I'd really like to have the word 'overrated' stricken from the record when talking about music, unless it can be qualified by stating which party is doing the overrating. Examples: Animal Collective is overrated by Pitchfork, the Rolling Stones are overrated by baby boomer rock critics, Nirvana is overrated by rock fans who don't listen to much outside rock, Death Grips is overrated by my friend Big Fat Dave (he seriously thinks they're the new Beatles). If you're not giving your statement a context, you're making a strawman argument, saying that a band is overappraised by some nameless, faceless public that can't be addressed directly, and that you're too smart to be a part of.

If we can get rid of that, and get rid of 'pretentious', except in cases where an act is demonstrably pretending to be something they're not (example: Fred Durst's thug posturing), we'll be in great shape.