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08-15-2018, 02:53 PM
"Old school guy". Follow that up with your list, and I read that as "I'm a sexist old privileged white male".

Dangerfield "wasn't sex jokes"? Have you literally ever actually heard Rodney Dangerfield?

Also, just to kick the hornets nest: shitfuck.

I said it wasn't sex jokes every 5 seconds.

Sorry you're so triggered by my comment.

08-15-2018, 04:08 PM
HA! @Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) I didn't realize I was quoting anyone. I don't know who paul Watson is.

And I went back through what I've posted since march and don't see anything about anyone called paul watson.

And I I do think the absolutely no spanking thing is extreme, personally.

08-15-2018, 04:19 PM
HA! @Swykk (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=285) I didn't realize I was quoting anyone. I don't know who paul Watson is.

And I went back through what I've posted since march and don't see anything about anyone called paul watson.

And I I do think the absolutely no spanking thing is extreme, personally.

I’m not making it up, man. Paul Joseph Watson. You’re either following him or you comment on quite a few of his statuses because it shows up on my timeline.

08-15-2018, 04:27 PM
I’m not making it up, man. Paul Joseph Watson. You’re either following him or you comment on quite a few of his statuses because it shows up on my timeline.:/
I don't understand that.

I just figured out who he was: hate spewing anti immigrant cat.

All i...OH. I know how it's happening. I can guess exactly which one of my friends is posting that shit. Then, I respond to his comments.

Dear god, PLEASE don't think I support someone like that.

08-16-2018, 03:44 PM
Okay I'm pretty sure I'm developing rheumatoid arthritis.
Haven't been able to play guitar lately, which is basically the only way I contribute to society at this point. My knuckles of middle fingers hurt like hell and have been swollen.

I've also been getting sick a lot and been really lethargic, which are also symptoms.
Plus, RA is an autoimmune disorder and one of the most exciting symptoms is reduced life expectancy! Yay! And it attacks other organs! Yay!

Haven't been tested yet but I have most of the symptoms.

I'm not gonna kill MYSELF, but if one of you guys wants to randomly track me down and kill me, it probably.wouldn't bother me much.

Jesus. I give up.

08-16-2018, 04:09 PM
Okay I'm pretty sure I'm developing rheumatoid arthritis.
Haven't been able to play guitar lately, which is basically the only way I contribute to society at this point. My knuckles of middle fingers hurt like hell and have been swollen.

I've also been getting sick a lot and been really lethargic, which are also symptoms.
Plus, RA is an autoimmune disorder and one of the most exciting symptoms is reduced life expectancy! Yay! And it attacks other organs! Yay!

Haven't been tested yet but I have most of the symptoms.

I'm not gonna kill MYSELF, but if one of you guys wants to randomly track me down and kill me, it probably.wouldn't bother me much.

Jesus. I give up.

I was diagnosed with RA when I was 21 (my fingers and toes would hurt and my fingers would curl up at night). If you catch it early and get it treated you can prevent some permanent damage. I’ve been in remission for 12 years.

My point: get tested posthaste! Never ever did I think I’d have RA at 21. I’d had symptoms for years but didn’t have insurance and didn’t want to deal with the costs.

08-16-2018, 05:45 PM
This, but also see if you're possibly super vitamin D deficient.

08-16-2018, 06:44 PM
yes. it really fucks with your joints. my knees ached for years, didn't know why until bloodwork showed i was extremely deficient. i take a 50,000 unit prescribed supplement. the problem cleared up pretty quickly.

08-16-2018, 08:36 PM
This, but also see if you're possibly super vitamin D deficient.
My Dr told me I had the worst vitamin d deficiency he had ever seen. He prescribed me a powerful supplement, but I only took it a few times (because I'm generally so depressed that I don't keep up with ANYTHING.)

I hope it's from vitamin d deficiency or something!I

Thank you guys.

08-17-2018, 03:47 AM
Here, Vitamin D for you: ;-)


So, while I'm still here, what pisses me off...? Maybe the other way around - winter is my least favourite season, because it's dark and cold all the time and everything is gray/grey. But now during summer I realized winter has its positives - it's much more SILENT. No fucking ATVs everywhere (I live in village), no screaming kids, no cutting down trees, no grass cutting... aaah, tranquility. So it seems NOISE pisses me off. Just shut up everyone! ;-)

Frozen Beach
08-17-2018, 05:16 PM
I ordered Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures from a third party seller on Amazon. When it arrived, the third disc was loose and was all scratched up. Since it was a third party seller, Amazon couldn't send me a replacement, so they sent me a shipping label and are giving me a refund. I decided to order another copy because I really want the set. Got the new set in today, and the first two discs are scratched. And I already sent the old set back a few days ago, so I can't swap discs. At this point, I don't even know if it's worth calling Amazon about it.

08-17-2018, 11:04 PM
Family vacations.

I’m getting the worst night of my fucking life in this fucking beach house because literally every person/couple in this bitch has their own room EXCEPT for me, and I’m relegated to the Murphy bed. In the living room/kitchen area. Directly in front of the stairs from the entryway, so I hear eeevery step, word, drink, TV, device, everything. I can’t sleep when I want. I can’t do what I want without making sure it’s okay with the group first. We went to “the pier” which consisted of an hour of shopping shitty tourist trap stores and dealing with people who don’t know what stop signs are, before finally going to the actual pier and just watching dudes fish and talk about fishing, an activity I could NOT care less about. And all anyone can say is “omg but you’re in Florida that’s so amazing.”

Bitch, I haven’t had a full night of sleep in weeks (I worked 143 hours over the last two weeks, maybe 60 the week prior to that), spent 12 hours in airports/planes getting here, and I’m a 28 year old fucking man who isn’t being allowed the simple agency to CHOOSE WHERE HE SLEEPS. I’m an inch away from saying fuck it and getting my own hotel room, what a nightmare. 27 people here. This is not my definition of a “relaxing vacation.”

The people are nice, my family is great, and the views are awesome, but relaxing will absolutely not happen at all until after a wedding, a 5-hour drive to Atlanta, and a 12-hour drive from there back to Kansas - during which I’ll have to stay in convoy with my brother’s car while he drives back too. I won’t get to sleep soundly until maaaybe Monday, at the earliest. I am fucking dying of exhaustion here and it pisses me off that it’s making me so crabby. But fuck. LET A DUDE SLEEP. FOR FUCK’S SAKE. I DON’T CARE ABOUT FLORIDA. I’VE SEEN IT. WOW. IT’S FINE. COOL. PLZ LET A DUDE SLEEP. I CANNOT HAVE A FUN AND RELAXED TIME IF I CANNOT KEEP MY EYES OPEN.

This is why I go on trips alone. I sleep when I want, eat what I want, go where I want, drive when I want, sit in silence to read or just relax if I want, you name it. Absolute freedom. Not this shit. Not with 26 other loud af people here.

08-18-2018, 04:23 PM
(because I'm generally so depressed that I don't keep up with ANYTHING.)
i totally understand this. would it be easier to try and drink a glass of fortified milk or orange juice once or twice a week? twenty minutes of sun would work, too, but as someone with bipolar depression, that's almost impossible. unless you have a pet who needs a good walk daily (my method nowadays).

ImTheWiseJanitor first world problems, man. i've never been on a "family vacation." your rant sounds like a spoiled tantrum.

08-18-2018, 05:04 PM
i totally understand this. would it be easier to try and drink a glass of fortified milk or orange juice once or twice a week? twenty minutes of sun would work, too, but as someone with bipolar depression, that's almost impossible. unless you have a pet who needs a good walk daily (my method nowadays).

@ImTheWiseJanitor (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=427) first world problems, man. i've never been on a "family vacation." your rant sounds like a spoiled tantrum.

I’m cool with that. Just because it’s a first world problem of the highest degree, though, doesn’t mean I can’t post about something little that pissed me off in the “little things that piss you off” thread. I ranted in a post and then I was over it. Isn’t that kind of the point of this thread?

08-18-2018, 05:38 PM
sure. with discourse. it's a forum, after all.

08-18-2018, 07:06 PM
Yeah I've been thinking about making a thread for rougher issues.

Because someone will come through here and say "my mom died" or like that time my cousin tried to beat me to death and suddenly everyone is like, idk, like embarrassed about what they had been posting about, as though it doesn't matter.

But then, I think the really hardcore issues aren't "little things" to begin with. Hmmm.

08-18-2018, 09:48 PM
Well, there's the "how fucked was your day" thread

08-18-2018, 09:59 PM
And I don’t want anybody to think that I’m undermining or depreciating anyone’s issues. Absolutely not my intention, and I’ll be the first to say that what I came to rant about is the bitchiest bitch shit ever, hah. I was cranky, and sleep deprived, and I certainly don’t mean to seem like I’m waving around the “ugh my family is the worst” flag in anyone’s face, because they’re not, and there are more important and hard-hitting things that a billion people are dealing with on a daily basis that put anything I have to put up with into perspective.

Y’all, you’ve been a part of my life for longer than many of the people I know in my real life. My aim’s never to sit on a high horse and claim my shit to be the worst, especially when I see, eeevery time I come to rant, people who have it infinitely harder than I do in so many ways. I’m extremely lucky to have a family as filled with love as mine, and we’re all so spread out and take vacations so rarely, this occasion being my sister's wedding. But as many people who go on those trips together can attest, it’s not uncommon to hit a point where tensions start to run a little high, for one reason or another. Family drama. I was merely horribly sleep deprived, cranky, and had been dealing with that kind of drama ever since I got off the plane, and just wanted to get it out.

For what it’s worth, there have been several times I’ve come here to bitch about the dumbest things, and once I get to reading everyone’s posts, it sort of grounds me, and makes me realize that sometimes my bullshit is, well, bullshit. And I walk away from the thread wishing that every single person here finds resolve for their respective problems, as great or trivial as they may be.

08-19-2018, 12:58 PM
getting stuck behind scratch lotto addicts (never under 65) at the convenience store. they always go in with a fist full of tickets to scan, even though they know they lost. then they take forever choosing new ones.


08-19-2018, 03:41 PM
added frustration ehen they feel the need to scatch off at the counter

08-19-2018, 05:02 PM
getting stuck behind scratch lotto addicts (never under 65) at the convenience store. they always go in with a fist full of tickets to scan, even though they know they lost. then they take forever choosing new ones.

Oh god, I worked at a convenience store and it really tripped me out.
There were people who treated that shit like a casino.

08-19-2018, 05:44 PM
Oh god, I worked at a convenience store and it really tripped me out.
There were people who treated that shit like a casino.
Haha, one of my friends who is my age (29) is actually one of these lotto addicts, I've always questioned why he does it.... he knows full well the odds never really change but i asked him.. "you know in the long run exactly how much money will you have spent on this shit versus how much you'll have made back in return?" he didn't really answer my question and just kinda shrugged. He's not even well off for cash, it actually irritates me that he wastes his money the way that he does but whatever it's his life.

08-19-2018, 06:14 PM
Speaking of addiction, my mom has been watching the home shopping channel and ordering shit she doesn't need.
I go to pick up the mail and there are like five new packages sometimes. And she never leaves the house.

But I kind of justify her doing it as entertainment. Like it's exciting to sit there and think about what you're gonna buy, and I look at it like she's paying for having that feeling for ten hours.

08-21-2018, 07:19 AM
Yesterday was a train wreck on many levels but I endured. I think I just need to accept I’m not going to get what I want, earned and deserve out of this life. Hope is a desert oasis I occasionally think I see and then it dissipates. Tired of getting fooled by it.

08-22-2018, 12:00 AM
Yesterday was a train wreck on many levels but I endured. I think I just need to accept I’m not going to get what I want, earned and deserve out of this life. Hope is a desert oasis I occasionally think I see and then it dissipates. Tired of getting fooled by it.

:: hug ::

08-22-2018, 04:56 AM
auditory hallucinations

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-28-2018, 03:30 AM
the last few days have been fucking intense, for reasons I don't even feel comfortable talking about, even on here. Let me just say that intense, recurrent, crippling anxiety attacks are not cool.

08-29-2018, 10:43 PM
the last few days have been fucking intense, for reasons I don't even feel comfortable talking about, even on here. Let me just say that intense, recurrent, crippling anxiety attacks are not cool.

:: hug ::

08-30-2018, 10:24 AM
I hate it when people use their kids an excuse for poor job performance, frequent absences or tardiness. If I were the manager, then I would fire someone. It wouldn't be hard to replace her. People are dropping off resumes all the time. If that makes me sound like an ogre, then so be it.

08-30-2018, 02:01 PM
I hate it when people use their kids an excuse for poor job performance, frequent absences or tardiness. If I were the manager, then I would fire someone. It wouldn't be hard to replace her. People are dropping off resumes all the time. If that makes me sound like an ogre, then so be it. i posted something about this a while ago and with school back in session. usually when it comes to travel assignments i am usually take one for the team guy because i'm single and have no family. and i generally like the miles and points. although airline miles are pretty fucked now days and most hotels don't give points and my copmpany has scaled back on travel expenses. I also felt i was of being a caring human. so when i passed this last time i was met with much stink face and grumbles. well look i hate when things are assumed om my behalf

08-30-2018, 08:41 PM
Ok so I'm at this hotel in Amarillo (my mom and I had several appointments this week; my wife stayed home with spike to save money on pet deposit.)

I've ONLY watched Roku for like 5 years; I abhor regular tv at this point.
And the Roku box I brought doesn't work.

But I figured, ok, I'm not gonna be a bitch about it. I'll just watch regular tv.

Well, the fucking SOUND just went out on the TV in here, just completely and totally out.

Lolololololol. This fucking BLOWS.

09-06-2018, 08:48 AM
i got sick last night and, while it'll be nice to have a day at home without work, i wish i wasn't feeling so much like shit. i also wish that when i had a sick day i didn't end up getting so depressed. i don't do well being alone all day. i also tend to just sit and watch tv while being on the internet instead of doing something like reading & listening to records (what i'd prefer to do) because i have a hard time focusing.

09-06-2018, 08:51 AM
i got sick last night and, while it'll be nice to have a day at home without work, i wish i wasn't feeling so much like shit. i also wish that when i had a sick day i didn't end up getting so depressed. i don't do well being alone all day. i also tend to just sit and watch tv while being on the internet instead of doing something like reading & listening to records (what i'd prefer to do) because i have a hard time focusing.

For some reason this is common when you’re sick. I read every day and enjoy it more than anything (except maybe NIN shows) and I cannot read while I’m sick. I end up watching tv all day and hating myself.

Hope you feel better!

09-08-2018, 09:29 PM
Why can't they make extra large thin crust? Or medium deep dish?

09-11-2018, 11:37 PM
kel i.finally figured out a vitamin D solution.
i got I gigantic bottle of vitamin D gummy vitamins and put them in the kitchen.
They taste like gummy bears.

Now my only problem is to not take TOO MUCH of it, lol.

09-12-2018, 12:43 AM
Gummies are what work best for me too, fwiw.

09-12-2018, 08:04 PM
Seriously about the gummies. I was always really bad about taking vitamins, now being middle aged it's getting important, so a few years back i started on the gummies and it is so much easier. You'd think since chewing takes more muscles than swallowing a pill that the straight pills would be easiest, but, for whatever reason, nah. So yeah. Gummies.

09-15-2018, 08:17 PM
Fuck passive aggressive psychotic violent people who self-medicate and act like fucking clowns and then sneak around behind your back and break your shit because they're too scared to try that shit to your face.

09-19-2018, 06:59 PM
Well, I had hoped that it was the ETS servers that were the issue but apparently work finally blocked the site. God damn my days have been boring. I don't know if the site is on a list or if it scans meta data but there it is. So I'm on twitter more, and that's it's own "fuck this sucks" kind of thing.

09-20-2018, 10:39 AM
Well, I had hoped that it was the ETS servers that were the issue but apparently work finally blocked the site. God damn my days have been boring. I don't know if the site is on a list or if it scans meta data but there it is. So I'm on twitter more, and that's it's own "fuck this sucks" kind of thing.

My work are fairly liberal with what they let us looks at, as long as we're doing our work (which i'm almost always on top of) they don't care...but i fear the day they DO start caring!

09-21-2018, 03:16 AM
If one more reporter calls Fentanyl "Fentan-All," my fucking head is going to blow up.

It frustrates me that people can't pronounce klonipin (they say Ka-lonipin,) but this is different for a couple of reasons. For one thing, KL is pretty rare in English.

But the thing that REALLY pisses me off is that these are REPORTERS talking about this opiate crisis business that is a.)life and death and b.) directly affects me and my family.

If you're going to say that people fucking died from it, pronounce it right. If you're going to say that people like my 60 year old disabled mother should no longer receive it (and yes, the hammer is about to fall,) pronounce it right.

And this is from sheer fucking ignorance. I mean, there are a lot of drugs that end with "yl" or "il." I've never heard anyone say " minoxad-all. "

It's because, I think, that several narcotics (specifically barbiturates) end in "al ?" Perhaps?

anyway this drives me fucking INSANE. Like I wish these people, these journalists and lawmakers would LEARN HOW TO SAY THE GODDAMNED WORD before they start yammering about it.

Idk. I guess it's like nuclear/nookyoulur?

Like it's some kind of mental block for some people perhaps?

But I don't think it's that. I think it's sheer ignorance.

SO: if my head blows up, you guys can explain to the authorities that, in an indirect way, I was another fentanyl casualty. :p

While I'm ranting: if one more fucking purported theologian or minister or fucking bible "expert" or judgemental Christian says "Book of revelationS," my head might blow up from that.

Sarah K
09-26-2018, 07:39 PM
When someone from this website decides to take it upon themselves to take screencaps of my FetLife profile and send it to one of the most important people in my life. For no apparent reason other than destroying something great.

You succeeded, you absolute piece of shit. Great job! It must be exhausting being that much of an asshole.

09-26-2018, 07:50 PM
That's more than a little fucked. What is wrong with people?

09-26-2018, 08:04 PM
When someone from this website decides to take it upon themselves to take screencaps of my FetLife profile and send it to one of the most important people in my life. For no apparent reason other than destroying something great.

You succeeded, you absolute piece of shit. Great job! It must be exhausting being that much of an asshole.

What an absolute trash of a human being. I’m sorry that happened to you.

10-01-2018, 01:35 AM
When someone from this website decides to take it upon themselves to take screencaps of my FetLife profile and send it to one of the most important people in my life. For no apparent reason other than destroying something great.

You succeeded, you absolute piece of shit. Great job! It must be exhausting being that much of an asshole.

Wait, someone from HERE? Like ETS here? That's pure shit. You and i don't see eye to eye in a lot of ways, but that is a dick fucking move. Assuming you know who it was, did you pass it to Admin? I am really hoping this person is getting a perma-ban. I always feel like ETS is my Vegas, what happens on ETS stays on ETS. Shit like that is a massive, massive breach of personal space.

10-02-2018, 09:51 PM
Single minded group think is more than annoying. Just one step away from mass hysteria. Why don't people think as individuals anymore? Perhaps I have simply lived to long and can't relate to the new normal. Us versus them. No middle ground. Perhaps this is not a little thing, and perhaps it makes me sad more than pisses me off, but this thread seemed appropriate. So be it.

10-02-2018, 10:00 PM
working on a collab song with a guy and my vocal track is never good enough for him: he keeps sending it back for tweaks, and we're now nearly two weeks over deadline; he has me hostage because I really want this track to make the compilation album I wrote it for, and so I'm jumping through hoops to make him happy, and I'm fucking sick of it. We've come this far and I want to be done with the track, but he's non-stop directing me to fit his vision of perfection instead of just wrapping this up.

