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06-06-2013, 01:43 AM
Hey all I'm Elena. I've been a member of the boards since 2006 or 07. I've been a NIN fan since I was 10. And this is my first post since 2011...

06-10-2013, 08:08 AM
Hi, I was an active member of ETS years back when all the excitement for With Teeth drove NIN fans to post like crazy on the internet. I had a different name, but I was only actively posting for a little while so I doubt anyone would remember (but it's cool.) Also used to post on the Spiral message board and NIN.com a bit, so I've done the rounds. Speaking of which, what ever happened to the NIN.com forums? Did they disappear into the aether?

Anyway, I've been a NIN fan for about 20 years now-- wow, I feel old just typing that, but I guess it's kind of impressive. My first NIN experience was hearing Head Like A Hole on the radio late at night on our local rock station and feeling a sudden need to hear more songs by the man with the interesting voice. The release of Come Back Haunted reminded me that I've been off the NINternet for a while, and I missed it. Happy to be here:)

06-12-2013, 06:15 PM
Hello. I was kind of active around here in 2007 or 2008, I don't quite remember. Now I'm back. I don't remember what my username was.

06-12-2013, 08:09 PM
I'm T.J, I used to lurk a bunch years ago, especially during the months leading up to the release of Year Zero. I've only seen them twice, once during the Lights in Sky Tour and then again at Bonnaroo in 2009. Not yet sure if or when I'll be able to catch them this year, but hopefully something works out.

Glad to see the NIN online Community is still quite active and I hope to participate more than I did during the last go around.

06-16-2013, 10:13 AM
hi all, i'm Spike, been a huge NIN fan since Halo 02, and loving HDA!
only seen NIN once that was when i went to Coachella 2005, that was the main reason i went! but a complete contrast to the usual wet UK festivals

06-22-2013, 03:55 PM
Hi. I was somewhat82 on the nin.com forums. Now they appear to be gone. Not really sure. Had a lot of posts there, was in the Spiral. Been to every tour since Fragility. Hi, nice to meet you.

06-22-2013, 04:29 PM

06-22-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi, I was an active member of ETS years back when all the excitement for With Teeth drove NIN fans to post like crazy on the internet. I had a different name, but I was only actively posting for a little while so I doubt anyone would remember (but it's cool.) Also used to post on the Spiral message board and NIN.com a bit, so I've done the rounds. Speaking of which, what ever happened to the NIN.com forums? Did they disappear into the aether?

Anyway, I've been a NIN fan for about 20 years now-- wow, I feel old just typing that, but I guess it's kind of impressive. My first NIN experience was hearing Head Like A Hole on the radio late at night on our local rock station and feeling a sudden need to hear more songs by the man with the interesting voice. The release of Come Back Haunted reminded me that I've been off the NINternet for a while, and I missed it. Happy to be here:)what was your name before?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

06-27-2013, 01:12 PM
Hola, old not-so-active ETS-er from long ago (also Spiral & nin.com). I had been away for a few years there due to distractions (study/work/baby) but the new NIN stirred me to come back to find myself going "WTH happened to my account?!?" Nice new ETS all. Seems... quieter, but perhaps that's a good thing. Noticed fellow irish niner slave2thewage is still around HEY DUDE!

Me: NIN head from Limerick born in 84, married with kid now (wasn't on old ets). Game and Sound Designer. Fan since 98-ish with Further Down the Spiral bleeding my ears first. That was all she wrote. Also, Where's the donate button?

06-29-2013, 07:43 AM
So uh, yeah. Adam Hall. Better known as ComaAlpha on almost EVERYTHING that is on the internet. I was around when the heirophant was still up. Don't know or even care why it went down. I've been on the former ETSs.

I play guitar, bass and video games. My three favorites are Chains, Nails and Manson in that order. In fact, I plan on getting a tattoo of the AiC sun logo, but remove the AiC in the middle and replace it with the shock bolt from the Antichrist album and remove the three Alice in Chains in the circle and replace them with nine inch nails in the Pretty Hate Machine font.

But uh yeah, hello.

07-04-2013, 12:28 PM
Hi everyone. I kinda dropped out of the NIN community for a few years and stopped posting anywhere, but I still checked the NIN Hotline every day for all that time I wasn't active. Now a new album's on the way, a new tour is starting, and exciting things are happening. I started coming back to these forums a lot more in the past month and missing the experience of participating in the community. I can't even remember when I first joined the old ETS...it's been around 5 or 6 years. I think.

I'm excited to be coming around here again, this time as a registered member. :)

07-08-2013, 11:34 PM
Greetings and salutations, Echoing the Sound.

Mercyshallow here. I can remember the day I signed up for this site sometime back in 2004. I'm almost certain I had been lurking for a while, although this was far before my unhealthy obsession - er, I mean interest in the work of T-Rez fully blossomed.

My earliest memory of this site would be seeing that destroyed van in the NIN-Spotting Thread that had been posted at nin.com in the months leading up to the extremely anticipated With Teeth. I still can't seem to find that destroyed van, or any information on what the story was behind it..

Of course, having frequented the site almost every day since becoming hooked to the site (more specifically: to the layout, intelligent conversation, healthy debate, and unjustifiable hostility toward "n00bs'), what good company would I be if I didn't mention the exceptional selling point of the Meathead Perspective linked conveniently from the Hotline. Or at least that's how I recall it.

There was a point where I almost gave up on this site, when personal politics seemed to bleed through (ha) into the site. People were making personal attacks about each other based on completely outside, unrelated events. For almost a week, I thought this site was a sinking ship based on the division of major members. I'm glad you guys persevered!

I love this site because of the already mentioned average intelligence, but also for so much more. I have discovered a surplus of music varying in genres through the unceasing persistence of the active members who contribute. I like you guys better than pitchfork, stereogum, and other such sites.

I guess you could say I would have been the perfect candidate to post, given my interests; however, I could never incorporate it into my schedule. Plus, I believe the lurkers here are a little trigger-shy, given the reaction many of their posts occasionally receive. Let's face it, you guys are venomous: but in the most humorously derogatory manner. Swindley used to be a master of shutting threads down. Haven't seen him on here in a while, but I remember laughing out loud on many occasions.

So um... I don't know what else to say other than I am preparing a (kind of) lengthy write-up on how I see Nine Inch Nails today, and how the evolution of the music holds up for me, personally. I mean, what better place to post such a thing, right?

The last thing I guess I'd like to say is that, considering I've been avidly following Echoingthesound, I kind of feel privileged to know that this, ultimately, has been the go-to information source for all things Trent Reznor. I know that one day there will be an ultimate, professionally written biography of the artist, and to know that much of the source information will likely be gathered from this site, I look forward to smiling at the information as I recall moments of "Teitan" posting here, and the Clouser / "Tacos 4 Sale" posts. ha.

So, basically. Hello everybody. I might actually start posting stuff now.. So be prepared to roll your eyes and argue with an (almost) graduated nobody with more time on his hands than usual.

07-09-2013, 02:19 AM
hello my name is stephen hume aka humie74 im a member of nin.com and the only reason i joined ets because all the pro collectors are here and i would like to do business with them down the line . ive been into nin from the start so i have been lucky but only been a serious collecter for a few years now its taken a large chunk of my life but what can you do. i do this for the love of the music and all things trent i havent got a massive collection like most of you guys but ive got a rare one . im not a seller just a buyer or i maybe trade depends i suppose . about my first thread sorry to everyone i wasnt thinking bad week at work .

07-20-2013, 02:17 AM
Hello everyone.

07-27-2013, 12:42 PM
hello, I'm Hani from Poland. I first got into NIN when I heard Only in 2006, I immediatly bought WT, but failed to get to discover more. in 2008 I fell in love with Discipline and The Slip, and I'm obssessed over the whole discography ever since (especially PHM, TF, YZ and TS)

07-30-2013, 04:02 PM
Just finally decided to come here today. For those of you who know me from the NIN.com forums, hello again! For those of you who don't, I'm Keith, and it's nice to meet you.

07-31-2013, 07:54 PM
^Can't believe I'm under you, Keith (It's Annie) :o I'm new here so: Hi everyone!

08-01-2013, 06:35 AM
Just finally decided to come here today. For those of you who know me from the NIN.com forums, hello again! For those of you who don't, I'm Keith, and it's nice to meet you.

Hey look, another Keith has joined ETS. I'm no longer the only one! Ha! :D (Welcome!)

08-01-2013, 04:29 PM
Hey look, another Keith has joined ETS. I'm no longer the only one! Ha! :D (Welcome!)
Nice to meet you, Keith, I'm Keith :D Thanks for the warm welcome.

Bad Wolf
08-03-2013, 09:40 PM
Hi, I'm Brooke. Just wandering over from nin.com forums where I am canisXcore over there. NIN is my 18 year musical love affair.

08-11-2013, 12:30 AM
Hello, I am Mireille. I first joined ETS in 2005-ish and I was extremely active all through 2006, some of 2007. I cooled down after having a baby and subsequently being diagnosed with a chronic illness, Lupus, which I have been battling since. I attempted a comeback a few years ago, but it didn't stick. Now that my son is 6 years old and my health has improved immensely AND...NIN is active again, I figured I would give it another whirl.

I had a lot of fun on ETS back when I was active conversing and arguing with some very smart people, though sometimes it would get ridiculous and negative. And I was wasting a lot of time. Nevertheless, I was also exposed to a lot of good music that I wouldn't have been otherwise. I am hoping that happens again. We'll see how things develop this go around, if at all. I might just be too old for this...

08-11-2013, 02:32 AM
Glad to see you back, lady!

08-11-2013, 08:25 AM
diagnosed with a chronic illness, Lupus, which I have been battling since.
Wow, Lupus sucks ugh. But the baby is SIX wow!! Welcome back, good to see you!

08-12-2013, 07:29 AM
Hey, used to be Ennuyant on the old ETS.

08-12-2013, 12:00 PM
Hello all. Used to be a member on ETS years ago during the With Teeth and Year Zero hype. I think my name was 'spiralout' or some derivative of that. Anyway, just saw NIN at Lolla the other week (best show I've ever seen [bold statement I know]) which sent me on a NIN binge for the ages. Now I'm more excited for the new album than I have been for any album in years. Since Year Zero probably. Good to be back! The new songs sound amazing.

08-13-2013, 07:18 AM
Hey all. Lurked for quite a while, decided to register with all the new album and tour threads getting posted. Good times!

08-13-2013, 08:11 AM
Hello, I'm Martin and I'm from Poland.

I first got into NIN in 1997 when I bought the Quake video game. I started to listen the soundtrack and... it was exactly what I was looking for. Yeah, I know, I know, most of NIN fans does not like it. But I'm a normal guy and the first five audio tracks from Quake are pretty awesome. :-) A few months later my neighbor borrowed me the "Natural Born Killers" soundtrack. My first reaction after listening NIN tracks was: "Holy shit! This is great!" "Burn", "Something I Can Never Have" and especially "A Warm Place" were played over and over on my crappy CD till... I got the new one. ;-)

After a year or so, my friend told me: "Hey, I saw the NIN clip in VIVA ZWEI TV" (*). "What did you say?" - I asked and a few minutes later I was hunting for this clip in the TV for a whole day long. Finally I got it and it was WITT. It was pretty amazing experience to see who is behind all this masterpiece stuff. In November, 1999 I bought my first NIN album - The Fragile. It was an incredible learning musical experience, which in some way changed me... hm... furthermore, which formed me. (SIC!)

Well, you must know one thing that Internet was not so popular in Poland then, so the only info regarding the NIN was VIVA ZWEI TV and some Polish rock magazines. But in 2000 I finally managed to get the Internet connection and since then everything has been changed in my life (from the musical point of view). TDS, PHM, Broken, FDTS, Fixed... Ehhh, I'm starting to miss those days...

