that pisses me off: the large, dark, ink-heavy ads that appear on print-at-home tickets that you can't not print.
Ink cartridges are hella expensive and I have to waste ink on ads on my own tickets? Fuck Adobe for not allowing me to delete those ads from my pdf ticket when I print it out.

03-20-2014, 01:28 PM
Good god I am sick of this fucking shitty Internet connection that cannot stream a single goddamn thing for shit or even seemingly manage to successfully download anything larger than 5MB. Fuck TalkTalk.

03-21-2014, 07:23 AM
I switched to Talk Talk recently. Now I have to find proxies for everything because so much stuff is banned by the internet piracy police

03-22-2014, 08:03 AM
Somehow I can ably manage work budgets of ~£200k and capital chunks of twice that, but when it comes to personal finance I'm totally useless.

03-22-2014, 09:47 AM
The roommates cat. Every fucking morning, every fucking one she comes down and cries in my face. It's bad enough that when I get home or use the bathroom or move she's up in my face, literally. This on top of the fact that that they can't seem to change the litter box or apparently pay any attention to it. I can't even shut the door cause them she just scratches at it a meows. Every fucking morning...

Space Suicide
03-22-2014, 09:55 AM
The roommates cat. Every fucking morning, every fucking one she comes down and cries in my face. It's bad enough that when I get home or use the bathroom or move she's up in my face, literally. This on top of the fact that that they can't seem to change the litter box or apparently pay any attention to it. I can't even shut the door cause them she just scratches at it a meows. Every fucking morning...

The Kitty must like you since you just said the owners could seem to give two shits for it.

03-22-2014, 10:47 AM
Red Lobster's insistence on side dishes, it's too much!

I had the Seaport Lobster and Shrimp the other night, it consisted of Lobster tail, a dish of garlic shrimp and a skewer of grilled shrimp... all of that was completely fine and filling, all i needed to eat BUT wait there's more..... they have to throw rice, a baked potato (well it was my choice but you still have to pick a side) and salad at you too.

I didn't even eat the salad or the potato, had a couple spoonfuls of rice but that's it. WHAT A WASTE!

Maybe i just have a small stomach but jesus fucking tap dancing christ.... i don't know what dark recesses of our bodies they expect us to cram it all in to.

I would much rather pig out on their delicious and godly biscuits.

03-24-2014, 08:19 AM
Something non-gender related that pisses me off: the large, dark, ink-heavy ads that appear on print-at-home tickets that you can't not print.
Ink cartridges are hella expensive and I have to waste ink on ads on my own tickets? Fuck Adobe for not allowing me to delete those ads from my pdf ticket when I print it out.

I assume you are talking about flight boarding passes. I know the carriers I use usually have a link in the online boarding pass that says "print without travel destination and weather info" which allows you to print without all that and the ads. For obvious reasons, the sort of hide the link so look for it, it should be there.

As for the manners to gender conversation - fantastic. That's the ETS that I love to see, but to get back to the original little thing that pisses you off: chewing your food with your mouth open, yeah, gross I don't care what gender you are. The person across the table more likely does not want to see the beginning of digestion while they themselves are eating too. It's not THAT hard to shut your mouth, save for sinus issues. Talking when you have food in your mouth is my pet peeve. Just wait you've swallowed your mouthful rather risking spewing a bit of chewed lettuce in my general direction. I don't think that's a lot to ask. Socio economic position may or may not have something to do with your table manners. My mom and grand mum were hardcore on manners including table manners, but their expectations as to elbows off the table, chew with your mouth closed, ask someone to pass the salt etc was exactly the same for my brothers as they were for me.

03-25-2014, 07:23 AM
Escorting would be my dream job if they made brothels (i.e safety) legal. It's legal here to be a sole trader, but that's totally unsafe to me. I've done it a few times illegally (basically orgies where people have paid for a few of our services) but would be shit scared to do it alone. Which is a shame because I've been able to rake in £150 an hour. I've been talking to a couple of my best friends about a "maid" (i.e. workaround) set-up. Also it would work on a personal level because I love the boom-boom but hate humans.

03-25-2014, 08:47 AM
I assume you are talking about flight boarding passes.

Concert tickets. I didn't see any way to not print the ad. I complained, and someone responded saying I could crop the page (not an option offered by the pdf or printer), but the ticket says to print out the whole page.

Things that piss me off atm:

People who email to brag.

"Wireless" printers that never work and wireless mice that need their batteries replaced every couple of months. Technology going backwards.

03-25-2014, 09:36 AM
^^^^ actually batteries have not evolved enough too.

Bummer about the concert tickets. Sorry, I can't help there.

03-25-2014, 10:01 AM
"When Val approached me with the whole idea of making a video to "Skeleton Dance" I immediately envisioned a picture of dancing neon skeletons."


03-25-2014, 03:08 PM
"When Val approached me with the whole idea of making a video to "Skeleton Dance" I immediately envisioned a picture of dancing neon skeletons."


Sarah K
03-25-2014, 03:14 PM
This morning, a lady was dragging her ~3 year old daughter around the train station. The daughter was stumbling around wearing really tight leggings and leather boots that went up to her knees. I felt awful for the poor child, and wanted to pull the mother's hair. She is 3. She wants to be fucking warm and be able to walk. She doesn't give a shit about her clothing being in style.

03-25-2014, 09:15 PM
Work, work, work. Sleep, work some more. Look out of the window once in a while. Work, work work, work, cry occasionally.

work work


03-25-2014, 09:21 PM
Trying to sign up for an ACA health plan and having the website go down for maintenance right in the middle of the enrollment. Website maintenance at 10pm? Really?

Space Suicide
03-26-2014, 04:54 PM
The fake personality and concerns that people exude around them. A guy that I went to high school with that was a delinquent, a drop out, a stupid guy (failed all his classes because he didn't apply himself) and was just a straight up bullying asshole. He died recently to a self inflicted gunshot wound when shooting his rifle in the backyard (how does that even happen?).

It is sad thing that he is gone and leaves behind a fiancée and two children but I find it hard to entirely exonerate him of his past follies and "quirks" after such a stupid death that these people I know are honoring him, when in reality really didn't give two fucks for him or his decisions.

03-27-2014, 10:07 AM
i wasn't sure if this should go here or the relationship thread or the "big things that piss you off" thread that doesn't exist...

anyway, this morning, i read this short and poignant webcomic (http://zenpencils.tumblr.com/post/55547312307/erica-goldson-graduation-speech), which prompted me to write this:

my mom is trying to talk me into going back to school to get another useless degree (i have an associate’s in sound design for games, at which i am very skilled) so i can, once again, fail to get a job in the field which i have spent time (and money) studying.

do i want to take over my father’s business? not really. but at least i find the work fulfilling, and i am good at it, and what i do makes people happy. i would rather do that and deal with the potential frustrations of owning my own business, and pay out of pocket for insurance if sarah and i have a child and she stops working (because we have both discussed that and we want our child raised by us, not by daycare) than have to work at starbucks from 5am-2pm just to get insurance coverage, and have another job in the evening to make sure we have enough to support our family. but i will do that if i have to, because i want our family to be happy.

this world is not designed for people to succeed, even if they do work hard.

03-27-2014, 11:47 AM
So piece of shit broke into my car last night >:(


Sarah K
03-27-2014, 12:38 PM
That's the worst. I had that happen once. Then I had an eerie feeling getting my car in for like 3 weeks afterwards.

03-27-2014, 03:19 PM
I'm kinda tired of getting together with my friends only to end up watching TV or just looking shit at my phone, just because their girlfriends would rather be at home with their respective guys. We come up with plans, and they turn all of them down. We're reaching a point where I would rather stay home watching movies than spending time with them...

