If anyone wasn't aware that listens to the show, hosts Jimmy Mac and Jason Swank from The ForceCast have moved on to their own independent podcast called Rebel Force Radio, these guys have always been known for their quality and star studded interviews, so I'm sure the new show will be nothing short of brilliant if you're looking for the best of the best in Star Wars podcasting, and if you're unfamiliar or not sure you can always check out the teaser above or find some old shows from The ForceCast that are archived in their iOS app.

I guess theforce.net and rebelscum.com will still want to continue the ForceCast though since it is theirs.... but they'll just have to find some new hosts. I can't see that show ever being the same again though without Jimmy and Jason but we'll see.

In any case..... Rebel Force Radio will debut this Saturday (the 19th) and then returning to their regular schedule on Tuesdays with a live show and Fridays releasing the show on demand.

Subscribe via iTunes : http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/r...rs/id593355728

or via RSS feedburner : http://feeds.feedburner.com/rebelforceradio

To keep up with the latest happenings with the show you can find them

Official Site - http://www.rebelforceradio.com (coming soon)

on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/RebelForceRadio

on Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/RebelForceRadio