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04-06-2012, 10:57 PM
Hi, I'm djeseru. With the new fresh smell that comes from being just unwrapped. Non-lurker, but that may change. Devoted NIN fan since 1994. Can be found on Twitter using the same name, which, obviously, was how I found my way here. Having a spectacular week, reveling in tornado damage and finding a fantastic piece of art I have been in love with for some time. (...or is that "sometime"?)

Think I may enjoy it here. Be gentle...it's my first time...

04-06-2012, 11:19 PM
Whoa...! Never knew a community like this existed. Where have I been since discovering NIN back in spring 2007?

Anyway, chiming in from Dhaka, Bangladesh here.

Jorge Cespedes
04-06-2012, 11:31 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Jorge Arias Cespedes and I live in Costa Rica, I am dedicated to producing events, especially rock concerts (in my country we call them "chivos") my company rather small but there we are growing slowly.

I'm a real fan of NiN and I interact with you and contribute in this great community.

By the way ... who may attempt to contact Trent and company bring to Costa Rica?

Greetings and keep in touch!

04-06-2012, 11:31 PM
Oops. Forgot to say hello back in November. Same username as last time.

04-06-2012, 11:42 PM
Hi I have been lurking since 2001 became a member for Year Zero. I am on the memorial and have an ammo box. But i forgot my password and used a corporate email address for a job i no longer have so I couldot retrieve it.. Anyways I am from LA and waiting for HTDA new CD.

04-06-2012, 11:58 PM
me wants prize pack

04-07-2012, 12:01 AM
Glad to see ETS is back up. This is Gil. Hope to get that DVD. Thanks for the contest guys.

04-07-2012, 12:04 AM
I am Rik.. I was never on the old site, though I have been reading these threads for years. Love NIN. Been listening since I was 10 (1995) and my old man would always have 'Pretty Hate Machine' and 'Broken' playing in his old beat up Oldsmobile. Saw him live in 2000 on the Fragility 2.0, 3 times on the With Teeth tour, and a final time on the Lights in the Sky tour. EVERY performance was an amazing experience. I only hope that someday, he hits the road again. Wouldn't miss it for the world

rmc (me)
04-07-2012, 12:07 AM
was refered to this from NIN tweet. never been here before...been a NIN fan since I first heard Pretty Hate Machine's Head Like a Hole video back in the day. I have all their CD's including Ghosts + The Slip...think they're great.

04-07-2012, 12:08 AM
Ahoy there,

Actually I was more active on the old ETS board but when the new one inaugurated, I created an account and started following what was goin' on once again. My old board name was "BernardMarx" now I am "NMA" :)

04-07-2012, 12:11 AM
Huh... could have sworn I'd introduced myself here a while ago, but a quick forum search turns up nothing.

Anyway, I'm Mike, I like electronic music, I try to make video games but suck at releasing anything. I have released a couple Windows applications at www.bipolardesign.tk (http://www.bipolardesign.tk) (old crappy site) and a couple Android Apps (search BipolarDesign on the official marketplace). I gained 10 points of internet fame for my Echoplex Drum Simulator, almost had it added to the TOIOIU DVD's, but someone heading the DVD authoring process forgot about me. And then went into hiding (aka, stopped having spare time to make stuff). Now I'm back and making things though! Yay things!

Watch this space for my project updates: https://twitter.com/#!/BipolarDesign

Watch this space for my personal updates: https://twitter.com/#!/BipolarMike

04-07-2012, 12:19 AM
Ohai. I like cats and I have no friends. Kk. 8)

04-07-2012, 12:27 AM
The name's dave. I've been a fan of nails for 20 years now. Have a nice collection. Ive got all 4 of my kids (ages from 1 to 8) rocking out to nails from day one. I saw them live in atlanta during the fragility tour. My favorite cd is "Still"

04-07-2012, 12:30 AM
Hello everyone! I'm NIN fan since 2001 :)

04-07-2012, 12:34 AM
Hello Hello... It's me. Nailsinch9.

04-07-2012, 12:40 AM
Been a NIN fan now since the 90's and hope to one day work with Trent and Rob. Screen name is macman337. So looking forward on new projects and maybe shows?

Kristen Graham
04-07-2012, 12:46 AM
Hello all, newbie here.
I'm Kristen

Jonathan Labadie
04-07-2012, 12:51 AM
My name is Jonathan. I've been a NIN fan since the beginning almost but I'm brand new to ETS. I wish I would have known about this before...lol! I tend to live under a rock most of the time though.

04-07-2012, 12:59 AM
Hi, I am jarod
find me on twitter.com/jarod73 (http://twitter.com/jarod73)
I founded the pirate party of georgia piratepartyofgeorgia.org (http://piratepartyofgeorgia.org)

If you would like to get to know me please just say hi

04-07-2012, 01:09 AM
Hi, I am jarod
find me on twitter.com/jarod73 (http://twitter.com/jarod73)
I founded the pirate party of georgia piratepartyofgeorgia.org (http://piratepartyofgeorgia.org)

If you would like to get to know me please just say hi


On another note - this Dvd contest is a late April Fools joke, right?

04-07-2012, 01:25 AM
i am Jery, been listening to NIN and most of the NIN universe for years now, but still not fed up with it ;-)
thx for the infos and other things !!

04-07-2012, 01:33 AM
Hello all! My names Adam, and I've been a huge fan of NIN for years. I've successfully completed collecting every single Halo, yet I'm nowhere near getting tired of Trent's music. NIN has been my favourite band for years and as far as I'm concerned, always will be. It's nice to find a forum with people who are all in the same boat!

04-07-2012, 01:38 AM
Hey everybody, I'm Strohbie. I've been on ETS since around 2007. I'm a pretty infrequent poster these days because I feel like I've said "The Fragile is my favorite album" as many different ways as I can say it. I used to be into collecting and trading bootleg concert recordings until someone took all the fun out of it and put them all on a hard drive. So now I mostly creep around every few weeks to make sure I'm not missing anything important.

04-07-2012, 03:58 AM
Hi, I'm DGG, nice to meet you all.

04-07-2012, 04:15 AM
Hi everybody... I'm Mara. Nice to meet you all!

04-07-2012, 04:17 AM
Hiyaaaaa! I'm Chucky. Never heard of this website until now, I don't think. Been listening to NIN for about 6 years. Fave album is probably Fragile Left disc.

04-07-2012, 04:52 AM
Hi all!
Been a fan since I was a little girl... also I used to be pretty active on ETS a couple years back - especially in the Photoshop thread... Good times.

04-07-2012, 05:02 AM
Hi there :) I'm registering because I'd love to win that copy (http://t.co/Z3xvRTld) of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I've been a Nine Inch Nails fan since circa. '99/2000 when Mr. Reznor 'guest-programmed' RAGE, a local music tv show here in Australia. (Basically, he chatted with the viewers about NIN's music videos, one on one, in-between their airing, along with maybe fifty of his favourites by other artists.) I saw a little of a taped performance of NIN, at the Big Day Out that year (Australia's premier music festival at the time,) and I was hooked. As with many others I'm sure, The Downward Spiral and The Fragile helped me through a few dark teenage years and the band and the man have provided endless inspiration to me, in my own creative endeavours. Well.. that's me. Hi!

Edit: Flaccid Member? Heh. Yes, I'm very flaccid right now. Not that you wanted to know that.

04-07-2012, 05:03 AM
Hello, I'm thinking fishfingers for tea. Whatsayyou?

04-07-2012, 06:36 AM
Hi ETS. My name is Tom and I've been a Peeping Tom(!) on these forums since the very beginning.

I've collected all of the Halos like a madman and have recently started looking into adding the seriously, severely rare Halos to my collection like a psychopath.
I thought now would be a good time join and see what collections there are out there and also if I get to win TGWTDT that'll be a nice bonus (I've yet to purchase the CD, although I have naturally purchased the MP3 download - anyone else have problems with those files BTW?).
Also, it's always good to chat to other fans...especially now that I don't get to meet any of you at the gigs any more!!

Cheers and see you out there soon.


04-07-2012, 06:59 AM
Hi, I'm mX...

Maybe some of you have seen a video remix I did years ago (Closer to god) :


I still have a better edit to complete (in HD), tell me if it's worth it ;)

04-07-2012, 07:08 AM
Hello! I'm new here.this is the first time for me but I'm very excited.the reason I registered here is because I'm hoping I'd get a chance to win the tgwtdt DVD or the soundtrack.

04-07-2012, 07:12 AM
Herro ETS!
Started listening to NIN as a young teenager 6 years ago or so, and never really got out of it. New on ETS, people seem nice, I can't wait to share our Reznor fetish and have a good time :D

04-07-2012, 07:14 AM
Been around since 2008 - I do not post much - but enjoy an insiders view from time to time

04-07-2012, 07:22 AM
Can't remember when I first registered...2004 maybe. The idea of winning a CD *AND* a DVD appeals to me.

