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03-24-2020, 10:47 PM


this was one of the most ridiculous movies i've ever seen. it contains all of the following:
the least comprehensible plot i've ever experienced
literally the worst dubbing i've ever heard
a blatant robocop ripoff
a gorilla mask
so many mustaches
so much denim

highly recommended

03-25-2020, 12:55 AM
If you have a 4K setup and don't buy 1917, you're missing out big time.

03-25-2020, 03:43 AM
Netflix - The Platform (Spain, 2019). A bit... uncomfortable.


03-28-2020, 01:12 PM
Sure, the memes are everywhere—but I haven't been able to get Tiger King out of my head.

03-28-2020, 05:06 PM
Season 3 finale of The Sinner. Another fantastic season.

Bill Pullman was extraordinary, as always. He is such an underrated actor. And Matt Bomer was at the very top of his game.

I really hope there'll be another season.

03-28-2020, 08:08 PM

Just watched this...

Not bad, a touch on the slow side... but interesting characters. Definitely Canadian though... Timbits and all. In some ways I don't think it was quite polished/tight enough to be a movie-movie... but maybe like a Netflix release. Maybe a stage play...

03-28-2020, 08:15 PM
Netflix - The Platform (Spain, 2019). A bit... uncomfortable.


Looks decent. Did you watch it and if you did, did you like it?

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03-29-2020, 08:45 AM
Looks decent. Did you watch it and if you did, did you like it?

Yes of course and I did, I wouldn't post this otherwise. Sometimes I had to look away for a second though...

Anyway, another intersting one - The Hunt. Last time I internally laughed with guilty feeling "I'm not sure if this over the top on purpose or is something wrong with me" was with "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". Also, POTUS supposedly tweeted about this one and maybe it's not "politically correct", but at least over here we don't care that much... ;-)


03-30-2020, 10:35 PM

Watched this a few times already...

bobbie solo
03-31-2020, 03:01 AM

as a psycho college bball fan who had his favorite time of year stolen from him, I have to get my fix somewhere (even though this is about HS ball). Yes it's a bit of a formulaic bball movie, but it does throw some swerves at you later on. And Affleck is just flat out excellent in this. Obviously lots of parallels between his character and real life Ben. He really carries the movie & deserves your attention. Some good bits of comic relief along the way too.

03-31-2020, 01:34 PM
It was decent. Reminiscent of that Cube movie.

03-31-2020, 01:39 PM
It was decent. Reminiscent of that Cube movie.

Is this in reference to Platform? Yes, reminded me of Cube. I thought it was decent as well.

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bobbie solo
04-01-2020, 02:21 PM

This was great. Details the real life kidnapping of oil tycoon J. Paul Getty's grandson in 1973 Italy. Drags a bit maybe 3/4 of the way through & gets a little repetitive, but that's really my only complaint. Everyone is solid in this, even Wahlberg! He tones his standard schtick down almost completely here, only hinting towards it once in a speech to Christopher Plummer. Plummer is fantastic (shocker) as miserable, penny pinching oil tycoon J. Paul Getty. You REALLY hate him by the end of this. He drives alot of the action here, as the plot centers around the ransom being demanded for his grandson.

bobbie solo
04-02-2020, 04:56 PM
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYjk4YjUwNjUtOWE3MC00N2M4LWFlYzgtY2FlMzU5YWNjZj k2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDMzNDc4Mg@@._V1_.jpg

great movie in the Erin Brockovich mold. Follows the infamous Dupont/Teflon scandal that is still a major problem to this day, and has extended out to similar chemicals being made all over the world by other chemical companies too. Ruffalo is great here, as is Bill Camp. Scary stuff.

04-03-2020, 01:12 PM
No Devs thread?! I'm 4 episodes in, and I absolutely love it.

04-04-2020, 12:25 PM
DEVS deserves wayyyy more attention! It's lived up to my high expectations so far. <3

Any self-respecting fans of Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation, so much more) owe it to themselves to seek it out.

04-04-2020, 08:20 PM
Been watching EVERY Arnold Schwarzenegger movie he stars in even going back to The Villain. But dam, I don't see anyone ever topping this man as the top action hero.

"You should not drink and bake."

04-05-2020, 10:44 AM
No Devs thread?! I'm 4 episodes in, and I absolutely love it.

DEVS deserves wayyyy more attention! It's lived up to my high expectations so far. <3

Any self-respecting fans of Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation, so much more) owe it to themselves to seek it out.

finally started it a few days ago at otnavuskire 's suggestion. i was tense IMMEDIATELY (as i am with all alex garland's stuff) and the first episode was so emotionally exhausting that i'm just finally watching episode 2 now.

04-07-2020, 12:44 PM
We started Community since it's on Netflix now. I think my son likes it, because I got a text from my wife yesterday saying "he wants to know if you have to be here for us to keep watching community". :)

we watched episodes 5-8 last night. there are so many jokes that it's hard to keep track sometimes. off the cuff comments like telling Jeff to go watch something on the E! network that don't seem funny but are because maybe you know that at the time he hosted a show on E! otherwise you wouldn't laugh. I used that as an example because I laughed and my wife and son both looked at me and asked why that was funny. Heck, there are even jokes in the subtitles because sometimes something you barely hear is subtitled so you see a throwaway joke instead of hearing it.

It's also fun seeing people in the show that later became bigger stars.

04-07-2020, 12:48 PM
I signed up for the one month trial of Showtime, so I'm watching the last season of Homeland. Pretty good so far.

04-07-2020, 01:33 PM
I signed up for the one month trial of Showtime, so I'm watching the last season of Homeland. Pretty good so far.

What's the on-demand boxing situation? The website search is pretty bunk and throws in a bunch of documentaries and other sports.

04-07-2020, 02:42 PM
We started Community since it's on Netflix now. I think my son likes it, because I got a text from my wife yesterday saying "he wants to know if you have to be here for us to keep watching community". :)

we watched episodes 5-8 last night. there are so many jokes that it's hard to keep track sometimes. off the cuff comments like telling Jeff to go watch something on the E! network that don't seem funny but are because maybe you know that at the time he hosted a show on E! otherwise you wouldn't laugh. I used that as an example because I laughed and my wife and son both looked at me and asked why that was funny. Heck, there are even jokes in the subtitles because sometimes something you barely hear is subtitled so you see a throwaway joke instead of hearing it.

It's also fun seeing people in the show that later became bigger stars.

i love the whole run of the show, even the so-called "gas-leak" season. yeah, it's not as good as some of the other seasons, but it's not bad by any means. people act like the show "died" without dan harmon, but i think it did fine. besides, he needed some time to sort out his shit.

anyway, looking forward to you continuing!

04-07-2020, 02:47 PM
What's the on-demand boxing situation? The website search is pretty bunk and throws in a bunch of documentaries and other sports.

I have no idea. I can poke around there later tonight and see.

04-07-2020, 03:19 PM
I signed up for the one month trial of Showtime, so I'm watching the last season of Homeland. Pretty good so far.

Homeland seasons 1-3 are incredible. Anything after that is good/ not great. This final season has proved to be very good so far tho, and understandably so. Hoping it ends in a great way.

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04-07-2020, 04:17 PM
I liked 1, 2, and 4 so far. 3, 5, 6 just blew in my opinion.
I'm crossing my fingers the final end isn't horrible.

04-07-2020, 07:04 PM
i love the whole run of the show, even the so-called "gas-leak" season. yeah, it's not as good as some of the other seasons, but it's not bad by any means. people act like the show "died" without dan harmon, but i think it did fine.

It's not unsolvable. :)

04-10-2020, 11:26 AM
The Two Popes.


04-10-2020, 12:16 PM
I really enjoyed that.

04-11-2020, 04:51 PM
Kong: Skull Island.

It's about how Captain Marvel, Loki and Dey from the Nova Corps come together to stop Nick Fury when he finds himself in an argument with a giant ape.

It's quite good!

bobbie solo
04-11-2020, 08:11 PM
Kong Skull Island is brainless done right. it's a fine line.

Space Suicide
04-11-2020, 09:16 PM
Fuck it, I don't care anymore.


04-12-2020, 02:03 PM
Fuck it, I don't care anymore.

wait, what? that movie's great!

Space Suicide
04-12-2020, 03:36 PM
wait, what? that movie's great!

Nothing just joking haha.

04-13-2020, 10:32 AM
Still watching Community, on season 2 now. The first Beetlejuice was said and I told my son to watch out for those. It's funny watching it with him because he's loving it, I think Troy and Abed are his favorite characters. We were on the third episode and I told them to watch the background and they still missed Abed doing everything. :rolleyes:

I'm a little concerned at the amount of gay-bashing going on. I mean they have Jim Rash on the show but then Pierce is always calling Jeff gay and getting somewhat descriptive in his terms as well, and of course there's the much memed senor chang gay bit.

https://media3.giphy.com/media/4bIaRnsoG1IOs/giphy.webp?cid=ecf05e47c81afa877dcc41f1c7c35d35334 28ce29b38e7fc&rid=giphy.webp

Also watching it a second time you do catch some things that you might have missed. For example, when the dean is announcing the nominees for "Transfer Queen" on of the names is Danielle Harmon. For some reason they have stopped asking me why I'm laughing at random things. :/

You can certainly tell that the show got popular. For example, the first episode back from winter break in the first season had Jack Black and Owen Wilson for cameos and they just keep coming. Then the second season there's already been Better White, Drew Carey, and Rob Corddry. (which...eh. is there a good Rob Corddry role?)

04-13-2020, 04:47 PM
I'm a little concerned at the amount of gay-bashing going on. I mean they have Jim Rash on the show but then Pierce is always calling Jeff gay and getting somewhat descriptive in his terms as well, and of course there's the much memed senor chang gay bit.

pretty sure that's all to show that those characters are dicks. definitely not defending it, and that stuff does occasionally get to me, but i think it's very intentional in terms of character.

04-13-2020, 05:03 PM
Probably? It's also weird reading old interviews where Chevy left the show because he felt his character was getting too racist and then at the same time there are interviews where he was intentionally racist towards Donald Glover to make his (dong lover's) action more authentic. and at the same time the character is pretty f-ing racist already so how could he make the argument that it was getting "too" racist?

04-13-2020, 11:27 PM
watched national treasure 1 on saturday, 2 tonight. absolutely love those movies. they're just fun, and that's what's needed right now.

04-14-2020, 01:22 AM
The Pearce character was definitely meant to show the behaviour is just wrong... and the other character's know this and react appropriately (within the scopes of their character). I find it helps to yell at the screen sometimes when Pearce acts like an ignorant asshole.

04-14-2020, 11:34 AM
Very true. it's odd timing but my son and I listened to "Think Tank" from Henry Rollins this weekend and he's got a bit about how gay men would act RE casual sex. I know Hank's an open-minded fellow and his approach was very 1998 but it was still a little much. anyway we had the opportunity to talk about that plus my son has a friend who's autistic and they all treat him like a normal kid and accept his issues as a part of him, not something that should be ignored or shunned. It's wild watching the kids of today be so accepting of each other when back in high school fag was thrown around like so much confetti.

ok, but back to Community: the Halloween episode came on last night and it was pretty good. also continued the rash of guest stars even if George Takei didn't actually show up.

