This isn't directed at anybody in particular, but...

I don't really go on unhinged rants on Facebook about it, but I still feel like anybody who isn't absolutely filled with genuine outrage and shame towards Americans, due to the fact that Donald Trump is President, is either a moron or they are just too uninformed to understand the ramifications of what that means. If you make fun of people for flipping the fuck out that Trump is POTUS, or you just don't really care, or if you feel any other way than completely disgusted deep in the pit of your stomach every day then honestly you are the crazy, illogical whackjob. Any other behavior or feelings towards this situation will only normalize it and this cannot be normalized. Anybody saying people are overreacting about Trump are just about as bad as die-hard Trump followers. I still feel just as nauseous every morning when I check the news as I did the evening of November 8th.

The fact that any American is mocked for BEING WILDLY UPSET THAT DONALD TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is truly horrifying. This is a repugnant situation and one of the lowest points of this country's history.

If anybody needs a concrete example of why this is so heinously fucked up, just go check the news from the past couple weeks and then try as hard as you can in your mind to picture Donald Trump attempting to navigate a nuclear crisis with DPRK - a problem with no solution, a resolution to which the world's greatest strategists cannot calculate that doesn't end in hundreds of thousands or millions dead at best or billions dead at worst in the event of an escalating, out of control chain reaction of nuclear launches. This is a problem that's coming to a boil so much quicker than anybody could have imagined and with more urgency than ever in the history of the DPRK. This situation is only a move or two by Kim Jong-un or Trump away from reaching Bay of Pigs level intensity and seriousness.

And Donald Trump is our President. If you can imagine that situation playing out positively in your head, then I would probably say you're completely delusional. This is a 71 year old man with the brain of a spoiled rich adolescent. He can only barely read English, he is legitimately incapable of speaking proper English or forming English sentences with more complexity than a 3rd grade reading level, he simply cannot grasp concepts or theories or thoughts or ideas any more complicated than maybe basic elementary school logic or math, he has no education, whether formal or through life experience, in politics, history, warfare, law, anthropology, philosophy, nothing. This alone should be a huge emergency. Having a President who's demonstrably and objectively a very stupid man is bad enough and immediately makes us a target to any rogue or enemy state who now sees the US as an easy target. Hell, it even makes our allies second guess us and cut us out of deals, this is cutting our international standing down to the lowest point since before WWII. So that would be seriously bad enough, having an honest to god moron in the White House, but there's so much more. Along with being offensively stupid, he also happens to think he's one of the smartest men to have ever lived. He's an egomaniac and narcissist of the absolutely highest level, I honestly feel safe saying he thought he's the most important human in the world before he was even elected President.

So now we have as the President a self-obsessed shit for brains who's hated by almost everybody and let's just add the emotional maturity of a toddler for good measure. Let's combine these ingredients: idiotic, egomaniac, spiteful, temper tantrum throwing, petty, machismo fueled God Emperor, aaaaaaaand Kim Jong-un and his impending international nuclear crisis. Boy, this sure seems like the type of guy who's mentally fit for the office of President of the United States. I imagine he'll just be able to breeze through everything thrown at him. He'll be solving problems with his eyes closed! Everything is okay! If you look at this picture and you think this shit is fucking crazy and horrifying then obviously you're just an emotional alt-left whiny crybaby. Nobody will take you seriously when you're being soooo overdramatic. yeah. I don't really like Filter or care about Richard Patrick, but despising Trump in a furious, rabid manner should be the norm in America right now - not something to be mocked.