04-07-2012, 07:29 AM
GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM! xD (sorry, I had to). My name's Tia and I live in Australia... But I'm American...
I'm living in AU cause I'm studying to become a Special Effects Makeup Artist :) So if anyone would like some gore to scare their families shitless... I can totally help >:D
I honestly have to say that I'm doing this to try and win TGWTDT dvd and cd. LOOOOVED the books and the fact that TR and AR did the scoring for the movie; Blew my ever-lovin mind! And am I the only one that thinks Rooney Mara as Lisbeth is super sexy???
Anyway, if you wanna talk, I'm cool with that. If not, well fine then! I didnt want to talk to you either, jerkface! lol

04-07-2012, 07:31 AM
GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM! xD (sorry, I had to). My name's Tia and I live in Australia... But I'm American...
I'm living in AU cause I'm studying to become a Special Effects Makeup Artist :) So if anyone would like some gore to scare their families shitless... I can totally help >:D
I honestly have to say that I'm doing this to try and win TGWTDT dvd and cd. LOOOOVED the books and the fact that TR and AR did the scoring for the movie; Blew my ever-lovin mind! And am I the only one that thinks Rooney Mara as Lisbeth is super sexy???
Anyway, if you wanna talk, I'm cool with that. If not, well fine then! I didnt want to talk to you either, jerkface! lol

Come paint me. We chose the same poop color in our profiles so it must be fate.

04-07-2012, 07:36 AM
Hey guys I am Darren and maybe some of you people know me from the spiral. I was pretty much the coolest member back in those days, so I wouldn't be surprised if I have like 500 friend requests as a result of this post.

04-07-2012, 09:12 AM
Reintroduction, My name is Kyle, truly active here since 2003/04. Responsible for a really great photoshop of Trent intently staring at Goatse (lost in the crash). Was a Northern California local until this year. Now in SLC. Twiddling thumbs until Trent forces me to buy a 9.2 surround sound system for The Fragile Ultra-Super-Duper-Deluxe.
1999 Cow Palace with APC
2008 Lollapalooza
2009 Wave Goodbye Berlin

04-07-2012, 10:47 AM
I used to be sam89
I have gone through an identity crisis it seems
I like NIN

04-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Hello from the East Coast of Canada. I'm oskeremmie and this is my first visit to ETS (been meaning to for a while). Cheers

04-07-2012, 11:55 AM
Hi I am Bluegirl. Sometimes I post here. I like getting free things.

04-07-2012, 12:43 PM
Long time NIN fan here, finally joining ETS. I fell in love with TDS in 96, and have spent way too much time and money on Trent since.

04-07-2012, 12:49 PM
I don't know why, but I'm surprised to see so many people who started following NIN around the time With Teeth came out. I'm starting to find more and more people who haven't heard of NIN :( Uncultured ruffians :D

04-07-2012, 01:04 PM
Hi, I'm new here. Been a member of a Polish forum for 5 years or so. Just want to win the DVD and OST :) cheers

04-07-2012, 01:09 PM
Hi all josephnothing here,been a member of the old ets since about 2010 ive posted a few times but not to many to where lots of ets'ers would know me i think i posted a few times in the After Nothing Is Said And Done (AAISAD) thread,but its good to be back! the new site look great

04-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Greek dude. Artsy-fartsy. Creator of subtitle and translation and artwork stuff. Member of some fan-organized live video-making community. Worked on a DVD that Amanda Palmer kissed. I think that's cool.

04-07-2012, 02:16 PM
Hello ETS!
It's misled75!
get excited like its dance party usa! woo hoo!

04-07-2012, 02:25 PM

I go by heyjorge (Hey Whore Hey)...
This is my first time signing up for this site, though I have looked at it before.

Long time NIN fan, I actually grew up in a town 11 miles from Trent's hometown in Mercer...his uncle was my 9th grade history teacher...fun times.

my favorite album is The Fragile, but all is loved equally

That's all I got right now...consider myself introduced..


04-07-2012, 02:30 PM
Goddag and aloha. I am a somewhat old person, entirely new to the forum. I am flaccid and need to get my blood flowing. A little voyeurism around the site ought to do the trick. Cheers.

04-07-2012, 02:36 PM
My name is Horican, only been a fan since 2007, when i saw nin live in the YZ tour, but since that day there my abs fav band and i tend to check theninhotline and trent's and rob's twitter accounts about 7 times a day.
I actually live in tel aviv, israel. im wondering, are there any other fans from israel in here?
oh obviously id love to win a nice TGWTDT gift pack from sony, although i already own the beautiful cd.

04-07-2012, 02:54 PM
hey im pastthetaste. was a lurker here back in the day, and i will be again. only posting to enter this sony thinger. i love that you guys are back, fuckin awesome community!!!

04-07-2012, 03:06 PM
hello - I've been on ETS since 2004, and had a different username, but here I am properly introducing myself!

04-07-2012, 03:07 PM
Hello, been here for awhile now.

04-07-2012, 03:40 PM
Hello, I am here for the first time but a dedicated NIN fan nonetheless, Pretty Hate Machine pretty much changed my world and everything Trent has done since then resonates in my soul.
Yeah I'm in deep. I am one of the many who have found that link in his music, that correlation that somehow rings so true no matter how different my life may be from everyone else.. we have Trent in common, he has a direct hit to my heart every time.
And that stays true and new no matter what direction he takes.

So I may be a lurker here or I may jump in the fray, either way this place is already Home if it connects me with the family Trent has created with his music.

your new sister,

04-07-2012, 04:21 PM
Hey everyone, new to this forum. I don't frequent many forums anymore but I always like to find places to spend some time. To make things short, I'm a redditor, brony, and music lover. Not sure what else to put, but that's it basically.

04-07-2012, 04:33 PM

Well I'm Xupz from France. I've always loved Reznor's work from the first time I heard his music – always have, always will. I'm sadly a late fan, too young to have lived more than one NIN concert. But it might have been enough to last a lifetime!
In the meantime there's plenty to get by, between his awesome new band HTDA, which I've been stalking since the beginning, and his awesome OSTs with Atticus Ross. Seriously, their music never fails to thrill me. Every inch that I took since I was 15 and first started listening to NIN is filled with pure Reznor music!
Incidentally, one of the coolest things about him is that he's got a badass fanbase. ;)

I'll be a Reznor fan till the end! \ô/

04-07-2012, 04:39 PM
Hi, I’m new here as well. I only found out about this site from the MouthTapedShut retweet.

04-07-2012, 05:35 PM
hi, i forget when i joined.. but i've been a nin fan for 22yrs... miss seeing trent live, glad i was able to get 3 shows in for the wave goodbye tour..

04-07-2012, 05:43 PM
Hey everyone, new here to ETS but been a NIN fan since PHM. Look forward to meeting everyone.

04-07-2012, 05:49 PM
Name: Mike
Rank: Media Mercenary
Press Affiliation: Independence

Alfonso Guzman
04-07-2012, 08:20 PM
Hello, I'm a long time reader, very few poster. I like frozen yogurt and kitty cats and big fluffy dogs. its very nice to see ETS is back up running. My name is Alfonso. *shakes hands*

04-07-2012, 09:24 PM
Hello everyone. Brand new here (obviously) - have just signed up due to reading TGWTDT competition on the NIN hotline and have been meaning to sign up here for a while, so I thought what better time than now?

I'm Rob, a 23 year old sound designer from Kent, UK and currently working as an audio runner in London. I'm also in my last year of University, studying Music Theory and Production. Have been in a few bands in the past, mainly of the metal/rock/electronic genres, particularly a band named 'Ventenner' which you can check out here: http://soundcloud.com/ventenner.

I have been writing my own music for a little under a year now and my first independent effort will be released in the New Year so watch this space.

Just thought I'd say hi and looking forward to speaking with you all!! Peace.

Rob W

04-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Hey Y'all...Its been while..anyone else love the Girl with the Dragon tattoo soundtrack as much as me? I miss NIN so much...I hope TR changes his mind and starts writing more NIN soon....I'm going through with drawls over here! anyways. peace out everyone!!!

04-08-2012, 12:19 AM
WELL. it's kinda like a high school reunion. or perhaps not. but hey! i'm bill! i used to be indigae and... i think i still am?

update: i AM still indigae. INDEED.

04-08-2012, 12:24 AM
Can't remember if I introduced myself again since returning recently- but since NIN hotline is giving away GWTDT, it seemed like a good day to make sure I'd done it.

I'm Chris (harrismonkey here and many other place on the internet)- been a fan since about 1990 (I'm getting old, fat and bald). Favorite NIN album is probably the Fragile, although it's hard to have a definite favorite.

I'm a sometimes film maker (used to make money at it, but not lately), and sometimes special ed teacher (may head back to school soon and actually get a degree- fell into it accidentally and found I really like it).

Just for fun here's a link to my last directors reel:

04-08-2012, 12:30 AM
I think the best way to introduce myself is http://flavors.me/annabo (http://flavors.me/annabo); or if you're eager to hear me sing go http://soundcloud.com/anna_bo
And that's not self-promotion, just a quicker way to do it, and you'll get more impressions of who I am/ what I do.
NIN-fan since ~1999.


