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View Full Version : Now What do I Watch?

12-22-2012, 10:27 AM
Breaking Bad

All off the air for now.

I watch about 2 hours of television a week. other than the news.

What shows are awesome now?

I dont like superhero shows. I dont like Zombies. I dont like Vampires. So whats on that isnt geared towards a warped 12 year old?

12-22-2012, 10:59 AM
Does it have to be a current show? Because if you like Breaking Bad I would highly, highly recommend The Shield.

/broken record

12-22-2012, 12:15 PM
Oh yes. I watched the shield religiously also Rescue Me. I also liked Damages quite a bit!

12-22-2012, 01:29 PM
I gave up on television 10 years ago...

I tend to stick to youtube for my viewing pleasure.

Maybe catch up on some movies you wanted to see this year. Speaking of which... I'm still waiting for the annual "best movies of the year" thread that pops up here for this year. I always find out about a few good movies I wouldn't have otherwise known about from that thread.

12-22-2012, 01:32 PM
Game of Thrones.
You can catch up with seasons 1 & 2 before 3 starts in March.

12-22-2012, 03:22 PM
Game Of Thrones FTW!

i finally started using HBO GO and it's awesome! me and my girl have been rewatching all the seasons of The Sopranos

but WTF HBO GO? Why did you remove Carnivale all of a sudden?
Lots of pissed off folks who were in the middle of watching that and they just pulled it for no reason
first they cut the show short and cancel it before the stories finished and not they fuck people over again in the middle of watching the only two season on HBO Go by removing it without warning out of nowhere

Way to be a dick, HBO, way to go.

12-22-2012, 04:05 PM
You can pretty much just randomly pick an HBO show and chances are it'll be good. I actually counted it out the other day, and I think I came up with nine or ten shows that I've liked from them.

12-22-2012, 04:37 PM
Romanzo Criminale - La Serie, if you can track it down, is mesmerisingly good. It follows a gang of young, unaffiliated crims in 1970s Rome (ie. not mafia, not camorra; they didn't have a presence in the capital) as they rise from opportunistic thieves/drug dealers/kidnappers to... well... richer ones. Then gradually and magnificently self-destruct.
Absolute top-quality production, with a bunch of unforgettable performances, layered and (early on, at least) reasonably empathetic characters, unfolding story and a palpable sense of the culture of the time and place. Given that it's serialised mobster stuff the natural comparison is with The Sopranos - and it comes off as an equal in my opinion - but The Godfather is probably a closer relative for a number of reasons.
It's an Italian series though, so if you can track it down, you'll be reading the dialogue.

Southland is a naturalistic, authentic-seeming LAPD drama. It's presented in shaky-cam documentary style, and there's very little in the way of long-term writing - the draw of the show is in the day-to-day stuff the patrol police have to deal with. I think it was initially billed as a west coast answer to The Wire, but they really have fairly little in common, aside from needing subtitles to comprehend. Despite the fairly shallow remit, in my opinion it's so well executed that it's massively watchable, immersive, thought-provoking and occasionally affecting.

The Borgias is a rather arch and frequently hilarious (largely thanks to Jeremy Irons) historical drama. Tons of sex and violence, but it has a lot to offer in terms of the writing; the politics are involving and you care a lot about the characters. One of the main attractions is the mind-boggling beauty of the production, with lots of massive, intricate architecture and costume. The only active show I can think of that matches it in this respect is Game of Thrones, but there's nothing like as much to drool over in that.
Overall, if you watched Rome (and if you didn't, I vigorously urge that you do) you'll have a fair idea what to expect.

12-22-2012, 06:06 PM
Yea, now with Dexter, The Walking Dead, Revolution, and True Blood all gone I have been lost. I heard "Shameless" is a really good show but haven't got around to downloading yet... any feedback??

12-22-2012, 06:12 PM
Battlestar Galactica
Fire Fly

12-22-2012, 06:30 PM
Fringe - "Must see TV", seriously.... I didn't really get this show until I got towards the end of the first season. One of the best shows out there.

