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Thread: Add Violence

  1. #1111
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    Hey I tried to help , i'm sure down the line things will come out , if i'm wrong no problem , i have my own meaning but with the same theme across two eps but that you only realize after figuring out the second and going back. I'm super happy with what I found. And if it never comes out, no one has to believe me .what do i care i was just trying to point people in the direction that helped me find it. And the eps make total sense. Good luck then...

  2. #1112
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregBull View Post
    Hey I tried to help , i'm sure down the line things will come out , if i'm wrong no problem , i have my own meaning but with the same theme across two eps but that you only realize after figuring out the second and going back. I'm super happy with what I found. And if it never comes out, no one has to believe me .what do i care i was just trying to point people in the direction that helped me find it. And the eps make total sense. Good luck then...

    Look dude, all people want is for you to be clear, concise and stop trolling everybody. If you've got a theory, people wanna discuss it with you, and "just listen" isn't helping anyone understand where you're coming from. If what you're saying is "The meaning behind this trilogy is to shut your phones off and listen to it" (which is all I can gather from your posts) then I have to disagree and think there must me something more to it than that.

    If you think something else please share with the rest of the class

  3. #1113
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    SO after a few listens, I really dig it. I have to say I liked NTAE a little more, but that doesnt take away from ADD VIOLENCE at all. The outro to The Background World is a tolerable the first 28 times it loops, then I just go back to Less Than.

  4. #1114
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    I remember people were speculating that much of NTAE might have been comprised out of bits and samples from prior NIN albums. That certainly seems feasable to me, there's no doubt that there's some definite intentional revisiting going on designed to remind the listener of things. I hear a little bit of Various Methods Of Escape's "I think I could lose myself in here" breakdown in "The Lovers". Both works definitely do warrant close listening, there's a lot of callbacks.

    I said the same thing when HM rolled around (and have reevaluated that thought a bit since), but yeah: with these plus the forthcoming pt. 3 meant to be listened to as one whole work, it could well be up there with TDS and TF. Some kind of fucking magnum opus and one of the highlights of NIN's whole history IMO. This is some of the best music he's/they've ever made, far as I'm concerned.

  5. #1115
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    Quote Originally Posted by EvilGobi View Post
    Look dude, all people want is for you to be clear, concise and stop trolling everybody. If you've got a theory, people wanna discuss it with you, and "just listen" isn't helping anyone understand where you're coming from. If what you're saying is "The meaning behind this trilogy is to shut your phones off and listen to it" (which is all I can gather from your posts) then I have to disagree and think there must me something more to it than that.

    If you think something else please share with the rest of the class
    I'm not trolling, I was ding the same thing as everyone. I listened to it 5x's back to back then, i remember an interview he did before NTAE . Where he talks about why he is going back to vinyl the smell the feel . That he wouldput on Headphones and lose himself in the music. Thats what i did its too much to type literally I tried before , i went into some detail too. Honestly the only outlandish thing i can think of of why maybe i'm hearing the words clear and others arnt is due to the binaural beats he used on tracks like the lovers and Not anymore among others. ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder, not Add. If you know anything about Binaural Rythyms, you know that dependant on the type they can induce different feelings, emotions, make you sleepy or keep you up because of how the Audio waves flow and what frequency they are in. They have done studies about treating people with ADHD with Binaural Rythyms and found alot of success...The onl;y outandish theory I have is if he researched which ones are used int the treatment of ADD and then appied them to certain parts of songs when he was most muffled . I went back and listened to every song line by line, deciphering the exat sentence for the most part some words i couldnt make out yet but the lyrics are very clear. He talks about people used him as a symbol when they were hurt, but you have to taker care of yourself now his hands are full. But here is some NIN music did it fix whats inside of you or are you LESS THAN, The Lovers is DEAR WORLD + more VIOLENT Binaural patterns listen to those songs back to back, youll hear it , Close your eyes if you have to . This isnt the place is referring to where he will be makign music goign forward with reminders of TDS . Not anymore he talks about That he isnt moving fast he is nailed to the floor, he also felt that there would be others like him but NOT ANYMORE. He said in interviews, people use music to jam out to or listen in the background and not FOCUS fully on . He uses the same line in both LESS than and Dear World but more Command like in Less than . And The Background world he is telling you to hear him look past the top layer into the background world of the song to find the clues. Burnign Bright says "BReak through the surface" then he ends it with "It's so hard to find you here anymnore" Meaning when you fully give him your attention and hear thew true meaning but he is burnign bright .. liek a field on fire if you just focus

  6. #1116
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    how is this thread still going in this direction?

