Quote Originally Posted by pretty.hate.machine View Post
Paranormal events. For example, Seeing a chair move on its own when you are the only one home is fucking terrifying. Feeling like an unseen force is watching you, taunting you...confirmation when your cat sees what you see. Fiancée is home for some of it, not all- I seem to be the target. Events have happened off/on my entire life, but activity has increased over the past 2 years. Most recently had a lot of activity in June after nothing for a few months. Lost a lot of sleep and became a nervous wreck. I'm not entirely innocent, I dabble with energy and strange things, just moved across the street from a huge old cemetery.
oh jesus. For me, the creepiest is when i see something and just as I've nervously convinced myself that it was in my head, my dog starts fucking growling at it.