04-14-2020, 04:10 PM
the Halloween episode came on last night and it was pretty good. also continued the rash of guest stars even if George Takei didn't actually show up.

that's the first episode of the show i ever saw and is what convinced me to watch it. it's SO good.

04-14-2020, 04:19 PM
that's the first episode of the show i ever saw and is what convinced me to watch it. it's SO good.

Y’all are making me want to get into this show lol

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04-15-2020, 08:53 AM
Y’all are making me want to get into this show lol

it's a good time to do so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

for me it's a comfort show. i love the characters and about 95% of the episodes so it's a great thing to watch when i'm feeling low or isolated (heh).

other shows that fall into that category for me:
pushing daisies
warehouse 13 (we're currently rewatching this and are about to start season 5, the very short final season)
the mighty boosh

04-15-2020, 10:07 AM
we would probably be watching a lot more if I weren't one of the people who have to actually go to work for eight hours. We tried watching W13 with our son but the cheesy effects turned him off. I mean I had to basically tell him to sit down and shut up during the first Terminator movie so this is a constant debate.

mst3k is something I've wanted to get into and as much as he likes to comment on crappy movies I think he'd like it as well. is Hulu the best place to catch the OG episodes?

he loved The IT crowd and Moone Boy (should totally find that if you haven't seen it) so I think he'd like Mighty Boosh. Dark Place might be a bridge too far at this point but it's on my list. I've seen it but that is definitely one of those deep-end-of-the-pool shows where you don't just jump into it without some primers.

speaking of Pushing Daisies, a show I'd like to watch again is Human Target. I remember it being somewhat cheesy but a typical Chi McBride type of show.

04-15-2020, 10:50 AM
we would probably be watching a lot more if I weren't one of the people who have to actually go to work for eight hours. We tried watching W13 with our son but the cheesy effects turned him off. I mean I had to basically tell him to sit down and shut up during the first Terminator movie so this is a constant debate.

mst3k is something I've wanted to get into and as much as he likes to comment on crappy movies I think he'd like it as well. is Hulu the best place to catch the OG episodes?

he loved The IT crowd and Moone Boy (should totally find that if you haven't seen it) so I think he'd like Mighty Boosh. Dark Place might be a bridge too far at this point but it's on my list. I've seen it but that is definitely one of those deep-end-of-the-pool shows where you don't just jump into it without some primers.

speaking of Pushing Daisies, a show I'd like to watch again is Human Target. I remember it being somewhat cheesy but a typical Chi McBride type of show.

there's no mst3k on hulu, actually. shoutfactory has an app with a TON of free episodes (as well as cinematic titanic), not sure if the same thing applies to their website. i know there are some on youtube, and there might still be some episodes on prime (there's a bunch of free rifftrax stuff on there).

good entry points - time chasers, space mutiny, devil doll, cave dwellers, pod people, the magic sword. my favorite is final sacrifice (that's the one i remember the most from being a kid) but it's never on anything so you'd have to download it somewhere.

also, i'm not one of those people who prefers one host over another. joel is great and he's kind of like the bots' dad. mike is like their brother who they pick on but in a fun way. and jonah is their weird stepbrother who they end up loving.
speaking of which, i really honestly love all of jonah's episodes (available on netflix) except carnival magic; the riffing is good but the movie is just so uncomfortable and awful.

04-16-2020, 09:34 AM
Near the rural town of Winton, Queensland, a truck driver finds the body of a teenage aboriginal girl named Julie Mason inside one of the drainage culverts under the road. Newly promoted aboriginal Detective Jay Swan, recently returned from training in the city, investigates the murder.

Good movie. If you liked Hell or Highwater, No Country For Old Men, Wind River you will like this.
Just read that the director also wrote the move, did the score, and cinematographed the whole thing. BOSS MAN.



04-16-2020, 05:38 PM
there's no mst3k on hulu, actually. shoutfactory has an app with a TON of free episodes (as well as cinematic titanic), not sure if the same thing applies to their website. i know there are some on youtube, and there might still be some episodes on prime (there's a bunch of free rifftrax stuff on there).

good entry points - time chasers, space mutiny, devil doll, cave dwellers, pod people, the magic sword. my favorite is final sacrifice (that's the one i remember the most from being a kid) but it's never on anything so you'd have to download it somewhere.

also, i'm not one of those people who prefers one host over another. joel is great and he's kind of like the bots' dad. mike is like their brother who they pick on but in a fun way. and jonah is their weird stepbrother who they end up loving.
speaking of which, i really honestly love all of jonah's episodes (available on netflix) except carnival magic; the riffing is good but the movie is just so uncomfortable and awful.

Also, if you have a Samsung Smart TV from 2016+, you'll have something called TV Plus. Channel 1339 is RiffTrax, and they play everything (including shorts and live events).

04-16-2020, 05:47 PM
Something that I've noticed on my Community rewatch is that twitter is a real thing. usually they use an alternately-named fake thing to stand in on TV or movies but they namedrop twitter left and right on the show. I do not recall hearing about twitter in the real world back then so I bet I just thought it was made up for the show.

04-17-2020, 11:03 AM
someone retweeted this today for some reason. I know he's a Jew* but other than that I don't know why he did. blew my mind a tiny bit since we just watched that episode. Oh and also that they had someone run the actual twitter account? mind blown like the tiny car in the "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design" episode.


Also we watched the episode where they find out Chang slept with Shirley. I laughed at the sweater joke because it's still a pretty good joke, but I felt bad about having to remember who the joke was about.


Also Paul F. Tompkins was a wild catch. Like I almost knew who it was but without the dapper clothes it was like looking at a doppelganger of someone you used to know.

04-19-2020, 11:13 AM
For those of us that watched Devs, what did you guys think? I loved it so much.

04-19-2020, 11:19 AM
For those of us that watched Devs, what did you guys think? I loved it so much.

Loved it too. Never gave too much away so every episode was interesting and absorbing.

04-19-2020, 02:55 PM
Just watched Oats Studio: Volume One. Described as a 'collection of experimental content from Neill Blomkamp (Elysium, District 9, Chappie)' It was actually fairly distracting. I was intrigued, amused, grossed out and nearly vomited (Magiblend 100/200), so pretty good.

04-19-2020, 11:40 PM
For those of us that watched Devs, what did you guys think? I loved it so much.

Loved it too. Never gave too much away so every episode was interesting and absorbing.

yeah, it was fantastic. a bunch of people have complained about the ending being "predictable" or "done too many times" and i just...what? the whole show was such a novel concept so i don't understand that criticism. i think it ended perfectly, but i didn't KNOW it was going to end that way.

04-20-2020, 10:45 AM
got a hulu sub over the weekend for Devs, Brooklyn 99, and Always Sunny. I was telling my son about Always Sunny and the best I could describe it was "Pierce in the DND episode but there are four/five of them and they're even worse". He asked me if he would know any of them and I said the only one he's seen in a movie is Charlie Day.

Speaking of, boy that's a string of episodes where Pierce was just the biggest asshole. I was out for a walk with my wife and I brought that up and neither of us remember him being that bad on the first watch way back in the halcyon days of 2011. I do enjoy reading some episode reviews after the fact.

finally: Man I hate seeing Andy Dick. OTOH they couldn't have picked a bigger or more appropriate asshole to be Pierce's drug friend.

almost forgot that the Joe Biden episode was the last one we watched. "I had a dream that I was the actual president" or something like that.

Helpmeiaminhell (is now in hell)
04-20-2020, 07:02 PM
just heard about the new season of American Horror Story. In this season of American Horror Story, Donald Trump is the president of the united states and then theres this virus that hits the country and the entire country shuts down, and the economy burns to the ground and the sports world ends and the live music world ends and people have to walk around in masks and the media turns the virus into a propaganda machine and a lot of people go bankrupt and a lot of businesses go broke and then some citizens start protesting and rioting and then all the democrats and republicans have this huge civil war against eachother and the entire country disintegrates with the virus as the backdrop for the crumbling of society.....this sounds like the craziest season of AHS yet. Thats how you know its a tv show because this shit is so fucked up, it could never happen in real life...oh wait nevermind

04-20-2020, 10:22 PM
"Some citizens"

04-23-2020, 02:13 AM
Just watched "The Gentlemen" ... yeah, I liked it. Really enjoyed the performances and some parts made me laugh out loud.

04-24-2020, 05:17 AM
Just finished watching this:


Very interesting.

04-24-2020, 12:47 PM
all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender are coming to US Netflix on may 1st! if you haven't watched the show, i highly recommend it.

04-24-2020, 07:25 PM
Just started Devs. Hoooooly crap, that first episode is bonkers. I'm already hooked.

Also, I just finished watching the first season of Euphoria for the second time. This might be the best show on television. I cannot wait for the second season, whenever that gets here.

04-24-2020, 08:16 PM
I'm watching the most recent season of Worst Cooks in America with Alton Brown. It's scary.

04-24-2020, 10:51 PM
I'm watching the most recent season of Worst Cooks in America with Alton Brown. It's scary.

Perhaps a bit spoiler-y but you might find this interesting...


04-25-2020, 12:03 AM

I adore Michael Jordan, and I’m not even a basketball fan. That Bulls team was something else. Rodman is hilarious. (No Tippin’) Pippen is ... Pippen. This doc is totally awesome.

04-25-2020, 06:18 PM
^^ I was happy to realize that The Last Dance is on Netflix Europe.

04-25-2020, 06:36 PM

I adore Michael Jordan, and I’m not even a basketball fan. That Bulls team was something else. Rodman is hilarious. (No Tippin’) Pippen is ... Pippen. This doc is totally awesome.

I was a huge Jordan/Bulls fan as a young teen, especially before getting into other extra curriculars as an older teen. I’m loving this documentary so far. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug [emoji4]

04-28-2020, 12:26 AM
today i watched two movies at the insistence of otnavuskire - "edge of tomorrow" and "ready or not"

edge of tomorrow was great. wasn't expecting to like it as much as i did. i really think they promoted that movie completely the wrong way when it was released because i was expecting a steaming pile of shit, but it was honestly so good. mixed feelings on the very very end, but i can forgive it for that; it is a hollywood blockbuster ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ready or not was incredible. and i know it's satire, and it had some very funny moments, but it was also absolutely terrifying and upsetting (to me). definitely going to be thinking about this one for a while...

04-28-2020, 10:29 AM
Started watching Devs with my wife a few nights ago. Only two more episodes for us (no spoilers please). I’m liking it. Liked Ex Maxhina and Annihilation so this is up my alley. She thinks it’s a bit weird. Excited to see how it ends. It’s one of the few shows that requires me to think a bit (besides westworld).

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04-28-2020, 11:23 AM
Also: and this might not be the right forum for this but - started reading American Gods over the past two weeks. About halfway thru and liking it for the most part. Has anyone watched the series? If so, did you enjoy it? No spoilers please as I’m not done with the book yet.

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04-28-2020, 02:00 PM
Also: and this might not be the right forum for this but - started reading American Gods over the past two weeks. About halfway thru and liking it for the most part. Has anyone watched the series? If so, did you enjoy it? No spoilers please as I’m not done with the book yet.