OK, enough of my NIN related history! Here is something about me:
I'm a software engineer (SAP systems and mobile technologies), which loves to climb mountains (especially during the winter) and to play tennis. I like good movies (Lynch, Tarantino, Coens, etc.), books (unfortunately I do not have so much time to read them as I had 10 years ago) and also classical music (Tchaikovsky and Grieg). I'm living with my beautiful wife and my son in a nice Polish city, which has the tallest statue of Jesus in the world. My favourites video games? Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Quake 1.

That's all I think.

* EDIT * The best NIN show? This one in Poznan (2009-06-23).

(*) VIVA ZWEI - some kind of a German rock oriented MTV.

PS. Does anyone from Poland know what's happen with "KrainaNIN" forum? ("KrainaNIN"/"The Land of NIN" was the official Polish NIN forum)

08-14-2013, 08:50 PM
Hey i'm Sam. Long time NiN fan. Haven't been lurking round here for many moons but I'm back and working on a NiN music vid retrospective for a cinema in London i have ties with so trying to do my homework and make sure I do the job right!

08-15-2013, 01:05 AM
Sup guys. Long time lurker decided to join in the fun. lifelong NIN fan and can't wait for hesitation marks

08-22-2013, 12:51 AM
I'm new here but have checked in from time to time over the years. Bought my first NIN record when The Fragile came out. It's my favorite album and like the rest of you, I'm chomping at the bit to hear Hesitation Marks. Happy to be here! Seems like a cool community.

08-22-2013, 05:11 PM
Hello. I've been lurking here for about a week, and decided to join. Based on what I've seen so far, I like it here.

08-23-2013, 07:17 PM
Hey, discovered this site from the guys I met in the queue at the Belfast gig. Been a Nails fan for a number of years. Unfortunately I only discovered them like two months after their last gig before the hiatus. Oh well, better late than never.

Seen a username or two I actually recognise from other band forums; hello JessicaSarahS! :D

08-23-2013, 08:11 PM
Hello everyone, my name's Adam. I got into Nine Inch Nails back in 2005 when With Teeth came out. They've been my favorite band ever since. I've seen them live three times and I'm going to see them a fourth and fifth time this fall during the Tension 2013 tour. I'm slowly working on building up my Nine Inch Nails collection (have most of the halos, starting to collect vinyls, other rarities, etc.) and just thought I'd join a forum dedicated to all things NIN.

Fist Fuck
08-23-2013, 10:55 PM
100+ posts and I haven't properly introduced myself yet, shame on me.

Hello everyone, I'm Dominik, 22, from Vienna, Austria. Long time lurker, finally registered this year. NIN fan since around 2004, but never had the chance to see them live (for various reasons). August 28, 2013 in Milan, Italy will be my first time.

Send me a pm or something, I like to chat with cool NIN fans, not too many out there in real life.

08-23-2013, 11:51 PM
Hey guys,

I've been a lurker here for a while so I finally decided to joined. My name is Chris and been a NIN fan since I was child. I remember buying TDS when I was just 13 (2004) and been hooked on them ever since. I live in Arizona and I plan on going to see them in November. I'm gay and it's pretty fucking awesome. My favorite band overall is Depeche Mode, glad to see a good thread on them here. My music taste in general is all over the place, I pretty much enjoy anything that speaks to me. Overall I'm a nice guy and hopefully I'll get to make some friends here.

Now it's time to celebrate Hesitation Marks. See you around!

08-24-2013, 03:28 PM
Hello everyone.

Hey man, didn't actually notice your post the first time I read through this page. Anyone else from the other board here, besides Jessica?

08-25-2013, 06:16 PM
Well... Ahem... is this thing on? ...

Hi there. I'm a totally new member, been taking links to this site for a while now from RITCNIN twitter feed and finally though I would join. I'm a 20 year old lad living in SE England who's working full time and bla bla bla.

I'm also fairy new in the grand scheme of thing to NIN. I first heard the track 'The Mark Has Been Made' in the trailer to Man on Fire. But while I loved the track, I didn't look any further into NIN as a band and left it at that for a good few of years. The track popped up again and it was about the age where I was really getting into my music, I loved hearing new stuff and I searched out for NIN, surprised at how much content there was (We're talking 2010 here). I then heard closer and liked the track, the lyrics took me by surprise however and I pressed on in my search. Then I listened to Reptile... I think I literally bought every NIN album within a month after hearing that track. I've never been so excited about discovering a catalog of music as I was with Trent's and I quickly became aware of how talented this man really was. Of course I discovered that they weren't touring anymore and everything else he was getting into, so that was a little upsetting, thinking I may never get to see NIN live. However, 2011 was a tough and distressing year for me mentally and the music grew to another level for me. Trent is my favorite artist in music by far and I was annoyed I didn't get into him earlier!

But here we are. They're touring again and I have the chance. I wanted to go to Scala the other day and Trent managed to book the only day I couldn't do!! I watched the tickets sell out and was gutted, but hey. I'm hoping for a European tour next year sometime and can't wait.

Musically I'm all over the place, I have my favorites but I keep a really open mind. Heading to Paris to see Deftones in a couple of weeks (who I saw earlier in the year) and I'm Tempted to see QOTSA in November. Anyway, glad to be here, hope to stay and have fun.


Joshua Lami
08-25-2013, 10:45 PM
I'm Josh.

Thanks for reading.

Charmingly Miserable
08-27-2013, 11:09 PM
Hi you guys. I'm Marlina and I've been a NIN fan since TDS. I can remember being terrified listening to Reptile as a 13 year old but I think it plays very well live these days. I've been to 4 shows but I will be adding my 5th NIN show when they play in Los Angeles this November. I'm in Southern California and where I write, paint, and be an awesome mom. The Becoming is on the top of my fave NIN songs. Blah, blah, blah. Look forward to hanging out here.

08-28-2013, 06:58 PM
Hello NINers. I used be all active back in the day, then I just fell off the deep end. Now I'm back. Cheers!

08-29-2013, 10:20 PM
Long time lurker here! Love the community here so I figured I'd join.

08-31-2013, 12:30 PM
Been a fan since 1999. I was 12 and only really listened to what was on the radio. A friend introduced me to NIN and I was hooked. I would also say that NIN became my gateway band into realizing that there are many other forms of music out there and I needed to look for it on my own which lead me to a great deal of other interesting musical artists.

Side note: I was originally a member of this site before it got remodeled (love the changes & additions by the way). So I rejoined, But don't call it a comeback. I've been here for years... (how lame was that lol)

09-02-2013, 07:15 PM
Hello! I totally thought I rejoined ETS when it rebooted. i guess I just lurked. Oops. Im back now!
Was a member of old ETS since Oct 2003...

Ive been to lots of great shows and I met some great people through here and shows....hope to reconnect w/some that I lost track of after the last show in 2009.

I mostly spend my time on Flickr (well I did before they Fucked it up in May). I like taking pictures. Landscapes mostly. And the occasional rock show. ;)

Hope everyone is well. Im older and slightly mellower... But occasionally grumpy. Been a rough couple of years, but Im ready to rock! :waves hello:

09-04-2013, 11:16 AM
Old and long time member. Upcoming tour brought me back home.

09-04-2013, 11:46 AM
Hi, my name is Ann, from Belgium. I know and like NIN since 1990 (bought PHM that year). Never went to any of their shows, but that changed this year. I loved them at Pukkelpop (though it wasn't their best show , apparently).
Definitely going back when they visit Europe again.

What else? I'm a huge fan of Nick Cave (at the end of this year I will have seen him perform 7 or 8 times this year)!
Love my dog and my 2 cats.
And that's about it, for now :).

09-08-2013, 05:37 PM
They call me Brownd. I like videogames and helped translate some to spanish. I'm also kind of an arrogant audiophile.
Ended up on this forum on many ocassions so I decided to make an account already.
So yeah whatever

Hope I have a good time here

09-09-2013, 10:12 PM
Hey everyone. My name is Trey, and I just joined the site literally a few minutes ago. I've been a Nails fan since I can remember, and the artist we all know as TR holds a special place in my life above many of his contemporaries among my favorite artists--I'm sure many of you can relate.

Anyhow, just wanted to express my salutations.

09-17-2013, 03:26 AM
Hi everyone, my names amber, just joined the site. Been listening to NIN since 99 (I was 12) when I heard my sister listening to PHM and asked her if I could borrow her CD. She never got it back, I still have it! It sure got a lot of play time in my stereo. Haha.

I've got tickets for both Vegas shows in November and getting more excited as the dates get closer! I've unfortunately never been able to go to a NIN show so I am very ecstatic about getting tickets for both nights and at the joint of all places. Such a great venue for reznor to play at.

By the way, I'm not going to lie and say nine inch nails is my favorite band... They fall behind tool. That is my real love for music right there lol I don't care how many years it takes for a new album.

09-21-2013, 04:37 AM
Hi my name is Nic, been a fan since I head HLAH played in a club when it was released. Bought Sin when it came out (a friend had got PHM after we'd heard HLAH and we used to spend most of our spare time together back then). Bought everything on release up until Fragile, then not so much after. Came here after getting HM.

10-01-2013, 05:28 AM
Hey--I go by Rhett in the NIN forums. I usually post on the official site but it's slowed down, likely because it's no longer linked to the official site.

Jon Griffin
10-01-2013, 10:11 PM
Hey guys, name's Jon. I'm jegriff on the official site, haven't posted there in a while though and I wasn't that active there anyway. I've been a fan for about three years now (after I grew out of my mid-teenage Metallica years). I just started collecting halo's over the summer, think I have like 17ish now, all the albums. Can't fucking wait for the show in Boston next week.

10-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Heyo- been lurking around here for a while so actually joining was going to happen sooner or later. My name's Katie, and I've been a NIN fan since 2006. Went to my first show the other day, and hoping it won't be my last. Guess I'll be cruising around the forums then.

Charmingly Miserable
10-02-2013, 10:58 PM
They call me Brownd. I like videogames and helped translate some to spanish. I'm also kind of an arrogant audiophile.
Ended up on this forum on many ocassions so I decided to make an account already.
So yeah whatever

Hope I have a good time here

Hola. :) Even though I'm Hispanic, I'm working on my Spanish. lol

10-03-2013, 12:33 AM
Hola. :) Even though I'm Hispanic, I'm working on my Spanish. lol
lol, seguro con el tiempo te acostumbrarás :p

10-03-2013, 05:52 AM
Hi everyone! Been a member for a few months now, thought i'd make my first post, finally.

Charmingly Miserable
10-03-2013, 08:26 PM
lol, seguro con el tiempo te acostumbrarás :p
Intento cada dia. :)

10-10-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi everyone, my names amber, just joined the site. Been listening to NIN since 99 (I was 12) when I heard my sister listening to PHM and asked her if I could borrow her CD. She never got it back, I still have it! It sure got a lot of play time in my stereo. Haha.

I've got tickets for both Vegas shows in November and getting more excited as the dates get closer! I've unfortunately never been able to go to a NIN show so I am very ecstatic about getting tickets for both nights and at the joint of all places. Such a great venue for reznor to play at.

By the way, I'm not going to lie and say nine inch nails is my favorite band... They fall behind tool. That is my real love for music right there lol I don't care how many years it takes for a new album.
The same can be said for Nine Inch Nails, too :P

10-10-2013, 11:48 PM
The same can be said for Nine Inch Nails, too :P

Haha yes it can. Just to give you a clue as to what a weirdo fan of tool I am though...
I'm sure I could throw a nine inch nails decal into the mix somewhere lol


Charmingly Miserable
10-14-2013, 11:47 PM
So, I'm still relatively new around here but I just want to say that I love you all. :)

10-15-2013, 08:02 AM
So, I'm still relatively new around here but I just want to say that I love you all. :)


I think that is what you were looking for, no worries though.

11-03-2013, 05:58 PM
Been a fan/lurker for a few years now...so better late than never, I suppose. Hi everyone!