And it sucks to get robbed, one time this burglar just reached through one of the car's windows and grabbed my dad's suitcase while he was arranging something on the other seat. It was so fast that when we got out of the car, the guy had vanished. He had to call all banks for the credit cards,get new papers again and all the stuff what comes with that sh*t.
A real shame,and you feel so angry at yourself.

03-27-2014, 03:46 PM
Work, work, work. Sleep, work some more. Look out of the window once in a while. Work, work work, work, cry occasionally.

work work


03-29-2014, 04:57 PM
People who pound on the door and try the knob half-dozen times when you're in a public restroom.

03-29-2014, 06:03 PM
Seriously, that. If the door is locked it means someone's in there, and they don't want to have to shout through the door that "I'm taking a shit! Come back in a few minutes!"

03-29-2014, 11:46 PM
What do they think is going to happen if the knob lets them in? Like, what? I hate this so much that literally just talking about it... uggghhh. People.

03-30-2014, 12:09 AM
^^ MASSIVE AWKWARDNESS ENSUES. Give us the power to have all caps without resorting to the subterfuge.

miss k bee
03-30-2014, 07:02 AM
Pissed myself off by looking at the comments on a news article!. Damn!! ffs people!

03-30-2014, 10:51 AM
Pissed myself off by looking at the comments on a news article!. Damn!! ffs people!
everyone talks about how people can be whoever they want on the internet, but more often than not, i find that they are their stupid, hateful, racist selves.
I think, although we may not realize it, that's what keeps us coming back HERE year after year.
I don't know why, but nin fans on the whole, MAJOR fans, tend to be of above average intelligence.
I don't look DOWN on people for being stupid, but willful ignorance is another thing. Also, i can handle an idiot, but not an arrogant idiot.
i guess i second that motion, miss k bee , as this happens to me damn near every time i read the fucking news.

03-30-2014, 10:52 AM
People who pound on the door and try the knob half-dozen times when you're in a public restroom.
Especially when you're trying to fix up a shot of heroi....never mind. ;)

Sorry for double post but what i originally came here to post was in this same ummmm....vein.
I don't shoot dope anymore and when i did, i was only addicted (physically) for a few months. I shot coke and heroin maybe once every two weeks successfully for 15 years or so.
Now i constantly dream that i'm juuuuuuuust about to do a shot (or get hold of a bunch of fentanyl or oxycontin....) and it seems SOOOOOOOO real....
and then i wake up and it SUCKS. that just happened to me.
in the dream i can never do the shot, perhaps because some prick on the astral plane won't leave the fucking bathroom door alone and scares the shit out of me.
Oh well, it's a lot safer not to fuck with that shit.
But god, those dreams.
I bet anyone who has indulged in much coke, heroin, or speed, in any form(s,) and then stopped, can relate to this.

03-30-2014, 03:31 PM
The asshole driving in front of you decides at the very last second to indicate he/she is going to make a left turn on an intersection.

03-30-2014, 04:40 PM
I bet anyone who has indulged in much coke, heroin, or speed, in any form(s,) and then stopped, can relate to this.
I quit smoking cigarettes in 2000 after 22 years of a pack a day and I still dream about smoking sometimes, and I wake up and think SHIT I gotta quit again! and then I realize it's just a dream and I'm relieved. I believe that's just normal stuff with addiction. yeah, it sucks but at least it's just a dream! :-)

03-30-2014, 11:39 PM
Tomorrow's the last day of my vacation. I head back home and leave my best friend behind. Again. It's already starting to hit me. This is going to suck (as it always does). I'm trying to stay focused on the positive- I should feel lucky to have someone I'm so close to, someone who I know is going to miss me just as much as I will miss her. And, like I was telling her tonight, after almost 14 years of friendship, we're just as close as ever, and we'll be seeing each other again in a few months. So that takes some of the edge off it. But there's just no way around it- I am going to miss the shit out of her and I don't want to leave.

03-30-2014, 11:44 PM
Tomorrow's the last day of my vacation. I head back home and leave my best friend behind. Again. It's already starting to hit me. This is going to suck (as it always does). I'm trying to stay focused on the positive- I should feel lucky to have someone I'm so close to, someone who I know is going to miss me just as much as I will miss her. And, like I was telling her tonight, after almost 14 years of friendship, we're just as close as ever, and we'll be seeing each other again in a few months. So that takes some of the edge off it. But there's just no way around it- I am going to miss the shit out of her and I don't want to leave.

My closest friend and I were born 2 months apart in the same hospital and have known each other for like 25 years. Love her to bits!

03-31-2014, 08:41 PM
Killed it at the gym to only have my joy tempered by a muscle spasm in my back.

04-01-2014, 04:26 PM
Killed it at the gym to only have my joy tempered by a muscle spasm in my back.

I am a firm believer in the foam roller after a workout.


04-02-2014, 01:11 PM
I miss the fart noises.

04-02-2014, 01:17 PM
Back pain that returns after two years of freedom from it.
Going to physical therapy and being given a trainee instead of a physical therapist.
Not wanting to be rude by requesting not to have the trainee.

04-02-2014, 09:22 PM
Tomorrow's the last day of my vacation. I head back home and leave my best friend behind. Again. It's already starting to hit me. This is going to suck (as it always does). I'm trying to stay focused on the positive- I should feel lucky to have someone I'm so close to, someone who I know is going to miss me just as much as I will miss her. And, like I was telling her tonight, after almost 14 years of friendship, we're just as close as ever, and we'll be seeing each other again in a few months. So that takes some of the edge off it. But there's just no way around it- I am going to miss the shit out of her and I don't want to leave.
Hang in there, theruiner.
Remember you've always got your ETS crew!

04-03-2014, 04:42 AM
Room mate just sprung it on me that he can't find a job so he's moving back in with his parents next month, so now I'm scrambling to find a place that isn't going to break the bank or be too far away from work, which is pretty fucking hard to come by apparently....

04-03-2014, 01:50 PM
Room mate just sprung it on me that he can't find a job so he's moving back in with his parents next month, so now I'm scrambling to find a place that isn't going to break the bank or be too far away from work, which is pretty fucking hard to come by apparently....

I can only imagine how that feels. I'm lucky with my apartment situation - if one roommate dips out, the only thing that changes for the others is the electric bill payments. Our rent is all separate. Hope all that works out soon! :\

As for me - Last week, I was under-scheduled on my hours, the reason being that I was supposedly over-scheduled the previous week. Today, the manager in charge of scheduling and payroll texted me to say "Hey, you were under on your hours last week for some reason, so you'll need to come in and make those up." YOU FUCKING TOLD ME TO WORK LESS. YOURSELF. YOU scheduled me to work less. I even went back and checked my hours for the week before, when I was told I was over-scheduled - turns out I was right at my hours, not a minute over or under, so I was under-scheduled last week for no reason at all, and THEN told I had to make up for the hours I didn't have to work in the first place. Numbers are really super hard, guys. I mean, you can't expect someone in charge of managing TIME AND MONEY to know how to fucking COUNT.

I can't WAIT to put in my two week notice on Monday, at this job AND my other one. I'm SO excited. Working for my old boss, at a new place, double the wage and four times as many hours. Yesss...Oh, and what's even sweeter about the whole thing is that it's a rival apartment complex. Call me a traitor, but when you only let me work 11 hours a week, at minimum wage, and then pull crap like this, the choice is blatantly clear. I'd rather pay my rent with money from a better job than keep working here for free rent and deal with this.

04-03-2014, 05:20 PM
Don't they really pay you a lot more than minimum wage, if it includes your rent for free?

I've made emotionally charged decisions like that, sometimes not for the best. You might want to give yourself longer than a few days to make a decision like that.

04-03-2014, 05:35 PM
Don't they really pay you a lot more than minimum wage, if it includes your rent for free?

I've made emotionally charged decisions like that, sometimes not for the best. You might want to give yourself longer than a few days to make a decision like that.

