Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post

Try the F2000 with foregrip...iron sights for starters...see if you can get more kills using that. Keep at it, too. I know the recoil struggles from various weapons you speak of...well, not only does this primary not have much recoil--it shoots hella fast and races the head-on match to his death instead of yours. Burst it and spray it...depending on your distance.
I'll have to try that out. I haven't really messed with the F2000 much, but I will definitely give it a try. I am always worrying too much about my accuracy from playing COD all the time so I really need to get used to being a little more free with my shooting. Sometimes I am shooting at someone, and I just shake my head when I hit them a bunch of times but cannot finish the job! The recoil on some of the guns is just nuts. You're right about the routing system. It is much different and a bit slower than COD, so sometimes I get a bit impatient when you should be more patient The pistol I actually learned my lesson on already by shooting like a complete moron and dying every time.

I actually like the knife in this game. It is more consistent at least than BC2. Even though it's not as fast. I dropped on a guy from off a cliff side yesterday, after seeing him on the mini map down below, and went for a knife perfectly on first strike just as I landed right behind him (as he was running). Not bad! It's all in your timing.
Ha. That is pretty dam cool. Yea I noticed the timing is key because you can be trying to sneak up on a guy, and he will turn around at the last minute and you miss him and then he just kills you. I do however love how they have different ways of taking an enemy down when you do knife them. Pretty nifty instead of just swiping at them. I play the PS3 btw.