11-04-2013, 11:43 AM
Haha yes it can. Just to give you a clue as to what a weirdo fan of tool I am though...
I'm sure I could throw a nine inch nails decal into the mix somewhere lol

The only time someone can say "that guy's driving a real Tool-mobile", and be talking about how awesome it is instead of how douchebaggy it is.

Is that a terrible pun? Absolutely. Am I ashamed of it? A little. Do I care? Not one damn bit :D

Calla lily
11-04-2013, 08:31 PM
Hi all. New here, but been listening to NIN since oh, 1989

11-07-2013, 11:26 AM
Hello all - I'm not new but rejoined since the reboot. I've been a NIN fan since 1989, watching their videos on Chicago's JBTV. I originally joined ETS in 2005 in the With Teeth era. In the years since, I've grown up, gotten married (even my new initials are ETS) and relocated from Chicago to Colorado Springs in 2012. I'm a big fan of the new album and I just can't get over how good the touring band has become with Pino, Lisa and Sharlotte's additions.

11-07-2013, 11:30 AM
Hi all. New here, but been listing to NIN since oh, 1989


My name is tony, how ya doin?

Calla lily
11-09-2013, 05:19 PM
Ah, listening. A fan, whatever

11-22-2013, 07:29 PM
Well this is all quite foreign...I was around in 98'-99' Ninternet chatting. Quite different now..and I'm pretty opposed to the whole evolution of technology and don't participate in much of this kind of stuff. Guess I was just curious about those people I use to talk to and hope they all made it thru all right. The name I use is the same as then. Anyway, I guess this is where boredom takes you. Well, here I am.

11-22-2013, 07:46 PM
did i mention...this is not like what i remembered...this actually is no good at all...like sterile...like staring at a hospital wall...no one to say shut up...this is the future?...no..this is now. what a shame. Hey...to those that may see this that know my name...miss ya...jen...tinman...persephone....ethan...holden.. .leviathan...etc....haha...more is not always better..what a sterile, lack-luster introduction. well, take care.

11-24-2013, 08:37 AM
Hello peepz,
Just signed up to these forums after waking up from being passed out for the last few hours due to being hella tired after back to back NIN shows in 2 different countries...
I really should be going back to sleep... instead i'm saying Hello... so Hello!

11-25-2013, 08:33 PM
Glad to see some 2005 posters here, when I first joined. I hope all old forum were deleted, cause I posted to much bs. Still nerd/geek, I am not going to win number one NIN fan, but I am fan of this board. Admire all Mr. Reznor works. I like music, but lately I got caught in books and series fever. I am going to miss Breaking Bad and I stopped annoying GRRM to write already next book.

12-18-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi there, I'm Ruben. Brief intro to me: 22, student, I've been to three NIN shows (5/15/09 and 11/9/13 in Phoenix and 11/16/13 in Vegas). I hope to meet more awesome people than what I've already met via the nin.com forums and the shows themselves.

02-02-2014, 08:31 AM
Hi guys. New fan here. I'd been living under a rock. This is awkward. I only discovered NIN, er, two months ago. The impact could be likened to a brain explosion. And now I've got tickets to concerts in Riga and Prague. Do want another one. All of them. I want everything. YES.

02-14-2014, 05:02 AM
hello everyone, i'm newly joined this forum.

02-19-2014, 05:01 PM
Hello everyone.
Greetings from Portugal.

I've been hearing NIN stuff since '94 and never stopped since then.


03-04-2014, 08:42 PM
howdy gang,

Ive been on here years ago but stopped posting on forums generally for a while

big into basketball, wrestling, comics and general cool stuff

so yeah

03-08-2014, 10:45 PM
Hi...I had an account here (with this username) back in 2004/5 ish...

I have just spent the last 3 nights seeing Nin (2 syd shows & Newcastle) so thought Id jump back here to see what's happening with ets!


03-12-2014, 05:29 PM
I've been lurking for ages and have been on the NIN subreddit for a while; obviously a passionate NIN fan, got to see them for the first time last year (which happened to be my first concert ever as well, with Gary Numan as opener, so I'm essentially spoiled for life). Got tired of reading threads and not responding, so here I am! Looking forward to joining you, finally.

03-25-2014, 07:50 AM
Yup....HELLO!! New flaccid member here.

04-04-2014, 11:44 PM
Hello, my name is Andrew and I've been an alcoholic for 13 years. I feel I drink to silence the boredom and to escape reality.

04-16-2014, 10:37 PM
Hello there! I used to have an account on here but I have no idea what the username was. The few times I did post and check out ETS, some guy sent me The Making of Closer on some dvd-r's cos for some reason at that time I couldn't download them or whatever. If he's reading this: THANK YOU! I think that was back in '06. MAYBE '07/'08. In the early 2000s, I was a frequent visitor of thefragile.com where I posted on its message boards under LadyReznorNIN. Not sure how much time I have to frequent here. I used to love the NIN message boards. I'm hoping I can have a good time again here. Thanks!

04-21-2014, 04:10 AM
Hello! I'm no good with forums but decided to register here a couple of months ago when I discovered this place. Seems great!
I got introduced to NIN in the nineties. Just recently rediscovered the band and bought the latest albums. I'm still in love with what I hear but now with a different angle.
I'm 35 and I'm from southern Finland. And looking forward to seeing NIN live next month :)

04-28-2014, 03:34 PM
Hello everyone! :)

I'm also new to this forum, i registered beginning of this month, so now finally the first post.
I'm 19, living in The Netherlands. and pretty much a young and new fan. i discovered NIN around 2012.
I've seen them last year at Pukkelpop, even though that wasn't the greatest of NIN, i still loved it and it was the first time seeing NIN. after that i got more obsessed(no way back now :P). ;) looking forward to post more often now. :-)

05-03-2014, 01:19 PM
I listened to NIN because i liked new Guns N' Roses and his guitarrist was robin finck. Some years ago i had a friend who was a producer and he sent me some unrealesed "trent reznor/ross talking" and "demo 4-19".
Well, i also don't like to post my personal information ;)

05-06-2014, 06:50 AM
Hi there

Longtime NIN fan from Helsinki, Finland here and have been lurking these forums for some time.

Excited to see them for the second time here in Helsinki.


05-06-2014, 08:42 AM
Hi. I'm a Newbie. Today is my 2nd month anniversary as a NIN fan. I saw them when they toured Australia with Queens of the Stone Age. I'm a massive QOTSA fan, but didn't really know too much about NIN. And then when I saw NIN first, they blew me away. I bought TDS two days later and haven't looked back. I've got PHM and The Fragile too and I haven't stopped listening to them every day. I will buy further albums in the future. I see people on here who have been NIN fans for 20 years, I hope no one judges me here for being a newbie, even though I am very late to the party.

BTW, I am a nearly 37 year old Asian Australian female who resides south of Sydney, Australia

Tony Gordon
05-06-2014, 02:32 PM
I signed up to your forum as I've been looking for a good place to hang out and chat about music for a while.

Music is my only real passion in life other than reading. I listen to just about anything, and I hate the whole walls of "genres" bearing everything apart. Most of my stuff leans on Psychedelic Rock, Blues, Jazz, Industrial, Electro-Dance, even a bit of Latin/Salsa music that I find to be fun.

I didn't sign up for this place as an NIN fan. Granted, I would be a liar if I didn't admit to being a fan, but I have not kept up with Trent in a very long time. The most recent NIN record I own is With Teeth, and that shows you how much time has swept me on by. I guess I would say The Downward Spiral or The Fragile are my favorite NIN records, with Broken being in the middle as the third wife to the polygamous affair. ;)
I listen to so much different music, but I guess if I have followed anyone over the years, it's Gary Numan. He is the one musician I've always been loyal to, and by that you can label me a kiss ass fan boy that likes to defend him when I see people talking shit about him. I first became aware of Numan when I was still a teenager at the release of Exile, and that was my first album I bought of his, right after hearing Cars on the radio. LOL imagine that, hear Cars and pick up Exile and it's totally different.
I have a deep respect for Trent Reznor even though I don't follow him like some of you do. I believe he's the only person that I have found that comes close to carrying Numan's torch, and for that, I have nothing but love for the guy.

This forum came up in a search I made on Google for Ministry. I was originally looking to see what's been going on with our comrade Paul Barker, and this forum popped up in the search. I read the entire 24 pages and laughed very hard. It was refreshing to see since it's been a while I seen an actual discussion of Ministry with varying opinions.

05-07-2014, 09:52 PM
I was supposed to introduce myself.
But i didn't feel like it.
I didn't think anyone would read it or care to know who I am.
I'm just a strange name with a face you can't see and voice you can't hear.
I am a person who is irrelevant and not really useful.
The only true purpose I serve is to get your neurons to fire off in a specific pattern...
To wonder about me.

I am here to simply make you curious.

05-20-2014, 09:08 PM
hay im 8 yrs old

Nah, just kidding. Names Vega. You'll probably see me around at some point... or not.

Either way, cheers.

05-20-2014, 09:12 PM
hay im 8 yrs old

Nah, just kidding. Names Vega. You'll probably see me around at some point... or not.

Either way, cheers.
Welcome Vega, I hope you enjoy your stay ;)

05-20-2014, 09:14 PM
Welcome Vega, I hope you enjoy your stay ;)

Hey! Never seen you before. ;)

Halo Infinity
05-20-2014, 10:28 PM
hay im 8 yrs old

Nah, just kidding. Names Vega. You'll probably see me around at some point... or not.

Either way, cheers.
It made me wonder if you already saw this thread of mine. :p


And well, what GlitchyFlame said. Have a nice stay. :)

Charmingly Miserable
05-20-2014, 10:36 PM
hay im 8 yrs old

Nah, just kidding. Names Vega. You'll probably see me around at some point... or not.

Either way, cheers.

Stay away from us girls. We bite. JK...Maybe ;)

Enjoy your stay here!

Halo Infinity
05-20-2014, 10:49 PM
I've been lurking for ages and have been on the NIN subreddit for a while; obviously a passionate NIN fan, got to see them for the first time last year (which happened to be my first concert ever as well, with Gary Numan as opener, so I'm essentially spoiled for life). Got tired of reading threads and not responding, so here I am! Looking forward to joining you, finally.
I've also always noticed that you were among the bigger NIN fans on Provider Module. I could understand your reasons for leaving it though, although I was a bit surprised that you didn't join ETS any sooner. I also promoted ETS there, which also ended up in their NIN thread. And well, at least ETS worked out a lot better for you. I also had a hunch that you'd instantly gel well with this place. In case you might've forgotten, or didn't know due to my name change, I was also Kris over there. (But I also used to be KSalavante.)

05-20-2014, 10:50 PM
hay im 8 yrs old

ten chars

05-20-2014, 10:53 PM
I've also always noticed that you were among the bigger NIN fans on Provider Module. I could understand your reasons for leaving it though, although I was a bit surprised that you didn't join ETS sooner. I also promoted ETS there, which also ended up in their NIN thread. And well, at least ETS worked out a lot better for you. I also had a hunch that you'd instantly gel well with this place. In case you might've forgotten, or didn't know due to my name change, I was also Kris over there. (But I also used to be KSalavante.)

Yeah, I recognized you here as soon as I started lurking actually!

And I just didn't want to participate in forums for a while, I was actually worried as soon as I started interacting here it would ruin it for me but I've really started to love this place. Way better fit for me than PM ever was, that's for sure.

05-20-2014, 10:55 PM
What's PM? Like private message people exclusively?

Halo Infinity
05-20-2014, 11:10 PM
What's PM? Like private message people exclusively?
I was wondering if somebody would say that to its acronym, but yeah, it's Provider Module. It's the equivalent of The NIN Hotline and Echoing the Sound in one site, but just for Marilyn Manson. I don't know what you think of Marilyn Manson now, but I suppose that it's still worth checking out for anybody that even used to like him.