04-08-2012, 12:30 AM
I was wondering why this thread was suddenly the most popular place in the intertubes until I went to the Hotline... Typical, people have to be bribed to come here... ;)

04-08-2012, 12:34 AM
perhaps, but I wouldn't have done that (introducing in a forum) otherwise, so you never know... x

04-08-2012, 12:36 AM
New guy here. Used to lurk at the old ETS. Don't remember if I ever signed up or if it was another forum that I was on. Glad the forum is back though.

04-08-2012, 01:11 AM
Hello. Nice to meet you all.

I have two pet dolphins. I collect Gorgoneion vases and I'm a left-leaning Republican (due to being born with talipes equinovarus).

04-08-2012, 01:17 AM
Y'all know me but I dont think I ever intro'd myself here.

I like free stuff and this is pretty much why I'm posting here :) Gimme gimme gimme!


04-08-2012, 03:40 AM
Hello. I'm new here. :)

04-08-2012, 04:24 AM
hi all, glad to see ets is back. I was thirteen, now am cicada. First surfaced in 06. Loved this place when the ear zero arg was in full swing.

04-08-2012, 05:29 AM
Hello all, my nick is the same as it was on the original ETS board.

As you might recall, I translated the Colombian woman's dialogue at the onset of the YZ ARG.

I was a lurker when the original site went live, and joined in spring of 2005. I had not posted for a bit due to my time being eaten up by school/work. I hope to become a regular again.

* I would really, REALLY appreciate another ARG, as it was so much fun the first time around.

04-08-2012, 05:51 AM
Hey, I'm Stuart, and beside me is my wife Lea :) Old member from nin.com and TOIOU and such like... Still waiting for Trent to either:
Go on tour again cos he's bored
Actually do some work on HTDA
Or bring back NIN to the studio and produce something other than the soundtracks!
Oh yes, I have the soundtrack already - but havent got the film yet :0 lost my job so food takes priority (for the kids and dogs that is)

04-08-2012, 07:37 AM
Hello, Jim here...again.

04-08-2012, 07:42 AM
I was wondering why this thread was suddenly the most popular place in the intertubes until I went to the Hotline... Typical, people have to be bribed to come here... ;)

I already like them better than the ARG lot, though.

04-08-2012, 09:52 AM
Bryan here. Was an active member back in my college days (~2005). Found my career while ETS was on hiatus. Glad things are back again.

04-08-2012, 10:47 AM
okay; so i'm Demogorgon, i was cappadocianman for awhile on the old board. *shrug* not much to it.

04-08-2012, 10:54 AM
Hi my name is Jon. I'm from Indiana. I've been going to NIn concerts since The Downward Spiral before that I was too young to go to any (I'm 37 now) I've seen them 28 times. I have been lucky enough to meet Trent twice once at the Hard rock cafe in Cleveland and once for the meet and greet during the Lights in the sky tour.

The Neph
04-08-2012, 01:43 PM
New here, hi,.. be gentle.

Joseph Frick
04-08-2012, 04:08 PM
Hi there I am Joe Frick and live in La crosse, WI. I am a drummer in 5 bands 4 local and 1 regional. been a NIN fan since they began in 1989.

04-08-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi, I'm Andres!

04-08-2012, 06:20 PM
Hi. I'm Kevin. Um, I'm very important. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

04-08-2012, 06:33 PM
Whoa! I really thought I introduced myself here but it probably was somewhere else on this board.

I'm MAD.. which comes from the initials of my name.

I work as a Distribution Artwork Coordinator at a big game company, the name is irrelevant.

I play in a band called VENENA. Industrial / Progressive / other-cool-stuff-that-I-can't-wait-to-play-live

I did a bunch of artwork for ETS hosted projects, 5.1 DVDs from demo, Fan-Made singles, notincnstopmenow's live compliations In This Twilight, Banged and Blown Through, A Million Miles Away, TOIOU's TDS Live and the most recent ZootZap's Wiltern DVD.

I run NIN:RO (Nine Inch Nails: Romania).

EXTRA TRIVIA: The image you first see on ETS (the one you're required to click to enter) is actually a photo of mine, PHM inspired :)

OMG PICTURE! http://i.imgur.com/iBuFR.jpg

04-08-2012, 06:34 PM
hello my names Justin, I lurked around the old ETS quite often. I used to always check SeemsLikeSalvation for my latest NIN
news and I used to hang around the #nin99 mIRC channel WAY back in the day while we were waiting for the Fragile to come out. Haha those were some good old times. I've been a NIN fan since beginning my cd\music collection at the age of 12 and buying my first cd player (a portable Kenwood) and my first 5 cds with Christmas money! While the other 4 cds are slightly embarassing (Shaggy: Boombastic, Mortal Kombat OST, The Offspring: Smash, Smashing Pumpkins: Bullet With Butterfly Wings CDS) the fifth was Further Down the Spiral. NOT the Downward Spiral I started with Further Down, so you can imagine how insane it all sounded to me! I still own that original copy btw (as well as the UK halo 10v2 now) and I still love it and NIN.

Sorry for rambling! got a little nostalgic back there!

04-08-2012, 07:26 PM
I am Lawrence Thank you very Much.

04-08-2012, 08:20 PM
I'm Jim. Was never on this site before but I always knew of it. 12 years ago I was on the nin.com message boards as Phantom Tollbooth. Wonderful waste of time that was. I don't suppose anyone knows of links to all the old fan videos they used to have of the American concerts in 2000? Curious to look at an old girlfriend on there.

04-08-2012, 10:05 PM
Hello. I've been a lurker for many years. Went to 1 show in each of the following tours: fragility 2.0, with teeth, lights in the sky. I also used to lurk on the dboards and on nin's newer forums.

probably going to slip back into lurking, but wanted to say hi to everyone all the same.

04-08-2012, 10:16 PM
Hey there. I'm Heather and I'm new here. Don't scare me off, yet!

04-08-2012, 10:22 PM
Hi all, I'm completely new here. Steve from the land downunder - Brisbane, Australia. Long time fan of NIN but never really joined any official communities. I just expressed my fandom through buying CDs and attending the occasional concert held here in Oz (not many).

I don't have movie or soundtrack yet however have listened to it end to end online. I'm keen to get my hands on it because I was a massive fan of the score for The Social Network. I also love the HTDA sound and would like to see a tour down under ;)

Not sure what else to say. 34 years old, own every NIN CD I can get my hands on. My favourite albumn is The Fragile and favourite song is Somewhat Damaged. Currently educating my new girlfriend on the wonders of NIN and why she needs to like them lest it put unnecessary strain on our relationship.

I've been considering a NIN tattoo for a long time, ex-wife wouldn't 'allow' it (and thus the EX part). Was thinking simple black ink tat with the logo, but with some noise and distortion, similar to the version on the cover of 'With Teeth' - http://www.slashgear.com/gallery/data_files/1/4/6/nin_with_teeth.jpg

What do you think?


04-08-2012, 11:39 PM
I'm a New Zealander living in S.Korea. I've been here for three years teaching ESL.
I've been a fan of NIN since I picked up TDS for 10NZD in 1998. I was lucky enough to See NIN twice in 2009 before they finished. Once in NZ and once in Seoul, S.Korea. It was quite moving seeing the amount of Korean NIN fans in the crowd. It seemed that Trent has had an impact on people, the world over.
Any NIN fans in S.Korea, hit me up, I'm in Changwon near Busan

04-09-2012, 12:01 AM
hello, my name is dale. I am a classic rock from the 80"s. love the website. would love to win the dvd/cd combo. would be a great birthday gift!!!

04-09-2012, 01:20 AM
Hi, I'm TheBlueFrog

I bounce around many different places, and lurk mostly.

Huge Bone
04-09-2012, 02:20 AM
Hey! My name is Huge and I'm pretty much new to the board. I was more of a passive user on the old board. I'm always more of a reader then anything else anyway. So yeah... 'n stuff!

04-09-2012, 03:19 AM
Hi! My name is Nimesh. I was ElDiabloRobotico on the old board and had probably been there since the very beginning, but I spent 99.9% of my time lurking. I'm hoping to fix that and post more on the new board. We'll see how that works out. 'Sup, fuckers?

04-09-2012, 03:27 AM

04-09-2012, 03:27 AM
lil help please...

04-09-2012, 09:02 AM
Hello, I'm Manu, been here since 2004. When I'm here, I spend most time in the Musical Revolution threads and the "All the sin" forums. My favorite NIN album is With Teeth.

04-09-2012, 09:14 AM
What up. I used to be on ETS once in a while. I contributed some editing to the fan dvd, and was briefly involved with the Y0 comic when that was a thing. Also I got scammed by that final show blu project.

04-09-2012, 11:53 AM

My name is Sam and I have been a NIN fan for a very long time. I have participated to varying degrees within the online NIN community. I come from a background having previously written for Industrial Nation and doing some field rep work for Invisible Records back in the early-mid 90's. I've never really outgrown or grown tired of NIN/Trent/etc in the manner that I do with a number of other bands.