10-02-2018, 10:43 PM
working on a collab song with a guy and my vocal track is never good enough for him: he keeps sending it back for tweaks, and we're now nearly two weeks over deadline; he has me hostage because I really want this track to make the compilation album I wrote it for, and so I'm jumping through hoops to make him happy, and I'm fucking sick of it. We've come this far and I want to be done with the track, but he's non-stop directing me to fit his vision of perfection instead of just wrapping this up.

Just tell him you woke up this morning with a horrific case of laryngitis, so your latest vocal take will have to be do. Or maybe just be like "someone slit my throat yesterday, sorry dude."

10-03-2018, 04:44 AM
Aaaaaand the submission window is closing today. This guy's dickshittery is going to cost me the song's appearance.

10-03-2018, 11:22 AM
Aaaaaand the submission window is closing today. This guy's dickshittery is going to cost me the song's appearance.
Does he not care about getting on the compilation album? How come he isn't as concerned about the deadline as you?

10-04-2018, 03:31 PM
People who don't say excuse me. It's so small, but it seems now people don't feel the need to say it. I will gladly move over if you just say "excuse me." Don't try to shuffle past me without saying anything and don't stop behind me expecting me to move out the way because I can apparently read your mind.

10-04-2018, 04:39 PM
I'm pretty sure I told allegro that I owed her a drink for something she said in the Trump thread ages ago.

Which doesn't piss me off in and of itself. It's that I remembered this now - after doing nothing with my day off in Chicago yesterday. Whoops. Sorry!

10-05-2018, 11:06 AM
I went to kick it with my preacher yesterday.

He is, A.) One of the only preachers I've ever heard in my life, ever, who isn't full of shit and utterly infuriating and, B.), In a very intense case of irony, my ONLY friend here. And I am his best/only real (local)friend. He's a conservative dude who is a career military man (he's an officer in the air force reserves,) and I'm, well, you guys know me: I'm a long haired liberal (psuedo?)Christian Mystic type of cat who isn't 100% straight.

BUT, this preacher and i, we respect each other's views. We discuss MOSTLY politics and religion and it's fucking awesome. We routinely open each other's minds.

Anyway, he took me out to eat and we went shopping together and had some great conversation as always, and then it happened:

He told me The Big Secret: he won't be here much longer. He's already received another offer and told me it's like 50/50 as to whether or not he will take it. And if he doesn't take this one, he's gonna keep looking.

I guess what pisses me off about this (instead of it just making me sad) is the REASON why he pretty much HAS to leave: they won't pay him enough money.

He works his ass off for this church but has to be on food stamps to be able to take care of his family. Fucking cheap ass rednecks; ugh.

10-07-2018, 02:28 AM
I stayed up late watching UFC tonight. Headed upstairs to the bedroom a bit after 1 with the dog, who didn't ask to go out. While I was taking a leak in the bathroom, she decided to take one in the middle of my bed. So I've been up for the last two hours doing two loads of laundry (because she managed to get it on ALL of the sheets and blankets). The dryer is out of commission right now, so I'm now in a sleeping bag, finally about to try to get some sleep, at 3:30 in the morning.

I guess this post wasn't so much about being pissed off as it is about being pissed on.

10-07-2018, 07:05 AM
I stayed up late watching UFC tonight. Headed upstairs to the bedroom a bit after 1 with the dog, who didn't ask to go out. While I was taking a leak in the bathroom, she decided to take one in the middle of my bed. So I've been up for the last two hours doing two loads of laundry (because she managed to get it on ALL of the sheets and blankets). The dryer is out of commission right now, so I'm now in a sleeping bag, finally about to try to get some sleep, at 3:30 in the morning.

I guess this post wasn't so much about being pissed off as it is about being pissed on.

This is more than likely one of 2 things:
A urinary tract infection
she’s Marking her territory (females do this to and it usually starts in adolescence), because it smells like you.

10-07-2018, 07:37 AM
This is more than likely one of 2 things:
A urinary tract infection
she’s Marking her territory (females do this to and it usually starts in adolescence), because it smells like you.

I doubt it's either of those things. I never stay up that late or drag her out of sleep to change sleeping locations at that hour, so more likely it was just being woken up and not having gone outside for several hours. If there's a next time I'll make sure to drag her ass outside before going upstairs.

10-13-2018, 11:45 AM
If your heater goes out, and you say to your apartment complex, “it’s been out since Thursday morning but I haven’t had time to call,” and you call in the middle of the afternoon on a Saturday, kindly piss off.

You’re telling me you had aaall day Thursday, and aaall day Friday, when I was already on-property and readily available for any emergencies from 8-5 pm...and you knowingly waited until Saturday. We no longer live in an era where “I was busy” is a viable excuse for not making a 30-second phone call to your apartment complex so they can fix your heater, especially if it’s a big issue for you. Not to mention that there’s literally no way for ME to know that it’s broken until you tell me that it’s broken. How could I possibly know that if you don’t call it in and tell me? You think I just magically knew but decided to not go take care of it for you while I’m already there, at work?

I don’t even mind having to go look at their heater, because it’s more time on the clock for me. Stuff just comes up all the time and I’m happy to help at a moment’s notice when an emergency comes up. But...y’all had aaall that time, and didn’t want to call sooner? Had to wait until the middle of my day off?

10-18-2018, 05:21 AM
So i'm not exactly a chatty person at my work (a combination of Social Anxiety, my on going battle with Depression and not really having anything to connect to people with) but i have been here for going on 8 years now and i think i'm doing an alright job.
Now i was checking my bosses calendar to check a meeting we're having (i have access to the whole offices calendar just in case i need to do the in and out lists if no one else is in to do it) and noticed an after work 'Team Building' event next month set up by our Secretary, someone to get everyone in the office together as we've had a number of new people start to get to know each other for drinks and games...only thing is i haven't been invited.
I had a quick look at a few peoples calender's and everyone is going, managers, directors, admin, engineers, everyone...except me.

Now this might just be a mistake, but me being me i can't feel like this was intentional (again i'm quite and a few people know i don't drink, so i can't help feel i was dropped before hand) I would just go and ask...but with my anxiety i probably wouldn't have gone anyway, so asking why i'm not invited to then say i'm not going just would be petty. Still it's a little bit of a knock to see a 'team' building event and just not being asked...

10-18-2018, 04:09 PM
Now this might just be a mistake, but me being me i can't feel like this was intentional (again i'm quite and a few people know i don't drink, so i can't help feel i was dropped before hand) I would just go and ask...but with my anxiety i probably wouldn't have gone anyway, so asking why i'm not invited to then say i'm not going just would be petty. Still it's a little bit of a knock to see a 'team' building event and just not being asked...

Sorry about that situation. It's understandable for you to be upset even if you wouldn't have been going, common courtesy would have been to invite you.

I was listening to music with my headset at work waiting to take a hearing test.(we do one every year since we work in a loud factory environment) some guys came up because their time was the same as mine, and we were waiting for the previous group to finish. I started nodding my head to the music, because I get really into it and the guys next to me started mimicking me and making fun of me. I didn't say anything, but really wanted to flip them off (it's too bad that could get me fired)
We went in to take our test and the guy testing us admired my headset and I told him I don't like people, I like music. He laughed, but the guys in there with me stiffened and it became awkward.
Anyway, at least my hearing is great to continue my music listening

Halo Infinity
10-21-2018, 08:31 PM
This one's pretty universal. Missing a bus and/or train ride, especially by just few seconds. In that exact moment, it never fails to make me think if not necessarily scream, "Goddamn it!"/"Fuck me!/"Motherfucker!" and just good old "Shit!" :mad:

As far as little things that pisses one off, it just also never fails to get old. Ever. :p

10-23-2018, 11:31 AM
This one's pretty universal. Missing a bus and/or train ride, especially by just few seconds. In that exact moment, it never fails to make me think if not necessarily scream, "Goddamn it!"/"Fuck me!/"Motherfucker!" and just good old "Shit!" :mad:

As far as little things that pisses one off, it just also never fails to get old. Ever. :p

Speaking of bus stops - One time in college, I was at a stop after an evening class, waiting on the bus. Just doing a sudoku or something and minding my own business with the other 5-6 people there. A girl drove by and her friend leaned out the window to yell “GET A CAR, LOSERS!! HAHAHA!” as they drove past. But, like...I HAD a working car...and just didn’t feel like driving it to class and finding campus parking or something. You’re not even accurate. Just...loud. But all of us at the stop had a laugh and were like “no idea what that was about. Most of us have cars...?” So thankful I don’t have to put up with the bus system anymore, I feel your pain! I see people run up to the bus stop on our property every single day.

10-23-2018, 08:25 PM
my future mother-in-law is a petty, vindictive, stupid, childish, toxic person. Oh yeah, and I'm getting the feeling she doesn't like me very much either.

On an unrelated side note, she's a hyper-religious Trump supporter.

EDIT: just to clarify, I'm venting here... Really, I haven't even met her IRL, so I'm just ranting here. For all I know, maybe she's a lovely person, and our long distance interaction is just getting off on the wrong foot. Who knows.

10-23-2018, 11:01 PM
Having a great time at a NIN concert, and some douchbag 30+ guy in the row behind us grabs the ass of a 17 year old girl who was my guest at the concert (she is a friend of my son). This caused her to leave right before the encore set. I did not find out what happened until after the concert; I thought she just left to go pee or something. The group of bros behind us were quite drunk, and spilled a beer on my jacket, and kept shouting loudly during the most quiet songs creating a spectacle of themselves, but that does not bother me enough to dampen a positive concert experience. I understand that some people just enjoy themselves in different ways. But the unprovoked and unwanted ass grabbing of a minor girl by a guy who is way more than old enough to know better disturbed me greatly.

10-24-2018, 01:13 AM
This one's pretty universal. Missing a bus and/or train ride, especially by just few seconds. In that exact moment, it never fails to make me think if not necessarily scream, "Goddamn it!"/"Fuck me!/"Motherfucker!" and just good old "Shit!" :mad:

As far as little things that pisses one off, it just also never fails to get old. Ever. :p
I hate how buses here are so liberal with their timetable. "Oh, I'm supposed to leave this stop by 8:52, but I'm here at 8:50 and no one's here? Well I better fucking leave right now!"

At least trains never leave early. Then again, we use ~60 year old trains, so they are always late to begin with.

10-24-2018, 02:38 AM
my future mother-in-law is a petty, vindictive, stupid, childish, toxic person. Oh yeah, and I'm getting the feeling she doesn't like me very much either.

On an unrelated side note, she's a hyper-religious Trump supporter.

Sounds very much like my mother! The same women who was so desperate to be the "cool mum" that got her kids and their friends alcohol so she could eventually go clubbing with them barred anyone from buying me toys and blocked all cartoon/kids channels in are house...when i was 11! Now all i do is watch anime and buy toys, plus i hate drinking, so that backfired spectacularly!

10-24-2018, 04:50 AM
People saying and writing "prejudice" instead of "prejudiced" irritates me.

This is so insanely rampant that it's inevitably going to go the way of "literally."

10-24-2018, 07:11 AM
People saying and writing "prejudice" instead of "prejudiced" irritates me.

This is so insanely rampant that it's inevitably going to go the way of "literally."
Along with "bias" and "hype"--both are completely overused (overuse?) as well. I guess tenses no longer exist in 2018 English except for us "Grammar Nazis."

10-28-2018, 02:34 PM
If you don’t know how the concept of “passing lanes” works, and you insist on driving on the highway anyway - learn, or get off the highway. Everyone stuck behind you will be ETERNALLY thankful.

10-29-2018, 08:13 AM
Feels like my shoulder blades are trying to separate from my back. Also, day two of little sleep and waking up at what the fuck in the morning.

10-30-2018, 06:41 PM
Speaking of health, it turns out that I DO almost certainly have some sort of.degenerative joint disease like osteoarthritis.
I wanted SO badly to believe that my hands were hurting so much because my new tablet is too big.
But the pain is also in my low back, hips and feet.

And it's getting worse and worse, and fucking RAPIDLY. The pain in my left hand literally makes me cry. I can't play guitar, which I've been doing for 31 years (since I was 7.) Playing guitar is a HUGE part of my sense of identity.

Aside from the pain, the way that I'm pretty much CERTAIN about this is that a couple of my knuckles have become misshapen. I have fucking bone spurs in my hand.
The hell of it all is that basically none of the shit that causes these symptoms is curable, and the treatment options aren't great.

I can no longer act like this isn't happening; I'm biting the bullet and going to get diagnosed.
this shit,on top of everything else, is pushing me over the edge. It's making me lose hope.

10-31-2018, 01:57 AM
I've had a doozy of a day. I went to the doctor again because my coughing is not getting better. Also my left leg was swelling up and Dr. Google said that's deep vein thrombosis. I get there and he gives me a cough medicine and I ask him about my legs and he immediately tells me to go get an ultrasound. I'm still on the table after the reading when the person gives me the phone - it's my doctor. Having just looked at the results, he said to get my ass to the ER immediately and have them do a CT scan because there are clots in my leg and they might be in my lungs. Four hours later I get to go to the CT scanner and guess what? I have clots in my lungs. Not just in the lungs but also in the saddle where the lungs connect. Lucky me! So they put me on some blood thinners and I'm in the hospital overnight for observation.

So to recap: I've not been sick with pneumonia, I've been sick with blood clots. And I'm not dead yet but it's looking 50/50.

Side note: I went to the doctor about two months ago with pain in my left leg and said that it really sounded like DVT, could we take a look at that? "No, you probably sprained the tendon. Go stretch."

God damn it. Hindsight is 20/20 I know but God DAMN it. I was right there.

EDIT: The google game today is making my day a little better though. That thing's really fun.

10-31-2018, 05:36 AM
Oh god. Oh Christ @allegate (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1739) . :(


You'll beat the odds, goddamnit.

Also, suddenly I don't feel so sick anymore :/

10-31-2018, 06:12 AM
Jeez, feel better ASAP, allegate.

10-31-2018, 10:49 AM
Oh god. Oh Christ @allegate (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1739) . :(


You'll beat the odds, goddamnit.

Also, suddenly I don't feel so sick anymore :/
nah man, your shit isn't any less important. Being young and looking forward to a life of pain sucks, I totally get that.

11-01-2018, 12:19 AM
As an update: It's a massive saddle clot that not only spans the bridge between the lungs but also goes into the lungs proper. The doc said that if I wasn't healthy and active it would be another matter entirely because that's the kind of clot that puts enough pressure on the heart that it gives out as well. But they did an electrocardiogram today and my heart is pumping away just fine. So I'm on blood thinners for the foreseeable future and will see a blood doctor (I know the word but that sounds cooler) eventually. Once that's done we can figure out what caused the clots because there's no family history and I'm pretty active and they don't want to talk about cancer just yet.

The thinner they had me on was Lovenox and I wasn't looking forward to giving myself injections but they changed it to one of the pills so yay. I should be discharged tomorrow after a little more observation. Missed Halloween and freaked my family out right proper, but at least it's something that the body will treat itself and won't really come back if I keep my mind on it.

11-01-2018, 11:27 AM
Glad to hear things are improving! That shit sounds hella scary. Glad they let you pick an option that didn’t involve injections, too. For what it’s worth, you weren’t the only one who had to miss out on Halloween and scared the hell out of their family with a medical situation, heh.

Yesteday on my way to a health evaluation for my work’s insurance, I was in a minor car accident. No injuries, relatively minor damage to both cars, and it was 100% my fault for not checking a blind spot, so things went over pretty smoothly and nobody was confused about what was going on. After the officer came and made a report and left after about an hour, I just went to the hospital to get the screening over with. I check in, wait, get in the room, and the nurse draws my blood - mind you, I had a fear of needles as a child but I really don’t mind them now, at all, especially after having a couple of tattoos done. I WATCHED her do it, no blood, no mishaps of any kind, or anything alarming. I even told her how one time, about 7 years ago, I’d given blood and passed out because I didn’t eat first, and she said “oh wow, yeah, you should always do that.” We keep talking for about 5 minutes, and in the middle of her talking I just blacked out and slumped in my seat. Of course, she said afterward that she saw my eyes roll and my face go pale, so it freaked her the hell out, but the REASON I blacked out was because my blood sugar had been crazy low after they drew two vials of blood - after being specifically instructed BY the hospital, and our health insurance provider, not to eat anything for 12 hours before the evaluation. I hadn’t eaten since about 11 the night before, and it was about 11:30 by the time I got there, so I did exactly what I was told. We gave it about 5 minutes, surrounded in a tiny room by 5 people, and I blacked out and went pale again for about 10 more seconds. After that I was completely fine. They were being extremely helpful, and professional, and kind, but they kept telling me I needed to eat before having blood drawn. I had to show them two documents I had on me telling me specifically not to eat for that long. Trust me, if I’d known I COULD eat beforehand, I would. They cleared out the room and gave me a water and a juice, then I was perfectly okay. They let me out of the room, I could walk, no tunnel vision, I got a hospital burger, and I was fine. But the nurses insisted that I get a ride home just in case, and I wholeheartedly agreed with them for the sake of not passing out and having a second car accident in one day. So I called my manager to give me a lift since she was close, and apparently on her way out of the office she said, quote, “Branson was in a car accident, he’s at the hospital, and he’s passed out twice, so I’m gonna go get him.”

So when I came in to work today, every person I work with is fliiiipping out because they were told got in a car accident and lost consciousness at the hospital. Every single person. 6 people so far. So I’ve had to explain that the fender bender and me passing out were two completely unrelated instances. I wasn’t even in shock after the collision because it was so minor. I was calm, handled all the insurance and police report stuff with a normal demeanor. My car wasn’t even jostled, I just tried to merge left and didn’t check my blind spot before bumping into the car beside me, so it wasn’t a traumatic experience in any way. Having been in a life-threatening car accident before (like 6 years ago), I know the difference between the two experiences.

After it was all said and done, I was 100% fine after a couple hours of rest and a meal, and everybody seems to think I was in an accident that split my skull open or something when that was 1000% not what was happening. Words can’t express how glad I am that everyone’s been so supportive and checking up, but also - dudes, everything was completely fine the whole time. ^^’ There’s really nothing to be concerned about. I think just sucks that the circumstances made it seem like I went to the hospital because of the accident. I’d even told the nurse about it before the evaluation and they said I seemed to be perfectly fine, no signs of shock. I’m thankful that everyone is concerned, but dang y’all, my life was never once in danger during the whole ordeal, and I was in very good hands.

So I guess the moral of the story is: Check your blind spots!

Sarah K
11-01-2018, 12:26 PM

I had a similar situation about 6 years ago. I went to the doctor because I had had a terrible pain in my calf for a while. I initially thought that it was a pulled muscle, and just ignored it. But it kept getting worse, and the skin there was getting hot and red, so I finally gave in and made an appointment. On the day I was scheduled to go in, I was also having a very hard time breathing. The doctor also thought it was just a pulled muscle, and when I said that I was struggling to breathe, they said "Well, it's hot outside", which of course translates to "You are fat. Of course you can't breathe". I know my body and what is normal for it, and this was not normal.

They then sent me to the hospital for an ultrasound, and the lump in my leg was a DVT. They were then just going to discharge me, after me telling them that I couldn't breathe, too. So I just walked down to the emergency room and checked myself in. Got a scan, and my lungs were just absolutely packed with blood clots. I ended up spending a week in the hospital, and nearly had to have a filter put in to catch any clots that left my lungs so I wouldn't die. This is the only time I had ever been in the hospital and it was scary as shit.

