@marodi Good Luck!

I've been seeing a counselor, or was till i got broke and busy but should be back this week if i can work it out recently. My mom told me to do it some time ago to help figure out why i was so angry as she put it. Probably should have. I've never be diagnosed with anything but Im fairly certain i get depressed from time to time more so than just sad. I also tend to have anxiety issues and irrational fears presumably left over from my childhood. I also wonder if it may not just be PTSD from the surgeries i had on my foot when i was younger. It didn't occur to me till fairly recently that may be part of it. It all started from a comment my mother made about how there really isn't any baby pictures of me cause every time they would try and take one i would start crying, she said it was because i said pictures hurt. Im guess this is because of the X-rays on my foot. This is pure speculation on my part but it makes sense in a way cause i've always kind of been this way as far back as i can remember. Been meaning to ask my counsler about it but haven't yet. I can relate a lot to what @frankie teardrop said as thats how i tend to be. I do okay at trying to balance it out with a optimism but i can swing pretty low if given enough time to sit and dwell on shit. I will say I have grown more comfortable with myself and have started to recognize what can set me off as ive gotten older so that helps some. I think the biggest thing recently that has helped is ive had a few ego smashing experiences that have helped me realize im not some completely tragic enigma after all, or if i am so be it.