I've made music for a long time simply on my computer using all kinds of DAWs and plug-ins and whatnot. Plus I've got a few very basic (hardware) synthesizers, too.

Now I've decided to get a nice Eurorack with a couple of useful modules to produce my music more intuitively. I've decided upon a VCO by Erica Synths, a filter by Doepfer (Wasp), a nice sequencer by Intellijel and an output interface to send the sound to my computer. This will only serve as my "starter pack". I plan on processing the sounds on my PC, so - as this shit can get mad expensive - I thought it would be ok to get some more FX modules later on.

Is this the right way to go? Am I missing something here? Like are there essential modules one can not go without? Also: Do any of you have recommendations on great modules?