They tested me for every imaginable auto-immune and genetic disorder that you can think of - even went so far as to send me to a different hospital to run tests that the one I was staying at didn't have, but their conclusion was that I just had a horrible reaction to hormonal birth control, so now I am on a lifetime ban from taking any medications with hormones.

I am glad that they caught yours, and I know how scary that shit can be. You'll get REAL FUCKING FAMILIAR with your doctor if they make you stay on blood thinners. I had to stay on them for a year, and it was awful.

11-01-2018, 02:04 PM
Jesus. What kind of thinners did they put you on? They keep talking about several different brands but there's one they keep saying "it works, but it's difficult to get dialed in".

I just had a visit from the doc and apparently they're haggling with the insurance about the meds and my copay. I wish I lived in Canada.

Luckily I have a great Primary. I've already got an appointment with him tomorrow morning so we can go over a few things.

Sarah K
11-01-2018, 02:25 PM
I had to do the Lovenox injections for 4 weeks. Gave myself two shots, twice a day. Then I transitioned to Coumadin which was... not fun. You have to watch your vitamin K levels EXTREMELY close, and I had to go to the doctor three times per week to have my levels checked, and my dosage would be adjusted according to what my level was at that point. It sounds like I had a more difficult time with this than most folks, though. Sometimes it would be way too high, and other times way too low. Even going to the doctor three times a week, it once got so high that the doctor sent me to the emergency room. I bruised so, so easy - I had bruises from where my glasses sat on my face. Lol. I mean, I guess every medication has some side effects, and it likely played a hand in saving my life. But it was super hard to adjust to, and I am happy that it was only a year for me. I think many people only stay on them for about six months if they have no further complications.

11-01-2018, 05:16 PM
Glad to hear things are improving! That shit sounds hella scary. Glad they let you pick an option that didn’t involve injections, too. For what it’s worth, you weren’t the only one who had to miss out on Halloween and scared the hell out of their family with a medical situation, heh.

Yesteday on my way to a health evaluation for my work’s insurance, I was in a minor car accident. No injuries, relatively minor damage to both cars, and it was 100% my fault for not checking a blind spot, so things went over pretty smoothly and nobody was confused about what was going on. After the officer came and made a report and left after about an hour, I just went to the hospital to get the screening over with. I check in, wait, get in the room, and the nurse draws my blood - mind you, I had a fear of needles as a child but I really don’t mind them now, at all, especially after having a couple of tattoos done. I WATCHED her do it, no blood, no mishaps of any kind, or anything alarming. I even told her how one time, about 7 years ago, I’d given blood and passed out because I didn’t eat first, and she said “oh wow, yeah, you should always do that.” We keep talking for about 5 minutes, and in the middle of her talking I just blacked out and slumped in my seat. Of course, she said afterward that she saw my eyes roll and my face go pale, so it freaked her the hell out, but the REASON I blacked out was because my blood sugar had been crazy low after they drew two vials of blood - after being specifically instructed BY the hospital, and our health insurance provider, not to eat anything for 12 hours before the evaluation. I hadn’t eaten since about 11 the night before, and it was about 11:30 by the time I got there, so I did exactly what I was told. We gave it about 5 minutes, surrounded in a tiny room by 5 people, and I blacked out and went pale again for about 10 more seconds. After that I was completely fine. They were being extremely helpful, and professional, and kind, but they kept telling me I needed to eat before having blood drawn. I had to show them two documents I had on me telling me specifically not to eat for that long. Trust me, if I’d known I COULD eat beforehand, I would. They cleared out the room and gave me a water and a juice, then I was perfectly okay. They let me out of the room, I could walk, no tunnel vision, I got a hospital burger, and I was fine. But the nurses insisted that I get a ride home just in case, and I wholeheartedly agreed with them for the sake of not passing out and having a second car accident in one day. So I called my manager to give me a lift since she was close, and apparently on her way out of the office she said, quote, “Branson was in a car accident, he’s at the hospital, and he’s passed out twice, so I’m gonna go get him.”

So when I came in to work today, every person I work with is fliiiipping out because they were told got in a car accident and lost consciousness at the hospital. Every single person. 6 people so far. So I’ve had to explain that the fender bender and me passing out were two completely unrelated instances. I wasn’t even in shock after the collision because it was so minor. I was calm, handled all the insurance and police report stuff with a normal demeanor. My car wasn’t even jostled, I just tried to merge left and didn’t check my blind spot before bumping into the car beside me, so it wasn’t a traumatic experience in any way. Having been in a life-threatening car accident before (like 6 years ago), I know the difference between the two experiences.

After it was all said and done, I was 100% fine after a couple hours of rest and a meal, and everybody seems to think I was in an accident that split my skull open or something when that was 1000% not what was happening. Words can’t express how glad I am that everyone’s been so supportive and checking up, but also - dudes, everything was completely fine the whole time. ^^’ There’s really nothing to be concerned about. I think just sucks that the circumstances made it seem like I went to the hospital because of the accident. I’d even told the nurse about it before the evaluation and they said I seemed to be perfectly fine, no signs of shock. I’m thankful that everyone is concerned, but dang y’all, my life was never once in danger during the whole ordeal, and I was in very good hands.

So I guess the moral of the story is: Check your blind spots!
Just saw this. Holy shit. I've had the game of telephone go like that once, but not nearly as wild: Where I used to work there were a few people with the same name. So I get to work and everyone keeps asking me why I'm there. It gets to where my boss even says I heard you were really sick, I'm glad you got better but he said it like I was faking or something. Finally I just say look I'll go home if it'll make you feel better and then they finally think to ask I wonder which person actually called in...ugh.
I had to do the Lovenox injections for 4 weeks. Gave myself two shots, twice a day. Then I transitioned to Coumadin which was... not fun. You have to watch your vitamin K levels EXTREMELY close, and I had to go to the doctor three times per week to have my levels checked, and my dosage would be adjusted according to what my level was at that point. It sounds like I had a more difficult time with this than most folks, though. Sometimes it would be way too high, and other times way too low. Even going to the doctor three times a week, it once got so high that the doctor sent me to the emergency room. I bruised so, so easy - I had bruises from where my glasses sat on my face. Lol. I mean, I guess every medication has some side effects, and it likely played a hand in saving my life. But it was super hard to adjust to, and I am happy that it was only a year for me. I think many people only stay on them for about six months if they have no further complications.

Yeah, the doc kepy saying that Coumadin was an option that they didn't want to use. I ended up with Eliquis. One person told me that they heard that if you're on thinners for longer than a year then you're on them forever. It was said just like a Halloween story too, like the guy with a hook for a hand is coming after me. I tried not to laugh.

11-02-2018, 10:16 AM
Damn allegate, that's rough. Really sorry to hear about your troubles. That sucks. Must have been pretty scary, I imagine. Hang in there man.

11-02-2018, 06:07 PM
The scary part was after the CT scan: They didn't have any rooms available and the only bed was one that was in the hallway. So they put me in the bed, roll me down, do the scan, and bring me back to my spot in the hallway. The doc comes by and gives me a five-minute info dump and walks away, leaving me wondering if I'm about to die or go in for lung-transplant surgery or what. In the middle of a hallway. I had told my wife that she should go and take our son out because it was going to be boring in the hospital and now I was alone with news I couldn't process. I cried a little, yeah.

11-02-2018, 08:02 PM
^^ Wtf. Fucking hospitals.

I got my eye glasses updated recently, and the one of the opticians at my eye doctor's place told me a similar story about how he suddenly had these TERRIBLE CHEST PAINS, like on the FLOOR, grabbing the floor, can't breath, etc. so his wife called 911, and the ambulance shows up, and they do an EKG in the ambulance and they say, well, it all looks fine to us. So he's in the ER, and his wife and young daughter are there, and this nurse is there, and he asks her what's going on? The ambulance guys says the EKG was fine.

And the nurse says, "No, sir, you just had a 'Widow Maker' heart attack and you may not even live through tonight" in front of his young daughter, and then walks away. Sure enough, he had emergency surgery to put in a stent in an artery, which was 90% blocked. Then, they send him home and he keeps having this TERRIBLE pain, so pin-pointed that he says he could take a Sharpie and mark exactly where the pain is, and, like, 20 ER visits, later, they keep telling him it's GERD and all kinds of other shit, until he FINALLY sees a specialist who sends him into surgery and finds a BUNCH MORE BLOCKS and inserts two more stents and now that pain went away and now he's a new man.

And they SAY our healthcare is SO GREAT!!!

Hang in there, allegate, you're a tough dude!

From what I understand, the newer blood thinners are WAY better (than the old ones like Warfarin (Coumadin), where you bleed WAY too much, plus you can't eat any green leafy veggies or even broccoli ... like Sarah K said, vitamin k levels (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-high-in-vitamin-k#section1), which green leafy veggies have lots of plus other shit you'd never suspect).

11-04-2018, 10:03 PM
So, we've managed to keep the headliner under wrap for months for this show my BFF and I are putting on. We've got a few hours left until we can announce them. We're under legal obligation to not breathe a word until midnite PST and then THIS LAME NOBODY ACT GOES AND SHARES AN UGLY FLYER WITH THE HEADLINER'S NAME ON IT. WTF!!!!!!! And, of course, he's not responding to any of my messages.

11-05-2018, 03:13 AM
Given some of the stuff on here i'm not even sure this qualify's as worth getting pissed about but here i go.

I'm renting a "studio" apartment (i use quotes as it's just a room with a kitchen and a small bathroom, but it's quite nice)in a building with 4 other studio's of varying size (mines the smallest) we all share a paid by meter washing machine in the hallway and paid by meter electric, also in the hall, and all have internet built into each room (with our own personal wifi and Ethernet for each studio)
I got home Friday to discover the internet wasn't working (i could connect with my phone and through the Ethernet on my PC, but neither had internet. My PC troubleshooter said it couldn't talk to the DNS...i'll pretend to know what that means) i reported it via our maintenance thing online (at this point i was using my phones 4G as a hotspot just to do that) but they aren't open after 5 (it was 6 by the time i got home) and not open weekends, so i've literally had no internet all weekend...which is an issue when you don't have a TV and only use streaming for your entertainment. I know everyone is having the same problem as my rooms right outside where the washing machine is and i could hear everyone complain about it. So this weekend was F.U.N :(

11-05-2018, 06:41 PM
Amazon Delivery Service. What a piss poor service! Packages left out in the rain, even though there is a covered breezeway five feet away. Driveway markers (reflectors) ran over like they were targets or something. Clueless driver parks right in front of my garage, which has our address in six inch tall numbers right over the door, and asks me what our address is (I was already in the driveway working on my car). Driver spends twenty minutes in driveway churning through a pile of boxes in his back seat and can't find my package. Almost never had problems like these with USPS, UPS, FEDEX, etc. Amazon Delivery Service is completely unprofessional.

11-05-2018, 08:36 PM
Amazon Delivery Service. What a piss poor service! Packages left out in the rain, even though there is a covered breezeway five feet away. Driveway markers (reflectors) ran over like they were targets or something. Clueless driver parks right in front of my garage, which has our address in six inch tall numbers right over the door, and asks me what our address is (I was already in the driveway working on my car). Driver spends twenty minutes in driveway churning through a pile of boxes in his back seat and can't find my package. Almost never had problems like these with USPS, UPS, FEDEX, etc. Amazon Delivery Service is completely unprofessional.

Complain. Take a photo of it and upload it. I've had the SAME thing happen to me and I uploaded photos of the morons leaving packages on the DRIVEWAY next to my van in the SNOW when I have a COVERED PORCH, and I uploaded it to every place possible (unfortunately, Amazon SUCKS with no PHONE NUMBER for customer service) but they GOT THE HINT because they never did it again, they only send me stuff via UPS and USPS now LOL. Truth.

11-06-2018, 03:02 AM
Amazon Delivery Service. What a piss poor service! Packages left out in the rain, even though there is a covered breezeway five feet away. Driveway markers (reflectors) ran over like they were targets or something. Clueless driver parks right in front of my garage, which has our address in six inch tall numbers right over the door, and asks me what our address is (I was already in the driveway working on my car). Driver spends twenty minutes in driveway churning through a pile of boxes in his back seat and can't find my package. Almost never had problems like these with USPS, UPS, FEDEX, etc. Amazon Delivery Service is completely unprofessional.

100% agree on this! I had Prime for awhile, with their promise of free next day delivery...almost everything i ordered never arrived the next day, it was always a few days later (funnily enough the same amount of time free delivery without prime was) and they'd mess up orders so much. I'd order 2 items and request them to be delivered together even if that delayed it a day, as i was in. They would then split them up so one would arrive the next day (when i wasn't home) and the other the day after...only to then NOT DELIVER the now 2 packages until 3 days later, once in the morning and again at night...

I cancelled Prime shortly after.

Sarah K
11-06-2018, 01:44 PM
TD fucking Bank.

In four years, my account information has been stolen and used no less than 10 times. This time, my account is negative. Right before winter tuition is due. It takes WEEKS for this shit to get refunded. Even though the charges are still pending, they won't lift a fucking finger until it clears. Then they "allow" you to file a dispute.

By then I will miss the deadline for winter payments... Money I've saved for this exact purpose for MONTHS now. I am so fucking pissed right now.

11-06-2018, 06:39 PM
TD fucking Bank.

In four years, my account information has been stolen and used no less than 10 times. This time, my account is negative. Right before winter tuition is due. It takes WEEKS for this shit to get refunded. Even though the charges are still pending, they won't lift a fucking finger until it clears. Then they "allow" you to file a dispute.

By then I will miss the deadline for winter payments... Money I've saved for this exact purpose for MONTHS now. I am so fucking pissed right now.

You can get a hold of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to file a complaint about the bank: www.consumerfinance.gov/
To report/track the identity theft, you can contact the Federal Trade Commission: www.identitytheft.gov

11-06-2018, 07:25 PM
Sarah K, you MUST switch banks. That one obviously really really sucks.

11-06-2018, 09:06 PM
Complain. Take a photo of it and upload it. I've had the SAME thing happen to me and I uploaded photos of the morons leaving packages on the DRIVEWAY next to my van in the SNOW when I have a COVERED PORCH, and I uploaded it to every place possible (unfortunately, Amazon SUCKS with no PHONE NUMBER for customer service) but they GOT THE HINT because they never did it again, they only send me stuff via UPS and USPS now LOL. Truth.watched a few video on you tube o people that do the delivery for amazon i forget what the service is called it the one where you use your own vehicle, anyway your timed they lump all your packages together. and you get dinged if you can't get all you packages delivered it's news paper delivery for adults. i was told pro tip don't get the prime free shipping especially high ticket items.

11-06-2018, 09:59 PM
watched a few video on you tube o people that do the delivery for amazon i forget what the service is called it the one where you use your own vehicle, anyway your timed they lump all your packages together. and you get dinged if you can't get all you packages delivered it's news paper delivery for adults. i was told pro tip don't get the prime free shipping especially high ticket items.
I’ve had Prime for many years and use it for free delivery, and I know people who work at the Kenosha fulfillment center, and it nearly always comes via UPS or USPS, now, or their own Amazon van.

They used to use these white rental vans from Enterprise around here with a contract driver bringing stuff from the Kenosha fulfillment center. I think they had WAY too many complaints about those drivers who I swear are drunk and the cost of the rental vans exceeded the discounted cost of USPS and UPS, or the new Amazon vans. When I started getting my UPS driver and postal carrier delivering my Amazon packages, again, I was like HALLELUJAH!!!

See this: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-starting-deliveries-with-amazon-branded-vans/


I’ve gotten the new service where they email you with a confirmation of the delivery plus a photo of the item delivered, which is cool. They’ve been good at hiding the items or at least putting it on my porch out of the rain etc. I also have SkyBell so I know when they arrive, etc. lol.

Sarah K
11-06-2018, 10:10 PM
I'm gonna switch banks as soon as my next round of financial aid funding comes through. Ain't trying to fuck around and get that shit delayed.

11-08-2018, 11:54 AM
Well, so I went to the dr.
It's definitely at LEAST osteoarthritis. The Dr seems to think it's probably psoriatic arthritis.
They did some bloodwork and x rays.

So I go back on Monday to find out which particular incurable degenerative joint disease I have :)

I've been playing guitar since I was 7 and I'm 38.
And I basically can't fucking play anymore, like, at all.

I can still make two finger power chord though. Maybe I should go punk rock.

11-12-2018, 10:09 AM
It’s snowing pretty hard and the roads are awful, and I’ve seen four friends who live in the area upload snapchats and Facebook videos they filmed WHILE driving. One of which was driving by and taping a car accident where a vehicle flipped on the highway.

Come on, guys. Your social media can wait. You don’t need to show off to everyone that it’s snowing and you don’t like it. It’s really okay.

11-13-2018, 02:06 PM
"reaction videos"

Space Suicide
11-13-2018, 06:08 PM
Buying something listed as "Brand New" online and having it arrive not New. Came with folded pages and sticky residue on the cover.

I'm so OCD about my books I now need to buy it full price at Barnes & Noble (which is what I should've done to begin with) for a copy that's not fucked up. So now I can eat $7.00 because the seller doesn't accept returns. Saving money buying online always results in me spending more overall. This is the 3rd book this year I've bought that isn't what I bought.

11-14-2018, 08:45 AM

Jesus fucking christ.

11-14-2018, 08:57 AM

Jesus fucking christ.

why don't people just ask for room in their cups? i don't get it. i see people do that and i'm like "...you know that's plastic that can melt, right?"

11-14-2018, 09:16 AM
why don't people just ask for room in their cups? i don't get it. i see people do that and i'm like "...you know that's plastic that can melt, right?"

The only thing I can think of is they think the barista is going to leave 5/8" room when they only want 7/16" room and that's getting shorted 3/16" of coffee. YOU CANT GET THAT BACK! So instead they just dump it into the trashcan(!!).

11-14-2018, 09:40 AM
my back has been fucked up (technically for 17 years, but more specifically at the moment) since last monday. my massage therapist mom has worked on it a little, i've been trying to stretch plenty, but i think yesterday was finally the breaking point - i had to carry heavy loads of stuff (motorized shades, tools, etc.) up 12 flights of stairs, and it took me two trips. then i went to a show last night and had to stand the whole time while also holding my big winter coat, etc. and i think my back was finally just like NOPE. so when i woke up at 6 today to get ready for work, i basically couldn't get out of bed. my wife is dogsitting for her boss so she didn't sleep here with me, and it was a monumental effort to get up and get my work phone so i could e-mail and tell them i can't come in. i can't believe i'm already having to take a sick day less than a week after starting this job. it fucking sucks.

thankfully, my chiropractor can see me at 12:15 today and hopefully realign whatever is so out of place that it has been causing me pain for over a week and now is making me basically unable to function. my only worry is that i won't be able to drive there.

11-17-2018, 12:59 PM

Jesus fucking christ.

I’m gonna expand on this a little -


Any time I change trash out at work or have to dispose of trash someone left out in the parking lot (again, swine), I have to worry about someone who dumped half a gallon of Pepsi or some shit in their trash can that’s gonna just leak all over if one tiny hole rips in the bag. How hard is it to NOT put liquids in a trash can?

11-17-2018, 06:21 PM
It's fucking freezing.
It's fucking freezing IN our suite, but this apparently only affects me for some reason.
I say goddamn.