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sarah read the book and really liked it. she said the first season of the series was a bit different but she also liked it (i loved it). we haven't watched season 2 because without bryan fuller, kristen chennoweth, & gillian anderson, the show lost a lot of its draw for me. might pick it up at some point, though.

04-28-2020, 02:11 PM
sarah read the book and really liked it. she said the first season of the series was a bit different but she also liked it (i loved it). we haven't watched season 2 because without bryan fuller, kristen chennoweth, & gillian anderson, the show lost a lot of its draw for me. might pick it up at some point, though.

Both seasons are worth it. Looking forward to the 3rd...

There's a set of graphic novels that follow the series instead of the book and they are gorgeous (https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/564094/american-gods-volume-1-shadows-graphic-novel-by-written-by-neil-gaiman-and-p-craig-russell-illustrated-by-scott-hampton-p-craig-russell-walter-simonson-colleen-doran-and-glenn-fabry/)... (we have the first two and the third comes out in June)

04-28-2020, 02:12 PM
Also: and this might not be the right forum for this but - started reading American Gods over the past two weeks. About halfway thru and liking it for the most part. Has anyone watched the series? If so, did you enjoy it? No spoilers please as I’m not done with the book yet.

Haven't read the novel but I've watched both seasons of the series and enjoyed it for what they are.... and you may want to check out the Literature forum section (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/forums/17-Literature) :)

04-29-2020, 02:37 AM
Extraction (Netflix 2020)


At one moment I was like "wait... did the camera just... how..." and then watched with open mouth very long take with so much happening... I love this stuff (Children of Men, Gravity, though 1917 I didn't enjoy that much). And indeed, there are articles about that, with director himself (marvel stuntman) strapped to car with camera, cool. :-)

04-29-2020, 11:44 AM

Finally finished that Netflix Spenser film. it wasn't that it was bad, it was just that it was long enough to need to be broken up and as there's only one TV I have to wait my turn to watch something no one else does. Also I was going to complain about its length but it's only 111 minutes? It sure seemed longer because of how slow some parts were. Winston Duke was an interesting character for the bits he was allowed to.

It was pretty much what the trailer tells you it is. The movie was predictably paced and plotted, but also a little long. The 'fake news' thing is a little much to take in my entertainment, please stop enabling the orange asshole, OK Hollywood? Guh. There are two parts that I didn't like at all, both of them were Spenser-Spense talking to people and providing them with evidence and they were just like "nah, not good enough". It was so poorly done that I have to blame the actors - looking at you Marc Maron - because it just seemed so unbelievable. That or there was a subtle subplot of intrigue but that didn't pan out so I'm back to blaming the actors.

The scene near the end with the semi truck was pretty cool, and definitely loud. Recently got a sub hooked up and sometimes I forget it's there but this scene didn't let me do that at all. My son came out and asked why it sounded like the house was coming down. I just wish the fight after was as interesting, it was pretty blah. The fight is the usual "bad guy kicks good guy's ass until the good guy wins out of nowhere" kind of thing. It was played like Spenser was wearing a wire and was waiting for the bad guy to confess to everything in the fight but that never happened, it just...ended. Also the subtitles were all "bones breaking" and he didn't seem to be in the kind of pain one would experience after having your tibia and/or fibula broken. that's a nit to pick but the ending was bugging me already so it stood out.

04-29-2020, 11:24 PM
finally watched two movies i wish i had seen a long time ago.

Re-Animator, by myself this afternoon. real fun! just wish barbara crampton had more to do than scream and show her boobs :/

Some Like It Hot, with my wife this evening. don't think i realized how many films have been inspired by this. it's great.

04-30-2020, 03:47 AM
I love this stuff (Children of Men, Gravity, though 1917 I didn't enjoy that much). And indeed, there are articles about that, with director himself (marvel stuntman) strapped to car with camera, cool. :-)
I don't know if it's available in your region, but here there's a German movie on Netflix, called Victoria, that's completely one-take. As I understood it, they shot it three times and then chose the best take. It's really fucking amazing and mostly in English. Here's the article on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_(2015_film)

04-30-2020, 04:15 PM
I don't know if it's available in your region, but here there's a German movie on Netflix, called Victoria

Thank you, I'll check it out. Actually, one funny observation - while watching this unexpected amazing long Extraction take, I almost wanted it to end already so I could enjoy it again, weird thought right? :-)

bobbie solo
04-30-2020, 10:41 PM
Has anyone watched the series? If so, did you enjoy it? No spoilers please as I’m not done with the book yet.

I am enjoying the TV series so far too. Season 1 was def. better than season 2, but season 2 was still solid enough. The problem with the show has been the absolutely insane level of behind the scenes drama, as it is now on it's THIRD showrunner in 3 seasons. And the newest one seems like his view on the show and one of it's most beloved characters is very problematic, if you believe Orlando Jones:


05-01-2020, 01:06 AM
if you believe Orlando Jones

I remember reading on Neil Gaiman's Tumblr (but failing to find it right now) that it was more a case of that Anansi wasn't ever planned to be S3 to begin with... which is unfortunate because I really do enjoy his performance as him but we'll see what the future holds anyway. It's a weird ride with that show.

05-01-2020, 04:04 AM
I don't know if it's available in your region, but here there's a German movie on Netflix, called Victoria, that's completely one-take. As I understood it, they shot it three times and then chose the best take. It's really fucking amazing and mostly in English. Here's the article on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_(2015_film) Victoria is fucking bonkers. I remember thinking it was just ok but from a technical standpoint it's amazing.

On another note, I finished Devs and unfortunately I don't think they landed the ending. I didn't hate the last episode but it really didn't work very well for me. I can't say much else without spoilers but yeah. Not a huge fan of the end.

Still, the show overall was great. The first seven episodes were a hell of a ride. Especially episode 7, holy CRAP. Best episode of the series and the first time in a long time that a show actually got my adrenaline pumping and my heart racing. Super intense and suspenseful.

Also, started watching Terriers for the second time. LOVE this show. I was bummed that it wasn't streaming anywhere for a long time but now it's on Hulu and I am really looking forward to watching it again. It's only one season and it was cancelled but the ending works surprisingly well as a series finale, even if it wasn't meant to be. And while the show looks super generic and bland from the trailer (I was telling a friend that it looks like a show you would see on USA) it is so, so much better and deeper than that. It's a hidden little gem that hardly anyone has seen and fewer have even heard of and it deserves such a bigger audience. Highly recommended.

05-01-2020, 12:19 PM
Terriers is streaming? holy shit.

It's such an amazing show. I mean, there are things in every episode that builds up the world in later episodes. It's short and self-contained enough that you can convince yourself that you're watching a great miniseries instead of a great television show cancelled too soon.

also I just found this while searching for something else:


Beach Cop Detectives is a podcast dedicated to Terriers, the one-season beach noir series co-created by Shawn Ryan (The Shield) and Ted Griffin (Ocean's 11) for FX in 2010. It lives on Netflix, and Beach Cop Detectives hopes to serve as the DVD extra equivalent for a show that has never gotten the DVD treatment, with episode-by-episode analysis and original interviews with many of those who helped make the show.

Beach Cop Detectives is a special project by Randy Lander and Grant Davis of The TV Dudes (https://www.beachcopdetectives.com/thetvdudes.com) podcast and part of the Permanant RCRD (http://www.permanentrcrd.com/) podcast network.

05-03-2020, 05:22 PM
There's a horror movie on streaming somewhere called The Wretched, or on DVD or something.

I'll bite, because, well, i'll watch damn near anything NEW at this point, and also, you know, it's called TW

05-03-2020, 05:24 PM
^^ I was happy to realize that The Last Dance is on Netflix Europe.
Strangely, it's on my plex server, too.

05-04-2020, 03:26 PM
There's a horror movie on streaming somewhere called The Wretched, or on DVD or something.

I'll bite, because, well, i'll watch damn near anything NEW at this point, and also, you know, it's called TW

joe of Horror Queers (https://twitter.com/horrorqueers?lang=en) liked it. i am really excited to watch it!

05-05-2020, 04:56 PM
joe of Horror Queers (https://twitter.com/horrorqueers?lang=en) liked it. i am really excited to watch it!
Awesome! i'm apprehensive, but it got like 75 on rotten tomatoes.
eversonpoe , do you have Plex? if not, get you an account. it's free, and i'll share my library with you.

05-06-2020, 12:39 AM

I adore Michael Jordan, and I’m not even a basketball fan. That Bulls team was something else. Rodman is hilarious. (No Tippin’) Pippen is ... Pippen. This doc is totally awesome.

HOLY shit this just gets better and better. Especially the non-edited version.

05-07-2020, 03:34 PM
There's a horror movie on streaming somewhere called The Wretched, or on DVD or something.

just watched it and i loved​ it. if you like fright night but want something that's witchy instead of vampire-y, something that's a bit more serious than silly, and genuinely scary, this is the movie for you.

05-08-2020, 06:30 AM
just watched it and i loved​ it. if you like fright night but want something that's witchy instead of vampire-y, something that's a bit more serious than silly, and genuinely scary, this is the movie for you.

We thought it was pretty damned good, too.
it may not be the scariest thing ever, but it's REALLY well made, and solid for an indie horror film

Edit: I also caught a Tool sample in the soundtrack, from Mantra :p

05-08-2020, 11:03 AM
The last 2 movies I watched were Vivarium starring Jesse Eisenberg & Imogen Poots and The Lodge starring Riley Keogh which, coincidentally, ended up being a good isolation double bill. The former is some surreal, sci-fi cabin fever and the latter is some literal, pitch dark cabin fever. I liked both a lot.

The Lodge is from the same writer/director team as Goodnight Mommy which remains a personal favorite.

05-08-2020, 03:00 PM
Just finished Underworld (had to spread it out over two days) and am currently watching Battle: Los Angeles. Disappointed in myself.

05-08-2020, 03:08 PM
The last 2 movies I watched were Vivarium starring Jesse Eisenberg & Imogen Poots and The Lodge starring Riley Keogh which, coincidentally, ended up being a good isolation double bill. The former is some surreal, sci-fi cabin fever and the latter is some literal, pitch dark cabin fever. I liked both a lot.

The Lodge is from the same writer/director team as Goodnight Mommy which remains a personal favorite.

Vivarium was great. What did you think in MEANT, though? We thought it was about being trapped in suburbia and traditional roles/expectations.

For you, I recommend She's Allergic to Cats and Horse Girl.
Throw me a couple of your beloved reccomendations, if you have any.

05-08-2020, 04:07 PM
watched Tenebrae (Tenebre?) last night. only my second Argento film (first was Suspiria, which i loved) and i thought it was fantastic. a whodunit slasher that's super stylish? sign me up! it's on shudder right now if you have it!

bobbie solo
05-08-2020, 09:37 PM
Just finished Underworld (had to spread it out over two days) and am currently watching Battle: Los Angeles. Disappointed in myself.

Battle: LA is pretty good actually. I liked it way more than I thought I would. Not winning any Oscars but good action and shot well.

05-09-2020, 11:13 AM
Vivarium was great. What did you think in MEANT, though? We thought it was about being trapped in suburbia and traditional roles/expectations.

For you, I recommend She's Allergic to Cats and Horse Girl.
Throw me a couple of your beloved reccomendations, if you have any.

