Nominations this year are soooooo predictable and boring. I don't know why every year I think "this is the year where they actually throw politics out the window!" and then am massively let down. It feels like the same like five or seven movies are nominated in every category. There barely feels like there's any diversity or anything. I STILL don't understand the hype on Mad Max either. Like, it was a good enjoyable film, but I don't think it's anywhere near worthy of Best Picture. And it's now 2016, I think it's time to get rid of the Best Song category. I really like The Weeknd, but that dude doesn't need an Oscar for this garbage ass Fifty Shades of Grey song. Oh, and I think it's fucking stupid that Anamolisa gets shoved into the Best Animated category. Completely deserves a spot in the Best Picture list. Same for Straight Outta Compton. One measly Screenplay nomination isn't anywhere NEAR enough.

I'm rooting for The Revenant in everything it's nominated in. Which in itself feels boring to me. "Oh I just want that one film to win in every category, because every category is too boring to spice it up a bit".

Whatever, I'm just super salty this morning from the news of Alan Rickman.