11-18-2018, 12:50 AM
It's fucking freezing.
It's fucking freezing IN our suite, but this apparently only affects me for some reason.
I say goddamn.I have been freezing for years and I made a surprising correlation the other day - eating a full meal warms me right up. It doesn't even matter if it is a cold meal, just the fact that I gave my body something to do (process and digest food) warmed me from the inside out. I skip breakfast and lunch pretty often and found myself shivering the entire day until dinner now that it's colder. Ate a full breakfast and lunch the next day and was toasty the whole time. Give it a shot!

11-18-2018, 10:27 AM
I’m gonna expand on this a little -


Any time I change trash out at work or have to dispose of trash someone left out in the parking lot (again, swine), I have to worry about someone who dumped half a gallon of Pepsi or some shit in their trash can that’s gonna just leak all over if one tiny hole rips in the bag. How hard is it to NOT put liquids in a trash can?

I'll co-sign the fuck outta this. Even more disgusting than having trash water drip (or worse: pour) from a ripped bag is the smell of Pespi that has baked in a hot trashcan in July. I can't even describe it other than it will make you nearly vomit.

11-19-2018, 03:58 AM
Not having internet. Not having internet that is covered and maintained by your landlord because i can't sort it myself, i have to wait for him to sort it...and he has been dragging his heels for weeks!

I have noticed however that my mobile when teetered via USB has almost 4x the speed of the internet supplied?! between 6-7mps on Ethernet cable to landline internet vs 35-45mps via my freaking phone?! Sorry what!?

11-20-2018, 04:45 PM
This week, in my country, there was controversy all over social media because of a black youtuber.

The guy was asking for money from his followers so he could fix his very (especially in my country) very very expensive Apple laptop.

Fixing its screen would cost the same as a very good PC which could process any videos/run any editor just fine.

He claimed he wanted that Apple computer so he wouldn't be in disadvantage in comparsion to white people.

I'm white and I'm not even close from being able to getting a laptop like that in the first place. The same for probably 90% of the rest of the white population in here.

People were all like "What the fuck is this guy saying?". Even the black community reacted badly to his pathetic behavior.

His reaction? He said he got this negative reaction because people are racist (including black people). No you idiot! You're a fucking spoiled kid who's traveled the whole world and are now exploiting your stupid fanbase so you don't have to pay for your luxuries!

I know this is a touch-y subject in here but I'm sick of this kind of thing. I'm an atheist, I'm pro-abortion and I really dislike religion but I simply can't stand this other side of the spectrum either. Each day I realize something very important: I'm not from this world.

11-21-2018, 12:33 PM
After being an idiot and keeping all of my savings in cash (well, savings account) for way too long, I basically did a lump sum dump into investments.

In late September.

I've lost 10% of my life savings in the last six weeks thanks to this market slide. Yes, I know I'll get it back at some point. But I can't help but think "what if I'd just waited two more months". Even if it still slides, I would have lost so much less. FML.

Halo Infinity
11-21-2018, 10:22 PM
I'm sure this never gets old for most people.

When people insist that you listen to them, but they too just always want to get the last word and ignore what you're trying to say, even when you can actually back up and fact-check your points.

Or when people tell you to let them finish, yet also keep cutting you off and talking over you every single time you get an actual chance to speak up. And at the very worst, go as far as to put words in your mouth.

Oh, and should you do the very same exact thing to them, they hate it, get pissed off and offended/irritated, and it's absolutely wrong, but when they do it to you, it's always okay, just fine, or even right.

It just makes me want to leave and make time for myself with peace and quiet, and also reminds me not to open up more cans of worms, especially if such arguments could be prevented and/or avoided.

11-22-2018, 01:56 PM
WTF is going on with Apple and their constant updates to MacOS? I swear I have to update my laptop 2-3 times per week and its driving me nuts. I miss the days when updates were months apart from one another....

11-22-2018, 08:11 PM
WTF is going on with Apple and their constant updates to MacOS? I swear I have to update my laptop 2-3 times per week and its driving me nuts. I miss the days when updates were months apart from one another....When I started noticing that, started calling them Crapple. Although I do want to upgrade Mohave.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

11-23-2018, 03:17 AM
After nearly a month of no internet at home i might, might, be getting it back next week...i'm not holding my breathe.

11-25-2018, 04:52 AM
Once I met this local rapper at a bar and we talked about making music together. It never happened, but we became Facebook friends and have kept in touch and he SEEMED like a good dude. We've been friendly for years.
Well night before last, he posted some shit about hemp oil on Facebook. I posted asking if it had thc.
He immediately messaged me and told me he was gonna bring me some of it, supposedly for free. I'm sick as fuck and and not trying to have anyone come by and such. But he was REALLY aggressive about it and started a Messenger chat with me and some other dude. The other dude immediately.sent me a friend request, and the two of them were like tag teaming me trying to get me to accept this shit.
I kept saying "no, it's cool, maybe another time." like I was just curious about it. I don't give a fuck about it tbh.
That was bad enough. But THEN, yesterday afternoon, he LITERALLY sent me a message that said "Hey man, do you have any money."
And then it said something like "I can get you a bottle of hemp oil for just $30!" And THEN, he sent me one of those fucking payment requests, where you can request money and people can pay you through Messenger.
I wrote "hahaha, nah man."

Jesus. This motherfucker here. What does that old OutKast skit say?

"You can go on and keep that...yeah, I'll holler at you. Don't holler at.me.no more."

Edit: and this isn't some gutter type of dude. he's always well dressed and drives a nice car. Shit, he seems to be better off than me.
I was THINKING about being like "goddamn, dude, do you need to like BORROW $30 or what?"

11-25-2018, 09:07 AM
Man, i got this new roomate and he's really getting on my nerves, specially when he brings his girl for fucking, i know he lives here, but geez...

11-26-2018, 07:40 AM
My Thanksgiving “vacation” was anything but and the day I get home there’s a goddamn blizzard that took my power out so my day off to recover/grocery shop/do laundry turned into just going to work.

I’m pissed but not surprised. This is just my luck.

11-26-2018, 10:00 AM

when you’re expecting this drink and instead you end up with hot coconut milk & eggnog �� and no chai. my wife's london fog latte (steamed soymilk with two earl grey teabags) also came with regular milk andone english breakfast teabag. given that it was thanksgiving i wasn't going to go back and complain, but i wrote in to customer service and they gave me a free $15 credit! so i guess this story has a happy ending.

11-26-2018, 10:44 AM

when you’re expecting this drink and instead you end up with hot coconut milk & eggnog �� and no chai. my wife's london fog latte (steamed soymilk with two earl grey teabags) also came with regular milk andone english breakfast teabag. given that it was thanksgiving i wasn't going to go back and complain, but i wrote in to customer service and they gave me a free $15 credit! so i guess this story has a happy ending.

I normally find writing a nice email/letter to a customer service normally ends up with a happy ending. Even if your not complaining, i once wrte to Brixton Academy (a London Music Venue) after a gig to thank them for their help when my GF at the time (faked but not to my knowledge) a back injury, and they gave me free tickets to any show of my choosing for that year, which was unexpected but really nice of them! I didn't end up using it though, it was a...difficult year.

11-27-2018, 01:40 PM
“Man, I’m glad that person has a loud song set as their phone’s ringtone so that I get to hear it every time they get a phone call.”

-Nobody, ever

He even had it set to “Wish” by NIN for a while. That ruined that song for me for 6 months. Hearing the same 15 seconds of that song again, and again, and again...

11-28-2018, 02:42 AM
“Man, I’m glad that person has a loud song set as their phone’s ringtone so that I get to hear it every time they get a phone call.”

-Nobody, ever

He even had it set to “Wish” by NIN for a while. That ruined that song for me for 6 months. Hearing the same 15 seconds of that song again, and again, and again...

You should work in my office, The Smiths, The Stokes, Kings of Leon and even Gary Barlow are ringtones that go off daily and haven't been changed in YEARS. In contrast mines the theme from the original Doom game...but my phone never rings so nobody even knows (it once rang and i forgot what my ringtone was so didn't know it was me!)

11-28-2018, 02:48 AM
So it was pissing it down yesterday so instead of walking the 50mins from Kings Cross to London Bridge i got the tube...and was reminded why i don't get the tube...PEOPLE!

First there's the idiots who when standing in the doorway when the doors open DON'T MOVE. Step off the train and let people off you fucking twat, don't just stand in the way because you don't want to move!

And second the people who will walk up too the exit gates and THEN stand there rooting there bag for their ticket. Yes please hold up one of the few open gates for the 100's of people trying to get home because YOU are SO IMPORTANT that YOU need to stand IN EVERYONE'S WAY WHILE YOU FIND YOUR TICKET. Definitely don't stand to the side while you find your ticket then que to get out, no that would be stupid!

11-28-2018, 05:52 AM
You should work in my office, The Smiths, The Stokes, Kings of Leon and even Gary Barlow are ringtones that go off daily and haven't been changed in YEARS. In contrast mines the theme from the original Doom game...but my phone never rings so nobody even knows (it once rang and i forgot what my ringtone was so didn't know it was me!)

Y’all hiring? Willing to relocate. :D

11-30-2018, 03:17 PM
Man, i got this new roomate and he's really getting on my nerves, specially when he brings his girl for fucking, i know he lives here, but geez...
Ask if you can participate in the fucking maybe?
Maybe that would take the edge off, and, plus, it would be a great way to sort of break the ice and get to know each other better.

11-30-2018, 07:43 PM
Ask if you can participate in the fucking maybe?
Maybe that would take the edge off, and, plus, it would be a great way to sort of break the ice and get to know each other better.
*insert Fry face*
Not sure if joking or serious...

Hey man thanks for the advice, i do need to get some, but i'm old fashioned that way... not angry because they are having sex, i just wish they wouldn't wake me up.
The walls where i live are so thin, so i can hear everything, also i never had a roommate in my life, so i guess that doesn't help either.

But maybe i should get a partner of my own? so we can make it a "competition"? (man i'm not even sure if i'm joking or not, lol...)

11-30-2018, 10:34 PM
Hahaha henryeatscereal , and yes , I was joking.

11-30-2018, 11:07 PM
@henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) I dunno... It's not really their fault the walls are thin, unless they're being over the top loud with the sex, or if they're going at it at crazy times of night.

Anyway, to join in the holiday complaints, Thanksgiving w/ the fam was fucking laaaaaaaaame, and... y'know what, fuck it, it was so weird it's probably just best to leave it at that.

12-01-2018, 12:22 AM
@henryeatscereal (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1572) I dunno... It's not really their fault the walls are thin, unless they're being over the top loud with the sex, or if they're going at it at crazy times of night.

I agree, it's not their fault, still it pisses me off, lol

As i said, maybe i got too used up to be alone all the time, that it's both odd and annoying to me to listen to actual people have sex.
But i'm trying to be more tolerant, i do like my friends, but living with people is harder than i thought...

12-01-2018, 01:51 AM
Closing all my application windows, blowing out my candle, turning off the light, taking the water to the fridge, refilling the cup in the corner for the cats to drink from, crawling into bed, and the fire alarm goes off.

And then a half hour later the power trips and my UPS throws a hissy fit telling me (I think) to replace the battery. Certainly not what I needed.

Oh, even better... turns out that a vehicle drove into a transmission tower close-ish by... that would explain that a bit more.

12-02-2018, 10:39 AM
An old friend/girl I was briefly romantically involved with has recently been in touch with me again. It’s been alright, and even a little like old times, but the thing that struck me as odd is that she never wanted to give me her phone number or be friends on any form of social media, so we’ve been talking exclusively through Snapchat - which, for those who don’t know, doesn’t save messages and deletes them as soon as you navigate away from the chat screen. Very useful for conversations you want to hide. Needless to say, that was a huge red flag to me from the get-go. So eventually I had to ask her why she was so resistant to talking anywhere but Snapchat, not even in person. She got mad and didn’t talk to me for a week, until last night when she asked “are you done being mad at me or whatever?” I told her “I was never mad. I’m just sketched out by you avoiding absolutely every form of communication outside of temporary Snapchat messages.” And she starts saying how I wouldn’t understand and it’s complicated and whatnot. You see where this is going.

Turns out she’s married, but is in the process of getting a divorce. It isn’t really much of a surprise because I’ve had a hunch that something was going on or someone else was in the picture most of the time we’ve been talking again, but damn. Don’t make someone out to be the bad guy for asking questions when you’re hiding the fact that you’re married. This is the reason I can’t stand the cliche expression “ask no questions, hear no lies.” I cooould not ask questions, or you could just...I dunno, NOT LIE about something like that. Hiding behind that phrase is unfair and deflective as hell. You’re not a character from a daytime soap opera, you’re not “veiling a mysterious and dark past” or something. This is real life with real people in it. Don’t put someone else on the spot for the sake of covering your own tracks. That’s not something someone you’re “talking to” should just shrug off and ignore for the sake of saving face. You aren’t absolved from being less than honest to me just because I had a hunch that you were. Not how that works.

So, things are pretty much done there. I told her I wasn’t mad, but that she could’ve just communicated that to me instead of leading on that she was single and wanted to get involved again, then being unjustly angry when I had questions. I’m not gonna cut her out of my life or anything, but being anything more than friends is pretty much off the table for me. :/ Even if she does get a divorce, now I have no reason to think that if we WERE to get together, she wouldn’t do the same thing to me with someone else. I don’t feel like I’m in the wrong for concerning myself with that and removing myself from that situation.

Be up front with people, y’all. We ain’t kids in school anymore.

Edit: Also, being called to work six times within 24 hours for six different “emergencies” is becoming extremely frustrating. It’s like these people wait until I’m sitting in front of my food to call something in.

Double edit: Make that seven times. So ready to be able to get out of this hell hole.

12-02-2018, 02:32 PM

12-03-2018, 03:22 AM
Ok so a couple of years ago, we got this BAD ASS preacher at the first Christian church in the little town where I live. He's my age, 38. He's cool as SHIT and is utterly against being judgemental towards others. Like me, he's not THAT kind of Christian.
He and I became fast friends and even started a casual dress evening service wherein he preaches and i play guitar.
It's been awesome. He's my ONLY friend in the little town where I live, and I'm the only person he hangs out with outside of his professional life.

We hadn't had a preacher for like 2 years and had been desperately searching. I'd stopped going to church: I just wasn't feeling it. Different people tried to preach, but they just didn't have IT.

So we finally get this guy, from Cali. Everyone loves him. For the record, I feel like 99% of preachers are full of shit- most of them are akin to used car salesmen. This dude is the best, purest, most loving preacher I've ever heard, EVER, anywhere.

But the fucking church didn't pay him enough. I was already pissed about that: we went out to eat for his birthday awhile back and went to grab a couple of things from the store. That's when I noticed he had a food stamp card. This guy, he works his ASS off. He's salaried. He visits shut ins. He does all kinds of community outreach, like, WAY above and beyond the call of duty. And they don't pay him enough to feed his family.

I knew this was coming the day I saw that food stamp card.

He's taking a job in New Mexico; he's leaving at the end of the month.

I'm fucking embarrassed by our church and our town. Where I live, everyone is conservative as fuck. They're judgemental. They judge ME. And they're all fucking "holier than thou."
But they don't bother going to church. (If these "right wing christians" DID go to church, maybe they'd donate a little bread and our minister/my only friend in town wouldn't be having to move.)

I wonder how long it will take before we get another minister. And I wonder if he will be a judgemental asshole? I HOPE not, but it sure wouldn't surprise me.

SO, after Jan 2, I'm losing my spiritual guide and my ONLY rl friend in Stratford. I doubt the evening service will continue.
And this town is losing the most incredible minister it's ever had.

And it's all because the church won't pay him a liveable wage.

12-03-2018, 08:24 AM
The phrase "We stan a ___________"

Say that shit out loud and tell me it doesn't sound dumb. I pride myself on being on board with TONS of modern phrases about spilling tea and shit being lit fam, but say that phrase out loud and tell me you don't sound dumb.

12-03-2018, 09:44 AM
The phrase "We stan a ___________"

Say that shit out loud and tell me it doesn't sound dumb. I pride myself on being on board with TONS of modern phrases about spilling tea and shit being lit fam, but say that phrase out loud and tell me you don't sound dumb.
What the fuck?
Yeah, I'm behind the times.

I've got one that annoys the shit out of me : "stylee" as an adjective.
As in "wow, that run was very stylee ," which is something I heard a lot coming from supposedly high quality commentators calling snowboarding and ski runs.

Are we just getting old?

12-03-2018, 10:40 AM
What the hell does "We stan a " mean? lol

Sarah K
12-03-2018, 10:58 AM
It is in reference to the Eminem song. Obsessive fans.


12-03-2018, 04:43 PM
Flagstar bank

12-04-2018, 08:46 AM
Chode 1: “Was she Indian?”

Chode 2: ”Uhhh, I dunno, could be?”

Chode 1: “Like, dot or feather?”

Fucking Christ, guys.

12-04-2018, 03:40 PM
Chode 1: “Was she Indian?”

Chode 2: ”Uhhh, I dunno, could be?”

Chode 1: “Like, dot or feather?”

Fucking Christ, guys.

one of the guys at my last job (who i actually mostly liked) is british culturally, but one of his parents is icelandic and the other is indian. in his words, "dot, not feather." really threw me when he said that.

12-04-2018, 09:15 PM
one of the guys at my last job (who i actually mostly liked) is british culturally, but one of his parents is icelandic and the other is indian. in his words, "dot, not feather." really threw me when he said that.
Idk though dude. It's ok, I think, for people to make such jokes about THEMSELVES. my best friend growing up, Vineet, he used to dance around like Dhalsim from street fighter when we were playing basketball and shit like that fairly regularly. I didn't lose respect for him; rather, it cracked me up.

12-05-2018, 09:04 AM
My job...ggrrrrrrr. No one wants to take the lead, and tends to stand in their corner. I finally stand up for myself and say something yesterday, and everyone gets all defensive and now I end up looking like the asshole. No one has balls here and it's so frustrating.

Sarah K
12-05-2018, 09:30 AM
Group projects - even in grad school. I falsely assumed that at this level, everyone would be super invested and would follow through on what they said they were going to do. This is a competitive environment in a selective program. Get the fuck out if you don't care, because you're taking a seat from someone who does.

One of my group members has openly said that she does not care about this degree or program, and is only there because NYPD gives her a year off to complete it, and she just had a baby. However, she will be forced to take FIVE grad level courses next semester - she would have more free time if she was working. Five classes is WAY more hours of work than a full time job.

12-05-2018, 09:53 AM
What's the degree?

Sarah K
12-05-2018, 11:20 AM
M.S. in Policy.

12-05-2018, 11:53 AM
Chode 1: “Was she Indian?”

Chode 2: ”Uhhh, I dunno, could be?”

Chode 1: “Like, dot or feather?”

Fucking Christ, guys.

My future mother-in-law did something similar last year. She said something about an Indian person, then clarified by saying "not those Indians, but...you know....[fans one hand out behind her head and makes whooping noises with her other hand]"

EVERY single person in the room, without hesitating, jumped on her immediately. This is why I love the people I'll be related to someday. They are not afraid to call people out - even their own parents - when they hear something like that.

12-05-2018, 12:05 PM
I'm 99% sure I got scammed by u/Newbix_ (https://www.reddit.com/user/Newbix_) in my unchecked excitement over getting a PM from them in regards to my request in r/nin for a 9/18 ticket stub. They responded and said they had two tickets since they were unable to attend after something came up last minute and asked me to make an offer. I threw out $20 and they accepted, so I asked if it'd be through PayPal. They said their account was still in the process of being validated so they could only accept through Cash App which is a Square app that only allows debit transactions.