Well...$79.75 at current job (minimum wage x11 hours)
versus $638 at new job ("double current wage" and "four times as many hours").

So every month, that's...an extra $2,233 (difference between the above two totals, x4). I don't know anything about this other job that was mentioned (hours or pay), but that's a pretty big difference. Fuck, the difference alone is more than I used to make in a month working full time at my last job.

Rational thought before quitting one (or more) jobs is certainly a good idea; I agree there. But financially, it sounds like it could be a good move.

04-03-2014, 05:35 PM
That Dra508 doesn't talk to me more.

04-03-2014, 05:55 PM
Well...$79.75 at current job (minimum wage x11 hours)
versus $638 at new job ("double current wage" and "four times as many hours").

So every month, that's...an extra $2,233 (difference between the above two totals, x4). I don't know anything about this other job that was mentioned (hours or pay), but that's a pretty big difference. Fuck, the difference alone is more than I used to make in a month working full time at my last job.

Rational thought before quitting one (or more) jobs is certainly a good idea; I agree there. But financially, it sounds like it could be a good move.

Doesn't have to be either/or

04-04-2014, 02:19 AM
Finnish fucking mail services. Looks like they have lost a couple of vinyls that I ordered. Well, it's not sure yet but at least something weird is going on.

Before this they have already lost one of my own shippings to the netherlands, new iphone back glass (that I ordered INSIDE FINLAND) and one CD from UK. Or is my address possessed?

04-04-2014, 04:44 AM
2 of my favorite bands are playing together a few hours away.

1) I'm pissed because they're not playing in Vancouver
2) I'd be willing to travel if I didn't have to move as soon as I got home.

04-04-2014, 05:42 PM
Don't they really pay you a lot more than minimum wage, if it includes your rent for free?

I've made emotionally charged decisions like that, sometimes not for the best. You might want to give yourself longer than a few days to make a decision like that.

Well...$79.75 at current job (minimum wage x11 hours)
versus $638 at new job ("double current wage" and "four times as many hours").

So every month, that's...an extra $2,233 (difference between the above two totals, x4). I don't know anything about this other job that was mentioned (hours or pay), but that's a pretty big difference. Fuck, the difference alone is more than I used to make in a month working full time at my last job.

Rational thought before quitting one (or more) jobs is certainly a good idea; I agree there. But financially, it sounds like it could be a good move.

Where I'm working right now, I'm being mostly paid in free rent, rather than a steady paycheck. I'm allowed (not able, only allowed) to work 11 hours a week. Anything over that is paid directly to me after the end of the month, but that very, VERY rarely happens, even when we're backed up on work orders and they need an extra hand for a few hours. I gladly volunteer to stay for the day if I'm paid, but I'm almost always refused the extra hours. I'm extremely lucky if I come out of the month with a single dollar on my paycheck from this place (after my rent is paid for, of course). The new job just pays me, directly, and since I won't be working where I live anymore, I'll have to pay the rent myself. However, I can make enough money for my rent, PLUS groceries for a week, in one week at this new job. They had no problem offering me $14 an hour (which is just shy of double minimum wage) and 40+ hours a week, and when I told them that my current job only allows me to work 11 hours a week, they property manager rolled his eyes and said, "What the hell? Are they so cheap that they can't afford the extra help over there?"

Really, the only difference between the job I have now and the new one I'm starting is that instead of having my rent paid for, I'll be receiving the money directly and writing the check myself. I mean...it's not really an emotionally charged decision in this case. It's actually a pretty golden opportunity for the time being. The work is the exact same work I'm doing at my current job, but like I said, double the pay, four times the hours, and for a manager that I can respect and trust.

There was also a big debacle over how many hours of pay covered my rent for the longest time, but that's a whole other thing.

Totally unrelated - It feels really, REALLY gross that there was an episode of Big Bang Theory dedicated to deciding whether the PS4 or Xbone is the better console.

04-04-2014, 06:02 PM
I guess I should be clearer on my point: The job that pays your rent will always be there. There's no reason you can't take the other job, too (though perhaps not the total 40+ hours a week during the school year). You never know what will happen with the new job. Having a sure-fire way to cover your rent is golden. (From what you conveyed, a large part of you quitting seemed to be your frustration over your manager; that's the "emotionally charged" part I was referring to.)

04-04-2014, 06:26 PM
Loud eating noises make me want to throttle whomever's making them... This includes family.

04-04-2014, 10:38 PM
I guess I should be clearer on my point: The job that pays your rent will always be there. There's no reason you can't take the other job, too (though perhaps not the total 40+ hours a week during the school year). You never know what will happen with the new job. Having a sure-fire way to cover your rent is golden. (From what you conveyed, a large part of you quitting seemed to be your frustration over your manager; that's the "emotionally charged" part I was referring to.)

Ahh, gotcha! Nah, me wanting to quit the job has been a long-gestating thing. Management of the property had spun out of control over the last 5 or so months. I'm definitely not the first to leave, and I won't be the last, either. I've stuck with it so long purely out of the necessity of having my rent paid for. The new place has even offered to let me work "part-time" until I can afford a couple months-worth of rent money, which should be pretty quick. With my current day-job only taking 11 hours a week, I have nothing but free time to spend makin' day chedda.

04-04-2014, 10:44 PM
Totally unrelated - It feels really, REALLY gross that there was an episode of Big Bang Theory dedicated to deciding whether the PS4 or Xbone is the better console.

It feels really, really gross that people think the Big Bang Theory is funny.

04-04-2014, 11:48 PM
I concur. I don't get the attraction for the show.

04-05-2014, 02:56 PM
Cat puke in my bed. : /

04-05-2014, 04:00 PM
Finally got around to upgrading my phone to iOS 7.1 and it ended up needed a factory restore. How nice of Apple to give me Saturday night plans.

04-05-2014, 05:50 PM
My roommates girlfriend and my other roommate is a cunt. Since she runs his life she is attempting to pull that shit with me as well. It seems in the house we rent all rent I get my room to keep all my shit in and am apparently not to have a presence beyond that.

Gah, I'll bitch further later perhaps when I hey on a computer.

04-05-2014, 10:35 PM
Walking out to the alley to have a smoke a few minutes ago I slipped on something, went ass over tits, and hit my head on the wall. Ripped some hair out, but it could have been worse, at least the cigarette I was holding wasn't damaged...

04-05-2014, 10:43 PM
Time to quit - it's a sign. ;)

04-07-2014, 09:43 AM
Walking out to the alley to have a smoke a few minutes ago I slipped on something, went ass over tits, and hit my head on the wall. Ripped some hair out, but it could have been worse, at least the cigarette I was holding wasn't damaged...

If hitting your head is the worst thing to come from smoking, you're goddamn lucky.

04-07-2014, 05:51 PM
The new neighbor (with young kids) has put their piano on the enclosed front porch. Really looking forward to summer!!! o_O

04-08-2014, 07:29 AM
I fucking hate residential property.

04-08-2014, 08:30 AM
The new neighbor (with young kids) has put their piano on the enclosed front porch. Really looking forward to summer!!! o_O
At least it isn't a violin... Neighbour kid next door SUUUUUCKS at violin. And her and her brother suck at karaoke. They're like 7-8 and 5-6, and I almost burned the house down last month when they were shout-singing along to their karaoke machine. It would have been at least mildly excusable had it been any other song than "Feliz Navidad".

04-09-2014, 08:42 AM
That agonizing, angsty feeling that comes just before a big writing project. It's horrible.

At least it isn't a violin... Neighbour kid next door SUUUUUCKS at violin.

Some friends started their 6 yo on viola lessons: they must be crazy, or masochists. My kid is not going anywhere near a violin. Pure torture. Even really good violin playing is agony to my ears. Odious instrument. I'd say the trumpet is a close second.