Always nice to find other like-minded folks out there.


04-09-2012, 02:07 PM
My name is Trudy, I'm 53 and first heard NIN when my daughter played a cassette in the car. Since then I've seen them live several times and my dream would be to see Trent play at Rock City in Nottingham. I found out this week that I'm going to be a Grandma so if anyone has a pattern for a NIN matinee jacket I can start knitting!

04-09-2012, 04:33 PM
Hi, I'm huntermc and I've been a fan on NIN since about 1990 or so, when I first borrowed a copy of PHM from a friend's little sister. I was more of a metal fan, but it was unlike anything I've ever heard. And ever since, Trent has never disappointed regardless of which musical direction he has gone in.

04-09-2012, 06:51 PM
howdy. lew here. used to be on alt.music.nin. how is THAT for old? ha.
happy easter, ets-ers.

04-09-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi all! I'm Ruben from Mexico, been a NIN/trent reznor fan since '94. i had seen NIN live twice.

i'm 33 years on my way to hell and i've been fixing my broken machine.

hell yeah!

04-09-2012, 10:47 PM
Mr. Fang here, ETS member since at least 2005. I pitched the initial ideas for the NIN Drive, a hard drive filled with all known circulating audio recordings of NIN live shows.

Please send me a PM if you ever recorded audio of NIN show, or know someone who did.

04-10-2012, 03:48 AM
I'm Marsalis,
been around before, but not an active poster.
Nice to be back though.

04-10-2012, 04:47 AM
Just found this forum, new member in other words. Looking forward! :D

04-10-2012, 04:51 AM
I first joined around 2007.But now I'm back again.Greetings from mid EU!

04-10-2012, 05:45 AM
Hi All

Was a lurker for a long while and finally joined the old ETS during the YZ ARG.
Originally from New Zealand and now off living in the Netherlands.
Still not a huge poster myself but I come here and the Hotline on a regular basis for my NIN community fix.

04-10-2012, 08:53 AM
Hello to all,
Been around since 2005-2006 under the name of nine_inch_nail, can't exactly remember when. I usually stalk from afar and hide in the shadows (due to life commitments).
I live in Australia, 20 years old. I check ninhotline daily to stay in touch, it's ritual. Life is rad.

04-10-2012, 09:29 AM
'blunt instruments' is now '#%&!'

lost my login somehow?????

04-10-2012, 10:10 AM
Hi, I'm Fernando.

Not really new here, but I like FREE STUFF.

04-10-2012, 11:36 AM
hi, i'm luke.
i'm from south africa.
and no, i don't ride elephants to school. but that's only because i'm allergic to them.

04-10-2012, 04:18 PM
Hello, my name is Henry and im an Internet addict... I like Cereal, NIN and free stuff, oh i love forums also!

Have a good one!

Boo Berry!

04-10-2012, 05:16 PM
Hi, been a fan of NIN since '94 (like a lot of us, I guess). I had heard ETS mentioned and sporadically visited but never got off my arse to join. Thanks to NIN hotline for lighting a fire under my bum!

04-10-2012, 06:41 PM
Hi, I'm Manuel. Been a fan of NIN since I first heard "Down In It" in '89. Was a member of the previous version of ETS, since 2005. Also dig getting free NIN stuff!

04-10-2012, 10:08 PM
joined around the time 'with_teeth' came out... and now i'm back! :D

04-11-2012, 01:34 AM
Hello all, I'm Jordan. I've been a member of the ETS off and on for about 5-6 years now. I tried my hand at collecting for a while, ran short of money, and just stuck with getting my NIN fix the tried and true way: listening to it! Thanks for reading.

04-11-2012, 02:55 AM
HEY new here long time fan



El Hair
04-11-2012, 05:54 AM
Hey world!

New to ETS, but not to NIN. However, I am shallow enough to whore myself incessently so as to stand a chance of getting a copy of TGWTDT CD+DVD. Gimme, gimme, gimme :)

El Hair

04-11-2012, 07:25 AM
Massive fan of all nin and TR work.
Time is my enemy these days but I try to keep up with all the cool stuff that goes on here.
Made a lot of friends and have collected some great memories following nin over many years and hopefully years to come!!

04-11-2012, 11:39 AM
For some reason I thought ETS was an older website and was closed to the current public. Now that I realize it's not, let me introduce myself. I am ChaseNine, huge fan of NIN and prominent member of nin.com forums. I think I'll enjoy this forum as much as theirs only because our subject matter is quite similar and [most] of the friends on these sites share my interests.

I hail from the western United States, and I am extremely proud to announce that I have finally completed collecting all of NIN's CDs, and have moved over to collectitng Vinyl and Tape Cassettes! Yes!

04-11-2012, 03:34 PM
Hey everybody! I first joined the ETS community back in 2005, back when the excitement for "With Teeth" was first ramping up. Those were good times and I have fond memories of that era. I'm happy to see the return of my favorite message board, and I'm looking forward to maybe winning a Dragon Tattoo prize pack to share with a friend! Thanks!

04-11-2012, 03:41 PM
Hi everyone, I'm Inverse Phase, and I'm the guy doing that Pretty Hate Machine chiptune album (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inversephase/nine-inch-nintendos-8-bit-nails-something-like-tha/), "Pretty Eight Machine". I like puns. My other work is here (http://inversephase.bandcamp.com/) if anyone is interested. I was gonna keep this short and sweet, but hey, I'm pretty new, this is an introduction, understanding me is easiest if you know where I'm coming from. That and I suck at brevity.

I have a "sorted" past where I tried to connect with "influential" NIN community members and garner a little support for my kickstarter for P8M. When I failed, I figured I would join the "old" ETS (its last incarnation, anyway), you know, to try and connect with the community while working on the album, get feedback, etc. Long story short, I found out that OnslaughtSix (one of my fans) had already posted about it and was already dealing with his own "onslaught" (see what I did there?). It was actually really nice of him trying to defend me, so while I waited for my account to be approved I got to watch this painful Downward Spiral of a discussion. It was seriously like March of the Pigs, except for the one or two folks that actually thought my album would come out decently.

Anyway, finally I got approved. In my Fragile state I posted a few rebuttals, a few folks kindly apologised for prejudging the project without communicating with me (which I really, really appreciate by the way), and I got a little bit more support from the people that liked the album. The kickstarter met its goal and I got to work. Everything settled down, and then there was quite a bit of silence from me because I didn't get any notification of new replies to my topics.

After going Further Down The Spiral of acquiring permissions and licensing, I came out ahead. Well, if "poor as fuck" can be considered "ahead". Licensing was more than expected, some of my materials have been more than expected, pretty much everything has been more than expected, but I love NIN, so I've plunked down everything I need to keep this shit on the road. Life got a little Broken when it threw a curveball at me by flooding part of my place and I'm not really gonna get into some of the personal mental/emotional breakdown bullshit that happened at the same time, but after a four-month long move and all my Things Falling Apart, I emerged, Fixed, and I actually fell in love with a fellow NIN fan who was backing my album. She's pretty much my Perfect Drug to get this thing finished.

So, now I'm Down In It again, getting shit done, and the days are drawing Closer where I'll have this thing done. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are going to want to lynch me for my Sin of ruining their favorite track when it's finished, but my tribute is being done out of fandom, not to capitalize off of you guys, so I hope at least a few naysayers will give it a listen with an open mind. After all, We're In This Together.

Real talk, I liked hearing NIN on the radio, and heard Pretty Hate Machine awhile after it came out and liked it a lot, and then I played a lot of Quake.... a few high school buddies and I traded mixes (my first bootleg was Rusty Nails) but I was a pretty casual fan until I moved to the east coast. People were much more into NIN over here and my tastes started to lean much more into industrial, rock, electronica, etc. Somewhere around 2001, one of my friends got me listening to Fragile -- which I hadn't heard prior to then, except for maybe Starfuckers on the radio -- and I just....couldn't stop listening. I got re-addicted; I went back and listened to the entire discography, and here we are today.

I have a lot of respect for how much love some of the folks here have for NIN, so, maybe when I'm done, we can be friends. I'll be lurking until then.

And yes, those are a bunch of album/halo titles interspersed throughout my story to make sure it stays as corny as possible.

04-12-2012, 04:39 AM
Hey, i'm not a huge user of ETS but a big lurker. Love the site.

My real name's Chris and i'm from New Zealand. BOOYA

04-13-2012, 07:34 AM
Hi all,

I'm an user of the old ETS, haven't been around much since nin stopped touring though. I'm from Sweden and have been a nin fan since I first head HLAH in -90 or something like that.

Have a good one

04-14-2012, 10:12 AM
Hi, I'm Sam. New to this site, but i'm a huge fan of NIN.

04-15-2012, 12:22 AM
Hello everyone, my name is CJ and I'm new to the forum. I've been a fan of Nine Inch Nails for about ten years now and am quite literally an addict of industrial music. Cheers and I hope to talk to you all soon!

04-15-2012, 12:36 AM

and take this as a welcome gift.