  7. #1117
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    Why I have that outlandish ADD theory of mine which i agree is outlandish but who knows with the binaural rythyms is because I havent needed to take my regular adderal since i listened to that album 8 times in total now , and im still focused i dont know why... But thats my personal theory that he placed those within the album to help people to try to focus , I forget which song he talks about taking medication even tylenol he says I'll have to go back and find it . Maybe Here is a crazy theory he is simulating a social experiment to see how people approach music whether they actually hear whats being said or just the top layer as background noise while they look at their phones or are busy.

  8. #1118
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    ok I Tap out I cant keep saying what I found over and over when its very clear when you just listen carefully i gotta rehearse anyway. Keep listening come to your own conclusions , but apparently i'm the only one who is certain they understood both EPs at this point and thats cool then. I'm getting annoyed saying the same thing over and over and over again and no one wants to try and listen better too what they hear on the EP.

  9. #1119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    how is this thread still going in this direction?
    You guys just dont get itt..... Listen closely. .. I didnt at first....

    (J/K this is an awesome record and a nice red violent shift from NTAE's black and white brooding. Maybe the last EP will evoke blue and sad hues)

  10. #1120
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    Btw, GregBull, you're getting very specific lyrics wrong. For instance, from the end of BB(FOF), he says, "I can't tell if I am dreaming anymore."

  11. #1121
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    Quote Originally Posted by joplinpicasso View Post
    Btw, GregBull, you're getting very specific lyrics wrong. For instance, from the end of BB(FOF), he says, "I can't tell if I am dreaming anymore."
    So much for "listening closely" and "attention"

  12. #1122
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    I'm just jumping into this thread with only having skimmed some of the previous pages, but has anyone noticed any brickwalling? I'm listening to the MP3 version and the mix is on the rather terrible side. Is the FLAC or WAV any better or is this just a really shitty encoding? Or is the mastering just bad overall?

  13. #1123
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    BTW there is a tie in to With Teeth especially "All the love in the world" with "The Lovers"

  14. #1124
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    Oh well I guess I'm wrong then. I'm still confident myself that i got the overall theme of the EPs dead on balls accurate. let me know when , someone comes up with the complete correct meaning of how they tie in and what his message is , Id love to know what it really was . For now i'll stick with my theory. Cause it makes sense after the interviews he did before NTAE.

  15. #1125
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregBull View Post
    Oh well I guess I'm wrong then.
    There's often not one "right" way to think about a song/EP/album/whatever. Artists typically leave things purposefully ambiguous even if they do have a very definite sense of what they're writing about. The artist's interpretation of their own work can even change over time -- it's difficult to see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes, and you might not even be aware of some of the things influencing you while you're writing an album.

    So you've had an epiphany and see a very clear meaning to all the recent NIN. That's great, I'm glad it's making sense for you, and even if others disagree, it doesn't take that away from you. I have to admit that I still don't buy it, but that's fine.

    Pretty much the only issue I'd have is your continued insistence that we're somehow not focusing on the music sufficiently. Like we're all just playing Candy Crush on our phones while the EP plays on a boombox in the next room or something. Trust me: there are many people here who have listened to these things with the exact same attention you have, and who have nevertheless not come to your conclusions.
    Last edited by xolotl; 07-20-2017 at 01:42 PM. Reason: "trees," not "tress." Doy.

  16. #1126
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    I'm so happy with this EP. The weakest song Less Than (for me, it is) is acceptable for me in contrast with the other tracks and looking in its entirely as an ep.
    And people....'The Background World' is blowing my mind (that loop is still running in my head after an hour I listened to it)
    Thank you.

  17. #1127
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    If the vinyl of this doesn't end on an infinite looped groove, Trent messed up.