Stupidly, I went forward with it and sent the $20 to their provided tag on Monday. They confirmed receipt and asked for my shipping address which I provided. It was only then that I actually viewed their post history and realized what a shady shitshow of a user they are. It was 100% my own fault and thankfully only $20, but I fully expect to never receive the ticket. I messaged again yesterday at around 5pm MT asking when it would be in the mail and they said today since it's their day off. They've been active on Reddit but haven't responded since and I don't think they will.


Since it's debit, Cash App has no recourse apart from requesting a refund, and my bank can't do anything either. I'm mostly pissed at myself for letting my desire for a hard ticket stub to the 9/18 show cloud my otherwise sound judgement. Idiot.

12-05-2018, 12:30 PM
I'm 99% sure I got scammed by u/Newbix_ (https://www.reddit.com/user/Newbix_) in my unchecked excitement over getting a PM from them in regards to my request in r/nin for a 9/18 ticket stub. They responded and said they had two tickets since they were unable to attend after something came up last minute and asked me to make an offer. I threw out $20 and they accepted, so I asked if it'd be through PayPal. They said their account was still in the process of being validated so they could only accept through Cash App which is a Square app that only allows debit transactions.

Stupidly, I went forward with it and sent the $20 to their provided tag on Monday. They confirmed receipt and asked for my shipping address which I provided. It was only then that I actually viewed their post history and realized what a shady shitshow of a user they are. It was 100% my own fault and thankfully only $20, but I fully expect to never receive the ticket. I messaged again yesterday at around 5pm MT asking when it would be in the mail and they said today since it's their day off. They've been active on Reddit but haven't responded since and I don't think they will.


Since it's debit, Cash App has no recourse apart from requesting a refund, and my bank can't do anything either. I'm mostly pissed at myself for letting my desire for a hard ticket stub to the 9/18 show cloud my otherwise sound judgement. Idiot.

That’s extremely shitty. Hopefully they’re being genuine and just being held up for whatever reason, who knows, but still.

That being said, if you had to get the two together, only need one, AND manage to actually receive both, I’d probably be willing to throw $20 your way just for the other one. ;D I’m sure someday I’ll stumble across one, but it’s crazy that 9/19 tickets appear left and right but no one seems to wanna part with a 9/18. Probably has to do with TPD being played for the first time, or maybe it’s just by chance. Someday I’ll manage to snag a 9/18! I’m pretty sure it’s the only stub I still need, maybe Chicago N1, too if I remember right.

12-05-2018, 12:47 PM
That’s extremely shitty. Hopefully they’re being genuine and just being held up for whatever reason, who knows, but still.

That being said, if you had to get the two together, only need one, AND manage to actually receive both, I’d probably be willing to throw $20 your way just for the other one. ;D I’m sure someday I’ll stumble across one, but it’s crazy that 9/19 tickets appear left and right but no one seems to wanna part with a 9/18. Probably has to do with TPD being played for the first time, or maybe it’s just by chance. Someday I’ll manage to snag a 9/18! I’m pretty sure it’s the only stub I still need, maybe Chicago N1, too if I remember right.
I'll definitely let you know if I end up getting both stubs. Sigh. I'm so fucking pissed at myself for not stopping and thinking a minute. The fact Cash App is debit-only should've been enough for me to be like, "NAH SON" but no. FUCK.

12-05-2018, 12:58 PM
I'll definitely let you know if I end up getting both stubs. Sigh. I'm so fucking pissed at myself for not stopping and thinking a minute. The fact Cash App is debit-only should've been enough for me to be like, "NAH SON" but no. FUCK.

Bruuuh, that would be awesome! I’ve been paranoid about having the same issues as I’ve recently gotten into eBay shopping, though. eBay seems like they’re on top of their shit for the most part when it comes to handling auctions and transaction issues, but I’ve heard so many horror stories about deals going bad and people getting ripped off that I’m worried it’s just a matter of time for me. People can be scum lords sometimes. Always gonna be at least one person out there who wants to ruin the party for everyone.

12-05-2018, 01:16 PM
Bruuuh, that would be awesome! I’ve been paranoid about having the same issues as I’ve recently gotten into eBay shopping, though. eBay seems like they’re on top of their shit for the most part when it comes to handling auctions and transaction issues, but I’ve heard so many horror stories about deals going bad and people getting ripped off that I’m worried it’s just a matter of time for me. People can be scum lords sometimes. Always gonna be at least one person out there who wants to ruin the party for everyone.
So true, but for what it's worth, I've been using eBay since 2000 and have never had an issue like this that I recall. And if I did, payment was sent through PayPal so I was covered entirely. That's the beauty of PayPal (really, the only good thing about it)...if you get scammed, they'll refund you pretty much no questions asked. Of course, that also sets sellers up for being ripped off by unscrupulous buyers but if you just don't do what I did and stop and think, research the item, listing, and seller a bit before handing over your money, you should be fine. Avoid brand new sellers/sellers with very few feedback ratings and you shouldn't encounter any issues.

Back to Reddit for a second: I sold my Schiit Fulla 2 DAC/amp and HIFIMAN HE-400i headphones to a single buyer on Reddit a few weeks back and it couldn't have gone smoother. Buyer paid immediately through PayPal and communicated upon delivery that everything worked and sounded awesome. I think that also lulled me a bit with that Newbix_ twat.

12-06-2018, 08:15 AM
So my landlord finally get the internet sorted after it being out a month, and what happens next...i have a rat!

Now my rooms a small studio, and i can hear the damn thing behind the non movable kitchenette every few days (i have 3 anti pest plugs so i have a feeling they are keeping it from coming out from behind that...it definitely hasn't been chewing through my things or into my food, i checked all those this weekend) and since i logged it with the letting agency last Thursday who have contacted the landlord i have had...nothing. The silence if deafening!

12-06-2018, 08:26 PM

12-07-2018, 10:02 AM
At least you don't have to deal with this: https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9ut2qi/roommates_keep_drowning_each_other_in_our_kitchen/
Oh man! that's fucked up! I'm glad they are not that kind of couple!

12-07-2018, 10:32 AM
That's crazy, I would move out.

12-07-2018, 11:58 AM
My grown-ass boss is a tall white dude with giant dreads. They frequently snap off, at work or wherever he happens to be. He pulled a 6-inch chunk of his broken dread out of his pocket this morning and goes “Oh dude, this snapped off the other day and I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it.”

Your ass has just been either A) carrying around a broken dread in the same pair of pants for three days straight, or B) CHANGING PANTS every day and CHOOSING to grab your dread and carry it around in your pocket with you? Like at work? What, for luck, like some kind of smelly-ass rabbit’s foot? It isn’t enough that we just have to deal with finding chunks of your hair at work? You don’t have any concern that you might leave one in someone’s apartment? Do you not know how fucking gross that is if someone comes home and just finds a chunk of YOUR hair on the floor?

12-07-2018, 01:56 PM
My grown-ass boss is a tall white dude with giant dreads. They frequently snap off, at work or wherever he happens to be. He pulled a 6-inch chunk of his broken dread out of his pocket this morning and goes “Oh dude, this snapped off the other day and I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it.”

Your ass has just been either A) carrying around a broken dread in the same pair of pants for three days straight, or B) CHANGING PANTS every day and CHOOSING to grab your dread and carry it around in your pocket with you? Like at work? What, for luck, like some kind of smelly-ass rabbit’s foot? It isn’t enough that we just have to deal with finding chunks of your hair at work? You don’t have any concern that you might leave one in someone’s apartment? Do you not know how fucking gross that is if someone comes home and just finds a chunk of YOUR hair on the floor?
HAHAHAHA does he reek of patchouli, too?

12-07-2018, 02:20 PM
Ugh, that's gross!

12-08-2018, 08:47 AM
I swear to god, diced tomatoes with green chilies used to come in 15 oz cans. Now all I can find are 10oz cans. Doesn't help when the recipe calls for 45 ounces.

What's worse is that now I can't tell if I'm just losing my damn mind and I've been making the recipe wrong this whole time, but I swear to god, those cans used to be 15 ounces. It's driving me absolutely insane.

12-08-2018, 01:40 PM
I swear to god, diced tomatoes with green chilies used to come in 15 oz cans. Now all I can find are 10oz cans. Doesn't help when the recipe calls for 45 ounces.

What's worse is that now I can't tell if I'm just losing my damn mind and I've been making the recipe wrong this whole time, but I swear to god, those cans used to be 15 ounces. It's driving me absolutely insane.

You're not crazy. Not about this, anyways. Seriously though, packaged portion sizes having been shrinking and food prices have either stayed the same or increased. There is a super long list of factors involved as to why, a lot of them related to rate of consumption vs economic sustainability, most of which is basically just a bullshit excuse to get more money from your wallet.

12-08-2018, 09:39 PM
I swear to god, diced tomatoes with green chilies used to come in 15 oz cans. Now all I can find are 10oz cans. Doesn't help when the recipe calls for 45 ounces.

What's worse is that now I can't tell if I'm just losing my damn mind and I've been making the recipe wrong this whole time, but I swear to god, those cans used to be 15 ounces. It's driving me absolutely insane.

Ro-Tel brand used to come in 15-oz cans. Some stores still sell the larger Ro-Tel 28-oz cans. Del Monte and other brands sell 14.5-oz cans. I use Del Monte’s to make slow cooker Sante Fe chicken.

12-09-2018, 04:04 AM
Not necessarily something that pissed me off, but -

Jump back 3-4 months, and I’m high as shit playing Xbox in my apartment when there’s a knock on my door at like 11 o’clock at night. It was my crazy-cute neighbor from a couple of apartments down, coming to my door to let me know I’d left my headlights on. I was caught off guard and mildly inebriated, expecting it to either be a family member dropping by or pretty much any of my other neighbors. I was like “oh shit, thanks! I’ll get that in a sec. You saved me from having to get a jump for sure,” she just smiled and said “no problem” and went back to her apartment, and that was that.

Jump back to tonight, around 3 am, and I woke up for some reason. Took the dog out for a walk, and couldn’t help but notice that HER headlights were left on. I walked around a bit, not wanting to bother anyone at 3 am, but after about 20 minutes we came back and they were still on. Lights were all on in her apartment through the window, so I thought...what the hell? I’ll give it a little knock, and if no one answers then no big deal. Not trying to bother anyone or wake anybody up. So I’m nervous as hell, anxious about how it’s gonna look, standing there in the dark, when the patio light comes on, aaand...another guy opens her door. He was cool and said thanks and have a good night n shit, but...blah. I was kinda hoping I’d speak with her. Not that I have any reason to think anything would happen by any means, and I’m not about to be presumptuous for a number of reasons. I’m just not great when it comes to things like that and wanted to say something like “hey, this, and also sorry for being a stoned a-hole last time when you helped me. I’m Branson, by the way, have a good night.” I dunno, have a funny way of returning the favor, right?

Glad her headlights got shut off, but bleh. The guy answering just killed the vibe for me, hah. I shouldn’t give a damn, and I really don’t after it’s all said and done, but for a second there it seemed like it was a good idea. Bummer. Oh well! Back to bed I s’pose.

12-09-2018, 05:19 AM
No water in my house since yesterday, happened once before but back then it was really cold, don't know what's wrong now, things inside drilled well (my own) look OK, power is OK... and of course I had washing machine running at the time, so what else than put wet things out and let them dry. Nearest mall is 2 km away and I have no money anyway right now (payment should come tomorrow I hope), so yesterday and today I just walked 3 km, 300 meters climb to a well in the forest, good thing that I walk around the forests here often so I know it's there (picture). On wet (it is raining) footpaths destroyed by rampant tree harvesting which is going on just everywhere in this country like there is no tommorrow. And this place was empty and quiet when I bought the property and now it's just a building site with noise all the time and people walking below and staring into windows. And I'm constantly out of money and house will really be mine in 2036. And I'm fucking alone for everything and sometimes, like now, I'm just thinking about giving up, sell everything, quit job, and go disappear with some money to enjoy few nice days and then kill myself. I quit drinking almost 3 years ago, and what do I have now. I wanted to record some music, but for whom, nobody listens to music anymore. What I got from the things I wrote or recorded before? And the one woman I love so much is right now on holiday... with her husband. ;-) Haha... just kill me already.

http://jyxo.info/uploads/tn/8A/8a6c9216e308dec18e24ffee51ac3527b8bb1a0b.jpg (http://jyxo.info/uploads/8A/8a6c9216e308dec18e24ffee51ac3527b8bb1a0b.jpg)

(edit: yeah self-pity is silly, this will pass)

12-09-2018, 06:21 AM
Ro-Tel brand used to come in 15-oz cans. Some stores still sell the larger Ro-Tel 28-oz cans. Del Monte and other brands sell 14.5-oz cans. I use Del Monte’s to make slow cooker Sante Fe chicken.

I don't think there's a single store here that sells Del Monte. All I can find are Rotel, store brand (which I swear to christ were also 14.5), and sometimes Hunts. I think I've seen the 28s at one store, but that still doesn't help for a recipe that calls for 45oz. It gets me closer (pair it with two 10s, I guess). But I'm a stickler for using the right numbers when it comes to the kitchen, even when I'm not baking (which is when numbers really do need to be spot-on).

12-09-2018, 10:15 AM
45 Oz ... that’s a whole lotta tomatoes

My cupboard currently has a bunch of cans of diced Contadina tomatoes, 14.5 ounces (must’ve been on sale). Jewel (Safeway) and Mariano’s (Kroger) stores here in Chicagoland sell that brand.

I hate it when recipes call for 2 Tb of tomato paste. I used to use a portion of a small can of it and throw out the rest until I found tubes of tomato paste.

12-09-2018, 12:35 PM
I swear to god, diced tomatoes with green chilies used to come in 15 oz cans. Now all I can find are 10oz cans. Doesn't help when the recipe calls for 45 ounces.

What's worse is that now I can't tell if I'm just losing my damn mind and I've been making the recipe wrong this whole time, but I swear to god, those cans used to be 15 ounces. It's driving me absolutely insane.

Hmm, maybe this is a Berenstein Bears type of situation?

12-09-2018, 12:51 PM
Hmm, maybe this is a Berenstein Bears type of situation?

I keep wondering if it's the Mandella Effect at play. But I feel like my recipes would've been coming out like shit if one of five ingredients had been completely wrong. And it's also something that I've been doing actively for the last couple years, so it's not like "I swear, 20 years ago, this was different". I literally just made it a couple weeks ago too, using cans I still had in my cupboards from the last time I stocked up. If only I hadn't recycled them already, I could've dug through to check them out.

45 Oz ... that’s a whole lotta tomatoes

My cupboard currently has a bunch of cans of diced Contadina tomatoes, 14.5 ounces (must’ve been on sale). Jewel (Safeway) and Mariano’s (Kroger) stores here in Chicagoland sell that brand.

I hate it when recipes call for 2 Tb of tomato paste. I used to use a portion of a small can of it and throw out the rest until I found tubes of tomato paste.

All the diced tomatoes except the ones with chilies are still 14.5oz here. It's only the ones with the chilies that are smaller.

And I just did a 2Tbsp tomato paste recipe today. I did the same thing - at 39 cents a can, I'm using what I need and chucking the rest. Gotta look for those tubes!!

12-10-2018, 07:29 AM
theimage13 i feel like trader joes has fire roasted tomatoes with chiles in a 14.5oz can, but i don't know if there are any around you.

12-10-2018, 11:45 AM
I swear to god, diced tomatoes with green chilies used to come in 15 oz cans. Now all I can find are 10oz cans. Doesn't help when the recipe calls for 45 ounces.

What's worse is that now I can't tell if I'm just losing my damn mind and I've been making the recipe wrong this whole time, but I swear to god, those cans used to be 15 ounces. It's driving me absolutely insane.

You're def not losing your mind. Those are my fav.

12-11-2018, 03:41 AM
Gettin’ really tired of the ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ “controversy.” Mainly because if you’re like me and couldn’t have a more indifferent feeling toward the song, that gets perceived as seething and misguided hatred somehow?


Is it at all possible, just maybe...that I just don’t have a strong feeling one way or another about...one particular Christmas song? Is that so unacceptable? I can’t just “like” a good majority of them and not care for others, I have to ABSOLUTELY LOVE or ABSOLUTELY HATE them all? :/

12-11-2018, 05:23 AM
I'm already getting tired of christmas songs...but then i hate them all...and christmas in general ( i have to have 2 weeks off due to office shut down and i spend a few days with my pretty racist family and then spend the rest of the time alone as everyone else i know are enjoying their family's company...it can get pretty isolating/depressing) I'd honestly rather be working.

12-11-2018, 10:37 AM
Ring Pro video doorbell. This is day 33 and up until yesterday, problems were frustrating but minimal. It often loses connection the Chime Pro for whatever reason and then needs to be reconnected by resetting the doorbell because WiFi is such a new technology that you can't just drop a connection and pick it back up yet. Hopefully in the next decade or two. Anyway, because of the placement of the doorbell wires, there's maybe 1/2" space between the side of the Ring and the brick column it's next to, so I have to take off the faceplate and then use a really small Allen wrench to trip the reset button. It's extremely annoying and these issues requiring a rest only seem to happen after dark.

Last night, something really weird happened: the Ring just shut off and couldn't be turned back on no matter what. After some searching, someone on Youtube had the same issue and ultimately, you have to remove the faceplate, remove the doorbell from wherever it's attached, and then unscrew either of the wires and reattach it. I did this (after turning off what I thought was the fuse for the entire front of the house but apparently doesn't include the doorbell) and the stupidly tiny security screw that keeps the faceplate locked on fell into the mulch next to the front door of course, but the Ring did reconnect immediately.

It's bad enough that the night vision camera is completely worthless--it doesn't even pick me up when I'm standing directly in front of it less than 3 feet away, moving frantically--but now I have to worry about it not only dropping connection to the network because WiFi is so tricky and unreliable but it also deciding at any time that more than enough electrical current is suddenly not enough to power it any longer? What a piece of shit.

I would not recommend a Ring doorbell of any variety to anyone for any reason.

12-11-2018, 01:18 PM
Ring Pro video doorbell.
Whoa man that sucks.

FWIW we have had a SkyBell HD for about a year and we LOVE it. We had a bit of trouble with it for a few weeks, initially, but I called customer service and they updated the firmware remotely and it’s been flawless ever since. We use an Apple Extreme wireless router that’s pretty far away from the front door (in the basement), so we also have an Airport Express in the living room that bumps it up to what SkyBell deems “fair” which is average for most users. It works great with our Apple watches, too.

The freakiest part was in the summer, when my phone would make that distinctive “BrrrrrEEEEEENG” sound meaning the SkyBell detected movement ... and it was, like, THREE A.M. I’d be like OMG then I’d look at the porch, nothing.

Then I’d look at the recorded footage AT A SPIDER CRAWLING ACROSS THE CAMERA omg lol. Happened all friggin’ summer.

The power supply IS an important issue with these doorbell cameras, though. It's why we had ours professionally installed with our security system. I had NO idea if the power supply to our old doorbell (house was built in 1956) was adequate (it was), but if you look this up online the power supply issue is HUGE. (You should also be able to control the camera sensitivity as well as the night vision sensitivity in your phone app.)

Ring has tests in its app (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T46kjswjXs).

12-11-2018, 02:55 PM
Then I’d look at the recorded footage AT A SPIDER CRAWLING ACROSS THE CAMERA omg lol. Happened all friggin’ summer.