Great question!! Still not sure how I interpreted it, but it perpetually made me think of Womb (see below). I quickly found this interview with the director after watching and this quote (https://www.comingsoon.net/movies/features/1128709-cs-interview-lorcan-finnegan-on-sci-fi-thriller-vivarium) regarding its inspiration is interesting: "Finnegan describes him and co-writer Garret Shanley’s inspiration from the film came from the socio-political environment of Ireland in the early 2000s, as the 'economic boom and subsequent crash' of the economy led the building of numerous housing developments that were left empty."

Oddly enough, Vivarium also reminded me of Womb starring Eva Green. Ever see it? I could only watch it once. Very intense but I remember liking it. Would be curious to know your thoughts!

Also, while we're talking about isolation movies that stick to one indoor location, I've been recommending The Invitation (on Netflix) and Coherence (should be on Prime Video) to *everyone* I meet for years. I absolutely adore both of those films and they make a great double feature.

EDIT: I saw Horse Girl a couple months ago! Whoa, that was intense and trippy. I need to read some theories on that still because it left me reeling in a good way. Loved how weird it got. And I'll def check out the other one – thanks for the recommendations! Appreciate it!

05-09-2020, 11:28 AM
Yay, Gervais' After Life season 2 is out, I loved this little secret thingy, don't tell anybody about it, it's mine. I'm including trailer without even watching it. ;-)


05-09-2020, 04:24 PM
Also, while we're talking about isolation movies that stick to one indoor location, I've been recommending The Invitation (on Netflix) and Coherence (should be on Prime Video) to *everyone* I meet for years. I absolutely adore both of those films and they make a great double feature.

coherence is one of (if not my #1) favorite indie sci-fi films. so well-thought-out and intriguing.

the invitation was amazing. such a pervasive sense of dread. i watched in months ago and have still been thinking about it.

05-09-2020, 04:54 PM
coherence is one of (if not my #1) favorite indie sci-fi films. so well-thought-out and intriguing.

the invitation was amazing. such a pervasive sense of dread. i watched in months ago and have still been thinking about it.

Hell yes!! I've completely lost count of how many times I've seen both films. I'm still noticing things in both. <3

I even flew from NJ to Los Angeles at the beginning of 2020 to see a screening of Coherence with a full crowd (significant since I'd only ever watched on a TV screen til then) that doubled as a cast reunion + Q&A. Writer/director Jim Byrkit was there too and he had some seriously awesome insights.

When I told him and the cast that I came from the East Coast they were flattered and it turned into a really, really nice and memorable evening. We got to chat one-on-one afterwards and he's a genuinely cool, down-to-Earth dude. Really hoping he's able to get another feature off the ground soon. He so deserves it.

bobbie solo
05-10-2020, 01:35 AM

This was a solid coming of age flick. As I approach 40 it's nice to see how filmmakers update these kind of stories for modern times, and to see that executed well. Pete Davidson is really good playing a piece of shit screw-up. Shocker right? There's some unrealistic silliness in the film's third act with the big party scene, but it doesn't really detract from the overall impact. Nice to see Jon Crier too. Anyone else catch it?

05-10-2020, 03:56 AM
Watching the second season of Altered Carbon. Very good. Less convoluted than a lot of recent sci-fi.

05-11-2020, 03:07 PM
Since I’m basically done with the book the wife and I started American Gods. That show is straight eye candy!! Holy cow what a beautiful show. And so far the story is in line with the book, give it take a few slight differences. Really enjoying it but I can see how people who haven’t read the book (my wife) could be totally lost.

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05-11-2020, 03:41 PM
During lunch yesterday my son asked me about a soundtrack on his ipod. I asked him to show it to me and it was the Dr. Horrible soundtrack. If you recall he listens to his entire library on random so I asked him if he had listened to the whole thing or just one song. He said he heard one song but liked it to much he made a point of listening to the whole thing. I asked him if he liked it and he said yeah, just wasn't sure if it belonged to something or not. So I went and grabbed the blu-ray and said we'd watch it after.

God there are so many truly wonderful parts to this thing. That's not to say there aren't some bits that stood out as 'sucks teeth' icky here and there but a lot of that's just mores changing.

I hope there isn't a sequel, I just don't see how it would work.

05-12-2020, 12:27 AM
Since I’m basically done with the book the wife and I started American Gods. That show is straight eye candy!! Holy cow what a beautiful show. And so far the story is in line with the book, give it take a few slight differences. Really enjoying it but I can see how people who haven’t read the book (my wife) could be totally lost.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


not really a spoiler to post this, i promise. but it's gonna make you laugh HARD when you get to this point.

05-12-2020, 12:30 AM

not really a spoiler to post this, i promise. but it's gonna make you laugh HARD when you get to this point.

Haha I’ve already seen a few of those scenes. Just finished season one and now we need to start season 2. Since it’s in Starz and we don’t have that, my choice is either pay to get stars or find the season cheap on dvd. Maybe the latter. Loved season 1. Finished the book up until the point of the epilogue which I’ll either finish tonight or tomorrow. Really enjoying it as a whole, and I think it’s safe to say the show is almost unlike anything I’ve seen before. Hoping season 2 delivers and that the upcoming season does too!

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05-16-2020, 04:37 PM
Had anyone watched Mythic Quest yet? I was super surprised to see it got pretty good reviews.

bobbie solo
05-17-2020, 10:31 PM
Just finished up Happy! It went to Netflix after Syfy cancelled it. Wow, what a bonkers show. Loved it. Christopher Meloni completely bought in & went ham every episode. Hope someone picks up it up and does season 3, b/c man did they clearly leave it to keep going.

Starting Runaways seasons 2 & 3 now, preparing for disappointment b/c season 1 fell flat after good start for me. I'll be watching while continuing to add album art to my music collection though, so maybe i wont hate it since i wont be paying complete attention haha.

05-17-2020, 10:42 PM
if you have a device that can use it, download the PlutoTV app. it's 100% free, there's a ton of on-demand content, and a ton of "live tv" including 24/7 channels for mst3k, rifftrax, rupaul's drag race, and AMERICAN GLADIATORS. we have watched so much old school american gladiators in the last couple days it's ridiculous and glorious.

bobbie solo
05-17-2020, 10:50 PM
https://thumbs.gfycat.com/InferiorTheseAfricancivet-mobile.mp4my favorite part:


05-18-2020, 04:36 AM
Starting Runaways seasons 2 & 3 now

S3 felt like it tried to squeeze in a S4 / series ending plot that they really liked by then had to take away from the initial S3 plot (and the build up of S1 and S2 into it). I dunno... I'm not much into the teenage angst shows (see also; The Gifted). So I pause the episodes and yell at the characters kinda often... but I'm better now. So much better now.

Have you watched Cloak & Dagger? It might still be a teenage angst show but the larger scope of the stories made it worth watching for me. S3 of Runways has a crossover episode...

05-18-2020, 10:00 AM
Just finished up Happy! It went to Netflix after Syfy cancelled it. Wow, what a bonkers show. Loved it. Christopher Meloni completely bought in & went ham every episode. Hope someone picks up it up and does season 3, b/c man did they clearly leave it to keep going..
I was all-in for the Happy show until I read the book. From reading the wiki blurbs on the episodes they seem to do a much better job of moving the story, unlike the book that was a two-book burnout of running at full speed but going nowhere. They spent two books just telling you how much of an asshole Sax is and it goes nowhere. The underlying story was typical Grant Morrison.

I did however watch the first few minutes of the show - netflix autoplay - and I 100% agree with you on him going ham. wow.

bobbie solo
05-20-2020, 04:29 PM
Happy! the show expands so much more on everything than the comic. Not really comparable. Second season is completely new and original too obviously.

bobbie solo
05-20-2020, 04:30 PM
S3 felt like it tried to squeeze in a S4 / series ending plot that they really liked by then had to take away from the initial S3 plot (and the build up of S1 and S2 into it). I dunno... I'm not much into the teenage angst shows (see also; The Gifted). So I pause the episodes and yell at the characters kinda often... but I'm better now. So much better now.

Have you watched Cloak & Dagger? It might still be a teenage angst show but the larger scope of the stories made it worth watching for me. S3 of Runways has a crossover episode...

I basically hate every one of these kids for the dumb decisions they make and want bad things to happen to them. Parents too. Basically no one is likable on the show. I'm watching in the background now while I do other things.

05-20-2020, 04:40 PM
I basically hate every one of these kids for the dumb decisions they make and want bad things to happen to them. Parents too. Basically no one is likable on the show. I'm watching in the background now while I do other things.

On the bright side, there is a dinosaur. And Dale.

bobbie solo
05-20-2020, 04:45 PM
On the bright side, there is a dinosaur. And Dale.

The raptor is cool for sure. I'm almost done with season 2. I think the show would be infinitely better if THINGS HAPPENED. They spend so many episodes dicking around. These kids all have powers/abilities and barely use them. Standard free TV trap that we would see 15-20 years ago. If they fought alot more and used their abilities more often it would improve the show a ton.

05-20-2020, 04:49 PM
I think the show would be infinitely better if THINGS HAPPENED.

S3 has that... and still tedium.

05-23-2020, 08:56 PM
I have been binge-watching Brad Mondo videos all day. For some reason it's just perfect. And he stays positive even though some people seriously jack up their hair.


05-23-2020, 10:20 PM
On season 3 of Stranger Things, so good.

05-24-2020, 02:09 AM
coherence is one of (if not my #1) favorite indie sci-fi films. so well-thought-out and intriguing.

the invitation was amazing. such a pervasive sense of dread. i watched in months ago and have still been thinking about it.

Watched Coherence tonight. Had already seen The Invitation and liked it.

Coherence was....just okay. I found it distracting how low budget it looked. In the first five minutes I couldn’t decide if it was a found footage film or just low budget. Turned out it was the latter. The story was intriguing but it would have been nice to SEE things happening rather than to just hear a group of people talking about them. Would have been nice to see them walk through the dark space into another reality, or to see the comet more often, etc. I found that for the most part, if I had muted the movie and tried to figure out what was happening, I wouldn’t have been able to because it didn’t show a lot of what was supposedly occurring. Thought the last quarter was better than more of the rest of the movie .

Maybe I just need to re watch it, but I thought the premise has potential but the execution was totally meh. I liked the invitation much better.

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05-29-2020, 09:59 AM
so apparently if you're a DirecTV subscriber, you get HBOMAX for free. besides the new looney tunes stuff, they have a large number of the classic ones (including the REALLY old black & white stuff). the amount of excitement that welled up inside me and then exploded when i saw that was ridiculous.

also there are a TON of movies on there (way more than HBOGO) and i'm really looking forward to watching Legendary

05-29-2020, 10:54 AM
I did not know about the Looney Tunes, cool. I have the blu-ray releases but it'd be nice to be able to watch them without that extra step. Yes, I'm lazy.

One thing that bugs me about the roll out is that I can't put it on my Pixel tablet but it's on my Pixel phone. And I've heard that it's not on the Amazon Fire Stick? I do have one of the Xfinity Flex devices but I've used it for probably less than an hour total so I don't know if it's there or not. Might try it out though just to see. The interface is so clunky though.

