The incredible effect that the NRA has had on the dialog about firearms in this country reminds me a bit of the RIAA and professional musicians. MP3s are evil! Only CDs are real music! Even after the In Rainbows moment, Johnny Greenwood was parroting this absurd idea that you can't download music that has the same quality as what's on a CD. Downloading music is theft! They're saying these things because there's a group of companies working together to make more money and are upset that their business model was being disrupted. But as more musicians stepped outside of the bubble, it became more readily apparent that the driving force behind this reality distortion field was money. Executives using musicians as pawns for bigger personal paydays at the expense of consumers and the musicians being pimped out.

Similarly, you get a mass shooting at an elementary school, and the reaction from the NRA is We need [to sell] more guns - and the useful idiots fall in line. The fact that there's even a discussion about video games after this shooting is offensive. The fact that Mitch McConnel writes emails saying "You and I are literally surrounded. The gun-grabbers in the Senate are about to launch an all-out-assault on the Second Amendment. On your rights. On your freedom. [T]hey're coming for your guns" sending more idiotic consumers to blow more money on guns and ammo and build up this imaginary notion that the gub'mint is going to take yer guns is an obscenity.

That's what I see when I read posts on Facebook about how "Obama's taking our guns!" - I don't see a threat to constitutional rights - I see fools happily being bilked out of their money.