The power supply IS an important issue with these doorbell cameras, though. It's why we had ours professionally installed with our security system. I had NO idea if the power supply to our old doorbell (house was built in 1956) was adequate (it was), but if you look this up online the power supply issue is HUGE.
Yeah, and it's definitely not an issue with WiFi signal strength or power levels. Minimum voltage required is 3900mV and at the moment, it's at 4,048mV and I've seen it as high as ~4,500mV. Maybe it was due to massive power draws yesterday because we were having the insulation in both attics (never buy a split-level house) removed and replaced and they had a number of high-powered lights and blowing/sucking units running, one of which required the 220v outlet the dryer uses. Now that I'm thinking about it, that does make sense. Maybe it was a momentary drop in voltage because there were numerous parts throughout the day where lights dimmed/flickered due to power draw and the furnace was running pretty much nonstop due to the open doors and and windows.

The WiFi there's no excuse for. We've got 250Mbps Blast Pro Xtreme (or something equally lame) from Comcast through an AirPort Extreme. The chime has 100% signal and is in 25 feet back in a straight, unobstructed line from the doorbell. It's infuriating.

(You should also be able to control the camera sensitivity as well as the night vision sensitivity in your phone app.)
They must've changed something then because there are absolutely no controls for night vision and the only other control besides setting the motion zones it should focus on is a 5-point slider ranging from "people only" to "all activity" and I've spent way more time than I care to admit with that slider. From what I've gathered on Reddit, they introduced an update back in August that forces night vision whereas before, oftentimes it would stay on the daytime camera which actually works. It used to be great before that update but since then, there have been nonstop complaints very similar to mine. It's very frustrating.

Everything I read about competitors seems like there are similar or different-but-equally-frustrating issues with them and there's no perfect solution. I feel like the only real option is to either get rid of it and go back to a regular doorbell or stick with the known the quantity unless it gets substantially worse. Regarding the night vision, I'm considering jury rigging a mirror to reflect more light onto the Ring so that it keeps the regular daytime camera on. My wife put a ribbon on the light right above the Ring and for the first few days, one of the pieces hanging down was reflecting enough light that it kept the daytime camera on and it actually worked throughout the night. Of course a slight breeze shifted the ribbon ever so slightly and now it's back to night vision.

12-11-2018, 03:51 PM
I have a porch light that I leave on so lighting is not an issue for us and the picture is gorgeous. FWIW.

12-11-2018, 04:22 PM
Same. The Ring is directly beneath it but it's not enough light somehow.

12-11-2018, 07:19 PM
Same. The Ring is directly beneath it but it's not enough light somehow.

Here is a download from my SkyBell HD from a few minutes ago (6:58 pm): https://imgur.com/a/Jj6qzuZ

Don’t know if this is the quality you’re looking for or not.

I can see across the street. My porch light isn’t very bright. SkyBell allows me to change the color of its built-in light, so right now it’s red for Christmas ;)

12-11-2018, 07:22 PM
Here is a download from my SkyBell HD from a few minutes ago (6:58 pm): https://imgur.com/a/Jj6qzuZ

Don’t know if this is the quality you’re looking for or not.

I can see across the street. My porch light isn’t very bright. SkyBell allows me to change the color of its built-in light, so right now it’s red for Christmas ;)
Damn, that's what I want. That's how the Ring is when the regular camera stays on at night. I tried to find an archived video from nighttime but of course there aren't any. Sigh. If I wasn't so hamstrung with the placement of this thing being right next to the brick column, I don't think I'd have any issues. I suppose we could always have someone come out and rewire the doorbell, placing it elsewhere.

12-11-2018, 07:28 PM
Yeah, that might be a good idea. Ours is right next to our door. The SkyBell archives our footage for, like, EVER I think. I have to go into my app and delete them so they don't gunk up my app, LOL.

I had some pretty funny ones from Halloween.

It's currently set on the highest HD, and I'm really surprised at how CLEAR it is. Really, if you saw how friggin' DIM my porch light is, you'd shit. We don't want tons of bugs in the summer. It isn't nearly as bright as it looks in that download footage. And it was already pretty damned dark out when that was captured at 6:58 pm.

Edit: It archives about a week.

12-12-2018, 04:37 PM
Ignorant, judgemental people who invent stereotypes for you where none exist.

12-13-2018, 04:05 PM
Glitter. Seriously, fuck that shit that embeds in your skin/desk top, clothes, steering wheel, etc.

I hope the masochist who invented that crap ended their final breath by choking on it. Heh.

12-13-2018, 04:43 PM
Glitter. Seriously, fuck that shit that embeds in your skin/desk top, clothes, steering wheel, etc.

I hope the masochist who invented that crap ended their final breath by choking on it. Heh.

Two years ago, for Christmas, one of the office staff here thought it would be cute to shoot a slow-mo video of her blowing a full handful glitter into the air in front of a Christmas tree. Inside the main lobby. On textured tile floor.

I was livid, and (without exploding on her or anything like that) I made sure she knew why, as the person who CLEANS THAT FLOOR, I wasn’t happy with it. To this day there’s still bits of it in the cracks and creases of the tile. That shit NEVER goes away.

12-13-2018, 04:58 PM
Two years ago, for Christmas, one of the office staff here thought it would be cute to shoot a slow-mo video of her blowing a full handful glitter into the air in front of a Christmas tree. Inside the main lobby. On textured tile floor.

I was livid, and (without exploding on her or anything like that) I made sure she knew why, as the person who CLEANS THAT FLOOR, I wasn’t happy with it. To this day there’s still bits of it in the cracks and creases of the tile. That shit NEVER goes away.

I never liked it, but the tipping point for me was about 15 years ago. I was working part time at a dollar store during the holidays and that crap would stick to my hands and is near impossible to get ALL of it off. Shit embedded to the steering wheel of my Jeep. I traded the Jeep in back in March of 2012, with glitter still on the steering wheel. I couldn't wipe it off, and wasn't about to put pock marks in the wheel by attempting to stab it with a scalpel. Ugh.

12-13-2018, 06:09 PM
^^ tape.

I tried stuff, after awhile it was just embedded. Didn’t wanna goncrazy with cleaning products and turn the steering wheel into mush.

12-13-2018, 11:05 PM
There is a guy in the office that brought in a xmas clock. Fine, great decorate for the holidays, more power to ya. This fucking thing goes off every hour on the hour playing xmas music... It is taking every ounce of my patience not to smash that tinny, obnoxious noise maker into a thousand pieces.

12-13-2018, 11:36 PM
Why the hell are we abbreviating "Private Messages" as "DM" here and everywhere else? Instagram is stupid...

12-14-2018, 05:06 AM
Why the hell are we abbreviating "Private Messages" as "DM" here and everywhere else? Instagram is stupid...

Because they're direct messages, and given how rampant phishing attacks are, "private" can be a bit of a misnomer.

12-14-2018, 01:16 PM
By all means, take your hour-long lunch break and then show up with two bags of food to loudly eat them in a quiet room 5 feet from me.

Not like your lunch break is meant for you to eat your lunch or anything.

Halo Infinity
12-14-2018, 04:48 PM
Why the hell are we abbreviating "Private Messages" as "DM" here and everywhere else? Instagram is stupid...
I was also wondering about that for quite some time. That's also the same exact case with Twitter.

Because they're direct messages, and given how rampant phishing attacks are, "private" can be a bit of a misnomer.
Thanks for letting me know, since there is a stance that they're both the same thing. But anyway, it's good to know even though I also got used to using the terms "Direct Message/DM" on Instagram and Twitter.

By all means, take your hour-long lunch break and then show up with two bags of food to loudly eat them in a quiet room 5 feet from me.

Not like your lunch break is meant for you to eat your lunch or anything.
I see what you mean, not just because of the way the time was blatantly misused, but also because I've been brought up to eat as quietly as possible, and even as far away from others as possible if given the chance, and that also went beyond schools and workplaces.

I like that you brought this up, since this is a work-related type of gripe involving food/eating. My gripe concerning lunch is the fact that there are people that will not just openly ask what you're eating and put you on blast for what you're eating when it isn't even their business, but will also have the nerve to get way too close, stare at your food and then ask if you'd share it with them, or ask why you aren't sharing it with them.

From having an upbringing that taught me not to discuss others' food, and taught me to also not look at it, it's very grating on me. I'll admit that I also used to think it was okay to ask for food to be shared until I saw it from the other way around, and well, I either forgot or just didn't listen, but even my parents were of the opinion that you don't ask for people to share their food, no matter how polite your requests are worded and sound. If anything, it is up to the other person to offer you some of their food instead, and that you might as well just mind your own business and let them eat in peace.

But yeah. I never got this and even being offered food, as nice as it is, is something I'm still not used to.

I'm not necessarily talking about food that's being originally offered/agreed/intended to be shared in advance. I'm talking about people that also always offer the rest of their food or some of their food because they can't finish it, which wasn't originally intended to be shared. As much as possible, I always try my best to never order more than I can finish.

As for a non-work-related issue I have with the way food is sometimes offered, it's also hard for me to get used to have food being constantly offered to me at parties where I can also get the food myself. I've been told time and time again that's a part Filipino culture though, but all I could think of is, "If I wanted it, I would've gotten it already." to "I'm taking my time here. If anything I should pace myself properly as I'm eating, unless I want to get too full on gluttony and run the risk of getting heartburn. I also don't want everything on my plate all at once either. I might not want it now, but I probably might want it later on."

12-14-2018, 08:48 PM
I see what you mean, not just because of the way the time was blatantly misused, but also because I've been brought up to eat as quietly as possible, and even as far away from others as possible if given the chance, and that also went beyond schools and workplaces.

I like that you brought this up, since this is a work-related type of gripe involving food/eating. My gripe concerning lunch is the fact that there are people that will not just openly ask what you're eating and put you on blast for what you're eating when it isn't even their business, but will also have the nerve to get way too close, stare at your food and then ask if you'd share it with them, or ask why you aren't sharing it with them.

From having an upbringing that taught me not to discuss others' food, and taught me to also not look at it, it's very grating on me. I'll admit that I also used to think it was okay to ask for food to be shared until I saw it from the other way around, and well, I either forgot or just didn't listen, but even my parents were of the opinion that you don't ask for people to share their food, no matter how polite your requests are worded and sound. If anything, it is up to the other person to offer you some of their food instead, and that you might as well just mind your own business and let them eat in peace.

But yeah. I never got this and even being offered food, as nice as it is, is something I'm still not used to.

I'm not necessarily talking about food that's being originally offered/agreed/intended to be shared in advance. I'm talking about people that also always offer the rest of their food or some of their food because they can't finish it, which wasn't originally intended to be shared. As much as possible, I always try my best to never order more than I can finish.

As for a non-work-related issue I have with the way food is sometimes offered, it's also hard for me to get used to have food being constantly offered to me at parties where I can also get the food myself. I've been told time and time again that's a part Filipino culture though, but all I could think of is, "If I wanted it, I would've gotten it already." to "I'm taking my time here. If anything I should pace myself properly as I'm eating, unless I want to get too full on gluttony and run the risk of getting heartburn. I also don't want everything on my plate all at once either. I might not want it now, but I probably might want it later on."

I feel like I wasn't necessarily raised similarly in that regard, but I DID pick up that tendency on my own as I grew older. I generally don't like to eat around others if there isn't some kind of ambient noise going on, and I especially get bothered when a room is dead silent to the point that I can hear the other person chewing and swallowing. Even if they aren't being overly loud about it, it drives me nuuuts, so I think that flips back onto me and I feel like anyone near me would hear me eating, too. It's completely different in a restaurant setting or in a case where we're both eating, but in other cases it makes me feel like I'm being rude to the other person, even if they've expressed they don't mind. I mind, especially if they're the type of person I know wouldn't say anything if they COULD hear me eating. :p

On that same topic of people hovering too close/asking for some of my food: There was a person I used to work with - she was generally very nice, but one thing I noticed that she liked to do was look over someone's food and literally just pick pieces off without asking first, without any pretense that would suggest they were okay with that. The time that really got to me was in the middle of our "Turn" period at work (two weeks in August where we flip every empty room on property to prepare for new residents, 60-80 hours per week, EXTREMELY stressful time). We'd had a ton of pizza delivered for everyone to eat on our break, so I'd gone into the office when it was my turn to get something to eat. Been busy all day, starving, ready to refuel and just sit in peace for a minute before I went back to work. She was working in the office the entire time just watching the front desk, so the food was actually available to her practically any time she wanted it. However, despite that, she waited until I came to get my own food after working all morning, and took it upon herself to pick pepperonis off my pizza while the plate was in my hand . After I hadn't eaten all morning, and WHOLE slices of it were available to her. I don't need to elaborate on how aggravated I was about that, heh, but it was definitely frustrating to say the least. "Look...I'm only going to ask this one time, but PLEASE don't do that again. There are whole boxes of pizza available, you don't need any of mine." We didn't talk so much after that, heh. I tried to be polite, absolutely, but when you're that drained after a week of day-long labor and lack of sleep, composure tends to erode slightly. ^^'

12-15-2018, 10:06 AM
Facebook is so fucking creepy.
All this rheumatoid arthritis stuff is coming up in my feed. I got that diagnosis like 4 days ago and did NOT post anything about it on Facebook.
I told thelastdisciple and a couple of other people on messenger though.

So it reads our messages to find out what we might buy, and God knows what else.

Imagine the type of personality profile that could be compiled from your Facebook info, plus geolocations, plus all the info in your "private" messages. I bet the CIA would like to build a database like that.

Privacy is officially over, it would seem.

12-16-2018, 12:07 PM
I’m trying to explain to an acquaintance that his use of the term NPC as a pejorative is playing into 4Chan-troll drift discourse, especially since he seems unaware that the term NPC is originally derived from geeky gamer/RPG stuff rerendered as “social commentary.” I don’t think he gets it, and now I’m starting to see why these nerd coded “passwords” are so effective

12-17-2018, 07:21 AM
Facebook is so fucking creepy.
All this rheumatoid arthritis stuff is coming up in my feed. I got that diagnosis like 4 days ago and did NOT post anything about it on Facebook.
I told @thelastdisciple (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=199) and a couple of other people on messenger though.

So it reads our messages to find out what we might buy, and God knows what else.

Imagine the type of personality profile that could be compiled from your Facebook info, plus geolocations, plus all the info in your "private" messages. I bet the CIA would like to build a database like that.

Privacy is officially over, it would seem.

Doesn't even need to be written down. A colleague and I were talking about houses in catering the other day, and one of the things we're talking about is how a dishwasher (or rather, lack thereof) wouldn't be a dealbreaker as long as a house looked like it could easily accommodate an installation, or at least a portable dishwasher.

Five minutes later, he pulls his phone out to browse facebook (via Safari, no less...doesn't even have the app) and he's got all these ads for portable dishwashers. He has literally never talked about them or looked at them before.

Oh, and I have Google Fi for my cell service (for now). You know how I get my voicemail? They have an automated speech-to-text algorithm that listens to it and sends me a text of the transcript. Yeah, Google is literally reading my voicemail. (Of which I get roughly two a year, both from some auto insurance scams, which is why I'm not personally bothered by it.)

halo eighteen
12-17-2018, 01:43 PM
Tumblr's gone in full on censorship mode with all adult content today, but hate speech and nazis are still totally okay.

Sarah K
12-17-2018, 02:31 PM
Sounds like Tumbler is the new Fetlife.

12-17-2018, 10:25 PM
Tumblr's gone in full on censorship mode with all adult content today, but hate speech and nazis are still totally okay.

Sounds like Tumbler is the new Fetlife.

i've been on tumblr for nine and a half years and i've spelled it that way for so long that the actual word "tumbler" looks wrong, to me. like my fingers try to avoid hitting the E in there haha

also, some of the posts it flagged on my old nude self portrait tumblr are so tame (like, some of them are literally just my upper torso...or my back), and there are others where you can almost clearly see my junk that didn't get flagged. what a fucking joke.

12-18-2018, 04:51 AM
While i don't agree with removing the adult content on Tumblr my understanding is it was to tackle child porn on the site. From what i've heard, kids have been using the site to sext and otherwise share nudes publicly, and tumblr has been so fucking bad at trying (or lack there of) to moderate the site that once Apple removed the app from the store due to it they had no choice but to remove adult content whole sale it stop it.
If they'd just moderate the site correctly to begin with this (and many MANY other problems on the site) wouldn't have be an issue...but they've pretty much just killed themselves for their own laziness...brilliant.

halo eighteen
12-18-2018, 05:51 AM
i've been on tumblr for nine and a half years and i've spelled it that way for so long that the actual word "tumbler" looks wrong, to me. like my fingers try to avoid hitting the E in there haha

also, some of the posts it flagged on my old nude self portrait tumblr are so tame (like, some of them are literally just my upper torso...or my back), and there are others where you can almost clearly see my junk that didn't get flagged. what a fucking joke.

I second this. My second account is expectedly stunted as of yesterday, however there's stuff that's flagged/removed for me on my main account that really shouldn't be according to the rules. Then again, I've made some test/protest posts that are still totally there, so whatever. It is a joke and at this point I'm just gonna continue treating it as such until I get bored. Which is probably already happening. Also, color me intrigued haha.

While i don't agree with removing the adult content on Tumblr my understanding is it was to tackle child porn on the site. From what i've heard, kids have been using the site to sext and otherwise share nudes publicly, and tumblr has been so fucking bad at trying (or lack there of) to moderate the site that once Apple removed the app from the store due to it they had no choice but to remove adult content whole sale it stop it.

I think the Apple thing is way more the reason. Kids aren't using tumblr, they're using snapchat and kik or whatever else is hip lol.

12-18-2018, 06:08 AM
I think the Apple thing is way more the reason. Kids aren't using tumblr, they're using snapchat and kik or whatever else is hip lol.

I could be wrong, but from the few bits i heard from various podcasts that touched on it Apple removed the app because of the CP on the site, rather then just because of the adult content, though they may have just used the CP issue as a way to get them to remove adult stuff. Either way, CP was a major issue on the site.

12-22-2018, 07:50 AM
FedEx just fucked up two of my presents that will now go from being comfortably early to arriving after Christmas.

And I just overfilled a fluid in my car and have no straws, tubing, basters, pumps, etc, which means I have to walk half an hour in this wonderful sub-freezing windchill to go buy something to get this shit out of the car.

Merry fucking Christmas to me.

12-26-2018, 09:58 AM
So I got the autoimmune disorder for xmas, and NOW, the FLU!

I currently have a fever of 103.

Fuuuuuuck sake. I hope I can get it down without going to the hospital.

I WONDERED why I felt so strange and emotional and shit!

12-26-2018, 01:45 PM
If the phone is only the the price the tag says it is if it's activated in store with a new account, make it more obvious. Don't make me wait 25 minutes to find out. Also Best Buy why have 50 employees but only one able to do phone shit? Sent from my freshly cracked screen phone.

Sent from my LG-SP200 using Tapatalk

01-06-2019, 05:02 PM
I don't like the sound of this new year. 2019. Ridiculous! It sounds weird and fake.

By the time I get used to the sound of this year it'll be almost over and then I'll have to go through this shit all over again.

01-10-2019, 10:58 AM
Assholes who see the red, all-caps "NO SOLICITORS" sign very prominently displayed on our front door and ring the doorbell anyway and attempt to sell whatever bullshit they have.

Sarah K
01-11-2019, 08:40 AM
I'm sick and tired of this sexism, feminism and PC nonsense.

If talking about the oppression of half of the world is tiring to you, just imagine having to actually deal with sexism. You wouldn't last a week.

