Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
man... for a YEAR now I've been trying to finish A Feast for Crows, and I cannot STAND this book. I keep picking it up, reading maybe 20 pages, and then shelving it again while I go read another book instead. Seriously, the sections centered around Brienne the Boring are AWFUL. They go on and on forever, and it's additionally intollerable because we already know where Sansa is, so we know she's not going to show up on her doorstep anytime soon. I'm going to try again. I just don't understand how he dropped the ball so hard with this one.
a feast for crows was hard to get through, when i had finished it the first time, luckily there was only a few month wait for dance to be released, i can only imagine how folks who had been following the books as they were published reacted to it. then were rewarded with the 5-6 year wait for dance. after a quick check of wikipedia... fans of tyrion and some of the other main pov characters had an eleven year wait from 2000-> 2011 for new chapters about them.

on a re-read, the cersi, jaimie & arya chapters were good, sam's were decent. i still couldn't bring myself to care for dorne or the iron islands and the brienne chapters were borderline miserable, i really like her but like you said totally pointless since we know the stark kids are out of her reach.