Another kick-ass show! I found myself on the barricade in front of Pino this time and had a blast. There were a few assholes fucking around with the girl next to me (trying to squeeze onto the rail, hair pulling, taking shit out of her purse) but the security guy seemed to keep them at bay for the most part. That kind of bullshit is totally unacceptable but there's not much one can do with shitheads.

Anyhow, the set was full of surprises and TBCD was beyond cool! Lisa & Sharlotte bring so much to the table and help elevate he songs to the next level (not to discount the rest of the band). Having watched the previous night's show at the soundboard, you do miss a lot of the visual artistry being against the barricade, but you make up for it by feeling the emotive power of the band's mastery of their instruments.