06-01-2020, 10:55 AM
Re-watched "Ready Player One" because I wanted to be distracted... the pacing is just terrible. Too fast and skipping over details that, I think, made the novel interesting.

06-01-2020, 11:02 AM
The wife and I started watching Community on Netflix. While it’s not as laugh out loud funny as I was hoping, we’re both really enjoying it. I think it has a similar appeal as The Office did with people: they love to watch a show like this and live vicariously through the characters and the friendships they make.

I can see this series as becoming a favorite of mine.

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06-01-2020, 03:37 PM
What timing, we also just rewatched RPO and finished Community!

You're right that RPO was oddly paced. There are bits where it's done very well - the race for example - but then it's just weird in others - like "gimme that" when he takes the guy's gun. The book could not have been filmed, especially the whole intro bit where you have to find the first challenge before moving on, that doesn't fit a movie's sensibilities. On the flip side, there are so many easter eggs in the film that last for less than a second that it's a bit of 'eyes glassed over' in those scenes.

Community was a great watch. Went through all six seasons in about a month or so, speed will vary based on free time of course but the shorter seasons kind of zoomed right along. It's interesting thinking about the show as a whole because you can see how the characters changed. Not all of them did the typical sitcom thing where they zoom in on a character and that becomes their trait.

I also loved how the show made such an effort to let you know there are background characters but they aren't just background all the time. I know other shows do it as well but how often do you see sub-main characters just walking around in the background so it doesn't look like a typical TV show but instead an actual, dare I say it, community with people instead of extras who just wanted the $50 for the day?

bobbie solo
06-04-2020, 03:42 AM
Trying to fix some blind spots my wife has these last few days...



06-07-2020, 05:44 AM
Btw, did you know there are MANY visual effects in Parasite? Corridor Crew channel talks about it here (time 6:18, didn't expect the link with timestamp to embed):

Anyway, nowadays I'm gravitated towards one of my all time favorites about my beloved topic (e.g. "what the fuck is happening, is this real? how did I get here, how can I go home?"), Vanilla Sky (2001). I even tried the 1997 "original" Abre los ojos and you know what? Vanilla Sky is better in every way, I don't believe people saying otherwise are being honest. Even script is improved and adds/changes many meaningful details. Or maybe I'm too sensitive or something. "My dreams are a cruel joke. They taunt me. Even in my dreams I'm an idiot... who knows he's about to wake up to reality."

06-07-2020, 07:01 AM
Laurel Canyon on Epix. Quite good.

06-08-2020, 11:50 AM
just watched "Scream, Queen!" the documentary about Nightmare On Elm Street 2 (and more specifically about Mark Patton). as a documentary, it wasn't the most impressive one i've ever seen from a filmmaking perspective, but the content was fantastic. highly recommended if you're a fan of that film, or if you're a queer horror fan in general.

06-08-2020, 12:13 PM
We watched a GREAT movie called Judy and Punch, which I would consider a DARK sort of feminist morality tale. It was really, really good. I guess I should add a warning that it features a LOT of physical abuse.

Secondly, The Vast of Night is played as an episode of an alternative universe Twilight Zone show called Paradox Theater.
It's set in the fifties, and is about flying saucers, and seems to be influenced by Spielberg and Twin Peaks, and of course, the aforementioned Twilight Zone.
It's also pretty damn good.

Both are on my plex server.

bobbie solo
06-09-2020, 12:41 AM
Both are on my plex server.

and your mom is on my plex server.

06-09-2020, 06:23 AM
Just finished re-watching "Demolition Man" ... still needs a better script, better editing and better music... and acting. But Bullock did the best she could with the material and Leary was decent too.

06-09-2020, 08:51 AM
and your mom is on my plex server.
You awful bastard. I TOLD you to stop calling our house.

Did anyone else see Judy and Punch? It really is, REALLY fucking good.

06-10-2020, 11:03 AM
we finally watched Parasite last night and holy shit. deserving of every accolade it has received. full five stars from me. really glad i went in completely blank, the only thing i knew is that people really liked it.

bobbie solo
06-11-2020, 03:18 AM
we finally watched Parasite last night and holy shit. deserving of every accolade it has received. full five stars from me. really glad i went in completely blank, the only thing i knew is that people really liked it.

what was you & your woman's reaction when for the first time, things start to pop off at a certain point (I'm being vague for those that still haven't watched 3/4 of a year after release...I'm a saint) & the movie takes that turn?

06-11-2020, 12:33 PM
what was you & your woman's reaction when for the first time, things start to pop off at a certain point (I'm being vague for those that still haven't watched 3/4 of a year after release...I'm a saint) & the movie takes that turn?

we both got wide-eyed and looked at each other like "uh oh" haha it was pretty great

06-16-2020, 02:58 PM
I’ve spent hours in the last week binge-watching this show. I LOVE Alexis.


06-16-2020, 07:42 PM

Just watched this... you know to be distracted...

bobbie solo
06-17-2020, 12:40 AM
Woah that escaped my purview somehow. Def. gonna watch!

bobbie solo
06-17-2020, 12:50 AM
recent watches:


a stripped down, realistic & chilling view of what it would be like to work under Harvey Weinstein. He's not named directly, but it's clearly him. Stars the younger breakout star from Ozark.


This movie was fucked, and I haven't seen anything exactly like it. Going in blind helps, as it takes quite the swerve after the initial setup. It starts off slow & is purposefully very weird. Just stick with it. Probably the best movie I've seen this year so far.


A look at how late stage capitalism and the gig economy is destroying people. In this case, a British family. Movie's a super downer, be warned. But it was another great film from Ken Loach.


06-18-2020, 11:17 AM
got through both seasons of What We Do in the Shadows in about a week. Really enjoyed the story they're telling, though if they could stop doing the Jim that would be great. Don't look at the camera as a reaction.

The S2 finale was great and I can't wait to see what the third season brings.

I didn't even recognize "Jim" and I knew he was going to be on the show. It wasn't until his second appearance that I remembered that he was a guest star this season.

bobbie solo
06-19-2020, 02:53 AM
King of Staten Island was as I expected. It's...fine. Has some really funny moments (the robbery scene), but there are alot of problems too. It's too long (shocker for an Apatow movie right?) at 2 hrs & 11 minutes. Could have easily cut at LEAST 15 minutes. It's another Apatow movie about a guy who refuses to grow up. Davidson is mostly unlikeable. Yeah that's the point, but he didn't turn it around enough. Burr, Tomei and Buscemi are great. Buscemi has a scene stealing monologue in a bat scene that shows how he is head & shoulders above everyone else in this. Seeing all thr stuff they filmed on Staten Island was cool.

06-23-2020, 01:26 PM
if you want a good laugh, watch Holey Moley. the entire first season is on youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDR9xMlg-VqQ0C5KbFZqMz4idVoxWKKvd

and the second season is on Hulu.

rob riggle is definitely my favorite part of the show, but the whole thing is just so silly and stupid and fun. nice to have something to laugh at right now.

06-26-2020, 03:01 PM
Did anyone watch Evil on CBS last year?

We just binge watched it, and it is a fucking TRIP, that gets better and better, more and more frightening, and just STRANGER as it goes on.

06-26-2020, 03:50 PM
Did anyone watch Evil on CBS last year?

We just binge watched it, and it is a fucking TRIP, that gets better and better, more and more frightening, and just STRANGER as it goes on.

I did and i loved it. I cant wait fot season 2!

06-27-2020, 01:11 PM
Finished my re-watching of Elementary.

I have no idea what people mean by the show having an agenda. Is it Joan wearing pants?

06-27-2020, 04:11 PM
Finished my re-watching of Elementary.

I have no idea what people mean by the show having an agenda. Is it Joan wearing pants?

people think that because sherlock and joan speak out against injustices (racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc.) that the show has a "left-wing agenda." people always think speaking against these thing is an agenda instead of realizing they're just, you know, people NOT being assholes.

the imdb reviews for that show are atrocious.

for the record, i love the show. my favorite of the more recent adaptations of sherlock holmes.

06-27-2020, 04:33 PM
the imdb reviews for that show are atrocious.

I blame certain toxic Dr. Who fans being upset that their alleged favourite actor wasn't the only Sherlock on the air.

06-27-2020, 06:26 PM

06-27-2020, 07:05 PM
So am I. Anyway, Elementary was all sorts of awesome. I loved that show.

06-28-2020, 03:30 AM
So season 3 of Dark, good GOD. That's just what this show needed, was to get way more complicated and harder to follow.

These showrunners aren't fucking around, and they REALLY don't seem to care if you catch everything or not. I suppose it's actually sort of admirable.

But jesus, yeah. I tried watching the first episode today.

And to think, I thought Westwood was complicated

06-28-2020, 11:00 AM
...I thought Westwood was complicated

https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2020%2F03%2F vivienne-westwood-fashion-designer-legacy-history-brand-0.jpg?464=&cbr=1&q=90

jokes aside, i'm really dying for sarah to get back in the mood to watch season 2 of Dark (we're only 2 episodes in) so we can get to season 3 before i inevitably have something spoiled for me.

06-28-2020, 11:05 AM
https://image-cdn.hypb.st/https%3A%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2020%2F03%2F vivienne-westwood-fashion-designer-legacy-history-brand-0.jpg?464=&cbr=1&q=90

jokes aside, i'm really dying for sarah to get back in the mood to watch season 2 (we're only 2 episodes in) so we can get to season 3 before i inevitably have something spoiled for me.

Assuming y’all meant Westworld. I was highly disappointed in season 3. It seemed to me the hype from the trailers didn’t translate in the season.

Most of Westworld reddit didn’t care for it either, from what I saw reading thru. Oh well. Still worth it to see it out, but if you’re expecting Season 1 which was a masterpiece, well, dont.

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06-28-2020, 11:10 AM
King of Staten Island was as I expected. It's...fine. Has some really funny moments (the robbery scene), but there are alot of problems too. It's too long (shocker for an Apatow movie right?) at 2 hrs & 11 minutes. Could have easily cut at LEAST 15 minutes. It's another Apatow movie about a guy who refuses to grow up. Davidson is mostly unlikeable. Yeah that's the point, but he didn't turn it around enough. Burr, Tomei and Buscemi are great. Buscemi has a scene stealing monologue in a bat scene that shows how he is head & shoulders above everyone else in this. Seeing all thr stuff they filmed on Staten Island was cool.

Wife and I watched it last night. Thought it was good. I mostly felt bad for Davidson’s character. He was clearly messed up and had lots of issues because of his fathers death, but his family mostly just chalked it up to him being a loser. I didn’t feel that was right.

Was also torn about his mom. It was clear she cared about him, and felt that kicking him out needed to happen, but I didn’t like the scene where she and her friend start laughing at him when he’s proud of doing work at the fire station. The kid clearly was set back due to the trauma of losing his dad and yet none of his family seemed to take the correct steps to help him (did be go to therapy? I’m not sure if that was mentioned).

Either way, I liked it. Wouldn’t say it was a laugh out loud movie, but it was enjoyable. Also liked Davidson in Big Time Adolescence, which was basically the same character.

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06-28-2020, 11:12 PM
Assuming y’all meant Westworld. I was highly disappointed in season 3. It seemed to me the hype from the trailers didn’t translate in the season.