04-15-2012, 05:38 AM
Why hello there! I'm quite new to the boards, joined the night TGWTDT soundtrack was being released so I could revel in the hype with you lot.

Haven't known about NIN as long as everyone else it seems. Found them about a year before With Teeth was released. Been borderline obsessed with pretty much everything Trent Reznor releases since

04-15-2012, 08:45 PM
Here is the introduction thread, if you're new here and wish to introduce yourself to the community, this is the place to do it. I also thought this would be a good place for old members to reintroduce themselves (since 1 month real time is like 6 months internet time) and to see who made it through the migration to the new site.

As for myself, my name is the same here as it was in the old ETS and I have been hanging around/posting for nearly 5 years.

(Don't know if this thread is redundant due to the fact everyone is posting in the first thread, lock away if it is)
I have never really much cared for blogging but i really like this site cuz i can hear threadd about all my favorite bands and get info and receptions from a much larger fanbase to hear whats happening that i may not have heard about. rock on!

04-15-2012, 11:27 PM
Hi, I'm from Chile and I'm 23 years old. I did post a little around here back in the old ETS site a couple years ago... Year Zero times, actually I'm on the Exhibit 24 list. I'll never forget that, I even made a T-shirt with my number ( but then I had to throw it out because I wore it too much hehe.
Anyway! Hello (again) everyone, it's good to be back!

04-16-2012, 07:02 AM
Hi again,

I have been a long time member. Mostly active on the tour discussions, and (NIN) pre-album release hype threads, (Which explains why I have been rather inactive for the last year and a half.) Levi's post on theninhotline.net gave me the kick in the rear I needed to re-register on the new site.

It is good to be back. (And may the future see some NIN related stuff happening!)

04-16-2012, 10:33 AM
I'm Chilean too, and my actual name isn't zihark by the way.
I'm 24 and a huge NIN fan since 1999. I knew about the forum a really long time ago (like 10 years ago, when I discovered the NIN hotline and the meathead perspective) but never got interested, primarly because my english level was horribly pathetic back then.

04-16-2012, 02:57 PM
Hey, Andre from Sao Paulo, Brazil here. NIN fan since 1991, when "HLAH" was a regular in MTV Brazil's "Alternative Nation". Only saw the band live twice, at the Rio and Sao Paulo 2005 concerts. Still upset about the 2008 concerts that were canceled here and miss Meathead's Perspective. Sigh... Used to be a frequent poster back when ETS came up and Seems Like Salvation were our NIN webquarters, but now I only show up around here when Trent releases something new.... yeah, kinda like never, I know. But still an avid ETS reader.

04-16-2012, 10:13 PM
I'm Cody, from Colorado. Glad to be a part of this community!

04-16-2012, 11:52 PM
Hey, Andre from Sao Paulo, Brazil here. NIN fan since 1991, when "HLAH" was a regular in MTV Brazil's "Alternative Nation". Only saw the band live twice, at the Rio and Sao Paulo 2005 concerts. Still upset about the 2008 concerts that were canceled here and miss Meathead's Perspective. Sigh... Used to be a frequent poster back when ETS came up and Seems Like Salvation were our NIN webquarters, but now I only show up around here when Trent releases something new.... yeah, kinda like never, I know. But still an avid ETS reader.
My mom didn't let me go to Sao Paolo that year- I was 15, so yeah, a little young to go to a big city and find my way to a concert on my way...I remember being quite upset, heh. (I lived in Brasilia btw) I'm so jealous of you!

04-17-2012, 02:39 PM
My mom didn't let me go to Sao Paolo that year- I was 15, so yeah, a little young to go to a big city and find my way to a concert on my way...I remember being quite upset, heh. (I lived in Brasilia btw) I'm so jealous of you!

Don't be ( although both concerts were devastating, to say the least ), I really feel that NIN will comeback to Brazil someday, as we got an always growing number of international acts coming and returning to play here each and every year.

In fact, I still wonder what Trent thought about those two brazilian concerts... never saw him saying anything about it.

David Lavery
04-17-2012, 06:50 PM
Greetings my feathered friends. I think I was tricked into coming here by the Illuminati but it takes more than a few shape-shifting reptilians from another dimension to scare me.:)

Russell Knight
04-17-2012, 06:56 PM
Hi I'm Russ and I listen to The Fragile way too often. This is like an AA meeting of sorts yeah?

04-17-2012, 09:21 PM
Hello, all, I'm TheBang. I've been a hardcore NIN fan since '92. I was on a.m.nin in college, and I've been on ETS since about 2005 or so. Real life interferes with a lot of my free time these days, but I pop up every now and then to post NIN audio and video project goodies that I work on.

04-18-2012, 12:29 PM
stoppin on thru to re-introduce myself. i've been to i think 10 NIN concerts so far inc. the "wave good-bye" tour @ terminal5 in nyc;so glad it wasn't a long farewell! i'm def looking forward to new 2012 concert dates!

04-18-2012, 03:31 PM
Right where I belong.

04-19-2012, 05:48 PM
Hello. I am Lex. I love and miss NIN. That is all.

04-19-2012, 11:19 PM
Greetings, I was halo_14 on the old ETS, I lurk & NIИ has been in my blood since 89'

04-20-2012, 12:07 AM
ETS Lurker 2002 - 2005 member from 2005 - now

I didn't want to do this as it seems obvious I'm doing it for free stuff.

After a week of thinking about it.... i really want the free stuff.

I mean... it's free.

04-20-2012, 12:15 AM
Been here a while. Never stolen lumber.

tri polar
04-20-2012, 04:10 PM
Hello, ETS. My name is Brad, I'm from Mississippi (unfortunately), and I'm brand-spanking new to the site. Please be gentle for a week or two until I get the feel of the site and community. I look forward to lurking and contributing equally.. I don't take kindly to trolls.

I read about 20 books a year on average and watch way too many movies but music is my main escape.

04-22-2012, 05:33 AM
My name is Deuce, and I'm a recovering alcoholic. Met my future wife, started to pull myself back together, finished college, missed being outside started working for an underground utility company (natural gas).

I don't remember when I first heard NIN, Broken was the first NIN cd I owned. I started to lurk for a while here, decided to register.

04-22-2012, 05:33 PM
Hello I'm Scott from SC. Long time NIN fan. Like NIN remix site. Nice site too, by the way! Would really like the free DVD hint hint

04-23-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi, I'm from Toronto, Canada. I've been a huge NIN fan for a very long time. I'm a game developer and part of what made me want to do what I do is the game Quake, which happened to have a really awesome soundtrack by Trent Reznor. So I suppose NIN helped shape what I do for a living, and that's my story.

(Also, I've only seen the 2009 version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so I have yet to see this English 2011 version).

Ari Pilakoutas
04-23-2012, 05:59 PM
Hi, I'm Ari and I'm from Cape Town, South Africa. I am a new NIN fan and I discovered Trent Reznor's brilliance when I heard the score for The Social Network. Naturally this lead me to NIN and also The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo soundtrack, which is quite badass. While I'm here, I might as well mention that The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Fincher style) is freaking awesome. Check it out.

04-23-2012, 06:06 PM
Hi guys, I'm James and I'm from Ireland. I'm in IT to become a games developer, been into NIN for a long time now and Trent has to be one of my biggest inspirations, both in his creative abilities and as a person. Would also really love one of those packs! I've lurked the site before, but I've only joined now. Why not? :)

04-23-2012, 06:21 PM
Hi, my name is Florian, I'm from France (more precisely in Rennes). I discovered NIN at the With Teeth area (too busy with Tool and A Perfect Circle at that time). As always, when I like an album, I drown myself in the entire discography. Went to see NIN live twice during the last tour (In Belgium and in Paris, 2 days later). Never stopped listening NIN since, and OSTs, HTDA. As a musician composer, Trent's work is a really great inspiration.
I'm also a fan of Rob Sheridan's work of course :)

04-23-2012, 07:33 PM
Hi, I'm Allen from San Diego. Been a NIN since 90's. Favorite moment: seeing NINJA tour in London, England. Album: Year Zero...though hooked on soundtracks Trent is making lately. Copy of movie on DVD would be nice...

04-23-2012, 08:00 PM
Hi! I'm new here. I've been a NIN fan for years, so I thought I'd join up. Nice to meet you.

04-23-2012, 08:05 PM
I have been on here for a while, but have yet to post here. I am Jarid, I like NIN and other Trent-related things. I am am a digital art/photography student. Hi. :)

Laura D
04-23-2012, 09:49 PM
Hi there. I have lurked here many times in the past and I'm glad to see you are still here. I like the site a lot, and I'll like it even more if I win that prize pack. :D

04-23-2012, 11:22 PM
well i guess the one good thing from ETS going down and coming back is i get to have my username spelled correctly this time

04-24-2012, 03:55 AM
I'm Ben. When do I get my membership card and litho prints?

04-24-2012, 10:33 AM
Hello everybody!
I'm Veruz from Italy.
I fell in love with NIN in 2000 when I saw them live for the first time during the Fragility tour.