04-09-2014, 09:07 AM
Advices suggesting me to listen to a new album (or new music in general) in a good headphones (okay) in a dark room with the lights out, in order to get it. GTFO.

04-09-2014, 09:19 AM
Some friends started their 6 yo on viola lessons: they must be crazy, or masochists. My kid is not going anywhere near a violin. Pure torture. Even really good violin playing is agony to my ears. Odious instrument. I'd say the trumpet is a close second.
Get your kid into piano lessons, asap!

04-10-2014, 11:24 AM
you hate the sound of violins being played by good violinists? Your ears are so completely different from mine...

While I'm here and complaining about stuff, I'm going to say that I fucking hate soldering with a passion that is unreal. We had a soldering workshop at my school the other day, and I don't think I've ever come that close to just completely losing my mind. I cannot understand people who "enjoy" doing that.

Sarah K
04-10-2014, 12:29 PM
When you have someone's number blocked... and then they get a new number, and start contacting you again.

04-10-2014, 03:40 PM
you hate the sound of violins being played by good violinists? Your ears are so completely different from mine...

While I'm here and complaining about stuff, I'm going to say that I fucking hate soldering with a passion that is unreal. We had a soldering workshop at my school the other day, and I don't think I've ever come that close to just completely losing my mind. I cannot understand people who "enjoy" doing that.

dude, i LOVE soldering. i love the smell, i love the transmogrification of a solid into a liquid and back into a solid so rapidly, and i love making things WORK! idunno, i'm pretty weird, i guess.

04-10-2014, 04:36 PM
dude, i LOVE soldering. i love the smell, i love the transmogrification of a solid into a liquid and back into a solid so rapidly, and i love making things WORK! idunno, i'm pretty weird, i guess.

I haven't soldered in years but I'm totally on board with you, it's so cool!

Sarah K
04-10-2014, 05:44 PM
Same! Omg... Today, I was doing research on programmable plasma cutters for work. FFFUUU - I am so excited!

04-10-2014, 05:50 PM
I used to do stained glass, so I'm down with the soldering!

Joy Prevention Hotline
04-13-2014, 03:09 PM
I won’t even touch a soldering iron that’s plugged in (even the non-heated part :p). In my nightmares it’s the biggest, fattest hypodermic needle ever made and it’s fucking on fire. *shudder*

04-14-2014, 08:51 AM
I won’t even touch a soldering iron that’s plugged in (even the non-heated part :p). In my nightmares it’s the biggest, fattest hypodermic needle ever made and it’s fucking on fire. *shudder*

wow...that is terrifying.

Joy Prevention Hotline
04-14-2014, 08:29 PM
wow...that is terrifying.
There are reasons why I still can't get a permit for a hammer.

Joy Prevention Hotline
04-14-2014, 08:30 PM
Speaking of permits (aaaaaand getting back on topic), FUCK THE NRA. I suppose now they're going to tell us we need to arm senior fucking citizens at the Jewish Community Center instead of running background checks on the monsters who buy guns to kill people.

That is all. :mad:

04-14-2014, 09:09 PM
The whole concept of "trending." Can. Not. Stand.

04-15-2014, 11:47 AM
The whole concept of "trending." Can. Not. Stand.

To add to this, I can't stand it when news stations/tv shows in general tell you that you can follow them @ and they say "at"...for some reason it drives me nuts.

04-15-2014, 11:50 AM
But that's what the symbol is called.

04-15-2014, 11:54 AM
I know, but it just drives me nuts. I dunno why; maybe it's the way they put so much emphasis on the "at"

Sarah K
04-15-2014, 12:13 PM
When the guys at work can't put a goddamn garbage bag in the trash can, and just throw all of their stupid shit in without a bag and arhghgfdhs.

04-15-2014, 12:16 PM
Speaking of trash -

Perfect storm: instant snow melt releases all of the crappy garbage trapped in snow, windy day comes along right after and blows all of previous trash into my yard and driveway.

04-16-2014, 01:35 AM
When an artist cancels their show fucking 15 minutes before doors open. Say what you will, talk shit all you want, but I was super excited to see the Bangerz tour tonight, and Miley fuckin called in sick FIFTEEN minutes before doors open and there are no plans for a reschedule. I mean really, I shouldn't expect any ounce of professionalism from her, and I technically didn't, but it is still extremely grating to see that shit happen in person and be victim of it.

04-16-2014, 06:47 AM
Fucking broke. Stupid NIN related (plus phone) bills.

04-16-2014, 12:47 PM
The high-pitched whine of saws and leaf blowers. It's 2014 and we still haven't figured out the technology to make these machines silent.

04-16-2014, 02:20 PM

Especially at 7 in the morning after returning home from working a graveyard shift and all you want to do is sleep.

04-16-2014, 02:42 PM
"Oh, it's the Godzilla song in the new X-Men trailer!"

I'm going to bitch slap someone.

04-16-2014, 03:42 PM
The whole concept of "trending." Can. Not. Stand.Me too. Especially for me because it's usually random shit that Kid Charlemagne has posted on twitter (to facebook). HE'S NOT THAT FUCKING TRENDY! ;)

Kid Charlemagne
04-16-2014, 05:57 PM
Me too. Especially for me because it's usually random shit that @Kid Charlemagne (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=92) has posted on twitter (to facebook). HE'S NOT THAT FUCKING TRENDY! ;)

Is this in reference to #FAKEVIPBULLSHIT ?

04-17-2014, 12:09 AM
Is this in reference to #FAKEVIPBULLSHIT ?

That did happen, but more the wrestling. You know that's fake right? ;)

04-18-2014, 03:05 AM
my car got towed today. When I went to pick it up, there were two parking tickets on the windshield. Ok, you fuckers, it's not enough for you to tow my car because I got back twenty minutes later than I thought I would, but you give me two tickets? One was for 70 and the other 60. So, in addition to this fucked $230 towing fee (to tow my car a mile away to your lot), you want to throw in an extra $130 fee because... you think that's fun or something? Fuck you... now I have to sell some gear to pay my rent.

On a side note, anyone want to buy a Novation Remote SL?

04-18-2014, 03:47 AM
Is that even legal? TWO tickets?

04-18-2014, 04:10 AM
Is that even legal? TWO tickets?

If they were on separate days I think it's legal but that's still really shitty. A while ago I accidentally left my car in a permit-only space for a few days and only got 1 ticket and it was just $40

04-18-2014, 11:27 AM
I hate it when people call me boring because I don't drink or do drugs. They should be more concerned with the fact that their personalities are so fucking dull they have to self medicate with drugs/alcohol to be able to be social with other people.

04-18-2014, 11:44 AM
Is that even legal? TWO tickets?

I'd never heard of this before. I'm going to have to check the details on the ticket when I get home, but I'm pretty sure I got both tickets within a 20 minute window.

That seems... just so fucked

04-18-2014, 12:35 PM
I'd never heard of this before. I'm going to have to check the details on the ticket when I get home, but I'm pretty sure I got both tickets within a 20 minute window.

That seems... just so fucked

Are they for the same violation? If so, you HAVE to fight it.

04-18-2014, 04:56 PM
Are they for the same violation? If so, you HAVE to fight it. Good luck with that. Fighting parking tickets is incredibly difficult in LA. The parking violations department is one of the city's biggest cash cows. If they can fuck you, they will.

Then again... (http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/11/27/half-of-all-contested-parking-tickets-are-being-overturned-heres-why/)

04-18-2014, 05:35 PM
Good luck with that. Fighting parking tickets is incredibly difficult in LA. The parking violations department is one of the city's biggest cash cows. If they can fuck you, they will.

Then again... (http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/11/27/half-of-all-contested-parking-tickets-are-being-overturned-heres-why/)
Ah, yeah, see that?!?!? People say the same shit in Chicago, but then they fight it and VOILA! Behold! the corruption. I don't give a shit if you can lose, you gotta fight that shit!