I also made a thread for it here. :)


Introduction inception FTW! (http://www.providermodule.com/forum/showthread.php/2303-New-Member-Introductions) :p

05-21-2014, 10:47 AM
I personally wouldn't recommend it but if it's your thing then more power to you; you can always go and see all the dick jokes I used to make that annoyed the mods so much they collapsed all of my threads into one, though!

05-21-2014, 02:54 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

ten chars

I'd rather be deaf than have DSL.

05-28-2014, 12:27 AM
Hai i'm praveen chandra from chennai, just want to say hello for all.

05-28-2014, 12:52 AM
Hai i'm praveen chandra from chennai, just want to say hello for all.
Hi! I'll admit I'm a nerd for India. Hope to go there soon.

05-29-2014, 10:59 PM
I am Chris from Canada a huge NIN fan never been to a live show before... Untill July 17th that is :).

Charmingly Miserable
05-29-2014, 11:21 PM
I am Chris from Canada a huge NIN fan never been to a live show before... Untill July 17th that is :).
Welcome! That's my birthday! You'll have tons of fun!!!!

06-25-2014, 01:57 AM
While i'm not exactly new at all, I thought that I would come out and say that i'm not "34" i'm really only fourteen. Yeah, I know that it's really fucking stupid to try and hide my age, but let's be honest, my generation is stupid and i'm ashamed to be apart of it. I've been "coming out" on every forum that i'm on, and even though i'm a moderately active no-name on ETS, but I might as well be honest here too.

06-25-2014, 03:25 AM
Hi, I'm Margaret from Australia. I'm new here (joined only a few months ago), but I've been a member of the nin.com forums since 2009. Sorry that I was a bit slow in discovering this place =]

06-25-2014, 05:15 AM
Hi, I'm Margaret from Australia. I'm new here (joined only a few months ago), but I've been a member of the nin.com forums since 2009. Sorry that I was a bit slow in discovering this place =]

Welcome Margaret! I hope that you enjoy your time on ETS.

06-25-2014, 05:52 AM
While i'm not exactly new at all, I thought that I would come out and say that i'm not "34" i'm really only fourteen. Yeah, I know that it's really fucking stupid to try and hide my age, but let's be honest, my generation is stupid and i'm ashamed to be apart of it. I've been "coming out" on every forum that i'm on, and even though i'm a moderately active no-name on ETS, but I might as well be honest here too.

Welcome aboard, kid! I started joining internet forums around your age, too, and quickly learned that people can be pretty fucking awful. But we're mostly pretty forgiving and helpful around here, so even if you THINK you have a stupid question, ask it anyways, and we'll answer it in the nicest way possible!

I don't know if you've lurked or not, but if you haven't, here's the rundown:

"All The Flesh" is for everyone to talk about their lives, what they like, what they hate, the books they read, the movies they watch, the games they play, the people they fuck, the booze they drink, the news they read, etc, etc.
"All The Sin" is for everything NIN-related, so if you want to talk about song meanings, album influences, live performances, movie scores, yadda yadda yadda, that's the place to do it.

Once again, welcome aboard, and have fun!

I am Chris from Canada a huge NIN fan never been to a live show before... Untill July 17th that is http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/images/smilies/smile.png.
Dude, you mean Pemberton? I'm also a Vancouverite, tossing and turning trying to decide if I should shell out for Pemb for the first show of the tour or go to the US for the last show. Either way, welsome to the club! Check the first half of my post for a quick run-down of the site, and if you're vocal and chill enough in the All The Flesh section maybe we can go have a beer sometime!

06-25-2014, 06:53 AM
Welcome Margaret! I hope that you enjoy your time on ETS.

Thanks! :-)

06-26-2014, 02:33 PM
My name is Jeff, long time lurker first time poster. Have a great day.

07-02-2014, 11:36 PM
Hi, I'm Margaret from Australia. I'm new here (joined only a few months ago), but I've been a member of the nin.com forums since 2009. Sorry that I was a bit slow in discovering this place =]
I was a NIN.com member for a few years also before discovering ETS, so you're not alone. Welcome!

Space Suicide
07-03-2014, 12:05 AM
ETS is 50 times the better place than the official NIN.com forum is.

07-06-2014, 02:24 PM
Oh no sorry July 27th I am in Toronto haha.

ready 2 post
07-09-2014, 02:29 AM
Hi, I'm a recent NIN convert (a roommate converted me 2 years back) and though I was late too the party I can't deny that NIN and more specifically Reznor have become my personal music icons.! Anyway, I look forward to conversing with you all.

07-15-2014, 06:22 PM
hello all. my name is Frank. From Del Rio, Tx. I'm new here and looking forward to being a positive part of this community. all the best!

07-16-2014, 05:47 AM
hello all. my name is Frank. From Del Rio, Tx. I'm new here and looking forward to being a positive part of this community. all the best!
What's up man, fucking del rio, yeah? That's right on the other side of La Ciudad de Acuna, no?
I'm from Dallas...well i lived most of my life in dallas, i'm actually from and currently living in the panhandle...
anyway, my grandparents live(d) in san angelo, and when i was a kid, we used to ride down to acuna to get cheap smokes (los tigres, 22 cents a pack!,) grass pipes made of semi-precious stone, and eat real mexican food.

Have you spent much time en el otro lado? i've heard that the touristy parts of acuna are all boarded up because of the sinaloas and what not. is that true?

07-29-2014, 05:43 PM
Greetings everyone! Should've done this ages ago. Lurking since always. Fell in love with nin when I first heard tds.

Great community here & thanks to Leviathant plus the rest of the mods/admins for keeping it going.

Hitting Bristow, VA Beach & Charlotte this go 'round. Hope to meet some of you guys & gals out there.


08-26-2014, 07:39 AM
Names Casey, glad I found this website. NIN is a favorite of mine along with Marilyn Manson. Been listening to both since I was a kid. I look forward to meeting new peeps here.

08-27-2014, 06:34 PM
Hey pigs, [just found this thread]

This is Alex (@thewretched1111 - old NIN.com name/current Twitter handle) from THROW IT AWAY. This is the official account for the THROW IT AWAY Podcast-so at some point, the other guys may post under this account.

At THROW IT AWAY, we're super excited to bring you guys new and exciting content each month (with a couple of in between bonus episodes currently in pre-production) and talk to you the fans! Feel free to send us questions, criticisms or comments to us on here/Twitter/Facebook/throwitawaypodcast@gmail.com.

09-02-2014, 10:58 AM
Hello. My name is Dave, from the UK. Long time NIN fan - we're talking '92 or '93, somewhere in between Fixed and March of the Pigs. Favourite album has to be The Downward Spiral. Seen 'em only twice in all that time... London 02 Arena in 2014, and Brixton 2007. Hoping to see them again before Trent calls it a day. Should start saving for any Wave Goodbye (Again) club dates in LA. Long-time lurker - figured I'd swing by now the tour has ended. I'll be bored until the next one.

09-10-2014, 06:33 PM
Hello all. My name is Dave and the fact that I'm following another fellow Dave is purely a coincidence. I'm not from the UK, tho, I'm a Dave from the US. You don't have to call me Dave, you can call me Fractal04 or whatever you like, really, I'm not particular. I'm a student, working to become a dietician / life coach. I'm into science, psychology, self-improvement, personal development, etc.

09-14-2014, 06:20 AM
Hello to you all, I'm a bit new at forums and stuff, great to see lots of NIN fans connecting around the globe.

11-06-2014, 02:06 PM
Hello EchoingTheSound collective! Love the multi-cam collab work from a few years back[/flatterycomplete]. Don't want to be a heartbreaker but you're not my first forum. Sorry all! That's how it goes though. As a big-ballsy icebreaker how about this- UK NINer meetup in London, Dec 6th? Just a concept, how does that make my fellow English(Wo)men feel, yay/nay?

11-13-2014, 10:23 AM
Hello!!! I've been a huge fan since I saw HLAH on MTV as a Buzz Feed video. I actually just found this site two months ago when I was researching background on the Recoiled/Uncoiled album but I have been lurking every since. I signed up to see if I could find the remaining four CDs I need to complete my collection. Apparently they are the same ones everyone needs :(
-Physical (Interscope Records - PRCD 4891) (no front cover)

Nice to meet everyone!

11-27-2014, 05:38 AM
Greetings, my fellow wretchlings...
I enjoy talking to strangers.
I can't imagine a single day without music.
I very much enjoy NIN.
I am, despite the probable majority opinion here, quite obsessed with Marilyn Manson, both the band and the man. Get over it.
Im also into literature, criminal justice, my daughter, and art.

Name is Devan Marie and I'm in Central Florida.

I look forward to being an active member of this hole in the web. Hopefully it's another warm place in my life.

12-05-2014, 05:47 PM
Long time lurker, first time poster. I've followed these forums for quite some time and i'm at a crossroads in my life where i'm trying to put myself out more out there in the world. Thank you for having me and i hope to be having witty banter with folks here soon enough.

12-07-2014, 01:08 AM
Greetings everyone! Should've done this ages ago. Lurking since always. Fell in love with nin when I first heard tds.

Great community here & thanks to @Leviathant (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=1) plus the rest of the mods/admins for keeping it going.

Hitting Bristow, VA Beach & Charlotte this go 'round. Hope to meet some of you guys & gals out there.

I was at the Bristow show, too! How did you like it?

01-02-2015, 01:32 PM
Hiya people! I'm iggy, nice to meet you.

I lost interest in NIN after [with_teeth], but recently Hesitation Marks and HTDA has sucked me right back in. Being a Treznor fan is like being trapped in a black hole. Try as you might, you'll never escape.

02-27-2015, 04:27 AM
Hi hi! I'm Alice! I used to be mildly active on the NIN.com forums for a while and when they went away I just kind of didn't do anything. I kinda missed having a forum where people chatted about music and I remembered this place being discussed quite a bit so I decided to join. There's my shitty introduction lol.

03-03-2015, 12:07 AM
Hi, I'm John. I believe I was here on ETS back in the YZ days, in its old incarnation, and when I was still in/just getting out of high school (2007-ish), and just getting used to the idea of chatting with fellow fans of whatever in various online forums. I've been a NIN fan since the WT era; together with "Weird Al" Yankovic, Garbage, and Metallica, NIN is one of my "big four" favorite bands. As far as my non-musical hobbies are concerned, I'm an active birder and aspiring fiction writer. Looking forward to reconnecting with NIN fans everywhere!

Dr. Orange
03-26-2015, 07:52 PM
Hello. I'm Dr. Orange. I've been needing to try out some different forums and someone by Kris got me to lurk here ... but I don't lurk.
So, yeah. I like meeting new people. I like music. And I hope to meet all of you.

03-26-2015, 08:43 PM
Hello. I'm Dr. Orange. I've been needing to try out some different forums and someone by Kris got me to lurk here ... but I don't lurk.
So, yeah. I like meeting new people. I like music. And I hope to meet all of you. Well, heck if your a friend of @Kris (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=244) you're welcome to post all you want. You couldn't possibly post more then him!

I keed I keed we love @Kris (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=244) and we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Welcome @avesjohn (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5001) . I'd love for you to explain what being an active birder is. Thanks!

03-26-2015, 10:44 PM
Welcome @avesjohn (http://www.echoingthesound.org/community/member.php?u=5001) . I'd love for you to explain what being an active birder is. Thanks!

It means I love going outside watching birds - that is, chasing rare ones when they show up (which happens a lot) and taking trips out-of-state (and eventually, once I get a passport, out-of-country) with the intent of seeing new species to add to my life list, which currently numbers 485 species. For reference, that's 485 out of about 700 in the U.S. and Canada, and about 10,000 worldwide.

03-30-2015, 02:29 AM
Wow! It has been a while. Melancholygrl here. I used to hang around the spiral quite a bit back in 2006. I have missed everyone and I am grateful to be here.

