I just don't quite understand this release. You can still pick up Doom3 for Xbox quite easily, which runs on the 360. The XBLA releases of doom and doom2 are stellar, and available already. All of the games are easily and cheaply available for PC. Steam regularly do a gigantic ID pack at massively discounted prices. That just leaves the PS3.

I still haven't actually completed Doom 3. I got somewhere past the hell levels. I don't think it's a very good game unfortunately, and I was a MAD fan of the originals. (I still do some doom1-2 stuff now: I was heavily involved in freedoom for ages, and I package/packaged lots of doom engines for Debian GNU/Linux).

Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
Don't know, man. The DOOM games always felt slow as hell. I remember playing deathmatches of DOOM II and it just being meandering. The guns felt like they had no weight or anything. Oh well.
I simply cannot comprehend this, at all. Are you 100% sure it was Doom?

Quote Originally Posted by frankieteardrop View Post
doom 64 was also stellar, but it's been ages since i popped that bad boy in... wish that would get a virtual console download. would buy that again in a heartbeat!
There are a couple of adaptations of D64 to the PC : Doom64: absolution and Doom 64 EX which are well worth checking out.