Good beta overall however my cons list is short but I'll say them anyways:

- Shooting delay with Gnasher coming out of roadie run/just general delay when shooting. It's made me lose loads of gunfights. Lag related or not it's a BIG issue.
- Hammerburst is personally (and in MY opinion) and completely unusable. You'd be a FOOL to not use the lancer as your rifle. TC made it like the first game's but with worse recoil.
- The TDM game mode has issues with spawn camping due to no spawn changes (or just not frequently enough), I've both done it and have had it done to me while playing.
- The maps are mediocre at best. There's no life or intrigue to them. Dam is the best map in the beta, which isn't saying much. This is again MY opinion.
- CCC seems completely absent from MP gameplay. Never once seen it used or have performed it on anyone. Which could be a good thing I suppose. Either way, it's a feature that's not really present.
- B vaulting over cover after a roadie run sometimes doesn't work.

Either way, I really have enjoyed my time with the beta so far. I've hit level 25. Open beta is tomorrow for everyone finally.