03-30-2015, 02:36 AM
Oops! Double post...

05-03-2015, 08:19 PM
Hi. I'm ZRFTS; I'm a major NIN fan, I think Year Zero is my favorite album mainly because it has the electronical nature, a relatable message and it's brash sound. I think we all need a motivation to rebel against society and Year Zero is it; also I love the background story he planted behind this, eccentrically detailed and oddly relatable to today's times.

Anyways, hope to enjoy discussing NIN with my fellow NIN peeps.

05-06-2015, 04:03 PM
Hi. I used to (occasionally) post here a long time ago under the name Relm. I've been a NIN fan since I was about 13 (around the time "The Perfect Drug" came out) and I've seen them live twice (in 2000 and 2005). My favorite album was "The Fragile" for a long time, but I'm more partial to "Broken" and "The Downward Spiral" these days.

I'm also a big fan of Ministry (Paul Barker era), the White Stripes/Jack White, Nirvana, the Black Keys (mostly the earlier stuff, but "Turn Blue" is okay), Tool, and the Ramones.

I play guitar and bass. I like to write. I love Mystery Science Theater 3000. My favorite color is purple. I've been known to have full conversations with my mother's cats.

Nice to meet you.

09-29-2015, 03:50 AM
formerly boots on this forum (i was an 07er) modded and sowed my wild forum oats on the nin forum, now im just finding my way back into this world. so much has changed, yet still is the same.

10-26-2015, 09:44 PM
Hey, I'm Lisa and I love NIN to death. Crush on Trent, too. I hate the cliche "band has saved my life" phrase but, there you have it. I draw often, and you can find me at http://surviveboth.deviantart.com/

Have been waiting to join the other NIN forum, but I see that registering is seemingly never going to return.

01-12-2016, 10:42 PM
Hey all,

I'm Kenny. I was a lurker (Fool's_Devotion) in the old ETS and fell out of the NIN obsession for a while between LITS and HM, but found myself needing that fix again and thought that this time, I'd try out a more participatory involvement.
Pretty much as well-versed with NIN as the general crowd here.
Live in Colorado.

01-17-2016, 11:54 AM
I'm Nik. I'm a relatively new fan of NIN. I've always known about songs such as "Closer", but didn't otherwise pay them much attention until hearing "Somewhat Damaged" on The Walking Dead. Afterwards, I began to delve into the discography (still working my way through it), and have come to favor their sound above other artists (I really love the expressions of anger, the melancholic ambience, the glitches and riffs, and the overall abstract, electronic feel).

So yeah. That's my narrative.

02-03-2016, 07:32 AM
Hi! I always miss such kindly things like introduction threads. Sry!
So, I was on ETS for a short time before some years and did not found here since then. I live in Germany and am connected to Nine Inch Nails since 1995, when I was 17 years. NIN to me is a hate/love thingy, I dare to say. Nevertheless, it definitely powers me and my life. Saw Nine Inch Nails live 5 timez and got a NIN tattoo.
My hobbies are yoga, painting, drawing, sports, music. I hate facebook and commercial bullshit.
I often have a language barrier and can't connect to [real] people that good. But am not narcissistic, I love other people, can't only become clear on! I hate stuff like superficiality, ecolocical destruction, waste, rich fuckers, poverty and war.
I love life, believe in God and sometimes I despair of too much information on how the world seems to work...
well, so far, c ya!

02-28-2016, 04:00 PM
Hi ETS! New here but I promise to clean up after myself ;)

03-19-2016, 04:49 PM
Hi, I joined back in 2011 but left after some weeks (and I don't know why) but now I am back :)
I am 27, from Germany, a male nurse and in love with my wife, my dog and NIN (4 tattoos on my body) since 2005 (yeah, I'm late to the party).

04-15-2016, 11:57 AM
Hello all. I am new to ETS but am a long time NIN fan. Mom told me it's highly likely I was conceived to TDS so I have literally been listening to NIN my entire life. I saw NIN live the first time at Bonnaroo in '09. Tremendous show!

My parents were both members of the older version of ETS. I remember watching sometimes as they would post on here, Mom especially. Sometimes things would pop up that would make her tell me to leave the room. lol. I'm old enough to see for myself now.

I'm 19, and am about to finish up my freshman year of college. I plan to work for Dad's consulting firm this summer, doing mostly grunt work, I'm sure.

06-05-2016, 07:27 PM
I've seen this site a few times before, and decided to join a few days ago.

I've been a NIN fan since 2011, ever since I found Fixed in the stacks of CDs in my house, and I've been into them ever since.

Anyway, I'm bad with intros and talking about myself, so I'll end my attempt at an introduction here. Nice to meet you all.

06-05-2016, 07:49 PM
Nice to meet you all.

Welcome here !

06-11-2016, 01:42 PM
I've seen this site a few times before, and decided to join a few days ago.

I've been a NIN fan since 2011, ever since I found Fixed in the stacks of CDs in my house, and I've been into them ever since.

Anyway, I'm bad with intros and talking about myself, so I'll end my attempt at an introduction here. Nice to meet you all.
Word. Fixed is where it's at, and that's an interesting introduction to NIN. :)
good to meet you. oh and lovely username, btw.

06-11-2016, 01:44 PM
My parents were both members of the older version of ETS....
I'm 19, and am about to finish up my freshman year of college.
Sorry for double post but...

Ohhhhhh Jesus, blake , this makes me feel old

06-27-2016, 02:10 PM
Hi. Never been very active here...checked it out once or twice. Thought I'd give it a bit more of a go.

NIN is one of my favorites. Trent is a hero of mine.

Hoping to find some awesome people here.


08-18-2016, 06:48 AM
Hey everyone, I'm back from a lengthy hiatus and then forgetting my password to an account (sentient02970) tied to an email I no longer use. I gave up (I tried). So here's the new account! As for me, not much has changed...as far as I know.

08-18-2016, 03:48 PM
Hello everybody. At the time i am more a lurker than a poster while also being a NiN listener for about 4 years now. With that i mean: I have known about NiN for a long time trough the game Quake but never truly listened to more than the popular songs until 4 years ago. By now i have read up, learned about them and the music, and discovered websites like this one. :o

These are a few remixes and edits i made with the NiN remix material :

Me im not: An easy going edit of Me I'm Not

God given violence: A mash up of God Given and My Violent Heart (even some guitar tracks are playing together).

Head down into depression town : A realy depressing sounding edit of Head down.

08-26-2016, 10:34 PM
Hello everybody. At the time i am more a lurker than a poster while also being a NiN listener for about 4 years now. With that i mean: I have known about NiN for a long time trough the game Quake but never truly listened to more than the popular songs until 4 years ago. By now i have read up, learned about them and the music, and discovered websites like this one. :o

These are a few remixes and edits i made with the NiN remix material :

Me im not: An easy going edit of Me I'm Not

God given violence: A mash up of God Given and My Violent Heart (even some guitar tracks are playing together).

Head down into depression town : A realy depressing sounding edit of Head down.
welcome, and I kinda dig god given violence (have yet to listen to the others)

10-09-2016, 08:58 AM
Hello. I've been a fan of NIN since 2013, and I was introduced to it either by a former friend or by digging into Youtube. The first NIN album I listened to was The Downward Spiral. Currently my favourite album is The Fragile.

10-13-2016, 03:38 AM
welcome, and I kinda dig god given violence (have yet to listen to the others)

Thank you for digging God Given Violence... Too bad there was a troll downvoting every single song (from any poster) that got uploaded a few months ago because now i had too give points to my remixes / edits. :rolleyes:

12-22-2016, 10:44 AM
Hi. *waves*

I died in the Year Zero aftermath.

I'm feeling much better now.

Generally I enjoy watching movies in HD, reading hardcover books and encoding vinyl for digital playback.

I'm disabled and i smoke a lot of cannabis to help manage.

12-22-2016, 04:07 PM
Oh fuck, I'm back.

12-22-2016, 04:08 PM
Oh fuck, I'm back.

Oh holy crap, where the HELL ya been?!?!?

12-22-2016, 04:11 PM
in and out of sanity. but i came back to post a review of NTAE, and realized i miss ya assholes <3

12-23-2016, 09:59 PM
What's good, folks?

College student studying digital arts and cinema. Been a NIN fan since middle school. Spent high school tracking down every halo that was released on CD plus odds and ends like Into the Void, etc. Looks like those days may be over if Trent continues to release music independently. Guess it's time to embrace the digital era.

Been lurking on here a while and decided it was time to officially join my fellow Nine Inch Nerds. Loving NTAE!

12-28-2016, 10:31 PM
I'm not really DRUNK but whiskey diets are dope as fuck.

EDIT: I'm sorry Leviathant I thought this was the drunk tank for some reason. I guess I WAS a little more than tipsy last night.

01-13-2017, 12:22 AM
http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g297/merse_photos/IMG_20170109_225130_069_zpszaskoa4z.jpg (http://s59.photobucket.com/user/merse_photos/media/IMG_20170109_225130_069_zpszaskoa4z.jpg.html)

Hi everyone, I don't come here enough these days. Been a member since 2005, live in Los Angeles.

01-29-2017, 12:49 AM
Hey guys, joined about a month ago, been a NIN fan for 3 years. I'm a high school student, and I like running, movies, MMA, acting, lifting, writing, making short films, Stephen King novels, school, law, and girls. Really like being able to talk about NIN w/ others now!

acrid avid jam shred
02-15-2017, 08:08 PM
Hi everyone! I've loved NIN for about 4 years now, and ETS is a brilliant place for discussion and chats with other awesome NIN fans, so I wanted to join in!

03-20-2017, 04:24 AM
Hi! I`ve been a NIN Fan since 2005. I am visiting this board since 2008 and thought it´s time to join in.

03-25-2017, 03:40 PM
Hello fellow NIN fans!

Something important happened to me in 2002: I listened to "Deep" for the first time. It was some pirate audio cassette of a Tomb Raider soundtrack. How awesome that song was!
Then I was carried away by Rammstein and didn't get a chance to dig into the Nine Inch Nails catalogue.
Thanks God I decided to give it another try a few years ago:) Now I can't get enough of it.
P.S.: "Deep" is still one of my all-time favs!

04-03-2017, 03:59 AM
I like music. Especially good music. So it was only natural I'd end up on here eventually. Currently spending wayyyyyy too much time lurking on here.

First discovered NIN in 99 when a friend who had just bought The Fragile asked me if I would swap a copy of Slipknots' debut album for it. LOL. Obviously, I took him up on the offer. I wonder how often he throws on that Slipknot CD, and is blown away by its hidden depths? Fucking LOL. I'll never forget that first listen through. Basically been my musical obsession since.

I'm also one of those annoying-for-some-on-this-board types who comes out of the woodwork for a new release, soon to disappear back into obscurity, once all there is left to talk about are things like the name of Trents' children. (Things I really don't need or want to know about). Looking around the index pages there are plenty of other things on here to keep me interested though, and there seems to be a nice sense of community, so maybe I'll get to know some of you better...

05-11-2017, 06:55 AM
Long time lurker (since the Year Zero shenanigans) recent new member (signed up at Christmas, but only just started posting since my work allowed me to sign in...good use of office hours!)

Pleasure to be here :) my posts my sometimes feature spelling errors thanks to 1 part dyslexia and 2 parts auto corrector gone wrong!

06-22-2017, 09:57 PM
I'm new. I do bookkeeping and stuff. I also like to draw and paint. I have all of NIN's albums. I've seen NIN live only once. NIN has always been my favorite band.

06-23-2017, 06:46 PM
Hello all. Brand new here but have been a lurker since around '08. Discovered NIN back in 2004 when I saw the videos for "Head Like a Hole" and "Wish" on TV late one night. I quickly became obsessed after purchasing Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, The Fragile, and the March of the Pigs and Closer to God singles. All of the hype over the release of [With_Teeth] sealed the deal for me. I have been a committed fan ever since, having the good fortune to witness NIN live from 2008 up to 2014. Mr. Reznor and co. have since and will continue to always be a massive inspiration to me and all of my creative endeavors.