  18. #1128
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    Ok, having a proper listen now (on headphones). I appreciate that on "Not Anymore" and "The Background World" they throw out convention for almost pantomime like story telling. But it makes it a difficult listen. Quite an effective jarring compared to the pop like "Less Than".
    I stand by my "Not the actual Events" statement that Trent is taking the piss and creating parodies of NIN.

  19. #1129
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregBull View Post
    Why I have that outlandish ADD theory of mine which i agree is outlandish but who knows with the binaural rythyms is because I havent needed to take my regular adderal since i listened to that album 8 times in total now , and im still focused i dont know why... But thats my personal theory that he placed those within the album to help people to try to focus , I forget which song he talks about taking medication even tylenol he says I'll have to go back and find it . Maybe Here is a crazy theory he is simulating a social experiment to see how people approach music whether they actually hear whats being said or just the top layer as background noise while they look at their phones or are busy.
    You're fucking right. My attention is more focused today. like the background world is faded. I can see "through" it. Usually I'm quite distracted by everything happening around me... "but not anymore". this is real. I am not trolling. (See my earlier post on my initial reactions to the album when I already had a feeling of something going on.. ai didn't say it but I thought in my mind: brain programming.

    And I think the ending of backgroud world is a major component of the final programming for this album on our minds. it fits what i know about neurolinguistic programming and recent neuroscience research. Yes Trent is capable of doing this. With certain knowledge about neuroscience as applied to sound and frequency and duration.

    If you think this is BS.. I knew Greg was on to something because he also noticed wha I oticed bu his posts did seem like teases... but this album does have mind altering technology and techniques built into it. I don't care if you don't feel it or see it. it's a program.

    but I also see that Trent is enslaving us in a way. (this is paranoid as fuck... but I know he's capable of shaping people's behavior)

    EDIT: I'm not sure if all this is true, but Trent and Atticus are definitely doing something here.. there's a message or theme they're tying to nail home... and they want to nail it deep. I'm just so happy about this album. It's a mind blower. Especially Less Than... which I initially thought was meh.. now it fuckin' makes me shiver and vibrate through my body when I listen to's so energizing and adrenalizing...yet with touches of sorrowful emotion...

    I know Trent likes to map out some core principles or guidelines for each new album.. parameters... I wonder if he parameters each song.. and just like the back cover... he says.. we need some violence here.. some sorrow here... some uplift here..
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 07-20-2017 at 07:36 PM.

  20. #1130
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    Quote Originally Posted by nineismine View Post
    Man despite how much I love everything on these last 2 ep's I think This isn't the place is my favorite and maybe one of my top songs in the catalog.
    It''s certainly my favourite of the 10 songs, just beautiful.

  21. #1131
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    Lots of work, probably no payoff:

    Since the quiet gap becomes a scratchy thing in the TBW outro, can someone edit all of the gaps together into one sound? And also supply a spectro of it.
    Last edited by blassster; 07-20-2017 at 03:06 PM.

  22. #1132
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    Quote Originally Posted by GregBull View Post
    Why I have that outlandish ADD theory of mine which i agree is outlandish but who knows with the binaural rythyms is because I havent needed to take my regular adderal since i listened to that album 8 times in total now , and im still focused i dont know why... But thats my personal theory that he placed those within the album to help people to try to focus , I forget which song he talks about taking medication even tylenol he says I'll have to go back and find it . Maybe Here is a crazy theory he is simulating a social experiment to see how people approach music whether they actually hear whats being said or just the top layer as background noise while they look at their phones or are busy.
    Had you literally said this the first time, instead of "go listen to it again, you're not listening to it right" we could be having a stimulation discussion on this. I'm inclined to disagree on the theory (as that shit 100% increased my aniexty, and made me feel like I had while in the worst of my Nervous Breakdown during my first listen *which was on headphones btw*) I really didn't mean to be a dickhead either, I was just tired of you saying "I have a theory, but I wont tell anyone what it is because you are all listening to it wrong". I have a feeling that that isn't what you meant, but it is very much the way it came off.

    sidenote: as someone with severe depression and anxiety I can definitely say going off your meds is bad news and could be really dangerous to you
    Last edited by EvilGobi; 07-20-2017 at 02:48 PM.

