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Thread: Marilyn Manson - Born Villain

  1. #691
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Do people even fail to realize that at the PEAK of both acts' popularity, NIN was still the bigger draw, or is it just me?
    Fact: the only time(s) Manson EVER played msg was when they opened for NIN.

    Topic shift: what does the majority generally prefer, EMDM or THEOL? I'm always pretty shocked when people say the latter is the lesser album. EMDM is the only Manson album I only like a third of (and even the best of EMDM is worse then pretty much all of THEOL IMO)

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    Last edited by imail724; 03-27-2012 at 11:04 AM.

  2. #692
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    Well, Eat Me, Drink me has 951,000 Google results.

    The High End of Low has 1,210,000.

    Does that help?

  3. #693
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    I lolled

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  4. #694
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Topic shift: what does the majority generally prefer, EMDM or THEOL? I'm always pretty shocked when people say the latter is the lesser album.
    I'm shocked when I hear the opposite. I love EMDM. I think it's a masterpiece. It is what it tries to be, it's coherent, and it just sounds fucking rad.

    THEOL, on the other hand, is just all randomly thrown together. It's got no 'sound', no 'feel'. It's not memorable, it's far too all-over-the-place. A big meh for me.

  5. #695
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    I thought they were both awful in their own respects. Not trolling. EMDM was a sad album from a guy in his late 30's wooing a far younger girl that just came off as weird in a bad way. 'They said that Hell's not hot'?? Who? Who said that? If Hell exists it's probably hot as fuck. The cheesy guitar solo wankery...If I Was Your Vampire...ugh. As for THEOL it actually had a few stand out tracks for me. The uncut version of the first track Devour was actually pretty good other than some terrible lyrics like THE FIRST LINE ON THE ENTIRE ALBUM. Four Rusted Horses was pretty good too, but mostly for the Johnny Cash-esque kinda vibe to the music. Lyrics again were trite with a laughable chorus.

    The way I view it, and not just because when I was in to ACSS a lot I was like, 16 years old and was listening to almost solely that and nothing else for months, is that his songs used to be memorable. The choruses, or hooks, or videos...whatever. You heard a song and got the vibe from that album. I try to think of a few tracks off THEOL like...I don't know...Wight Spider or however it's spelled. Couldn't even tell you how the chorus goes.

  6. #696
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    I just figured Hell not being hot was a reference to the song "Great Big White World" from the album Mechanical Animals, where it says "And hell was so cold All the vases are so broken." It still doesn't make any sense, but at least he's consistent about it.

  7. #697
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    Don't lots of Hindu's and other beliefs say that hell is icy cold? It depends on the culture you're from.

  8. #698
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    I think if there is a hell, it would be cold and a frozen wasteland. I've been in extreme temperatures ranging from +50*C to -50*C and I have to say, the colder one is WAY more worse.

  9. #699
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    I've also heard a lot that people from very hot cultures think of hell as very hot with fire and heaven as very cool and relaxing, those from harsh cold climates think of hell as the frozen wasteland and heaven is very warm and nice.

    By the way, I guess I think High End Of Low is the better album.

    I like more songs off of it.. Leave A Scar, Four Rusted Horses (Opening Titles Version), Armageddon, IWTKYLTDITM, WOW, We're From America, IHTLUJTSH, Into The Fire and 15.

    Off of Eat Me, Drink Me I really enjoy If I Was Your Vampire, Putting Holes In Happiness, The Red Carpet Grave, Evidence, YAMATDM3 and the title track.

    edit: Also, didn't Manson once say that EMDM is barely about Evan and is mostly about the destruction of his marriage?

  10. #700
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    Quote Originally Posted by antiskum View Post

    it's 1998 again
    When it comes to Manson's career, I fucking wish.

  11. #701
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    According to Cooking Vinyl website Manson has sold 50 Million records NIN has only sold 30 Million....I always thought NIN had sold more? ...
    Is this just Cooking Vinyl trying to big up Manson making their new signing more worthwhile???

    Record sales dont mean shit in the long term and undoubtedly NIN win in the terms of longevity and artistic respect and influence, but why would Interscope drop an Artist who has sold 50 Milliion records? Seems a very stupid thing to do....also i thought his last few records had flopped?
    I dont hate Manson i quite like some of his old stuff from the 90's, but 50 Million is a fuck load of top 100 Artists ever territory....

  12. #702
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    Well I can see Manson selling more than NIN because NIN really isnt for everyone. Think about it, closer was the big hit, after that the mainstream notice of NIN pretty much dropped. Now Manson at his peek with beautiful people, had the dope show, and rock is dead to boost his mainstream popularity. That could explain the difference in record sales. That and goden age going number 1 and shit.

    Who gives a shit really, you guys are taking this shit way to fucking personal. get on with your lives.

  13. #703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Who gives a shit really, you guys are taking this shit way to fucking personal. get on with your lives.
    You're the only one who seems to view this conversation as anything more than fun fucking around.

  14. #704
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I think if there is a hell, it would be cold and a frozen wasteland. I've been in extreme temperatures ranging from +50*C to -50*C and I have to say, the colder one is WAY more worse.
    See, I'd think it would as hell. Having been in both extreme cold and heat as well, I'll take the cold. You can layer up to beat the cold, but in the blasting heat, you're defenseless.

  15. #705
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    Quote Originally Posted by Highly Psychological View Post
    According to Cooking Vinyl website Manson has sold 50 Million records NIN has only sold 30 Million....I always thought NIN had sold more? ...
    Is this just Cooking Vinyl trying to big up Manson making their new signing more worthwhile???
    Yes, Manson has never sold 50 million albums, no matter what CV or Wikipedia (edited by fans with fake data) might say. Just take a look to this promo video for THEOL:

    That video was made by UMG France, UMG is the label that owns Interscope, and they know better than CV how many albums MM has sold since they (Interscope/UMG) have sold them all so far.