04-25-2012, 12:08 AM
Hey everyone.
Name's Dan, born and raised in the New York City area. Saw NIN thrice, first in '05 at Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC, again at House of Blues (NJ) in '06, and Wave Goodbye Tour at Terminal 5 (NYC). I sing, compose, and play piano; music is truly my life. NIN's my favorite band, bar none. OK I'm bored of talking about myself. But I think I'm going to like this community :)

04-25-2012, 12:37 AM
GOD! it seems like it's been forever! I really missed this board (although I wasn't very active here)
Hello I'm João and because of nine inch nails I started producing EDM.
I'm from Porto, Portugal and I hate our government and record labels.
Hello ETS!

04-25-2012, 04:19 AM
hey there im the meetree
longtimefan and collector from germany-
im not really the posting type of guy-the hotline and ets is checked by me every day to stay up to date, so i thaught i could inrtoduce me finally and maybe get some FREE STUFF :D for my collection....
lets hope to hear some more nin news soon /cant w8 for the fragile remaster/and still w8tin for the dragon limited/......
greatings ur meetree

04-25-2012, 08:27 AM
Hey... I'm Replica... Apparently I haven't been paying attention but i might have a chance to win a CD(?) and a DVD(?) - lolz. I only listen to them vinyl records and watch them VHS tapes. So... I guess it could be a win. Plus it's The Girl (With the Dragon Tattoo) - they don't make that on VHS.

04-25-2012, 06:39 PM
Long time reader, first time poster and signer-inner. Yay NIN and yay free stuff! Good luck to us all and may the odds be ever yadda yadda.

04-25-2012, 06:51 PM
Hey guys! Just joined! HUGE Trent Reznor fan, and music lover in general!

Max EM
04-26-2012, 09:24 AM
I used to look at Echoing the Sound all the time. My handle was a Hellblazer reference, ah those were the days. Cool that you guys have brought it back. Mazel tov.

04-26-2012, 11:28 AM
Hello all!! I suppose i am introducing myself, as a guy who is looking forward to winning this incredible soundtrack~Girl With the Dragon Tatto©!¡! Thanks in advance

04-26-2012, 04:45 PM
I guess this is the thing to do. My name is Taylor.
I'm a Junior at Arizona State University, studying computer science.
In my free time I play/write/record/listen to/perform music, watch quality movies/TV shows, play video games, write/read stories, and doodle.
if anyone is interested, my recent and comparatively decent music is up at Http://music.armac.co and http://tzv.armac.co
My older and shittier stuff is at http://archive.armac.co
Of course, I'm here for the forums, but I feel that posting those links are a decent way to introduce myself. *shrugs*

04-27-2012, 12:40 AM
Anthropology/Biology major at UCF.
Midnight toker.
NIN fan.

04-27-2012, 11:56 AM
I'm Carlos, Chemical Engineer...used to live in Mexico, now I live in the Pacific Northwest, working in something that's not my ideal job but at least this area is cool (and there are tons of good concerts in Seattle). And I happened to check the NIN Hotline today, so hopefully I can get either the DVD or the CD of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!

04-27-2012, 07:08 PM
Hello, Just dropping in to say hi to everyone. I was here at ETS back in the day during the whole Year Zero ARG (What fun times!) I had a different user name back then but anyways I'm Kats and I'm from Los Angeles. Long time NIN fan and collector. Favorite memory was being able to see Trent's final touring performance at the Wiltern with other awesome ETSers! Close second was the photoshop thread on the old ETS. Side note: Least favorite memory was the terrible d-bag (non-nin fan) who went to the Echoplex show and bought all the T-shirts to sell on Ebay :mad: I didn't get one and I'm still mad about that.

04-27-2012, 08:17 PM
Hey all. Long time lurker. Obviously the NIN Hotline contest has convinced me to be a bit more social. I'm a software engineer working on a way to improve the quality of web apps & sites through web consistency testing. I just finished a listen through of "The Social Network" soundtrack. One of my favorite compositions for doing work to.

04-28-2012, 11:23 AM
silly little ets, decided to delete my last submission, so I guess I should start again. So this is XDOP, although I also go by Adsburger, and jimbooks on psn and steam. I've been into nin for a short time; only since sept of 2011. However kve been into the culture and everything with the albums pretty heavily. Both you and I know for a fact that we are really only here right now to win some FREE STUFF, but I'm taking this forum as an oppurtunity to get more ninfo (see what I did there?), espesically when every other nin source is outdated as of 2009. I currently own broken, the fragile, which is my absolute fav., year zero, and ghosts. I also have the slip NIN|JA and lits sampler, which everyone should have because tbey are free. Imma be gone now.......

Tl;dr. I like nin

04-28-2012, 01:56 PM
Hello, The name is Joel. I'm a nin fan for many years. Have fallen on rough times so had to get out of collecting recently though. I was at the Henry Fonda show in LA and it was amazing. I also play video games and make music and web things for money.

Diamond Jigsaw
04-29-2012, 12:08 PM
Hello all. Been a NINer since about the Broken era. Total newbie to this site. Patiently twiddling thumbs awaiting to hear news of any future releases by the band.

04-29-2012, 12:19 PM
Well, I guess it's time I did this :)

Late twenties male, British, living on the coast in North-East England. I work in a University CS department as a computer support person.

First listened to TDS in ~98 or so but didn't really get into NIN proper until around 2003. Big fan ever since. I've seen them live four times and hope there will be at least a fifth some day.

I can't remember when I first joined the board (old ETS), it might have been as late as the YZ ARG times, although I didn't participate in the ARG itself. I had the dubious pleasure of being one of the named 'dissidents' in the ARG, though!

In my spare time, apart from listening to music, watching movies and reading, I enjoy writing open-source software (I contribute to a Linux distribution) and stuff like that.

04-29-2012, 01:14 PM

I haven't really posted on the new forum since it was set up, and didn't really post on ETS for the last year or so, but have been around for a looooong time, back to the good old days of SLS. Was even a mod for a few of the forums on the old ETS for a while. Not sure who is still around that I used to know back in the day, but thought I'd say an over-due hello here at least.

04-29-2012, 02:05 PM
Why, hello there, Chuck!

04-29-2012, 04:29 PM
Now there's a familiar face! Hello!

04-30-2012, 09:45 PM
Hello, everyone. I haven't been on the board for a few years, and I come back to visit, and now its SO FUCKING PRETTY.

Mark Lemke
05-01-2012, 09:33 AM
Hey my name is Mark and I love NIN and hockey

05-01-2012, 09:58 AM
Hi all. Long time listener, first time caller.

05-01-2012, 09:59 AM
Hi folks! Weird doing this after lurking around here for so many years but hey, when they say "do it for a chance at free stuff" then what the hell!
Love The Fragile the most and my favorite live NIN guitarist is Robin Finck. There.

05-01-2012, 10:30 AM
I'm a Pacific Northwesterner who was at the Wiltern show, and REALLY hopes Trent was lying about it being the last NIN show. I think the peak of the fan experience for me was the whole Year Zero ARG. I still have my dog tags hanging from my rear-view mirror!

05-01-2012, 10:30 AM
Hi All! I'm Steve

05-01-2012, 10:45 AM
Hello all, I'm Kevin. I'm from the midwest, but recently relocated to the southwest USA. I've been to 4 NIN concerts, which have been the best 4 concerts I've ever seen. Looking forward to the new material Trent's work on for us (new HTDA stuff and he said he was going to be writing some NIN material in 2012), as I'm sure we all are. Probably in the minority here, but one of my faves is Broken.

05-01-2012, 12:55 PM
Hi, I'm finally joining ETS (I used to be on the spiral and am currently on nin.com). My main goal is networking and keeping up with the news. I recently decided to polish up my collection, and that's nearly impossible to do in a vacuum. There are just too many versions and rarities out there, and the great thing about NIN is that you can have an entire community watch your back (getting ripped off is no fun).

I got to see Nine Inch Nails live 9 times (from fragility V2.0 on), and I got to meet the band on the last show. I'm also a huge Bowiephile.

05-01-2012, 08:17 PM
have been a long time NIN fan, and love the forum. Saw 2 concerts in Knoxville, TN and Nashville, TN several years ago. No other CD's have been in my car, and NIN's entire discography is on my iPhone and iPod!;)

05-01-2012, 08:32 PM
hello ETS, I'm Cagee. It's good to be here

05-01-2012, 09:22 PM
I've been a member since 2003, came over from the Digital Noise forums. Glad to see things back after the absence!

05-01-2012, 09:56 PM
Hello there, I am Alfred. I am posting here before you give more free stuff away.

05-01-2012, 10:07 PM
Hey everyone!!! I'm Glenda aka EyE!!! I just joined tonight but I'm on the NIN.com and go into chat room... I chat a lot if you ever want to come by and say hello! Same name eye9637isis!!!! Let me know you've seen my post here! :) Excited to meet new people that love NIN as much as I do!!! yay! ..........................Laterz :o

05-01-2012, 10:36 PM
New to the site, huge fan of the various artists. Been following the twitter for a while. Sup?