Then there's the Alpha Male Trinity:

Mad Men - Don Draper
Californication - Hank Moody
The Wire - Jimmy McNulty

12-22-2012, 06:40 PM
Oooooh Californication is AWESOME :)

12-22-2012, 06:53 PM
If you can hack subtitles, 'Spiral'/'Engrenages' is an awesome yet gory French cop/law/politics drama. Really good.

12-22-2012, 07:40 PM
*Battlestar Gallactica
*The Wire
*The Sopranos
*Boardwalk Empire
*Shameless (US)
*The Big C
*The United States of Tara
*Bored To Death
*Eastbound & Down
*Game of Thrones
*It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
*The League
*Mad Men
*Nurse Jackie
*The Riches
*The Black Donnellys

Yeah I'm single.

12-23-2012, 01:40 AM
Southland is a naturalistic, authentic-seeming LAPD drama. It's presented in shaky-cam documentary style, and there's very little in the way of long-term writing - the draw of the show is in the day-to-day stuff the patrol police have to deal with. I think it was initially billed as a west coast answer to The Wire, but they really have fairly little in common, aside from needing subtitles to comprehend. Despite the fairly shallow remit, in my opinion it's so well executed that it's massively watchable, immersive, thought-provoking and occasionally affecting.


I love Southland, season 5 starts up in February!

Also, if you're in to period dramas check out Magic City. Set in the late 50s to early 60s, organized crime in Miami.

12-23-2012, 01:56 AM
Fringe. Definitely a must see, if you're anywhere into sci-fi or Twilight Zone-y stuff.

Carnivalč, which is absolutely brilliant, even if unfinished.

Sherlock, the BBC series. Only 6 episodes so far, spread over two seasons, but they're all just movies and they're absolutely fucking brilliant. Benedict Cumberbatch + Martin Freeman + Stephen Moffat + Arthur Conan Doyle = AMAZING.

The Killing. I'm a bigger fan of the US version than the original Swedish one, but either one will do because they're both just really good thrillers. Stick to season 1 though, season 2's a let down.

12-23-2012, 10:27 AM
I should check out Sherlock.

I can't handle firefly and battle star galactica. I'm just not into em. I've tried and was very bored.

The terrible graphics and makeup just take me out of the mindset.

Sci fi is very hit and miss with me.

Fringe isn't really my cup of tea either. I guess I'm just more into reality based dramas.

Madmen is pretty good. Haven't watched the last couple seasons. Maybe I should catch up.

You know what show was rad? Kings.

12-23-2012, 10:35 AM
I heard "Shameless" is a really good show but haven't got around to downloading yet... any feedback??
I love Shameless - nice blend of comedy and drama (mostly comedy) with an excellent cast!

12-23-2012, 03:02 PM
Recently got into Suits. Very entertaining.

12-23-2012, 04:55 PM
Yea, now with Dexter, The Walking Dead, Revolution, and True Blood all gone I have been lost. I heard "Shameless" is a really good show but haven't got around to downloading yet... any feedback??

Shameless is great! I am not sure how to describe, but it is incredibly well acted.

12-23-2012, 07:12 PM
Yeah the American version of "Shameless" is really good... funny show

"Party Down" is another really funny show from Starz
Sucks it was canceled after two seasons, but now its coming back as a movie after demand

12-24-2012, 03:36 PM
I'm watching the Sopranos. Never had HBO so never got to see it when it was a current show.

Conan The Barbarian
12-24-2012, 03:37 PM
I'm watching the Sopranos. Never had HBO so never got to see it when it was a current show.

You are going to love it, then hate it while loving it.

12-24-2012, 04:13 PM
the new season of Archer is about to start. Awesome show.

12-24-2012, 04:39 PM
Sons of Anarchy
And I will always recommend American Horror Story (esp. Season 1)

12-24-2012, 10:05 PM
Just downloaded all of Shameless!