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  1. Exciting Book News! (12 replies)
  2. Reclaim Her Name Campaign - Finally giving female writers the credit they deserve (6 replies)
  3. Tokyo Ghoul (0 replies)
  4. Dante (4 replies)
  5. Middle-earth: The World of J.R.R. Tolkien (1 replies)
  6. Questions for the Guys (11 replies)
  7. Rob Sheridan in Comic Books (0 replies)
  8. What does Trent Reznor read?! (4 replies)
  9. 50/50 Challenge - 50 Books & 50 Movies in One Year (39 replies)
  10. Neil Gaiman (11 replies)
  11. E-readers (22 replies)
  12. ETS Book Club Book: Colson Whitehead's "The Underground Railroad" (183 replies)
  13. Books From Your Youth (9 replies)
  14. Detective/crime fiction/true crime (5 replies)
  15. Anne Rice (35 replies)
  16. The Weird, Unconventional, Experimental, Transgressive Writing Thread (2 replies)
  17. Favorite Books and Authors (34 replies)
  18. Gone Girl (36 replies)
  19. The Audiobook Thread (14 replies)
  20. Books you are unable to finish... (29 replies)
  21. CoffinCam - a serialized horror novella (4 replies)
  22. China Mieville (4 replies)
  23. Help, what would you call this list of authors? Vonnegut, bukowski, Huxley, etc (9 replies)
  24. Magazines: print, electronic... (8 replies)
  25. John Ajvide Lindqvist (0 replies)
  26. Goodreads (4 replies)
  27. Clive Barker (26 replies)
  28. Iain Banks — RIP (3 replies)
  29. Maddox (3 replies)
  30. Richard Dawkins (15 replies)
  31. Influential Books (3 replies)
  32. Manga! (7 replies)
  33. Literature resources (3 replies)
  34. The Casual Vacancy (2 replies)
  35. Webcomics. (10 replies)
  36. James Joyce or Kool Keith? Take The Quiz! (10 replies)
  37. Movies from books (44 replies)
  38. Worst books you have encountered yet. (32 replies)
  39. Chuck Palahniuk (20 replies)
  40. A Song of Ice and Fire (71 replies)
  41. Stephen King (213 replies)
  42. William Gibson (10 replies)
  43. Comics!!! (656 replies)
  44. Rock books (37 replies)
  45. Year Zero fan novel (1 replies)
  46. Science fiction (64 replies)
  47. NaNoWriMo (0 replies)
  48. The Poetry Thread (4 replies)
  49. The Hunger Games (not like Twilight at all!) (15 replies)
  50. Anthony Bourdain (4 replies)
  51. What are you reading? (1207 replies)
  52. Marvel Comics! (7 replies)
  53. Dc comics! (2 replies)