    Also just look for MM's RIAA certified sales and you'll see how it's impossible that they have sold so many albums.

    -POAAF is Gold.

    -ACSS is Platinum (almost double platinum, but less than 2 million albums sold).

    -Mechanical Animals is platinum (almost 1.5 million, but it sold less copies than ACSS).

    -HW is Gold.

    -TGAOG if I remember well has not been certified Gold yet.

    -EMDM Has not been certified Gold.

    -THEOL has barely sold around 120.00/150.000 copies in the US.

    Those would be his/their certified US sales, let's speculate that they could have doubled those sales with their woldwide numbers, still far from 50 million albums.

    Some "fans" are constantly editing wikipedia with fake numbers, they wrote there that HW has sold 9 million copies worldwide (more than ACSS? LOL), which has never happened, and TGAOG supposedly sold 4 million copies worldwide according to whoever edited the sales in wikipedia, which is also untrue (more than Mechanical Animals? Doubt it very much), and they use as "references" random articles that only god knows who have written them and which were their sources.

    If Manson was such a successful artist, Interscope would have never let him/them go, bands like Nirvana or The Smashing Pumpkins have probably sold those many albums, but Manson and NIN have never sold so much worldwide (albeit if I remember well, NIN was included in a list of best selling american artists a few years ago and Manson was not included in said list, if Manson had sold better he should have been included, I guess).

    My bet would be that NIN have sold slightly better in the US and Manson at the peak of his popularity was more famous and sold better in the rest of the world, I'm not sure who has sold more albums, I guess the numbers would be similar, but neither of them has sold 50 million albums or otherwise the UMG France video above would promote THEOL as the "the new album from the artist that has sold 50 million albums" instead of just +11 million albums. CV is saying that Manson has sold 50 million just to make him look like a bigger act.

    PS: According to the announcement of the release date for Oceania, The Smashing Pumpkins have sold +30 million:

    The Smashing Pumpkins have sold much more than Manson, no way Manson has sold 50 million.
    Last edited by Max Leo; 03-27-2012 at 07:31 PM.

  16. #706
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    Yes he has definetly sold more records in Europe he may be big still in a few countries but there is no way he has sold more records in Europe than in the States.
    It just baffled me that its blatantly not true he has sold 50 Million records, and yet it is on his Wikipedia profile, one of the biggest sites on the internet.....that site is weird.
    Because*he never struck me as THAT big. Just blatant misinformation.

  17. #707
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    Didn't someone post comparisons a couple years back? I remember it mentioning whether or not certain albums went platinum/gold, or not.

  18. #708
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    Anyone wanna buy some old (and some kinda rare I guess) magazines with Manson in them? They've been sitting on a shelf of mine forever...some of them like the Rayguns are from like 1998 or 1999 so pretty old. Mechanical Animals era, etc. etc. The Rolling Stone spines are somewhat rough, but the rest are in great condition and all of them have all pages, no folds, creases, rips or tears, etc. etc.

    Asking $25 but will probably take any reasonable offer. Consider I'll be buying a big bubble envelope to get them there safe and all 6 together will have some good weight in shipping. Not looking to make a big ass profit, but if someone wants them, I don't anymore. Feel free to PM with any offers and we can work something out with PayPal or whatever.

  19. #709
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    live recordings are different from the actual show recording..?

  20. #710
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    fuck it must be hard to 'perform' when no one is interested.... the crowd are just staring...

  21. #711
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    I'm surprised they let people film at an awards show.
    But yeah, those crowd shots are embarassing... everyone is just standing there glued to their chairs.

  22. #712
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    that video is just... sad dude. the first time i saw him was back in Nov of 2000 and again at Ozzfest in 2001. his performance wasn't like that. at all. it was haunting, it was amazing, it was energetic. it was, at the time, one of the best shows i'd ever been to. seeing videos like the above one are proof that he's aged in the worst of ways. it looks like he was having trouble moving up and down that walkway. and his weight... he's just let himself go dude, really. i'll never watch another vid nor will i ever go to another show of his. i want to remember him how he was when i was a teenager. very sad =/

  23. #713
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    Quote Originally Posted by demo View Post
    live recordings are different from the actual show recording..?
    They probably did multiple takes and televised the best one. Either that or they were just warming up or rehearsing.

  24. #714
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    still looks pathetic.

    he just kinda meanders around stage these days, looking lost. the shows probably wouldn't so be quite so awful if he regained some sort of stage presence

  25. #715
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    I don't get why his face is quite skinny yet he has THAT stomach.

  26. #716
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    ^^^Agreed. He used to have a real presence. Sure it was staged to hell but it was there. In this video he just looks like a big guy in a halloween costume made of black garbage bags. On the bright side it gives a real disparity to old YouTube videos of him live. Holy shit in the ACSS/MA/HW videos he's straight killing it.

  27. #717
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    He lives right above a liquor store still, correct? He's an alcoholic living in a liquor store basically??? It's very sad to see. I didn't watch that last video but I watched the TV one and when he runs up to the camera and grabs it and looks in, it was a bit heartbreaking to see. Like a big lost baby. I'm sure he hurts a lot and it's a pain to see someone who has been an important figure to me for a long time go this way, I hope he gets well.

    When he awkwardly stole the attention from Rammstein and cut them off during their award acceptance, that was another sad moment indeed.

  28. #718
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    I went to see Manson back in the fall of 1996. That was intense. Watching him now... I can't watch this. It's awful.

  29. #719
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    Amazing. One commercial block, two times Manson songs used in n them.

  30. #720
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    Yeah that made the performance even worse.

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