Fight it. You can't get two fucking tickets for the same violation in 20 minutes, NO judge is gonna allow that shit, that's just fucking nuts. Even if you gotta find some friend-of-a-friend-attorney who will go with you to court and you DJ at his kid's bar mitzvah, it's worth it.

04-18-2014, 06:32 PM
People who obsessively hashtag shit on facebook. I fucking need to do a cull.

#‎koreanfood‬ for ‪#‎lunch‬ ‪#‎blackbeannoodles‬ ‪#‎kkanpoongki‬ ‪#‎crispychicken‬ ‪#‎jjampong‬ ‪#‎seafood‬ ‪#‎깐풍기‬ ‪#‎자장면‬ ‪#‎짬뽕‬ ‪#‎중화요리‬ ‪#‎희래등‬ ‪#‎먹짤‬ ‪#‎먹스타그램‬ ‪#‎foodiedoodie‬ ‪#‎koreanfoodporn‬ ‪#‎냠냠‬ ‪#‎van24foodie‬ ‪#‎koreanfoodie

04-18-2014, 08:23 PM
People who obsessively hashtag shit on facebook.


04-18-2014, 08:54 PM
THAT one is acceptable, because, seriously, #lolnin.

04-18-2014, 09:06 PM
yeah, I fully intend to fight it. I can't afford this shit

Sarah K
04-18-2014, 09:32 PM
My friend has been trying to get me to go out with his friend for a while now. He thinks that since we are both from the Midwest, we should instantly bond or some shit. I have continued to decline.

THEN tonight, I meet up with my friend for dinner. He surprises me with a double date. I glare at my friend and then sit down, so I don't seem like a huge cunt. We talk for a fee minutes, and I start to feel bad, because he isnt too bad. Then, shit goes downhill in a hurry. He asks me how I feel now that I am a minority. I stare at him, wondering if this dick is for real. He was. I just start downing my drink at this point, as I listen to this piece of shit complain about being discriminated against for being white.

Another drink, please!

I try to correct him, and he continues to just talk over me and wave his hands around frantically.

He then complains about the gun control laws in NY.

I go to the bathroom and hide for like 10 minutes. I go back out and finish my drink. I give my friend some cash and tell him that I'm leaving. I can tell he is not happy, and he begins to object. So I'm just like I'M LEAVING.

All kinds of fucking NOPE going on there.

Sorry for spelling and such. I'm raging on my phone.

#byefelicia ;)

04-18-2014, 09:55 PM
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Your friend is an asshole for that.

Sarah K
04-18-2014, 10:16 PM
He is fucking fired from my life for a while.

04-18-2014, 11:46 PM
Oh no! You're friend set you up on a bad blind date! Meh cry me a river.

If I got upset about every douche I had to spend 20 minutes with, I'd be fuckin miserable my whole life. Believe it not it still came from a good place. It's not something to have a temper tantrum about ya little drama queen

Sarah K
04-18-2014, 11:59 PM
I can handle douchy for short periods of time. I cannot handle racist, gun loving, THEY TAKIN MAH JOBS bros.

I had met this guy in passing during football season, and my friend had been trying to set us up since then, and I had been continually declining. It was a dumb thing to do.

04-19-2014, 12:00 AM
You were way nicer than I would have been. I would have walked out the second I saw what he did. "Coming from a good place" or not you don't force people to do something they don't want to do by surprising them and trying to pressure them into it. Not cool, not something a friend does. I can't stand pushy people who won't take no for an answer.

04-19-2014, 12:02 AM
I don't know I'm always fascinated to find those kind of people exist and have a little fun with it. Eventually they realize I'm laughing at them on the inside and they get the hint and leave me alone. Or in the rare they case find my radical ideas intriguing and wish to subscribe to my newsletter. Either way, they're the stupid ones. Let them leave angry and frustrated, not you. No need to subject yourself to that kind of unnecessary misery, rage towards your friends, etc.

04-19-2014, 12:04 AM
Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:05 AM
I'm from the Midwest. Everyone is like that back home.

Not wanting to be subjected to this is kinda the whole point. Hah.

04-19-2014, 12:07 AM
Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.You do realize it's the little things that piss you off thread, right? No offense, but you're kind of a tool.

04-19-2014, 12:11 AM
No the whole point is that even though you have extensive experience dealing with these kinds of people, you let them become capable of ruining not only your evening in 20 minutes, but also potentially a friendship, who despite the misguided attempt was just trying to get you laid.

It's pretty awful of you to think you can live in a big city and be so above spending another minute with a certain type of person just because you've written off every single mid westerner as a complete douche. Taking 20 minutes to confirm your suspicion shouldn't be this agonizing. You can't go through life not expecting to subjected to having to deal with people you don't like.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:15 AM
I was expecting a nice, quiet dinner with my friend. I have been super stressed, and I was looking forward to an evening to take my mind off of things. If a friendship is ruined over something like this, then it probably wasn't worth having, anyway.

You're right. I can't expect to never encounter dumbasses. However, I CAN choose who I would like to spend my free time with.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:16 AM
Also, I have a vagina. If I wanna get laid, I'm plenty capable.

04-19-2014, 12:19 AM
Well ruiner you know what's a little thing that pisses me off? When people have episodes over pointless shit like little princesses and instead of being bitch slapped back to reality, they are tolerated and encouraged to continue said behavior by their drama queen cohorts.

I'd rather be a tool as you suggest than someone who cries and has a meltdown when something doesn't go exactly the way they planned in their heads and have to dab a pinky toe outside their comfort zone. You don't have to like it, but guess what life is about doing tons of stuff you don't like to do and you can choose to accept that or be a diva.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:23 AM
Are you being serious? This is the "little things that piss you off" thread, no? I don't believe that I "had an episode". I shared a story of a little thing that pissed me off. Just like every other person in this discussion.

Also, I'm fairly certain that I haven't cried or haf a meltdown.

Really, who is the fucking drama queen, here?

04-19-2014, 12:28 AM
I was expecting a nice, quiet dinner with my friend. I have been super stressed, and I was looking forward to an evening to take my mind off of things. If a friendship is ruined over something like this, then it probably wasn't worth having, anyway.

I would argue this is more about controlling your friend and putting them into the little box you've designated for them than it is about the unpleasantness about your experience tonight. If you look at it from his perspective, he probably knew you were super stressed and was trying to help. Regardless of the fact you can get laid when you want, this was still someone he perceived some kind of repore with for whatever reason so it wasn't a completely aimless attempt. If the friendship is ruined, it will most certainly be on your end and you are responsible for that. You could have tried talking to your friend like a reasonable person when you had a minute to explain to them you weren't feeling it, or wanted just some one on one time with them, or whatever else. But instead you storm out. So good for you. I'm sure it felt awesome. Which is why you came on here to bitch, right?

04-19-2014, 12:32 AM
And just for the record, you mentioned that meltdown line, I was responding to ruiner's post and wasn't referring to this situation specifically. More so many of the general posts in the thread over time, some of his antics, and the fact that I see way too much coddling overall of silly behavior by a ton of people etc.

But yeah I would say hiding, shutting down, storming off and rushing to your phone to vent a little essay about your emotional distress is a bit of an episode, yeah.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:34 AM
Controlling people is basically the last thing that interests me.

I have literally been declining going on a date with this guy since November. We have had numerous discussions about it, and I have very clearly stated on multiple occasions that I was not interested.

Literally the only thing that he sees us having in common is that we are from the Midwest. That is it. Like we are magically gonna bond and bro out because we are from ayates that touch.

I didn't care for him when I met him in November. Forcing him upon me sure as shit isn't going to change that.

And again, if a friendship is ruined over something ailly like this, then it probably wasn't worth having.