Reason for reaching out at last is that I finally feel as though I have something to contribute to the community in the form of this new musical project I started earlier this year. Being a total novice when it comes to making any kind of music, I've begun this process by currently specifically focusing on remixes until such time as I feel ready to release original material. In that sense, I believe my second release may be of interest to members of this forum:


This is the first of several NIN remix projects I have planned. Very much looking forward to seeing what people think. Hope you all enjoy the music!

Uwe Parabierich
07-08-2017, 08:13 PM
i am from Germany and NIN-Fan since nearly 20 Years. At School i was a bullying-Victim and this Times was the Seed of my current Paranoia. Much more didn´t happen in My Life. So thats me! ;)

07-08-2017, 11:46 PM
Hello, I have been a NIN fan since 2000 when I purchased the Fragile when I was 13 years old (don't know how I managed to buy it due to to parental discretion label!), it blew me away and I discovered the rest of the catalogue soon after. My favorite concert experience was seeing NIN with QOTSA and Death From Above 1979 in 2005. I'm now 30 years old and still rocking to NIN, and will probably do it for another 30 or so years!

Other bands/artists I like: QOTSA, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Filter, Army of Anyone, Morphine, Big Sugar, Kyuss, City and Colour, and Alice In Chains.

07-11-2017, 09:52 AM
Hi, my name's Ben. I'm 37, been a nin fan for 23 years now (since I saw the March of the Pigs clip on an old MTV show back in 94), seen them live once. I work as a sound engineer and musician and play in a band called Sora (https://sora-be.bandcamp.com/).

07-17-2017, 05:22 PM
I'm 37, been a fan since 92'/93' when I was in middle school. Saw ETS mentioned on twitter today and just joined this evening - hoping to get involved with whatever comes out of this new ARG.

muse-lyre candy
07-17-2017, 08:16 PM
Hi to all.
I am new to ETS. Spiral was my first -any and all- type of 'forum, chatroom, and fan member site' (Dauphinesdumaine/Dauphine). I discovered Spiral to be a fun experience in which I was able to easily disengage from my reality of pressures, politics, and at times -soul tolling- work in a medical field environment. Spiral was all about fun and adventure and bonding with people over a common passion and NIN being the starter block of that common something. I met a lot of ppl through the Spiral connection and was privileged enough to share in fun adventures, lewd content, and questionable choices and behaviors with some of those ppl. An experience I did not know would happen when I chose to sign up and pay for that membership **hell it was fun and worth every copper penny**. After Spiral was retired, for me there was NIN.COM. I found NIN.COM was not able to hold onto that something *special energy* (for lack of a better description) that Spiral was carved from. It just wasn't the same. After waiting for that something *special* to return to something NIN related: I have found myself in the land of ETS. I was always such a die hard Spiral junkie and did not enjoy the drama fueled stories of ETS VS SPIRAL; though both groups of ppl had a passion for NIN in common, they did not play well together. I am warming up to ETS and so far it isn't the negative soul sucking poke fest I thought it would be. And now that I've outed myself and told my story it remains to be seen what truths are hidden in the land of ETS :rolleyes:
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

07-17-2017, 09:55 PM
Hi to all.
I am new to ETS. Spiral was my first -any and all- type of 'forum, chatroom, and fan member site' (Dauphinesdumaine/Dauphine). I discovered Spiral to be a fun experience in which I was able to easily disengage from my reality of pressures, politics, and at times -soul tolling- work in a medical field environment. Spiral was all about fun and adventure and bonding with people over a common passion and NIN being the starter block of that common something. I met a lot of ppl through the Spiral connection and was privileged enough to share in fun adventures, lewd content, and questionable choices and behaviors with some of those ppl. An experience I did not know would happen when I chose to sign up and pay for that membership **hell it was fun and worth every copper penny**. After Spiral was retired, for me there was NIN.COM. I found NIN.COM was not able to hold onto that something *special energy* (for lack of a better description) that Spiral was carved from. It just wasn't the same. After waiting for that something *special* to return to something NIN related: I have found myself in the land of ETS. I was always such a die hard Spiral junkie and did not enjoy the drama fueled stories of ETS VS SPIRAL; though both groups of ppl had a passion for NIN in common, they did not play well together. I am warming up to ETS and so far it isn't the negative soul sucking poke fest I thought it would be. And now that I've outed myself and told my story it remains to be seen what truths are hidden in the land of ETS :rolleyes:
That's my story and I'm sticking to it...

Your outing has inspired my own. Spiral reject also present. Same name there.

07-18-2017, 09:38 AM
Guess I should do an intro. Old spiral member, Disafect666 here. Miss that place. Quiet lurker. Antisocial. I confess, I miss the nin community. Happy to be back.

07-18-2017, 12:24 PM
Hey all! Never been on Spiral, but was pretty active on the NIN.com forums for quite a while. Have lots of friends on here, but never poked around. In light of all the possible ARG excitement (not to mention--just the real, true excitement that comes from talking with other die hard NIN fans), I decided to finally get my butt on here!

So...hi, fellow ninnies. :)

07-20-2017, 10:41 AM
Hi all! Former Spiral member here, late joiner to the party (I lost myself for a while and just starting to find it all over again now), and totally in love with the fact that NIN is not just about music. I missed The Year Zero chase so much, I started again with Add Violence and found this site, thankfully. I've ended up surrounding myself with people who don't like the same music as me, don't like the same films or books. I love having differences to discuss, but sometimes I miss fan-girling the hell out of shit.

I discovered NIN "by accident". I used to flick through the only music channels worth it on Sky (back in the day when there were any) and a video was on MTV2 that I liked the sound of but I thought I should check the other two channels first. Checked them, nothing there. So back to this crazy ass, absinthe fueled mess with an incredible soundtrack and I was hooked. Thank you "The Perfect Drug". I've seen them twice so far, and fully intend on making the most of the fact that I'm old enough now to have "expendable income" and stalk the tour announcements.

I tend to be a lurker who rarely does anything but I think it's time to change that, so bear with me and I cant wait to relive Secondary School days obsessing about music and that comes with it!

07-20-2017, 04:04 PM
I've been lurking on this forum for a long-ass time. Probably since around the time The Spiral fell apart. It's usually my first source for any NIN-related news. Over the 20ish years I've obsessed on Nine Inch Nails they've slowly drifted out of my top spot for favorite band (haven't loved much of the new stuff.) But the intrigue around the new EP's and the re-release of their classics on vinyl has me rediscovering what I always loved most about this band - the mystery and excitement around releases. No one else drums up the kinda giddy joy I get out of hearing a new NIN tune.

So, that's basically it...Hi everyone!

07-28-2017, 04:30 AM
Hi all. I am all shiny and new to this forum, and to be honest, a bit shiny and new to being a NIN fan.

My wife and her brother have always been HUGE fans, and while I quite liked them, I never really "got it" in the same way. My first NIN gig was the With Teeth tour in 2005, and we've been a few times since (they don't play the UK as much as USA).
So last week, I was talking to my bro-in-law about Add Violence, and he mentioned that there might be another Year Zero style ARG in the making. I missed the whole YZ thing really, although I had heard little bits about it. I listened to the new EP and just loved it. Then I made a critical error. I started googling for stuff to do with this potential new ARG and stumbled here, and the NIN wiki, and now I fear I am slightly obsessed. In a good way, obvs. I got this way with Lost when it was on, loved the theorising, and the countless easter eggs to find.

It's got me listening to NIN in a completely different way. Almost to the point I feel YZ is an entirely different album to the one I first heard 10 years ago.

So anyway, that's me. Hello.

09-24-2017, 07:54 AM
I always find myself coming back here sooner or later. Might as well say hi and maybe drop a line every now and then.
Not much to say about myself, I'm from Germany and have been in love with NIN for over a decade.

10-17-2017, 11:14 PM
Hi, I'm new here

I started listening to nin when I was 14... was aware of them as a kid though, since I'm a 90s kid and saw the videos nonstop on tv. For that reason, nin has more sentimental value to me than most music. I also am a big fan of the film scores, they're very inspiring.

I'll keep the "about me" brief as I'm not interesting really. I play guitar, piano, and sing. I started playing electronic music but moved from that since I wanted to learn other instruments. I also am into fashion and design.

I find this forum and community to be very intimidating but will stick around.

10-18-2017, 12:34 PM
Hi, I'm new here

I started listening to nin when I was 14... was aware of them as a kid though, since I'm a 90s kid and saw the videos nonstop on tv. For that reason, nin has more sentimental value to me than most music. I also am a big fan of the film scores, they're very inspiring.

I'll keep the "about me" brief as I'm not interesting really. I play guitar, piano, and sing. I started playing electronic music but moved from that since I wanted to learn other instruments. I also am into fashion and design.

I find this forum and community to be very intimidating but will stick around.


Welcome to ETS!

I just wanted to say that it saddens me a bit that you say that you're not really interesting. Everyone is interesting to me and I'm sure that there is a lot about you that is unique and that you can share when you're ready and willing to.

I would not call us intimidating but I would say that we are passionate. But we welcome every new perspective and opinions and I hope you'll be able to share yours with all of us.

I hope to see you around! :)

10-27-2017, 05:44 PM

Welcome to ETS!

I just wanted to say that it saddens me a bit that you say that you're not really interesting. Everyone is interesting to me and I'm sure that there is a lot about you that is unique and that you can share when you're ready and willing to.

I would not call us intimidating but I would say that we are passionate. But we welcome every new perspective and opinions and I hope you'll be able to share yours with all of us.

I hope to see you around! :)

Thank you for the really sweet response. I’m glad to be here. You said a lot of nice things in that post. ��

12-03-2017, 03:25 PM
I guess I never introduced myself here, so here I go. I'm pretty new.

29. Data Warehouse/Business Analytics professional. Just finished part-time grad school. Recently divorced. I like to write and am actually working on something NTAE/AV inspired... if anyone is interested...

I love a lot of music. I've been a casual NIN fan since the mid 2000s, had downloaded the albums, owned a NIN hoodie.. I was a bit of a Trent fangirl though, as lame as that is. I loved The Social Network score. Then I went to Riotfest. I was pretty excited they were on the bill, but had no expectations. And now here I am. I find it odd that I didn't get obsessed with NIN considering how much I like David Fincher, David Lynch...But rediscovering it has definitely been an experience, especially when listening to The Fragile, an album I hadn't listened to.

Other music I like : Coheed and Cambria, Glassjaw, At the Drive-In

01-17-2018, 08:12 PM

I'm new to this forum. Have been a NIN fan for years and seen them live twice, which was in 2009 and 2014 both in London at O2 Arena. I'm 26 years old and living in the UK.

01-26-2018, 05:35 AM
Hi all,

Longtime reader of ETS forums, but a new member. Have been following NIN since the With Teeth days, and as with the poster above am from the UK and also have seen the band twice, also in 2009 and 2014..! 25 years old and working in the legal sector in London.

Aside from NIN, fan of a huge spectrum of music, but favourite bands would have to be Karnivool, LCD Soundsystem and Kiev (check them out if you don't know them).


02-25-2018, 07:12 AM
Hello everyone.

New to the forum but have been lurking for years and years. Used to read theninhotline back in the Fragile days. grew up listening to NIN- my parents bought PHM back in 90 when I was 4 and I'll never forget the experience of hearing it in the car for the first time. I'll never forget watching Woodstock 94 on PPV, it felt like a massive event and my parents had family and friends over to watch it. Starting with the With Teeth tour, I've seen NIN 4 times live.

Used to post on another forum back in the late 90's/early 00's, Perfect Isolation. Looking forward to connecting with the NIN community again. Exciting times with Trent's output recently.