05-02-2012, 03:22 PM
Hallo people,
Greetings! I used to be on here regularly, especially during the ARG, but it's been some time since I've logged in. I hope to check in more often and see some familiar people.

05-05-2012, 10:33 PM
I'm just me.

05-05-2012, 11:05 PM
Hey everyone! I enjoy golf, strangling small animals, and masturbation.

05-07-2012, 09:42 PM
Hey everyone! I enjoy golf, strangling small animals, and masturbation.

You're awesome wait, I am a small animal, not strangle me and masturbate on me.

I introduced myself in Dec but will introduce myself again, then again in 6 months.

My name is THE JOHNNY ROOK, I am from Minneapolis via South Dakota. I support the GOP. I like videogames. I cook (fine dining) for a living. I am working on my second degree. I am seeing Rammstein tomorrow night and have an extra ticket. I used to backyard wrestle. I am trying to bring it back. I have lurked here for over 5 years so I know more about you then you know about me, (SLS!). I used to backyard wrestle.

SM Rollinger
05-12-2012, 10:25 AM
Hello ets, name is scott. ive been a long time lurker and decided, what the hell i might as well post something. Been into NIN since 1996 :)

05-12-2012, 02:25 PM
Hiya. I joined old ETS in 2005, I believe, but have not been active for a few years. Good to see it back and better than ever...? I plan to get addicted again.

05-12-2012, 07:53 PM


05-15-2012, 06:49 PM
Just stopped by to find out what happened to EtS and here we are. I was a member but don't remember my name. Looking forward to wasting company time on here again.

05-16-2012, 11:44 AM
Oh wow, the name wasn't taken. Sweet...:-)

*waves* This is the old ~Eris~ from the old ETS, rockin' it oldskool...ooo OOOOOO!

05-16-2012, 05:17 PM
Oh wow, the name wasn't taken. Sweet...:-)

*waves* This is the old ~Eris~ from the old ETS, rockin' it oldskool...ooo OOOOOO!I membah you. Long time.

05-17-2012, 01:26 AM
Yeah! Welcome back!

05-17-2012, 11:31 PM
Hi, I'm SynRgy! I used to be on ets and the spiral all the time a few years back (with a different username) ... I've been away for a very long time.. only to find my way back here again... I recognize some of you... it's good to be back!

05-22-2012, 05:50 AM
Hello NIN! I'm your big fan from Sakhalin, Russia. It's just the world's end. (just look at the map and try to find it!)
also, here I am

My favorite albums are Ghosts I-IV and The Downward Spiral.
hope V

06-04-2012, 02:52 AM
Been looking for a site to blow some time on over the Summer, and considering that the other bands I look to either have fanbases consisting of tween wannabies or don't seem to host any interesting characters, I thought NIN might have an interesting bunch online. Been a fan for ages, listened to HTDA, soundtracks etc etc. Have a teacher at school called Mr. Nail; you can only imagine some of the nicknames.

Initiate fucking around.

07-13-2012, 01:58 AM
I am on Instagram, as merse_7, if anyone cares or is curious about me. :) Cheers.

07-27-2012, 05:50 PM
Hi all,
I'm back and glad to see so many familiar users. I signed up when the board returned but then then life went batshit crazy. It's still nuts but I'm looking forward to catching up.
I missed you all and will be raping all my old faves, especially Dra and Kid Charlemagne, at the earliest opportunity.

08-03-2012, 10:14 AM
Re introducing myself.
Get on ETS on 05, before With Teeth came out. When Meathead perspective was on.

Into NIN since PHM (got into NIN by Gn'R, yes, AXL wearing the Sin T shirt and talking about Nine Inch Nails)

Anyway, I don't post so much, but I like this forum very much, smart/funny people, know their stuff, better than any forum I've been to (too many trolls everywhere), ETS is the best. For real. Keep it up with the good work.

08-06-2012, 04:08 AM
Good mornig everyone. I'm Jumprof and I'm into NIN for about 12 years now. My fav album right now is the Year Zero rmx.

08-23-2012, 03:27 PM
was around. then was not. now I am. *waves to everyone who followed the tour in 2007, the mad Slovenians, expat British gentleman, cool people from down under, Elke and allegro*

08-25-2012, 06:45 PM
Whoa. I've been inactive around here so long that I only very recently even knew the original ETS had disappeared. And now it's back, and for some reason I felt an inexplicable need to join back up and see what everyone's been up to. I don't remember exactly when I joined ETS, but I DO remember that I was the 67th person to join it, so it was way back in the early days. Came over there from the Meathead's Webhole forums and was eventually bestowed terrible powers as a "global moderator" that I never used because EFFORT. Original name was Pixie Wolfe, changed to my real-life nickname Hij a few years later and then kinda stopped having time for internets long ago. But I missed you guys. I see there are quite a few fellow Elders around and that's pretty neat.

09-12-2012, 01:37 AM
I seen this on another forum and had to post it somewhere...

09-13-2012, 07:49 AM
Hi there,I decided to get in here a few months ago but my computer decided to commit suicide so I had to wait.
It's great to be in one of the best NIN communities :)

10-26-2012, 05:49 AM
Hello again ETS.

Where's the option for custom avatars? I want my old one back.

10-26-2012, 11:15 PM
Hey people,

So I was going to just jump into one of the many threads of interest I've been browsing through and just generally lurking around since I'd say at least 2005-ish (?), but I figured I'd rather do the polite thing and at least introduce myself before anything else. Name's Michael, 31 y/o, grew up in Northeast Philadelphia and somehow wound up in the even less desirable South Jersey area which is where I've been living since mid 2004. I got into NIN in high school, freshman year, 1995. My musical tastes up to around that time were all over the map (which they still are), but I leaned more towards the pop/R&B scene and would only occasionally dip my toe into anything else. Not for any specific reason, I guess I just figured that I liked what I liked and I was already pretty much against the "norm" being that I'm a guy who was (and in all honesty, why bother hiding it?) still is literally obsessed with singers like Madonna, Janet and especially Mariah. LOL. So for me to jump from what some would call mindless crap like "Dreamlover" and "Miss You Much" to what others might call "the dark side" was quite the shift in my little world, which suddenly seemed to grow exponentially once I bought my first "alternative" album which was Garbage's self-titled debut. I started listening to angrier, edgier songs and just finding myself relating more towards music that just didn't sound the same as every chart-topping "hit" on mainstream radio. I guess that's when I started being able to pick out the "artists" from the crop of mass-produced pop-stars that, don't get me wrong, I still find entertaining and fun but not on that primal, raw human level.

As I expected, this is turning into a manifesto and it doesn't need to be. Anyway, I noticed in the liner notes on the Garbage album that they acknowledged Trent Reznor. I'd heard the name, I heard "Closer" playing in some random deli, of all places, down the shore on what was probably the cashier's tape-deck or something because it was unedited and just completely grabbed me from the first verse. My best friend at the time had a friend who just gave away a bunch of CD's to him. I don't know the back story on why, but I know that The Downward Spiral was one of those CD's. I asked my friend why he didn't listen to it. I don't know that I much cared why so long as he gave it to me so I could try it on for size. He shrugged and let me take the CD home. What was initially a casual curiosity became a full-blown obsession, and once I got started, I had to hear EVERYTHING. Borrowed the cassette tape of PHM from a friend in my freshman class, kept it for most of the semester I'm sure and taped the tape and found myself even MORE crazy about the synthesizer-driven, slightly eighties electronic-feeling first LP. "Terrible Lie", "Ringfinger", "Sin", "Something I Can Never Have". I was hooked. Before I bore anyone else to death with my needlessly long story, let me just say that this is the first forum/message board I've ever taken part in. I have spent years lurking on a LOT of boards about a LOT of shit, but never actually got up the energy and effort to make a profile and post a post. So forgive me in advance if I've already gone out of bounds or broken any rules.

So, the basics: Michael, 31, South Jersey, obsessed fan since '95 and still going just as hard. Thanks for the time, I hope to actually stick with this and post more than just this introduction post in the future. Have a great weekend. :D

10-27-2012, 10:16 PM
Well hey there everyone, not sure how many of the old school people are on here still but my name is Jake....obviously.
25 from St. Louis, have seen NIN live three times (twice in my hometown for the 2005 With Teeth Tour, 2008 Lights in the Sky Tour and in Kansas City for Wave Goodbye)

ETS has so many great memories for me in the past since I originally joined in 2004. I was strangely hesitant to join up again since it came back because I was extremely attached to my old post count. Not that it was the greatest or anything, but ETS was a complete snapshot of my life for at least a good six years. I can remember everyone all talking about how excited we were for the Closure dvd when they released the teaser, discussing every little snapshot, the Hand the Feeds video, analyzing the hell out of With Teeth, writing how my first NIN show in 2005 was one of the greatest moments of my life, all the YZ talk, Ghosts, Slip, Wave Goodbye tour...everything! I loved all the debates and discussions about records me and my fellow members had and although it's sad to see it go, I'm looking forward to picking it back up again.

