So I (MtF) went full time on Monday and I actually feel a bit stupid that I didn't do this earlier. The change was basically only at work, since I was out to most people in my private life for over a year and since October, I've been 50/50 with girl mode/boy mode after work. Most people at work didn't really care (I mean that in a positive way), the rest seemed a bit cautious, but I can understand that and to be honest, I was nervous and cautious, too. Name changing in all the administrative directories etc. was surprisingly uncomplicated, now my old name is only left on my ID, driver's license, bank account and with all the insurances. Here in Germany you can't really change those until you've gone through a long (3-12 months) and costly (1000-3000€) lawsuit. The corresponding law is insanely outdated (late 70's) and parts of it have been declared illegal in the last 20 years. But since this year is federal election year, I don't see an updated law coming in 2017 and I'm not waiting until that is going to happen.