04-19-2014, 12:46 AM
So maybe he's been bothering your friend to put him in a room with you because there was interest on his end and he was being a good friend to him and gave him that one shot? Who knows. Does it really matter? If you actually stayed and had a conversation about it, you could have finally put and end to everything and settled once and for all that this simply wasn't going to happen. You didn't help your cause at all, you just hulked out and I find it hard to accept bitching when you are the cause of your own problems. You had every opportunity to put that guy in check, tell your friend to respect your boundaries, and continue on enjoying your night like the powerful, strong woman I'm sure you are. Not this passive aggressive bullshit ruiner is trying to give you a pass for because he's guilty of the same damn thing.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 12:53 AM
I'm sure that the bro has been asking, or it wouldn't have been a topic of conversation for going on 6 months now. But that still doesn't make forcing the situation on me any more acceptable, in my eyes. I did give it a chance. I sat down and engaged in a conversation for a while.

Then, he went off into fucking laa laa land. When I tried to give examples of how horribly misinformed he was, he would just speak louder and wave his hands around.

No means no. I've said no 20 times. That is enough of a reason for it to have never happened. I'm almost 30. I know who I want to spens time with, and who I don't. I have no interest in spending time with people who still think that it is 1950. I mean, we were peobably like 4 minutes away from him talking about the evils of the gay or something.

It is one thing to be a misinformed dickbag. It is something else entirely to start off converaations with those topics.

04-19-2014, 01:02 AM
I dont think you will find anyone who will disagree with you here about any of that. I'm certainly not. I'm not sticking up for the douche. I'm just saying by getting angry about it, walking out, venting, etc is going to give him the excuse to find the problem with you, instead of within. And sure you shouldn't care what he thinks anyway, but you have a social responsibility to need to be better than that. And if your friend isn't going to back you up on calling him out on his bullshit, then that to me is the bigger issue than him bringing a surprise guest to some casual drinks.

04-19-2014, 08:48 AM
I'm from the Midwest. Everyone is like that back home .
I'm from the Midwest. Still am. No we aren't.

This guy doesn't sound like a "friend;" he sounds like an asshole.

And again, if a friendship is ruined over something ailly like this, then it probably wasn't worth having.
Yup, exactly!!

It pisses me off that racist people are still fucking everywhere in this country ugh.

04-19-2014, 09:02 AM
No. This is actually really simple.

Friends respect when a friend says no. Decent people respect when someone says no.

Sarah was declining this, making it really clear it wasn't something she had an interest it, and her "friend" decided that either his other friend's feelings took precedence or that he knew what was better for her.

The way people in our life treat our consent and interests on the smallest scale says a huge amount about them. When someone dismisses my feelings and opinions, that is a red flag.

People are allowed to complain. This is a THREAD for people to complain. And her friend thinking he knew what was better for her than she did was absolutely not friend behavior. Sarah was polite about it. She is NOT obligated to do any more than she did. She wasn't supposed to. She didn't even have to sit down for that dinner in the first place. Politeness doesn't trump your ability to say no.

04-19-2014, 09:03 AM
And can we please stop acting like people aren't allowed to complain about their problems unless they're terrible? That shit isn't healthy.

Space Suicide
04-19-2014, 09:27 AM
Buying TV season sets off eBay to receive them and find out they are fucking counterfeit. Money in the hole. Fuckers don't return my money, I will go onto eBay support and shut them down.

04-19-2014, 10:04 AM
And can we please stop acting like people aren't allowed to complain about their problems unless they're terrible? That shit isn't healthy.
I agree. This thread is here for bitching.

04-19-2014, 05:24 PM
AgentofChaos why are you so hard-pressed to make theruiner feel so shitty? what was done to you that makes you feel the need to repeatedly go into attack mode? this is the little things that piss you off thread, not the shit on other (from my experience, totally awesome) board members.

04-19-2014, 05:33 PM
AgentofChaos why are you so hard-pressed to make theruiner feel so shitty? what was done to you that makes you feel the need to repeatedly go into attack mode? this is the little things that piss you off thread, not the shit on other (from my experience, totally awesome) board members.
That's the kind of shit that was on the old board all the time. Except all those people left and nobody thinks that shitlist-y attack stuff is funny, anymore.

04-19-2014, 08:09 PM
Not trying to make anyone feel shitty and certainly wasn't in attack mode, although if the truth does that to you then your problem isn't really with me as far as I see it. If you read my posts I thought I was pretty respectful for the most part although I disagreed with her actions and they way she handled the situation. Whatever, I said my piece. I just think there is a big double standard here. What people condone on this board by board members they like, and what they'd condone from others in society is vastly different in my eyes. I also find myself easily annoyed by the small comfort zones a lot of people tend to have here. It's like there is this delicate and fragile equilibrium they've built for themselves that cannot be disrupted in any way and if it is, well then it suddenly becomes ok to spazz out, throw a temper tantrum, have an emotional episode, whatever. But hey if you enjoy letting people get you so riled up that you have to rush to the internet to spend 20 minutes writing a post and reliving the situation, then by all means go ahead and have your sanctuary. I'd just much prefer it across the board if people dealt with their problems head on at the time instead of complaining on the internet after, but I'm smart enough to know life doesnt work like that. I challenged Sarah in that instance was because I honestly thought when she calmed down she was level headed enough to see it my way (that's a compliment). The way I always saw this thread was it's about venting about the things you cannot control (i.e bad day double parking ticket, etc), not the things you can (i.e directly dealing with the situation and talking with your friend instead of storming out). But apparently I'm wrong. Won't be the last time. Please go ahead and shit list me if that will make you feel better!

04-19-2014, 08:12 PM
And for the record some of that old shit list stuff was fuckin classic hilarity I don't care what anyone says. But it's cool keep taking yourself real serious.

04-19-2014, 08:32 PM
Not trying to make anyone feel shitty and certainly wasn't in attack mode
I beg to differ.

Oh no! You're friend set you up on a bad blind date! Meh cry me a river.

If I got upset about every douche I had to spend 20 minutes with, I'd be fuckin miserable my whole life. Believe it not it still came from a good place. It's not something to have a temper tantrum about ya little drama queen

Yeah no offense ruiner but you are the type of person who has posted in this thread having a tantrum about hot dog packaging so I wouldn't put too much stock in trying to appease your comfort level.

Well ruiner you know what's a little thing that pisses me off? When people have episodes over pointless shit like little princesses and instead of being bitch slapped back to reality, they are tolerated and encouraged to continue said behavior by their drama queen cohorts.

I'd rather be a tool as you suggest than someone who cries and has a meltdown when something doesn't go exactly the way they planned in their heads and have to dab a pinky toe outside their comfort zone. You don't have to like it, but guess what life is about doing tons of stuff you don't like to do and you can choose to accept that or be a diva.

If this is you not trying to make people feel shitty, you have no fucking idea what "shitty" means.

Sarah K
04-19-2014, 09:03 PM
Also, you're ignoring the fact that my friend has been asking about this for SIX MONTHS. And every time, I have said no.

Are you a secret closet racist dude bro or something? Did someone set you up on a date, and she didn't like you? Like, what are you actually upset about here? Because you're the only one throwing a tantrum.

04-20-2014, 12:44 AM
Ok so while this has been a ton of fun, I'm going to go get stoned and leave you and the rest of your cronies with one sentence, and maybe that will be a bit simpler to digest since the rest isn't really getting through. This applies to ruiner, you, and anyone of any age, race, sex, etc around the whole wide world as a universal truth; don't be a bitch.

It's real simple see just hear me out. Just... don't be a bitch.

Also, you're ignoring the fact that my friend has been asking about this for SIX MONTHS. And every time, I have said no.

No no no. What you're conveniently ignoring every time I post it, is that this does not matter. One bit. You are suggesting that because someone was a bitch to you, it's ok to be a bitch to them. I'm suggesting there is never, ever, an excuse to be a bitch. Unless you want to be a bitch, in which case fine, but don't be upset when you get called one.

