@elevenism you make great points and it really doesn't matter what side of the fence mentality anybody has because one side can just scream at the other "Fake News" and all credibility is lost whether the story, the article, or the televised report is true or not. Too many liberals and conservatives have taken sides like they're routing for a football team rather then the general health of our country and for that matter the general health of actual news and reporting of it ,minus the spin or the editorial comments from those reporting it. There is too much pride among liberals and conservatives and nobody wants to admit they are wrong.

The skepticism that is created from claiming everything is "Fake News" on both sides of the aisle creates an apathy among the general public brought on by an inner distrust of all media and could lead to an attack on the first amendment. I really don't know what the answer is because the three big cable news outlets are driven by ratings and selling commercial time which that alone creates a distrust in the media and it doesn't help when you have a megalomaniac for president screaming "Fake News" when anything that is said about him is in an unfavorable light.

....and no you can't say "Cock Holster" on CBS they bleeped the word "Cock".