My taste in music has grown, matured and adapted since almost ten years ago but the one thing that has stayed constant and never changed is how much Nine Inch Nails and Trent Reznor has meant to me. NIN will always be the band that got me into wanting to think about music differently and The Fragile is one of those records that changed my whole outlook on listening to a record. The way you could write music and be extremely layered about it.Looking forward to meeting all of you especially with all the exciting things coming our way soon.

11-03-2012, 12:01 AM
Hello again ETS.

My name's Ryan. I was a member of the old ETS about a year before it bit the dust, and I've lurked at the new one since the revival. Today was the day I changed that.

11-03-2012, 12:00 PM
I joined ETS in November 2002. Ten years, man. It's been fun ride ever since thanks to all of you <3
Edit* - seriously, it's also one year being on the new forum and only 12 posts? Good god, I suck!

11-04-2012, 12:46 AM
Hello ETS,

Back after 4+ years of not being on ETS. Should be fun

lets do this

11-04-2012, 03:57 PM
fuck all of you.

i followed this link after seeing a post about some lost coil NIN remix collection and i think i remember leviathant from somewhere... the tweaker.chat board or some shit like that. there isn't a profanity filter on this bitch is there?

i might know some other people on here, too.

anyway. i'm here. you can all go home now, motherfuckers.

11-04-2012, 04:20 PM
Wendy, is that you?

11-14-2012, 12:14 AM
Hey folks, I finally made it back. I was away for over a year, and came back to find the old ETS gone! Believe it or not, I'm just learning about what happened now.

On the old ETS, I was a member from about 2005 IIRC. I got deep into the YZ arg, helped decipher anything to do with audio clues (especially towards the end, figuring out the pieces of exhibit 24). I'm Resistance Network Member

Besides that, I'm a long standing NIN fan, with the most complete collection of "things with Halo numbers" of anyone I know IRL (and all kinds of other rarities as well, obviously).

Just listening to the An Omen EP this evening, and decided to check back into ETS, so hi!

12-06-2012, 12:23 AM
Have I been here before? Who are all You People?

01-24-2013, 10:31 AM
Hello, I am planning to check in here frequently to see what Trent and others are up to; I am Crystal. Went to the BSF and it was
depressing to see all members had left. Of course, I have not been here or there for the past 3 years, so it is nice to see this
Forum up and running. Thanks, as always, to Leviathant for all of his hard work over the last decade and for the most recent

02-13-2013, 10:04 AM
Hey, I'm just a NIN fan who has lurked here before and have finally decided to create an account what with Welcome Oblivion coming up and all.

02-14-2013, 08:09 PM
Oh hey my email confirmation to turn on my account finally came.

Hi dudes.
I am Maury. I was Maury on the old boards. Used to be "ruineR" back in the nin.com dboards days. Posted here occasionally. I've been mostly hanging out on Somethingawful.com and Collectedanimals.org lately, but I've been feeling a hole in my internet browsing and realized it's because I stopped coming here. So here I am. How's things?

02-22-2013, 02:49 PM
I'm Paige,
I really love everything Trent Reznor does.
I want to be a comedienne.
I work at Starbucks.
Go me.

02-25-2013, 04:11 PM
Hello all, I am Teri/Theresa. I was Terryana on the old ETS and am Terryana here as well. I have not been here for a while since I am a collector, was happy with my collection and there was nothing new on the NIN front (I like HTDA but could not afford to branch out into another area to collect). The announcement of a tour sucked me back into the forum. I enjoyed meeting up with other ETSers at the shows for dinner and hanging out etc. Glad to be back.

02-26-2013, 07:21 PM
I am happy no one snagged my old ETS username since the re-launch.

I am sad that it looks like I'm starting all over again and I missed a lot. Hard to re-find my old ETS friends.

03-04-2013, 01:25 PM
Hello all, I am Teri/Theresa. I was Terryana on the old ETS and am Terryana here as well. I have not been here for a while since I am a collector, was happy with my collection and there was nothing new on the NIN front (I like HTDA but could not afford to branch out into another area to collect). The announcement of a tour sucked me back into the forum. I enjoyed meeting up with other ETSers at the shows for dinner and hanging out etc. Glad to be back.

Welcome back! An old collector returns for NIN 2013! If you find your way to the Midwest on this tour, send a message!

03-08-2013, 12:09 PM
I'm back! :3 Same name as before from... February 2004, I want to say. Definitely, before I graduated in June of '04 and before With Teeth was announced. Has it really been that long?

04-25-2013, 11:21 AM
Sup, ETS. Finally got my registration all the way through (I'll spare you of the embarassing song title puns I might have had in mind for here, you're welcome). Usually I've ended up here one way or another in my many sleepless nights of various NIN-research, and a while ago realized this place isn't terrible at all and proceeded to the proper lurking phase. Fully in now. Or can I be fully in before paying The Gold Price? SOON.

I'm a Finnish male human being who properly discovered Nine Inch Nails some years ago and it has since become my biggest passion in music. And anything Trent goes with that, quite obviously. Guy's a brilliant devil. Also a big rasslin' fan so I'll surely be contributing to that one thread ("That's it, I'm done with this shit" every week etc).

04-26-2013, 03:25 PM
Hello ETS,
finally I register here. I'm Jens from germany and was made in the 70's. I am a music lover and know NIN since 1994. Collecting live recordings is a passion of mine.
I also like other bands like Frontline Assembly, Haujobb, Destroid, Depeche Mode, Foo Fighters, The Cure or Metallica.
I was very excited when NIN announced to return in 2013. I plan to see them in Paris this year. I hope they will play more shows in germany next year.
My fav NIN album is With Teeth and I love to anger my neighbours with the BYIT blu ray.
I love NIN over all. So I want to clink the glasses to genius Trent and NIN, because they're back.

04-26-2013, 06:25 PM
I am happy no one snagged my old ETS username since the re-launch.

I am sad that it looks like I'm starting all over again and I missed a lot. Hard to re-find my old ETS friends. artgirl9 !! How come I'm just now seeing this post? wtf. EC Alum welcome back!

04-27-2013, 12:27 AM
I used to be eleven11. Lurked here for a couple years before finally joining up in 06 or 07, whenever the arg got rolling. i wasn't doing SHIT at the time and was able to waste days and days on it.
Someone snagged eleven11, so now i am elevenism.
i'm a standard issue left wing liberal democrat long haired book reading guitar playing freak, i suppose.
i made a couple of really interesting people here back in the day with whom i kept up for years.
I'm back for the HTDA and the NIN tour, and because you people come up with the GREATEST fucking fan-made compilations imaginable, and then there's things like when mofoboy came with all those rehersal soundboard rips.

05-01-2013, 04:27 PM
welcome, kiddos!

i've been here since '04, but was a lurker years before that (dating back to the sls days). i'm in my 30's now, so the nin tat on my calve is more of an embarrassment than anything, but i still rely on ets for credible music suggestions and what-not.

05-01-2013, 06:12 PM
Sup guise. Long time lurker, new poaster. Blame sheepdean (I'm kind of a big deal). I'm a law (aka lawl) student and freelance journalist who eats, breathes, etc., intersectional feminism and anti-anti-ziganism. Also, I'm a huge asshole.

05-01-2013, 07:54 PM
Sup guise. Long time lurker, new poaster. Blame sheepdean (I'm kind of a big deal). I'm a law (aka lawl) student and freelance journalist who eats, breathes, etc., intersectional feminism and anti-anti-ziganism. Also, I'm a huge asshole.
Welcome, you'll fit right in or get eaten for lunch.

welcome, kiddos!

i've been here since '04, but was a lurker years before that (dating back to the sls days). i'm in my 30's now, so the nin tat on my calve is more of an embarrassment than anything, but i still rely on ets for credible music suggestions and what-not.
Dude, you used to have the best avatar. Bring it baaaCk

05-01-2013, 08:49 PM
Welcome, you'll fit right in or get eaten for lunch.

*knuck bump*

05-02-2013, 06:26 PM
the two hunky, sexy red sox/yankees bears having a moment? word. i haven't been around enough to figure out how to put it back.

05-03-2013, 12:09 AM
Well I'm a full blown noOb....love NIN ..will probably be a Lurker for a while :/

05-14-2013, 12:14 PM
i used to lurk here a lot around the release of with teeth but i can't remember what username i might have used. ah well. its good to be back anyway!

06-04-2013, 06:13 PM
Hey guys.
Been lurking the forms since the YZ ARG, finally decided to join.
The day I started listening to NIN happened to be the day after their last Scottish gig (excluding TITP 2009) in Glasgow 2007, and seeing them live has eluded me since. After the Wave Goodbye tour I thought my chance to see them live had passed, so when I heard they were touring this year, you can imagine my excitement.
Going to see NIN for the first time in August at the Leeds fest. Got a day ticket for NIN, exclusively. I don't have any friends who are NIN fans, so it's a solo mission.

06-04-2013, 06:49 PM
Going to see NIN for the first time in August at the Leeds fest. Got a day ticket for NIN, exclusively. I don't have any friends who are NIN fans, so it's a solo mission.

You will not be the first to have done that. *waves*