A bitch is someone who think their problems trumps everyone elses. Thinking about turning every little thing into something serious about yourself? Don't be a bitch.
A bitch is someone who likes to yell and scream and create high levels of tense situations instead of communicating like a normal human being. Feel like storming out of a casual dinner? Don't be a bitch.
A bitch is someone who lets their day get ruined because its raining outside, or because their ice cream cone fell on the floor. Feel like crying because your package of hot dogs won't open, or came with 6 dogs instead of 8? DON"T BE A BITCH.

It's a very simple philosophy guys. And it has absolutely nothing to do with how people around you treat you, or what you deserve, or any of that shit. It's one of those simple don't take yourself too seriously or you'll never get out alive kinda rules to life.

And fixer, if calling ruiner a drama queen princess (which is really the only thing I see in your posted quotes) is being in attack mode, then yeah, ruiner might have to call the suicide hotline if I actually let loose on him since this board is full of tasty nuggets to use to assault him. But I don't have any interest in doing that. The guy is going through a lot. I don't want to send him reeling nor do I enjoy shooting fish in a barrell. However I would politely suggest that if a person online calling him basically just another version of a highly emotional and volatile person, his skin is way, way too thin and he needs to harden the fuck up in life if he's ever going to make it to the end a.k.a don't be a bitch! See it all comes full circle.

And now cue a slew of arguments that make this post somehow sexist against women. Or racist. Or fascist. Or whatever. Life's too short guys. You guys think it's cool as an adult to get up and storm out of somewhere because a friend didn't obey your every wish and command. I disagree. Either way just remember:


04-20-2014, 01:11 AM
AHAHAHAHAH!! You, Agent, are a complete fucking joke of a human. I'm putting you on my "ignore" list, because that's the worst thing I could do to you.

04-20-2014, 01:46 AM

04-20-2014, 02:03 AM
AHAHAHAHAH!! You, Agent, are a complete fucking joke of a human.

Dually noted sir.

But please, continue to post shirtless selfies of you drinking beer alone and don't forget to keep abusing the facepalm button.


Also one last quick question... if you ignore me however will you come to the aid of my "victims" such as the intense verbal abuse I subjected theruiner to? What if I run amok in your absence without you to protect everyone from my tyranny? What will happen then? Will you be able to live with yourself? With great power comes great responsibility.

Space Suicide
04-20-2014, 02:17 AM
What happened to this thread and where is it going, honestly?

04-20-2014, 02:21 AM

04-20-2014, 02:57 AM
Are you secretly the dude that she left because you were being racist? Because you're getting awfully defensive for a thread whose title is "LITTLE things that piss you off." Also, it's "duly" noted. You're welcome. People using incorrect phrases is a little thing that pisses me off. See how that works?

04-20-2014, 03:16 AM

But no, my wife has not left me due to racism. Yet. I've been smart enough to slowly disperse it over the years so that she hasn't really caught on exactly. Eventually I'll be exposed but I figure I still got some time so I'm not too worried about it at this point.

Sarah K
04-20-2014, 06:34 AM
Just... don't be a bitch

Take your own advice, bro. You're the only one who has been hurling around personal insults at people for no reason. But you're really cool, and we are all super impressed.

04-20-2014, 10:24 AM
Come on, Sarah, we all know no means yes so even after six months of resisting you should have happily sat there and listened to that guy and maybe even flirt with him a bit (I mean he IS giving you the privilege of spending time with him). And even if he tries to have sex with you you should just lie back and take it. I mean, don't be a bitch, yeah?

04-20-2014, 10:38 AM
Looking at AgentofChaos and these posts of his, I have only one thing running through my head:


Sarah K
04-20-2014, 11:07 AM
I know. I probably should have been super thankful that this dude wanted to spend time with me. Since I'm such an awful bitch and all.

And nothing is sexier than ignorance.

04-20-2014, 11:49 AM
You're such a princess and a diva. You should be grateful to have a date. There are children starving in Africa with no dates. And they're all negroes trying to take your job.

Sarah K
04-20-2014, 11:56 AM
Also, since I am a fatty, I should be doubly thankful that someone is so graciously offering their dick to me.

04-20-2014, 01:07 PM
That's the sexiest picture of Fixer808 that I've ever seen. My ovaries just exploded.

04-20-2014, 01:49 PM
Agent of Chaos: stop being a cunt.

04-20-2014, 04:00 PM
Agent of Chaos sineater: stop being a cunt.fixed.........

04-21-2014, 08:58 AM
Also, since I am a fatty, I should be doubly thankful that someone is so graciously offering their dick to me.

i know you weren't phishing for a compliment, but i thought i should say that i thought the pictures of you i saw in the N&V thread indicate that you are quite gorgeous ;)

04-21-2014, 11:48 AM

I thought we already established that I am not the original sineater... just a big fan who took up the mantle after he was killed since the void needed to be filled ala the new hobgoblin or something.

No? That didn't fly? Ok then I'm definitely the original. I've been laying low biding my time until the right moment to reveal myself, but alas, Dra, my cover is now blown. Thanks a lot man.


Kid Charlemagne
04-21-2014, 05:12 PM
Sin Eater, you try harder than a college dropout stripper struggling to do porn. Take a day off.

Sarah K
04-21-2014, 05:17 PM
i know you weren't phishing for a compliment, but i thought i should say that i thought the pictures of you i saw in the N&V thread indicate that you are quite gorgeous ;)

<3 Thaaaaaanks. :)

04-21-2014, 05:20 PM
When people spell it 'dually' noted.

04-21-2014, 06:22 PM
When people spell it 'dually' noted.

does it "peak" your interest? ;p

(i did that once and the person to whom i wrote it in an e-mail casually corrected me by saying i had "piqued" her interest and i never made that mistake again)

04-22-2014, 03:59 AM
Two different dudes on tinder starting arguments with me last night about how a woman can't be a feminist AND like casual sex or wearing high heels. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

04-22-2014, 05:59 AM
Two different dudes on tinder starting arguments with me last night about how a woman can't be a feminist AND like casual sex or wearing high heels. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Getting laid: they're doing it wrong.

04-22-2014, 06:09 AM
i know right! all they had to do was not be a douche for like 10 minutes. i'm not that picky.

04-22-2014, 06:45 AM
feminist AND like casual sex

LOL, cos the patriarchy is really kind to women who like sleep around, right? Throughout history it has been common for a promiscuous woman to be called a "stud" and "playa" and never get put down for it.

04-22-2014, 02:01 PM
If you call me 20 times and I don't answer a single time maybe try a different method of communication.

Dealing with a real genius here.

04-22-2014, 02:54 PM
maybe try a different method of communication.I'm all for bringing back the homing pigeons.

04-22-2014, 03:00 PM

04-22-2014, 05:25 PM



04-22-2014, 05:35 PM

I love it when you touch my junk stop keep doing it like that stop no don't stop stop i'm going to come stop



04-24-2014, 10:02 AM
crying over ghosts.

miss k bee
04-24-2014, 04:15 PM
mosquitoes and biting things

Sarah K
04-24-2014, 05:17 PM
NYC's rent prices.

04-24-2014, 05:25 PM
Get roommate + pick the neighborhood carefully. My half of the rent is only $600 and my place is pretty excellent. You can really luck out. Also, check padmapper and nonsensenyc's rent listings.

Sarah K
04-24-2014, 06:23 PM
I'm doing my best to go out and meet folks right now, so that when I get more serious about moving, I will have people who might actually be open to it. Haha...

I was in an awful situation a few months back, and I ended up in a shithole. But I was desperate, and the dude was willing to let me defer rent until I started working. I'm thankful that I found a place. But it's so awful. These children downstairs are always screaming, and I have no kitchen access, etc. Now that I have my plane tickets purchased for my visit home this summer, I want to start looking a little more seriously.