  23. #1133
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    You're fucking right. My attention is more focused today. like the background world is faded. I can see "through" it. Usually I'm quite distracted by everything happening around me... "but not anymore". this is real. I am not trolling. (See my earlier post on my initial reactions to the album when I already had a feeling of something going on.. ai didn't say it but I thought in my mind: brain programming.

    And I think the ending of backgroud world is a major component of the final programming for this album on our minds. it fits what i know about neurolinguistic programming and recent neuroscience research. Yes Trent is capable of doing this. With certain knowledge about neuroscience as applied to sound and frequency and duration.

    If you think this is BS.. I knew Greg was on to something because he also noticed wha I oticed bu his posts did seem like teases... but this album does have mind altering technology and techniques built into it. I don't care if you don't feel it or see it. it's a program.

    but I also see that Trent is enslaving us in a way. (this is paranoid as fuck... but I know he's capable of shaping people's behavior)
    What??? You're freaking me out a little this bullshit you're speaking or for real?

  24. #1134
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    gregs face after listening to AV

  25. #1135
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    You know I'd love to call bullshit about what you guys are going on about but, today at work I was completely on point and relaxed.
    Yeah I think it's bullshit cause I did get up extra early and have a good breakfast this time.

    I honestly don't know if you guys are in cahoots to troll us or really do believe what you are posting but I think it's total bullshit to call attention to yourselves.
    Then again I've been wrong before and whatever works for you works for you.

    Back on topic:
    I'm starting to get burnt out on listening to NTAE but I find myself totally enamored by ADD VIOLENCE and I don't think I would get tired of listening to it.
    I guess its because of the novelty of AV.

    Quote Originally Posted by Clownboat View Post
    I'm just jumping into this thread with only having skimmed some of the previous pages, but has anyone noticed any brickwalling? I'm listening to the MP3 version and the mix is on the rather terrible side. Is the FLAC or WAV any better or is this just a really shitty encoding? Or is the mastering just bad overall?
    Could be that your download was corrupted.
    Try re-downloading it again and listen to it and check if there is any problems.
    I got the FLAC version and it sounds pristine with no brick-walling.
    Could be just the MP3 version got messed up from the hosting site.
    Last edited by ziltoid; 07-20-2017 at 03:03 PM.

  26. #1136
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    The last 7.5 minutes of "The Background World":

  27. #1137
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    I'm enjoying The Background World a LOT more today than I did on any of my listens yesterday. Honestly i kinda fucked my self before my first listens by reading everyone's initial hype craze on reddit where people were saying stuff like "HOLY SHIT THE BACKGROUND WORLD IS THE MOST AMAZING THING TO EVER GRACE MY EAR DRUMS) so when I actually listened to it I had way higher expectations than I should've. This whole EP really is fucking great though, as was the last one. I'm really interested to watch you guys solve this ARG shit lol. I missed out on all the Year Zero ARG stuff so it feels really exciting to be here for this era.

    btw the people acting like trent is some God figure now or something after listening to this album is pretty hilarious to read i can't tell if it's just trolls but i really enjoy reading those posts lmao.

  28. #1138
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    Yay cashpiles is back!

    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    You're fucking right. My attention is more focused today. like the background world is faded. I can see "through" it. Usually I'm quite distracted by everything happening around me... "but not anymore". this is real. I am not trolling. (See my earlier post on my initial reactions to the album when I already had a feeling of something going on.. ai didn't say it but I thought in my mind: brain programming.

    And I think the ending of backgroud world is a major component of the final programming for this album on our minds. it fits what i know about neurolinguistic programming and recent neuroscience research. Yes Trent is capable of doing this. With certain knowledge about neuroscience as applied to sound and frequency and duration.

    If you think this is BS.. I knew Greg was on to something because he also noticed wha I oticed bu his posts did seem like teases... but this album does have mind altering technology and techniques built into it. I don't care if you don't feel it or see it. it's a program.

    but I also see that Trent is enslaving us in a way. (this is paranoid as fuck... but I know he's capable of shaping people's behavior)

  29. #1139
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    On that topic, my FLAC Less Than file from the EP download actually does have a small corrupted 'squick' noise in the first verse. I replaced it with the initial download version without thinking twice.

    Probably means nothing, archiving it anyway just in case

  30. #1140
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    what the fuck is going on in here?

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