Most of Westworld reddit didn’t care for it either, from what I saw reading thru. Oh well. Still worth it to see it out, but if you’re expecting Season 1 which was a masterpiece, well, dont.
elevenism definitely meant westworld and i was making a joke at his expense because of his typo (that's Vivienne Westwood, fashion designer)

i meant to specify in my text below that i was talking about Dark (and went back and edited it to make that clear). i watched season 1 of westworld and that's it. i don't really care about going further, really. but Dark? yeah, i wanna keep watching that.

06-29-2020, 02:54 AM
Documentary "Scandalous (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10844816/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0): The Untold Story of the National Enquirer (2019)", how they on one side are/were capable to solve a crime, or destroy you, or "take care" of you and don't publish bad stuff (Cosby, Schwarzenegger), how Trump was informing them about himself... interesting, maybe a bit scary stuff.

PS: Also, DAЯK 3.

06-29-2020, 10:15 AM
Documentary "Scandalous (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10844816/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0): The Untold Story of the National Enquirer (2019)", how they on one side are/were capable to solve a crime, or destroy you, or "take care" of you and don't publish bad stuff (Cosby, Schwarzenegger), how Trump was informing them about himself... interesting, maybe a bit scary stuff.

PS: Also, DAЯK 3.

Where can I see this Scandalous?

06-29-2020, 11:19 AM
Where can I see this Scandalous?

Well I found it on special service called "ETTV", sorry can't help more. ;^) (thank you British tax payers for BBC)

06-29-2020, 12:31 PM
Where can I see this Scandalous?

I watched it via Netflix

06-29-2020, 02:35 PM
Watched the last two movies by Craig S. Zahler, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Dragged Across Concrete. He's the guy who did Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russel. Both movies are -just as Bone Tomahawk- ultra violent with lots of heads being stamped in or shot to pieces. Dragged Across Concrete I liked especially as I was expecting some kind of rightwing-ish bad cop propaganda flick, but at the end it turned out that it wasn't the corrupt cops played by Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn who were still standing, but the poor black guy who got out of it alive and wealthy. Great movie!

06-29-2020, 09:38 PM
I blame certain toxic Dr. Who fans being upset that their alleged favourite actor wasn't the only Sherlock on the air.
Finally figured this one out. Gotcha.

06-29-2020, 11:26 PM
Finally figured this one out. Gotcha.

please enlighten me because i have yet to do so

06-29-2020, 11:32 PM
please enlighten me because i have yet to do so
Dr. Who -> Steven Moffat / Mark Gattis -> Sherlock.

I was focusing so much on Sherlock & Watson I forgot about those two.

06-30-2020, 12:05 AM
WWE Monday Night Raw. The perfect thing as the evening meds take effect. Sometimes unconscious is best....

07-01-2020, 07:13 PM
Watched the first episode of the new Unsolved Mysteries... I liked the tone, it worked. I'll watch the rest.

07-01-2020, 10:30 PM
Watched the first episode of the new Unsolved Mysteries... I liked the tone, it worked. I'll watch the rest.


07-03-2020, 07:12 PM
Watched Dave on Hulu, loved it.

07-03-2020, 08:39 PM
David Bowie: The Last 5 Years

I had never seen this. Much to my surprise & delight there is footage of Bowie & band on the Reality tour at a truck stop in Shelby, Montana near the Canadian border. In the clip Bowie is going through my rack of music for sale in the store. He approved! I had seen a longer version on his website years ago but I don't think it's there anymore. Shocked to see it on BBC/HBO documentary. Totally validates my 25+ years in the music business! :D

07-03-2020, 10:12 PM
Watched the last two movies by Craig S. Zahler, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Dragged Across Concrete. He's the guy who did Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russel. Both movies are -just as Bone Tomahawk- ultra violent with lots of heads being stamped in or shot to pieces. Dragged Across Concrete I liked especially as I was expecting some kind of rightwing-ish bad cop propaganda flick, but at the end it turned out that it wasn't the corrupt cops played by Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn who were still standing, but the poor black guy who got out of it alive and wealthy. Great movie!

Jesus god, I'm watching Cell Block 99 right now, and FUCK. It's BLEAK. I'm digging it tho.

I got a bad copy of Dragged Across Concrete: it's only 38 minutes long. I aim to remedy that as soon as 99 is over.

Thanks for the tip. I get a kick out of the director's indie style.

07-04-2020, 03:12 PM
I'd suggest you avoid those 38 minute copy as the movie is almost three hours long in its original form...

07-07-2020, 01:31 PM
started re-watching Miracle Workers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracle_Workers_(2019_TV_series)) because my wife was interested in season 2 and I have no idea how the show didn't get cancelled. It's the kind of fun and smart humor that the majority of people don't like. It reminds me of Better Off Ted in the way it handles itself so seriously but also like it doesn't have a care in the world.

There are jokes that are in the show for seconds that have zero reason to be there but are also fully supported by the premise. In one of the episodes we watched last night the main characters push past two people carrying giant snowflakes, each with a unique serial number on the front. One of the snowflakes is dropped and the person says, you know what just make that one twice, no one will notice.

There are only seven episodes of the first season and that's less than one extended edition of a LOTR movie. Easy enough.

07-08-2020, 12:20 PM
Dear Zachery.

Yeah... this wins. This is the most depressing thing ever. JEEEEEEEEEEZUS.

07-08-2020, 12:45 PM
Finally got to watch the last episode of McMillion$ and thus got to finish the last two episodes of the podcast.

Kind of a let down, though I knew that the informant was someone in the Family because dude said "I'll have to ask if it's OK.

The podcast is something else. For example I found out that Mark Devereaux counts among his close personal friends one Lindsey Graham. It shouldn't but it had me not liking him as much. Amazing how that works.

07-08-2020, 10:44 PM
Watched the last two movies by Craig S. Zahler, Brawl in Cell Block 99 and Dragged Across Concrete. He's the guy who did Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russel. Both movies are -just as Bone Tomahawk- ultra violent with lots of heads being stamped in or shot to pieces. Dragged Across Concrete I liked especially as I was expecting some kind of rightwing-ish bad cop propaganda flick, but at the end it turned out that it wasn't the corrupt cops played by Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn who were still standing, but the poor black guy who got out of it alive and wealthy. Great movie!

I have yet to see The Incident/Asylum Blackout. All 3 of the movies you mentioned + Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich are available on DVD at Wal-Mart for $3.98 (in the little bins; Puppet Master might be $5).

Dragged Across Concrete is a great tribute to The Good, The Bad And The Ugly.

07-09-2020, 04:09 PM
The Mountain, a 1950s period piece starring Jeff Goldblum and Tye Sheridan. It's on Hulu.
Before I found out it was directed by Rick Alverson, I thought it was directed by either Jonathan Glazer (Under the Skin), or Yorgos Lanthimos (The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Lobster).
Here's a great article/interview with Rick Alverson, which includes some mild spoilers of The Mountain, which you might want to read after watching, if you're so inclined.

07-10-2020, 10:02 PM

07-11-2020, 07:46 AM
Mucho, Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado, on Netflix, is a must see.

It honestly had me in tears. The dude was so loving, and gave so much. He also broke gender norms in a time which, to do so, would put a stain on your career, but was still unconditionally admired by a HUGE number of people.

07-11-2020, 09:37 AM
David Bowie: The Last 5 Years

I had never seen this. Much to my surprise & delight there is footage of Bowie & band on the Reality tour at a truck stop in Shelby, Montana near the Canadian border. In the clip Bowie is going through my rack of music for sale in the store. He approved! I had seen a longer version on his website years ago but I don't think it's there anymore. Shocked to see it on BBC/HBO documentary. Totally validates my 25+ years in the music business! :D

That’s incredible!

07-11-2020, 02:22 PM
Mucho, Mucho Amor: The Legend of Walter Mercado, on Netflix, is a must see.

It honestly had me in tears. The dude was so loving, and gave so much. He also broke gender norms in a time which, to do so, would put a stain on your career, but was still unconditionally admired by a HUGE number of people.


alexis mateo did george mercado for this year's snatch game of love and it was incredible. can't wait to watch the documentary.

also, shea coulee doing flava flav is going to crack you up.

07-11-2020, 02:43 PM
In attempt to get myself out of all things Trump and Covid, I have been enveloping myself in all six seasons of Downton Abbey, then I watched the movie.

It was awesome.

Now I'm watching Hallmark Christmas movies; although, compared to DA, this is boring me. I think I'm going to go douse myself in "Victoria."

07-12-2020, 07:48 AM
Watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom which I went to see 6 times at the cinema at the time! It’s fun reevaluating films through a current lens, Willie Scott is incredibly annoying, the only female representatives are her and Indian natives waiting for white saviour Indiana Jones to rescue their kids. Why is he going around with a child sidekick? So many questions. It’s also incredibly dark, at some point will delve into the bonus material and documentaries

07-12-2020, 01:33 PM
Wife and I have been making our way through Community. We’re on the last season and it just doesn’t hold my interest anymore. It started so good! By the time Pierce and Troy left, it was still okay, now Shirley is gone, and it’s just not super entertaining any longer. I’ll obviously finish it but it’s very hard for me to care what is happening during a 20 min episode during this final season. How many times do they have to “ save Greendale” ? Sheesh[emoji52].

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07-14-2020, 06:05 AM
I've been diligently watching I, Claudius. even though I have it on demand, I watch it once a week just like old times. and when i finish, I'll wait a couple years to watch again. i get very nostalgic watching this show.

07-14-2020, 02:49 PM
Watched Lawrence of Arabia this weekend (took two days, broke on intermission) and last night was Shawshank Redemption. Both of these movies are amazing and so well done. LoA is just endless iconic shots and acting that elevates the whole thing to another level. SR is truly transcendent in the way it handles the characters and the tone. Amazing films.

07-14-2020, 02:58 PM
Watched Lawrence of Arabia this weekend (took two days, broke on intermission) and last night was Shawshank Redemption. Both of these movies are amazing and so well done. LoA is just endless iconic shots and acting that elevates the whole thing to another level. SR is truly transcendent in the way it handles the characters and the tone. Amazing films.

Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite movie of all time. My biggest dream is to once be able to see it in a movie theater. Or IMAX. Can you imagine how it would look in IMAX?

Such a masterpiece.

07-14-2020, 03:18 PM
I was imagining that the whole time. I also made a point to tell my son about how the whole thing was shot practical since there wasn't any CGI back then.

And the shots, yeah. So amazing.

07-14-2020, 07:05 PM
Just finished watching "The Old Guard" ... it's typical... nothing particular good or bad to say about it (I'm unfamiliar with comic), but if you like Theron in her action mode, then this will certainly do that.

07-15-2020, 12:49 AM
watched Muppets From Space tonight for the first time since i saw it in the theater 21 years ago (wow). sarah had never seen it.

it wasn't bad, but it didn't really feel like a muppet movie. only about 50% of the jokes landed. the music was great (all funk) but didn't fit the ton of the movie. jeffrey tambor (who i already have trouble watching in things since all his bullshit went down) either needed to ham it up way more or play it super straight, but he does this weird in-between thing and just comes off as unsettling.

2.5 out of 5 stars for me. definitely my least favorite of the muppet movies.