People advocating for the equal treatment of everyone is not "nonsense". Dismissing the fight for equity sure is, though.

01-12-2019, 07:49 AM
We're in the longest government shutdown in history and we have "journalists" researching Mackenzie Bezos. FFS, a divorce isn't news. Maaaaaaaybe on a slow day when you're desperate for headlines. But holy fuck people, come on.

Halo Infinity
01-13-2019, 12:00 AM
Perhaps this is more in line with disappointments and feeling jaded more than anything. Anyway...

Too many interests to keep up with, yet so little time and energy to do so. (Or even money for that matter.)

I know it is what it is and I got to live with it and accept it though, but there is still something draining/jaded about it from time to time. At least it reminds me to not get too caught up and consumed with chasing possessions and experiences.

01-15-2019, 07:35 AM
This didn't really piss me off, but i've been having an issue with Paypal (long story short they took 2 payments so i was trying to get one back) they did refund me but in a lengthy email they ended it with "Thank you for being a valued customer of PayPal. Have a lovely day Jessica!"

Really valued customer if they can't get my name right, not even the right gender...and my name was at the top of the email and on my account! Anyway the issue is sorted, this just made my laugh a bit.

01-15-2019, 11:10 PM
This didn't really piss me off, but i've been having an issue with Paypal (long story short they took 2 payments so i was trying to get one back) they did refund me but in a lengthy email they ended it with "Thank you for being a valued customer of PayPal. Have a lovely day Jessica!"

Really valued customer if they can't get my name right, not even the right gender...and my name was at the top of the email and on my account! Anyway the issue is sorted, this just made my laugh a bit.

was Jessica possibly the name of the person who was corresponding with you, and there was a typo? maybe it was supposed to be,

"Have a lovely day,

for example?

01-16-2019, 02:15 AM
was Jessica possibly the name of the person who was corresponding with you, and there was a typo? maybe it was supposed to be,

"Have a lovely day,

for example?

Nope, he was called Steven :rolleyes: and copy and pasted how it was typed.
Again not really having a dig at the guy, just found it a bit funny (i get this ALOT. Been called Hayes as a first name, James, Jessica has happened multiple times, hell someone called me it over the phone once! Someone once even called me Juice! Guess people hate the name Jason...)

01-22-2019, 12:44 PM
Every year, for six and a half years in this line of work, I see the same trend: Electric bills will spike in the hottest months of summer and the coldest months of winter. Every year. And every year, people get mad at their apartment complex because of that. Even after someone comes and inspects every conceivable variable that would be affecting your bill and finds nothing out of the ordinary.

Guess what? When it's really hot outside, your AC works harder to maintain a low temperature than it has to during more temperate months. When it's really cold outside, it has to work even harder to keep the apartment at a warm temperature. Both of these extremes use more power to maintain the temperature you want. In addition, when it's below freezing outside, your water heater has to work that much harder to heat up your water coming from the city water supply. Your apartment's utilities are 100% electric. More electricity = higher bill. How...how are you in college and not grasping this? We have checked every door seal. Every window. Every appliance and outlet. We have checked everything we can. The only variable left up to question here is how often YOU and your roommates use electricity and what YOU set your thermostat to. So what conclusion are you expecting me to come up with? That there's an "electricity leak" or something somewhere in your apartment? Just pure electricity dripping from a hidden bad outlet or something? Or do you think I get a cut of your electric bill if I just tell you there's nothing for us to fix? No. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

MY electric bill nearly doubled from last month because the temperature is fucking 30 degrees less than it was a month ago. My heater has to work harder to compensate for that. I choose to run my heater at a certain temperature because I'm willing to pay that little extra for warmth, and there's no one else to blame for that but myself. The same thing will happen in in any home in any climate as back and forth as ours. It's just how that process works. This shit isn't magic.

But no, it's our fault, tho. Sorry that I personally used up so much of your apartment's electricity, I guess.

Nope, he was called Steven :rolleyes: and copy and pasted how it was typed.
Again not really having a dig at the guy, just found it a bit funny (i get this ALOT. Been called Hayes as a first name, James, Jessica has happened multiple times, hell someone called me it over the phone once! Someone once even called me Juice! Guess people hate the name Jason...)

My name is Branson, and no matter how many times I personally write my name down on something, or what it says on my driver's license, people will look directly at my name, then look at me, and go "Okay, Brandon, thanks."

Do you...Do you think I spelled my own name wrong...?

01-22-2019, 01:03 PM
My name is Branson, and no matter how many times I personally write my name down on something, or what it says on my driver's license, people will look directly at my name, then look at me, and go "Okay, Brandon, thanks."

Do you...Do you think I spelled my own name wrong...?

Try having the last name "Randazzo." People throw an extra "o" and even add an "s" or an "i" to it. I dunno how that happens.

01-22-2019, 01:27 PM
Try having the last name "Randazzo." People throw an extra "o" and even add an "s" or an "i" to it. I dunno how that happens.

Haha, I know exaaactly what you mean. Last name is Wiles, and it’s pronounced exactly like the word “wiles.” But I still get Wilds, Wills, Willies, Willis, all kinds of pronunciations.

01-22-2019, 04:21 PM
Haha, I know exaaactly what you mean. Last name is Wiles, and it’s pronounced exactly like the word “wiles.” But I still get Wilds, Wills, Willies, Willis, all kinds of pronunciations.

You mean you're NOT Brandon Wilds the famous outback explorer? Damn.

01-22-2019, 11:46 PM
Every year, for six and a half years in this line of work, I see the same trend: Electric bills will spike in the hottest months of summer and the coldest months of winter. Every year. And every year, people get mad at their apartment complex because of that. Even after someone comes and inspects every conceivable variable that would be affecting your bill and finds nothing out of the ordinary.

Guess what? When it's really hot outside, your AC works harder to maintain a low temperature than it has to during more temperate months. When it's really cold outside, it has to work even harder to keep the apartment at a warm temperature. Both of these extremes use more power to maintain the temperature you want. In addition, when it's below freezing outside, your water heater has to work that much harder to heat up your water coming from the city water supply. Your apartment's utilities are 100% electric. More electricity = higher bill. How...how are you in college and not grasping this? We have checked every door seal. Every window. Every appliance and outlet. We have checked everything we can. The only variable left up to question here is how often YOU and your roommates use electricity and what YOU set your thermostat to. So what conclusion are you expecting me to come up with? That there's an "electricity leak" or something somewhere in your apartment? Just pure electricity dripping from a hidden bad outlet or something? Or do you think I get a cut of your electric bill if I just tell you there's nothing for us to fix? No. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

MY electric bill nearly doubled from last month because the temperature is fucking 30 degrees less than it was a month ago. My heater has to work harder to compensate for that. I choose to run my heater at a certain temperature because I'm willing to pay that little extra for warmth, and there's no one else to blame for that but myself. The same thing will happen in in any home in any climate as back and forth as ours. It's just how that process works. This shit isn't magic.

But no, it's our fault, tho. Sorry that I personally used up so much of your apartment's electricity, I guess.

are people really that stupid? like...they really don't understand how HVAC works and why it uses more power when the temperatures are more extreme? i can't comprehend how ignorant and uneducated (in terms of how things work, not necessarily book smarts) so many people are. that really just blows my mind.

01-23-2019, 07:15 PM

01-24-2019, 04:40 PM
More school cancellations and delayed starts due to weather, so the kids have been home way more often than usual. I am so behind at work and it's driving me bananas. My bosses are 100% cool with my absences and tardiness at work, but I can't help but feel bad anyway. Plus, I am so task-oriented that it makes my skin crawl to watch my project list pile up.

I hate winter.

01-25-2019, 08:56 PM
are people really that stupid? like...they really don't understand how HVAC works and why it uses more power when the temperatures are more extreme? i can't comprehend how ignorant and uneducated (in terms of how things work, not necessarily book smarts) so many people are. that really just blows my mind.
*gestures towards Washington DC*

01-26-2019, 09:50 AM
are people really that stupid? like...they really don't understand how HVAC works and why it uses more power when the temperatures are more extreme? i can't comprehend how ignorant and uneducated (in terms of how things work, not necessarily book smarts) so many people are. that really just blows my mind.

I have to give them a liiiittle slack, because so many of them are people who are living on their own for the first time ever (aged roughly 18-25-ish), and they don't have a frame of reference for how these things work. Not only was someone else responsible for their bills up until this point, but they seem to think that the apartments work the same way as full-functioning homes. However, many properties will do everything they can to minimize expenses by getting cheaper appliances, or at least buying them at bulk pricing, which may also come with a sacrifice in quality. In your mom and dad's house, though, they probably spent a little more money on appliances and utilities that could heat up more water, be more energy efficient, insulate their home more effectively, etc. When you're moving into a place where the same water heater or HVAC system has been used by 10 other people over just as many years before you moved in, you simply will not have top-of-the-line appliances, and your bills may suffer as a result. We can only do the best we can with repairs and replacements when needed, but that's just how it is.

"Well, my bill is higher than I would like, so what are you going to do about it?" I've got news for ya, champ, any bill I pay that's higher than $0 is higher than I would like, but I don't get to call up Westar Energy and have them cut me a deal because 'I don't wanna pay that.' They're expensive. And if you think THAT'S a kick in the nuts, wait until you have your own home and call out a privately-operated HVAC company who could charge you as much (or as little) as $100 JUST to come out and look at your system. Your complex (unless you actually damage your stuff yourself) probably does your HVAC work completely free of charge to you - even if it turns out you need a new system installed completely, which could easily cost in the neighborhood of $2-3,000 for install, and often has to be done in either the sweltering heat or the frigid cold. But fuck us tho, how dare we do that.

It's fine that these kids don't know how it works, because I didn't for a long time either, but there's absolutely no reason to be a shit about it to the person who's helping you. The most I can do is try to explain things the best way I can in the hopes that a resident walks away with a little knowledge that might save them hundreds of dollars and a mountain of headache later on down the line.

01-26-2019, 04:07 PM
It's fine that these kids don't know how it works, because I didn't for a long time either, but there's absolutely no reason to be a shit about it to the person who's helping you. The most I can do is try to explain things the best way I can in the hopes that a resident walks away with a little knowledge that might save them hundreds of dollars and a mountain of headache later on down the line.
One time, my flat had something wrong with the electric meter and the meter was going INSANE and charging me, like, $300 per month, and the electric company came out and calibrated it and said, "yup, there's something wrong with your meter" and they fixed my bill and gave me a refund of money I had paid (which was a huge amount of money I barely had) so shit happens, but when it does happen it's like INSANE HAPPEN. And one time my parents were broke and my dad was stealing the neighbor's electricity with an extension chord, LOL, but I guess that would be easy to find. :-)

But, yeah, being a shithead to any worker ... I was always taught to be nice to everyone because "you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." Not that I'm calling you a FLY, mind you, but ...

01-26-2019, 05:07 PM
One time, my flat had something wrong with the electric meter and the meter was going INSANE and charging me, like, $300 per month, and the electric company came out and calibrated it and said, "yup, there's something wrong with your meter" and they fixed my bill and gave me a refund of money I had paid (which was a huge amount of money I barely had) so shit happens, but when it does happen it's like INSANE HAPPEN. And one time my parents were broke and my dad was stealing the neighbor's electricity with an extension chord, LOL, but I guess that would be easy to find. :-)

But, yeah, being a shithead to any worker ... I was always taught to be nice to everyone because "you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar." Not that I'm calling you a FLY, mind you, but ...

Hahah, don’t worry, I didn’t take that as being called a fly. :p You’re absolutely right! There are a lotta times where someone will come to us with a problem with a level-headed attitude, and that alone makes me inclined to help someone a little more. It’s something you can apply to every situation involving another person. Just be cool and ask politely, and chances are that’ll go a looong way! Conversely, if you’re going to lose your temper and make demands that are unreasonable, well, let’s say there’s a greater chance that “the part we’re waiting for isn’t going to get here until Monday” or something. Mind you, I’d never do that if there was a real problem and it was going to lead to bigger issues or it’s effecting someone’s quality of life (such as their heater going out in the dead of winter), but if it’s something minor and you want to blow it up with negativity when it isn’t called for, you might be shooting yourself in the foot.

Edited for additional minor frustration: Reeeally wish our office staff wouldn't hand out our silver MASTER APARTMENT KEYS to residents and would give them the bronze cut copies instead. I didn't spend a whole week of my time cutting 200 apartment keys for my own personal enjoyment. :/ I'm the bad guy at work for expressing my frustration about it to the property manager, though, not the person who gave a resident a master key.

02-03-2019, 11:07 AM
Social Security

Anyway, I'm disabled for psychiatric reasons. I was up for a disability redetermination, I didn't get the documents to them fast enough, so they suspended my benefits. Fair enough. It should have been fixed in August when I submitted the documents they wanted, it finally got fixed Friday. Almost 6 months later. EDIT: Meanwhile, I almost ended up homeless and had suicidal thoughts

Also, "Your call is important to us"

02-03-2019, 12:36 PM
Hahah, don’t worry, I didn’t take that as being called a fly. :p You’re absolutely right! There are a lotta times where someone will come to us with a problem with a level-headed attitude, and that alone makes me inclined to help someone a little more. It’s something you can apply to every situation involving another person. Just be cool and ask politely, and chances are that’ll go a looong way! Conversely, if you’re going to lose your temper and make demands that are unreasonable, well, let’s say there’s a greater chance that “the part we’re waiting for isn’t going to get here until Monday” or something. Mind you, I’d never do that if there was a real problem and it was going to lead to bigger issues or it’s effecting someone’s quality of life (such as their heater going out in the dead of winter), but if it’s something minor and you want to blow it up with negativity when it isn’t called for, you might be shooting yourself in the foot.

I guess there is a preponderance of jerks out there, though, per the workers I’ve had at my house. A cable repair guy once told me about a customer who started SCREAMING AT HIM because he didn’t have the proper equipment on his truck to immediately fix the problem; he said he turned around and left, and she FOLLOWED HIM TO HIS TRUCK, screaming at him! I can’t even imagine that, it’s awful. Here, we offer them coffee and water and joke around with them, etc.

Last summer, we had two separate teams of workers in our back yard for over two whole months. The first team demo’d our old patio and hauled it out, installed this really complex retaining wall to prevent flooding, and they reversed the grade of our yard away from the house, then installed a new patio with pavers. The second group fixed all the messed up sod and landscaping and installed replacement landscaping.

These guys were all Mexican, played their music on a boom box, warmed up tortillas at lunch each day on a little stove they made from a mini propane tank, and they were ARTISTS!!! The supervisor on each crew and some of the other guys spoke pretty decent English, but G and I would often speak some Spanish with them. We’d bring them bottled water all day, monitor the work, they’d tell us what was happening, and we always made sure to tell them what a GREAT job they were doing. As needed, they also made amendments to things that needed revision or repair. All of this work was under the direction of our lead rep, Marion, who is a total Polo shirt khakis North Shore white dude who speaks fluent Spanish and loves his workers. (Ends up these lead guys were making over $35 per hour, each had been with the company for over 18 years.) We got to know all the guys’ names, how long they did that work, stuff about their families, etc.

In the end, the project pretty much done, G and I were talking with Gerardo the landscape supervisor, thanking him, and then he thanked US - “for being so nice” to them. He said that most of their other customers are really mean to them.

It was heartbreaking to us. :(

02-03-2019, 02:53 PM
All of this work was under the direction of our lead rep, Marion, who is a total Polo shirt khakis North Shore white dude who speaks fluent Spanish and loves his workers. (Ends up these lead guys were making over $35 per hour, each had been with the company for over 18 years.) We got to know all the guys’ names, how long they did that work, stuff about their families, etc.

In the end, the project pretty much done, G and I were talking with Gerardo the landscape supervisor, thanking him, and then he thanked US - “for being so nice” to them. He said that most of their other customers are really mean to them.

It was heartbreaking to us. :(

Eesh, that sounds like a mess, but at least someone was helpful and friendly through the process. :\ And good on you for being friendly and communicative with them!! You'd be surprised how few people do that. It's insane. Some people don't seem to understand that a little bit of basic kindness will go a long way, and may even get you some free additional work if the person working for you feels like their work will at least be appreciated by another kind soul.

While we're on the topic of ungrateful people - I wasn't going to post about this, but it seems fitting with your response, heh.

Friday night, I was called by a resident at about 9 pm who was furious, saying that "when maintenance came and fixed my roommate's shower, they locked our cats in her bedroom and left the front door wide open, like they always do, and I demand someone come right now to take care of this. Bye." Mind you, there are only three of us on staff, and not a single one of us went to her apartment that day, nor would any of us jeopardize our jobs by doing something as minor as leaving other people's front doors open. We all have a master key, and we all know the stakes of abusing the access that key grants us. People have been fired over misuse and losing their keys, so we don't take that lightly.

I live close to the property, so I went right over. I'm talking less than a 2 minute drive, as my apartment and my job are on the same super-long block. I came up to the door and knocked, announcing myself, and she was waiting on the other side immediately ready to open it. I tell her I was here to assess what's going on with her locked doors, and is immediately taking an accusatory and angry tone, saying that we need to do our jobs and that we're constantly leaving her front door wide open, and she's absolutely sick of it. So I apologize and try to level with her, trying to figure out what happened. I ask her to run down what she thinks happened, from the top. According to her - Her roommate put in a request that morning for us to fix a spot of drywall next to her shower wall that was peeling away from getting wet. Around 6:30 pm, somebody came to their home, went to her roommate's room, locked her roommate's door on the way out, and then left the door open.

1) I was on property all day, and never saw a request for their apartment, let alone one for a shower with any drywall issues.
2) We leave at 5 pm, every weekday. Almost no exceptions, barring big projects that need more time than others to complete. Even if we have to be in an apartment after hours, if it's anything after 5, we require resident permission to do so.
3) We never set foot inside that building for anything that day, let alone the apartment. This apartment has a cracked window, cracked by the residents, that they reported to us early in the week, which has been inspected, cleaned up, and has a replacement on the way. However, my supervisor wanted to see which window it was, and we DID drive past it and look from the outside so he could see. Didn't even have to enter the apartment for that. Just drove past in a golf cart around 3 pm. And luckily, every window on property has 2 panes, and only one of them was cracked, so there's still no way for air to pass through the broken glass, and there's no security risk. No reason for us to follow up until the window is delivered and ready for install.
4) All three of us were together for the entire shift, except for lunch, during which none of us stay on property. No one would have had an opportunity to break away and do this that the other two of us wouldn't have known about.

After discussing all this, she still insists that we did it. And even if we didn't, that meant that we were neglecting our jobs by not coming to do the requested work order. That wouldn't happen, because...that's...kind of my job, and at the very least, we're supposed to be in touch with residents regarding the progress of any of the requests, including telling them whether anything can be done that day or not. However, I wasn't in any position to be calling the resident out if she's so insistent that something happened, especially because I'm still trying to piece everything together myself. But then the greatest thing that could have happened, happened.

After I unlock the bedroom door, let the cats out, and talk with the resident trying to understand the situation, her roommate, whose door was locked, comes home. I tell her what I was there for, and the girl who I was speaking to cuts me off to say that we didn't even fix her shower. At this moment, her roommate turns to her and says, "Well...but I haven't put the work order in yet, I was going to wait until Monday to say something." There was never a work order put in. We had never been called to their apartment, and we certainly didn't go in after-hours and lock her cats in a bedroom.