04-25-2014, 04:19 AM
Maybe it's being the sober guy at the bar, but jesus, what I watched happen tonight was just miserably awful.

This girl stumbles outside, careens into me and a few other things, and then passes out in this guy's lap and basically starts giving him a hand job. I stood there for a moment (just hoping this would stop) before yelling out "hey? What the fuck?!"

The guy glares at me, and I don't know if I'm breaking some bullshit "bro code," but if an unconscious girl is jacking you off that's fucked up and I'm about a second away from breaking your jaw. So I tried to intervene and get her into a taxi to take her home, and the bouncer pulls me aside and says "I appreciate what you're trying to do but.... it doesn't matter. She's coherent enough, she's going to make her decisions, let her make up her own mind."

She was babbling in an incoherent language! She was tugging on some complete stranger's dick while her eyes were rolled up in the back of her head! I'm not exaggerating..... this was horrible.

So I sat there, watched her basically publicly jack this guy off, then run over and make out with the bartender for a bit, and then jump (actually, more like drunkenly slither) into a taxi with the guy she was jerking off.

Fuck the bouncer at this club. I don't believe you when you tell me that "I think it's really great that you're looking out for her, but I know this girl." Fuck you. I don't care if you've encountered this before and so therefore you think that you "know" her. I don't care if you think she's a slut. I don't care what you think. That girl was practically unconscious, and you let her jump in a car with some guy she met while speaking some alien blather language. Fuck you, fuck him, fuck her, fuck all of this.

I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel, but I feel like shit, and I think I could have done something more. I didn't, and I think it's going to haunt me

04-25-2014, 04:52 AM
Maybe it's being the sober guy at the bar, but jesus, what I watched happen tonight was just miserably awful.

This girl stumbles outside, careens into me and a few other things, and then passes out in this guy's lap and basically starts giving him a hand job. I stood there for a moment (just hoping this would stop) before yelling out "hey? What the fuck?!"

The guy glares at me, and I don't know if I'm breaking some bullshit "bro code," but if an unconscious girl is jacking you off that's fucked up and I'm about a second away from breaking your jaw. So I tried to intervene and get her into a taxi to take her home, and the bouncer pulls me aside and says "I appreciate what you're trying to do but.... it doesn't matter. She's coherent enough, she's going to make her decisions, let her make up her own mind."

She was babbling in an incoherent language! She was tugging on some complete stranger's dick while her eyes were rolled up in the back of her head! I'm not exaggerating..... this was horrible.

So I sat there, watched her basically publicly jack this guy off, then run over and make out with the bartender for a bit, and then jump (actually, more like drunkenly slither) into a taxi with the guy she was jerking off.

Fuck the bouncer at this club. I don't believe you when you tell me that "I think it's really great that you're looking out for her, but I know this girl." Fuck you. I don't care if you've encountered this before and so therefore you think that you "know" her. I don't care if you think she's a slut. I don't care what you think. That girl was practically unconscious, and you let her jump in a car with some guy she met while speaking some alien blather language. Fuck you, fuck him, fuck her, fuck all of this.

I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel, but I feel like shit, and I think I could have done something more. I didn't, and I think it's going to haunt me

Don't let it haunt you. It's shitty, but sadly enough, it happens a lot. Sometimes it's not as bad as it looks though, I've seen a few of my friends get the same way with their girl/boyfriends, and to an outsider it would look awful but it's just par for the course, and their friends don't say anything because it's awkward and embarrassing and they're used to this stupid shit happening.

04-25-2014, 05:22 AM
You should have put her other hand to use. Nowa'umsayin'?

Note: wasn't being serious.

04-25-2014, 10:24 AM
Don't let it haunt you. It's shitty, but sadly enough, it happens a lot. Sometimes it's not as bad as it looks though, I've seen a few of my friends get the same way with their girl/boyfriends, and to an outsider it would look awful but it's just par for the course, and their friends don't say anything because it's awkward and embarrassing and they're used to this stupid shit happening.

If that was her boyfriend, i'd say fine. I could have an opinion on it and whatever, but still that's a totally different thing. This was some random guy she basically drunkenly collapsed on, went auto-pilot on, and he was a fucking loser who thought it was his lucky day. It was a few degrees removed from watching the scene from The Accused play out in front of me.

04-25-2014, 11:01 AM
Jinsai you're a good man, and at least you tried. it's way more than most people would have done. rape culture is so pervasive in our society that it's commonplace for people like the bouncer (who is supposed to help & protect people) to turn a blind eye like that, and it's really upsetting. but i think you can rest easy knowing that you at least put forth some effort into stopping the situation.

Sarah K
04-25-2014, 11:35 AM
That's really fucked up. And sadly, super common.

The bouncer, who is supposed to make sure everyone is safe and following laws not only ignores it, but encourages it.


But you're awesome for at least saying something. The vast majority of guys never would.

04-25-2014, 03:08 PM
That's really fucked up. And sadly, super common.

The bouncer, who is supposed to make sure everyone is safe and following laws not only ignores it, but encourages it.


But you're awesome for at least saying something. The vast majority of guys never would.

Vast majority? Really? :(

Sarah K
04-25-2014, 03:12 PM
Hell, not guys... people.

04-25-2014, 05:24 PM
Vast majority? Really? :(

the amount of people who regularly turn a blind eye to things like that, which are easily avoidable with the smallest bit of intervention, is astounding.

04-25-2014, 07:54 PM
That's why I'm glad this was front page news


04-26-2014, 03:26 PM
....and on a completely different note, this is bullshit (http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/an-artist-found-an-amazing-way-to-get-back-at-creepy-men-on?bffb)

This is Tinder, not eHarmony or Christian Mingle. It's not a "dating site." It's a "hey, wanna fuck?" app, and she knows that. You want to make an "artistic" point by getting guys to send lewd messages to you on Tinder? Come on.

Yes, if you're a woman and you go on Tinder, men will send you lewd and sexually explicit invitations. That's the point. Guess what? If you're a guy and you go on Tinder, women will send you objectifying messages too. They'll ask you for naked pictures, how big your dick is, etc. Men get objectified on Tinder too. Boo fucking hoo.

What makes this smug article even more irritating is the Facebook feed comments. Bullshit like "haha! So funny, men can dish it out but they can't take it!" What? Where was there an example here of some guy being unable to handle an aggressive proposition that objectified him sexually?

Anna Gensler, you're a shitty "artist" and a feminist's worst nightmare.

04-26-2014, 05:39 PM
....and on a completely different note, this is bullshit (http://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/an-artist-found-an-amazing-way-to-get-back-at-creepy-men-on?bffb)

This is Tinder, not eHarmony or Christian Mingle. It's not a "dating site." It's a "hey, wanna fuck?" app, and she knows that. You want to make an "artistic" point by getting guys to send lewd messages to you on Tinder? Come on.

Yes, if you're a woman and you go on Tinder, men will send you lewd and sexually explicit invitations. That's the point. Guess what? If you're a guy and you go on Tinder, women will send you objectifying messages too. They'll ask you for naked pictures, how big your dick is, etc. Men get objectified on Tinder too. Boo fucking hoo.

What makes this smug article even more irritating is the Facebook feed comments. Bullshit like "haha! So funny, men can dish it out but they can't take it!" What? Where was there an example here of some guy being unable to handle an aggressive proposition that objectified him sexually?

Anna Gensler, you're a shitty "artist" and a feminist's worst nightmare.

i agree with you 100%


the drawings are HILARIOUSLY bad

04-26-2014, 07:28 PM
And I'm homeless...

04-26-2014, 10:19 PM
And I'm homeless...

What? :( :(

04-26-2014, 11:01 PM
And I'm homeless...
Oh no!!! :-(