02-28-2018, 02:53 AM
Hi! I'm Thorn from Vancouver, BC. I'm 21 years old, but I've been listening to Nine Inch Nails since I was a small kid thanks to my dad. Been lurking ETS for 6 years now and decided to finally make an account. I love NIN but I'm mostly obsessed with punk. I'm a drummer/vocalist in a punk band and I'm active in my local punk scene. I love foruming and I haven't been on a forum in a few years so I'm stoked to be apart of this one.

04-12-2018, 06:55 PM
Holy crap. Get pre-occupied for a decade while the economy fakes its own death only to be saved by politicians, have a few kids and look back, and ETS is still a thing. I used to be kitcostantino on the old site. i remember a few people like Terryana and Levithant and clive holloway. Its been a digital lifetime. Just stopped in to see if my login still worked. much to my surprise, i didnt exist here. ;) I shifted my collecting to kids for a while. more recently, i learned about X Metals at oakley forums, but i still have a bit of NIN stuff. is it all worthless now? i mean, hell, there are 2 further down the spiral tins on ebay atm for $100/ each. id say 'what happened?' but i know. i was a pizza guy for almost a decade. i went from clearing $600/week working 4 days to working 5 or 6 days to make half of that. after 3 years of waiting for the economy to rebound, i gave up and became an EMT. I have since moved out of EMS, but it was a critical juncture in my life. Then began the poorest time I have ever had, but everyone in EMS is broke or works multiple jobs, so that makes it easier. lol. Mind you, i quit buying/trading/selling rare music merch. i never sold off all of my stuff, but i cant find a substantial box of it. (the rarer stuff, DII 6 tk, PHM Austrian press, etc). i replaced collecting NIN/TOOL with android and more recently, Oakleys without realizing i loved the time i spent meeting people, trading, hunting IRL, and selling off extras with the people i met on ETS in 2005-2007. now, i can actually stop back in. hello, friend.

Space Suicide
04-12-2018, 08:02 PM
Lots of new people I see.

04-26-2018, 10:47 PM
I might as well re-introduce myself. This is the same old Triple_A from the old ETS who translated the Colombian woman's interview for the YZ ARG. I joined the original ETS about 2005 and re-upped after it crashed in 2011.

Just thinking about how crazy that Spring of 2007 was with the ARG. The discoveries, laughs... the community. I miss it. Thus, I'm back and hope to post more regularly.

I saw NIN at Riot Fest. It was hot, sweaty, fucking fun, and I saw my petite wife bulldoze some dude in the pit. Good times.

Bad Witch
05-10-2018, 03:11 PM
Long time lurker, decided I liked the Name Bad Witch enough to register and snag it. Hello everyone

05-17-2018, 08:13 PM
Hi. Also a long time lurker. I picked sticksandhair because, you know?... of course you do. I signed on to go talk about this ticket pre-sale and thought I should say hello first.

05-17-2018, 10:10 PM
Well by golly, here I am. Not that it matters, unless of course it does.

Many years ago music was a central part of my life. Saw hundreds of concerts, amassed a few hundred pounds of vinyl, and had an awesome sound system! Also played in a band which really sucked, but it was fun, and was the right thing to do at the time. Music helped me through some rough spots growing up, and through young adulthood.

Then I crawled under a rock to live for a few decades, with no time to really appreciate music … it was just noise on the radio to ward off complete silence.

About two years ago I began to reboot my serious interest in music. Perhaps because my kids were growed up and I had more time. I was channel surfing on cable one night, and stumbled upon NIN playing Austin City Limits. Heard “While I’m Still Here” and I was hooked. Simply amazing song which I can relate to deeply.

One thing led to another, as they usually do. Purchased a bunch of NIN music, including every live video I could find (my preferred format these days). And I like it all by golly!


05-23-2018, 12:10 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm completely new to this thread as I only found out about it a few days ago. I'm Kaydraven from Chicago. A big NIN fan since my brother introduced me to them when I was about 13 or so. I'm a freelance music writer, so I do album reviews, interview, news stories etc for places like Genre is Dead, AXS, Chicago Music etc.

I'm a huge fan of music in general, so my tastes are all over the place. Other bands I really love are The Cure, Creeper, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, and Green Day. I'm super stoked on the upcoming NIN tour - especially since it's my first - and I wanted to chat about it with other fans. And if I had to pick a fave NIN release I'd say it's between the Broken EP, TDWS, and PHM.

05-29-2018, 05:19 PM
I just joined today. I think I broke my foot and I can't walk right now so I'm stuck at home with my laptop.

I do have plenty of studying to do, but sometimes you just have to give your brain a break.

Thank you for providing this forum for us!

06-10-2018, 11:42 PM
Today is my first day on EtS. So "hi" and all that!

I was a pretty devoted fan as a teenager and college student, but I sort of stopped following NIN around the time Year Zero was released (YZ was great, but I was going through my Indie/Folk phase so that's all I listened to for years). About a year ago I decided to dial back in and see what Reznor had been up to musically, and I was pretty excited to hear the direction the music had gone since I fell off. I've been playing the best game of catch-up ever over the last 12 months. This place gets mentioned a lot on the NIN subreddit, so I figured I should come check it out.

I'm really excited to see the show in Memphis this year. The last time I saw NIN live was during With Teeth, which I'm kind of shocked to do the math and realize that was eleven years ago.

06-26-2018, 01:17 PM
Hey all. I've been a member for the longest time but never really contributed much (despite the odd excited post after getting to a gig or a new album launching) but I've decided it'd be nice to get to know some more NIN fans. Used to post on The Spiral lots back in the day and that was fun so let's do this!

I'm in the West Midlands in the UK, comic artist (most recently published in 2000AD) and I've been fortunate enough to see Trent and co nine times as of last weekend. *waves hello*

06-26-2018, 02:37 PM
I didn't know this thread existed but I'm Kyle and have been here for a long time, though I did take an extended break from about 2011-2017. Before the old ETS crashed, I went by superklye and was a regular (and probably annoying) poster.

06-27-2018, 07:25 AM
I'm from lame ass Indiana. Boring here and depressing. Need to move asap. Been a fan of nails since '90. So, ya. Old. Um, anyhow. I don't know if I will get to see them this year (money) but hopefully. I have seen most other tours. I guess "Hi!" everyone.

07-03-2018, 02:55 AM
Hey. Been a fan for as long as I've been able to listen to music. I'll probably post sometimes.

07-03-2018, 06:16 PM
Formerly known on this forum as "Tommy_Macbeth". Just graduated from high school in Illinois. NIN has been my favorite band for about 5 years now. Also love Type O Negative, Linkin Park, Death Grips, and many other bands/albums.

07-04-2018, 12:16 AM
Hello, children:

Momma's back to start some chaos. I heard things have been quite boring around here, since I left the NIN community 10 years ago. Now I am returning with avengence. Get your teddy bears and bottle of Xanax ready, because we are about to have some fun!

07-04-2018, 01:47 PM
Hello, children:

Momma's back to start some chaos. I heard things have been quite boring around here, since I left the NIN community 10 years ago. Now I am returning with avengence. Get your teddy bears and bottle of Xanax ready, because we are about to have some fun!
Is that you cahspiles?

07-04-2018, 05:54 PM
Is that you cahspiles?

Who is a "Cash pile?" I've never been called that, but I like the ring to it. It gives the impression that my padussy makes tons of money on the streets. Thank you for the new business name. I might incorporate it tomorrow. Get that LLC.

07-04-2018, 10:03 PM
oh hai blfo

where you been

07-13-2018, 05:16 PM
(pisses on himself, ROFL...)
shit, long time no DBOARD....
King of the Blue....
(falls on the amp, knocking it over)
(gets up all "quiety" like....)

(Bender Bending Rodriguez voice)

07-13-2018, 07:37 PM
To the introduction thread.

08-24-2018, 02:00 AM
Hello everyone. I realized lately I have been off and on here for some time but I never formally introduced myself so here it goes... This is A Virtual Memory, I make art and music, some of which you may find interesting. NIN has been a pivotal point of inspiration to me for most of my life and attempt to draw as much as I can from it in in my own work. Anyway, it's very nice to be here and to meet all of you, at long last. I will post some links to what I do over in the "Artistic Expression" forum.



10-14-2018, 08:42 PM
New to ETS. Late to the party, is how it feels really.
Been a fan of NIN for about 6 years, having discovered it through my boyfriend (now husband) in high school.
Went to my first concert for NIN on this cold and black and infinite tour, and I think I've gone from fan of NIN to obsessed, trying to follow all the rest of the show news and band interviews.
Hopefully I'll return to a normal state of mind soon, but hoping to stick around here. ETS seems like a really cool place.

11-13-2018, 10:07 PM
Hi all,

I'm Nuka. Been here a while, but I figured it would be constructive to reintroduce myself. I'm from Pennsylvania, and have been a Nails fan for roughly ten years. I've seen them live twice and hope to catch another show some day.

12-28-2018, 12:57 PM
Hello, my name is Brock and I used to be on as Brock(C). I on't remember the circumstance, but my handle is now changed to just plain Brock. I'm easily excitable when it comes to Nine Inch Nails and I like to say "let's fucking go". You've probably seen me at a show. I look like this: http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y248/Bza360/47060548_10216902673935689_6837136053132853248_n_z pspqmj2ua8.jpg (http://s6.photobucket.com/user/Bza360/media/47060548_10216902673935689_6837136053132853248_n_z pspqmj2ua8.jpg.html)

Uwe Parabierich
12-31-2018, 08:34 PM
I am banned.

Uwe Parabierich
12-31-2018, 09:23 PM
and a happy new year?!

Space Suicide
12-31-2018, 09:36 PM
I rarely check this thread and this is the time I did.


12-31-2018, 09:54 PM
What in the name of god

01-01-2019, 03:03 PM
Hey folks, I'm Scott. I'll try to keep this story short, but it spans a few years of ebb and flow:

I first got into NIN around 1996. Some high school cross-country buddies would blast Rage, White Zombie, and NIN on a boom box (remember those?) on the back of the bus whenever we'd travel to a meet. At the time, I was on more of an R.E.M. kick, so none of it really became my favorite music. (I wasn't, and am not now, a very angry or depressed person.) But I borrowed TDS from one friend and listened to it on my newly-acquired Discman (remember those?) so my folks wouldn't hear. I usually listened to music on their stereo, and got into quite a few bands through their record collection. Anyways, it was pretty strong stuff for a 15/16 year old Lutheran kid, and I genuinely felt a little worried to have some of those thoughts in my head! But I was very impressed by the way Trent structured his songs, and the wide variety of music on that disc.

Fast-forward to somewhere between 2007 and 2010, and I picked up Year Zero in a record store on a whim. The cover art was neat, it was about $20, why not. Now this was a NIN record I could really get into: the focus was much less on personal/religious dysfunction than a totally dystopian future. I was completely unaware of the ARG at the time, but the songs were good, and I loved hearing this modern, digital noisy stuff coming out of my 70's/80's stereo gear. :D Sometime after that, I picked up the remastered version of PHM, and it was like a long-lost friend.

Fast-forward again to 2018, and I had finally hooked up my stereo stuff after a move, and YZ/PHM were a couple of the records I listened to a few more times, and now I was HOOKED. I listened to the trilogy at work on Spotify and quickly picked those up on vinyl, and also started acquiring more of the back catalog, like TDS, Broken, the Fragile, etc. I had been completely unaware of Hesitation Marks when it came out, but here was yet another side of the band. My impression of the band would have been FAR different if I had heard HM first and then TDS. :D So I started reading more online, and lots of search results led to ETS threads, so here I am now. Really cool community you folks have here.

01-22-2019, 11:48 PM
Hello, myself Cristian Murazik from the USA, by profession, I am a blogger and am doing it for quite some time now.