Guys. I've never had so. much. pleasure. watching someone immediately try to backpedal on blowing up at me over something that I had absolutely no control over and that could not have happened. The look on her face after realizing that she'd made all the incorrect assumptions about the entire situation was damn near euphoric, and it took everything I had to stifle the biggest, most shit-eating grin I've ever made in my life. But all three of us stood there, quiet for a moment, just ravishing in the realization that this girl had been yelling at me and accusing me of things that I didn't do, for absolutely no reason. We had another issue to figure out, though - If we didn't go into their home and lock the door, who could have?

She ended up giving a slightly half-hearted apology, saying that "I probably sounded way, way too mean on the phone, so, I'm sorry for that." I'll admit, I was surprised, and told her that it was all a misunderstanding and that it was all okay. But I wanted to squeeze a little comment in there just to drive it home, without coming off as snarky or anything. I eventually told her "Don't worry too much about it. Unfortunately, part of this job involves yelled at by angry residents and parents for something that we had no control over, and then trying to mitigate the situation so that everyone comes to a mutual understanding about the problem. But it really is part of the job. It's a very confusing situation and I understand not knowing where to direct any frustration, so I can't hold that against you." She had a certain look on her face, and just looked to the ground in what I'm going to assume was embarrassment/guilt, but we continued to talk and reached a good common ground where we were all on the same page about what happened.

I did try to come to a conclusion with them regarding what was happening with the situation, but we couldn't quite come up with anything, so I just encouraged them to be vigilant and keep an eye out for anything else that happens and to let us know immediately, especially if someone enters their home and doesn't announce themselves as being one of us. We have security, but if push came to shove, I live close enough to get there in under 5 minutes if they need to place an emergency call, after calling 911 first. I even had them come to the door with me so we could all check the lock and the keys together, and found that they were working as they should be. I let them know to call us immediately if anything came up, thanked them, and that was the end of it for the time being.

So just let that be a lesson - If you're in a situation that's confusing and frustrating, but you don't have all the pieces together, it's probably best not to just explode on one person who's trying to help you, because you could end up looking really, really silly, and the next person you do that to might not be nearly as willing to be understanding of your situation.

02-06-2019, 11:32 AM
When is the tipping point of leaving your job? I think I'm getting close...

02-07-2019, 08:23 AM
My area is getting hit with freezing rain/ice storm and I've slipped and fallen 2 times in 2 days.

Yesterday morning I was walking to my car and fell and hurt my left side, today I was inspecting the work that our contractors did in the snow removal and salting and landed on my right side.

I guess the results of my inspection are that we need more salt.......

02-07-2019, 04:16 PM
My area is getting hit with freezing rain/ice storm and I've slipped and fallen 2 times in 2 days.

Yesterday morning I was walking to my car and fell and hurt my left side, today I was inspecting the work that our contractors did in the snow removal and salting and landed on my right side.

I guess the results of my inspection are that we need more salt.......

be safe out there! i've almost slipped a couple times and i always tense so hard even when i don't fall that it fucks up my back :/

02-11-2019, 12:47 PM
I'm getting lazy, and it's making me fat. I gotta start hitting up the gym and eating healthier.

02-11-2019, 03:50 PM
When is the tipping point of leaving your job? I think I'm getting close...

When you have more bad days than good. Mark it on a calendar if you need too. Remember work is at least a third of your day/life. I myself feel I have reached that point myself, not just with my job but with entire restaurant industry at least where I stand at this point.

02-11-2019, 11:02 PM
I'm getting lazy, and it's making me fat. I gotta start hitting up the gym and eating healthier.
I'm hitting the gym, just need to get that second part down. I have days where I'm good and eat my four tangerines and a banana for lunch and then there are days where a nice grilled chicken sandwich is way more what I want than any bit of fruit.

I'm in travel status for the next few days and for dinner I had some chicken tenders but I also grabbed a big thing of mango and blueberries for breakfast so I'm almost healthy, right?

Oh yeah, and a hotel gym.

02-12-2019, 08:39 PM
I'm hitting the gym, just need to get that second part down. I have days where I'm good and eat my four tangerines and a banana for lunch and then there are days where a nice grilled chicken sandwich is way more what I want than any bit of fruit.

I'm in travel status for the next few days and for dinner I had some chicken tenders but I also grabbed a big thing of mango and blueberries for breakfast so I'm almost healthy, right?

Oh yeah, and a hotel gym.

I really have no excuse, since our apartment has a decent gym on the ground floor. I just... I dunno. Once I get in the habit of it, it's easy enough, it's just all about starting the habit up.

02-13-2019, 01:50 PM
Jinsai Maybe pick one designated day where you absolutely have to go to the gym. I make myself go every weekend, even though I would like to go during the week too - but I'm just too pooped out. At least the weekend is something.

02-13-2019, 02:31 PM
I really have no excuse, since our apartment has a decent gym on the ground floor. I just... I dunno. Once I get in the habit of it, it's easy enough, it's just all about starting the habit up.

My motivation is fear. Haven't been home yet this year, and there's always someone on this tour with bronchitis, pneumonia, the flu, norovirus, you name it. So literally every city we get to, I make it a point to get in a cardio workout at the gym. Not so much as to wear me out, but enough to both keep my immune system in check and to get out enough energy on otherwise sedentary days off that I can sleep well at night. I know for a fact that if I didn't hit the gym at all, I would be an easy target for catching any of the illnesses flying around this group. And when you're working 8am-1am and sleeping on buses, the last thing in the world you want is to get sick.

02-14-2019, 09:05 AM
I'm hitting the gym, just need to get that second part down. I have days where I'm good and eat my four tangerines and a banana for lunch and then there are days where a nice grilled chicken sandwich is way more what I want than any bit of fruit.

I'm in travel status for the next few days and for dinner I had some chicken tenders but I also grabbed a big thing of mango and blueberries for breakfast so I'm almost healthy, right?

Oh yeah, and a hotel gym.

to be fair, a grilled chicken sandwich is way healthier than a lot of other options. you could be eating double bacon cheeseburgers every day and washing them down with a milkshake.

i've been trying to eat better, especially at lunch, both to save money and because i'm always too tired to exercise by the time i'm done with work (physical labor). so i've been bringing a yogurt and granola in the mornings, a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread for lunch (gonna start bringing cucumber instead of chips, even though i only bring about 10 chips), and two small pieces of dark chocolate for dessert. i was going to chipotle or starbucks or potbelly pretty much every day and spending $8-$12 on lunch, and it really adds up. hell, instead of eating out 5 days a week i could be buying two records every week, and that in itself is good motivation :p

Halo Infinity
02-15-2019, 09:29 PM
The more I think about it, it really is sometimes very hard to find a good way to word things in this thread, but I also understand that it's because it's about the little things that piss us off anyway.

And well, I guess this is a given in all cities or just crowded places in general, but I've been noticing more and more that a lot of people don't want to walk around other people or wait for people to pass them by first no matter how crowded or even narrow the sidewalk is. People seem to always hate having to walk around people or wait for people to pass them by first even when it's actually necessary. I'm not talking about people just blocking the sidewalks for no good reason, or people that also make sudden stops at bad times either. It just seems to be considerate to know when to let people walk past you first, or when to walk around and dodge people as opposed to just shoving right through crowds in a straight line each and every single time. Lots of people love walking in a straight line as quickly as possible, and while I don't blame them for not wanting to be late, that also increases the chances of causing accidents and serious injuries, especially in very narrow and congested spaces, yet they hate even the mere thought of going around people or waiting for them to pass them by first, even if for just a few seconds.

I've just been noticing this a lot more times than I ever thought I would, and it seemed like it would fit right into this thread.

02-16-2019, 11:32 AM
In last 4 week's I've personally watched my boss wash his hands 5 times. Once was at the end of shift before he went to punch out. Not saying he hasnt done it more than that but in 7-8 hours im in the kitchen with him that's all. Literally entire shifts ... He'll rinse them in sani-water but really what in the actual fuck. He also rarely uses gloves. Now if I saw some legit fuckery I wouldn't hesitate to light his ass up. That said I'm not sure I'll make it much longer before I, once again, burn his ass to the floor.

Also the douche bag owner is being so tight on hours my last check wouldn't have covered my rent, nor did the one before, meaning the mid month check is half gone when I get it. We have 3 cooks total, including my boss man. Even the exec. Chef/owner (great guy) thinks he's a total twat. I may be just a line bitch here but I'm far from stupid and have been doing this since i was 16. Solid now for 20 years, im 40.
Boss man is in over his head, not a terrible cook overall, but not where he needs to be. He could maybe pass as a front of house manager. He does the thing for sure but his struggle is very real and obvious to everyone. Sadly douche canoe has him by the balls. His terrible music aside i like the guy. He just drives me crazy with his sometimes utter ineptitude.

The other day he talked to me about my open hostility at times. Said he doesn't feel i show him enough respect, I had on numerous occasions in the past tell him that when washing the sautee pans generally you need to scrub them. So many times I got a talking too about that. Basic shit. So yeah I kinda dont. Then he said some shit about me being on my phone too much, laughable. Than repeated the same shit douche nugget said at the employee party about this summer, big things in the works, yadda yadda.
He even had the ignorance to bring up when this September he mentioned to me being his legit sous then 3 weeks later after i heard similar talk from exec./Boss and a different manager mention the idea, I asked about it and he waffled so hard I smelled maple syrup. Saying some shit about it being the slow time. Our "season" having been over for a while already. Now granted I'm sure this on account of D.B. jerking off to numbers and recinding.

I may be a jack-ass but the only way I'll even consider a carrot at this point in my life is you stuff it in my face. I see a stick and a string attached, all im gonna do is look at you like you got me fucked up.

Now I'm usually not overly difficult and try and maintain a positive attitude. That said this is kitchen work and while I don't at all buy into asshole chef/cook mentality, I shoot my mouth off. It's just who I am, I ate my fair share of soap as a child. It is what it is. However, its come to the point when our new guy, broadly similar in experience and age, mentions some random act of fuckery all I can say that I know, and I don't talk about it anymore lest i get grief. And yes I start nice but after so many times of saying the same shit over and over, I'll get a bit triggered.

It really bums me out as despite all this it's cool spot with decent food and good people. Which leads me to my final point. I'm tired of myself bitching. It's just seriously frustrating to see my boss man being micro managed and then doing same himself, while keeping his rose covered glasses stapled to his face. I also feel bad that things soured between Chef and the D.B. as chef is one of the better guys ive worked for. Its fucked.


TLDR: People got me fucked up.
I won't be babbling on about this again I promise.

* Were at 15 now. Two months, and tonight was crab night. I'm done.

03-01-2019, 05:25 PM
People who wash fucking whole balls of steel wool down the fucking drain, cuz now I have to stay at work after-hours on a Friday while we wait for a professional plumber to come out. Just got done pulling wads of steel wool by hand from their drain as far back as I could in the plumbing, and now I just have to hope that no one in the 5 other apartments upstairs decides to run anything down their drains or run their dishwasher because it’ll just come right down and flood this kitchen.

Like what the fuck.

03-02-2019, 05:50 PM
People who wash fucking whole balls of steel wool down the fucking drain, cuz now I have to stay at work after-hours on a Friday while we wait for a professional plumber to come out. Just got done pulling wads of steel wool by hand from their drain as far back as I could in the plumbing, and now I just have to hope that no one in the 5 other apartments upstairs decides to run anything down their drains or run their dishwasher because it’ll just come right down and flood this kitchen.

Like what the fuck.

When i first moved into the house here, bout 9 years ago, i started having problems with the kitchen sink clogging. tried Drano, a snake, all that stuff. Finally it just wouldn't drain at all, and we'd barely used it. So, i took a bucket and pulled off a section of the pipe under the sink. In addition to being sprayed with the various drain cleaner chemicals i'd tried and subsequently getting some mild chemical burns, i found what amounted to a compressed cylinder of pure grease/fat/lard/whatever about 6 inches long completely filling the entire piece of pipe. The people who'd lived here previously just poured straight grease down the drain, no rinsing, and the company who flipped the house to us never bothered to check into it.

Totally gross, totally a mess.

03-02-2019, 07:03 PM
When i first moved into the house here, bout 9 years ago, i started having problems with the kitchen sink clogging. tried Drano, a snake, all that stuff. Finally it just wouldn't drain at all, and we'd barely used it. So, i took a bucket and pulled off a section of the pipe under the sink. In addition to being sprayed with the various drain cleaner chemicals i'd tried and subsequently getting some mild chemical burns, i found what amounted to a compressed cylinder of pure grease/fat/lard/whatever about 6 inches long completely filling the entire piece of pipe. The people who'd lived here previously just poured straight grease down the drain, no rinsing, and the company who flipped the house to us never bothered to check into it.

Totally gross, totally a mess.

Uuuugggghhhhhh, been there, my friend! It’s bad enough that people will put all kinds of bad stuff down their drains, but that’s also why I usually advise people against using drain-clearing chemicals. If it’s a minor clog, it may help, but most of the time if it’s bad enough that nothing is getting through, it’s past the point where those things will help, then it becomes a matter of me having to be careful to avoid chemical burns or breathing fumes! It can be really messy. I wish they made those things to be more effective. Grease is absolutely awful. And physical objects are just the worst.

At my last property, we discovered that one of the residents in this one apartment was babysitting children, and those children were putting those little animals that swell up when exposed to water down the drain. This was after THREE days of doing everything we could to reach the clog. We’d even told all the upstairs apartments they couldn’t use their kitchen drains at all because we had to work on the ground floor, and even if we put all the plumbing back together, anything from upstairs would just immediately start filling the sink downstairs and overflow onto the floor. Ugh. What. A. Nightmare.

03-06-2019, 09:08 PM
Wahahahaha. Ok, well, here we fucking go. I'm on a treatment that basically makes your immune system not work very well, on purpose.
This has terrified me, but I was told it was the safest, best option.


I caught this steam burn on my hand a few days ago , from opening some soup that had been in microwave.

And I just woke up, and that shit is now like, RIDICULOUSLY infected. Like it's all dark, with a halo of red skin, and it hurts like a motherfucker and looks like it's spreading.

This types of shit was precisely what I was afraid of. FUCK. I better get to the dr quick before they wind up having to cut my thumb off or some shit, but, here's the thing: what can they DO? I mean, this medicine is a weekly shot that takes a couple of months to build up and kick in. So it's not like I can just, not take it tomorrow and my immune system will be back to normal. Also, I don't think you can take antibiotics while on this shit. I guess ima find out, though.

At least this: dude to my bleak sense of humor, I think it's fucking hilarious.

03-07-2019, 06:36 PM
Stupid, but I'm totally unable to find information about a specific show I went to years ago. It wasn't a bunch of unsigned acts or anything. Fuck.

03-08-2019, 03:09 AM
Stupid, but I'm totally unable to find information about a specific show I went to years ago. It wasn't a bunch of unsigned acts or anything. Fuck.same shit happened to me, yesterday!
It also drives me nuts that setlist.fm is missing setlists for, idk, Ozzy and shit, and Bone Thugs: BIG ACTS.

03-08-2019, 06:12 PM
Stupid, but I'm totally unable to find information about a specific show I went to years ago. It wasn't a bunch of unsigned acts or anything. Fuck.

What kind of information, and what show?

03-08-2019, 06:25 PM
What kind of information, and what show?

Haste the Day's When Everything Falls album release show in 2005. Took place in Indianapolis. I want to know what other bands played. There's no reason, really, but it's bothering me that I can't remember.

03-08-2019, 09:34 PM
Haste the Day's When Everything Falls album release show in 2005. Took place in Indianapolis. I want to know what other bands played. There's no reason, really, but it's bothering me that I can't remember.

Here are some of their other 2005 dates...maybe something will jog your memory?


03-12-2019, 05:28 PM
This bitch needs to die......


03-14-2019, 10:16 PM
Wahahahaha. Ok, well, here we fucking go. I'm on a treatment that basically makes your immune system not work very well, on purpose.
This has terrified me, but I was told it was the safest, best option.


I caught this steam burn on my hand a few days ago , from opening some soup that had been in microwave.

And I just woke up, and that shit is now like, RIDICULOUSLY infected. Like it's all dark, with a halo of red skin, and it hurts like a motherfucker and looks like it's spreading.

This types of shit was precisely what I was afraid of. FUCK. I better get to the dr quick before they wind up having to cut my thumb off or some shit, but, here's the thing: what can they DO? I mean, this medicine is a weekly shot that takes a couple of months to build up and kick in. So it's not like I can just, not take it tomorrow and my immune system will be back to normal. Also, I don't think you can take antibiotics while on this shit. I guess ima find out, though.

At least this: dude to my bleak sense of humor, I think it's fucking hilarious.Steam burns are the worst. Use some triple antibiotic oinment and keep it covered. Heard a thing at work about slathering burns in mustard. A freind burned the shit out of himself on hot steel doing some forging. He was burned but not really that bad. Around this time I vwas chatting with some other cat who happened to say the same thing. Even read it a few times in fb cooks group im in. That said I've tried it myself and it seems to help but these have been fairly minor grease burns. Good luck.

03-15-2019, 03:15 AM
Steam burns are the worst. Use some triple antibiotic oinment and keep it covered. Heard a thing at work about slathering burns in mustard. A freind burned the shit out of himself on hot steel doing some forging. He was burned but not really that bad. Around this time I vwas chatting with some other cat who happened to say the same thing. Even read it a few times in fb cooks group im in. That said I've tried it myself and it seems to help but these have been fairly minor grease burns. Good luck.thanks, dude. It actually worked out: I slathered it with Two Metric Fucktons of Neosporin, and did see the dr, and now, it's close to all right.
Man. I couldn't believe that shit. I had caught some milder steam burns working a stint at a cafeteria, but it was nothing like this.
I didn't have any idea how bad I'd been burned until the next morning when I noticed, like, an ABSURDLY huge blister, both in length, and especially, height. It was like cartoonish. What happened with the puss was cartoonish. But it didn't HURT for a few days because, I guess, the nerve endings were burned?
I say goddamn. This all happened because of an innocuous little cup of Sam's Choice Lime Flavored Chicken Tortilla Soup. I'd like to beat Sam's ass, lololololololol.
Sorry if I'm rambling, but man, you're definitely right about the nastiness of steam burns. I've caught all kinds of burns in my absurd, rock and roll lifestyle, but the only thing that was worse than this shit was getting on the back of a Harley and cooking my leg on the muffler.

03-16-2019, 01:02 AM
My crazy neighbor ... Dude has no life, apparently no job either, outside this 5 unit building. I'd get into it but I'm locked in until November. More sure to come. Also, floor turkey ...

03-16-2019, 08:17 AM
Word, Cat Mom . the COLORS that motorcycle burn turns are CRAZY! mine looked sort of blue and aquamarine and such at times.

03-16-2019, 10:48 AM
Saw this and thought of this page:


03-17-2019, 10:57 AM
I've been vaping instead of smoking for some years now. My favorite flavor is Whatever Is On Actual Clearance, aka 15ml bottles of Zeus Juice for $.99 from the head shop in Amarillo. I'll get 30 or 40 of those when I'm in Amarillo, and it's always worked great, until today.

I got a few bottles of a flavor called 57 Chevy. I figured it was some sort of metaphorical name: perhaps it was cherry flavored, or tasted like old school tobacco.

I was wrong.

THIS shit is an aberration. You guys know the smell of seat leather in those old mustangs? That's what this tastes like. It tastes like the inside of an old mustang smells.

I like that SMELL, but it's not something I wish to INGEST, in any way, ever.
I wonder who in the hell thought this was a good idea?
It's ROUGH. It actually makes me sick to my stomach.