07-15-2020, 06:26 AM
So we watched this new Tom Hanks WWII thing called Greyhound, and I REALLY wanted to like it, but it just... It's a LOT of shots of the ocean and warships, and it just looks like a video game to me.

Aside from that, I suppose it's alright. Idk. I think it got its 75% rotten tomatoes score from critics saying, "well, yeeeeah, but it's fucking Tom Hanks." :p

That's my review of it. It doesn't matter that it's on the low side of average because it features Tom Hanks.

07-15-2020, 09:53 AM
Lawrence of Arabia is my favorite movie of all time. My biggest dream is to once be able to see it in a movie theater. Or IMAX. Can you imagine how it would look in IMAX?

Such a masterpiece.

I saw a road show version in 70mm. Absolutely magnificent. The theater was equipped with the proper screen for that. 1 of my faves, too. David Lean was a master of that sort of thing.

07-15-2020, 10:50 AM
I saw a road show version in 70mm. Absolutely magnificent. The theater was equipped with the proper screen for that. 1 of my faves, too. David Lean was a master of that sort of thing.

I can't even express how much I'd love to see Lawrence of Arabia and Ben-Hur in 70mm. I think Ben-Hur was filmed in 65mm, but yeah.

Also, The Ten Commandments, if that's one they did VistaVision to 70mm for.

@elevenism (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=2475) that's a shame about Greyhound. I literally told my wife I'd see it because it's Tom Hanks in a WWII movie; guess that's a common sentiment.

07-15-2020, 01:11 PM
My friends, we are unworthy of Tom Hanks and even if his next movie is the worst one ever made, I'd still watch it.

Last night I watched Showbiz Kids on HBO. It's a documentary made by Alex Winter; yes, the lesser famous half of Bill and Ted and a former child actor himself. I highly recommend it but it's a very eye opening watch. And immensely depressing. I just want to hug Wil Wheaton, Evan Rachel Wood, Milla Jovovich and Henry Thomas.

And poor Baby Peggy: "At that time, Hollywood believed that kids were elastic". Jesus H. Christ on a cracker.

07-16-2020, 12:38 AM
back on my late-night horror movie watches.

did the beach house (https://letterboxd.com/eversonpoe/film/the-beach-house-2020/) on monday (my review is very spoilery), the autopsy of jane doe (https://letterboxd.com/eversonpoe/film/the-autopsy-of-jane-doe/) on tuesday (really, really good), and sinister (https://letterboxd.com/eversonpoe/film/sinister/) last night (finished it today, also a spoilery review).

i started "beyond the black rainbow" tonight but it's over two hours long and my brain hurts so i'm going to finish it tomorrow night, i think.

07-17-2020, 10:05 AM
My friends, we are unworthy of Tom Hanks and even if his next movie is the worst one ever made, I'd still watch it.

No doubt. I also feel like I should add that my wife liked it (greyhound,) just fine, and told me I have impossibly high standards for art.

So maybe it's just me.

07-17-2020, 02:40 PM
The Town gets one thing right a lot of classic action movies seemed never to do, by having the best set piece last. Even Heat, which this takes plenty from, has it's major set piece in the middle of the movie as opposed to the climax. I struggle to call it a great movie because of plot issues aplenty, but for that alone it gets very close.

07-17-2020, 03:00 PM
Watched Jojo Rabbit last night. When it was good it was great but the bumps it hit were so jarring as to be potholes instead. I cannot wait to see what else we get from the two young boys in the film, they were both pretty great.

07-21-2020, 07:52 PM
I recently watched Vivarium on Prime. I liked it quite a bit, then continued on watching the other films by director Lorcan Finnegan, the feature Without Name, and the short Foxes. All three are on Prime. I thought Without Name was pretty fantastic, and I look forward to future work by this director.

07-23-2020, 11:50 PM
Without Name, eh, Findus ?

What else is good, in the world of dvd and streaming, in terms of films?

Seriously, guys. I'm dying here.

07-24-2020, 04:03 PM
Watched 7500 last night with my girl starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and it was pretty good. It wasn't anything groundbreaking but I haven't seen a film that kept you inside the cockpit the entire film and it was really affective once the crazy shit starts. The acting is top notch with JGL really making it believable that this is what a high jacking would really look like on a plane.

Also catched Blue Ruin. For fuck sake why wasn't this movie spoken about more? I know it was a limited release but dam, the suspense will make you sweat.

07-24-2020, 09:55 PM
Without Name, eh, @Findus (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1142) ?

What else is good, in the world of dvd and streaming, in terms of films?

Seriously, guys. I'm dying here.
I really enjoyed Palm Springs, starring Andy Samberg. On Hulu.
Also, Lucky, starring Harry Dean Stanton. On Hulu.
Embrace of the Serpent recently left Hulu. It's a black & white South American adventure. In a way, it reminded me of the Aborigine film Ten Canoes, which can be watched on Kanopy, if you have a library card. I see Ten Canoes is also posted on YouTube.
Reality by Quentin Dupieux recently left Hulu. I liked it well enough to watch it twice while it was on Hulu, and then I bought the blu-ray...... and then I bought everything else by Quentin Dupieux that I could get my hands on.
I liked The Mountain, which I think I recently posted about. On Hulu, starring Goldblum.
On Prime, I recently revisited a movie I hadn't watched since I rented it as a kid. The American title is The Quest, and the Australian title (and Prime title) is Frog Dreaming. It's a fun one, starring Henry Thomas (Elliot from E.T.)

Watched 7500 last night with my girl starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and it was pretty good. It wasn't anything groundbreaking but I haven't seen a film that kept you inside the cockpit the entire film and it was really affective once the crazy shit starts. The acting is top notch with JGL really making it believable that this is what a high jacking would really look like on a plane.

Also catched Blue Ruin. For fuck sake why wasn't this movie spoken about more? I know it was a limited release but dam, the suspense will make you sweat.

Blue Ruin is great. I recently watched another film by director Jeremy Saulnier..... Murder Party. Look for that one, if you haven't seen it yet. On Netflix.

07-25-2020, 05:30 AM
Jesus, y'all.
Relic is a powerful film. It's off putting, disturbing, visceral, moving and poignant, heart warming in a way, and above all, HUMAN.

It's a horror movie that speaks to human frailty and death and love, that I can't stop thinking about.

It's disturbing enough that I don't wanna see it again though, lolz.

07-25-2020, 11:30 AM
i watched two seasons of Slasher in two days on netflix. 6 episodes one day, 10 episodes the next. (i've been basically incapacitated all week).

i got really frustrated because when i first hit play, it started playing season 3. why the fuck does netflix do that?

anyway, season 1 was great. not groundbreaking, but very enjoyable.

season 2, however, was awful. i am going to mostly spoil it here because no one should watch it. 75% of the characters were unlikable, and they got worse and worse as it went on. one character is sexually assaulted near the end of an episode, so i started to feel bad for him, but in the next episode, you find out that he tried to rape someone 5 years ago which caused her to try to run, fall down a hill, and get her face smashed in by a tree stump. he and the other 4 people (they were all camp counselors) who were with them thought she was dead and were about to hide her body, but she was still alive. so they each took a turn smashing her head in with a rock until she was dead. then they frame another counselor who was a little obsessed with the girl who died, and he goes to prison and hangs himself. his mom is the one who's been killing everyone in present day, but she had been hallucinating her dead son AS A LOVE INTEREST to the point where, right before you find out "he" is the killer, THEY FUCK. and then in the next episode they reveal he's been a hallucination the whole time. the reveal of that, despite the ickiness, was one of the only good parts of the season (other than seeing Christopher Jacot beat the shit out of a homophobe in a flashback scene). otherwise it was just awful.

bobbie solo
07-26-2020, 01:46 AM

That's the full movie. It was very enjoyable. It's a bit naive or quaint at times in terms of the subject matter compared to modern times, but still a great watch. God time capsule feel from a culture perspective too...some Kids vibes going on there. Great to see early work from the two leads as well.

07-27-2020, 12:52 PM
Watched Knives Out last night. My main praise for the movie is practically a spoiler so I'll just say I enjoyed the pacing and the way the story kept telling you what was going on so you were never lost. Which isn't to say there aren't times when you're lost, just that the movie keeps you engaged because it will give you the answer shortly.

Only complaint is one little nit pick with the denouement, but otherwise it was great. It was shot so well too. I can only imagine what the dark fire-lit scenes would look like on a 4k set because they popped like crazy already.

07-27-2020, 02:44 PM
Blue Ruin is great. I recently watched another film by director Jeremy Saulnier..... Murder Party. Look for that one, if you haven't seen it yet. On Netflix.

Try also Green Room, it is my favorite movie of Saulnier till now. Should be on Netflix too.

07-27-2020, 05:41 PM
There's a lot on this page to which I'd like to respond, but, I don't wanna put everything in one post.

So I'll just talk about what I've been watching.

I decided to dive into Twilight Zone, despite the mixed reviews, watched all of season 2, and dug the shit out of it. Yes, it's hit and miss, but so are all the iterations of the show. Also, I'd love it if anyone would like to trade notes on the subtext and meaning of the final episode. I've my ideas, but I wonder what you guys think.

I've also dug the new Perry Mason show on HBO. It's BEAUTIFULLY shot- insanely cinematic, I mean, features some great talent, and makes for a compelling story.

08-02-2020, 05:24 PM

08-02-2020, 05:39 PM
posted this in the horror thread, too:

if you have Shudder (or feel like using a free trial), watch Host.

a perfectly taut 56 minutes with absolutely no filler. i jumped/screamed no less than five times. genuinely terrifying. and the way they did it was incredible.

08-02-2020, 06:14 PM
Just watched Vampire's Kiss for the first time and holy shit... I feel like the director a quarter way through just said "Fuck it, Hey Nic! Just do whatever you want and we'll keep shooting... Mmmkay."

bobbie solo
08-03-2020, 10:10 PM

Oh god, they made a doc about Todd? I LOVE Spawn...first comic I ever got really into. And of course his art is amazing, and of course the guys got great stories with all of his ventures. I can't imagine how even bigger his head got from a doc being made about him. The man's ego is already massive.

08-04-2020, 11:37 AM
the newest episode of Last Week Tonight w/ John Oliver is amazing... episode 20.
Also worth noting that he's really gotten the hang of doing the show without a live studio audience, which at first was awkward, and still is for a lot of other show hosts it seems.

08-04-2020, 01:15 PM
Wrapped up "Dark" on netflix some weeks back an can't recommend it enough. Fantastic surreal / time & space paradoxes show with a well plotted out 3 season arc.

bobbie solo
08-05-2020, 02:53 AM

This scared the piss out of me. Bad idea to watch alone at night after your wife goes to bed when you didn't previously know ANY of the details of the case.


This was almost as terrifying. I struggle with the role identity politics is playing in shaping the current movement against power in this country. I wish it had a smaller role, and I wish the revolution was focused more on class & economic shifts, b/c then racial/sexual/gender inequalities will benefit as well. A rising tide so to speak. But then you watch something like this and you realize how fucked up things are still for many, many oppressed minorities around the world, and how right now at this moment the direct struggle for their literal safety, nevermind rights, must be dealt with at the same time as attacking late stage capitalism.

