The other day I found out that I got selected for a mentoring program at my university. I have a 12 credit hour semester in the fall, and a 6 credit hour semester in the spring, and then I am done. For each of these terms, I will be responsible for mentoring two new students. And for that, I get a scholarship that covers 100% of my remaining tuition. I also recently got elected to the governing council, so I sit on a board with actual important people and vote on proposals for the university.

Academically, I am succeeding in a way that I never thought was possible for me. Personally, life is a shitshow. I still haven't been able to nail down solid employment, and I have about $77 left in my bank account. The scholarship is a huge relief, as during the semesters, that is a $700/month payment that I won't have to make. Even if I don't have somewhere to stay soon, I won't fucking have to drop out of school.

Two weekends ago, I had my heart legitimately broken for the first time in my life. In the past, I've been sad or disappointed about how some things have ended, but I've never had my heart just crushed by someone I love. So I guess 32 is a good time to experience that for the first time. And my remaining play partner is going through some things right now that I am DEFINITELY not handling as well as I thought I would.