Misunderstood Freak
02-19-2019, 06:51 AM
Hello Everyone! I am from the United States of America. I really have been wanting to join this site for a while now and did just a little while ago. I like to thank people.


03-13-2019, 07:47 PM
Hi, I'm Rowan, I'm some 21-year-old strange gothic genderfuck living in Sheffield, attempting to destroy western civilisation with my very presence or something. (that's what the Twitter Nazi's think my existence is doing right)

Anyway, NIN have been my favorite band since primary school, (Probs not the best band to request at a Year 6 disco) and help me somewhat with the above, so here I am.

To conclude, I hope to post as frequently as university allows me and to bitch about how everyone needs to listen to Cardiacs.


PS: I had old account, but a lot of shit happened between starting that account and starting up this new one so I'd rather just make this new one and consign all that nonsense to the history books.

03-23-2019, 09:53 AM
Used to use ETS a tonne when I was a teenager, now I'm old and I'm probably maybe gonna post again I dunno. 27, East London, love my dog, love my NIN. Hi everybody!

05-04-2019, 06:05 PM
Been listening to NIN since 1990 when I was 11 yrs old. By the time forums were a big deal (WT era), I was wrapped up in career stuff. Have just been down the rabbit hole lately, and finally reading up on ETS. Right now NIN is all I listen to for comfort to cope with a lot of life stuff happening.

05-29-2019, 09:23 PM
King Le Blue!!!!!
Where is Kezghan?
Fez is feedback?
Sveta - Lana?(Svetlana - the girl that B&E in NOLA?!?)
(RIP - Bubbles)
where the fuck are my OLD ASS BLUE room folks.....?
and dont ask me what other colors there were....
either you knew, or, your ass was to young to know...

06-05-2019, 11:29 AM
Hi, everybody. I've been a Nine Inch Nails fan for 21(?) 22(?) years now. The works have seen me through some tough times. Probably wouldn't be underselling it to say that if it wasn't for this band, I'd likely be dead. And the music suits such things so well. So therapeutic, right?

I'm into comic books, comic book movies, meditating, playing guitar, and standing up for what is right. And I have a healthy obsession with the end of the world, which is a subject Trent has more than touched on. Stimulating.

I hope to learn about the community members here at Echoing the Sound, and learn about myself and my place here in the process.

Thanks, everybody!

10-10-2019, 11:54 PM
Hey everybody, I'm Permian Designs, an artist operating out of Washington, D.C. specializing in mixed media, collage, digital art, and photography.

Been a huge fan of NIN since 2004, lurked here on ETS off and on since 2009. Figured I'd finally make an account and reach out in case there's any interest in my work which includes photos from various NIN concerts I've attended over the years as well as other various works inspired by Reznor's music. Also hoping to meet some other artists as well and check out their work so if you do any visual (or musical art) feel free to get in touch!

Will post my site and other links to my work over at the Artistic Expression sub-forum.

Hope to hear from you all. All the best, thanks!

01-13-2020, 08:09 PM
your unnoticeable not favorite drunk
still the same in a different state.
since my last post I've experienced a multitude of new shit
still alive and making it happen. PBS and gangster at the same time. fuck around and find out. 07er in the house.

Son of Nothing
03-29-2020, 04:46 PM
Hello! Just joined this group, looking for like minded people to discuss music, and the ever changing world we live in. I'm young (21) but I've loved NIN and Trent's various other works for as long as I can remember, my brother got me hooked by showing me TDS way back when. Anyway, thanks for accepting me, looking forward to meeting you! -SON

04-03-2020, 06:50 PM
Hello! Just joined this group, looking for like minded people to discuss music, and the ever changing world we live in. I'm young (21) but I've loved NIN and Trent's various other works for as long as I can remember, my brother got me hooked by showing me TDS way back when. Anyway, thanks for accepting me, looking forward to meeting you! -SON

Not sure I have enough experience here to officially say welcome, but what the hell. Welcome! Is your SON moniker referencing Pink Floyd, or something else? I am unusually interested in name origins so thought I might ask.

04-06-2020, 02:18 PM
Having exhausted the quarantine snacks, free premium service and every decent box set ever made, I thought I'd join to read your Westworld theories, thoughts on the new music and share the depths of your covid-19 misery.
I'm old, utterly irrelevant and will probably just lurk.

04-15-2020, 07:53 PM
Hi all, I'm 22, agender, from the US, and a new fan - and I mean really new, like I had listened to TDS and PHM once or twice when I was a teenager, but I only just listened to the whole NIN discography and took a deep dive into the history last month. I made an account mostly so I could search the site to get ideas of other fans' opinions on things. As a fan of other bands with long histories and big internet communities (e.g. radiohead) I know how much common fan knowledge you can find in forums like this (gossip, inside jokes, stuff like that). I'm usually more of a lurker than a big talker (I'm also quietly subbed to r/nin and the objectively superior r/nincirclejerk) but maybe you'll see me around once I get the hang of things~

04-17-2020, 06:26 PM
hello. old time fan here. i was here long ago but decided to come back as a way to get back into nin culture as well as pass the time during a time where there is a lot of time to pass the time lol ive been an avid obsessed fan since the 90s. looking to see how things are these days!!

04-21-2020, 11:47 AM
Hi all, I'm 22, agender, from the US, and a new fan - and I mean really new, like I had listened to TDS and PHM once or twice when I was a teenager, but I only just listened to the whole NIN discography and took a deep dive into the history last month. I made an account mostly so I could search the site to get ideas of other fans' opinions on things. As a fan of other bands with long histories and big internet communities (e.g. radiohead) I know how much common fan knowledge you can find in forums like this (gossip, inside jokes, stuff like that). I'm usually more of a lurker than a big talker (I'm also quietly subbed to r/nin and the objectively superior r/nincirclejerk) but maybe you'll see me around once I get the hang of things~

welcome, friend! i'm one of the few genderqueer folks here so if you ever want to talk about that sort of stuff, we have a couple threads for it.

otherwise, most everyone here is friendly and fun. i spend waaaay too much time on this board (don't have facebook so this is my main social media haha) and there's a lot of stuff to check out.

05-02-2020, 10:49 PM
hello. my name is tressa.
i was directed here in my search for a poster from my youth.
can anyone point me to person or place where i can find this poster?
i would truly appreciate it

05-19-2020, 04:05 PM
Hello. I've been a NIN fan since 92 or so. I like NIN, keeping fish, digital painting, and messing with FL studio/U-he synths. I'm in my early 40s and feel more than the usual amount of discontentment in my life lately. This seems like a great community. Thank you for existing.

05-25-2020, 03:05 PM
I was a member on here for many years-- used to spend so much time here. Just discovered the original site was lost, and thought I'd re-register as a now-42 year old to remind myself just how long ago that life was-- greetings, and happy to see some people still appreciate some of my favorite music

06-06-2020, 12:07 AM
Hey there from Portland, OR. I was a huge fan of NIN when I was a teenager in the 90's. Had this huge poster of Trent Reznor (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0630/8509/products/pst0992ninls_large.jpg?v=1481393719) covering half my wall. Then I waited and waited for new stuff after TDS and it took longer than I thought it should. Started listening to other stuff, took the poster down from my wall and did way too many drugs. For a long time, I was embarrassed about my teenage obsession with NIN.

Then I got clean, started a business, had 2 kids, turned 40. But I was still angry and I needed some outlet. I listened to Broken for the first time in 20 years and fucking loved it. Then I discovered that there was 20 years of amazing material that was new to me. Despite the current circumstances (pandemic, depression, riots, orange jeebus), life is good.

tl;dr angsty teenager went into NIN coma for 20 years, woke up, and couldn't believe his good fortune.

Hi there!

06-06-2020, 12:49 AM
Hi there!

Aloha and welcome!

06-06-2020, 11:31 AM
tl;dr angsty teenager went into NIN coma for 20 years, woke up, and couldn't believe his good fortune.

Hi there!

Wow, you have a LOT of music to catch up on and enjoy! Welcome

07-29-2020, 10:06 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm new here, but everyone seems nice. Just got into NIN about a month ago. I can't say I like them, really, but they're better than Hootie and the Blowfish (my last favorite band). Anyhow, I look forward to talking about NIN and Tool and Manson and Tim Burton and how much we all hate our parents. Thank you for your time.

07-29-2020, 10:19 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm new here, but everyone seems nice. Just got into NIN about a month ago. I can't say I like them, really, but they're better than Hootie and the Blowfish (my last favorite band). Anyhow, I look forward to talking about NIN and Tool and Manson and Tim Burton and how much we all hate our parents. Thank you for your time.

Well, since you're doing this...


07-29-2020, 11:12 PM
Well, since you're doing this...


their homepage on their profile: https://powergardentools.com/best-milwaukee-drill/


09-07-2020, 12:46 AM
Hello To everyone on this board, I'm from Peru but I live in San Francisco, CA. I've been a fan since 1995, right after watching the Woodstock 94 performance video my mind was blown away forever by NIN.

Since this year it's a special one because of the Rock n Roll hall of fame induction I prepared a 80 min mix as a tribute to NIN, could someone point me in the right direction and tell me in what part of the forum can I post it and share it with all of you?

09-07-2020, 08:07 AM
could some point me in the right direction and tell me in what part of the forum can I post it and share it with all of you?

Hi and welcome!

Maybe start here (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/5438-quot-I-ll-make-you-a-mixtape-quot)...

09-07-2020, 05:08 PM
Hi and welcome!

Maybe start here (https://www.echoingthesound.org/community/threads/5438-quot-I-ll-make-you-a-mixtape-quot)...

Thank You! I think I found it!

11-10-2020, 05:21 PM
I registered here a few years ago, but I've long forgotten my login info.

Have been combing through the NIN catalogue gradually over the years, always discovering a new song I've never heard before.

I wouldn't say I'm avid enough of a fan to be able to name all of their songs, or even determine what song comes from what album, but I do love their style and sound design.

Anyway, God bless you all.

11-17-2020, 11:28 PM
Long time listener.... first time caller (my funny way of saying I've been following this community for years, but just now have created an account).

My name is Aaron. I've been listening to NIN since the mid 90's. My brother and I would listen to PHM every morning on our drive to high school. My day morning was not complete if we didn't at least make it to "Something I Can Never Have". Anyway, I have continued my NIN journey and still bond with my brother over new NIN releases or going to live shows. I've traveled to several cities and most recently Mexico City to see NIN and my other favorite band (The Chemical Brothers) at Corona Capital 2018. Best festival experience I've ever had and I was in heaven seeing both bands on back to back days.

11-23-2020, 05:13 PM
Hey, this is Antoine from Paris, France. I've been listening to NIN since about 2006, getting to know every release, finding home around PHM, Broken and TDS. Saw the band live only once in Paris in 2009 (long before I moved there, where I would have had more opportunities to catch them). At the time I was a rather active member of the nin.com forums, and especially of remix.nin.com. In my teenage years, NIN was my favorite band and probably my favorite thing. Being born in 91 I haven't experienced the initial years first hand, or the wider cultural environment in which it took place. Now is an unsettling time in my life when I'm experiencing some sort of second adolescence, so I delve back into NIN at a certain angle. Except this time I also delve into a whole side of 90s culture that I did not know, resonates with me and also sheds new light on my perception of NIN, given the abundance of reference to TR and the band during that era, making it somehow even more important. Don't know where I'm going with that but I guess that leads to me joining the forum. So see you around !

12-02-2020, 10:00 AM
Hello! My name is Diego, i`m spanish living in texas, usa, for 5 years! nice to meet you all!
i sing and play piano and guitar.

12-05-2020, 05:43 PM
Hiya, everyone! I'm a *very* long time lurker (I think I first stumbled upon this forum way back in 2006 or so, looking for a decent rip of the audio of Non-Entity), but first time poster. I can't wait to inundate y'all with my terrible opinions on music and other stuff.