08-06-2020, 11:30 PM
watched The Running Man tonight. my first time in over 20 years, sarah's first time ever.

so many amazing one-liners from arnold, a fantastic score, and plenty more to love.

08-07-2020, 07:38 PM
training day. I hate this movie. husband likes it. tonight he wins. tomorrow night it's Ken burns for at least four hours. or we're re watching paradise lost cause he missed a couple episodes.

08-08-2020, 05:22 PM
training day. I hate this movie. husband likes it. tonight he wins. tomorrow night it's Ken burns for at least four hours. or we're re watching paradise lost cause he missed a couple episodes.

i can't stand watching something i like with someone who's not enjoying it (ruins the experience for me) and i can't imagine MAKING someone i like sit through something they don't like.

any way you could ask him to watch it without you another time so y'all can watch something together you both enjoy?

08-10-2020, 07:32 PM
Come and See, on the Criterion Channel.

Hard to recommend, as good as it is. It's a truly draining psychedelic look at war that leaves you feeling depleted and hopeless.

08-13-2020, 08:37 AM
American Hangman. Avoid it all cost, unless you are having a beer party with friends and want to laugh your asses off. It is baffling how bad and unfinished this movie is.

08-13-2020, 03:29 PM
Star Trek: Lower Decks, and it sucks.


08-13-2020, 03:48 PM
i can't stand watching something i like with someone who's not enjoying it (ruins the experience for me) and i can't imagine MAKING someone i like sit through something they don't like.

any way you could ask him to watch it without you another time so y'all can watch something together you both enjoy?

It's really true... the attitudes and moods of people around you can completely ruin something. I've had it ruin concerts, movies (especially in the theater), especially comedy shows...

And it's really because the communal enjoyment of something is really part of the "live experience" that is missing now... and that's what was potentially good about seeing a comedy movie with someone who is laughing along, or a horror movie where people around you are tense.

It's also hard to not share everything with your significant other. You're always around each other, especially free time. It can be hard to sneak away to watch something, and it can even make you feel resentful if you can't.

Maybe better just to sit through it.

08-13-2020, 04:57 PM
training day. I hate this movie. husband likes it. tonight he wins.

I hope he doesn't make you sit through the TV series adaptation.

08-13-2020, 05:33 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQMjjhTw_Bjk_SwpvFHvHHQ2XlmHS6 W0bynZw&usqp=CAU

So so so SO good. Noir at its best. I loved every second of it and I'll watch it again. And again.

Things were looking bleak for HBO after the debacle of Game of Thrones final season but they bounced right back with a hat trick: Watchmen, The Outsider and Perry Mason.

It's mad love, my friends.

08-13-2020, 07:01 PM
Come and See, on the Criterion Channel.

Hard to recommend, as good as it is. It's a truly draining psychedelic look at war that leaves you feeling depleted and hopeless.

I really, really want to watch this. It is at the top of my list right now. Just have to be in the right head space (and also I don't have Criterion at the moment and I burned through my free trial already ugh).

So, I watched Palm Springs recently and really enjoyed it. It wasn't, like, a great or amazing movie or anything but it was a fun little movie, cute, kind of funny, very enjoyable. Worth a watch if you have Hulu.

08-13-2020, 07:26 PM
I really, really want to watch this. It is at the top of my list right now. Just have to be in the right head space (and also I don't have Criterion at the moment and I burned through my free trial already ugh).

It's very good, and really it isn't shocking in an upsetting way, it just kinda drags it out of you slowly. It's like a magical realism war movie that just slowly beats you up, but it's nothing you can't pause and walk away from. I've really never seen anything like it. I guess the closest thing that comes to mind is Grave of the Fireflies, but that was a very different thing.

Space Suicide
08-13-2020, 10:24 PM

08-15-2020, 08:28 AM
I've really never seen anything like it.
There's this 2019 movie that sounds like it could be similar. I haven't watched it yet, but it's definitely on my list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Painted_Bird_(film)

08-15-2020, 10:30 AM
The Boys on Amazon Prime. I'd been meaning to check this out for a while. I watched the first episode about a year ago or so, and while I liked it, I just wasn't in the mood for the bleak humor.

I'm binge watching it now, and it's great. There's some authentically shocking stuff in this show too. It's kind of amazing that this got made. It has a huge budget (I'm assuming) and it's one of the grittiest comedies I've seen on a mainstream network.

Space Suicide
08-17-2020, 07:38 PM

Space Suicide
08-24-2020, 07:16 PM

Space Suicide
08-26-2020, 10:25 PM

08-27-2020, 03:01 AM
13 Reasons Why: Pretentious, melodramatic dogshit. It's hard to watch a series, when the very first episode portrays our (main) victim (Hannah) as a condescending brat who thinks she is above everyone else. It's like watching a very very very VERY bad slice-of-life anime series. If this series helped people to combat bullying and other bad things, I am non-facetiously happy for it, but as a tv series, it's just very bad.

New Planet of the Apes trilogy: I am disappointed in myself that I never gave them a chance when they were released, thus missed out on seeing these in the theaters. My personal ranking is 2-3-1. 1 is the necessary "bad" in the trilogy, which is still a good movie, but the whole plot can be summed in two sentences. I am just glad that they gave Ceasar some proper character development, and not rushed his transition. CGI is pretty wonky by today's standards, 2 and 3 look great. I heard that 3 was the best (and 2nd the worst), but I disagree. I enjoyed 3 a lot, but holy shit, plot holes and deus ex machinas everywhere. The whole trilogy is filled up with some dumb Hollywood tropers, but I understand that it is a necessity if you want to be a box office hit. They went waaay overboard with it, and all I can think of is that they had some time constraints. I loved 2, because all the ape scenes were amazing, and Koba was by far the best villain of the trilogy. In fact, I think he wasn't a villain at all, because he had very very good reasons to think the way he did. Also, he was pretty smart, which made him an equal to Ceasar.

True Blood (first three episodes): I am pleasantly surprised! I fast-forward the svenes with Suki and the emo vampire, as it's just lame Twilight shit, but the rest of the show is quite entertaining. Tara and Suki's brother are funny as fuck, and there are no annoying side-characters. Yet, I assume.

The Leftovers (rewatch): I am rewatching this right now, and all I can say is that if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you to watch it. It took me 3 episodes back then to hook me in, and season 2 is one of the best TV you can get. It's like the more mature big brother of Lost.

08-27-2020, 03:10 AM
The Leftovers (rewatch) I am rewatching this right now, and all I can say is that if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you to watch it. It took me 3 episodes back then to hook me in, and season 2 is one of the best TV you can get.
Absolutely agreed. One of my absolute favorite shows of all time. It took me until episode 6 to hook me, and I almost gave up on it twice. But I am so glad I stuck with it. It is one of the most unique shows I've ever seen, and I was so invested in the story and in those characters. God, I miss those characters. If you haven't seen the show it is well worth checking out. I promise, you haven't seen anything quite like it.

bobbie solo
08-28-2020, 01:02 AM

This started Sunday and I'm into it.

08-28-2020, 10:40 AM

Space Suicide
09-01-2020, 08:52 PM

09-01-2020, 08:58 PM
Gunsmoke--the greatest western show of all-time.

Space Suicide
09-03-2020, 07:51 PM

09-03-2020, 07:59 PM

09-04-2020, 10:25 AM
zero i was really into it for a bit and for some reason i dropped off and never picked it back up. i don't even remember at what point i left off, so i should probably figure that out.

09-04-2020, 05:36 PM
So, I've been watching Dark, which has been on my list forever. For someone obsessed with time travel, this is right up my alley. I am definitely enjoying it so far (almost done with season 1) but I don't love it. It's keeping my interest and keeping me mildly entertained. Like, it's enjoyable enough to watch and I am intrigued enough to want to continue but it's not by any means blowing me away or anything. Maybe it will get better as it goes along, IDK.

Space Suicide
09-04-2020, 07:04 PM
Guess I'm on a Gosling kick after Drive and 2049.


09-05-2020, 12:20 AM
Raised by Wolves on HBOMAX. Ridley Scott directed the first two episodes. Pretty great, so far. Really great, actually.
Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal, also on HBOMAX, it originally aired on Adult Swim. Prehistoric animated series. Great artwork and action. I just read news of 5 new episodes arriving in October, and the series is being renewed, with 10 episodes in Season 2.

09-05-2020, 10:03 AM
So, I've been watching Dark, which has been on my list forever. For someone obsessed with time travel, this is right up my alley. I am definitely enjoying it so far (almost done with season 1) but I don't love it. It's keeping my interest and keeping me mildly entertained. Like, it's enjoyable enough to watch and I am intrigued enough to want to continue but it's not by any means blowing me away or anything. Maybe it will get better as it goes along, IDK.

i really liked season 1. i loved season 2. season 3 was insane​ and we blew through it so fast because we were just like OH MY GOD WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!?!?

09-06-2020, 12:43 AM
That's so good to hear!! I'm three episodes from the end of season 1 and this show is BONKERS.

In other news, I am of the opinion that Charlie Kaufman is one of the best screenwriters ever, and I absolutely love him, but he needs someone else to direct. He needs someone to reign him in. Otherwise he disappears way, way up his own ass.

Anyway, I just watched I'm Thinking of Ending Things.

09-06-2020, 04:42 AM
Raised by Wolves - bad.
I'm Thinking of Ending Things - very bad (Eternal sunshine was great btw),
The Painted Bird - terrible.

...guess I'm not in the mood lately? :-)

Space Suicide
09-06-2020, 07:52 PM

bobbie solo
09-07-2020, 03:46 AM
So, I've been watching Dark, which has been on my list forever. For someone obsessed with time travel, this is right up my alley. I am definitely enjoying it so far (almost done with season 1) but I don't love it. It's keeping my interest and keeping me mildly entertained. Like, it's enjoyable enough to watch and I am intrigued enough to want to continue but it's not by any means blowing me away or anything. Maybe it will get better as it goes along, IDK.

This is exactly where I am with this.

09-09-2020, 08:40 AM
I'm Thinking Of Ending Things is interesting but my least fav Charlie Kaufman movie.

Space Suicide
09-10-2020, 07:47 PM

09-13-2020, 06:36 PM
watching this documentary about Jeffrey Epstein on Netflix... why do I watch things like this. It ultimately just is depressing and awful, and I don't "need to be convinced." This is so terrible.

09-15-2020, 12:55 PM

should be fun.

09-16-2020, 03:16 AM
The War With Grandpa - not as bad as it could have been, actually... it was nice, 6/10. :-)


Space Suicide
09-17-2020, 07:40 PM

09-17-2020, 10:52 PM
just finished Midsommar and I'm blown away. I actually was really underwhelmed by Hereditary, so I put off seeing this. Now I guess I'm gonna buy the director's cut. Wow, that was crazy. Great movie.

09-18-2020, 02:32 PM
Devil All The Time is pretty good. Southern Hillbilly Gothic starring 2 English Men and Swede.
Out on Netflix.

Although she is isn't a big part of the story I was really into Kristin Griffith who played the character of Emma. I checked her body of work and it's almost all minor TV work. Someone should put her into more things. Jason Clark was born to play an intimidating creep. I have a secret crush on Riley Keough. I'm not huge on narration but the author whose book this is based on lent his voice... so that makes it a bit more ok.
